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Chapter 202

Chapter 202

A copper stove was placed on the ground, the flames were raging, and white mist rose from the copper cover.

Guan Yujia was lying on the ground, his back was stained blood red by the burst spine, he hadn't moved for a while, and several people stood silently around.

Ye Jingtang put his hand on the hilt of the knife to maintain a posture of responding to the enemy. Although he expected that something would happen to Guan Yujia, he really didn't expect to die so heroically and silently.

After everyone was silent for a long time, the pharmacist Zhang Jinglin who was still standing behind Bai Siming spoke first:

"Hmm... Guan Daxia may be physically injured, and he forced his qi during the recuperation, which caused the spine to burst, the qi veins to be shattered, and the qi to die on the spot. Being able to enter the realm of harmony between man and nature shows that this medicine is still effective..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present came back to their senses.

Yao Wenzhong turned his head and looked at Bai Siming with incredible eyes:
"This is death?!"

Xuanyuan Hongzhi raised his hand to signal Yao Wenzhong to stay away from the medicine stove:
"Beware of the fryer... It's really ridiculous to rebel just like this..."

Bai Siming also didn't expect that the 'little boxer' who had dominated Wuzhou for more than ten years, could die so vigorously and silently, opened his mouth, and was a little far away from the medicine furnace.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to say 'it is his own fault', but Guan Yujia's death was so outrageous, it was not easy to say these words, after thinking about it, he only commented:
"The medicine is three-point poisonous. You still have to listen to the old man's words, alas..."

Before everyone calmed down, there was another commotion beside the medicine stove.


When Zhang Jinglin waited for the time to come, he turned on the copper pharmaceutical furnace.

There was an upside-down golden needle at the bottom of the copper cover. At the end of the golden needle, a ball as white as a jade bead had condensed, with a watery luster.

Zhang Jinglin flipped over the copper cover and filled the bead inside:
"This thing is Tianlangzhu. If there is a problem with the prescription, it is impossible to condense the bead. This bead can definitely correct your bones and greatly increase your skill. Whoever can take it will be the next Fengguancheng... "

Seeing is believing, everyone didn't listen to the endless bragging at all, even the eight guards of the royal residence quietly moved away a little bit, probably Zhang Jinglin, who was afraid of going crazy, threw the medicine beads on them.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi and Yao Wenzhong were no longer interested in the medicine, and looked at the medicine book in the hands of the guards.

Ye Jingtang wanted both, but faced with the remaining three masters, he still couldn't act rashly.

Bai Siming knew that Wu Wang's only bargaining chip at present was the formula of 'Xuehu San', so he stepped forward to snatch the medicine book back into his hands:

"Whoever you Honghualou and Junshantai can wish the prince a helping hand, this medicine book will belong to..."

Yao Wenzhong said coldly: "I, Junshantai, is the Lord Marquis of the Great Wei, how could I act against the tiger for the sake of the tiger? Guan Yujia is dead, you throw out the medicine book and let the three of us fight for it, and we can still escape; Otherwise, I'll kill you first and then get the prescription."


Hearing this, Bai Siming was immediately annoyed. Seeing Yao Wenzhong tearing his skin apart, he gritted his teeth and directly used the prescription to produce Tianlang beads. He even threw the book and the beads at Ye Jing Tang, and at the same time took Zhang Jinglin to the mountains to escape.

The medicine book and Tianlang beads slid out of a parabola in the air.

Ye Jingtang knew that this was a tactic to drive tigers and wolfs away, but he couldn't refuse to take things to his face, so he stepped forward violently.


Almost at the same time, there was a burst of energy not far away.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi and Yao Wenzhong held the handle of the knife behind their right shoulders one after another, shook their whole bodies, bowed their backs and flicked the heavy knife, galloping forward, and the two big swords slashed at Ye Jingtang one from the left and the other from the right.

Both of them are the masters of Junshantai, and they use a [-]-jin full-jin Junshan knife. After raising the knife with all their strength, the momentum of the knife can be called overwhelming. The strong wind instantly disturbed the fire and tore off the surrounding area. leaves.

Ye Jingtang had just attacked at full speed, and the long spear was hidden in the forest. It was impossible to guard against the two of them at the same time with a four-jin ring-sword alone, so he grabbed the medicine book with his right hand and swept the white jade beads that had just arrived to the sky. .



In the next moment, a cold light flashed among the trees.

At the moment when Yao Wenzhong and the others were attracted by the sky pearl that flew up, Ye Jingtang unsheathed the blade in his left hand and pulled out a bright white light.


But in the blink of an eye, Ye Jingtang flashed in front of Xuanyuan Hongzhi with the saber in his hand, using Xuanyuan Hongzhi's body as a shield to block Yao Wenzhong's saber, and supported the heavy saber with his elbow against the back of the saber.


As the sparks flew, the heavy knife in Xuanyuan Hongzhi's hand slid to the left as expected.

But the serious Junshan Saber was too powerful, and Xuanyuan Hongzhi was not just a thoughtful dude, he slashed down with all his strength, and Ye Jingtang's upper body tilted instantly under pressure.

But even so, Ye Jingtang still brushed past him, and the moment he slid out the heavy knife, he slashed horizontally, and the tip of the knife fell on Xuanyuan Hongzhi's shoulder.


Blood splashes.

The three figures passed by, and separated several feet in an instant.

After Ye Jingtang passed the two of them, he ran forward without looking back, caught the falling Tianlangzhu halfway, and rushed into the woods.

"Eight-step mad knife?"

Xuanyuan Hongzhi had a deep wound on his left arm, blood seeping out, but he didn't respond at all, he just stared at the chilong ring sword in Ye Jingtang's hand!

There was also some surprise in Yao Wenzhong's eyes:

"After a long time, Zhou Huaili was still killed by Honghualou."

Since it is determined to be the goal of this trip, new and old grudges must be counted together, so it is meaningless to say more.

Holding heavy knives, the two ran wildly in the forest, chasing Ye Jingtang who was trying to escape after winning the treasure.

wow wow wow-

Branches and leaves flew across the forest, and three black shadows flew nearly a hundred feet away in an instant.

Although Xuanyuan Hongzhi and Yao Wenzhong pursued with all their strength, they were carrying heavy knives and were quite burly, so there was a gap between their attacking speed and Ye Jingtang.

But in an instant, Ye Jingtang quickly pulled the distance away, came to the depths of the woods, and grabbed the hidden dragon gun.

Now that he had obtained the medicine list, and accidentally took a Tianlangzhu that cost half a catty of snow lake flowers, Ye Jingtang had no intention of fighting, and rushed straight to the side mountains.

Yao Wenzhong was running with all his strength, but the limitations of his size and weapons still slowed him down a bit. Seeing that the distance was getting farther and farther away, he couldn't help feeling anxious.

Knowing that he couldn't catch up with Ye Jingtang, Xuanyuan Hongzhi glanced around from the corner of his eye and found two figures in the woods in the distance moving towards the direction of Ye Jingtang's escape, and the speed was not as fast as the two of them, so he immediately dragged his knife and turned:

"Over there! Kill your accomplices."

Seeing this, Yao Wenzhong also killed Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun who had turned back from King Wu.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang's eyes turned cold, he dragged his gun and turned around in the woods, his body was like a tiger piercing through the forest, he came up to the two from the side, and he raised his hand to sweep across.

boom -

A crosswind suddenly blew up in the forest, and a bush was instantly flattened. Thousands of broken branches were wrapped in the tip of the gun, and it struck Xuanyuan Hongzhi, who was half a step behind.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi slashed up while dragging the knife, trying to intercept the spear.


However, the Dragon Slaying Saber is always unfavorable against short soldiers. When encountering long soldiers that are beyond the attacking distance of the opponent, it will face the unsolvable problem of "single sword and close gun" just like ordinary swords, and its deterrent power will drop sharply. Zoom in quickly.

Ye Jingtang saw the edge of the blade raised during the sweep, and immediately retracted it with the end of the gun in his hand, so that the blade staggered away from the heavy knife, and then raised his strength from the ground, with his right hand blatantly exerting force, piercing Xuanyuan Hongzhi's chest with a green dragon offering claws.


The speed of this spear was extremely fast, Rao Xuanyuan Hongzhi pulled back the broadsword and used the blade as a shield the moment he smashed into the air, but he still couldn't stop it, and the point of the spear pierced directly into his right shoulder.

If it was just a one-on-one fight between two people, Ye Jingtang would be able to kill Xuanyuan Hongzhi with three shots.

But Yao Wenzhong, as Junshantai's successor, was much stronger than Xuanyuan Hongzhi in every aspect. When he found that Xuanyuan Hongzhi couldn't stand it, he swung a heavy knife with one hand and slashed back at the barrel of Ye Jingtang's gun.


Ye Jingtang's spear pierced only two inches, and an overwhelming force came from the barrel of the spear, and the spear was directly slashed to the side.


The speed at which Yao Wenzhong raised the saber could be described as frightening. He didn't stop for a moment when the saber fell, and he spun around in the air.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang dragged his gun and flew back, trying to increase the distance, but Yao Wenzhong was very experienced in fighting. He swung the round heavy knife with both hands, and rushed forward, killing the distance between the two of them. As long as Jingtang fires his gun with all his strength, he will definitely slow down, and then he will be stabbed in the head.

stomping on...


The two sides retreated only a few feet, and Yao Wenzhong's saber power had been accumulated to the extreme, making a terrifying sound of breaking the wind.

And Ye Jingtang also relied on his speed advantage to pull away a distance of one and a half feet, moved his spear back like flowing clouds and flowing water, and then stopped abruptly, his cheeks turned red instantly, and bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes:

In the thunderous roar, Ye Jingtang's upper body robes were completely torn, his face scarf and bamboo hat were shattered, the muscles in his arms were towering, and the knots in his blood vessels almost burst.


The next moment, the Dragon Spear slashed forward from the back with all its strength, and its violent energy instantly shattered the surrounding branches and leaves.

'Wind Pool Reversing Blood' is a life-threatening move in the Overlord Spear. Although too much energy will damage the Governor Vessel, the effect of instantly doubling the explosive power of the Overlord Spear is far more terrifying than this price.


There was an explosion of gold and iron.

Yao Wenzhong swung his round heavy saber horizontally on the front of the spear.

The two blades joined each other, and the Dragon Spear pierced directly into the blade for more than an inch.

Then the two bursts of qi energies accumulated to the limit exploded at the same time, and the resulting brutal impact instantly shoveled away the muddy ground in the mountains and forests.

boom -

Under the unbearable huge impact, Yao Wenzhong's heavy sword in both hands was shaken off his hands abruptly.

And Ye Jingtang didn't expect to be able to catch the knife forcefully, before the huge force on the Dragon Singing Spear was transmitted back, he let go of the gun barrel, allowing the spear to be chopped towards the mountain forest on the side.


The moment Yao Wenzhong's two weapons flew out, the Chilong Saber from Ye Jingtang's waist was already out of its sheath.

Yao Wenzhong let go of the weapon, knowing that Ye Jingtang would catch the eight-step mad knife, and while he was flying back to chase the saber, his right hand had touched the back of his waist, and pulled out a short knife that was one and a half feet long.

Because the Junshan knife is too heavy, the most feared thing is being suppressed and unable to use it. For this reason, Junshantai disciples usually train another light short weapon, which is used to abandon the knife and escape.

clang clang-

Just as the weapon flew away, the two met again, and in the blink of an eye, the three swords met.

Ye Jingtang's attack was like a dragon python. Under the fierce pressure of the eight-step mad knife, Yao Wenzhong could only stride back towards the falling Junshan knife.

When Xuanyuan Hongzhi saw this, he swung the round Junshan knife from the side, using the heavy knife as a flying knife, and slashed at Ye Jingtang who was attacking forward.


The five-foot broadsword flew towards the two of them in an instant like a spinning fan blade.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang hurriedly stopped, while Yao Wenzhong took the opportunity to fly back and grab the Junshan knife that was out of his hand, trying to fight back, but in the end...


Amidst the muffled shout, Ye Jingtang put the saber back into its sheath with his left hand, grasped the flying Junshan Dao with his right hand, followed the huge momentum contained in the heavy saber, spun around in a circle, and then jumped up with both hands round the saber, Slash at Yao Wenzhong's head!

This situation not only stunned Yao Wenzhong and Xuanyuan Hongzhi, but also stunned Pei Xiangjun, Luo Ning, and even Bai Siming who ran away.

Ye Jingtang followed the dragon-slaying order smoothly and smoothly, because the flying Junshan knife had a huge inertia, and it had no power to move, so it started with a full-strength knife.

And Yao Wenzhong pulled out the Junshan Knife from the ground, he had to charge up the knife and then slash again. When he turned the heavy knife, Ye Jingtang probably had already slashed him for the third time.

Yao Wenzhong never expected that Ye Jingtang would have the Dragon Slaying Order, and he scolded Xuanyuan Hongzhi in his heart that he was such a stupid pig, that instead of throwing the sword at his hand, he threw it at his opponent. Seeing the sword coming towards him, he had to lean Pull the heavy knife horizontally in front of you as a shield.


Ye Jingtang held the hundred-jin Junshan knife, and smashed it on the blade of Yao Wenzhong with all his strength. Even with Yao Wenzhong's extremely burly body, it was difficult to stand still. He staggered back and slid out for more than three feet.

"Death to me!!"

Ye Jingtang's face was flushed red, he dragged the knife with both hands and turned around, and the smooth knife fell again.


Yao Wenzhong staggered again. As a disciple of Junshantai, he understood very well the truth that whoever makes the first move wins.

Being chased and slashed by Ye Jingtang's heavy knife, he didn't have a chance to use the knife at all, so he could only use the knife as a shield and fly back against it.

clang clang-

Xuanyuan Hongzhi threw his sword to save the siege, and pulled out the 'Lingji Sword' from under the cloak, but he didn't dare to step forward when facing the big round blade, and could only say angrily when he saw this:
"Go first!"

Yao Wenzhong gritted his teeth, and after Ye Jingtang's saber fell again, he threw the heavy saber forward, and his speed exploded to the extreme in an instant, and he ran wildly towards the forest behind.


Ye Jingtang swung his saber in the air, and grabbed another Junshan Dao with his left hand. Like a windmill, he dragged the two big blades and spun around in place for a few times before stopping. He said angrily:
"Two trash, if you have the guts, keep fighting!"

Yao Wenzhong and Xuanyuan Hongzhi looked back, there was obvious anger in their eyes, but they still ran into the dense forest without looking back.


Ye Jingtang was panting like a cow, and watched the two escape with cold eyes. After confirming that they did not turn back, he dragged two Junshan knives and ran in the other direction.

stomping on...

The two sides fought several moves, and the time was only a few breaths after turning at the same time.

Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning came galloping from a distance, and they were only halfway there. Seeing Junshantai retreating, they immediately turned to pick up the Dragon Spear that was thrown half a mile away by a knife.

"Go first."

Ye Jingtang dragged the knife and ran to the front and back, handed a Junshan knife to Luo Ning, and then the three of them flew away into the mountains together.

The turmoil in the woods stopped in an instant, leaving only five figures flying away in two directions.

On the top of the mountain in the far distance, Beiliang Pirate Saint, dressed in night clothes, has been observing the battle situation between the two sides with a telescope.

At this moment, she put down the binoculars and looked towards the direction where the three of Ye Jingtang left, with a bit of surprise in her eyes, she didn't expect this young man who looked young to have such an exaggerated fighting power.

And she saw with her own eyes just now that Ye Jingtang grabbed the Tianlangzhu with his bare hands.

If Zhang Jinglin's medicine was fine, grabbing it with bare hands would cause bone numbness and excruciating pain.

Why does he look like nothing happened...


(End of this chapter)

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