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Chapter 211 The Dust Settles

Chapter 211 The Dust Settles

A group of more than ten people galloped through the high mountains and marched towards the depths of the mountains; Yejingtang was here yesterday, and this trip served as a guide to lead the way.

The mountain road of more than 30 miles is not too far for people with strong martial arts skills, but it is hard to climb mountains and mountains along the way. If you are not familiar with the road conditions, it is normal to step on the air and slip.

Ye Jingtang saw that Dongfang Liren was struggling to follow his footsteps, so he wanted to perform his duties as a personal bodyguard and hurried on with his stupid back on his back.

But in front of his subordinates, Dongfang Liren didn't have the nerve to lie on the man's back, but quietly grabbed the real Xuanji's wrist, and asked the master to take care of it, so as not to accidentally fall and embarrass him in public.

After galloping through the mountains and fields for a while, several people arrived near Fulong Cave. The original big medicine stove was still left alone in the woods, and Guan Yujia's body, because he was a celebrity in Wuzhou Jianghu, had been carried away by officers and soldiers.

Walking four or five miles into the deep mountains, you can see a lot of arrows and lost armor and weapons in the mountains, and the temporary camp of two thousand soldiers is nearby. The followers are temporarily detained here.

Ye Jingtang came to the camp to inquire, and learned that when Wu Wang absconded with his loyal bodyguards, he was injured by Liu Ya and fled to Huangshiling.

More than 1000 soldiers have surrounded Huangshiling, but because Huangshiling is another hiding place prepared by Wu Wang, the defense facilities have been built in advance, and one man is in charge of the gate, and ten thousand are not allowed to open it. At present, the generals leading the team are still trying Persuade surrender.

As for the hundreds of drug testers arrested by King Wu, the siege was launched yesterday, and King Wu had no time to control these people. Most of them fled into the mountains and forests in order to avoid the disaster of the war, and they had not had time to find them.

After Ye Jingtang learned of this, he could only focus on Wu Wang for the time being, and came to Huangshiling together with Dongfang Liren.

Under the scorching sun, nearly a thousand officers and soldiers held strong bows and crossbows, scattered in the mountains around Huangshiling.

The geographical environment of Huangshiling is very special. There are steep mountains on all sides. The only road leading to the top of the mountain is a narrow path dug by the people sent by King Wu. At the crooked place on the way, a doorway was dug out, and arrows were shot from below. No, as long as one person and one gun stand guard at the corner, even if there are thousands of troops, they will never want to hit the mountain.

There are many masters who can do light work in the Zezhou army, but there is still a Bai Siming on the mountain, and the three or five masters rushing up are no different from Bai Qi. The more than 1000 officers and soldiers who came to encircle and suppress were helpless, so they could only surround Huangshiling to death. King Wu broke through, and a military officer stood at the foot of the mountain, shouting loudly:

"The dignified prince of Wei, the son of the great ancestor, if he dies, he should hang himself with a white silk from the imperial court, leaving a decent body...

"The weather is so hot in June, if you keep dying on the mountain, I can only cut off your head, put lime on it and bring it back to Yun'an. When the courtiers see it, it will probably be full of maggots, and the smell will be unbearable..."

These words of persuasion to capitulate are outrageous, but the effect is really good.

On Huangshi Ridge, deep in a natural cave, two torches are lit.

The four wounded loyal bodyguards sat against the wall, staring blankly at the weapons in their hands.

Wu Wang Dongfangheng, almost ten years old in just a few days, with gray hair, holding a jeweled sword inlaid in his hand, raised it several times and put it on his neck, and stopped again when he heard the shout from the mountain below. down.

King Wu felt that he should be a hero. He rebelled in order to prevent the Dongfang clan from falling into the hands of foreign surnames. If bad luck caused the failure, he should commit suicide quickly and not bow to the empress. In this way, in the history books of later generations, it is estimated that Leave it to the name of 'hard tempered'.

But what the military officer outside said was also reasonable. He is the son of Taizu, the uncle of the empress, even if he committed the crime of treason, he should be buried with his whole body; now that he is dead, the officers and soldiers will cut off his head , get a head in a different place, and let the courtiers watch it stinky, it's really unseemly to die...

Next to King Wu, Bai Siming, who was wearing a blood-stained robe, sat cross-legged on the ground with a fairly calm expression. Seeing that King Wu did not dare commit suicide, he said:

"If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about firewood. The officers and soldiers won't be able to fight for a short time. When it gets dark, I will lead His Highness to break through and flee to Beiliang. As His Highness, the Beiliang court will definitely protect him..."

Zhang Jinglin sat beside him, and shook his head when he heard the words:

"Not long after the two dynasties established trade relations, His Highness was of little use to Beiliang. If he fled to Beiliang, he might be sent back by Beiliang as a favor. If he could cross the two countries and escape to the northwest of Tianlang Lake, there would still be The possibility of a comeback.”

Dongfang Heng's eyes moved, and driven by the desire to survive, he said:

"If it were a few decades ago, when the Tianlang Iron Cavalry was here, this king might have been able to make a comeback in the past. Now the various tribes in the West Sea are just a piece of loose sand, and they will still be lingering in the past. It's better to join the Pingtian Sect."

Zhang Jinglin shook his head and said: "The Pingtian Sect is located in the southern border of the Great Wei Dynasty, there are no war horses there, no matter how many soldiers there are, they are just pawns, more than enough to defend the city, but no one has succeeded since ancient times to conquer the world from south to north.

"However, the tribes of the West Sea are different. Their folk customs are wild and full of martial virtues. Women, children, old and young can wear armor and draw bows, and they can fight well. As long as someone can twist all the tribes into one rope, they can gather [-] Tianlang iron cavalry, which is enough to fight against the enemy. The two dynasties divided their borders and established themselves..."

Knowing the geographical difference between the north and the south, King Wu frowned and said:
"The tribes of the West Sea have long since disbanded. After decades of annexation by Beiliang, the tribes of the West Sea have not been completely subdued. How can I make the group of barbarians in the Northwest loyal to the king?"

"Tianlang Lake is the sacred place of the tribes of the West Sea, and the Tianlang Pearl is regarded as a 'gift from the gods' by the tribes of the West Sea. The old man has reproduced the Tianlang Pearl. Your Highness, you only need to find a leader of the big tribe and offer it This bead..."


Upon hearing this, Bai Siming said impatiently:
"Then the leader was taken down, died suddenly on the spot, and cut me up and down?"

Zhang Jinglin thought to himself: "The old man's Tianlangzhu is definitely real. The Guan Yujia exploded and died, it must be caused by serious injuries. If Mr. Bai ate it, it must be..."

"Certainly not alive now."

After seeing Guan Yujia's vigorous death, Bai Siming had already decided on the Tianlangzhu in his heart - it was completely a 'quick-acting explosive body pill', whoever believed it was a fool.

If it wasn't for the fact that Zhang Jinglin's medical skills were really overbearing and it was their life-saving capital, he had to let Zhang Jinglin try for himself just how overbearing Tianlangzhu really is.

Everyone chatted for a while, and the idea of ​​suicide was also dispelled by the desire to survive. They began to discuss ways to break out of the siege.

But not long after we chatted, the guards on the mountain ran in hastily:
"It's not good, Prince Jing seems to have brought a lot of experts here, ready to attack..."

When Bai Siming heard this, his heart skipped a beat, knowing that this time he was really doomed.

If it's just ordinary officers and soldiers, relying on natural dangers to defend until night, and then lead Wu Wang to break through alone, it is still possible.

But King Jing came here with the court's masters, relying on only one cliff and six or seven personal soldiers, it was impossible to defend, not to mention anything else, a night terror was enough for them to drink a pot.

If King Wu was caught, he might be given euthanasia, but the group of diehards under his command must either be Ling Chi or Che Crack.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, Bai Siming also had a will to die. After a moment of silence, he stood up:

"I'll go out and have a look. If the situation is not good...His Highness decides to stay."

After saying the farewell words, Bai Siming straightened his robes and strode towards the exit of the cave, wanting to show off the peerless demeanor that a peak martial artist should have in the last battle of his life, looking like a hero who will die like a hero.

At the same time, below the mountains.

After Ye Jingtang communicated with the military officer who persuaded him to surrender, he learned that there were only seven or eight stragglers left. Zhang Jinglin seemed to be still alive, so naturally he couldn't wait at the foot of the mountain. It's a big loss.

After confirming the situation, Ye Jingtang asked for orders and went to Huangshiling to negotiate with King Wu in person.

Dongfang Liren rushed over with great difficulty, and he must send his subordinates to do something, so he naturally agreed to this, but for safety reasons, he still ordered:

"Master, you can go up with Ye Jingtang. If the situation is not right, the main thing is to protect yourself. There is no need to force King Wu to live."

Master Xuanji was worried about being bored standing in the camp as a vase, so he went straight to Huangshiling:
"Master Ye, let's go."

Ye Jingtang was dressed in a black official robe, with a saber hanging from his waist, and walked behind the real Xuanji. He waited until he was far away from the soldiers and horses behind, and then asked:
"Miss Shui'er, how is your injury?"

Master Xuanji strolled up the path that was as wide as one person, and said with a light smile:
"People call me Fairy in front of you, but they call me Shui'er behind their backs. What does it mean, Young Master?"

Because the road was too narrow, Ye Jingtang could only walk behind the real person Xuanji, and couldn't keep his eyes on the swaying waist and hips, so he looked up:

"Miss Shui'er said that 'senior' looked old, so I called it that way, so I naturally called it that way. As for the fairy, I don't think the girl looks like a fairy, she is called a fairy or something, it feels... um... a bit weird."

Master Xuanji knew that her image in Ye Jingtang's heart had long since collapsed, and she lacked awe of her.

In order to save her image, the real Xuanji decided to pretend, and tapped the embroidered shoes on the ground.


Under the gaze of nearly a thousand officers and soldiers, the dusty woman in a snow-colored white dress suddenly soared into the sky without seeing how to exert her strength, and she reached the corner of the top of the cliff almost in the blink of an eye.

Behind the corner, there are two personal guards of Wu Wang hiding. They were still secretly observing the situation below the cliff, but before they could react, the woman in white came directly in front of them, and then:
dong dong~
Master Xuanji lightly tapped twice with the snow-white scabbard, and the two personal guards of Wu Wang collapsed on the narrow path with eyes full of shock and bewilderment.

Looking at the scene from a distance in the east, he was astonished as a man of heaven, but before the worship appeared in his eyes, he noticed that Ye Jingtang, who was following behind, leaped lightly, and just tapped the branches and leaves on the mountain wall with his toes. In an instant, he jumped up the mountain and landed beside the real person Xuanji, without a sound along the way, like a black leaf blown by the wind.


The chief arrester of the black yamen standing behind is quite familiar with Ye Jingtang. Seeing that Ye Jingtang can show off his lightness in front of the real Xuanji, and even has his own strengths, his eyes can't help showing shock, while Dongfang Liren's eyes are straight. Take a little star.

Master Xuanji turned around, saw Ye Jingtang's graceful demeanor, looked down at the cliff tens of feet high, and a strange color flashed in his eyes:

"Why are you running so fast? Those who drown are those who can swim. It's not a good habit to be brave and rampage."


The real Xuanji didn't achieve her goal of showing off, and was taught a lesson by Ye Jingtang in turn. Naturally, she was not very happy in her heart, and said stubbornly:
"It's just a few unknown pawns. If you are too cautious, you will only waste time."

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, thinking that this parallel importer sister is not as good as Da Benben, who loves to play, at least he has self-knowledge and won't get into trouble; this sister is completely "I suffered a loss, but I just don't admit it, and I won't change after repeated admonitions" , It's not uncommon to play yourself out someday.

The two jumped up the mountain and went directly to the entrance of the cave where King Wu was hiding.

Bai Siming walked out of the cave with the idea of ​​'fighting hard and dying hard', and just as he turned around, he saw two figures coming from the corner of the narrow path.

The one behind is Ye Dayan, who has met a few times, who is enough to be his opponent in the last battle of his life.

In front is a woman in white...

? !
Bai Siming's sad and resolute face twitched suddenly, and he wanted to retreat quickly to the cave, but he reacted immediately - the real Xuanji personally blocked the door, where the hell could he hide?
Bai Siming's expression was stiff, fearing that Xuanji would kill him by raising his hand, his first reaction was to say anxiously:
"Wait a minute!"

Master Xuanji was still identifying who the dirty man in front of him was, and when he saw the man directly begging for mercy, he didn't make a move, and walked forward unhurriedly:
"You are Bai Siming? Why are you wearing a red dress? If you catch him without a fight, you will save yourself the pain of flesh and blood."

Bai Siming's body was stained with official jade armor's blood, and his appearance was a bit embarrassing, but under the desperate situation, he still had a lot of momentum, and he stood with his hands behind his back and said:
"The crime of treason is death anyway, and the court cannot forgive it. Since Bai has embarked on this road, how can he bow his knees before dying!"

Master Xuanji nodded slightly:

"It's a man."

As he spoke, he was about to draw his sword.


Bai Siming raised his hand to stop him, his eyes mixed with emotions:

"It is indeed Bai's honor to be able to die at the hands of the Emperor Master, but the strength of Bai and the Emperor Master is too different. Fighting each other is no different from killing each other. I don't know whether the Emperor Master can give it to Bai. A chance for Bai and Lord Ye to have a quick fight?
"Master Ye chased after him fiercely, first destroyed His Royal Highness's plan in the capital, and then let the prince fall to this point. Bai, as a retainer, was treated favorably by the prince. If he had never fought against Lord Ye from the beginning to the end, he would really be ashamed of the prince and die. There is no way to rest in peace.”

Seeing the other party's end, Xuanji wanted to choose a decent way to die, but she wasn't too mean. She turned around and leaned against the mountain wall, making way for Ye Jingtang:
"give it to you."

Ye Jingtang wiped Xuanji's clothes sideways and walked across the narrow path, looking at Bai Siming, whose eyes were full of sorrow and sorrow:
"You don't need weapons?"

Bai Siming took a light breath, glanced at the flowing clouds in the sky, and slightly raised his right hand:
"Bai has no family and no sect, and is self-taught. When he was young, he admired the old boxer Liu Qiansheng, borrowed his palm skills, and created his own 'Liuyun Palm'. Master Ye can compete with Guan Yujia. His fist and foot skills should not be bad. How dare you dare to compete with Guan Yujia?" Has Bai ever passed?"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang took off his saber and handed it to the real Xuanji who was behind him. Standing ten feet away, he raised his right hand and hooked it.

Call ~
A gust of mountain wind blew by, and the cliff fell into dead silence.

Two top masters stood at both ends of the two-foot-wide path, facing each other, and the atmosphere gradually fell into depression.

Bai Siming has seen Ye Jingtang's shots these days, and he knows Ye Jingtang's strength, which is about [-]% stronger than him. If the opponent uses weapons, he has no chance of winning. Even if he dies in the end, at least he can show the demeanor that he, the number one master under King Wu, should have!
"Master Ye is watching!"

Bai Siming's eyes were extremely focused, he raised his right hand lightly, his five fingers passed in front of him, his trajectory had a unique rhythm, after staring at Ye Jingtang for a moment, he quietly took a step forward with his right foot!

On the dead cliff, suddenly there was a muffled sound like thunder.

Ye Jingtang's right foot moved slightly, his figure had already smashed through the ten-foot mountain wind, when he stopped, his left foot was in front, he strode across his crotch, his right hand tightly grasped his robe and instantly swelled, and then a cannon that shook the mountain and destroyed the city, Then sent it to Bai Siming.

? ? !

Bai Siming's pupils shrank suddenly, but before he could react, a fist the size of a sandbag suddenly enlarged in front of his eyes!
Ye Jingtang threw a punch with all his strength, and found that Bai Siming was motionless, 'going to die', and immediately stopped half an inch in front of the tip of Bai Siming's nose, which was powerful enough to smash the opponent's upper body.

Although the Pao Fist stopped, the vast energy contained in the fist still poured out like a frenzy.

boom -

Under the violent fist wind, Bai Siming's hair crown exploded directly, and his long hair stretched straight at the back of his head. Even his face was trembling violently, and then turned dull again in an instant.

In the eyes of outsiders, there was only a muffled thunder on the cliff, and when everyone saw clearly, Ye Jingtang, dressed in black, had already stood in front of Bai Siming, keeping his punching posture motionless.

Bai Siming raised his right hand, and it was the same.

Seeing that Bai Siming did not respond, Ye Jingtang frowned and said:

"What do you mean? Want to die by my hands?"


Bai Siming's flying long hair fell, and he stared blankly at Ye Jingtang in front of him. After holding back for a long time, his eyes turned into disbelief:

"You...how could you..."

Speaking of this, Bai Siming suddenly remembered something - yesterday's 'Tianlangzhu' was thrown on the medicine stove and was taken away by Ye Jingtang, and Ye Jingtang's strength has skyrocketed to this point...

Is it possible that Tianlangzhu is really useful? !
No, it must be useful, otherwise he couldn't have grown to this point in just one night!
Thinking of this, Bai Siming's eyes were full of mixed feelings, some were unbelievable, some were regretful!
Seeing that Ye Jingtang stopped, Bai Siming reacted extremely quickly, and stepped back quickly, a 'Great Liang Pearl' slipped out of his sleeve, and slapped it directly on the arm!


Seeing that Bai Siming was determined to commit suicide, Ye Jingtang's eyes changed suddenly, and he immediately raised his hand to block Bai Siming's wrist, and snatched the Daliang Pearl:

"Don't don't..."

Bai Siming, on the other hand, was a little hysterical, holding Daliang Zhu and Ye Jingtang's Tai Chi pushing hands, and said angrily:
"Master Ye! You have already taken advantage of it, so why can't you let Bai also take medicine and fight with you in a dignified manner?"

"You can't use..."

"Why can't I use it? Master Ye is also a generation of heroes. He even wants to erase the last wish of a dying person. I don't think it is a lack of martial virtue..."

clap clap-

The two pushed hands quickly on the small path, Bai Siming tried to explode the Daliang Pearl, and Ye Jingtang tried his best to stop it.

Master Xuanji stood behind, his eyes full of bewilderment, thinking about flashing forward, the scabbard rushed out from Ye Jingtang's armpit, and hit Bai Siming's chest with precision.


Bai Siming's movements stopped abruptly, and then his eyes were full of unwillingness and grief, and he fell down slowly. He seemed to think that it was inappropriate for these two top experts to not even give him a chance to take drugs despite their strength far surpassing him. people.

Xuanji frowned after pointing Bai Siming down, and said:
"What are you doing?"

Ye Jingtang slightly shrugged his shoulders: "Prevent him from committing suicide. By the way, these masters recruited by King Wu cannot rebel, and the skills given to them for nothing are better than each other. It is really not easy to survive until now..."


(End of this chapter)

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