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Chapter 205 Town along the river

Chapter 205 Town along the river
In the dead of night, three figures galloped across the mountains, heading towards the small town outside the mountains.

The medicine in Ye Jingtang's body has not yet been digested, and the energy is still surging, but the effect is not great, but the body's dryness and heat are getting more and more intense. He didn't even wear clothes while walking, and even jumped into the stream to get wet all over his body, but just now After walking a few steps ashore, the water evaporated.

Because his body was too hot, Niao Niao refused to squat on his shoulders, and just flew ahead to explore the way; Sanniang and Ning'er helped him wipe the sweat off his face from time to time.

After walking for more than 20 miles and about to leave the mountains and arrive at a nearby town, Ye Jingtang looked out and saw a long fire in Hongshan Town seven or eight miles away. It seemed that there was a team of hundreds of people. Walking with torches.

Pei Xiangjun stopped, stood on a high place and looked with a telescope:
"The unicorn armor...it looks like the forbidden army in the capital."

Ye Jingtang was quite surprised, but according to the time, the official ship of the imperial court was about to arrive. He came to the front, put his chin on Sanniang's shoulder, and looked through the binoculars - there were more than 300 people in black light armor in the town. There is a carriage in the middle of the elite imperial army, and there is no figure in it, but the imperial army can accompany it as an escort, and there is a high probability that it is Prince Jing.

Ye Jingtang got the formula of 'Snow Lake Powder', and according to Yu Hu's explanation, he should send the prescription back to the capital as soon as possible, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles, and immediately said:
"Let's go, meet up in the past."

Luo Ning knew that it was safe to join the court soldiers and horses, but Ye Jingtang's red face now...

"Little thief, if you go to see Prince Jing now, nothing will happen, will you?"


Ye Jingtang wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, feeling slightly:

"There are so many people in the town, it's impossible for me to do anything to King Jing in the street. Daoist Xuanji is Master Jing Wang, and maybe he is also here. Find an inn in the town to stay, and I will come as soon as I go."

Luo Ning saw that Ye Jingtang's mind was not confused, so she didn't say much, but told:
"Don't lure Master Xuanji here. If I was found out, I would say that you use force, and I was forced to give you the saddle..."

"Understood, you go to the inn to clean up for nothing..."



The wheels of the luxury carriage run over the old street along the river, where the green mountains and green waters are on both sides of the town. The town is lined up along the mountain wall. There is only one street from south to north, and there are few lights between the houses.

Three hundred elite guards, riding war horses and holding torches, walked on the streets; there were also a few black police officers who walked around the streets and alleys with hounds. Although they were well prepared, they had not yet reached the foot of Mount Wu. Already have a feeling of being exhausted by boats and cars.

In the spacious carriage, Dongfang Liren was wearing a fat-headed dragon python robe, sitting upright with his back straight, looking at the mountains and fields in the distance, his eyes changed from the enthusiasm of the new official to the current helplessness.

Arrived in Jianyang at dusk, heard that officers and soldiers were suppressing bandits hundreds of miles away, and Dongfang was very close to people thinking about it, so I wanted to lead a team to participate.

It turned out that the one hundred miles in Wuzhou was really different from the one in Yunzhou.

The two prefectures of Yunze are both large plains, and they follow straight lines everywhere, and they are all flat roads. Baili said that there is no problem in front of the gate.

But Wuzhou is different, as far as the eyes can see are the mountains, the townships and official roads are built along the mountains, and if you walk around for a quarter of an hour, you may find yourself on the opposite side of the mountain.

Dongfang Liren was not tired sitting in the carriage, but the imperial army and horses who had just arrived outside obviously couldn't support her such a forced march. Judging from the current situation, it would be difficult to go into the mountain to help search tonight, so I had to let the accompanying imperial army Set up camp on the spot.

The real Xuanji is also sitting in the carriage, wearing a white skirt, leaning on the beauty couch, with a tall figure and unstained temperament, she looks like a beautiful princess who accompanied the prince on an expedition.

But Xuanji's demeanor is not very dignified, she props her face with her hand, holds a wine gourd in her right hand, and takes a sip when she has nothing to do, her cheeks are already flushed, and her eyes are also half-drunk.

Dongfang Liren couldn't do anything about Master Jiumengzi. When he was checking the situation in the town, he suddenly heard a burst of voices from the street outside:

The familiar bird chirps from far to near, and then a big white ball swooped down from under the silver moon, crossed half of the street in the blink of an eye, and landed by the car window.


Dongfang Liren's eyes brightened slightly, he picked up the bird and looked back and forth:

"Why are you here? Where's Nightmare Hall?"

Niao Niao was going to ask Fat-Headed Snake's sister for food, but immediately found that there seemed to be a heartless sister next to her.


The last time Niao Niao called Ye Jing Tang to save people, but the demon sister ignored her, she really held a grudge in her heart, she turned her head and ignored her, and just waved her wings to the entrance of the town.

Master Xuanji recognized that this was Ye Jingtang's battle pet, knew that Ye Jingtang was nearby, and was afraid of being embarrassed later, so he got up and said:

"Go out for a walk as a teacher, you should summon your subordinates first."

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren naturally did not stop him. After the master left silently, he looked up at the entrance of the town, and saw a man with a long gun in his hand and disheveled hair, walking quickly as if he was fleeing, and he was still talking to the black Ya Zong he knew along the way. Say hello.

Seeing Ye Jingtang's 'battle-scarred' appearance, Dongfang Liren admired it but also felt a little distressed, and hurriedly said to the maid waiting outside the carriage:
"Go get a clean robe and get hot water ready..."

"Good Your Majesty..."
The small town along the river is only a few hundred families from south to north.

Because King Jing ordered not to disturb the people, the Imperial Army who had come from afar at this time was laying down on the street to rest on the ground. It was almost autumn and the weather was cool. Apart from sleeping uncomfortable, there were no major problems.

Wearing a tattered robe, Ye Jingtang walked across the street with a dragon-firing gun in his hand, greeted the chief black yamen he knew along the way, and then arrived at the carriage in the center of the town unimpeded.

The carriage was parked outside an inn with a good environment. There were some maids and guards packing up the inn so that Prince Jing could settle down temporarily. For safety reasons, it had to be emptied and checked carefully. It hadn't been packed yet, and Dongfang Liren was still in the carriage.

As soon as Ye Jingtang walked nearby, he saw the lights on in the car window. He was sitting at the window stupidly, feeding the birds with snacks. When he saw him, his eyes were obviously happy, but in order to maintain the posture of the queen, Still deliberately pretending to be unsmiling and cold, waiting.

Ye Jingtang smashed the Dragon Spear on the ground, and said with a smile:
"Your Highness, are you here so soon?"

"Just arrived in the afternoon. Come up."

After Dongfang Liren nodded in return, he looked at Ye Jingtang's sweaty face and blushing face, and said in confusion:
"Did you just get into a fight?"

"I found King Wu's whereabouts in the afternoon, and fought and killed for half the night. The officers and soldiers are chasing King Wu, so they shouldn't be able to escape..."

Ye Jingtang entered the carriage, sat down on the beauty couch, wiped the sweat off his face, took out a yellowed booklet from his belt, and handed it to Dongfang Liren:

"This is a good thing I found today. It contains a formula of 'Xuehu powder', which can replace Xuehu flowers. This thing is very important. Your Highness had better extract a copy now and arrange for someone to send it back to the capital..."

"Snow Lake San..."

Dongfang Liren took the medicine book and looked at it. Knowing that it was very important, he put it in his arms, then took the sweat towel, got up and sat in front of Ye Jingtang, and helped wipe the sweat from his forehead. His voice was majestic:

"I asked you to come over to assist in the investigation, but I didn't ask you to risk your life. Why are you so tired..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Ye Jingtang was dizzy from the restless energy and blood, which was normal at first, but the bright and charming Da Benben sat in front of him, a faint fragrance came to his face, and the flaming red lips were close at hand, his mind was a little distracted at that time.

Seeing Liren helping to wipe the sweat, Ye Jingtang subconsciously let go of his hand, and naturally landed on his plump body that he shouldn't have touched randomly...

Dongfang Liren felt the fiery touch coming from the back of his waist, his shoulders trembled slightly, and he sat up a little bit, his heroic eyes staring at Ye Jingtang in disbelief.


Ye Jingtang took a fierce look, only to realize that his hand was not in the right place, he quickly raised his hand, and patted the hem of the boa robe skirt that was pinched in disarray:

"Sorry, I was distracted..."

? !
Everyone in Dongfang Li was stunned. They never expected that Ye Jingtang would dare to blatantly despise her when there were hundreds of forbidden soldiers outside. What should people do if they saw her? !

"The Nightmare Hall!"

Dongfang Liren raised his brows upside down, grabbed Ye Jingtang's wrist, and said coldly:
"Aren't you insane? Don't think that you can be arrogant and lawless because you have made a small contribution when you go out to do errands. Do you really think that this king will not punish you?"

Ye Jingtang also felt that he was a bit lawless, and raised his hand to explain:
"I took the wrong medicine, and my mind is not so clear, don't blame your Highness..."

"Take the wrong medicine?"

Dongfang Liren looked at Ye Jingtang's frightened appearance, it really seemed like he had taken the wrong medicine, she held Ye Jingtang's wrist:
"Are you poisoned? What poison? Aphrodisiac?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "It's not an aphrodisiac either. I used a elixir similar to the 'Da Bu Dan' in a fight with King Wu just now, but it turned out to be too much. There is no big problem, it's just... um... essence Go up the brain, the anger is heavier..."

Dongfang Liren took his pulse carefully, and found that Ye Jingtang's energy and blood were surging abnormally, but it was generally all right, so he asked:
"What now?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes moved down involuntarily, and landed on the majestic fat-headed dragon, and quickly moved away:

"It's nothing, I'll just go back and take a shower..."

Dongfang Liren lowered his head and looked at his chest, and didn't blame Ye Jingtang of 'Ying Gong Chinese Medicine', got up and said:
"There is bath water prepared, you take a bath and change clothes first, the king will ask the doctor to come over and show you."

When Ye Jingtang heard about taking a bath, he couldn't help but recall the impact of the flesh bombs in the Canyang Pool, and his eyes were always aimed at Liren's body. In order to prevent his hands and feet from being unruly, he simply hugged and rubbed the bird who had eaten zero hours:
"I'm not sick, it's because I have too much energy and blood. If the doctor sees it, I probably can't tell you anything else. How about I go back first and visit His Highness tomorrow..."

Dongfang has been separated for so many days, and finally saw Ye Jingtang, without saying a word, and Ye Jingtang looked abnormal, how could she make Ye Jingtang leave, and stretched out her hand to snatch the bird:
"You go take a shower first."

Ye Jingtang was yelled at by Li Ren, so he couldn't say much, and stooped out of the carriage.

Dongfang Liren put the bird next to the snack box and let it continue to eat. After tidying up the python skirt, he got out of the carriage dignifiedly and entered the inn.

The shopkeeper in the inn has been relocated. Guards are standing around as guards, and inside are four accompanying maids rushing up and down, preparing Dongfangli's sleeping room and hot water.

huh huh huh~~
Dongfang Liren heard the sound of pouring water from the second floor, so he took Ye Jingtang upstairs and told the maid who was busy inside:
"Serve Mr. Ye to take a bath. You go and ask Doctor Zhang to come over."


The eyes of the two maids inside lit up when they saw Mr. Ye coming, and they hurriedly wanted to help him undress.

Ye Jingtang was impatient, afraid of doing something absurd to molest the maid, so he raised his hand and declined:
"No, I'll just wash it myself. Your Highness, make a copy of the 'Xuehu San' prescription and send someone back to the capital immediately. This is very important, so don't lose it."

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren didn't say much, after Ye Jingtang entered, he went to the next room to copy the prescription.

After Ye Jingtang closed the door, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, tore off his robe two or three times, put the saber, medicine clip and other items on the table, and looked down—standing like a white jade pillar that held up the sky, and horizontally like a sea Purple tendon beam...

I go……

Ye Jingtang rubbed his forehead, looked around, and came behind the screen.

The room was an ordinary room in an inn, and there were not many furnishings at all, but in order for Prince Jing to have a good rest, a large bathtub was brought in and flower petals were sprinkled inside.

Ye Jingtang stood in front of the tub, and rolled directly into it, burying his face in the water, trying to calm down.

In the end, the maid was too caring, and what was prepared was still warm water. Instead of clearing her mind, she felt full and warm and thinking about it...


Ye Jingtang emerged from the water, thinking about sitting cross-legged in the bathtub, forcing himself into meditation, and readjusting the messy breath in his body...
Among the mountains across the river.

Dressed in a snow-colored white dress, the real Xuanji sat alone among the canopies of trees, shaking a red wine gourd in his hand, and his clear peach blossom eyes fell on the window paper of the inn in the distance.

The dim candlelight in the room cast a silhouette of a man on the window paper. Although he couldn't see the real person, he had broad shoulders and a perfect waist...


Master Xuanji thought this scene was pleasing to the eye, but as a monk, she shouldn't look at it randomly, so she cast her eyes elsewhere, with three points of doubt in her heart.

As one of the top three characters in the eight chiefs, Xuanji's real eyesight is far beyond comparison. Although Ye Jingtang's breath is chaotic, she can still see that this kid seems to have suddenly opened up the veins of his whole body, forming a "Little Zhou Tian" in his body, stepping into the world. The threshold for becoming Wukui.

Although compared with the eight serious martial arts leaders in the world, Ye Jingtang is still young, and there is a gap in martial arts attainments, combat experience, and rivers and lakes experience, but this kid's understanding is too exaggerated, and he wants to complete the feat of replacing the old and the new. , I guess it won't take too long.

This growth rate cannot be achieved by talent and hard work alone. Based on Master Xuanji's understanding of warriors, this kid must have encountered a once-in-a-lifetime "big opportunity", which led to another leap forward in just a day or two. took a step.

Master Xuanji was thinking secretly, and when he was pondering the mystery, he moved slightly from the corner of his eye and looked at the woods not far away.

There was a bright moon in the sky, and the woods were so dark that there seemed to be no living things.

But Master Xuanji faintly felt a familiar aura, as if an acquaintance was secretly hiding in it, groping in here.


Zhenji Xuanji's eyes lighted up slightly, and she didn't expect that the little goblin, who could not be caught with broken iron shoes before, would come to her door after she gave up tracking.

Immediately, Master Xuanji withdrew all his breath and squatted on the treetop like a dead thing, looking for a chance to catch Beiliang Pirates.

But just like in the past, Beiliang Bandit Saint had just gotten close to a certain distance when he realized something was wrong, turned the binoculars and looked at her.

Four eyes facing each other.

! !
The Pirate Saint of Beiliang saw the big Wei demon girl who had seen her beating her every time, his shoulders shook in shock, he turned around and ran outside.

Xuanji has been chasing him for more than half a year, and he is too lazy to catch a mouse with Beiliang Pirates Saint Cat, so he asked directly:

"What are you doing here?"

The Pirate Saint of Beiliang came here naturally because he saw Ye Jingtang's strength soaring, and there was a high probability that he ate the Tianlangzhu, and he couldn't understand it from the bottom of his heart.

Tianlangzhu is the magic medicine of various tribes in the West Sea. As far as she knows, no one in the world can use this substance.

Ye Jingtang can be used, either because there is something wrong with the medicine practiced by King Wu, or because his background is related to the tribes of the West Sea.

This matter is very important, and he must not tell the people in Da Wei openly before he has communicated clearly with the elders in the clan.

For this reason, the Pirate Saint of Beiliang heard the question, but he just turned around and said:

"Can you control you?"

Then he turned around and turned over the ridge, disappearing without a trace.

Seeing that the other party didn't show face, Master Xuanji was not very happy, and immediately chased after her...


I have to sleep for eleven or twelve hours recently, and I still can't wake up or2
(End of this chapter)

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