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Chapter 226

Chapter 226
The drizzling autumn rain turned the world into a misty black and blue.

The waves beat against the edge of the Qianzhang Stone Platform again and again, hundreds of boats rose and fell with the waves, and the entire lake fell into dead silence.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of people, the old man with white hair and naked upper body in a skirt walked up to the towering wordless stele step by step. The gigantic beast perched on its waist stared at the thousands of ants below the stage.

The people who came to Junshan Terrace to watch the excitement during this trip were not only low-level gangsters, for the sake of Qiu Tianhe's fame, but also heroes from Zezhou and even the surrounding areas.

On the nearest big ferry boats, there are Qianhe Mountain Villa in Tuzhou, Xiaoshan Fort in Jiangzhou, and even the martial arts heroes in Tiannan Jianghu. Come half.

With the appearance of Xuanyuan Chao, who had been sitting in the position of 'Knife Chief' for nearly 50 years, everyone walked out of the boat building, and the greetings continued one after another:

"Hero Xuanyuan..."

"I haven't seen you for a few years, but Shenhou is still as handsome..."


Xuanyuan Chao's long hair fluttered with the wind, he didn't respond to the juniors he knew or didn't know, he just stared at the small black-covered boat between the cracks with eagle-like eyes.

As soon as this remark came out, all the famous people in the world who heard it on the lake were in an uproar.

A really good sword technique should follow the golden mean, but it should be "long or short, fast or slow, heavy or light". Holding a wooden stick can also have the power to open mountains, and carrying a heavy knife can also be as dexterous as a knife. wind.


Xuanyuan Chao, who was wearing a armor skirt, waved a Junshan heavy saber like the wind, without leaving any gaps, almost followed Qiu Tianhe out, and the saber fell again, leaving a huge dent on the ground.

Xuanyuan Chao glanced at the weapon a few times, and his eyes fell on the five-foot long knife first, with a three-pointed surprise in his eyes:

At this moment, there was a sudden roar among the ship piles, accompanied by the sound of the deck being shattered.

What Qiu Tianhe used was the Tianhe Saber, and he was strong in anticipating the backhand. At this time, he didn't even have a chance to strike the backhand, so naturally there was no possibility of winning.

To use this effect, it depends on the person using the knife, not the style of the knife.

Xuanyuan Chao didn't look at Qiu Tianhe, and responded flatly:
"In the past, fighting was a competition for learning, and it was better to compare which moves; today, the old man wants to kill people, so I don't fight routines with you step by step."

And Xuanyuan Chao, who was blocking the road, felt a strong wind approaching behind him, and stopped his body, pointed at the ground obliquely with a knife in one hand, and turned around unhurriedly.

When Xuanyuan Hongzhi secretly mobilized generals, Xuanyuan Chao killed the younger generation who was obviously far weaker than himself and came to propose marriage, and he is still shamed.


The arena was flying in all directions, and the violent air waves that rose suddenly stirred up the rain around the two of them.

On the lake, the boat that was nearly capsized just now leaned against the shore.

But counting and catching are two different things.

Xuanyuan Chao accepted the challenge on the Junshan Terrace in the past, and he never played vainly.

Xuanyuan Chao said so grandly that he would not pursue his son's death, but just told the court in front of tens of thousands of people.

A "accompanying concubine" dressed in white, with a veiled cap on his head, leaped onto Junshantai with several weapons in his arms.

If you don't follow the number of ways, you can't guess how Xuanyuan Chao will make moves. You can only use comprehensive strengths such as explosive power, eyesight, reaction, and understanding of saber techniques. If you are weaker, you can separate life and death.

"This Muqing sword is a weapon researched by Sun Muqing, a sword idiot in Tiannan. Sun Muqing first used a light sword and was defeated by Kuang Yazi; later he changed to a heavy sword, but was defeated by the old man. I have spent my whole life studying how to break these two kinds of saber techniques, and created this saber. Are you going to use this saber to deal with this old man?"

The essence of the Dragon Slaying Order is to 'retreat and bow your back to play the sword'. Like the eight-step crazy sword, the position of the saber is fixed, otherwise it will be difficult to start as quickly as possible.

Watching the warriors present, they were also a little puzzled when they saw this scene.

After Xuanyuan Chao stared at Chilong Dao, he raised his eyes to the young swordsman in front of the wordless stele:
"You are Nightmare?"

People nearby looked around, but saw the stern of a small boat suddenly tilted on the lake where thousands of sails gathered.

Qiu Tianhe was about to rush forward, but when he saw this scene, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly stopped in his tracks.

Back then Xuanyuan Chao was very disgusted with Zheng Feng and did not show any sympathy, one of the reasons was to want his daughter to enter the palace.

"Good comprehension. However, you haven't practiced to the point of 'no sword is better than having a sword'. Without this sword to make tricks, what do you use to break the dragon slaying order?"

"Finally, I found that everything is possible, but everything is not good.

There was no gap between the two knives, and the sudden burst of terrifying energy forced the surrounding rain curtains back abruptly, clearing a long groove on the ground.

All the celebrities present at the scene all focused their eyes on Ye Jingtang, and quietly asked about the background of this son.

The waves were like sharp arrows, flying tens of feet away in the blink of an eye, and aimed directly at the burly old man who had just landed on the shore.

A fierce battle was destined to be inevitable, and Qiu Tianhe didn't say anything anymore, Bibo flew up from his feet and landed on the edge of the Qianzhang stone platform.

The person who came was a man, dressed in a black robe made of water cloud brocade, with a bamboo hat on his head, tall, with a handsome face, his eyes were as sharp as a sword, and a long knife with a black sheath hung from his waist.

Now that Zheng Feng's descendants come to visit, it goes without saying what they want to do.

Hundreds of well-known figures in the rivers and lakes who were not far away were immediately in an uproar when they heard this, and realized that the news of the Wuzhou Jianghu that had just spread was true, and that Xuanyuan Hongzhi should really be dead.

Although Qiu Tianhe would not lose his position, Xuanyuan Chao's saber was too fierce, and it was almost impossible to avoid it without injury, so he could only block with the saber and use his strength to move.

Xuanyuan Chao commented:

But when Xuanyuan Chao came out with these words, he was no longer ready to compete. He made it clear in advance that he was going to kill someone, and if Qiu Tianhe came on stage again, he couldn't blame Xuanyuan Chao, who had just lost his son, for being serious.

Qiu Tianhe frowned secretly, and slowed down his steps.

The distance between the two was tens of feet, but Qiu Tianhe walked for a long time, his speed getting slower and slower, until the rain was getting heavier, he didn't move.

But they have already been targeted, and he would obviously not agree to leave Xuanyuan Dynasty. What is in front of him is nothing more than death as vigorously as a swordsman, or before death, he ran away and lost an adult.

Xuanyuan Chao stuck the Junshan Knife on the stone brick beside him, raised his head slightly in the rain:


The knife method has been improved to a higher level, and the focus is on 'method' rather than 'knife'.

The two sides had both new and old grievances. Standing in the arena where life and death were divided, they did not speak much.

And a black figure flew across the calm lake at an appallingly terrifying speed, and the strong wind brought by it directly pulled out white waves more than ten feet high on the water, which seemed to split the lake in two instantly from a distance.

The knife is three feet three long and two and a half fingers wide. The handle is wrapped with black rope, and the tail ring of the guard is made of brass. Both are carved with dragons.

Qiu Tianhe caught three sabers in a row, the tiger's mouth holding the saber had been shattered, knowing that he had no chance of winning, if he continued to hit, he might die suddenly, so he immediately flew back and jumped towards the lake shore.

boom -

"In martial arts in the world, speed is the only thing that can't be broken. The eight-step mad knife is the fastest sword technique in the world, and naturally it is the strongest sword technique. There should be no opponents. If you can be targeted and interrupted, you can only say that you are not fast enough, not Knives don't work.

Xuanyuan Chao's sword technique is so simple that it doesn't make any sense. It is purely hard power crushing, and it belongs to the style of fighting with one force and ten skills.

Qiu Tianhe focused his eyes slightly, ignoring all the sounds outside the ring, and concentrated on observing Xuanyuan Chao's standing posture, breath and even his eyes, wanting to figure out the opponent's routine first.

Seeing Xuanyuan Chao's murderous intentions, the surrounding heroes naturally frowned.

Xuanyuan Chao, who was looking elsewhere, didn't even look back, kicked the back of the saber with his right foot suddenly, while holding the handle of the saber with his left hand at the same time, then exerted strength in his waist and abdomen, his muscles all over his body, and slashed down to the left rear.

The surface of the lake under the rain fell into silence the moment the visitor appeared.

The onlookers held their breaths, and many of them blushed, but no one urged them.

"That's revenge."


In the arena of life and death, this kind of casual attitude is undoubtedly a kind of contempt.

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he always understood why the proprietress was very upset when the shopkeeper said to give him the knife. If nothing else, the knife should be a relic of the old shopkeeper.

Qiu Tianhe shook the knife in his hand, and stepped forward:
"Don't you hang the knife on your back first?"

The slippery figure has not yet come to a complete stop, Xuanyuan Chao, who is like a mountain, has already turned around with the knife, leaped up with the knife in both hands, and slashed down Huashan again with force:

But it's a pity that Xuanyuan Chao is as stable as a huge rock. Everyone knows that they will die if they hit themselves, but they just can't figure out how this rock will come.


Qiu Tianhe had practiced swords all his life, so he was not caught off guard when it came to Xuanyuan Chao's attack like this.

However, Xuanyuan Chao first proposed to shake hands and make peace, but Ye Jingtang refused to agree and insisted on revenge. It would be unreasonable for Prince Jing to pursue Jun Shantai's responsibility afterwards.

Behind Ye Jingtang is King Jing, and Xuanyuan Dynasty itself is the founding prince, whoever kills anyone will cause the court to be dissatisfied.

From a distance, it looked like Xuanyuan Chao with a terrifying figure, with a backhand knife driving the wind and rain, turning into a huge wave.

Although Junshan Terrace is thousands of feet in diameter, the place where the two fought was in front of the wordless stele by the lake.

Ye Jingtang's adoptive father was beaten and maimed, and he was assassinated by Junshantai's people. This revenge was not only not reported, but also deepened. How could he agree to write it off.

Last night when he practiced the sword technique, he found that the sword is too long, the left hand is not smooth enough to draw the sword, and the moves to accept the Dragon Slaying Order are too light. Moves, but they are all used in this way, and the power of changing the big gun is even greater.

Growing up hearing the name 'Xuanyuan Chao', Ye Jingtang did feel the pressure when he saw this contemporary swordsman over two meters tall at close range, but his expression was very natural, and he calmly responded:
"Liangzhou Ye Jingtang, my father Zheng Feng."

Seeing Xuanyuan Chao ask, Ye Jingtang shook his head:
"My previous thinking was the same as that of the predecessors who forged this sword. I thought that if I wanted to defeat the world's sword skills, the sword should be neither light nor heavy, neither long nor short, nor fast nor slow.

The black figure before the waves noticed that Xuanyuan Chao had stopped, turned around on the lake, flew up and landed in front of the wordless stele not far away.

"Xuanyuan Chao, last year your son bought a disciple of the Pingtian Sect, tipped off the imperial court, and put me in the dungeon of the Black Yarn. Did you ever think that I would be blessed by misfortune and regain my freedom, standing here upright?"

Because Xuanyuan Chao knew how his son died—by paying Ye Jingtang to overturn the ship, he died because he was not long-sighted and took the initiative to find fault, not Ye Jingtang's revenge, and it had nothing to do with the hatred back then.

There are many peak warriors in the world, and there are not a few who are stronger than Xuanyuan Chao, but there is only Kuang Yazi who can make him an opponent, a target, and do everything to chase after him.

As long as he gets off the ring, no matter how thick-skinned Xuanyuan Chao is, he won't be able to chase down an opponent who has already surrendered in front of tens of thousands of people.

The top players who can see clearly on the lake will know the victory and defeat when they see this scene.

boom -

"I disabled your father, and you killed my son. Do you want to revenge each other, or do you want the court to act as a peacemaker, so that the past can be wiped out?"

Qiu Tianhe had put his sword back into its sheath, probably because he was afraid that Ye Jingtang would make things worse and end up like Zheng Feng, so he came to Ye Jingtang, and if the situation was not good, he would play two against one.

Ye Jingtang held down the handle of the knife with his left hand, and raised his bamboo hat slightly:

Xuanyuan Chao's long hair fluttered with the wind, his sharp eyes glanced at Qiu Tianhe, then he seemed to lose interest, and looked at the boats on the lake in a blink of an eye, as if he was looking for someone.

Xuanyuan Chao knew that this young swordsman in his twenties was the culprit who killed his son, but he didn't look at the visitor's face, he just looked at the Chilong Saber on his waist, with a bit of nostalgia in his eyes.

Xuanyuanchao fought according to the method of the Dragon Slaying Order. As long as a swordsman with a little background can catch one or two swords without dying, after all, the moves are clear, and if you can't fight, you can dodge.

Xuanyuan Chao slashed at Tianhe's saber with his backhand, without giving the opponent the slightest chance to "strike back", the strength was so great that he directly moved Qiu Tianhe's slash to the side.

"This knife is a good knife, but it can't be used by those who are incapable, and those who can use it well are no longer needed."

The words have come to this point, and there is no need to say more.

Zheng Feng's reputation is not very high, but the name of the Three Heroes of Yunzhou comes first, and Qiu Tianhe's robbery of the Marriage Envoy team comes later. Basically, all swordsmen in the Jianghu know a thing or two about the cause of that incident.

"You, like your father, are too reckless and upright. If you want to take revenge, you should have the strength to come back; if you come to the door now, you will just pay for my son's life."

"Swordsman, talk with a knife. If you want to reason with the old man, you can go down and talk face to face later."

Another reason is that Zheng Feng is too mediocre, he even practiced the eight-step mad knife crookedly, and he is not worthy of this knife that he has worked so hard to pursue for 30 years!


The heavy knife fell again, and the stone bricks under Qiu Tianhe's feet were instantly shattered, causing him to slip backwards.

Xuanyuan Chao's left hand was behind his back, and the [-]-pound Junshan Knife was pointed at the ground obliquely as if it had no weight. Coupled with his exaggerated body shape of just over two meters, he was like an ordinary swordsman, holding a knife that fit his body An ordinary light knife.


The sky-high spray was raised, and quickly fell back to the lake.

No one knew about this knife. Although it has disappeared in the Jianghu for nearly 30 years, it is still the fastest knife in the world, bar none!

"You can break Kuang Yazi's saber, it means that Kuang Yazi's saber is not at its peak, not that your saber technique is better.

Under the drizzle, the originally noisy lake was completely quiet at this moment.


On the thousand zhang stone platform, a white light suddenly appeared!
Qiu Tian's body exploded, holding a single knife in his hand, but in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared from everyone's sight, and when he saw clearly again, the sharp blade had stabbed the spine from Xuanyuan towards the left rear.

But it's a pity that Xuanyuan Chao said that life and death are divided according to life and death. Seeing that Qiu Tianhe wanted to escape, in a blink of an eye, he came to the lake to block the retreat.

Of course, this is not about missing Zheng Feng, but about Kuang Yazi.

"If you can use this knife to break your dragon slaying order, you can use the Junshan knife to break the golden body of Monk Shenchen; if you can use this knife to break the eight-step crazy knife of Kuangyazi, it is estimated that you can replace Lu Taiqing with the Chilong knife.

Ye Jingtang has always known that it is difficult for the imperial court to handle this matter, and he also understands Xuanyuan Chao's intentions, so he said directly:
"You maimed my father until he died young; your son came to kill me and nearly killed me in Wanshui Town. How can there be such a big enmity?"



And the young swordsman in front of him seemed to be stronger than Zheng Feng.

Seeing the world-shattering sword coming, Qiu Tianhe immediately retracted the sword and dodged sideways, holding the back of the sword with his left hand when the sword and whip in his hand were out of reach.

He borrowed the knife because he really wanted to see if he could research the method of breaking the dragon slaying order, but even if he did, the proficiency in one night would not be able to be used against Xuanyuan Chao.

When the distance between each other reached ten zhang, after Qiu Tianhe had exhaustively exhausted Xuanyuan Chao's possible saber movements, he held the saber handle with his right hand without any further hesitation.

The next moment, terrifying energy erupted from the arena.

The Junshan knife is too heavy, and only by bowing the back and flicking the knife can one move quickly. For this reason, all the swordsmen are studying how to break this movement, so that they can press the Dragon Slaying Token to death with one move.

Junshantai went up and down, and became quiet again.

After all, she was only drunk last night and casually said 'that's not how knives are used'. She didn't expect Ye Jingtang to have some new insights when she woke up.

Also at the same moment, gravel splashed on the ring, and there was a loud explosion.

This is the saber of the previous sword chief!

Xuanyuan Chao didn't care about this, and turned to look at the lake.

Master Xuanji was originally quiet as a vase, but when she heard this, she tilted her head slightly, and her eyes showed a little surprise.

Qiu Tianhe stood quietly in the rain, staring at the burly figure who was a head taller than him in front of him.

On the black-padded boat, Qiu Tianhe ignored the shocked gazes of a few brats, and stood calmly at the bow of the boat:

After defeating Kuangyazi, Xuanyuanchao sat at the head of the sword for more than 40 years. It seemed that the scenery was boundless, but in fact, his life was far less fulfilling than before the age of 30.

It wasn't until this time that the countless quacks who were watching could clearly see the appearance of the person who came.

Xuanyuan Chao's long hair fluttered with the wind, and he looked at Ye Jingtang with condescending eyes:

After seeing Master Xuanji's martial arts attainments of "the basic attack is a big move, and the fox's tail can be self-contained", he thought about it for half the night, and felt that the idea of ​​this knife must be wrong.


The roar was like thunder.

Qiu Tianhe is self-aware, he doesn't look down on Xuanyuan Chao's character, but he has never underestimated Xuanyuan Chao's sword skills, he knows better than everyone present whether he can fight or not.

Although Xuanyuan Chao's son died, his face did not show any anger, but he said calmly:

After all, what Xuanyuan Chao said was not arrogance, but that he was preparing for the truth.

Xuanyuan Chao's words seemed to mean that he did not want to pursue the death of his son and wanted to settle the grievances, but it was not the case.

Because there is no opponent like Kuang Yazi, he doesn't know who he should practice the knife in his hand in the future.

The visitor was dressed like an ordinary Jianghu swordsman, but the knife on his waist was very special to the countless swordsmen present.

Ye Jingtang is here, let's not talk about whether to fight or not, the scene is very tough, and he said to this:
"I'm afraid that in another two years, you won't be able to lift a knife, and you won't even be able to take revenge."


And Qiu Tianhe, who was in front of the blade, was like a lone boat in front of a strong wind and huge waves. Even ordinary people without the strength to restrain a chicken can see that as long as they are hit by the huge waves, they will be torn apart.

boom -

Ye Jingtang arrived at Junshan Terrace in the early hours of the morning, and had been watching the battle in secret just now, when he saw that Qiu Tianhe was at a disadvantage and might be hacked to death, he came out to disrupt the situation.

"I'm different, my knife can be faster than Kuangyazi."



This small plot is relatively long, and I haven't finished writing or2
Thank you [Zi Che Shen Ju] for the [-] reward!
Thank you [Bi Ge Mo Wu] for your rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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