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Chapter 194

Chapter 194
After the fist wind, the resplendent and resplendent hall was in chaos.

The strong fist wind blew the rain curtain outside the door, and the disciples of Iron River Villa who rushed forward saw the headmaster was blown away by a punch, and quickly backed away in shock.

stomping on...

Ye Jingtang stood in the center of the hall in a black robe, surrounded by the limp headmaster and dozens of disciples with shocking eyes.

Guang Hanlin, who walked before the gate of hell, was a little puzzled as to why Ye Silang had become so horrified after not seeing him for a month, but he didn't care so much at the moment, stood up and backed away with the support of his apprentice, and quickly took the antidote drug.

Guan Yujia was leaning against the wall, with a look of surprise in his eyes. After a moment of silence, he stood up straight, and patted his ripped robe casually:
"It's a good hand, but nephew Ye Xian has hidden it deep enough."

As soon as the voice sounded, everyone in the hall came to their senses, and the heads and apprentices quickly retreated to the entrance of the hall.

Ye Jingtang's original intention was to discuss cooperation with Guan Yujia, find a way to find out the whereabouts of King Wu, or trick the secret recipe of 'Xuehu San'.

Now that the hands have been moved, there is naturally no need to talk about the matter.

"Guan Zhuang's 'little champion' seems to be a bit of a misnomer."

"Ha ha……"

Guan Yujia let out a lukewarm laugh, twisted her neck to move her muscles and bones, and walked slowly towards the center of the hall:

"Just now I saw that you are quite sensible, and I didn't take precautions against you. You punched with all your strength under the sneak attack, but you didn't hurt the official. If you say that the official is not worthy of the name, I am afraid that nephew Ye Xian is not qualified."

Ye Jingtang saw that Guan Yujia was hit in the ribs with a heavy fist, and even his breath didn't change much, he frowned secretly, didn't say anything, just hooked his hands.


There was no sound in the hall, and everyone inside and outside the hall quietly retreated and distanced themselves.

Guan Yujia saw that Ye Jingtang was so arrogant, a coldness flashed in his eyes, his figure just swayed, two pits appeared on the ground where he was standing, he bypassed half of the hall in an instant, and almost slid sideways towards Ye Jingtang , clenched his fist with his right hand halfway, and straightened his back:


Amidst the shouting, Guan Yujia punched from the ground with a powerful punch, and the vigor was concentrated at one point. The shocking speed of the fist made a piercing sound, and the pupils of all the sect masters shrunk in shock, their faces horrified.

Ye Jingtang was in front of the heavy punch, only felt a heavy cannonball hit in front of him, and he was almost suffocated before he was there.

This punch is unimaginably fast, Liu Qiansheng still has the weakness of old age and frailty, but this punch is really unreasonable.

Ye Jingtang's reaction was surreal. Seeing this, he immediately raised his left hand with a heavy punch, and at the same time, his right shoulder slammed into Guan Yujia's arms head-on with the momentum of a "bear spirit leaning hard".

Seeing that Ye Jingtang's reaction could keep up with his fist speed, Guan Yujia's eyes were obviously surprised.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang blinked and wanted to come to an iron mountain, Guan Yujia didn't even have the slightest posture to dodge, he directly raised his left arm, and struck Ye Jingtang's right temple directly with a powerful horizontal slash.

The elbow is like a knife, and it is commonplace for a peak warrior like Guan Yujia to elbow his head on the side of the face and smash his head on the spot.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang blocked the fist with his left hand and forced it to the side, stretched his right leg straight up, and bumped his shoulder against the shaved elbow.

boom -

The two sides changed their moves several times in an instant when they met the enemy, and when the limbs touched, the floor under their feet was instantly shattered, and the two surging vigor burst out from between the two.

Ye Jingtang's powerful move was dominant, and at the moment of the impact, Guan Yujia's left sleeve was torn apart, a groove appeared under his feet, and the whole person moved back more than two feet.

And the official jade armor's title of "Little Boxer" is not false. A heavy elbow landed on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, directly smashing the clothes on Ye Jingtang's right shoulder, revealing the silver gleaming soft armor. The big arm protected by the armor had its skin cracked abruptly by this heavy elbow, and his figure retreated two steps.

The two broke up as soon as they touched each other. Although it seemed that Guan Yujia had been knocked out and Ye Jingtang had little influence, Guang Hanlin and the others were all experts and saw that the situation was not good.

Guan Yujia used elbow strikes to continuously attack and defend, hard-pressed against the mountain, but was knocked out but his body was as motionless as a mountain. Must have been injured.

Guan Yujia slid back and stopped, and immediately wanted to step forward to press and hit, but just as he took a step, his eyes turned weird again.

But Ye Jingtang knocked off Guan Yujia and retreated, grabbed Sanniang and threw the dragon-firing gun. Just as he was about to fight back, his footsteps also stopped, his brows were slightly frowned, and he looked at the scar on Guan Yujia's arm. wristband.

Everyone at the scene saw that the two people stopped suddenly, but they didn't understand why.

Pei Xiangjun held his saber to guard carefully, and asked when he saw this:
"what happened?"

Ye Jingtang felt that he smashed the official jade armor sleeve robe just now, it seemed that he smashed something, and there was a cool feeling on his arm, which was vaguely familiar...

When Guan Yujia saw the serious eyes of 'Ye Silang' in front of him, he knew that the other party was aware of the medicine.

He originally wanted to test the medicine with Ye Silang, but he was very sensible in his words, so he gave up this idea. Just now, he fought with each other, which was purely a normal move, and he didn't even intend to take out the 'Daliang Pearl'.

But the 'Great Liang Pearl' was placed on the outside of the wrist guard in case of emergencies. Ye Silang bumped into it and shattered the 'Great Liang Pearl' abruptly, and the liquid medicine obviously touched the opponent's arm.

Although it was unintentional, the result of the process is very "planning and calculating".

Seeing this, Guan Yujia simply withdrew his hands and stood up straight, showing a sneer of "it's all in my calculations":

"The kung fu of a three-legged cat dares to be presumptuous in front of me. Do you really think that I made a close contact with you to show fists and kicks with you?"

Pei Xiangjun's face changed slightly when he heard the words, knowing that Ye Jingtang had been plotted against, he quickly leaned in front of Ye Jingtang:

"What medicine did you take?"


Ye Jingtang felt a coolness coming from his arm, moistening every inch of flesh, and even the shoulder that had been hit hard just now was recovering quickly...

This medicine is much more powerful than Yulong Ointment, probably worth hundreds of taels of silver...

Ye Jingtang wanted to say that he was "hit by the magic medicine for healing", but the official Yujia's appearance was "very calculated", obviously it was impossible to scare him with the medicine for poison.

Unless Guan Yujia wanted to hit him first, then nurse him, deliberately humiliating and mocking him...

As the saying goes, "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon." Ye Jingtang felt it carefully, and found that this drug had an outrageous effect, which seemed to be slightly similar to the white jade beads from last time, so he opened his mouth and said:

"It seems to be the poison prepared by burning bones."


Hearing this, Pei Xiangjun knew that Ye Jingtang had been hit with the 'Power Boosting Pill' again, and his heart became baffled. He was afraid that Ye Jingtang would lose control when the medicine was applied, so he immediately protected him and retreated:


Although Ye Jingtang felt that this thing was not dangerous, the effect of nourishing the Qi channels seemed to be gone, and the Qi channels were expanding again, so that the Qi channels felt a little swollen and painful, which was different from the last medicine.

Ye Jingtang didn't know what it was, so in case something went wrong, he hugged Sanniang directly, and flew back and crashed through the side window.


Guan Yujia wanted to see if the other party could resist the effects of the medicine, and naturally it was impossible to let Ye Jing Tang run away, so he immediately took a long stick from his apprentice, jumped up and broke the roof above, and chased Ye Jing Tang, Also said:

"Boy, you have been poisoned by this medicine. The faster you run, the faster you die. Stay where you are and protect your heart. You still have a chance to survive. I won't take your life."

Ye Jingtang didn't respond, rushed out of the window and carried Sanniang into the rain curtain, galloped towards the mountains behind the villa, and at the same time took out a special version of White Emperor Pill that could cure all poisons and swallowed it.

Baihuang Dan can detoxify all kinds of poisons when it is ingested. Even if it encounters a special poison that cannot be detoxified, it can temporarily suppress and alleviate the toxicity.

But after Ye Jingtang ate it, the comfort in his arm didn't disappear. On the contrary, under the effect of Baihuang Pill, the injury healed faster...

Pei Xiangjun leaned against his bosom with a spear in his hand, guarding against the Guan Yujia who was chasing after him. At the same time, he held Ye Jingtang's wrist to check. It turned out that Ye Jingtang's energy was gradually surging, just like taking an immediate aphrodisiac, and he couldn't even breathe. Gradually getting thicker...

"how do you feel?"


Ye Jingtang was running at full speed in the rain, his cheeks gradually turned red, his forehead was filled with heat, and his whole body was full of energy. He felt that he just wanted to find someone to do it, to vent out the energy in his body that had no place to vent, men and women were the same...

Ye Jingtang turned around and looked, Guan Yujia was hanging behind to catch up, not in a hurry to get close, it looked like he wanted to wait for him to be poisoned to death.

And the few heads who were not poisoned, and many twelve martial arts, also kept their distance and hung behind.

In public, it might be inappropriate to hold San Niang down...

The qi and blood in Ye Jingtang's body gradually went berserk, because the skeletal muscles had been trained to perfection last time, but the skeletal muscles did not feel the sourness of last time, but if the qi and blood were strong, it would not affect the skills...


Several figures flew behind the villa, and in an instant they had arrived at the back of Wuming Mountain, and beyond that was the Endless Mountains.

Guan Yujia kept a distance of several tens of feet, paying close attention to Ye Silang's figure, and found that his speed was gradually increasing. Knowing that the medicine had taken effect, he had already begun to forcibly expand his Qi veins, and his body was bound to be tempered by strong medicines such as 'Fen Gu Ma'. refining.

Normal people can't bear the severe pain of dismantling tendons, bones, and skin. The warriors who used to test the medicine would either fall to the ground and howl and convulse, or go crazy and attack wildly. Usually, they would die after a few quarters of an hour.

Ye Silang was able to resist so far without any abnormalities, and his desire to survive was really far beyond ordinary people as he imagined...

Ye Silang is the one with the most exaggerated martial arts skills among the drug testers, probably only one line behind him.

Guan Yujia felt that there was a high possibility that Ye Silang had overcame the strength of the medicine, so he couldn't help but feel joy in his heart, and he didn't even dare to chase too close, lest he would affect the opponent, causing the opponent to be distracted and unable to resist the strength of the medicine.

But it's a pity that Ye Silang's perseverance seems to be only a little stronger than ordinary martial arts testers.

Guan Yujia was galloping in the rain, and just after chasing to the back mountain, he found Ye Silang, who was running wildly in front of him with someone in his arms, suddenly fell down and landed in the forest.


Guan Yujia's figure stopped suddenly and landed ten feet away. She pointed at the ground obliquely with her eyebrow stick in her hand, stared at the back in front of her, and spoke to comfort:
"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of others' danger. If you can survive the medicine, I will let you live."


Ye Jingtang stopped in the rain, and Pei Xiangjun, who was close at hand, could obviously feel a rush of heat, like an iron man who was about to burn red.

Pei Xiangjun's face changed slightly, thinking that Ye Jingtang could not hold on anymore, and wanted to take the Dragon Shot Spear to defend against the enemy; while Luo Ning, who was picking him up at the back mountain, also copied over silently from the side, trying to cover Ye Jingtang retreat.

But to Pei Xiangjun's surprise, she raised the spear, but was held by Jing Tang beside her, and then the gun was pulled away.


"I'm fine."

Ye Jingtang raised his sleeves, wiped the sweat and rain from his forehead, his whole body was steaming, and the energy channels in his whole body were so full that he had to find something to vent.

He held the Dragon Shot Spear wrapped in black cloth, turned to look at the official jade armor not far away, his wrist trembling slightly.


The black cloth wrapped in the spear was shattered, and the black long front was exposed to the rain, and the energy of venting casually pushed the rain curtain around him directly.

Seeing this scene, Guan Yujia guessed that the other party might not be able to bear the strength of the medicine, and was about to go mad and desperately, said coldly:

"Boy, first stabilize your mind and resist the medicine strength. If you lose your mind at this time, you will definitely die."

"What medicine did you give me?"

"Great Liangzhu, can expand Qi meridians, open tendons and strengthen bones. As long as you resist, you can take a big step forward. If you can't hold it, you will die."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, thinking that this thing was an imitation of Cheng Shilu's bead, and said:

"Your medicine is not prepared correctly. If you expand your Qi meridian in a short time, if you don't try to vent it, it will burst your Qi meridian."


Guan Yujia frowned slightly, she didn't understand why at first, but her eyes immediately turned into horror!

I saw the black-robed young man who had just finished speaking, slid the gun with one hand to the end of the gun, and in a blink of an eye, he had broken through the rain curtain and was crushed by several feet, and he was smashed down with a single shot!

boom -

Between the silent mountains and fields, there was a muffled thunder out of thin air.

After chasing the twelve warriors who wanted to observe the situation of the battle, as soon as they approached the area where the two chasing parties were located, they found that the woods between the depressions were raging.

A long dragon suddenly appeared, engulfed by flying branches and leaves, directly split the dense rain curtain, and pressed directly towards this side, giving everyone the feeling that it suddenly broke into the forbidden land of God, awakening an evil dragon that was sleeping here !
As for Guan Yujia, who faced the mad dragon, he naturally felt the deepest.

Seeing the torrential weather driving the rain curtain and coming straight from the forest, Guan Yujia instantly recognized that it was the 'Huanglong Wodao' of Honghualou.

But Guan Yujia has only seen Huanglong Wodao with such a destructive momentum many years ago in the hands of the old spearhead who has been in the rivers and lakes many years ago.

Although it seems that the control of Qi Jin is a bit rough, not as light and pleasing to the eye as the old gun leader, but the movement is so loud that the power should not be too far behind!
A look of horror flashed in Guan Yujia's eyes, and his figure immediately dodged to the side, and he swung his stick at the point of the spear.

Although Guan Yujia is known as the 'Little Boxing Champion', his horizontal kung fu has not reached the point where Jiang Zhahu's golden body is indestructible, and he does not have the background of 'swords not touching his body' at Liu Qiansheng's peak. You have to take weapons, and the fire is not low.


Ye Jingtang slashed down with a swift and fierce spear, Guan Yujia raised his stick and swept across, hitting the end of the spear, hitting the long spear accurately.

Guan Yujia knew about Ye Jingtang's traditional Chinese medicine, and now he used the strength of the medicine to beat him. After avoiding the sharp edge, he used his extraordinary body skills to go around to the side, and stabbed Ye Jingtang's throat with a long stick.

The speed of this move is extremely fast, and the angle is also tricky and vicious. It is impossible to guard against it when the severe pain affects the mind.

But to Guan Yujia's shock, the black-clothed gunman, whose fighting strength had increased dramatically, slashed down the world with a devastating shot, and when he realized that he missed, he suddenly stopped in mid-air, and then swept across like a cloud and flowing water, and came up with an overlord to open the sea .

boom -

Under the sweep of the spear, the surrounding rain curtain was driven, and a circular hole was abruptly stirred in the rain curtain.

There is no gap between the two moves, and it can be confirmed that there is no abnormality in the body, and even the severe injury to the right shoulder just now seems to have disappeared.

The only difference is that the strength of the attack has skyrocketed a lot in a short period of time, reaching the point where Guan Yujia can't hold it.

Guan Yujia reacted very quickly and retracted the stick to block it horizontally. Hao Han swept the long stick with vigor, and the whole person was blown away, smashing a row of trees on the side in an instant, and flew more than ten feet away in the forest.

Guan Yujia's heart was full of astonishment after being hit so hard, and when he saw those calm and stern eyes on the way back, he suddenly realized what was going on now—the medicine really worked!
Ye Silang's internal strength surged like ordinary martial arts, but he withstood the side effects and was not affected by the severe pain, resulting in a short-term surge in combat power.

Although the effect of the medicine was not as he expected, it directly transformed Ye Silang into a Wu Kui in all directions, but healed the shoulder injury and increased his internal strength.

But the gap between Ye Shilang and him is not very far, his injury has recovered, and his internal strength has skyrocketed a lot, so he is not in vain!

Guan Yujia personally delivered the medicine to raise a monster, and she was very regretful, wishing she didn't ask Bai Siming for an extra big Liangzhu.

If he still has this medicine and takes it now, why not hang up and beat this lucky junior?

It was too late to think about this now, Guan Yujia didn't know how powerful the medicine was, and after landing, he hit the spear point that was following him with a stick, and flew away into the depths of the forest with all his strength.

Ye Jingtang's forehead was bulging with blue veins, and his blood was almost boiling. After landing, he didn't give him the slightest chance. In a flash, he chased after Guan Yujia again, stabbed forward with the long spear in his hand, and sent a green dragon offering claws to Guan Yujia's back.


Guan Yujia couldn't run at all, the chill hit his back, he couldn't avoid it, he could only turn around in the air, drew a stick back, and volleyed to deflect the spear.


Amidst the explosion, the jet-black spear pierced through the rain curtain, and although the front of the spear that had been hit hard was slightly deflected, it still penetrated into the left shoulder of Guan Yujia.

The frightening aura engulfed in the spear erupted instantly, before the point of the spear passed through the body, the robe and flesh behind Guan Yujia's right shoulder had already exploded, and a cloud of blood burst out in the rain.

Under the heavy blow, Guan Yujia let out a muffled snort, and turned into a sharp arrow, flying backwards again, leveling a line of jungle.

After Ye Jingtang hit Guan Yujia severely with a shot, his figure was like a thunderbolt, but before Guan Yujia fell to the ground, he chased after him again and shot straight to the throat.

Guan Yujia found that the opponent's momentum did not decrease after firing three shots in a row, but became stronger and stronger, and he completely believed in Bai Siming's seemingly nonsense boasting before.

Ye Silang's internal strength soared at this rate, and it would not be long before he could be as silent as the gun leader.

Guan Yujia saw that he couldn't fight, he couldn't run away, and if he dragged on, he would surely die, so he immediately aroused the courage in his heart, shouted loudly and swiped the gun with his stick, and then burst into close quarters at full speed, attacking with a punch. Xiang Ye Jingtang faced the door.

But Ye Jingtang didn't hide from this, he just dropped his gun and clenched his fist with his right hand, and blasted towards the forest in front like a giant cannon charging into the city.

boom -

Fists meet!

The warriors chasing behind saw the rain curtain at the place where the two collided. Under the unparalleled impact, they flew upside down into the sky, instantly blasting a semicircular hole with a radius of several feet.

The branches and leaves of the surrounding trees were smashed under the force of the blow, and even the weeds and shrubs on the ground were instantly flattened in place.

A mighty energy pierced through the body, the robe on the upper body of Guan Yujia was shattered, the hair crown burst, and the blood vessels in the exposed right arm were blasted, the whole person crashed into the mountain, plowing a groove on the ground until It came to a sudden stop when it hit the trunk of a big tree.


The trunk shook violently, and countless green leaves scattered in the air.

And Ye Jingtang took the official jade armor head-on and punched him hard, and it didn't feel very good. The right fist saw blood directly, and the tattered right robe was completely shattered, including the face scarf and hairband. The strength of his fist was shattered, and the whole person slid back more than ten feet before barely stopping.


After the punch, the rain curtain that was hit in mid-air fell back to the woodland, and the mountain depression returned to dead silence.


Ye Jingtang stood on the spot panting like a cow, his hair was disheveled and his body was steaming with sweat. Looking at it in the rainy night, he looked like the Jiuyou Shashen who came out of the underworld. He stared at the official jade armor half buried in the soil, and raised his hand to wipe his face. rainwater.

Guan Yujia leaned against the tree trunk, her face flushed red, her mouth and nose gushing blood, she staggered and stood up while supporting the canopy of the tree, staring at Ye Jingtang's blue and handsome face, she gritted her teeth and said:

"Ahem... this medicine... is so damn strong..."

Ye Jingtang wanted to go forward to make up the knife, but found that the 'Da Liangzhu' seemed to be a fake medicine. After a moment of hardening, the strength of the medicine quickly faded, and he appeared weak.

Moreover, the effect of this medicine to expand the Qi veins is very strong, but it is not like the bead last time, which can repair and protect the Qi veins. Even if the Qi energy in the body is vented with three shots and one punch, it still suffocates the body to the point where it cannot be overwhelmed. It is estimated that it will damage the Qi veins, so it stopped immediately:

"It's really strong. Why don't you eat it yourself?"

Guan Yujia wished he could eat two now, but he didn't have any around. Seeing the warriors from the twelve sects chasing after him, he staggered toward the depths of the mountain forest with his hands on his shoulders.

Ye Jingtang considered it for a while, and didn't take the risk of chasing after him, but just raised his hand to signal for Niao Niao to follow to Wu Wang's lair.


After a while, Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning, who were thrown out from a very long distance, galloped over at full speed, followed by warriors from various factions.

Ye Jingtang found a rag to cover his face, and turned to look at the two masters who ran over without traditional Chinese medicine:

"Go after."

The martial arts skills of the two sect masters were not bad. Seeing that Guan Yujia, who had plotted against them with medicine, was severely injured, Ye Jingtang gave another order. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and led his disciples to chase after him.

Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning, seeing that Ye Jingtang was exhausted, did not dare to stay away, and quickly left the forest together with Ye Jingtang...

(End of this chapter)

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