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Chapter 204 Hitting the muzzle of the gun...

Chapter 204 Hitting the muzzle of the gun...

Before you know it, it's late at night.

The [-] officers and soldiers in the mountain depression crossed the mountains and passed the Fulong Cave. Standing on the top of the mountain, they could vaguely see the flames everywhere in the depths of the mountains.

On the unnamed mountain, there was a dim light in the cave. Pei Xiangjun patrolled outside the entrance of the cave with a spear, and sometimes took out his binoculars to observe the movement deep in the mountains.

Luo Ning stood at the entrance of the cave with her arms folded, carefully observing Ye Jingtang's expression.

Ye Jingtang sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and concentrated in concentration. He had been motionless for an hour, his upper body turned light red, wisps of white mist appeared on his forehead, and the whole cave was hot.

Although the qi and blood in the body are so surging that the blood vessels are swollen a bit, the effect of Xuehuhua's pulse protection is quite terrifying. The qi veins are stretched by the turbulent energy, and the tiny cracks that appear will recover in the blink of an eye, and you can't even feel the pain , the dark red marks on the back have returned to their original state.

As the Qi channels of the whole body are opened up, expanded, and consolidated, Ye Jingtang feels more and more special—the Qi channels from the front midline to the back spine are originally connected but there is something blocking them. After a certain critical point, people feel as if they have passed through a gap, and the situation suddenly becomes clear, with clear ears and eyes, and the whole person seems to be somewhat transparent.

Ye Jingtang felt that he should have opened up the meridians of his whole body. Leaving aside other things for the time being, his hearing alone had made a leap. There was a feeling that he was running the Tianhe Sword Technique all the time. Even in the woods outside the cave, the birds and tits were talking nonsense Gu Gu Ji Ji can be heard clearly.

However, there are obviously problems. Ye Jingtang can clearly feel the exuberant energy and blood in the body, and there is nowhere to vent. The body is a little uncomfortable. There is an inexplicable hot feeling from the inside to the outside. I really want to find someone to do it. Women are best, men also……

Inside the cave, there was a faint hot breeze, Ye Jingtang's long hair fluttered slightly, and his whole body was extremely peaceful.

Luo Ning didn't know Ye Jingtang's actual feelings, only felt that Ye Jingtang's body hadn't moved, but his aura had changed drastically.

It's like a sitting person suddenly turned into a stone without any waves, no one shows any edge, but it gives people an invisible pressure, this feeling...

It's a bit like Bai Jin who is meditating...

Luo Ning blinked her eyes, and was carefully observing Ye Jingtang's complexion when she suddenly heard a voice from a distance:

Luo Ning's eyes narrowed slightly, and she heard that it was a bird watching in the woods. When she found a suspicious target approaching, judging from the sound, it was half a mile to the north.

Luo Ning did not look in the direction of the target, but aimed at Pei Xiangjun not far away.

Pei Xiangjun also heard Niao Niao's signal, turned around calmly, and returned to the vicinity of the cave entrance. He looked at the details in the woods from the corner of his eye, but after careful inspection for a long time, he did not find any abnormalities in the distant woods.

Sensing that his opponent's martial arts were unfathomable, Pei Xiangjun didn't rush to startle the snake, but just stood guard outside the cave with Luo Ning, giving Ye Jingtang time to recuperate...
During the King Wu's rebellion, there were many forces who came to dismember the corpse after smelling the wind. Now most of them have risen, and some have even retreated. However, the Yanzhou forces that arrived first have not moved for a long time.

The reason why no action was launched was not because there was any terrifying plan in Yanzhou, but because the people sent here were not strong enough.

Between the mountains and fields, Lu Feng, head of Jieyun Palace, wearing a bamboo hat on his head, followed the traces of the Junshan knife on the ground, and slowly touched a forest on the hillside.

Lu Feng came here this time, not under the order of King Yan.King Yan threw King Wu out as cannon fodder, and after confirming the current situation of the empress, he had already got what he wanted, and was not interested in the remaining value of King Wu at all.

But Jieyun Palace is not the case. Lu Feng's elder brother, Lu Jieyun, the overlord of Yanzhou, has been secretly injured for unknown reasons in recent years. All kinds of panacea can't cure it, so he can only collect various precious medicinal materials for nourishing the sutras and protecting the body. the state of the body.

When Lu Jieyun fell, Jieyun Palace collapsed, and this matter was not even dared to spread, only Lu Feng and other brothers knew about it.

Qi meridians are the foundation of warriors, and the best medicinal material for nourishing meridians and protecting meridians is Snow Lake Flower.Therefore, after confirming that King Wu had 'Xuehu Powder' in his hand, Lu Feng was determined to get it.

Lu Feng has been wandering around the Fulong Cave these days, making up all kinds of excuses, trying to get a prescription from Bai Siming; but Bai Siming was desperate, and his mouth was very rigid, and he would not stalk the eagle if he saw a rabbit.

Before Lu Feng could wait for Wu Wang and others to let go, the government had already killed him today.

Just now in the treasure hunting conflict, Lu Feng has been lurking on the distant mountains and watching from a distance. It can be confirmed that the people who came are Beiliang Pirates, the two masters of Junshantai, and Ye Silang from Honghualou.

Lu Feng Qinggong's physical skills are far superior to ordinary people, but his frontal combat power is not as good as those reckless sects like Junshantai. From the beginning to the end, he didn't even find a chance to enter the field, so he could only keep a close eye on him.

After some conflicts, the medicine book finally fell into the hands of Ye Silang of Honghualou, and Ye Silang used the move of "Fengchi Reversed Blood" to damage himself by [-]. Now his combat power is estimated to be less than [-]%, and he is in the cave recuperate.

After "scrutinizing the situation" for a long time, Lu Feng felt that Ye Silang was recovering from his injuries, and it was very possible to get the prescription. Maybe he could take that "Tianlangzhu" back to study.

For this reason, Lu Feng lowered his breath, and quietly walked in from the woods, his eyes were on the two fish guards outside the cave.

The two guards are both women. From Lu Feng's point of view, they should be accompanying concubines who help carry guns during the day and night, and their combat effectiveness is average.

When Lu Feng was still thirty feet away, he lifted his cloak slightly, revealing the flying knives and flying needles hanging on his waist, took out two flying needles, moved his fingers slightly, and then...


In the woods under the moonlight, there were two crackling winds, the movement was so small that even the slightest carelessness might not be able to detect it.

But as soon as the flying needle passed through the dense bushes, the sound of the sharp blade being unsheathed sounded from the night:

Luo Ning raised her wrist lightly, and the three-foot soft sword was already out of its sheath, with a silver arc in mid-air, sweeping in the direction where the silver needle came from.

ding ding-

Two sparks burst out in the night sky, and then the flying needle broke into two pieces and stuck on the ground.

Luo Ning lightly pulled the edge of her sword and pointed at the ground, looked at the dark forest in the distance, and said coldly:

"Who? Come out!"

Pei Xiangjun noticed that the hidden people had unfathomable martial arts skills, so he glanced at Ye Jingtang who was meditating in the cave from the corner of his eye, and then stood beside Luo Ning with guns in both hands.


Soon, there was a soft sound of breaking wind in the woods ahead.

Lu Feng, who was wearing a blue cloak, jumped up from the forest lightly, and stood firmly on the tiptoes of the green leaves. He raised his bamboo hat slightly, revealing his firm chin:

"Heh... I didn't expect her skills to be pretty good."

Seeing this scene, Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning narrowed their eyes.

Although I didn't see the face of the person coming, but this extraordinary lightness kung fu that can stand on the leaves of the foot, except for Yanshan Jieyunzong, there is almost no other one.

Even in Yanshan Jieyun Palace, there are only a few high-level masters who can practice lightness kung fu to this level.

Pei Xiangjun's frontal combat prowess is good, but the disciples of Jieyun Palace generally don't confront others head-on.

The dominance of Jie Yunzong is that he has practiced lightness kung fu to the extreme, and can step on the tip of the opponent's knife to fly into the air again.

For this reason, when people from Jieyun Palace fight, they usually circle the sky without touching the ground. If they are not completely sure, they will run away when they find something is wrong. It can be said that they can advance and retreat freely.

Pei Xiangjun is not good at light work, and Luo Ning is not good at light work. Facing the leader of Jieyun Palace, he will probably stand on the ground and defend passively until the opponent seizes the opportunity, or the opponent takes the initiative to retreat.

Feeling that it was not easy to fight, Pei Xiangjun did not take the initiative to attack, and asked:

"Your Excellency is from Jieyun Palace?"

Lu Feng stood lightly on the treetop, and said calmly:
"It doesn't matter who I am. If you make a rash visit and only ask for one thing, copy Xuehusan's prescription and give it to me, and I will leave."

Luo Ning said coldly: "What if we don't give it?"


Lu Feng directly stepped on the canopy and walked forward slowly:
"Ye Silang used Fengchi against the blood. Forced action will hurt the foundation. You two alone can't help me. The prescription was snatched by you from Honghualou. Copy a copy to me. Everyone is happy and can't see clearly. The situation, beware of the shortage of people and money.”

Pei Xiangjun may not be able to catch up with the people from Jieyun Palace, but he really has nothing to worry about guarding the gate with a big gun, and said flatly:
"Things that have no owner, whoever has the most ability will belong to whomever you want. If you want it, just come and get it."

Lu Feng shook hands behind his back, although he couldn't see what was going on in the cave, Ye Silang didn't come out after talking for a long time, which meant that he was healing his wounds and couldn't get angry.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng stopped talking, moved his hands slightly behind his back, and then...


There was a sudden shock above the canopy, and countless green leaves flew into the air.

Lu Feng's hands on his back were thrown forward, and six snowflake darts drew irregular arcs in midair, intertwined with each other, and shot towards the two people in front of the cave from six directions.


Seeing this figure, Luo Ning flew straight into the air, and the Weeping Water Sword in her hand spun like a windmill, guarding against everything in front of her, and immediately chopped down three snowflake darts.

Pei Xiangjun's style of play is much wider and wider. The Overlord Spear in his hand swept across the air, and the strong wind pulled up instantly brought the darts and branches and leaves that shot from the side, and then the spear suddenly pierced the ground nearly three inches.


The next moment, Pei Xiangjun kicked the barrel of the gun violently with his right foot, causing the Overlord Gun to bend instantly, and then bounced out of the ground.


Amidst the explosion, a groove was formed on the ground, and countless soil and gravel splashed out, shooting towards the crown of the tree.

Pei Xiangjun's figure almost rushed out following countless dirt and gravel, and he had already shortened the distance by several feet in the blink of an eye, wanting to surprise and get close.

However, due to the school he learned, Lu Feng couldn't face the big gun head-on. When he shot the dart, his figure shot up into the sky, his hands kept popping forward, and dozens of hidden weapons of all kinds shot from the night sky to the ground.

clap clap clap-

But in an instant, countless pits were punched out on the ground.

Pei Xiangjun spun his gun like a tornado, defending himself from the hidden weapons coming from above, and when Lu Feng vacated and fell, his legs shook suddenly.

boom -

Amidst the explosion, Pei Xiangjun shot up into the sky with the gun tail in his right hand, and pierced Lu Feng's landing point straight in the air.

But Jie Yunzong is definitely not in vain.

When Lu Feng was falling, he threw two throwing knives in the air, and he pinched the stabbing spear accurately with his feet together. Before the terrifying force penetrated his body, he jumped up into the sky again.


Pei Xiangjun spun around in the air a few times to avoid the flying knives, and realized that he couldn't find an opponent who was good at cutting clouds, so he moved around on the ground looking for an opportunity, waiting for Lu Feng to make a mistake and fall down.

But Luo Ning was holding a soft sword, and since his lightness skill was not as good as the opponent's, it was very risky to get close. The first time he started, he picked up the strong bow that was placed at the entrance of the cave, and opened the bow and set the arrow.


Several feathered arrows pierced through the air, sending out sharp whistles in the night sky, forcing Lu Feng's position.

Lu Feng's light kung fu has been mastered, stepping on or even touching the arrows, he shifted greatly in the air, looking from the ground, it looks like a fly scurrying around in the air, dropping two throwing knives from time to time.

sassy sassy...

The two sides kept exchanging throwing objects, it seemed that Lu Feng was able to do anything with ease, while Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning were helpless.

But in fact Lu Feng didn't have much to do with the two people on the ground. He originally wanted to rely on supernatural lightness skills to find opportunities, but after flying a few times in the sky, he found that the two people below didn't seem to be ordinary Xiangzhu hall masters.

Whether it is Luo Ning's Jiugongbu or Pei Xiangjun's gun frame, they are obviously very good martial arts. The frame is as stable as a rock, and it is likely to suffer if you rush forward without a hidden weapon.

For this reason, Lu Feng could only rely on Jueyun to float back and forth in the air, waiting for the two people below to make mistakes first to give them a chance. On the way, in order to disturb the opponent, he even put on a confident air and sneered:

"Small tricks, dare to show your shame in front of this old man, I will give you one last chance, don't force this old man to be serious..."


In the middle of the conversation, there was a sudden loud noise from the ground, and the whole mountain seemed to shake.

Luo Ning was setting her bow and arrow, when suddenly she felt the energy in the cave behind her explode, and then the cave entrance exploded directly above.


Then, the man with his upper body naked, carried a sky full of dirt and gravel, and slanted away through the air, like a black lightning bolt, he arrived in front of Lu Feng in an instant.

Lu Feng stared coldly at the two people on the ground. From the corner of his eye, he saw the mountain exploding. Before he could react, there was a handsome and indifferent face in front of him, looking down at him.

! !
Although the other party didn't speak for a short moment, Lu Feng still felt the emotion in the other party's eyes - what kind of rubbish...

As soon as Lu Feng dropped the dart, his pupils shrank suddenly, and before he could stop and slap out a palm, a terrifying force came from his back!
Ye Jingtang rushed into the air like an eagle hitting the sky, and when he passed by, his elbow went down like an elbow.

Although he was not wearing a shirt, and the robe on his arm was not shattered by Qi Jin, but just after this move was made, there was still a deafening roar in the air.

Amidst the muffled sound, Lu Feng, who was unable to block from the beginning to the end, was like a fly swatted to the ground by a fly swatter, drawing a vertical line in the air and directly smashing a hole in the mountain.


Lu Feng fell into the ground and let out a muffled groan. Although it was only for a moment, he still knew that he had bumped into a warrior-level figure. He was horrified and confused, but his movements were not slow at all. The moment he landed, he endured the pain and fled frantically towards the mountains. .


In the eyes of Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning, this scene is like an afterimage shot out from the cave, and then Lu Feng, who was floating in the sky, fell to the ground at a frightening speed, and then rushed towards the mountains and forests, drawing a right angle vertically, as fast as Shadows remain.

Lu Feng's lightness kung fu is extremely good, and his explosive speed has been raised to the extreme even under the desperate effort.

But just after rushing out a few feet, I heard a muffled sound of stomping on the ground from behind.


Almost at the same moment as the explosion came, there was severe pain in the right ankle, as if being clamped by a dragon python, and then a terrifying pulling force like a cracking car came from the leg.

! !
Lu Feng was terrified in his heart, and immediately waved his hand violently, holding several flying needles in his right hand and wanted to sprinkle them behind him, but before the poisonous needles were thrown out, he lost his balance under the huge inertia.

bang bang bang-

Ye Jingtang chased after Lu Feng, grabbed his right leg with one hand, slammed it back and forth on the ground a few times, made two dents in the left and right mud, and then slammed back.


Lu Feng flew out in a circle in an instant, hit a few floats on the mountain, and finally hung upside down in a bush with his head down and his feet upside down, and there was no movement on the spot.

The barren mountains and wild mountains also suddenly became quiet at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Pei Xiangjun opened his mouth, his eyes couldn't be more shocked.

Luo Ning widened her eyes, and looked back at the cave, as if to confirm whether the fierce man with disheveled hair outside was her man.


Ye Jingtang's whole body was so hot that it was hard to describe it. The moment the battle ended, the indifference in his eyes disappeared and turned into a mess of emotions. He even raised his hands and rubbed his face, then walked quickly towards Lu Feng.

Pei Xiangjun was still in a daze at first, but when he saw Ye Jingtang breathing heavily, swallowing saliva, and walking towards Lu Feng with his eyes full of desire, he woke up instantly, came to him quickly, and grabbed Ye Jingtang's wrist:
"Jing Tang, you... are you alright?"

Ye Jingtang felt that something was wrong, he hadn't finished digesting the medicine, and his blood was extremely strong, when Sanniang touched him, he felt agitated in his heart, and he hugged Sanniang in disbelief, on the moon pinched:

"Fortunately, it's just that the blood in the body is too strong, and I feel panicked..."

Pei Xiangjun was jolted by the merciless hand, but he didn't escape, he just held Ye Jingtang's waist to check his pulse:
"You are in such a hurry to find Ning'er, why do you look at a man with such eyes..."

Ye Jingtang felt very bored, and he didn't know what his eyes were, anyway, all he could think about was Ning'er crying and begging for mercy.He suppressed his mind and turned to look at Sanniang:
"What about now? Are your eyes normal?"

Luo Ning saw Ye Jingtang's eyes looking at Sanniang almost wanting to spit fire, as if she wanted to eat Sanniang in one bite, then she understood that the little thief was too angry and would probably hold her down later to make her half-dead.

But at this time, Luo Ning, the poor daughter-in-law, could do nothing but have no regrets. She quickly came to the front, and touched Ye Jingtang's chest muscles that throbbed from time to time:

"You look like a bull now... you little thief!"

Before finishing a sentence, Luo Ning was also hugged.

Ye Jingtang held the moon in one hand, feeling that his mind was a little unconscious, and his hands were completely useless.He suppressed his mind, tried his best to look calm, and looked at the bushes:
"Who is this?"

"I don't know, it looks like someone from Jieyun Palace... I have no brains, I don't have any real skills, and I came here to take advantage of the fire..."

Ye Jingtang let go of the two girls, came to the bushes, and looked down.

The bushes were smashed into a groove, and Lu Feng was covered in tattered green robes, hanging upside down on the branches and leaves. Judging from the twisted condition of his body, his calf was broken and a few teeth were missing. He was grinning crookedly. , issued from the throat:

Ye Jingtang wanted to interrogate him, but he didn't kill the killer, but when he looked carefully, he saw that this person's face was black and blue, his breath was too much and his breath was too little, and it was obvious that he was not going to live long, so he couldn't help frowning:
"This is a dead man, committed suicide?"

Pei Xiangjun didn't feel like it. After careful inspection, he found that there were several black needles stuck in this person's right hand, and his right hand had turned purple...


Pei Xiangjun was speechless: "It's not a dead man. It's useless to use a concealed weapon. It's poisonous to poke your hand. If you do many injustices, you will kill yourself. Don't waste the Baihuang Pill to save it."

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to ask about this person's background, but these seem to be clear, it is completely unnecessary to waste wound medicine to save a self-inflicted miscellaneous fish, and he didn't bother to care about it at the moment, turned around and said:
"Forget it, let's go, I feel that my mind is not clear, what will I do to you in the wilderness later, you can't stop me even if you scream..."

Luo Ning felt that Ye Jingtang's dry breath was indeed a bit terrifying, she hesitated a little, and her cold and beautiful eyes showed a bit of grievance and annoyance:

"Little thief, you took medicine and made it like this, I... how can I help you? Just forget about exhausting me..."

Pei Xiangjun picked up a few weapons and whispered:
"As the saying goes: there are only exhausted cows, but no plowed land..."

Luo Ning was very angry when she heard these bastard words:
"Don't just talk sarcasticly, why don't you try it yourself and see if he can kill you?"

How could Pei Xiangjun answer such a question, he helped Ye Jingtang carry the big gun, and walked quickly to the outside of the mountain:
"Let's find a town to live in first. It looks like Jingtang, the fire will definitely not go away in two or three days..."

two or three days...

Luo Ning bit her lower lip, her mind was so full of what to do, she didn't even have the mood to speak...


Thank you [Black Tongue Candy] boss for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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