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Chapter 193

Chapter 193
As Ye Jingtang and Sanjue Xianweng took their seats, the resplendent and resplendent hall also fell into silence, only the slight sound of rain hitting the cornices.


More than forty people gathered in the hall, and the nine heads from the twelve sects of Wuzhou sat on the top chairs, with their apprentices and confidantes standing behind them.

Standing behind Yejingtang was only San Niang with a gun and a mask. She seemed a bit weak, but she was in the front. Opposite was Han Song, the leader of Wushan Sect, and next door was Weng Guanghanlin, the Sanjue Immortal.

Although sitting in this position was because Huang Yulong was absent; but Huang Yulong was slaughtered by himself, and according to the rules of the world, he deserved his name.

After everyone was seated, Guan Yujia walked to the big chair in front of the hall and sat down, raised his hand to signal the six personal disciples behind him to serve tea, and said loudly:

"The night before yesterday, Hei Ya led soldiers and horses to surround Baisu Town. Brothers Huang Yulong, Brother Xiao, and more than a hundred disciples of Huang Yulong in the Yueyue Tower died tragically at the hands of the court. Do you know about this?"


The eight sect leaders present here have been on their way for the past two days. Jianyang is in a state of chaos, and it is inconvenient to transmit news.

Guan Yujia said this straight to the point, because he wanted to see the reaction of the major factions, so as to find out the positions of everyone sitting here.

But before the eight masters of Wuzhou made a statement, young master Ye Da, who was sitting at the top, patted the armrest first, and said in a deep voice:

"These dog officials are really deceiving!"


The hall was dead silent for a moment, and even Sanniang, who was pretending to be a maid, twitched her eyes.

Hearing these furious words, Guan Yujia lost half of the prestige of not being angry and self-sufficient that had been brewing with great difficulty. She turned her head and said softly:
"The imperial court is indeed deceiving people too much, but Young Master Ye..."

With an angry look in Ye Jingtang's eyes, he said in a deep voice:

"Master Huang is in the business of medicinal materials, and he and I are also friends in Honghualou. I often hear stories about Master Huang from Uncle Guan. Imposing heavy taxes on my Jianghu sect, and whenever there is a storm, the Jianghu people will be the first to be attacked, and if they don’t die, they will be skinned, and I, Honghualou, have suffered a lot from it.”

When Ye Jingtang said this, he looked at Guan Yujia in a blink of an eye:
"It's a pity that I am a businessman in Honghualou. My ancestors have left behind the ancestral precepts. When you see an official, you can't fight with the court at will. Otherwise, I will have to chop off the heads of two tax collectors and hang them on the Qingjiang Wharf to sacrifice the flag. Official hero He is the leader of Wuzhou Wulin, and his sect has been destroyed by the imperial court, so why don't you just let him go?"


The heads of the various sects were sitting, their eyes were blank.

Weng Guanghanlin, the Sanjue Immortal, originally wanted Honghualou to pull the official jade armor, but when he heard these incendiary words, his eyes were really indescribable.

But thinking that Ye Silang just came out of the arena, he was in the middle of a young man who was full of chivalry and didn't take the court seriously, and everyone was relieved.

Guan Yujia's rhythm was directly disrupted by Ye Jingtang's words, and after a little deliberation, she slightly raised her hand:

"Nephew Ye Xian, please calm down. Huang Yulong and I are best friends. We are hurt by the imperial court, and the official is heartbroken. The main reason for calling the heads this time is to discuss this matter."

Ye Jingtang leaned back on the chair and said in a deep voice:

"Although I, Ye Silang, am a junior, I also know the truth of the death of the lips and the coldness of the teeth. The court did not give half an explanation, and directly sent troops to destroy the family. If you can destroy the Yueyue Tower today, you can destroy Xuanwu Hall and Tiehe Villa tomorrow. If you turn a blind eye to this matter , the court will definitely intensify..."


The crowd was speechless.

Sitting across from the Yejing Hall, the old head of the Wushan faction, Han Lao, secretly helped King Wu with many things. Today, he was going to cooperate with Guan Yujia. The big head joins the group.

At this time, all the lines were robbed by Honghualou, and the old master Han held back for a long time, and only said one sentence:
"I agree with Nephew Ye Xian, what do you guys think?"

Guang Hanlin shook his head secretly, now that Honghualou, Wushan faction, and Tiehe Villa are all in the same breath, if the remaining seven of them dare to sing against the tune, they may have to be carried out to sacrifice the flag on the spot, so they can only follow the words road:

"The imperial court's move is indeed too harsh. But this matter is related to King Wu. If we and other Jianghu sects cause turmoil at this time, it will attract the imperial court's army to encircle and suppress..."

Guan Yujia finally found a chance to get mad, and quickly said in a low voice:
"People in the Jianghu talk about 'loyalty', not the law. Let me ask you, who has not received half of the favor from King Wu in the past? Now King Wu is in trouble, and the former allies are directly exterminated by the court without trial. If we turn a blind eye and ask If you live in the world, you will have to walk the rivers and lakes with dignity in the future."

Seeing Guan Yujia's words, Guang Hanlin wanted to help King Wu who had defected, and secretly thought something was wrong, so he began to persuade:
"Guanzhuang Zhuang, you are the leader of Wuzhou, and your family business is not small. Please think twice about this kind of thing..."


Guan Yujia slapped the handrail with a sullen expression:
"I, Guan Yujia, have worked all the way from the market to this position. Even if I fell down today, I still have the ability to get up again. But if I lose the word 'faith', I will never think about being a man again in this life. Wang Wu has a good opinion of Guan. Well, now that the official is in trouble, I will help him; Huang Yulong is a close friend of the official, and if he dies, I will seek justice for him."

Guan Yujia stood up and looked at all the masters sitting here:

"I invited all of you here today because I am going to give up my entire family and escort King Wu to leave Wuzhou safely. If you all know how to repay your kindness and help, Guan will definitely repay the favor for King Wu in the future; Standing on the sidelines and wanting to be the lackey of the imperial court, Guan can let you know the end of the lackey today!"

Guan Yujia straight to the point, the hall was dead silent.

The many sect leaders who were originally apprehensive now calmed down, and the fear in their eyes disappeared and turned into dissatisfaction.

After all, the sitting head's original guess was that in order to escape the court's investigation, Guan Yujia wanted to pull them together to make trouble and put pressure on the court, so that the court would not blame the public.

Although this matter is very risky, due to Guan Yujia's tyrannical strength, it is not impossible to bite the bullet and help fight the matter.

As for what Guan Yujia said now, he was planning to pull the twelve sects of Wuzhou to rebel together. The key point was that King Wu's rebellion had already failed, and he was simply pulling them to die together.

When Guang Hanlin heard these frenzied words, anger immediately appeared on his face:

"Guan Yujia! You have taken root in Wuzhou's rivers and lakes, and some people regard you as the leader. Today, at the risk of being liquidated by the court, I came to accompany you to discuss countermeasures. You said this because you are going to make Wuzhou's twelve gates lose money." Whole family property, as King Wu's scapegoat?"

The other masters who are sitting are also tapping the tea case:
"The owner of the Guanzhuang is excellent in martial arts. I really admire him, but the owner of the Guanzhuang doesn't have the ability to make someone die generously with a single sentence."

Guan Yujia stood in the center of the hall and looked around at the crowd. Just as he was about to get mad, Ye Silang, who never wanted to sit in the first place, spoke again:
"Seniors, don't get angry. Since the owner of the Guanzhuang said this, he will definitely consider your difficulties. I don't know what bargaining chip Wu Wang asked the various factions for help? Although I admire the chivalry of the owner of the Guanzhuang, Honghua Lou is a businessman, if I don't have enough bargaining chips, I'm afraid Lou will not agree with me to act recklessly."

When the major sects heard this, they were really quiet and looked at Guan Yujia.

King Wu wanted to recruit the people from the Twelve Sects to help him escape secretly, so he must be prepared.

Using poison to control, threatening with an antidote is one; and Xu Yizhong's temptation is the second, otherwise just threatening and not giving sweets, these masters know that they are close to death, and there is a high probability that they would rather die than surrender.

Seeing that the heads of the sects were aroused by Ye Silang's words, Guan Yujia sat back in the big chair:

"Wu Wang's family has countless businesses. As long as you can help at this time, the rewards you can give you will definitely far exceed your expectations. You all know the medicine Xuehuhua, and even many old people from the major sects, They are all looking for it. The pharmacists under King Wu have now researched a substitute called 'Xuehu Powder', which is as effective as Xuehu flowers, and I can give you as much as you want."


The sitting master frowned, feeling that the stakes were not small, but most of them would not be able to use them for the time being, and it seemed that it was not worth betting their wealth on it.

Guan Yujia was disturbed by Ye Jingtang, and turned the atmosphere that should have been tense into a serious discussion. It's really not easy to get mad.

Seeing that many masters are still waiting for bargaining chips, Guan Yujia could only think about it, and continued:
"King Wu also researched a secret medicine, which can expand Qi meridian and reborn, like Guang Lao, if he takes this medicine, he will be able to rank among the military leaders in a short time; and everyone, you can also take a big step forward. It is not impossible to aspire to the top of martial arts. It is also because of this medicine that Guan has been on the saddle for King Wu until now."


As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the sitting sect leader obviously moved, and even Guang Hanlin, who was frowning tightly, showed a bit of surprise.

Walking in the rivers and lakes for the first time, no one wants to experience the scenery on the top of the mountain. Most of the people present are figures who dominate one side, but they are doomed to be unable to reach the top of martial arts in this life. If you gamble your fortune, most of them will be willing.

After everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, one of the headmen asked:
"Wu Wang really has this fetish?"

Guan Yujia knew that the 'Tianlang Pearl' would definitely tempt the head of the sitting sect, but King Wu didn't, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a situation.

Guan Yujia thought for a while, and said:

"Yes, but the preparation method of these magical medicines is too complicated, and the medicine is still being tested. As long as the trial is successful, the official can guarantee that each of the masters will have one."

Hearing this, the heads here naturally frowned——Wu Wang has nothing now, so they asked them to help send Wu Wang to escape. If they want the magic medicine, they can only follow. If they run away, they may not be able to get it. Are you kidding me?
Seeing everyone hesitate, Guan Yujia's voice became a little colder:
"Guan certifies with his head that King Wu does have this medicine. I have already said this, and everyone will be happy if you agree to help. If you can't..."

click -

Guan Yujia moved his right hand slightly, and the chair made a soft sound, and the mahogany armrest turned into strands of sawdust under the slight rubbing of his fingers.

Seeing the intimidation of Guan Yujia's martial arts, all the sect leaders silently fell silent, and the atmosphere became a little more tense.

Guang Hanlin is an elder in the Wuzhou Jianghu, knowing that if Guan Yujia is allowed to do anything wrong, the entire Wuzhou Jianghu will probably be removed from the world, so he said coldly:

"Guan Yujia, you...cough..."

Guang Hanlin got up while speaking, but halfway his legs went limp, and he sat back in his seat, noticing that his body had unknowingly gone limp, and his face was furious:
"You villain poisoned?!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the hall. Many sect masters wanted to cheer up and get up, only to realize that their bodies had been hit unknowingly. Only two young sect masters who behaved well and dared not drink tea were safe and sound.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang was also secretly startled, but although he picked up the teacup from time to time, he couldn't drink it with his face covered, and there was no abnormality in his body.

And the confidantes who were originally standing behind the heads of the sects drew their weapons as if they were facing a big enemy when they saw something happened to the heads.Countless disciples of Iron River Villa, who realized that something was wrong, came running with their sword handles in hand.

clap clap...

Outside the hall, there was chaos in an instant.

Guan Yujia saw that most of the masters had been hit by 'Dark Fragrance Corroding Bone', and a three-point chill appeared on his face:

"So what about poisoning? Guan gave you one last face, and now promises, what should be given to you, King Wu will give you as usual, and we will still be friends in the future; if you don't agree..."


Before the words fell, Guan Yujia violently raised his figure in order to scare the chickens and monkeys.

The heads of many sects only felt a blur in front of their eyes. The official jade armor dressed in a brocade robe had already leaped to the front of the Sanjue Immortal with the momentum of thunder. His right hand stretched out five fingers like hooks, like a goshawk pouncing on a rabbit, and a claw clawed at the white hair. Gray forehead.

The pupils of the Three Absolute Immortals shrunk slightly, and he was able to react after a lifetime of martial arts, but he was poisoned by a colorless, odorless and inexplicable poison, and it was difficult to lift his hands, so how can he block it?Immediately, my heart felt ashamed, and I could only watch helplessly...

Watching Guan Yujia fly out!
boom -

Fist techniques were raging in the hall, and there was a thunderous explosion!
At the same time that Guan Yujia flew up, Ye Jing's seat exploded, his right leg slipped out of the crotch and took a stride, his right hand punched from behind to forward, and blasted at Guan Yujia who was flying in front of him. past!

Guan Yujia was already very careful, even guarding against the head of the Wushan faction as an accomplice, he chose to fly in front of the juniors who had always been very sensible in speaking and had "average martial arts" to attack the three immortals.

A terrifying momentum erupted from around him, Guan Yujia's complexion changed suddenly, knowing that he had misjudged, he immediately turned his palm and swept towards the attacking fist wind.

Guan Yujia's reaction could not be described as unpleasant, but his misjudgment of Ye Silang was far beyond his imagination, and this junior was quite insidious, and he just took advantage of the moment his feet left the ground to strike.

Just as Guan Yujia swung his left hand out, the cannon that charged the city at an extremely tricky angle had already landed on his ribs.

The surging energy that destroys the city and shakes the mountains enters through the body. If the feet hit the ground, the official jade armor may be able to catch it, but if the feet are off the ground, the gods will have to fly out.


The heavy fist landed on the waist, and the brocade robe around Guan Yujia's waist exploded directly, and the turbulent energy even collapsed the vacant table and chairs opposite.

The originally majestic figure also turned into a golden-clothed cannonball that came out of its chest, and shot towards the right side of the hall, directly breaking the enclosing thick colonnade, and smashed into the wall of the hall without losing momentum.

Guan Yujia is not a small character like Li Hunyuan. He was hit hard in the air, and after breaking the pillar, he still straightened his body. His feet landed on the floor tiles, and two grooves were wiped out on the stone floor tiles. , Forcibly unloading, the back still hit the wall.


The masonry wall on the right side of the hall shook violently, and cracks appeared like spider webs. Several calligraphy and paintings that were originally hanging on the wall also fell to the ground.


The pillar of the corridor broke, causing several pieces of blue tiles to fall from above, but the head disciple below did not dodge, but looked at the center of the hall in shock.

Guan Yujia's punch didn't really hurt him, but his face flushed a little with qi and blood. After standing still, he also showed shock, staring at the black-robed man in the middle of the hall.

After Ye Jingtang made a punch, he didn't pursue it, but put away his fist slowly, and held back with one hand:
"Just talk about things, what do you mean by poisoning and hands-on? It's really you who opened the rivers and lakes, and you are Fengguancheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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