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Chapter 192 Iron River Villa

Chapter 192 Iron River Villa
The next day, a drizzle brought some coolness to the midsummer, and the jagged mountains in Wuzhou also showed the beauty of ink painting under the clouds and fog.

Not far from Tiehe Mountain Villa, near the Huanshan Road, three horses stopped in the woods. Niao Niao stood on the top of a tree, looking around and watching the surroundings. There was a green leaf on his head. It looked like he wanted to avoid the rain, but his body was too big. Yuanrun couldn't hide it at all, she could only comfort her.

Under the big tree, Luo Ning stretched out an oiled paper umbrella, covering Ye Jingtang's head.

Pei Xiangjun stood behind, put his robe on Ye Jingtang's shoulders, helped change clothes, and said softly:

"Change identities three times in a row to check on Bai Siming. If Bai Siming can't see it again, there must be something wrong with his eyesight."

Ye Jingtang stood between the two of them in the posture of '嫐', and said with a smile:

"I'm not sure if Bai Siming is in Tiehe Mountain Villa. Using the identity of Hei Ya to scare the snakes, and the identity of Pingtian Sect was unreasonable in the past, so I can only come here. I will let you go to investigate the situation later, and I can't find Bai. Si Ming is back again."

Pei Xiangjun sighed, and turned to look at Luo Ning who was standing beside him:

"When we went to Iron River Villa, if something went wrong, we would definitely start a fight. While you have time now, why don't you give Jing Tang some recuperation?"

Luo Ning frowned slightly, and motioned to the surrounding woods: "It's raining again in the barren mountains, how can I recuperate him?"

Pei Xiangjun snorted softly, recalling the experience of being forced to listen to the wall yesterday, his eyes were strange and he said:

"You don't have to lie down, I'll help you hold the umbrella, and you just let Jingtang hold you. You were in the inn yesterday, didn't you know how to do it?"


As someone who has experienced it, Luo Ning naturally understood what posture Sanniang was talking about—she hugged the little thief's neck face to face, and the little thief put his arms around her legs, and then what...

Luo Ning's face turned a little red with naked eyes, and she was too embarrassed to respond, so she raised her hand and wanted to beat Sanniang.

"Okay, get busy with business first, and then make adjustments after you're done."

Ye Jingtang held Luo Ning's hand, stopped the two who were about to quarrel, and after changing their outfits, they walked towards Wuming Mountain together from the mountains.

Following the posting of several heroes in Tiehe Villa, the heads of the twelve sects of Wuzhou, under the deterrent power of Guan Yujia, have arrived one after another today.

Yejingtang was speeding silently in the drizzle, but within a short while came to the vicinity of the rocky road around Wuming Mountain, and could see a lot of cars and horses parked at the foot of the mountain below, and some disciples were walking outside the huge villa.

The head of the Twelve Sects, although there are Xuanwutang who make up the numbers, but most of them are not bad. Yejingtang sneaks in rashly, and there is a risk. For this reason, he just took Sanniang and Luo Ning to hide near the villa. Niao Niao, the commanding officer, went to investigate the interior of the villa as a scout.

As a result, after nearly half an hour of investigation, Niao Niao did not find any trace of Bai Siming in the house, but Pei Xiangjun, who was squatting outside the villa, found a few familiar figures coming down from the foot of the mountain.

"Guang Hanlin... why is Yang Guan here?"

Among the mountains and fields, Pei Xiangjun looked at the foot of the mountain with a telescope, his eyes were inexplicable.

Ye Jingtang took a quick look and found that the Sanjue Immortal who had a relationship with Shuiyun Jiantan once got off the carriage at the foot of the mountain, and there were more than a dozen disciples of Sanjue Valley around, and the unlucky Yang Guan was among them.

"Bai Siming doesn't seem to be in Iron River Villa. I used to report my family name myself, which would easily make Iron River Villa suspicious. It would be good to have an acquaintance to introduce me."

After observing the situation for a few times, Ye Jingtang asked Niao Niao to pay attention to the wind and grass at high altitude, and Ning Er hid in the dark to meet him, while he and San Niang quickly left the spot where they were being watched, fetched the horses and galloped towards the foot of the mountain...
As the sky was getting darker, a carriage stopped at the intersection at the foot of the mountain leading to Iron River Villa, and more than a dozen warriors carrying sabers stood standing in the surrounding rain.

The white-haired Sanjue Weng Guang Hanlin got off the carriage with the support of his disciples, and raised his eyes to look at the huge villa on the mountainside, his eyes were obviously full of sadness.

Guan Yujia posted the hero post and urged the twelve families to come to the banquet. Based on Guang Hanlin's experience in the world, he guessed that if the meal was not good, he would most likely walk away.

But people in the Jianghu speak with their fists, Iron River Villa’s fists are hard enough, and now they have not fallen, and the next two posts will not move. The third post may be Guan Yujia’s visit in person. Give me a face.

As a named disciple, Yang Guan was diligently leading the horse in front of him, and when he saw the sad face of the master, he said:

"Those three hundred-year-old ginseng, I have already sent someone eight hundred miles to rush to the capital. Young Master Ye received it, even if he can't help, he should give me a reply..."

Guang Hanlin sighed: "Far water can't save near fire. Even if the Master Ye you know can help, it will be a matter of the future to draw a clear line between Sanjue Valley and King Wu's rebellion. I can't get through this level right now..."

Hoof, hoof--

While they were talking, there was the sound of rushing hooves from behind the horse team.

Guang Hanlin looked towards the end of the road in a blink of an eye, but saw two fast horses galloping towards him. The leader was a man in a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, and a long soldier wrapped in black cloth hung on the side of the horse. Speeding in the middle, the momentum is quite mighty.

Guang Hanlin has taken root in Wuzhou for many years, and he has heard about the heroes of Wuzhou Jianghu. He can see that this person is not an ordinary Jianghu knight-errant, but he can't recognize who it is. Just when he was wondering, he suddenly heard a masked man who was speeding forward. Opening:
"It turned out to be Elder Guang. I met Ye Shilang in Xiaye Shilang last month at Shuiyun Jiantan, but I couldn't come to see him because of trivial matters. Please forgive me, Elder Guang."

Ye Shiro?
When Guang Hanlin heard the name, his eyes were full of surprise, and he hurriedly stepped forward and cupped his hands:

"It turned out to be Ye Shaoxia. The old man said that someone's son is so heroic...Why did Ye Shaoxia come to Wuzhou?"

Seeing Yang Guan nearby, Ye Jingtang deliberately lowered his voice, got off his horse and returned the salute:
"Recently, the situation in Wuzhou is unclear. My uncle from Xuanwutang asked me to come here to exercise, and by the way, I will meet the seniors who know Wuzhou. I just met Mr. Guang, and I asked Mr. Guang to introduce one or two on his behalf."

When Guang Hanlin heard this, he suddenly realized——Guan Shengxing didn't have any weight in Wuzhou's twelve gates, and it was reasonable to invite someone from the chief helm to come over to support the scene at such a critical moment.

Although Honghualou is not as good as it was when it was at its peak, the structure of Twelve Halls is still there. It has fallen from a top-ranked wealthy family, and its scale is much larger than any school in Wuzhou.

Ever since 'Ye Silang' came out and made a big fuss in Shuiyun Jiantan, he is now on the verge of a comeback. As the leader of the Wuzhou Jianghu, Guan Yujia can ignore the people of the Twelve Sects, but Hong Hualou is a well-known sect, so if you think about it, you still have to give it a little bit of fluff.

Guang Hanlin was worrying about how to get through the catastrophe of Tiehe Villa. Now that someone who can hold up the scene came, he was naturally delighted. He raised his eyes and looked at the masked woman behind:
"Ye Shaoxia just brought someone here?"

"Uncle Guan and the others are discussing business in the county town. I'll come over to take a look first. Please, Mr. Guang."

"Hehe, Ye Shaoxia's battle in Shuiyun Jiantan is famous all over the world. Friends in Wuzhou's Jianghu still don't believe in Ye Shaoxia. Seeing him today will definitely open their eyes..."

"Guanglao's praise."

Ye Jingtang didn't say much. From the corner of his eye, after confirming that Luo Ning was in position on the retreat route, he took Sanniang up the mountain with Guang Hanlin.

And Yang Guan, who was watching the carriage by the side of the carriage, was hacked by Ye Jingtang and rescued by Ye Jingtang. He fell in love with each other and killed each other. Seeing 'Ye Silang' chatting and laughing with his master, he felt a little deja vu.

But on this occasion, Yang Guan didn't have the qualifications to approach him as a brother, but just silently watched the master leave...
Iron River Villa is located halfway up the mountain. Every so often, someone brings disciples over and enters the villa under the welcome of the disciples of Iron River Villa.

In the center of Zhuangzi, the twelve heads who arrived first were already sitting in the Hall of Renyi, drinking tea and chatting, waiting for the dinner to start.

In a tea room at the back of the villa, Guan Yujia was wearing a brocade robe and sitting next to the tea table, slowly spinning beads in his hand.

Opposite the tea table, a pharmacist under Wu Wang said softly:

"The prepared tea leaves have been added with the strange poison 'Dark Fragrance Corrosion Bone' prepared by Mr. Wang. It is colorless and tasteless, and cannot be detected by experts. Those who suffer from it will slowly stiffen their muscles and bones. There is no cure for this poison in the world. I am afraid that there are only a handful of people..."

Guan Yujia was only in his early forties, and he single-handedly went from a market boxer to the leader of Wuzhou. He was also a legend in the world.

But the conditions for practicing martial arts are too harsh. The more you go up, the more difficult it is for each step forward. When you reach Wu Kui's level, the distance between each step directly becomes a natural barrier.

After all, the warriors who can reach this stage will not be less savvy, hardworking, and even luck than others. The only thing that can fight each other is talent, which cannot be changed the day after tomorrow.

Guan Yujia's talent and comprehension are no worse than Liu Qiansheng's, but he only went to the martial arts gym to practice martial arts when he was eleven or twelve years old. His master is just the owner of a martial arts gym in the market. He knows that he is a good seed, but he is limited by his knowledge and the way of laying the foundation It's not refined, I only know that the hard training of winter training and summer training, expensive consumables such as medicinal baths, can be saved if possible.

Guan Yujia has indeed cultivated a good kung fu, but he practiced too hard when he was young, and he didn't pay attention to protection. After his body grew into a fixed shape, his muscles, bones, and veins left some flaws.

Flaws have little effect on skills, but they cannot be eliminated. This flaw has caused Guan Yujia to fail to achieve the effect of 'harmony between man and nature' no matter how hard he tries the day after tomorrow.

If you can't practice this step, you are not qualified to challenge Wu Kui, because the "harmony between man and nature" is the threshold of Wu Kui, if you can't do it, you can't hide the breath in your body; before you move your fists, Wu Kui has already sensed it , can win unless Wu Kui deliberately releases water.

Guan Yujia has come to this point, but was blocked by some blemishes on his body, and the resentment in his heart is beyond comprehension for outsiders.

For this reason, after hearing that King Wu was able to develop a "reborn" medicine, Guan Yujia held the idea of ​​"a dead horse as a living horse doctor" and did everything he could to help King Wu.

But now, the magic medicine mentioned by King Wu is already in front of him.

On the tea table, there was a small box made of sandalwood. When the box was opened, there was a snow-white pill inside, with a faint medicinal fragrance.

Although Guan Yujia said that he didn't believe it, he didn't want the medicine to have a miraculous effect of rebirth. He picked up the medicine box and looked at it carefully:

"This is the Sky Pearl?"

The pharmacist explained with a smile: "This medicine is an imitation product. The key medicinal materials such as Xuehu flower have been replaced with substitutes. Although it can also make people expand Qi meridians for a short time, the efficacy of the medicine is far superior, so it is temporarily named 'Daliangzhu'."

"Da Liangzhu..."

Guan Yujia felt that this cold joke was meaningless, and asked instead:
"Such a big bead, if you want the drug tester to eat it, you have to restrain it first..."

"This medicine does not need to be taken orally when it gets into the flesh. The owner of the official village only needs to hide the medicine in his sleeve and protect it with leather. If he finds a suitable person to test the medicine, he will pat it out with his palm, and the medicine in the bead will splash on his body." , those who test the medicine will be recruited..."

Guan Yujia was listening to the usage carefully, when footsteps were heard outside the secret room, and an apprentice ran outside to report:
"Master, the Sanjue Immortal is here, and Ye Silang from Honghualou is beside him."

"Ye Shiro?"

When Guan Yujia heard such a name suddenly, he was a little puzzled.But after thinking about it, Guan Shengxing didn't care about it at all, so it's not surprising to ask someone from the chief helm to support the scene at a time like this.

Although Guan Yujia was not present at the old man's birthday banquet at the beginning of last month, he had heard of Ye Silang's name from the Jiang Hu population who came back. Judging from his record, he was better than Jian Yuhua, and he probably could have a match with Xiao Shichen. back.

With such strength at such a young age, he must have been well-conditioned since childhood, and his physical fitness may not be much worse than him; in his 20s, he has just emerged in the arena, and his desire to survive must be greater than that of San Jue Xianweng and other old men who have enough money. If you use it to try medicine……

Thinking of this, Guan Yujia's heart moved slightly, feeling that this move was very promising.

Ye Silang is a standard figure of the eighth-ranked figure, with good martial arts skills, and he is still in his prime.If even this kind of arrogance of the world can't hold back the strength of the 'Da Liang Zhu' medicine, even if the medicine is real, he would not dare to take it.

And last month, Ye Silang and Jian Yuhua, the juniors in the world, were both kicked off the stage. Their martial arts were at most [-]% stronger than Jian Yuhua.

Ye Silang used this medicine, if he expanded his Qi meridians in a short period of time, and his combat power soared, he would at most be comparable to Huang Yulong, and Guan Yujia was sure to knock him down with three punches...

Guan Yujia calculated in his mind, and felt that Ye Silang was indeed within the control range of using this medicine, so he quickly got up and went out.
The rain was pattering.

In the resplendent Hall of Renyi, there are several high-ranking chairs on the left and right, and seven or eight headmasters sit among them, with tea in their hands. They seem to be chatting and laughing happily with each other, but their eyes are a little nervous, and they look at the back of the hall from time to time, waiting for Guan Yu Armor shows up.

Just when everyone was panicking, there was a noise outside the lobby. Looking around in the blink of an eye, they saw another group of people approaching. The Sanjue Immortal Weng Guang Hanlin was among them, talking with the hospitality manager of Iron River Villa.

And next to him was a man with a black scarf and a masked maid helping to carry a gun, looking very unfamiliar.

At the same time as the group of people appeared, Guan Yujia, who was dressed in brocade robes, led more than a dozen apprentices, strode out from the back of the hall, and cupped his hands:
"Guanglao came to the door, and the official was far away, please forgive me."

Guang Hanlin brought his disciples to the Hall of Renyi, raised his hand and saluted the quack, and said with a smile:

"I haven't seen you for a few months, but the owner of Guanzhuang has become more and more heroic."

"Oh, Mr. Guang is too much for the prize."

While speaking, Guan Yujia looked at Ye Jingtang, who was covered in black:

"Is this Young Master Ye Silang Ye?"

Ye Jingtang stood in front of Sanniang, cupped his hands and said:
"Ye is just a junior in the world, so you don't have to be so polite as an official hero."


The heads of the major sects who had just got up were all shocked when they saw the young master of the Honghualou came, and hurried forward to greet each other...
I just wrote it here, and it was sent out first. Aguan tried his best to write another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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