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Chapter 191

Chapter 191 The Wind and the Storm (Two in One)

At noon in summer, the scorching sun outside the window made the room a bit more stuffy. In the next room, a soft voice came faintly:

"Shh~ don't wake Jingtang up..."



On the bed covered by curtains, Ye Jingtang moved his eyelashes, and then opened his eyes. After a deep sleep, his mind went blank. After a little confusion, he remembered when and where he was now.

The weather was extremely hot, and the thin quilt that was originally covering the body had already been kicked aside.

Turning her head, Luo Nuxia might feel that his body is too hot, she rolled over to the innermost side of the bed, sleeping soundly with her back to him, revealing her perfectly curvy back, and the moon and long legs as white as snow...


Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, feeling that the already sweltering weather was a little hotter. Seeing that Ning'er was sleeping soundly and didn't respond, he couldn't bear to go straight to 'day and night'. Picked up a small porcelain bottle next to it.

I used the Dragon Slaying Token last night, and my arms were unavoidably sore from too much force.When Ning'er was being bullied, she didn't want to snort, so she just found something to do, rubbing his arm to distract him, and ended up getting dizzy and took the wrong medicine bottle.

He asked what the medicine was, but Ning'er hesitated and refused to say. Finally, under his offensive, she confessed that it was a temporary hair-removing cream, and she covered her eyes with vigilance, lest he try it on a whim.

He didn't think it was necessary. After all, Ning'er's body was flawless from head to toe, and any more or less was just superfluous, and with Ning'er's petty temper, she dared to make her look so embarrassing. I ignored him for half a month.

It's okay to be intimidating, though.

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, dipped his fingers in the cup, then took the small medicine bottle, flipped behind the glamorous Ning'er, and carefully walked around Liu's waist...


Luo Ning slept in the middle of the day, and she didn't sleep very deeply. When she felt a cold touch two inches below her navel, her feet arched slightly, her brows slightly frowned, and then she opened her eyes.

The first thing that catches the eye is the unparalleled handsome side face of the little thief, who is concentrating on something.

Looking down, the thief was holding a medicine bottle in his left hand, with his finger on her...


a scream.

Luo Ning's peach-blossom eyes widened visible to the naked eye, and her eyes showed panic and panic. She turned over and stepped back as if she was shocked by electricity, and lowered her head to check—although it was still there, it must be gone at night, and she became a faceless person... …

Thinking of this, Luo Ning even showed a trace of grief and anger on her cheeks, picked up the pillow and threw it at the stinky man who was messing around while she was sleeping:
"I'll kill you little thief! You... how could you do this?!"

Tears came out.

Ye Jingtang was slapped several times by the pillow, but it didn't hurt at all. On the contrary, Ning'er moved too much, and the little watermelon made him a little dizzy. He quickly held her wrist and comforted her softly:
"It's water, just kidding, don't be angry."

Luo Ning stared at Ye Jingtang for a moment, seeing that he was joking and scaring people, she was relieved from the bottom of her heart, and then became even more angry, picked up the pillow and slapped Ye Jingtang a few times:
"Are you kidding me? Believe it or not, I'll make you into a little hairless kid while you're sleeping..."

clap clap-

The two were arguing in the room when the door was pushed open, and San Niang poked her head from the door:

"What happen to you guys?"

Although she couldn't see anything between the curtains, Luo Ning was still so shocked that she hugged the pillow quickly and pretended to be calm:

"It's nothing, he woke me up by calling the Queen's name when he was sleeping... It's getting late, let's get ready to go."

Pei Xiangjun was next door, but he didn't hear Jingtang talking in his sleep, so he guessed that Jingtang might be doing something wrong.But when the two were fighting on the bed, she didn't want to intervene, so she just said: "The sun is drying your butt, hurry up and eat." The door was closed again.

After Ye Jingtang comforted Ning'er for a while, he quickly put on his clothes, went downstairs to have a light meal, and when the sun was setting, he rode his horse and set off again, galloping towards Heyuan County...
On the other side, Junshan Terrace.

Wuzhou and Zezhou are bordering each other, and Jianyang City is less than [-] miles away from the southeast of Zezhou, where Junshantai is located.

At noon, Qianliyunmengze is shrouded in clouds and mist, 36 islands are hidden among the blue waves, connected in series by corridors, pavilions and pavilions, during which buildings, boats and painted boats float with the waves, gathering countless pilgrims or famous swordsmen from all over the world.

Recently, King Wu's rebellion has caused a lot of trouble, but the people in the rivers and lakes around Junshantai have very few followers, and most of them are talking about another thing - Qiu Tianhe has come out.

Qiu Tianhe was the "Three Heroes of Yunze" 30 years ago. Although there have been many ups and downs in recent decades, he is still walking in the rivers and lakes. .

On the day Qiu Tianhe came out, he yelled "Old Xuanyuan didn't expect that..." on the Minglong Tower. After the news spread in the rivers and lakes, countless swordsmen came to Junshantai one after another. They wanted to see Qiu Tianhe's first stop on the mountain. It's not to trouble Mr. Xuanyuan.

Compared with the Jianghu people who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, the Xuanyuan family's reaction was quite flat. After all, Qiu Tianhe's arrival was just a sparring, and neither winning nor losing could shake Junshantai's foundation.

Compared with it, another swordsman who may become a disaster is obviously more worthy of Junshantai's attention.

In the depths of Junshan Terrace, on a tall building facing thousands of miles of blue waves, Xuanyuan Hongzhi held a note in his hand, with an angry face, and yelled as he walked back and forth:

"It's only been a few days. A few days ago, it was said that Ye Jingtang was favored by King Jing because of his outstanding appearance, and his martial arts were slightly better than black and white impermanence; now he suddenly said that he was half-step eight, Huang Yulong and Xiao Shicheng teamed up and was beheaded lightly. The imperial envoy led the army to encircle and suppress Wu Wang... People who borrowed swords to kill people without even knowing the information, and rebelled just because of this ability, who lost his mother..."

Next to Xuanyuan Hongzhi, stood an extremely muscular man, with a broad back and heavy sword on his back, and a beard on his chin, facing the heroic warrior, Yao Wenzhong, the direct disciple of the sword leader Xuanyuan Dynasty.

Although Yao Wenzhong has a foreign surname, his status is similar to that of Ye Jingtang. He is the adopted son of Xuanyuan Dynasty and was trained by Junshantai as his successor.

Yao Wenzhong is extremely talented and has the qualifications to compete for the top swordsman in the future, but being able to achieve this position in Junshantai is mostly due to luck.

Originally, the most legitimate heir of Junshantai was Xuanyuan Tiangang, the eldest son of Xuanyuan Dynasty.

Xuanyuan Tiangang ranked first among the "Three Heroes of Yunze" in the past, and his talent is obvious to all. There is almost no suspense at the age of 30 to succeed his father Xuanyuan Chao as the next generation of swordsman. It is impossible to lift two.

But the 'Three Heroes of Yunze' are rivals, but they are confidants who don't know each other; Xuanyuan Shuye, the eldest lady of Junshantai, met Pei Yuanfeng, Ye Jingtang's adoptive father, through a competition between Jianghu and Jianghu. .

Later, in order to curry favor with the imperial court, the Xuanyuan family wanted to send their eldest daughter to the palace as a noble concubine. Pei Yuanfeng was provoked when he came to propose a marriage.

Because of this incident, all the three masters of Yunze in the past 'died'.

Pei Yuanfeng went to Beiliang to look for Xuehu flowers but failed, and found Ye Jing Tang again in frustration, and lived in a quiet and unknown town in the border town for a lifetime.

Qiu Tianhe stood out for his friends, single-handedly entered the emperor's wedding envoy team, and thus became a bandit, wandering and living without a fixed place for decades.

Because Xuanyuan Tiangang was dissatisfied with his family's behavior, he directly abandoned his knife in Yunmengze, quit the rivers and lakes and became a rural fisherman, never to be seen again.

If these three people grow up smoothly, Yao Wenzhong and his like will not be said to be the successors of Junshantai, but whether they can become the direct disciples of the Xuanyuan Dynasty is a problem.

Now that the successor of the Eight-Step Crazy Saber has appeared again, and it is menacing, Yao Wenzhong understands what he will face next.

Hearing Xuanyuan Hongzhi's curses, Yao Wenzhong persuaded:
"Last time, I didn't find out the details. This time, I may have been impatient and exaggerated. Ye Jingtang has only been around for a few months, and he is about [-] years old. I believe that his martial arts are amazing, but it is impossible to hold military power. At most, he will be the leader of the black government. , with a staff of one hundred and ten..."

Xuanyuan Hongzhi said: "If you can scare Bai Siming to the point of revealing his identity and sending a message, you must have found him. Once Ye Jingtang captures Wu Wang, the credit will be enough to increase his rank. Now I can't think of a way to get rid of the trouble. , give him another two years, do you think he will single-handedly come to Junshantai to speak with a sword like Zheng Feng? As long as he is in power in the court, he will first cut down the marquis, then send troops to raid the house, and then kill all the families, the day I go to the execution ground, Maybe it's the first time I've seen him..."

Yao Wenzhong knew that this was not a lie, so he thought about it a little:
"At the critical juncture of King Wu's rebellion, go and kill the chief officer of the black yamen. If the news leaks out, he will be accused of colluding with King Wu... I will deal with this person myself..."

Xuanyuan Hongzhi stopped and said in a deep voice:

"The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. Bai Siming said that this son is not far from Ba Kui, and you may not be able to suppress it. At this time, it is time for Dad to go out in person. It is best to call Zhou Chiyang and let Zhou Chiyang report the murder of his brother together." hatred……"

Yao Wenzhong shook his head and said, "It's impossible for Zhou Chiyang to wade into this kind of muddy water. Master is the face of my Junshantai. We kill officials and messengers outside. If something happens, Master can still drive me out of the house like the old man Zhou. The court's explanation is self-assessment. Master has gone in the past, if he accidentally shows his face, Junshantai will have no room for maneuver. I'll go and handle this matter."

Xuanyuan Hongzhi clenched the hands behind his back, turned around and said:

"I'm with you, I don't believe that this night's horror, I can really stand shoulder to shoulder with the eighth leader in my 20s..."

Yao Wenzhong wasn't sure how violent the night terror was, so he didn't say much about it, and left the tall building with Xuanyuan Hongzhi...
Sunrise and sunset, and night again in a blink of an eye.

Wuyan Mountain in the central part of Wuzhou, outside the Tiehe Villa, which ranks first among the twelve gates in Wuzhou, from time to time, the leaders of Jianghu sects from afar arrive and enter it under the recommendation of their disciples.

The 'Northern Liang Pirates' in night clothes watched from the mountainside for a while, then sneaked in silently from the back mountain, without disturbing any patrolling warriors, and slowly walked around to the rocky cliff behind the villa.

The stone cliff is tens of feet high, and you can have a bird's-eye view of the Tiehe Mountain Villa below. In a tea garden in the rear area, you can faintly see two figures sitting on the tea bed in front of the window and talking.

The person sitting on the left is Bai Siming, who went to Iron River Villa non-stop after arriving in Heyuan County in the early morning; and the middle-aged man on the right is Guan Yujia, the leader of the Twelve Gates of Wuzhou.

Both of these two are top masters in the rivers and lakes. In order to prevent the partition walls from having ears, the servants in the surrounding houses have been separated, and their voices are not loud. Normal masters are lying on the distant rocky cliffs, and it is impossible to hear anything.

But the man in black can detect the real Xuanji's movements half a mile away, and the six senses perception has already drawn a clear line from normal people. Even if the distance is far away, he can still faintly hear the chatter from the window:

"The vanguard of the imperial court has already arrived. Even if Pingtianjiao really wants to win over the prince, it may be too late; King Yan is not safe. If he wants to leave Wuzhou, he still has to rely on himself..."

It was Bai Siming who spoke, and after traveling long distances without sleep, Bai Siming's face was exhausted, but his expression was still focused.

And Guan Yujia, who was sitting opposite, was holding a string of beads in his hand and gently playing with it, his face was not very good-looking:

"Guan has worked in Wuzhou for decades before he took the leading position in Wuzhou. It is true that King Wu took care of Guan in the past, but Guan helped a lot..."

Bai Siming knew that Guan Yujia was reluctant to be the leader of Wuzhou Wulin, so he frowned and said:

"The prince's affairs in the rivers and lakes are all handled by the official brother. If the official brother wants to disembark now, it may be too late to separate the relationship with the prince. Moreover, the official brother is known as the 'Little Boxer', but with Jiang Zhahu's Brother Guan is well aware of the gap, without the elixir practiced by the prince, you will never get rid of the word 'small' in this life..."

The pearl in Guan Yujia's hand paused, quite dissatisfied with this statement:

"Guan has been on the saddle for several years. He only heard Mr. Bai talk about the 'Sky Pearl'. No one has ever seen how effective the finished product is. For a secret medicine with doubtful authenticity, let Guan take all of them. Bet your fortune on..."

"This medicine is absolutely true, and it has already been made into a medicine. It's just that ordinary warriors can't hold back the strength of the medicine, and there is a lack of a master with a strong background to test the medicine to verify it."

Bai Siming leaned closer: "In two days, all the heads of the twelve sects of Wuzhou will be here. If you are poisoned by Zhang Jinglin's strange poison, you can only listen to the prince's orders in order to understand the medicine... Sanjue Immortal is an old man in the world. It’s hard enough to live by the rules, it’s impossible to bow your knees for a cheap life, you’d rather die than surrender, and that’s when I’ll just take him to test the medicine..."

Hearing this, Guan Yujia frowned, turned to look at Bai Siming, and snorted coldly:

"Let Sanjue Xianweng test the medicine, if he dies suddenly, it means that the 'Tianlangzhu' researched by the prince is useless at all, and it is impossible for Guan to escape with King Wu.

"And if the medicine works, and the Tianlangzhu is as powerful as Master Bai said in the end, after the rebirth of the Three Absolute Immortals, they may be able to directly become the leader of the martial arts.

"Sanjue Xianweng can compete with Xuanyuan Chao in swordsmanship, Liu Qiansheng in boxing skills, and Lu Jieyun in body skills, so that he can step into the realm of martial arts, Lord Bai understands what it means?"


Sitting up straighter, Bai Siming suddenly felt that this was indeed a problem.

The last five of the eight major leaders are all specialists, and they have honed their own fields to the point that no one can match them.

The first three are both internal and external training, and there are no shortcomings in combat, boxing, and body skills.

If Sanjue Xianweng had the physical foundation of Ba Da Kui, he would be ranked fourth in Ba Da Kui without accident. Xuanyuan Chao and Zhou Chiyang might not be able to take advantage of them when they came. Immortal, who will deal with it when the time comes...

"The medicine we tried is not that strong, so it shouldn't make San Jue Xianweng so high... But to be on the safe side, I'd better try another person, preferably Guan Shengxing from Xuanwu Hall. Guan Shengxing isn't even a master. , After taking the medicine, his skill has greatly increased, and at most he is about the same as Huang Yulong. Brother Guan has no pressure to deal with it..."

"Guan Shengxing's physical condition is not much better than that of the warriors who tried the medicine before, and he may not be able to withstand the strength of the medicine. If you want to try it, you have to find a powerful warrior not far from me to see if the medicine is really effective. ..."


The two were discussing in the window, both afraid that the medicine would not work, and also afraid that the medicine would be too useful, and they were very entangled.

On the cliff, when the man in black heard these words, his eyes showed a bit of sarcasm.

She traveled all over Beiliang, and traveled all the way to Wuzhou, the main purpose of her was to find the remnant of the Tianlangzhu in Zhang Jinglin's hand.

Although she has never seen Tianlangzhu before, she knows that Tianlangzhu is a secret medicine specially prepared by a secret method. Now there is no one who can use it in the world; If you can hit the starting point in a crooked way, and if you really restore the prescription, then whoever eats it will die, and it is impossible to work at all.

The man in black listened carefully to the conversation between the two, and wanted to wait for Bai Siming to finish speaking and leave, so that he could track down King Wu's lair and find Zhang Jinglin.

But before the two people under the cliff finished speaking, there was a faint movement from behind.

The man in black sensed something was wrong, turned his head and looked around, and found that there was a lingering white shadow on the mountainside, wandering silently among the mountains and forests, searching around.

The man in black was overtaken again, his eyes flashed a bit of lovelessness, he quickly and silently disappeared into the night, and fled down the mountain.

On the mountainside, the real Xuanji, who had just arrived, quickly discovered the abnormal movement behind the villa.

Master Xuanji knew that the target of Beiliang Pirates was looking for King Wu, so he would definitely continue to follow Bai Siming, and if he couldn't catch up, he would look for other avenues.

When the real person Xuanji was tracking these days, after inquiring about Wuzhou Jianghu, he guessed that Guan Yujia and Wu Wang have a deep relationship; if the Beiliang Pirates can't find the target, they may come to Iron River Villa to wait for the rabbit.
Immortal Xuanji was thrown away all night, and she couldn't find any traces. Originally, she just came here to try, but she gained something so quickly, a surprise flashed in her eyes, and she quickly followed.

Shortly thereafter, a familiar dialogue sounded between the mountains and the wild:
"Demon girl! You got blood coagulation, how could you chase after me so quickly?"

"I was lucky. I met a handsome young man who helped me detoxify me. I told you that poison is useless. If you use a strong aphrodisiac, I might still be happy now. I don't care about you..."

"Bah! You know what I'm capable of. I didn't want to kill you and keep my hand away from you. If I really drugged you, a witch, would you believe it or not, when you saw a tree stump, you would want to pounce on it and rub it twice?"

"I don't believe it. You are so good at your mouth. As soon as you take the medicine, you feel a little bit, but the energy is gone. There is no meaning at all...

"Okay! You asked for it yourself, don't blame me for my tricks afterwards..."

"Don't run away, I have to go home at the end of the month, I don't have time to accompany you to catch mice..."

"Get out!"

"Before I leave, I must get the Dragon Crying Picture. If you run around like this again, I'm going to get serious..."

"Come here! If you, a witch, dare to kill, I will drag you to death together..."

stomping on...

During the chat, the two figures gradually drifted away in the mountains, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye...

At the same time, outside Heyuan County.

Three fine horses galloped past the official road, a bird was sitting on one horse, and two people were sitting on the other horse.

Ye Jingtang galloped his horse, focused on the road ahead, and examined the passing figures.

Pei Xiangjun sat behind Luo Ning, holding his waist with both hands, and the big watermelon was attached to Luo Ning's back. He closed his eyes and concentrated on trying to practice the dragon call.

Originally, Pei Xiangjun planned to study the picture of calling the dragon by himself to figure out the veins of luck; but it was indeed a bit difficult. When she was sleeping with Luo Ning last night, Luo Ning saw that she couldn't figure it out, so she forced her to explain it to her.

Although Pei Xiangjun felt that he could do it and didn't want to hear it, he still heard it, and then he figured out the thread of luck. Riding a horse on the road was too boring, so he sat behind Luo Ning and secretly familiarized himself with it.

Luo Ning was leaning on two soft pillows that looked like dough. As a woman, she naturally didn't feel that she enjoyed it so much. She looked at Ye Jingtang while running, and asked:

"The head of Qihuang Mountain Villa set off in the morning, I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch up, what should we do now?"

The three of them set off at noon, arrived in Heyuan County in the afternoon, and arrived at Qihuang Mountain Villa under the leadership of Niao Niao.

Ye Jingtang originally thought there was going to be a fight here, but sneaked into Qihuang Villa cautiously, tied up a disciple to inquire, and heard that there were distinguished guests at the villa last night, and the head of the village set out for the banquet at Tiehe Villa at dawn.

Although he lost Bai Siming, Ye Jingtang was not discouraged, and said:

"Guan Yujia issued a hero post, and the heads of the twelve sects were debating whether to go. Qifeng Villa was still on the sidelines, and no carriages and horses were arranged, but they set off in a hurry this morning. It must have something to do with Bai Siming's visit to the gate last night. Just continue to check, even if you guess wrong, Guan Yujia and King Wu are closely related, and you should be able to gain something from investigating Guan Yujia."

Luo Ning drove the horse and walked in front, thought for a while and said:

"The lady of Qifeng Villa seems to be married to a grandson of Xuanyuan Chao, and the entire sect is only worth a few connections. Bai Siming made a special trip to Qifeng Villa. I guess it has something to do with this matter."

When Ye Jingtang heard Jun Shantai, he frowned slightly, thinking about it secretly, and felt that this statement was not impossible.

When he killed Huang Yulong and the others yesterday, he showed his saber in front of Bai Siming. With Bai Siming's experience in the world, he should be able to tell the way.

After seeing the eight-step mad knife, he turned around and ran to the forces that are closely related to Junshantai. This intention seems to have no other purpose than to inform and report.

Ye Jingtang thought for a while: "If Bai Siming sent my whereabouts to Junshantai, there will probably be another wave of killers. Last time the 'Second King of Yanzhou' failed, and the people who came this time will definitely be more Great, you have to be more careful in the future."

Luo Ning nodded lightly and didn't say any more. She felt that Sanniang's 'watermelon push' was a bit hot and made her sweaty, so she raised her hand and patted Sanniang's thigh:
"Can you sit still?"


Pei Xiangjun sat up straight, his thoughts were interrupted, and his eyes were quite unhappy:

"Who do you think wants to sit behind you?"

After saying that, he flew straight up and landed on the back of Ye Jingtang's saddle. He put his arms around his waist, leaned on his back, and continued to close his eyes and ponder the picture of the dragon elephant.

Feeling the soft watermelon push, Ye Jingtang wanted to say a few words, but saw that Sanniang was practicing seriously, so he didn't bother...

(End of this chapter)

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