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Chapter 203

Chapter 203
It was already night, and a silver moon hung over the mountains.

In the depression more than ten miles away from Fulong Cave, a large group of soldiers and horses held torches and walked quickly towards the depths of the mountains.

On the nearby mountain ridge, Ye Jingtang held the gun in his right hand and the Junshan knife in his left hand. He walked along the ridge, and when he came to a cliff, he threw down the Junshan knife with a gap in order to prevent Yao Wenzhong from picking it up. weapon.

Luo Ning was walking beside her with a heavy saber, and a strong bow was hanging on her back, which was used to disturb King Wu's personal guard just now.

Pei Xiangjun held the spear in the back, paying attention to Ye Jingtang's expression from time to time while walking.

Ye Jingtang slashed Xuanyuan Hongzhi twice just now, and he wasn't injured, but the 'Fengchi Nixue' squeezed his body too much, and when he used it, he hurt himself at the Du Meridian. At this time, his back hurt unspeakably, and it was indeed a bit uncomfortable.

After the three of them walked along the mountain for a long time, the bird hovering in the sky landed and stopped on the shoulder, indicating that the court soldiers and horses had found King Wu's whereabouts; seeing this, Ye Jingtang stopped wandering around and looked for him nearby. A cave stopped.

The naturally formed cave is not big, and there are some supplies prepared when we came here.

Ye Jingtang put the spear on the ground, unfolded the rolled up blanket and sat down, turned on the kettle, and took a big gulp with his head up.

Luo Ning leaned Junshan Knife against the wall, sat down in front of her, lit a candle, and asked:
"How's the back?"

"It's a bit uncomfortable."

Ye Jingtang took off his tattered coat, and then unbuttoned the silver soft armor, revealing a dark red mark extending from the back of his head to his waist in the middle of his broad and thick back.

Pei Xiangjun knew what it was like after using the wind pool's reverse blood, so he put down his weapon and squatted behind his back, took out the Yulong ointment and poured it on his hand:

"Get down."

Ye Jingtang couldn't see behind himself, so he lay down on the blanket using Ning'er's thigh as a pillow:

"This move is powerful, but the side effects are indeed a bit serious, so we should use it sparingly in the future..."

The space in the cave is very small, and Ye Jingtang is tall and burly. Pei Xiangjun felt a little awkward sitting next to him, so he stepped across Ye Jingtang, rode on his lap, and helped to apply the medicine:
"Using Fengchi against the blood, it is best to pair it with Qinglong Xianclaw, you can stab through armor and people together. Other moves are easy to be blocked, once you miss it, you have to run..."

Ye Jingtang felt quite comfortable being ridden by San Niang on a big horse, but some parts of his body were not comfortable lying on his stomach. After chatting for a few words, he pulled out the rolled up medicine book from his belt and opened it to read it.

The cover of the medicine list has been torn, but it is mostly complete, all of which are secret recipes developed by Zhang Jinglin. Although there are only seven or eight kinds, all of them are unique secret medicines with unique effects, and Xuehu Powder is among them.

Luo Ning sat on the ground, let Ye Jingtang rest her legs, and watched along with her, thought for a while and asked:
"What happened to Guan Yujia just now?"

"Used the 'Tianlangzhu', failed to withstand the force of the medicine, and then exploded."

When Ye Jingtang said this, he carefully took out the white jade beads he had snatched from the leather armor on the back of his waist.

As a result, I found that there were tiny cracks on the beads, which should be caused by not putting them in the box, and being too quiet with Yao Wenzhong.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang's heart sank, he quickly turned over, and moved a little away from the two girls, so as not to let the medicine volatilize and contaminate them, he frowned and said:

"The bead in Cheng Shilu's hand last time should also be the Tianlang bead. The effect and touch of this bead are exactly the same. It seems that only I can use this kind of bead, and something will happen if other people touch it..."

Luo Ning still had lingering fears about Cheng Shilu's death, thought for a while, raised her hand and fanned it gently, and smelled the smell of the beads, but immediately felt the same discomfort from her nose as last time, which made her lean back quickly:

"It's burning bones. Don't your hands hurt?"

The palm of Ye Jingtang felt warm and comfortable to the touch, and there was nothing unusual, so he took a close sniff:
"I feel fine, and it smells good."

Seeing this, Pei Xiangjun also moved closer to smell the scent, and immediately frowned:
"It's indeed burning bones, why don't you react to burning bones?"

Ye Jingtang was silent for a moment, carefully thinking about the details, and finally could only respond:
"Maybe my physique is different from normal people... It took half a catty of snow lake flowers to refine this thing. If the medicine is broken and all the strength is gone, it will be a waste of money. What should I do now?"

"Half a catty of snow lake flowers..."

Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning heard what they said, and after a little silence, they asked:

"Will something happen if you use it?"

Yejingtang has used a replica of the 'Great Liang Pearl'. The only discomfort is that it only expands the Qi meridian without protecting it, which will cause the Qi meridian to tear. Other things feel good.

And this authentic 'Tianlangzhu', concentrated half a catty of Snow Lake Flower, obviously has an extremely powerful effect of extending the meridians and protecting the meridians. In theory, it can expand the whole body's qi channels without damage.

However, the effect of 'bone straightening and tendon softening' still can't be exerted. After using it, it may be the same as the Great Liang Pearl, it will overfill the energy, and it may not be able to relieve Ning'er by crying...

The Tianlangzhu already has cracks, and the smell shows that the medicine has been volatilizing...

Ye Jingtang hesitated for a while, and then said: "Half a catty of snow lake flowers is equivalent to half of the reserves of the Great Wei since the founding of the country. If the medicine is exhausted, the whole country of the Great Wei may not be able to gather another one. I Still try it."

Seeing this, Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning stopped talking, got up and stood a little away from the entrance of the cave.

Ye Jingtang took a deep breath, and did not crush the Tianlangzhu directly, but flicked it carefully like peeling an egg, so that the cracks expanded, and the medicine penetrated into the palm of his hand little by little.

As the cracks in the tianlangzhu expanded, the palms quickly felt moist, and then the feeling was exactly the same as last time. The soreness and fatigue of the arms quickly recovered, and the damage to the air channels in the back also recovered immediately.

Ye Jingtang sat cross-legged on the same spot, crossed his palms, sandwiched the Tianlangzhu between his palms, and closed his eyes...
among the mountains.

After Yao Wenzhong escaped from the woods, he quickly walked out of the mountain, not looking for the whereabouts of Ye Jingtang.

After all, the advantage of Junshantai's Dragon Slaying Order is that it is invincible in short combat, but its disadvantage is that the weapon is too special. The only substitute in the world is the guillotine.

If you lose other weapons, you can just pick up a random one and use it, and your combat effectiveness will not be reduced too much; but if you lose the weapon of the Dragon Slayer, you will not be able to use what you have learned.

Both of them lost Junshan Dao, and the only thing they could do now was to go to their own towns to see if they could find two more Junshan Dao.

While walking, Yao Wenzhong was very angry, still brooding over what happened just now:

"This guy used 'Fengchi Nixue', lost his gun, and his accomplices couldn't catch up in a short time. As long as I get the Junshan Knife, he has no chance of winning. It's better for you, give him the Junshan Knife... "

Xuanyuan Hongzhi was stabbed in the left arm and shot in the right arm. The injuries were not serious, but they affected the combat effectiveness. He bandaged the wounds while walking, and his face was quite ugly:

"Who would have expected that he would also be able to kill the dragon? If he doesn't know how to kill the dragon and is forced away by my knife, you will pass by with a backhand. If I throw it to you, when you catch the knife, he will come over and you will die on the spot." an arm..."

Although both of them are the heads of Junshantai, they have different positions in the gang. One is a 'red stick' and the other is a 'brain trust'. It is not surprising that they cooperate like this.

If, like Ye Jingtang and Song Chi, the two 'red sticks' work together, the effect will be much better. If something happens, it will be too much force, and the trouble will not end.

Now that it has become like this, it is meaningless to complain about pig teammates.

After Yao Wenzhong complained a few words, he stopped, and after a moment of serious thinking, he said in a deep voice:
"Yejingtang is slightly weaker than me in terms of hard power, but he has learned too much. He is proficient in light knives, heavy knives, and big spears. He can fight Guan Yujia with fists and kicks. He can also cut clouds at Yanshan Mountain. He singled out me head-on. You definitely can't kill this kid. Are you sure that last time at Zhou's house, he could only fight Jian Yuhua?"

Xuanyuan Hongzhi frowned and said: "In the Zhou family, this son must have hidden his strength. He has grown to this stage, and if he is given another year or two, he will definitely become the champion of the martial arts. Dad is not afraid of the eight-step crazy sword, but the overlord gun is pure. He is a fool, his father is weaker than him at the same level, and he is young and strong. If he can't beat him by then, I, Junshantai, will probably be expelled from the world..."

Yao Wenzhong knew that tigers were a problem, so he thought about it and said:
"I'm afraid it will be difficult to kill the two of us. Let Master come over, and the movement is too loud..."

Xuanyuan Hongzhi said: "I'll contact some more people, and try to take this opportunity to get rid of him directly in Wuzhou, so as not to have long nights and dreams, and this really makes this son a leader..."

Seeing this, Yao Wenzhong didn't say much, and left Wushan quickly together with Xuanyuan Hongzhi...
On the other side, outside Jianyang city.

With the sound of the horn, more than a dozen official ships full of imperial troops slowly approached the port outside the city.

Officials and generals from all over the country who had received the news waited at the port ahead of time in order to claim credit from the imperial court, and put on a posture of welcoming them from ten miles away.

Pulled by the tracker, the majestic treasure ship slowly leaned towards the shore, the pedals were lowered from the deck, and countless forbidden soldiers came out and lined up on both sides.

Then Dongfang Liren, dressed in a silver python robe, walked in the front with a dragon-patterned sword hanging on his waist, majestic and noble.Behind is the real Xuanji dressed as a Taoist priest from Yuxu Mountain, and the empress dowager who is looking around curiously with a veil.

"Meet His Royal Highness Prince Jing!"

Countless local officials on the shore did not even dare to raise their heads when facing the sister of the empress, but just bowed in salute.

Dongfang Liren didn't feel any disturbance in his heart for such a small scene. He took the six courtiers who disembarked, walked up to the waiting Wuzhou officials, and asked calmly:
"How is the situation in Wuzhou?"

Among the crowd, an old official standing in front quickly stepped forward, bowed his hands and responded respectfully:
"Your Majesty, everything in Wuzhou is safe and sound, all the private troops under King Wu have surrendered, and the people have not suffered any harm..."

Dongfang came all the way from the National People's Congress, and she obviously didn't want to hear the news that she had known for a long time. She frowned and asked:

"Wu Wang's whereabouts can be found?"

A general from Zezhou who was standing next to him had a lot of winks, and hurriedly stepped forward to respond:

"Your Highness, the last general of Zhennan Army, Hou Yong, will be assisted by Ye Jingtang Ye, the deputy commander of the Hei Ya, in the near future, to wipe out Huang Yulong, Xiao Shicheng and other remnants of Wu Wang in the Yueyue Tower, capture more than 150 bandits, and seize the property and houses. Countless, rescued more than [-] people who were imprisoned... The bandits were detained in the prison of Jianyang City, waiting for His Highness to look over and interrogate..."


When Dongfang Liren heard this, he immediately stood up a little bit, with approval in his eyes.

After all, the Deputy Commander of the Hei Ya is her right-hand man. In front of the six courtiers and Wuzhou officials, he said that he was assisted in making meritorious service by the Hei Ya, which is to praise her for her ability to employ people and her ability to handle affairs. This is something that gives her face.

Sure enough, as soon as the military officer finished reporting the matter of Xianyue Tower, the six important ministers nearby showed surprise and began to praise Dongfang Liren for his swift and resolute actions.

Dongfang Liren was quite satisfied, but he still showed no signs of anger or emotion, and just nodded slightly:

"General Hou and his soldiers have worked hard."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Military officer Hou Yong continued to speak loudly: "Today at noon, Master Ye Jing Tang Ye sent a message that King Wu was found in the mountains a hundred miles away. He will send two thousand troops to encircle and suppress him. He has just received an urgent report and the scouts have already arrived. After catching up with King Wu's relatives, Yujia, the leader of the bandits in Wuzhou Jianghu, was beheaded and killed. If there is no accident, King Wu can be arrested and brought to justice before tomorrow night..."


As soon as this remark came out, the Wuzhou officials present were a little confused. They did not expect that the military officer in Zezhou would almost arrest King Wu without making a sound; Don't have any dry rice bags?

And the six important ministers behind also showed surprise, among them the chief official of the Ministry of Punishment said:
"Your Highness, this Commander Ye is the Ye Shen who cracked the case of Wu Wang's son in the capital? This ability to handle the case really makes the old minister feel ashamed..."

"It is said that Commander Ye has opened the 'Eye of the Sky', and the prophet can predict things like a god, and now it seems that his reputation is really well-deserved..."

"Your Highness can use such capable people for himself, this skill is really extraordinary..."

Dongfang Liren didn't expect that Lord Tangtang would really arrange things in a mess before she arrived, and let her come here just to be worshiped by his courtiers, and he was still a little bit flustered.

After listening to the flattery of his courtiers for a while, Dongfang Liren said a few words of courtesy, rewarded the military officer with long eyes, and took his attendants into the carriage.

The Empress Dowager has been very reticent to speak, until she boarded Dongfang Liren's chariot, she said with surprise in her eyes:
"The Ye Jingtang is so powerful? It's only been a few days, and the matter is almost over."

"Yejingtang has always been quick to do things. If he comes one day late, he might catch King Wu and wait at the port."

Hearing that the soldiers and horses were besieging King Wu, the distance was only a hundred miles, not too far, so Dongfang Liren couldn't help but want to have a sense of participation, so he went to Wushan to suppress the bandits himself.To this end he said:

"Master, you accompany the queen mother around Jianyang City, and I will take the imperial army to Wushan to see the situation."

Appearing with hundreds of forbidden troops, although the security is extremely high, it is difficult to prevent the top masters from single-handedly capturing the king, and there is still a risk.

Although Master Xuanji was a little worried about the embarrassment after bumping into Yejingtang, but with each other's identities, they should bump into each other sooner or later, so they thought about it and responded:

"I'll go with you."

"What about this palace?"

"Warring is not a child's play, the queen mother sleeps well."




Let’s take a good rest after the sun is up. After staying up for a few days and nights, I suddenly felt so weak yesterday that I couldn’t stand up, and my mind was a mess (>_<)
(End of this chapter)

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