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Chapter 224

Chapter 224

The light rain made the weather a bit cooler. The old streets of Huangquan Town were empty, and outside the old wine shop in the center, the old plaque of "Huangquan Knife Tomb" turned black and yellow under the infiltration of rain.

Under the eaves, a healthy man sat on a small bench with a small table in front of him.

A five or six-year-old girl sat across from her with braids, holding a brush and writing seriously, muttering softly:

"Father, why is Grandpa Qiu gone?"

"It's Uncle Chou."

"But, Grandpa Qiu is over 50 years old, he asked me to call him that..."


Xuanyuan Tiangang took a breath, raised his hand and rubbed the little girl's head:

"A martial arts master has a long life. It's okay to call him brother in his 50s. If we meet again in the future, I'll call him brother Qiu..."

Ye Jingtang observed the long knife, and said straight to the point:

Master Xuanji heard this, stood up staggeringly, and put the veiled cap on his head:

"The fight hasn't started yet. People in the rivers and lakes are looking for nothing more than fame. Fighting for the top sword is only once in a lifetime. If the battle is not big enough, it's like the champion Lang Jinyi walking at night. Now there are boats to pick up people, which shows that Junshantai is not overcrowded. , when the crowd is full, the people of Jianghu have to look forward to the first class, just like the ostentation of a top grandmaster..."

"The Eight-Step Crazy Sword is the fastest in the world, but the disadvantage is that it pursues too much speed, and the interlocking moves will be dead. If you change the move, it will no longer be the Eight-Step Crazy Sword. It can be considered extreme, and it will be targeted by the moves or interrupt the rhythm. After that, it is difficult to turn over.

Master Xuanji leaned halfway on the threshold, took off the wine gourd, and took a sip.

"Why don't you rest here for the night? I'll make some hangover soup..."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say any more, and lifted Niao Niao out of the curtain...
In the twinkling of an eye, it was night, and the town of Huangquan was lit up with lights.

After Ye Jingtang greeted Master Xuanji to sit down across the table, he looked at the menu on the wall:

The two walked side by side through the street, looking for a place to eat. When they reached the middle of the street, Ye Jingtang was suddenly attracted by a plaque on the side of the street:
"Yellow Spring Knife Tomb..."

"This knife is five feet long, with a slender blade. It can be used with one or two hands. It has the characteristics of both a knife and a gun. Depending on its length and speed, it will not be impossible to get close when encountering a dragon slaying order. The power of heavy chopping is amazing. Eight-step crazy Knives are also difficult to parry. I have imagined this kind of knife shape before, but I didn’t expect someone to make it in the world.”

After Xuanyuan Tiangang listened for a while, he got up on his knees and walked towards the backyard:

Ye Jingtang knew that because of Ning'er's stupidity, the emperor next to him had a lot of opinions on him, so he could only shake his head and sigh.

Xuanyuan Tiangang stared at Ye Jingtang for a moment, showed a smile, put down the spatula, wiped his hand on the apron, and went out to pick up the long knife in the main room:


Soon, there was the sound of stir-frying in the backyard, and the appetizing aroma came from the backyard.


"The kitchen is full of oily smoke, go out and wait, the dishes will be burnt later."

Ye Jingtang felt that the shopkeeper was a powerful person hidden in the city, and said with a smile:

After Ye Jingtang glanced at the plaque again, he got off his horse and asked:
"Miss Boss, what does this plaque mean?"

Ye Jingtang was quite surprised, took the long knife with both hands, looked it over, and asked:

"I'm talking about Xue Baijin, the dignified leader of Pingtian, No. 1 in the secular world, he is as good as Longyang. He doesn't like beauties but heroes, so he blinded Ning'er's appearance. You still know the goods, and you are thick-skinned..."

"Slaying the dragon makes the knife powerful, but the disadvantage is that it relies on inertia and has traces to follow. It is extremely difficult to change moves flexibly. It is considered extreme. It is wrong to use the strong against the weak, but basically there is no backhand against the strong. .

But as a wife, even if Alan thinks that her husband is very powerful and shouldn't live a mediocre life like this, she doesn't want him to go to the world of life and death again.

The knife is very long, about 1.6 meters by visual inspection, a little longer than the Junshan knife, but the blade is thinner and slightly curved. After the knife is put into the sheath, if there is no hand guard on the handle, it looks like an eyebrow stick
The knife doesn't seem to be held often, and it has been hung for too long, and a little dust has fallen.


The proprietress took a look at the side, then picked up the flagon and shook it, and she was amazed:
"This girl's drinking capacity is really scary. It's the first time I've seen a guest who can drink two pots. You too, a man, it's enough to get the girl drunk. Why do people drink like this? What if something happens... ..."

Alan was dubious about this statement, after all, Xuanyuan Tiangang was born in the Jianghu, and should live in the Jianghu.Being a market fisherman who spends his whole day around firewood, rice, oil and salt here, it is just that the situation forces him to stay here as a prison.

"Dare to ask the senior's surname?"

"What are you kidding? My daughter is so old, she will listen to whatever you say. If you didn't teach good manners when you were young, what should you do if you grow up and go astray?"

There were four tables in the restaurant, and the proprietress, who was dressed as a market lady, was cleaning the tables. When she saw the two people stop, she greeted them:
"The two guest officers, please."

Ye Jingtang signaled with a smile, and was about to call the greedy Niao Niao back, but Yu Guang was attracted by the main room.

Ye Jingtang didn't know if Qiu Tianhe came to the door to fight, in order to hurry, he didn't enter the water all the way, seeing that there was no ferry on the pier, so he stopped in the old town, looking for a place to eat to replenish his energy.

"In the past, Luo Ning just came out of the mountain and wanted to go to Junshan Terrace to have a look, but the ferry was already approaching, so she chased after her by stepping on the water with lightness skills. She was dressed in green clothes and Lingbo under the moon, and her figure was like a fairy in the heavenly palace. , gradually gained the title of the most beautiful woman in Jianghu."

Ye Jingtang nodded with a smile, his heart relaxed a little, he didn't bother the proprietress anymore, and had tea with Zhenji Xuanji and waited.


On the wine table, Niao Niao, who is full of wine and food, may be full of food, lying sprawled on the stool, refusing to move, assuming a posture of hugging.

Alan grabbed Xuanyuan Tiangang's sleeve and dragged him into the room:

Master Xuanji said this, and turned around to look at the upright Ye Jingtang:
"It's a pity that such a good cabbage was finally overwhelmed by something."

"Not only is it long, but it feels like it took a lot of effort."

Before he could finish speaking, Master Xuanji was under the table, stepped on Ye Jingtang's toes, and twisted it slowly.

Ye Jingtang stopped his horse and looked towards the old wine shop, where he could see a little girl with shofar braids lying on a stool to write in an orderly manner.

Ye Jingtang was wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat on his head, and his eyes scanned the gray town. After a day of running around, his eyes also showed a little tiredness.

"Oh...it looks much smarter than Zheng Feng. If it were Zheng Feng, he would definitely drink with his head and drink with him. I'm sorry to let the girl get drunk alone..."

"Really?" After hearing this, Ye Jingtang knew that the owner of the shop was an old man in the world, at least a half-step martial arts figure, so he asked:
"I wonder if the old shopkeeper is in the shop?"

Niao Niao jumped onto the stool and pointed at the most expensive grilled saury with garlic.

In the restaurant, the proprietress Alan, who was cleaning the table, threw the rag on the table, and the frightened little girl hurriedly buried her head in writing, Xuanyuan Tiangang also sat up straighter:
"Just kidding."

Ye Jingtang walked to the front of the main room, looked it over carefully, and continued:
"If you want to accept the Dragon Slaying Order, you can just change to a heavy knife and face it head-on, but if you want to surpass the Dragon Slaying Order in terms of sword skills, you have to consider all aspects to the extreme.

The small courtyard became a little quiet under the rain.

"Gangzi, who is this young man?"


Seeing that the shopkeeper didn't mind, Ye Jingtang walked into the backyard and looked at it carefully:

Xuanyuan Tiangang came to the table to pour tea, shook his head and said:

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, a little unhappy:
"Fairy Lu, what you said is a bit..."

Niao Niao squatted in front of the grill very obediently, looking up at the big fish that was grilling golden brown and sizzling oil, unable to move its claws at all, and opened its beak to ask the proprietress to feed it a taste first.

"Hmph, I told you that you want to listen... Hey, there's a guest here..."

Beside him, Xuanji, who was wearing a long white dress, walked side by side, wearing a very delicate white cloak, with a saber wrapped in cloth hanging from his waist. The two of them, one black and one white, looked like a fairy couple walking side by side in the rivers and lakes .

"Don't run away, it's getting dark and it's raining heavily, what fish are you fishing for?"

Master Xuanji has been running around all year round, and he must have been to Yunmengze. At this time, he walked beside him and said:
"Yejingtang, do you know where the name 'Goddess of Toad Palace' comes from?"

"These two kinds of sword techniques are both pinnacle works, but both have left the corners of the 'pursuit of perfection' and have obvious flaws.

"No business, I'm going to catch some fish..."

The proprietress frowned and smiled lightly, without asking any more questions, she reported the name of the dish to the backyard, and then went to the side to drink.



"I can't teach you, boy, and you don't seem to need to. I don't need this knife. Since you can see the way, I will give it to you. I just hope that your hands don't get dirty with this knife."

"In my opinion, if you want to surpass these two sword techniques, you should follow the 'moderate' way, possessing the unstoppable power of the Dragon Slaying Token, and also possessing the lightning-like swiftness of the Eight-Step Crazy Sword. It has absolute advantages in the world, but there are no obvious shortcomings.

Ye Jingtang smiled and nodded, seeing that the shopkeeper hadn't shown up, he thanked the proprietress, then went to the next door to borrow a boat, put the horses in the inn in the town, and headed to the pier with long and short weapons.

"Hey~ I left more than ten years ago. Now my husband and I are running the shop, and we don't care about Jianghu affairs. The two guest officials are sitting here. What do you want to eat?"

"Do you want to go to Junshan Terrace to watch the excitement?"

Junshantai is on the east bank of Yunmengze, and Shuiyunjiantan is on the west side of Zezhou. They face each other across the lake, but the actual distance is nearly a thousand miles away. This town is close to the Wuxi Canal, which is regarded as a ferry on the lake. night boat.

Alan stopped at the entrance of the restaurant and looked at it for a long time, before the cloth behind his back was lifted, and Xuanyuan Tiangang came out from the backyard, stood beside him, and looked at the Xiaoxiao rain curtain outside the eaves.

Under the drizzle, two long-distance horses set foot on the old street of the town.

Ye Jingtang felt that this knife was similar to a Miao knife. He had never seen this style in Jianghu, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances:
"The shopkeeper's knife is very special."

The kitchen is on the left, with rows of Yunmengze specialty saury hanging outside, and the old wine jar below, and there is a shed next to it, with a grill inside, and the proprietress is grilling fish behind.

Seeing that the girl could still stand up, the proprietress was secretly speechless, and glanced at the pier outside the town:
"The boat hasn't arrived yet, so I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow morning. If you're in a hurry, I'll go to the next door to say hello, and you can borrow a boat. Take good care of her at night, and don't let this girl accidentally fall into the lake... "

Xuanyuan Tiangang shook his head and smiled: "I've been saying this for more than 20 years. I'm already 50 years old, and I'm not in my early twenties. I think I'm young and vigorous, and I don't have the energy anymore."

However, Ye Jingtang reported his family name like this, Xuanyuan Tiangang still guessed a thing or two, and waved his hand slightly:

"I retired more than 20 years ago, and I have long since lost interest in the hustle and bustle of the world. Besides, Qiu Tianhe's sword skills are not worth watching."

Daughter-in-law exhorting husband is undoubtedly the favorite drama of ordinary people in the market. When the sound came out, many neighbors looked at it, and even the little girl lowered her head and snickered.

The real Xuanji, who was originally dressed in white like a snow fairy, took off her bamboo hat, her stunning cheeks were stained with a touch of blush, and she lay drunk on the table panting softly, looking as if she had just been tossed.

Seeing that the proprietress was really unhappy, Ye Jingtang kept staring at the shopkeeper, so he bowed with a knife:
"Liang Zhou was shocked at night, my master Qiu Tianhe. I borrow this knife today, and when I find out how to use it, I will return it to my senior."

"I have all knives. Find out the most reasonable way to use it. It is the knife technique. This knife is compatible with some moves of the stick method and the spear method. It takes into account the power of the heavy knife and the quickness of the light knife. As long as the moves learned by hundreds of schools are enough Many, it shouldn't be difficult to figure out the most suitable set of knife skills. But the shopkeeper has already figured it out?"

Xuanyuan Tiangang took a look at Ye Jingtang: "How did you find out, Young Master?"

"The old grave where the knife was buried, my old man wrote it before, and it's not interesting."

Alan guessed that the two heroes of the rivers and lakes came for this, and responded:

Alan looked at the quiet girl in white with a veiled hat, and said with a smile:
"My family's wine is not ordinary. The strongest kind. When the grand master comes, he will have to drink three cups and pour five cups. Are you sure you want one catty?"

Xuanyuan Tiangang turned his head and glanced: "It's just that the straight knife has been extended by two feet, what's so special about it?"

In the restaurant, Ye Jingtang, who was full, settled the bill with the proprietress, and then picked up the long knife.

hooves, hoofs...

After receiving the news in the early morning, Ye Jingtang set off from Jianyang and galloped towards Zezhou. Changing horses along the post road, he ran nearly [-] miles in one day and arrived in the north of Yunmeng Zezhou.

"It's more complicated to learn, not a swordsman. The old shopkeeper's swordsmanship looks unusual, and ordinary people really can't engrave this word."


Master Xuanji also put down his teacup and opened the curtain to watch.

"According to this way of thinking, the knife must be neither heavy nor light, neither long nor short, neither fast nor slow.

? ?
Xuanyuan Tiangang's cooking action paused again, he raised his eyelids, and the meaning in his eyes was probably - have you lied to a ghost?If Qiu Tianhe can teach an apprentice like you, I'll wring my head off and use it as a urinal for him.

Niao Niao looked hungry, so he jumped down and slipped through the curtain into the backyard, looking like he wanted to eat.

"I still have important things to do, so don't bother me, Niao Niao will go."

"Dragon Slaying Order has the advantages of long blade and strong strength. Fighting head-on with a three-foot light knife is not much different from a single-handed close-up gun. It is basically difficult to break the move at the same level. I used to think about many tricks, but recently I found this. It is very difficult to go through this way, if you want to break the trick, it is best to change your weapon and use a gun to break it; but you can’t win the 'Knife Champion' with a gun, so the easiest way is to work hard on the style of the 'Knife'."

Alan paused when he was playing grilled fish, and raised his eyes to look at Ye Jingtang.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang picked up the teapot and got two cups of water, and another cup for Niao Niao, and asked casually:
"I heard that Qiu Tian and Qiu Daxia are going to Junshantai to fight for the top swordsman recently. We also came to watch the fun. Does the proprietress know the news? Is there a fight over there?"

The backyard of the restaurant is not too big, and there is an old well inside, with a clothesline next to it.

"A piece of grilled fish, a few home-cooked dishes, a pot of rice, and a catty of good wine, the strongest."


Xuanyuan Tiangang returned to the kitchen and continued cooking:
"Meeting by chance, people with similar interests are confidants, why bother to ask each other's names. Let's go after dinner, and the mother-in-law will be angry if I talk about it again."

"I reckon this knife should not be made of ordinary iron. It weighs about sixteen catties. I don't know if that's right?"

Ye Jingtang took off his bamboo hat and sat down on the table:
"I don't drink, she does. She eats... hiss—"

"Young master, this bird is not bad."


"It's probably Zheng Feng's apprentice, with amazing talent."

Although it has been a long time ago, the handwriting is painted with silver hooks and iron, showing its sharpness, as if carved with a knife.

In the kitchen, a middle-aged man dressed in civilian clothes was cooking in front of the stove. He was tall and well-proportioned, and his appearance was quite heroic. After looking at the begging bird for a while, he saw Ye Jingtang coming in, and said:

"Only a knife, without matching knife skills, how do you break the trick?"

Ye Jingtang was afraid that the little girl who was reading and writing would be disturbed by the birds, so he jumped up and opened the curtain:

"I haven't heard Ning'er mention it, how did you get here?"

As soon as Niao Niao woke up, he saw a town full of people, and he regained his spirits. He poked his head out from under Ye Jing Tang's coir raincoat, looked around, first went to the wonton stall in the distance, and then looked at the grilled fish shop on the street. Out of a pair of 'birds are hungry' look.

Alan came to the door, asked the girl to write in the room, and took a look at Ye Jingtang's attire:
"The young master is also a swordsman?"


Looking at it in a blink of an eye, there is a knife hanging under the nave of the main room.


Alan thought for a while, and said softly: "When Dad was the shopkeeper, he persuaded Zheng Feng and others to drink, saying that Zheng Feng was straightforward and not tactful enough, and that he should travel outside for ten years before leaving the mountain. Zheng Feng didn't understand at the time. He said, "A chivalrous person should be like this", and kept saying that Qiu Tianhe had a lot of crooked brains, not like a pure chivalrous man. What happened? After decades, everyone knows Qiu Tianhe is righteous and Bo Yuntian, but how many people know about Zheng Feng? name?

Ye Jingtang sensed the suspicion in the proprietress' eyes, and felt a little helpless:
"The wine is so good, I told her to drink less, and I couldn't persuade her at all."

Xuanyuan Tiangang walked out of the kitchen with a long knife and threw it to Ye Jingtang:

"Your temperament is similar to that of Zheng Feng. You are both young and aggressive, you can't rub the sand in your eyes, and you are wandering in the rivers and lakes. It's okay if nothing happens, but if something happens, you will regret it..."

A look of surprise flashed in Alan's eyes: "Young Master, it seems that martial arts are not low. The old man used to be a bit skilled when he was in the Jianghu, but after seeing Kuangyazi, he stopped practicing and sold wine here all his life."

Soon, the two and one bird disappeared into the night of the old street.

(Added after the words below, do not count coins)

Thank you for the reward from the leader of the [Love of My Life, Ju Yunxiu]!

Thank you [My summoned fist is attacking] boss for the reward!

Recommend a book "I don't want to do multiple choice questions after rebirth", if you are interested, you can read it~

(End of this chapter)

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