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Chapter 225

Chapter 225
The sky is overcast, and the boats are heaving with the waves on the shore. Behind is a dimly lit town, and in front is thousands of miles of blue waves.

The raindrops sprinkled on the ceiling, making a dense and soft sound, the bow of the ship was like a bean, and the birds stood under the lantern, looking at the rolling waves and gurgling, and they seemed to be chanting - the great river goes east, the waves wash away, and the birds of the ages are romantic bird……

On the shore, Ye Jingtang moved the dragon-sounding gun, Junshan knife and other weapons wrapped in black cloth into the cabin, and then returned to the shore again to open the umbrella:
"Are you sure you're all right?"


The real Xuanji leaned against the small canopy by the lake, her cheeks were flushed, and she seemed to be unable to stand still:

"What can I do? I am the sixth peerless expert in the world..."


Seeing this drunken appearance, Ye Jingtang regretted taking Master Xuanji with him. Now Master Xuanji didn't say that he would escort him, and he was able to take care of himself without him. Thank God.

Seeing Master Xuanji staggering over, Ye Jingtang was afraid that she would accidentally fall into the water, so he raised his hand to help her:
"Watch out..."

But what I didn't expect was that before he touched his arm, the real Xuanji flipped his wrist lightly, clasped his hand quickly and held it in front of him, looked at him in a blink of an eye, his eyes were drunk and blurred, but revealed three points Danger means:
"What? You want to take advantage of the girl's drunkenness to plot something wrong?"

"Life is short, while you are young, you must learn to enjoy yourself in a timely manner. The girl is drunk like this, and you still don't understand the style at all. How did you catch Ning'er before?"

Ye Jingtang stood in the rain, gestured slowly with a long knife in his hand, adjusted his power posture, concentrated as if there was only one person and one boat in the world, and completely regarded the peerless beauty behind him as air.

Qiu Tianhe paused while drinking, raised his eyes to look outside, his eyes were surprised, probably meaning:

Then a white figure rose from the bow of the ship to the sky, but in the blink of an eye, he dragged the knife and jumped ten feet away. on the incoming waves.


"That person is not ordinary, and I was the one who robbed things, so I just kept my hands in the wrong."

Ye Jingtang saw such an extraordinary demeanor, and then looked at the real person Xuanji, as if he saw a thousand-foot snow peak standing in front of him, he was about to say "good martial arts!", but he didn't speak, and his expression was blank again.

But he never expected that Yejingtang could give him a huge surprise at this time!
Qiu Tianhe was leaning against the canopy and drinking some wine, when his ears moved suddenly, he heard two voices coming from the fence of the big ferry next to him:

After squatting in the dark dungeon for more than half a year, and meeting such an infuriating martial arts prodigy like Ye Jingtang, Qiu Tianhe's mentality has actually changed a lot compared to previous years.

Amidst the loud noise like thunder, the water waves exploded in the night. From a distance, it seemed that a waterfall rose out of thin air on the lake.

Xuanji really seems to be drunk, but she doesn't admit that she stumbled for a while, and continues to swim in the water, her figure is quite graceful:

Qiu Tianhe knew that Wuzhou was in chaos recently, and he was also aware of the enmity between Xuanyuan Hongzhi and Ye Jingtang, so he felt that this was very likely.

Although he pretended to be very similar, Ye Jingtang was not blind, and he could tell if he fell or jumped actively. His eyes were indescribable, but after thinking about it, he still opened his mouth and said:

But he was drunk and the light was dim. He might have seen three boats, but he didn't know which one was real. He stepped into the air a few feet away from the deck, and he disappeared from sight immediately.

But Xuanyuan Chao is the 'Wu Kui' only when he uses a knife.

Doesn't this come to your door to vent your anger? !
Qiu Tianhe sat up straight for a while, feeling that something was wrong, as if he had fallen into a fire pit, so he immediately put down the wine bowl.


Ye Jingtang shook his head and didn't respond any more. He moved out three inches with the long-handled knife in his hand, and a cold light appeared on the deck immediately.

Ye Jingtang was afraid of being accidentally injured, so he retreated into the cabin, and took away the curious bird:


With this situation, the bird was speechless, spread its wings and tilted its head, not knowing what to say.

Ye Jingtang didn't respond, weighed the long saber, hung it on his waist, and tried to get out of the sheath with the eight-step crazy saber.

The 1.6-meter knife is a bit too long, and the movement of drawing the knife cannot be as smooth as that of the Chilong knife, but after it is unsheathed, there is no problem with the eight-step mad knife.

"Forget it, this is not a peaceful place. You have already drunk like this, if I get drunk again, I will be unlucky, maybe I will have to drop a piece of it into the lake to feed the fish..."

How could Ye Jingtang take off the real person Xuanji's clothes, and ignored him, after a few glances, he closed the door and continued to ponder the saber technique.


Thinking of Master Xuanji's sword that didn't have any skills just now, but it was comparable to a top-notch move, Ye Jingtang thought about the moves again, and always felt that there was a sense of difference between them - Master Xuanji's sword was a sword, and he was obviously doing it Research how to make this knife fancy and different.

"It's absolutely true. It is said that he was a young swordsman. He was very fast with his sword. He killed four people in the blink of an eye..."

Originally, Master Xuanji's vision was to show off his superior demeanor, and land gracefully on the bow of the boat with blue waves on his feet.

But actually Ye Jingtang thought too much.

Between the big and small boats, a black-covered boat slowly passed through the gap, and hearty chatter and laughter could be heard in the canopy:
"Come on, let me toast to senior."

Although I don't know when the battle for the top swordsman will start, I am afraid that if I miss it, I will not be able to squeeze ahead. Many ships are waiting around Junshantai in the rain. The warriors on board are all looking forward to it.


Before the awning boat turned around in the narrow space between the ferries, the noisy ferries suddenly became quiet.

? ?
Hei Ya official poor, young swordsman, very fast...

From Huangquan Town to Junshan Terrace, it took only one night to take a boat, but Qiu Tian couldn't get together, and no matter how many people came, he couldn't beat him up. Naturally, his trip was leisurely. Water wandering around.

Ye Jingtang knew that Xuanji was talking about the realm of 'returning to the original'.

"You are not talking nonsense. Add up these four people, Wu Kui can kill casually, and the entire army can be wiped out. Who are they dealing with? Daoist Xuanji?"

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to enter the house, but when he saw this appearance, he stopped in his tracks, shook his head secretly, sat under the canopy in front of the door, and looked at the five-foot long knife:

"Be careful, don't cut yourself off."

Niao Niao was dazed, and Xiao Tiao came up to him to look at it, but saw Ye Jingtang's face turned red and white mist appeared on his head, and it seemed that he was almost ripe again...

Ye Jingtang saw this scene, the contempt in his eyes disappeared, he secretly used the method of Tianhe knife, trying to predict the movements of real Xuanji, but unfortunately found nothing

The masters will supplement it with moves and techniques, and one punch is no longer as simple as one punch.

If it were the three old monsters on the mountain who said this, he would definitely believe it, but after hearing it from the mouth of the beautiful Jiumengzi, he couldn't help but doubt:
"Fairy Lu is so powerful, why was she poisoned several times by that man in black?"

boom -

Now this battle, in Qiu Tianhe's mind, is actually the final battle, it puts an end to the past, and from now on, he will let go of the rivers and lakes, and go through the life that ordinary people should live.

Only then did Master Xuanji let go of Ye Jingtang's hand, lightly jumped onto the boat, sat on the mat in the cabin, and took off the wine gourd from behind his waist:
"This wine tastes really good, the key is its strength, why don't you have a sip?"

Although the speed can't reach the peak, but the attack range is doubled, and even the moves of the Dragon Slaying Token can be used in succession, which can be regarded as giving up some of the strengths in exchange for unlimited possibilities.

But unfortunately, the boat is already too close!

The real Xuanji swirled around like the wind with a knife. First, he performed a beautiful sword dance while drunk, and then bowed slightly, holding the knife with both hands in front of him:

"If you don't try, how do you know I will beat you?"

The distances between the islands are very far, Junshan Terrace is a competition arena, and ordinary people don't have the courage to go up there. If you want to watch the battle, the best place is naturally on the boat.

Ye Jingtang untied the anchor rope, pushed the boat away from the shore with a bamboo pole, and then pulled up the sail:


In the early morning, the 72 islands of Junshan were covered with clouds and fog, and hundreds of boats of all sizes came from all over the lake, floating on the lake.

Ye Jingtang had nothing to say, felt that Xuanji was really drunk, and didn't bother with her, holding an umbrella to signal:
"Okay, I won't help you with your arm, so be careful not to fall into the water."

Seeing that the situation was not right and he might be beaten to death by the old man Xuanyuan who was full of hatred for the loss of his son, Qiu Tianhe didn't even wrinkle his eyebrows, he was ready to get up and row the boat to leave, and return to the capital to continue to accompany Sister Meng.

Originally, the risk of this battle was not great, but Qiu Tianhe felt quite relaxed, as if he was going to work for the last time before retirement.

After all, if this earth-shattering knife cut back on the boat, it might not be a problem to chop the whole boat into pieces.

"As expected of the contemporary sword leader..."

Although Qiu Tianhe doesn't look serious, he is still the same as all peak warriors in essence. He can be regarded as a martial idiot, and he pretends to be "morality, chivalry, and friendship" in the world.

And further up, it is to integrate the strengths of a hundred schools of thought, to cultivate the energy, muscles and bones to the culmination, every move is the pinnacle of moves, naturally no longer stick to the moves, and become a punch is a punch.


With the current foundation of Ye Jingtang, it can also do this, even faster.

And even if Master Xuanji had a fox tail, he might be able to use it as a meteor hammer to hit the top of the mountain.

According to Ye Jingtang's estimation, Qiu Tianhe is a top swordsman in Jianghu, and the atmosphere is well coaxed. There are so many people who are looking forward to it, even if they know that going to the ring will hit the gun, they can't save face and retreat tactically, so as not to cause trouble The rivers and lakes criticized.

But after being on death row for more than half a year, the happiest thing in the world is to hold a bowl of old wine in your hand and bask in the little sun at dusk.

Although the rankings of the two are not far apart, they can no longer be classified as a class of warriors.

? !
Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, and then ran to the edge of the deck to check, but saw the real Xuanji floating on the lake as usual, with a natural look, and said casually:
"Drink too much, it's a little hot, I'll take a bath, you should rest first."

The aftermath continued to spread outwards, creating an endless fan-shaped ripple on the lake!

Ye Jingtang rubbed his forehead, plunged into the water, and searched in the lake. Fortunately, the lake was not very deep, and the boat didn't drift too far, so he quickly retrieved the knife stuck in the bottom of the lake.

In the past, Qiu Tianhe felt that the happiest thing in the world should be standing on the Junshan Terrace with a knife in hand, being worshiped and admired by all the heroes in the world.

Xuanji lay on her side on the mat, her right hand propped her side face, the wine gourd swayed slightly, and she posed in a very seductive pose, her eyes could be said to be seductive:


"I told you I'm fine, you go and rest, I'll come up later."


I used to think that I was free and easy, but after I lost my freedom completely, I realized that in the past 50 years, I was just a layman led by fame and wealth, so I couldn't really live a day at ease.

He is Ye Jingtang's uncle and half master. Ye Jingtang slaughtered Xuanyuan Hongzhi, and he came to Junshan Terrace the next day to find his father and challenge him...

In terms of saber skills, Xuanji is definitely not as good as Xuanyuan Chao, and there is still a gap in strength.

"I heard that something happened. A brother of mine was in Wuzhou. Last night, he sent news that there was a disturbance at the mouth of Wuxi River. It seems that someone joined forces to kill the officials of Heiya...Fan Laoba and Han Shaoping are dead. There are also two people from Junshantai, one dead and one seriously injured, it is said that they are Xuanyuan Hongzhi and Yao Wenzhong..."

Daoist Xuanji came to the drizzle drunk and took the long knife from Ye Jingtang, with a haughty expression on his face:
"The highest level of martial arts is 'there is no sword in the hand, but there is a sword in the heart'. Only ordinary warriors will pay attention to weapons, moves, inner skills, and outer skills; I have passed this stage, and now every move is a move, picking flowers Ye is a sharp weapon, it doesn’t make any difference to me whether I hold a knife or a sword, so I can count it.”

A simple and unpretentious horizontal slash, which can't even be called the word "sword technique", but it exerts an effect beyond the reach of ordinary people. This is impossible without the background of "knowledge of all schools, flawless inside and outside". .

It was also at this time that Ye Jingtang understood why the real Xuanji was ranked third among the Eight Quests.

The surrounding islands are crowded with people, and there are quite a few open areas where you can still see Jianghu Erlang discussing on the spot, and the onlookers are cheering. Only the Qianzhang Junshan Platform in the center is empty, with only a solitary stone tablet erected.

Niao Niao squatted at the door to shelter from the rain, and didn't disturb Ye Jingtang who was sitting cross-legged in the rain, but at some point, the bow of the boat felt a little hotter.

"Knife? What knife?"

"Ah... eh? Where's the knife?"

The bow of the three-foot-long ship sank several feet in an instant.

"I know you are an expert. It's just a moment of carelessness after drinking too much, and I won't laugh at you. Come up quickly, don't catch a cold."

"Why is there no movement at Junshan Terrace? It's just that the Marquis Shen didn't show up. Yao Wenzhong and Xuanyuan Hongzhi didn't see anyone, so they let some disciples with foreign surnames receive guests..."


A normal person's punch is a punch.

After brewing for a while, Master Xuanji's eyes narrowed slightly, and then her feet suddenly exerted force.

Niao Niao stood at the door, afraid of being crushed by the witch sister, she didn't dare to go in, so she raised her wings slightly and said, "Chi Chi...", presumably the meaning is to ask Ye Jingtang to help take off the wet clothes, and in the middle of sleep, It's good to sleep next to.


Ye Jingtang's pupils also shrunk slightly, and his eyes turned into surprise.

"Could it be that you're not interested in girls who take the initiative, and prefer to be reserved?"

Seeing that the situation was not good, he turned around and ran to admit defeat. Tens of thousands of people around looked on, no matter how thick-skinned Xuanyuan was, it was impossible for him to chase him down.

Splashes of more than ten feet high were blown up around, until the entire stern of the ship lifted out of the water.

"That arrogant junior Qiu Tianhe really has no manners, to let senior Xuanyuan show up first..."

"Good drinker..."

Qiu Tianhe knew that he couldn't beat old man Xuanyuan, but he had fought against old man Xuanyuan twice in the past, and he knew the details of old man Xuanyuan, and he couldn't be crushed without a single blow.

The rainy night is quiet.


Then the silence spread outward, until the lake surface for several miles around fell into dead silence, leaving only the rain curtain and spray.

The waterfall rolled outwards, crushing the endless waves that came, but in an instant, it turned into a wave that was several feet high, and it burst out after rushing out tens of feet.

In the narrow canopy, one person is sitting in the stern rowing the boat, and the three are sitting around a small table drinking and chatting happily.

Zhenji Xuanji held a sword and held a sword flower, because the blade was too long, it looked a bit scary.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi is dead?

Master Xuanji teased the bird rolling on the mat with his hand, and seeing Ye Jingtang ignore her, he gradually lost the interest in teasing her, and stood up straight on the porch, posing as a master:
"That's not how knives work."

There was only a plate of peanuts on the table, but there were four or five jars of wine. The two young swordsmen were flushed and drunk, while Qiu Tianhe, who had his back to the bow of the ship, looked normal, holding a wine bowl and looking out the window.


When he surfaced, the real Xuanji had already jumped onto the boat when he was not prepared.

After Daoist Xuanji made a move with a saber, he pulled a sword flower and put the five-foot-long saber behind his back, trying to put on a posture to withdraw the saber, but because the saber was too long, it looked like he was carrying an antenna.

But before Qiu Tianhe finished thinking, the next words came to his ears:

After rehearsing for a while, Ye Jingtang stopped, put the five-foot long knife aside, sat cross-legged in the rain, with the Chilong knife horizontally on his knees, closed his eyes and thought carefully, no longer obsessed with the posture of exerting force, etc. Appearance, and turned to think about how the same knife can make a qualitative change inside.

Ye Jingtang heaved a sigh of relief, and flew to the deck, only to see Xuanji, who looked like a soaked chicken, collapsed on the mat in the cabin, closing his eyes and pretending to be deeply asleep.

God really opened his eyes, who is the master of Qingtian who is killing harm for the people...

Ye Jingtang stopped practicing the saber technique and turned around:
"Fairy Lu also knows sword skills?"

As for Master Xuanji's knife, there is no skill, it's all about strength.

The real person Xuanji stood at the bow of the boat, her black hair and white skirt moved with the wind, maintaining the same rhythm as the waves of the rain curtain, her figure didn't move at all, but gradually became the focus of the night, like a storm, quietly moving in the night bred.

Master Xuanji poured himself a drink for a while, maybe a little bored, and said again:

But his knife skills are supplemented by the top luck method, experts can recognize the moves at a glance, and it is possible to break the move if there is a move.

The three young men on the black canopy boat were chatting and laughing at the wind, and said "Xuanyuan Laoer" one by one, but when the footsteps sounded, they all turned pale and swallowed:
"Junshan Shenhou is here, this momentum..."

With such a frightening momentum, Niao Niao shrank her neck in shock.


After meeting Ye Jingtang, Qiu Tianhe knew that his dream of replacing Xuanyuan Laoer as the sword leader for decades was impossible to achieve. Since there was no hope of reaching the top, he naturally looked down on the word "dao leader".


"Hiss! Senior, why are you whipping me?!"

A burst of dull footsteps sounded from the stone platform of thousands of feet, no one was seen, but the heavy footsteps seemed to be knocking on the bottom of the heart, so heavy that even the sound of the rain was a little quieter.

Qiu Tianhe felt that this description sounded like that kid from Yejingtang?
But even though the description fits the bill and there are motives, Ye Jingtang should not be able to beat Yao Wenzhong, let alone [-]v[-]...

The rainy night is silent, and the center of the lake is like a lamp like a bean.

When a martial artist practices martial arts, the process is nothing more than:

If Qiu Tianhe can't even save this little face, can he live to this age?


Could it be that Ye Jingtang led the black yamen masters to surround Xuanyuan Hongzhi...

As soon as the voice fell, the shaky figure suddenly fell into a stagnation, giving people the feeling that a person suddenly disappeared from the deck, leaving only a stone statue without any breath.

Qiu Tianhe twitched the back of the head of the young man next to him, let go of the paddle he had just held, sighed softly, and muttered:
"This shitty rivers and lakes..."

After saying that, Qiu Tianhe stepped out of the canopy with his waist knife pressed, and stood on the bow of the boat, with his waist and back as straight as a steep mountain.

Thousands of feet of blue waves were silent, and in the vast world under the rain curtain, at this moment, there were only two swordsmen standing opposite each other...


(End of this chapter)

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