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Chapter 232 Inside the Palace and Outside the Palace

Chapter 232 Inside the Palace and Outside the Palace
Branches on the moon.

The lights on the outskirts of the wharf are like daylight, and hundreds of ships of all sizes are berthed on the river bank, and all you can see are the flags and flags hunting in the autumn wind.


A loud horn sounded from the river, and several giant official ships sailed into the port.

The pedals were lowered from the official ship, and the forbidden soldiers in black unicorn armor came out of the ship in a file. The solemn and solemn momentum made the whole pier instantly silent.

On the river about two miles away from the wharf, a cruise ship full of literati floated slowly on the river.

In an elegant room at the back of the ship building, an old man with white eyebrows dressed as a butler, with a cane and a cane, stood at the window overlooking the pier, and said slowly:

"Back in the capital, when all the kings were princes, King Wu often took a boat tour on the Qingjiang River. He was not good at academics, but liked to show off. He said a lot of ignorant words without knowing it.

"Because King Wu has no power, the Taizu did not discipline him severely, and he was granted the title of King Wu to the peaceful land of Wuzhou. He only hoped that King Wu would enjoy a lifetime of wealth and honor without illness or disaster, but he never thought about this person. This step..."

In front of the goatee old man was a young man in a brocade robe, holding a folding fan, with a face in his thirties, although he was quite fit, but with a gentle and refined temperament, he looked like a well-educated scholar.

Pei Xiangjun paused, tilted his head and said with concern:
"What? Has the injury recurred?"

Ye Jingtang seemed stern and uncommon, like a gentleman, but as a man, he was going home soon, so he must have some indescribable thoughts.

"Few people know my identity in Honghualou. In the future, regarding Honghualou, I will still use a gun. When the marksmanship is perfect and I avenge my uncle, these Jianghu prejudices will naturally disappear."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, woo..."

Luo Ning blinked her eyes, feeling that Yunli shouldn't be so sensible, but she felt a little more relieved that she didn't find anything wrong with the temporary spot check.

Ye Jingtang was lying on the pillow, raised his hands slightly, and after thinking about it, he helped pull out the flower and bird hairpin on San Niang's head, put it next to the pillow, and then turned over, turning his back on the guest...
On the other side, inside the imperial city.

Ye Jingtang's eyesight is very good, but he still walked up to him, sized him up carefully, and even raised his hand...


Pei Xiangjun blinked his apricot eyes, and when he heard it clearly, his face flushed and he wanted to get up immediately.

And spanning 30 years, the grievances and resentments that lasted for two generations also came to an end at this moment.

Yang Chao ran up to him quickly, and looked at Ye Jingtang who had grown up and watched him since he was a child. Both joy and emotion were written on his face:
"The Young Master's family is amazing. The Master has a spirit in the sky. If he knows that the Young Master's family has become the top swordsman, he will be so happy that he won't be able to sleep for three days and three nights. He will have to chatter with everyone..."

The Great Wei Empress was used to this, she moved a little to the side, and let the real Xuanji lean in front of her:
"Still haven't found the whereabouts of Minglong Tu?"

"Although the green bandits are powerful and have connections all over the northern and southern dynasties, they don't know the details or their purpose after all. It can be regarded as a double-edged sword. It can hurt the enemy, but it may also hurt yourself..."


Ye Jingtang held the watermelon that he couldn't hold with one hand, thought for a while and whispered in his ear.

However, Honghualou has recovered under her hands, no matter whether she relies on manual skills or other skills, the credit is real.

For this reason, after suppressing distracting thoughts, Pei Xiangjun still picked up three sticks of incense, and made a serious sacrifice...
After the worship was over, the two left the secret way and returned to the boudoir again.

Pei Xiangjun didn't expect there to be such an outrageous method, and wanted to say a few words about Ye Jingtang, but couldn't open it. Seeing that Ye Jingtang didn't plan to act recklessly, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief:
"I won't force it, so I still think about it? That kind of embarrassing thing... I haven't thought about it yet. You should take care of your body first. Don't think about these crooked ways all day long..."


"is it okay?"

Luo Ning was rubbed twice, her face flushed a little bit, and she was a little distracted. She gently pushed with her hand:
"You have so many tricks, but you only greet me? I don't believe that she is made of iron, you..."

"There are many clues, and the most likely one is the one in Jiang Zhahu's hand. But Jiang Zhahu understands the reason for the crime of Huaibi. There are countless high-level people from the northern and southern dynasties looking for him. They hide very deeply and show up quickly. Go fast back and never stay longer than a day.


"It's no wonder Xue Bodhi. This son is either hiding too deep, or his luck is too strong. He has only been exposed in the capital for a few months, and he has already had such a weather. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would believe that such a young man has already entered the palace?" The rank of Wu Kui."

Pei Xiangjun used to be called Pei Yuanfeng's second elder brother, but now he seems to have to be called Yifu again, and he really feels a little strange. Standing in front of the spiritual seats of master, eldest brother, and second brother, he just feels ashamed to face it.

"Your Highness."

"In the palace, I won't come until tomorrow morning."

It didn't take long for Pei Xiangjun and Ye Jingtang to cook a mature meal. When Luo Ning was around, in order to show the demeanor of a woman, she could let go, but she was still shy in private.

After going out for so many days, Niao Niao misses poached eggs very much, so she jumped along and followed.

"Yunli should be in Shuanggui Lane, I'll go back first, you should have a good rest at night."

"Any weapon will hurt you if you don't use it well."

Pei Xiangjun made the bed and was wearing a looser skirt. When he bent over, his gourd-shaped figure was fully displayed.

Pei Xiangjun snorted softly, but didn't say anything. When he walked to a secluded place, he put his arms around Ye Jingtang's arm, and took a watermelon clip to show that he was still very satisfied.

On a slightly cool autumn night, the Changle Palace is brightly lit, and countless palace ladies in colorful clothes walk through the palace pavilions.

"Hmph~" Pei Xiangjun didn't resist, leaning against Ye Jingtang's arms, and asked again:

Dongfang Shuoyue stood with her hands behind her back, shook her head and said:

The mechanism on the tiger's head sliding door was turned open, and then the door was separated from the left and right, and the real Xuanji in a white dress appeared at the door.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang has become the top swordsman now is enough to revive the lintel, Madam Zhang has unloaded the big stone that has been in her heart for many years, and it is not an exaggeration to describe her reaction as crying with joy.

"What are you doing? You were fine just now, but now you're showing your true colors so quickly? I've said that you can act recklessly when Ning'er is around, but you still have to obey the rules in private..."

Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, blinked his eyes, and moved a little inside to get out of the way:

When Luo Ning said this, she took out a small medicine box from her bag, and whispered in Ye Jingtang's ear.

"Since you've been on the boat for so many days, you've been upstairs all day, Ye Jingtang was injured, you didn't even know to come back and visit..."

"Father can afford to wait, but I can't wait. The empress is not a kind person. When she summoned the princes and sons to Beijing, she never thought of letting me leave Yun'an. The father has more than one son, and he doesn't care whether I go back or not. Whoever is fighting can't sit still first. Once someone takes the risk and tears his face, I will be the first discarded piece on the chessboard."

Ye Jingtang grabbed Pei Xiangjun's wrist and said with a smile:
"I'm already greedy. If I still hesitate, my aunt will think that I reluctantly agree, and Sanniang may be paranoid."

"From last year to this year, I searched for half a year, but Jiang Zhahu didn't find it. Instead, I ran into the North Liang Pirate Saint who had the same plan as me. I chased the Beiliang Pirate Saint for half a year, but found nothing..."

! !
Under the dim light, the curves of the figure as white as suet are undoubtedly revealed, and the full moon is close at hand, showing every detail, and the impact can be described as astonishing.

Ye Jingtang stood in front of the spiritual case, and after the joy of fulfilling his adoptive father's last wish, his face revealed a hint of regret.

Master Xuanji didn't have the slightest bit of stage fright, and even made a smug look:
"Ye Jingtang's ability to become the top swordsman all depends on being enlightened by his teacher. Is this kindness enough?"

Luo Ning stuffed the medicine box given by Mrs. Wang into Ye Jingtang's hand, and made Ye Jingtang kiss twice before forcing Ye Jingtang to leave.

Dongfang Shuoyue frowned and said:
"Since the Empress ascended the throne, Master Xuanji has been silent on weekdays. Every autumn, he will return to Beijing for a period of time. It has been ten years since he was unshakeable. The reason for this must be found out. If only Master Xuanji is a martial leader, he can still try to deal with it. ; If you add Night Terror..."

The old man with the goatee responded:

Ye Jingtang brought Sanniang to the spiritual case where the adoptive father's tablet was placed, took three incense sticks, bowed deeply, and put the incense sticks in the incense burner.

Luo Ning followed behind, thought for a while and asked:
"What is Yun Li doing recently? Has she been naughty on the street?"

Ye Jingtang did not directly carry Sanniang into the house, but came to the boudoir, opened the bed, and the two entered Qinglong Hall through a secret passage.

"As long as something goes wrong with the empress in the future, whether it's cutting the feudal clan, abdicating, or even dying young, once the imperial power is in turmoil, King Yan will be the No. 1 choice to enter Beijing to inherit the great rule. It caused a whole body of suspicion. Steadfastly guarding the border, waiting for the empress to become a monster first, maybe the courtiers begged the prince to come to Beijing in the end..."

"In terms of self-control, no one can compare to Xue Bodhi. Two months ago, Xue Bodhi lost his hand, and after inquiring about the whereabouts of Ye Jingtang, he took the initiative to take revenge by borrowing two gangsters. I thought that he was only dealing with ordinary masters. I never thought that Xue Bodhi wanted to kill the current Wu Kui..."

Ye Jingtang returned to his freedom after finishing his work, and his gait was naturally a lot easier. When he got near the entrance of the alley, he saw the old bodyguard Yang Chao coming out of the back alley, and he spoke distantly:
"Old Yang."

Zheyunli walks the street all day, and basically knows everyone from top to bottom of Tianshuiqiao, but because Shui Ling is cute and polite, the neighbors have a good impression.

"I asked you just now, what did Ning'er tell you?"

"Jing Tang, what did Ning'er sneakily talk to you just now?"

The empress of Wei knew the difficulty of collecting the picture of calling the dragon, so she said:

Master Xuanji picked up the water and sprinkled it on his chest, hesitating slightly before saying:
"Yejingtang's talent is outstanding, and his character is also extraordinary. It seems to be of great use."

The specific meaning is to make Sanniang Mao Mao disappear, and then have a flowery rain in the backyard, so that Sanniang can see the sinister heart of the servant.

Ye Jingtang hurriedly raised his hand to help, and comforted him a few words, Madam Zhang finally calmed down, and after thinking about it, he talked about betrotting Sanniang to Ye Jingtang again.

"This kind of thing can't be rushed. Ye Jingtang found a substitute for Snow Lake Flower in Wuzhou. Although it is not as good as the original Snow Lake Flower, it can always last for a while..."

Master Xuanji leaned in front of her, and raised her hand to weigh the broad mind of the Great Wei Empress Qing Chulan:

Seeing this, the old man with the goatee stopped talking, and after bowing his hands, he quietly retreated...
hooves, hoofs...

Ye Jingtang held the 'rogue potion', a little funny, watched one person and one bird turn around the alley, put away the things, and entered the gate of Pei's house.

The two walked through the veranda and came to Pei Xiangjun's yard. Xiuhe was still busy with accounting in the street and did not come back.

The Great Wei Empress opened her eyes, her voice was quite friendly:
"Master, what about Li Ren?"

After all, when she went out, she was still a dignified and mature young lady, and when she came back, she had already learned to hold and feed and ride a horse, and even knew that patting the moon was tired and wanted to change her position.

"I'll come over tomorrow. If she can still stand up, don't come to me in the future. Anyway, she can finish the treatment by herself..."

Master Xuanji felt that Ye Jingtang was still lustful, but it was obviously not good to say it in front of the Empress, and it would be difficult to explain it, but after thinking about it, she just continued:

"What's wrong? The more I refuse to agree to something, the more energetic you are, and you will be soft-hearted when you come to Sanniang and know how to measure it?"

Pei Xiangjun didn't believe it at all. Although he didn't have the courage to be the first to eat crabs, he still had the courage to reward Ye Jingtang.

The waist line is slender and soft, and behind the waist is a warm yellow full moon, plump and plump, with rounded curves, and you can feel the thrilling sensuality under the skirt through the fabric of the autumn skirt.

Even if the sister-in-law can't make jokes, she will praise her for being useful, which is a bit embarrassing to say.

How could Luo Ning not understand the little thief's mind, glanced at San Niang who walked to the door and talked to the maid, and whispered in her ear;
"I'll go back to accompany Yunli. If you want to recuperate, you can take good care of Sanniang. She is not afraid of tigers when she is a newborn calf, and she keeps saying that I am useless all day long. You have to let her see that she is in dire straits.

Ye Jingtang put his arms around Ning'er who came up with such a bad idea, his eyes were quite strange:
"That's not good?"

"I used to stretch my muscles and bones on the boat, and you kept peeking, don't think I didn't notice it. Are you curious about what it would be like to stretch your muscles and bones with your skirt off?"

"Miss Yunli is very sensible. She helps Mrs. Zhang patrol the shop every day. Things are busy on Ranfang Street, so she often goes to help keep an eye on her. I went out this morning and stayed at Ranfang Street for a whole day..."

Pei Xiangjun said it all, so of course it is possible.She unbuttoned the goose-yellow skirt, and pulled down the bellyband and thin trousers, and there was a white flower between the curtains.

"Liren has a thin skin, and even now he still says that Ye Jingtang is a subordinate, and the queen mother and I are present, so she hides away and puts on airs, what else can I do?"

Mrs. Zhang, as a wife, was angry and resentful because of this matter, and fell ill many times, but there was nothing she could do.

The Great Wei Empress was lying in a pool made of white jade, with her hands resting on the edge of the pool, behind her was a gleaming dark gold armor, her posture looked domineering, but there was a hint of fatigue on her soft and charming cheeks.

It's a pity that the foster father didn't get to see this day with his own eyes.

"Realist Xuanji and Yejingtang must be eliminated first. The real Xuanji is too comprehensive and almost invulnerable, but the background of Yejingtang is not clear. First find a way to test the depth of Yejingtang to see if there are any weaknesses, and then prescribe the right medicine Try to deal with it."

After Dongfang Liren entered the city, he handed over all the miscellaneous matters, and when the night was dark, he returned to Prince Jing's mansion to rest. He would go to see the empress again tomorrow morning.

Pei Xiangjun has already cooked the rice, so he will definitely not refuse, but he just nodded shyly as if he was half-pushed.

Ye Jingtang quickly hugged his waist: "Just talk about it, I won't force it."

"No, you continue."

Candles were lit in the room, and the dim light illuminated the corners.

Dongfang Shuoyue didn't talk about these big reasons anymore, after seeing King Jing and the others leaving the pier one after another, he turned and went back to the room:

Ye Jingtang held the teacup and responded:


In Cheng'an Hall, the small bath in the Empress' bedroom was steaming with mist.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to maintain a stern and extraordinary expression, but he really overestimated his concentration, so he suddenly lost his breath and coughed:

The son's name is Dongfang Shuoyue, he is the eldest son of King Yan, and also the crown prince of Yanzhou. Ten years ago, after the empress succeeded to the throne, she went to Beijing to study with all the princes. She often hangs out on Wutong Street on weekdays. She has a good reputation and is considered a half-transparent person. .

"I know, I couldn't help it just now."

Pei Xiangjun was still a little embarrassed, and walked beside Ye Jingtang, muttering softly:
"Sister-in-law said about marriage, you should be polite anyway, and you can't wait to agree. It sounds like you have been coveting Senior Aunt for a long time, and this is why you came to Pei's house."

"The business of Tianshui Bridge hasn't happened recently, has it? How's Liu Zi's leg?"

Yang Chao didn't mention the fact that Zhe Yunli was idle all day long, but responded tactfully:

"The most important thing about martial arts is inheritance. Whether it is martial arts philosophy or behavior style, it has to be in the same line to be considered orthodox. It is a good thing for Jingtang to win the title of sword leader, but the owner of Honghualou used a sword to fight However, people in the Jianghu still think that my Honghualou inheritance is broken..."

"Among the four sons of the Taizu, our King Yan was the most respected by the courtiers for his ability to conquer and fight. When the Taizu became the crown prince, most of the courtiers were partial to the King of Yan. The throne was passed on to the late emperor only because the great Wei Dynasty needed a successful king. And when the eldest son of the emperor was abolished, the courtiers turned to our King Yan.

Empress Wei blinked her eyes and keenly grasped the problem:
"Finding the Dragon Calling Picture is not a small matter. Ye Jingtang agreed to help the Master search for the Dragon Calling Picture just because the Master's foundation is not good? It sounds like it has a relationship with the Master..."

After Ye Jingtang finished chatting with Yang Chao and the three of them walked to the door of Pei's house together, Luo Ning said:

Especially with the movements of the body, if there is a man who can resist the slightly swaying grace in front of the lamp, it is probably because of myopia that he did not see clearly.

"I didn't even think about it, it's the first time Ning'er told me this..."

Ye Jingtang still wanted to keep Ning'er behind, so in the dark place of the alleyway, he wrapped his arms around Ning'er's waist, gently kneading his hands on the moon:
"San Niang is a master of a foreign family, and her body is already strong. I can't toss about everything..."

Ye Jingtang sat down in front of the bed, and pulled Sanniang to sit on his lap:

Seeing that Luo Ning was about to run, Ye Jingtang grabbed her wrist and looked around:

The lips meet.

Pei Xiangjun led the horse and walked ahead, gesturing to look at the business situation of each shop, but he was secretly thinking about how to report the current situation to his sister-in-law.

When Master Xuanji heard Ye Jingtang's name, she couldn't help but think back to the incident where she rubbed against Ye Jingtang, and Ye Jingtang poked her again. They were innocent of each other, but they did affect their mood a little.

Empress Great Wei was quite satisfied when she heard her master praise her:
"Ye Jingtang is full of chivalry, power, money, fame, and sex are all bad. He is indeed a rare talent. I want him to search for the Dragon Calling Picture on his behalf, but I can't tell others about my physical problems, so there is no reason to speak..."

Ye Jingtang had just put down his belongings, when he heard this, he couldn't help but look over.

Empress Dawei suddenly realized, nodded, and asked again without thinking about it:
"How is the relationship between Liren and Yejingtang on this trip?"


However, Mrs. Zhang also had some doubts in her heart. After sighing for a while, she said:

Mrs. Zhang used to count on Sanniang to take revenge, but Sanniang was clearly unable to do what she wanted. Hearing Ye Jingtang say this, tears came out, and she was about to stand up and thank her.

"I have been in contact with Yejingtang several times in Wuzhou, and the relationship is not bad. I told him that my bones are not good, and I need his help to find the dragon map. He agreed, and I should think of a way, but I'm afraid It will take several years."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand instinctively, wanting to help Sanniang relieve the burden, but he hesitated for a while and still didn't bother.

She took off her shoes, put down the curtain, and sat on the bed with bent legs:

The Empress Dowager turned into a canary when she returned to the palace. With the mentality of staying an extra hour is an hour, she did not return to the palace, but also lived in Mingyu Tower, and studied the tunnel from Prince Jing's Mansion to Fushou Palace.

"Good morning, six sons. I'm going out for a walk today. As for the Tianshui Bridge, after the Young Master's family has given power to the rogues of Yun'an City, Tianshui Bridge is almost becoming a forbidden area, and even petty thefts are going around..."

Dongfang Shuoyue did not respond to the white-browed old man's ramblings, and looked at the pier in the distance, looking at Prince Jing's party who got off the official ship from a distance. He waited until he saw a black-clothed military officer leaving from a remote place with two attendants. Opened the mouth and said:

Mrs. Zhang's husband, Pei Yuanming, obtained the title of gun leader through the method of "inheritance", but died in the hands of the gun leader Duan Shengji not long after.

The old man with the goatee interrupted Dong Fang Shuo Yue's words, and sighed softly:

Pei Xiangjun felt that he might be too energetic and held Ye Jingtang to the limit. This kind of flowery work can be finished and studied. After thinking about it, he sat up again, knocked Ye Jingtang down, and climbed up.

But Master Xuanji returned to the capital, and did not relax. As soon as he finished his chores, he entered the imperial city alone and came to Changle Palace.

Pei Xiangjun was protecting his chest with one hand, his face was flushed, and after taking a few glances at Ye Jingtang, he knelt down on the bed, slowly posing in a 'cat stretching his waist' pose...

Back home, Pei Xiangjun returned to his mature and stable appearance, and took Ye Jingtang to the main hall to meet Mrs. Zhang first, and talked about the trivial matters of Wuzhou and his party, but he didn't mention a word about Bai's affairs.

"It's so late, let's rest first, and go back tomorrow morning."

The old man with a goatee knew that His Royal Highness Shi Zi was very gifted and capable, but he had lived under the fence of others in the capital for ten years. He had already passed such days, and he was telling the truth. After thinking about it, he said:

After running for nearly a month and finally returning home, Pei Xiangjun breathed a sigh of relief, but there was also a bit of nervousness on her soft cheeks.


The street was full of bright lights, and the three of them walked across the stone bridge with their horses, and came to the crowded street of Tianshui Bridge.

Ye Jingtang chuckled a few times and asked:


Luo Ning is not under any pressure at the moment. Dressed in Tsing Yi as a glamorous heroine, she walks beside Ye Jingtang and disciplines the birds who don't know how to go home:

Shocked, Pei Xiangjun quickly stood up, looked up at Ye Jingtang behind him, and slapped him on the shoulder with some embarrassment:

Immortal Xuanji closed the door without the slightest awareness of being a courtier. She unbuttoned her long white skirt, revealing a proud figure as clean as jade, tested the temperature of the water with bare feet, and then jumped into it.

As soon as this incident happened, no one in the Jianghu would recognize the title of the former gun leader, and the hero of the Jianghu who was originally on equal footing with Qiu Tianhe also gained the reputation of being "unworthy". It can be said that death has become a joke in the Jianghu.

"Ouch! The young master is back."

After talking about these things, Ye Jingtang and Pei Xiangjun walked out of the main hall together and went to the courtyard of the back house.

Pei Xiangjun, with a gentle demeanor, arranged the sheets and pillows in front of the canopy bed, and asked curiously at the same time:

When Mrs. Zhang married into the Pei family, the old spearhead was in full swing, and Honghualou was in its heyday. It can be said that she watched Honghualou decline step by step from a top wealthy family to a second-rate powerhouse.

The Great Wei Empress knew it would be like this, she sighed secretly, and didn't ask any more questions...


Thank you [Qiang Sheng Shan Bo] for your rewards!

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This volume is called [Tongtian Yanluo], Tongtian means "fornication with the Pingtian religion", and it can also be understood as Shangdatian Ting.

(End of this chapter)

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