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Chapter 210 Suspicion

Chapter 210 Suspicion
The bright sunshine shone under the eaves of the inn, and two women stood at the door, casting two graceful reflections on the ground.

Dongfang Liren wore a majestic and dignified slim-fit python skirt. His figure was extremely tall, and his curves were quite heroic. Viewed from the side, his legs were extremely slender. The three-dimensional fat-headed dragon outlined by silver wire, coupled with a serious expression, is quite oppressive of a cruel queen.

Master Xuanji stood half a step behind him. Compared with Dongfang Liren, his posture was more graceful. His waist was as slender as a willow, and his breasts were full of grip. The silky white skirt like water waves made him spotless. The few flower petals dotted around, and the vermilion wine gourd hanging around the waist, make the overall look less formal, giving a sense of indistinguishable good from evil.

If it were normal, the real Xuanji would stand in a very casual posture, maybe with arms folded, leaning against the door frame and drinking a small wine.

But because the person he was going to meet was special, Master Xuanji still put on the demeanor of an "emperor teacher" at this time, with his hands folded on his waist, the expression on his beautiful cheeks was meticulous, and his eyes were "kind and peaceful", which looked like A highly respected 'female wife'.

Ye Jingtang walked across the street with a chilong ring hanging on his waist, and saw this pair of master and apprentice who were both foody and playful from a distance, and felt that the big and stupid look was more imposing.

However, because of the problem of her attire, the real Xuanji still feels a little monster no matter how serious her demeanor is.

But these comments are definitely not easy to say.

Ye Jingtang came to the steps, bowed his hands in a dignified manner:
"Your Highness."


Niao Niao was still holding Xuanji's skirt in her mouth and shook her head wildly, and when she saw Ye Jingtang approaching, she acted as if she was wronged, probably wanting Tangtang to help beat up this heartless person.

"Excuse me." Dongfang Liren didn't dare to show too close to Ye Jingtang in front of his master, so he raised his hand and introduced:

"This is Master Xuanji, my king's mentor, the sixth peerless master in the world, you can call him Master Emperor, or Fairy Lu like the people in the yamen. Master, this is Ye Jingtang Mr. Ye."

The real Xuanji was full of high spirits, and she nodded slightly calmly.

After Ye Jingtang saw Xuanji's appearance of playing off at every turn, to be honest, it was difficult to regard this sister in front of him as a master. Moreover, Xuanji hugged him a few days ago, after all, it was a bit ambiguous, and it was very strange to meet her again.

After Ye Jingtang glanced at Master Xuanji, he raised his hand and saluted:
"I've seen Fairy Lu. I've heard of Fairy since I was a child, and seeing her today, I'm really extraordinary."

Dongfang Liren felt that Ye Jingtang's flattery was somewhat perfunctory, and said softly:

"Master was only ranked eighth ten years ago. You have heard of Master's name since you were a child?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes:

"Ten years ago I was eight years old."

eight years old?

Dongfang Liren's expression was slightly stunned. Although she knew Ye Jingtang's age, Ye Jingtang looked about the same age as her, and his temperament was also mature. In his heart, he always regarded him as a peer. An eight-year-old kid, it's inevitable that he didn't realize it. After all, his sister became the emperor ten years ago. Isn't she a big horse and a small cart...

Due to Xuanji's temperament, she didn't have as many weird ideas as Dongfang Liren, so she just smiled and said:
"Ye Gongzi is really young and promising."

"Hehe, thank you Fairy for your compliment..."

Both Ye Jingtang and Xuanji were a little embarrassed in their hearts, so the conversation was very formal, basically it was people carrying people in bridal sedan chairs, and you said something to me.

Zhenji Xuanji felt that chatting like this was a bit boring, so after saying a few words about it, she lowered her head and looked at the little broken bird who was still beating her:
"I'll take it out for a walk, let's chat."


Niao Niao moved a little to the side, and signaled: Niao Niao is strong and strong, definitely not a servile generation...

"Heck, let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food."

Niao Niao was taken aback, raised her wings, said goodbye to the fat-headed dragon, and trot away with staggering figure-of-eight steps.

Ye Jingtang knew about Niao Niao's temperament early on, shook his head and watched one person and one Niao leave, then stepped on the steps of the inn.

Seeing Master leave, Dongfang Liren secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but his grim expression did not ease. He entered the hall with Ye Jingtang, and stood with his hands behind his back, without saying a word.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to ask about the situation in the mountains, but before he could speak, he found that Benben's expression was not very happy, and he seemed to be asking questions, so he was puzzled:

"Your Highness?"

Seeing Ye Jingtang's eyes full of bewilderment, Dongfang Liren frowned and said:

"What did you do last night, forget?"

Last night, Yejingtang gave Sanniang a meal first, and then stacked them high, the impact was too great, and he really forgot what happened before.When Benben mentioned it, he remembered the matter of the 'villain', and apologized:

"I was a little confused yesterday, please don't mind the offense, Your Highness."

Only then was Dongfang Liren satisfied: "It's good to know you were wrong. You were injured on duty, so don't blame the past for what happened yesterday, so don't make an example."

After expressing his attitude, Dongfang Liren looked back at the door and asked:
"Master is such a powerful person, you have no idea when you see it?"

"Hmm...it feels very immortal, independent of the world, and the breeze sprinkles the orchid snow. As for the power, I didn't realize it. I guess I have to fight each other to experience it..."

"If there is a chance, I will talk to Master about this matter and give you a chance to ask for advice."

Ye Jingtang was very interested in the matter of sparring with the masters, nodded slightly, then remembered something, and looked at Benben next to him:
"Your Highness, have you learned Overlord Spear and Tingfeng Palm?"


Dongfang Liren was like a student whose homework was being checked by the teacher, his expression froze slightly, and he subconsciously stood up straight:
"This king must have learned it, that is...these days are busy with official duties, and there is not much time to practice martial arts..."

Ye Jingtang was dubious: "Martial arts practice is a big deal, we can't slack off, His Highness set up a gun rack for me to see."


Dongfang Liren glanced left and right, saw that there was no one watching in the hall, so he slid his feet back and forth, clasped both hands, and put out a standard gun stand:


Ye Jingtang circled around the handsome Dongfang Liren, and found—is this different from being in Mingyu Tower?
Seeing Ye Jingtang frowning, Dongfang Liren took a light breath, his fat head puffed up a bit, a little unconvinced:
"I practiced according to what you taught me, is there any problem?"

Ye Jingtang came to the back, supported Dongfang Liren's arm, lifted it up slightly, hooked his ankle with his foot, and slid a little to the side. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the posture, he supported his waist with both hands, and moved forward and backward. Shaking.

dong dong dong~
Dongfang Liren was shaken by waves, and the flowers and branches trembled, a little annoyed:

"You are shaking with such great strength, how could this king stop?"

"Your Highness is unstable. If I sway casually, my body will become unstable. If the opponent strikes with a knife, I will fall to the ground on the spot."

Ye Jingtang was very serious, and when he came to the front, he planted his feet on the ground, clasped his hands, and put on a gun frame with a collapsing butt:
"Your Highness, give me a try."

Dongfang Liren took a look at Ye Jingtang, came to the back, put his hands on his waist, and shook it a few times.

As a result, the flesh around Ye Jingtang's waist could move, but the muscles and bones inside were like an iron frame, supporting his body steadily, shaking his waist vigorously, the drooping sleeve robe didn't even have a slight ripple.



Dongfang Liren felt the gap between each other, thought for a while and put his hand on Ye Jingtang's waist, listening to the method of Fengzhang, sensing the details of muscle strength, and slowly sliding to the abdominal muscles...


Ye Jingtang was full of energy but he hadn't finished recuperating yet, when Benben put his hands around his waist and touched his belly, and the soft fat-headed dragon was also stuck to his back, his breath was messed up at that time.

Dongfang Liren discovered that there was a flaw in Ye Jingtang's immobile atmosphere, and his eyes suddenly became proud:

"That's it?"

Ye Jingtang felt a little helpless:
"It's different..."

"What's the difference? When a man cuts you with a knife, you won't move like a mountain; if a woman seduces you first and then attacks you, you won't even be able to stand firmly?"

Dongfang Li was one of the few who could grasp Ye Jingtang's flaws, put on a stern teacher's posture, and patted Ye Jingtang on the shoulder:
"Stand up!"

Ye Jingtang knew that he did have a problem, so he tried to suppress his mind and try to calm his mind.

But Dongfang Liren didn't want to let go of Ye Jingtang, put his hands on his abdominal muscles, put his hands on his shoulders, and blew lightly on Ye Jingtang's neck:


? !
Half of Ye Jingtang's body was flaky, and he turned his head:
"Your Highness, what are you doing?"

Dongfang Liren put on a serious look:

"Test you, otherwise what can you do? You don't even have this concentration? Stand still!"

Ye Jingtang is not a dead person, how could he be calm when he was seduced by stupid and blatant sex.

But Ye Jingtang felt that what Benben said made sense, he couldn't bear this little test, and if he encountered a demon girl with malicious intentions in the future, he would have to lose his Dao heart on the spot. Molested by Benben.

Dongfang Liren's understanding of martial arts is indeed not comparable to Ye Jingtang, but when it comes to the understanding of applying advanced martial arts to the handle of a knife, he can be called a genius.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang still wanted to resist, Dongfang Liren used Tingfeng Palm to sense the changes in qi and blood, touched it just right, and with a few strokes, Ye Jingtang's breathing became unstable, his qi and blood rushed, and he gradually transformed into a big villain.

Fortunately, this kind of drama of the boss belittling the subordinates didn't last long, and hurried footsteps came from outside the door.

stomping on...

Dongfang Liren's eyes changed slightly, and he quickly withdrew his hands and stood up straight, pretending to be serious and asking about business.

Ye Jingtang was relieved and turned around, only to see a black Yamen chief arrester walking quickly to the door, bowing his hands together:
"Your Highness, the news just came from the mountain that King Wu hid in a cave, and his personal guards relied on natural dangers to defend him, and it was already impossible to escape. Should Your Highness wait for Zezhou soldiers to escort him back, or..."

Dongfang Liren frowned, he was not very happy to hear the news.After all, she had been waiting for Ye Jingtang all morning, and now she was leaving the camp. By the time she rushed there, King Wu would have been caught. She brought people all the way here from Jianyang, so why not make soy sauce?

Ye Jingtang understands Dongfang Liren's careful thinking, knowing that he has delayed Mr. Stupid's time to take credit for his achievements, he said:

"Why don't I take the black yamen master and send His Highness there now? The mountain road is more than 30 miles away, and it won't take long. Maybe I can take a shot to restrain Bai Siming, and save the officers and soldiers from attacking and increasing casualties."

Dongfang Liren felt that this was a good idea, so he immediately set off and said:
"Let's go."

At the same time, the riverside of the town.

The sun at noon was a little bit bright, and Master Xuanji walked slowly along the shade of the river embankment, twirling the wine gourd with his fingertips, admiring the beautiful scenery of the riverside.

On the wall next to it, the full-fledged Niao Niao followed along with a small hop, non-stop along the way: "Chi Chi Chi Chi~" He seemed to be talking—for your sensible sake, Niao Niao forgives you...

Master Xuanji naturally couldn't understand Niao Niao's muttering to himself. After walking along the river for a while, the path was blocked by a wall, making it inconvenient to walk, so Master Xuanji prepared to turn back.

But before he turned around, Xuanji's ears moved slightly, and he heard two subtle conversations in the distance:
"I don't even have the nerve to buy such a coquettish little dress, but you actually prepared two sets..."

"You think I want to buy it? Mrs. Wang recommended it for a long time. It's not easy to save face, so I just take care of the business..."

"You can help me get a few sets when I go back, you are too small, I can't wear them..."

"How much older are you than me, you can't wear it?!"


Although the voice was very faint, and it was far away on the second floor of the small inn, but with Xuanji's real hearing, she could still hear it clearly, and felt that one of the cold voices seemed familiar.

But when she was about to listen carefully, a voice came from far behind:
"Fairy Lu!"

Master Xuanji turned his head and found that in the center of the town, there were more than a dozen figures jumping onto the roof and galloping towards the entrance of the town. The one in the front was Ye Jingtang, who was dressed in black, followed by Li Ren.

After seeing her, Ye Jingtang suddenly accelerated, but in the blink of an eye, he had already flown half a street, and he spoke far away:
"There is something wrong in the mountains, let's go there quickly."

Seeing that Master Xuanji was about to leave, she looked back at the small inn not far away, as if she wanted to go and have a look.

Ye Jingtang saw that Master Xuanji was suspicious, so he flew to land in front of him, and said with a smile:

"It's my friend inside. He treated Fairy Lu last time. Let's go first. If you slow down, His Highness won't be able to catch up."


The last time Master Xuanji passed out, she did hear the voice of the woman faintly, and she suddenly realized that the feeling of deja vu came from this, so she didn't ask any more questions, and rushed to Dongfang Liren's location with Ye Jingtang, and asked on the way:
"You go out on business and bring two female followers with you?"

Ye Jingtang was not easy to explain, so he blinked:
"Is there a problem?"


True Xuanji thinks there is nothing wrong with it, it just doesn't fit Ye Jingtang's character setting of "unmoved by beauty"...
The two thousand soldiers and horses who came from Baisu Town were all light cavalry from Zezhou.

Because it is difficult for horses to enter the high mountains to search and hunt, all the horses are left in the camp outside the mountain, guarded by more than a hundred soldiers, and it is only ten miles away from the small town along the river where King Jing is.

At noon, dozens of soldiers walked in the camp where more than 2000 war horses were parked, feeding water and fodder.

A burly military officer came out of the tent, walked quickly to the official road, and greeted Yaoyao:
"Meet the uncle. Why did the uncle suddenly come to Wuzhou?"

Outside the camp, Xuanyuan Hongzhi was wearing a bamboo hat, standing in the shade by the official road, saw the military officer coming out, and said:

"Wuzhou is not peaceful recently, come and have a look. How is the situation in the mountains?"

At present, this team of light cavalry belongs to the Zhennan Army in Zezhou. Junshantai is the top martial arts giant in Zezhou, and it is also the prince of the imperial court. It is countless.

The military officer who came out learned the art at Junshantai. Although he was only a registered apprentice who had achieved success in art and made a living by himself, the martial arts rules were strict. The military officer still respected Xuanyuan Hongzhi very much, and responded to this:

"The scouts just sent the news, and they have already caught King Wu, and they should be able to catch him soon..."

When Xuanyuan Hongzhi came out of the mountain last night, he found hundreds of forbidden soldiers marching into the mountain. He came here at this time, just looking for a disciple to inquire about the whereabouts of Xia Yejingtang. After chatting for a few words, he asked:

"Prince Jing also entered the mountain?"

"Probably not yet. King Jing stopped in the town ahead, and he didn't see any orders... By the way, King Jing asked us to pay attention to the next person named Zhang Wenyuan. He said that it was related to the disappearance case handled by Heiya. Judging from the explanation , this matter is quite important, has Master ever heard of this person?"

Zhang Wenyuan...

Xuanyuan Hongzhi was a little surprised, recalling the boy waiting in Wanshui Town, after a little consideration, he shook his head and said:
"I've never heard of it. Wuzhou is not peaceful. It's probably not safe for King Jing to come here. Do you know what experts he has with him?"

"It's not clear, I guess there are quite a lot..."


After asking for a while, Xuanyuan Hongzhi said goodbye to the military officer and came to the woods.

Yao Wenzhong had been listening in the forest, and only then said:

"Zhang Wenyuan left Junshantai more than 20 years ago, and he has no skills. Why did King Jing specifically order the officers and soldiers to pay attention?"

Xuanyuan Hongzhi thought for a while: "Prince Jing is so powerful that it is impossible to pay attention to a common man alone. If he can give special orders to search for it, someone must have made Prince Jing pay attention to this matter... Go to Wanshui Town and ask to see who is helping that The boy is looking for his father."

Yao Wenzhong got on his horse, thought for a while and said:

"Zhang Wenyuan left Junshantai because of Zheng Feng's affairs. The officers and soldiers really found it. Ye Jingtang may personally send people to Wanshui Town to reunite their father and son... How is the person you contacted?"

"The letter has been sent out, and I have contacted five good swordsmen in Zezhou. They are all things that demand money and life. With you and me, the ambush is sure to happen. But when people come over, I am afraid that there will be too little time, and the night terror If Tang walks with the masters of Hei Ya, something may go wrong..."

"Set up the situation first, let's adapt to the situation..."


During the exchange, the two horses galloped along the official road...

(End of this chapter)

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