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Chapter 233 Don't You Say You Can't Come?

Chapter 233 Don't You Say You Can't Come?
With the renovation of Ranfang Street, merchants came to the street, and the houses behind it are no longer idle. In the previously deserted neighborhood, there are more lights.

Luo Ning led the horse through Yanfang Street, looking left and right at the changes in the surrounding area.Niao Niao stood on the horse's head, staring at the snacks in Luo Ning's hand, and from time to time "咕咕嘎嘿吱~" came close.

When she reached the entrance of Shuanggui Alley, Luo Ning raised her hand to silence the sound, and let the birds watch the horses, while she walked into the alley lightly, looking like a young mother who came back from get off work at night and secretly checked whether her daughter was good or not. have to.

When Luo Ning arrived at Nanxiao Mountain, Yun Li was still a little girl of three or four years old. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she watched Yun Li grow up, and she knew Yun Li's character very well.

According to Luo Ning's speculation, Yun Li must have gone crazy when she has been away for so long. At this point, she is either not at home, or she is copying books frantically to make up for her homework.

But when he was about to walk to the door of the house, Luo Ning unexpectedly discovered that there was a conversation in the yard:

"No, I can't help copy books..."

"There is a restaurant in Longyin Tower, and the chef there is known as the 'Chef Fairy'. The vinegared fish is the best in the capital. You can copy ten copies for me, and I will take you to eat later..."

"I have silver, I will eat it myself later."

"Hey? You...remember to bring me a copy too..."

Luo Ning pulled up the thin quilt to cover Sanniang's face, and continued:

Luo Ning's wife was full of air, and after her eyes signaled Yunli to copy the book honestly, she brought Ping'er outside the courtyard and asked:
"Why are you here? Where is the leader?"

She wanted to turn around and run away, but if Master Pingtian was there, she would have been spotted as soon as she reached the entrance of the alley, so turning around and running now is obviously trying to cover up.

The empress went to court in the Taihua Palace, and there was no one in the Changle Palace except the maids.

For this reason, Luo Ning panicked for a moment, then quickly suppressed her mind, made a calm appearance, walked to the outside of the courtyard wall with small steps, and looked on tiptoe.

Luo Ning thought for a while, and continued to make up:
"Ye Jingtang is not a villain who sees profit and forgets righteousness. He has lived in Liangzhou since he was a child. In a poor place like Liangzhou, there are bandits everywhere. The people can't even eat enough, and the court doesn't care about it. So he has always treated The imperial court is very dissatisfied and wants to change this situation. The purpose of my Pingtian Sect is also to subvert the imperial court and return the common people to a bright future, which coincides with him, so he will worship my Pingtian Sect and work together with us for a great cause."

Seeing this, Pei Xiangjun also sat up with doubts on his face.

After discussing for a few words, Luo Ning felt more at ease, and got up to leave, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ye Jingtang's generous chest muscles, perfectly lined abdominal muscles, and the imminent...

"Regardless of whether it can be done or not, you have to put it in your heart and put it into action. If there is any difficulty, I can explain it to Nanxiaoshan and ask her not to rush."

Pei Xiangjun propped up his upper body and responded:


Yejing Hall walked by the square in front of the hall, and many courtiers could be seen entering the Taihua Hall, and the arrogant Da Benben, dressed in court clothes, walked in the front.

Luo Ning felt relieved when she saw that the leader of Pingtian didn't come over. As for going back, she would definitely not be unhappy:
"I already have a way to enter the palace. I only need to wait patiently for another year or so to complete the arrangement of the leader. You can go back and let the leader wait for the good news."

"Chou Tianhe has already left. If I stay in the capital, I have to do things. If I don't do things, I have to go back to Nanxiao Mountain immediately. Xue Baijin sent someone to supervise me. If I drive people back, Xue Baijin will definitely come here by himself. She will kill you little thief!"

"Understood. Well... I told the court before I left, I will bring you two into the palace to learn the Jade Bone Diagram after the matter is settled, and I will ask about the situation tomorrow... But even if you can enter the palace, don't make up your own mind, in the end Let me do this."




Ye Hero turned out to be...

According to Ning'er, at the end of the previous dynasty, Emperor Yan Gong fled to Tiannan, and when he was dying, he told Xue Baijin's grandfather that there was something hidden under His Highness Cheng'an, which might be exchanged for help from Beiliang.

"What's the matter if you find out? You just say that you feel cool and shave yourself, and then it will grow out in a month, and it doesn't mean that you will always be a little girl..."

Both of these things have been done, and I must come back to report.

Ye Jingtang also stopped his guns, because it was inconvenient to go out, so he poked his head out of the curtain to look around.

"You came up with two bad ideas, forget it now?"

Ye Jingtang came to the water pavilion in the center of Minglongtan, sitting cross-legged with his back straight and doing exercises, until the maid who was watching by the lake left, he opened his eyes and studied what Ning'er said last night.

Luo Ning was talking nonsense, and after stabilizing the little follower sent by Xue Baijin, she didn't even think about disciplining Xiao Yunli, and soon left alone, and ran back to Pei's house again...
In the dead of night, Pei's back house.

Ye Jingtang hurriedly stretched across the middle, and said kindly:
"Don't be joking, talk about business. Now we have to do things, and do it for the leader of Pingtian, right?"

It was also impossible for Luo Ning to explain the beauty trick she used, so she made it up:

Luo Ning didn't really want to say it, but what Ping'er said was also the truth. She had developed a hidden stake, but she refused to tell Xue Baijin's identity. That would not be forming a party for selfish purposes and preparing to set up her own family.

Pei Xiangjun was speechless for a moment, and lay down on the pillow again, a little annoyed:
"I thought it was a big deal, so a maid came here. Do you have to act like you're dying?"

Luo Ning blinked her eyes, and after realizing this, she couldn't help feeling ashamed, and could only compromise:
"That's fine. I'm busy outside on weekdays. It's also a good thing that you can accompany Yunli to take care of food and daily life."

Ping'er was standing in the kitchen, the familiar Xiaoyuan had a troubled face, and she was cleaning the dishes seriously.

The hanging curtains swayed like water waves, and if you can't hear it, you can hear the slight sound of the collision with the moon.

"What do you know?"

Ping'er, who was washing the dishes in the kitchen, also had a face full of surprise, she quickly wiped her hands and ran out, bowing:
"Meet the lady."

Luo Ning looked carefully, but she didn't find the Pingtian leader in the courtyard, so she flew over the wall with a sense of immortality, and landed in the courtyard.

Luo Ning was naturally a little unhappy when she heard the housekeeper's words.

Ping'er couldn't believe it: "Hero Ye is one of us? He is the leader of the contemporary swordsman, such a powerful hero, how could Madam take him for her own use..."

She quickly came to the front and opened the curtain, pushed Sanniang inside, covered the villain with a thin quilt, and sat in front of Ye Jingtang:

"Who messed up? It's you who picks things up first. Now I'll give you a chance, you choose whether to keep the front or the back..."

For this reason, Luo Ning considered for a long time, and then reported on her work in the capital for the past few months:
"After coming to the capital at the beginning of the year, in order to save Qiu Tianhe, I recruited a disciple and entered the black office as an errand; Qiu Tianhe was released to free, and it was I who planned behind it..."

The distant morning bell rings from the Bell and Drum Tower, and the warm autumn sun shines on the streets and alleys of Yun'an City.

Ye Jingtang rode a big black horse and galloped outside the imperial city. After handing over the token for free entry and exit, he entered the imperial city.

Soon, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Luo Ning, who was dressed in green, sneaked in from the outside.

Ye Jingtang understood the seriousness this time, frowned and said:
"What should I do?"

Pei Xiangjun was on the string, seeing that Ye Jingtang was motionless, he actively twisted his waist, and said at the same time:

Pei Xiangjun was still stretching like a cat, with a blush on his familiar cheeks, he bit his lower lip and closed his eyes slightly, afraid that the sister-in-law and maid who were also in the back house would hear it, but he didn't groan.

"What's the matter? Did something happen to Yun Li?"

After practicing for an unknown amount of time, before the winner was decided, soft footsteps sounded outside:
The dizzy Pei Xiangjun came back to his senses, and he knew who was coming by hearing the footsteps. He felt that the current action was a bit embarrassing, so he lay on his side on the pillow instead, and whispered:
"This foxy girl, I really can't help it at night..."

"I know, you really found it, I have to go back right away, um... you can find it first and then talk about it."

"This person's surname is Ye, and his name is Jingtang. He is the incense master I developed two months ago..."

Ping'er wondered: "The leader said, if Madam doesn't go back, I will stay here to assist Madam. If I go back, the leader will definitely be suspicious, maybe he will come over to see in person."

Ping'er roughly said the order of the leader, and then said:
"The capital is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It's too risky for Madam to stay here alone. In my opinion, Madam should go back..."

Luo Ning said solemnly: "I am the wife of the leader of the Pingtian Sect, and I am not from the imperial court. I agreed to stay in the capital to find a way into the palace, and I have to do things. How can I lie to Xue Baijin with empty words?"

Luo Ning was so angry that she raised her hand and wanted to hit Sanniang.

Pei Xiangjun couldn't get up and down, and he had been waiting for a long time. Seeing this, he turned up again, held Luo Ning down, and took the medicine box from beside the pillow:

Ping'er felt that this statement was quite reasonable. After thinking for a while, she nodded and said in admiration:

Yejingtang will definitely not help Pingtian teach to create a reversible country, but in order for Ning'er to stay in the capital in a legitimate way, the process of investigating the matter still has to go.


"Pei Sanniang, don't mess around! What if Yunli finds out while taking a shower..."


From the location of Yejingtang, you can see the rockery in the garden. It is about three feet high. It doesn’t look special. The founding of the Great Wei Dynasty was only sixty years old. Even the bathing pool used by the former queen mother to have an affair is preserved. The rockery has probably not been touched. The things should still be inside, but it is almost impossible to open the rockery without anyone noticing.

"Didn't you say you can't come? Woo~... What are you doing here?"

There is a small secret room under the rockery. It was built when Dayan founded the country. It has been used for hundreds of years. It was originally used to preserve the picture of the dragon. There will be quicksand falling until the mechanism opens under the action of gravity.

"Okay, it's already so late, let's rest first, and we'll continue the discussion tomorrow."

"What front and back?"

When Ping'er heard this name, Xiaoyuan's face was full of disbelief, after all, she had only seen Ye Daxia's peerless demeanor at Junshan Terrace a few days ago.

The yard was still clean and tidy, the west wing where Ye Jingtang lived was closed, while the main room and kitchen were lit.

"It's not for her to see, it's for serious business."

Although Ye Jingtang enjoys the treatment of a fourth-rank military officer, he is not an official official. Even if he is, a fourth-rank military officer is nothing among the important court officials. He must not have run over to show his face to say hello, and just followed the maid through the Taihua Palace. Came to Changle Palace.

"Hee hee~" Ping'er quickly nodded and smiled, then turned around and started writing letters.

Call ~
From the corner of Zheyunli's eyes, he saw a blue dress protruding from the wall, and his whole body was shocked. He quickly straightened his back and put on an appearance of copying books seriously, and then he said in surprise:
"Master, you are back!"

"Ye Jingtang just came to the capital in April. Although his understanding is outstanding, he was just a wild boy who had never seen the world before. I led him the way and taught him a lot of martial arts concepts. He had no money and let him live. After settling down here, he has achieved his current achievement in a short period of time, and he regards me as... um... a teacher and a friend, and regards me as a senior."

Ye Jingtang slightly raised his hand and explained:
"It's not a rebellion, it's just going into the palace to find something, which seems to be buried under the Palace of Cheng'an. It's not impossible, but the difficulty is probably not small..."

Ping'er nodded and said: "When the Master saw that the hero Chou was released, he knew that Madam was indeed doing her best and had the help of a capable person. Since this person is already a member of my Pingtian Sect, the Master must know his identity out of emotion and reason. In order to avoid encountering each other in the future, but not knowing that it was our own people who caused the accident..."

"You... Ye Jingtang! If you let her mess around again, I will really go back!"

"What time is it, are you still messing around here?"

Because it was Yuhu who confessed secretly, Ye Jingtang was not good at telling Benben, and entering the palace was only in the name of going to Minglongtan to meditate and practice kung fu while on vacation.

Luo Ning hesitated for a while, but leaned closer to Ping'er's ear and whispered softly:

Nightmare? !


how can that be!

"The leader didn't come, let me come and send a message..."

As soon as Luo Ning walked into the back room, she heard a familiar voice, and her cold and beautiful eyes suddenly became strange, but she didn't quarrel with this shameless woman.

What it is, Pingtian leader didn't say, only know that Pingtian leader emphasized that Ning'er should get it by herself, don't tell outsiders, the reason is probably because they are afraid that outsiders will go directly to Beiliang to exchange high-ranking officials and rich salary after they get it.

Seeing that Sanniang was coming hard, Luo Ning was about to tear off the hair-removing cream on her skirt, so she was naturally anxious and blocked it with her hand:

"Sure enough, heroes cherish heroes. I knew that a powerful figure like Ye Daxia would not be a court eagle dog who loves power. Then I will write a letter now, send it back to Nanxiao Mountain, and explain the truth to the leader."

Ye Jingtang knelt on the bed, holding the moon as white as suet with both hands, Wuhen Xuebei was reflected in his pupils, he was practicing Qinglong's claws.

However, as the leader's wife, she did not come home for a long time on business trips, and did not report on the work progress, which was really unreasonable.

Ping'er was still dubious: "Even so, Ye Daxia has become a military leader now, and he must be reused by the Wei court. If he wants fame and wealth, he will follow us to restore the country? And the madam can't control such a character at all. He also knows the identity of his wife, if he has the idea of ​​abandoning the dark and turning to the light, wouldn't the lady and the young lady..."

Yesterday King Wu was escorted back to the capital, so naturally he had to hold a morning meeting today to deal with this matter.

Luo Ning's expression was complicated: "Xue Baijin sent her close maid over, and she's already in Shuanggui Lane..."

Ye Jingtang noticed that Ning'er's eyes were dodging, so he understood the meaning, and took the initiative to put his arms around his shoulders:

And Xiao Yunli, dressed as Miss Scholar, moved out the small table and bench, and sat under the eaves of the main room, resting her cheek with one hand, copying books listlessly, and still trying to lure Ping'er to help copy books.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to bully Ning'er who came out halfway, but seeing Luo Ning's anxious and serious face, he calmed down again, frowned and said:

The doors and windows of the boudoir are closed, only a candle lamp is placed on the dressing table in the inner room.

? ?
When Luo Ning heard Ping'er's voice, her footsteps stopped abruptly. The comfort of returning to Xiaojia disappeared, and turned into the panic of Hongxing going out of the wall and being approached by her husband.

"Just came up with a bad idea to trick me, didn't you? Do you understand the principle of not doing to others what you don't want to do to others? Come on, try yourself as a hairless girl..."

Although the opening method is not troublesome, the process takes a whole day, and the movement is quite loud when opening, so it is impossible for outsiders to open it privately.

According to Ning'er, the things were placed under a rockery on the side of the sleeping hall.

Because the opening process was too ceremonial, even the founding emperor of Dayan didn't bother to use it, so he just put the picture of Minglong in the study. This secret room is mostly used to store valuables that may not be used for decades.And Emperor Yan Gong escaped from the capital without taking the things in the secret room because he didn't have time to wait all day.

Luo Ning waved her hand slightly: "Go back and deliver the message, I act in my own way, and you are fine here..."

Ping'er is not her maid, but Xue Baijin's follower. If she finds out that she has nothing to do when she comes out, she will definitely report to Xue Baijin.

And if the person she trains doesn't have the ability to sneak into the palace, Xue Baijin will definitely have to tell her to go back to Nanxiao Mountain, and if she doesn't leave, she might come here by herself.

Hearing this, Pei Xiangjun frowned and said, "What do you Pingtian Sect want to do in the palace? Jingtang will not do things like rebellion..."

Luo Ning pursed her lips, because she was a little unreasonable, she simply put on a look that she would rather die than submit, tilted her head and closed her eyes and refused to respond...
The next day.

Ping'er quickly shook her head: "The leader said that if Madam doesn't go back, I will stay here and take care of food and daily life. Also, if Madam has any contacts and current progress, she must report to the leader, so as not to cause any trouble in the future. The leader is still at a loss as to how to rescue him."

This time I went to Wuzhou to do errands. On the surface, I was investigating the case of King Wu’s rebellion. In the dark, I was looking for the formula for the substitute of Xuehuhua, and at the same time, I was catching Zhang Jinglin.

"Then you just go back, I can take care of Jing Tang by myself, and Jing Tang won't be beaten to death..."

Ye Jingtang observed for a long time, but before he could come up with a reasonable solution, his ears moved, and he heard footsteps coming from the lake.

Seeing this, he quickly closed his eyes and concentrated on it, showing no distractions...


It is updated at 0:0 every day. In order not to let everyone wait, we will try our best to advance it, but it is usually [-]:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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