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Chapter 240

Chapter 240

Suddenly there was a huge noise in Longxi Lane, like an earth dragon turning over. When the surrounding people reacted and went out to wait and see, the fight was over, and three figures rushed over the house at an extremely fast speed.

Holding the copper stick, Shi Yanfeng ran desperately towards the nearest north city wall, the disbelief in his eyes even overwhelmed the urgency to hang his life on the line.

After all, he met Jiang Zhahu when he was in his early twenties, and he began to practice the Golden Scale Drawing shortly thereafter. His talent is not bad. Now that he is over fifty, he has already reached the point where he is invulnerable.

He thought that relying on his own golden scales, even if he encounters the eight chiefs, he can last for a while, but now he realizes that he thinks too much. Facing Wu Kui who is flawless in all aspects, it will always be his own shortcomings that determine life and death , As long as the reaction can't keep up and you can't dodge, you can kill by penetrating more than an inch of flesh. There is no need for people to stab at thick-skinned places.

After rushing out of Longxi Lane, Shi Yanfeng found that the imperial court seemed to have come to Yejingtang, and there were no other masters around, so he should be able to survive if he got rid of it.

But it's a pity that even if Ye Jingtang is hugging someone, he can fly a little faster than him who suffered internal injuries.


On the house behind, Ye Jingtang had one arm around Dongfang Liren's waist, and flew across the roof like a thunderbolt, his eyes fixed on the figure in front of him.

But he is so big and clumsy with a willow waist and hips, he is definitely not that light, so it is not so easy to hold and chase.

Shi Yanfeng's footsteps were abrupt, and at the same time, doubts flashed across his eyes.


Dongfang Li's heartbeat was extremely fast, and he instinctively grabbed Ye Jingtang's lapel, but when he started, he found that the back of Ye Jingtang's robe was blown to pieces, only a few cloth straps were hanging on it, and it fell off when he pulled it.Her face changed slightly, and she looked at Ye Jingtang's whole body:
"Are you hurt?"

rub rub-

There was a loud noise that shook the entire east city, and the streets as far as the eye could see were full of noise, and even countless figures appeared on the city wall in the distance.

"Warning the surrounding area, be careful of the traps of the agencies, and send a letter to inform the Heiya and the surrounding imperial guards to come and put out the fire and search for the thieves."


Shi Yanfeng could clearly hear the sound of breaking wind from behind, and knew that it was impossible to escape, and when he was desperate, his eyes also showed bravery, and when a wall fell to his feet, he slammed the copper stick in his hand.

Under the earth-shattering movement, even Dongfang Liren, who was extremely intelligent, was also stunned by the sudden surprise attack, and curled up tightly in Ye Jingtang's arms with his eyes closed.

After waiting for a while, a jackdaw flew from a distance and landed in front of the window.

And Shi Yanfeng, who was bombed back, also landed nearby, his body was not injured, but his hair and clothes were tattered, with sparks, he was crushed under the broken tiles, coughing and trying to turn over.


Countless flying needles shot at Shi Yanfeng's body. The golden scales were indeed domineering and were not penetrated, but the wound on his chest and eyeballs were not so lucky. The flying needles pierced into the flesh, and immediately let out a miserable howl:

The poisonous smoke spreads towards the ruins with the hot air brought by the flames, and the speed is a little slower. Ye Jingtang doesn't know if the opponent has any back-ups, so he doesn't dare to avoid the upper air outlet according to common sense, but rushes out in a straight line The ruins, escaped from the range of the poisonous smoke at an astonishing speed.

Dongfang Liren thought so too, the two masters sent by Jiang Zhahu are equivalent to the bull's head and horse face under her hands, it is too arrogant to throw them out as dead soldiers for nothing.

"Master Ye..."

Ye Jingtang's eyes were sharp, and he looked around for a long time with the knife in his hand. From the corner of his eye, he looked at the bird who had been circling and tracking at high altitude, and whistled.

Under the huge force, a hole was directly stepped on the house, and the two sank into it.

? ?

"There is something strange about this matter, we have to find out, is this dead?"

The goatee butler thought for a while, then interjected:

"Mr. has a good opinion."

Shi Yanfeng was holding two truncated cudgels, before he could make a reasonable backhand, the saber flashed in front of his eyes again.

Dongfang Liren hooked Ye Jingtang's neck, and also knew that he was a burden because he was tall and big, so he said anxiously:
"Why are you hugging me? Just go after me!"

Amidst the muffled sound of the blade piercing into the flesh, as soon as the blood appeared on Shi Yanfeng's chest, although it was not deep, it was drawn from the left rib to the right shoulder.

Longxi Lane is not too far from Wende Bridge. The dignitaries who lived in Wende Bridge were also disturbed by silence, and climbed to the watchtower and even the roof to observe the situation.

After about a moment, the tinnitus and vision recovered, the surrounding sounds returned to the ears, and the distant screams came:

Niao Niao's eyesight is amazing in the low-light environment, but it was obviously stunned by the sudden burst of strong light and loud noise. It has been lifted to a very high place, circling irregularly, indicating that the situation is too chaotic and it has not found the target.

After screaming for only a moment, Shi Yanfeng's blood vessels twisted and knotted, blood gushed out from his ears, eyes, mouth and nose, and he twitched non-stop while being held by Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang didn't dare to stop until he was far away, supporting the screaming Shi Yanfeng, and alerted the surrounding area with full energy.

ding ding ding-

"It's thundering……"

"To keep these two people out of the way, just let them leave the capital for a short period of time. It's like finding a wave of horse bandits outside the pass to dig up the grave of Ye Jingtang's ancestors, and he will definitely return to his hometown..."

Zhong Sunyan sat down beside the tea table, picked up the tea cup and took a sip slowly, shook his head and said:
"No injuries. This night terror is worthy of the name of the Eight Chiefs. His skills, reactions, and vigilance are all impeccable. There is also a snow eagle in the sky to guard the surroundings. He cannot win, run, or dodge. Under the Eight Chiefs If there is no accident, whoever meets will die."

"Mr. Zhongsun, this plan is related to Wei Guozuo, please don't make such jokes."

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren didn't say much, and under the protection of Ye Jingtang, he quickly walked towards the imperial army who was rushing over...
The sudden thunder and strong light from the east of the city attracted the attention of half of the people in the city. The streets were crowded with people, and all the police officers on duty were rushing towards Longxi Lane.

"Come on!"

"Depend on!"

Ye Jingtang was lifted by the shock wave and flew about seven or eight meters high. He had already adjusted his figure in mid-air, and along with the debris from the sky, fell together among the houses that instantly became ruins, protecting Dongfang Liren behind him.

And in an elegant viewing building by the Nanxun River, King Yan's son Dongfang Shuoyue stood in front of the window with his hands behind his hands, looking at the distant flames, and the goatee housekeeper stood behind him.

"Everyone has weaknesses. Those who are perfect are gods. As long as you plan carefully, you can always find a way to restrict them. Mr. Zhongsun is an expert in the art of hidden weapons. If you don't ask Mr. Zhongsun to get rid of this person, you can let him lie down for a while. It shouldn't be difficult for Yue to succeed if he can't exert his combat power, right?"

Shi Yanfeng and Jiang Zhahu counted as sworn brothers, and they would still be loyal to the whole world after death, but if they surrendered and betrayed Jiang Zhahu, even if the court didn't kill him, he wouldn't survive this year.

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren quickly held his breath, slipped two daggers out of his sleeves, hid in Ye Jingtang's arms, and paid attention to the surrounding movement.

But to the surprise of both parties, the trap set here is far more exaggerated than they imagined!

Ye Jingtang stabbed twice in a row, precisely on the same wound
No matter how hard the damaged golden scales were to stop this time, blood splashed in the air, and the flesh-piercing knife cut off several ribs obliquely, almost opening Shi Yanfeng's chest.


"Ah—cough cough...poof—"

Ye Jingtang secretly thought that something was wrong, and the moment the ball flew towards him, he had already swooped to the side, grabbing Shi Yanfeng who was stunned by the blast and blocking him in front of him.

"Shh! Don't show your head!"

The next moment, there was a shocking explosion in the room below.

"If you run again, you will definitely die. If you cooperate with the government honestly, you may be able to get a lighter punishment."

Loud noises continued one after another, and several thunderbolts sounded from the majestic Yun'an under the night, and the east of the city was blinded by flames.

Countless flying needles splashed out until the ball hit the ground before it ended.

boom -

bang bang—

Dongfang Shuoyue's expression was indescribable. After pondering for a while, she opened her mouth and said:

Ye Jingtang was speeding on the house at full speed, but in an instant, the distance between them was shortened to seven or eight feet.

Ye Jingtang reacted at the same time as the opponent made a change. He drew his single saber from his waist and prepared to make a surprise attack, but found that the opponent's weapon was broken into a three-section cudgel. Sweep to the back.

The flames among the ruins were pierced by two spheres, and they exploded in the air before they got close. One shot flying needles in all directions above, and the other exploded on the ground, emitting thick grayish yellow smoke.

Ye Jingtang didn't have time to care about the life and death of the bandit leader, his heartbeat was beating like a drum, he carefully sensed his surroundings, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual for a long time, he retreated slowly, and at the same time said loudly:


Ye Jingtang only felt an irresistible impact from behind, the robe on his back was shattered, and his whole body was thrown into the air spinning and flying.

"If Qiu Tianhe's fate is not long, maybe Ye Jingtang can visit..."

Dongfang Shuoyue thought for a while: "Realist Xuanji is from Yuxu Mountain. If you want to lure her away, there must be something wrong with Yuxu Mountain. The national teacher Lu Taiqing is practicing Taoism in Yuxu Mountain. It may not be easy to make something happen to Yuxu Mountain." .”

Mechanism masters are proficient in the formation of poisonous hidden weapons, etc., and are also good at mental skills and can figure out the target's mind. Normal shots are to set up traps and leave, and rarely stay in front of them.

The Yejing Hall was still wearing soft armor, and the evasive posture was in place and the back was not injured, but some scratches on the arms and legs were unavoidable. He lowered his head and glanced, and responded:

Ye Jingtang signaled Niao Niao to continue to observe suspicious figures around, and then, under the watchful eyes of the three chief arresters, protected Dongfang Liren and moved towards the Longxi Lane that he had just walked through once.

boom boom-

Although Ye Jingtang wanted to look up the map of the golden scales, he was not confused. He was Prince Jing's bodyguard first, and then an official servant. To leave the protection target behind for the sake of a wanderer in the rivers and lakes was putting the cart before the horse.

But his chest was almost cut open, and he couldn't survive without timely treatment. He lost blood and fainted within a few steps.

Ye Jingtang quickly turned around and picked up Benben again, followed behind Shi Yanfeng, and said:

Shi Yanfeng swept down with all his strength, smashing Ye Jingtang in the sky back to the ground, but before he had time to continue running, the Death-Death Hades bounced up again.

And the opponent can make such a big battle, the preparation is obviously more than this.

Dongfang Shuoyue has been staying in the capital, knowing what kind of monster Cao Aning and others encountered, and said to this:

"Mr. Zhongsun is indeed very capable. How is the situation over there?"

This sound is very familiar to people in Jianghu, it is the sound of the tripping rope snapping!

Almost as soon as Ye Jingtang stood firm, he faintly sensed something was wrong, and then:

Zhong Sunyan thought for a while: "This time, Ye Jingtang must be vigilant, and it will be difficult to go to the sky in the future, so we can only wait for the time. His Royal Highness is nothing more than letting the real Xuanji and Ye Jingtang take action in a short time. There is no way to intervene in the planning of the capital, and to achieve this, why bother to plot poisonous plots."

There was a thunderclap in the air, and the eyebrow-qi stick instantly broke into three pieces.

Longxi Lane is already at the uppermost reaches of the Nanxun River, only two miles away from the north city wall of Yun'an, but the Ye Jing Hall is intact, even if Shi Yanfeng leaves the city, it will be meaningless.

As soon as Ye Jingtang stepped on the roof, he saw the sparks flying into the house quickly. He turned over in the air with all his strength, protected Benben in front of him, and clasped the beam of the house with his left hand to pull his body up.

More than a dozen buildings in the area where the Yejing Hall was located were blown up into debris, blinding eyes and loud noises, directly deafening the eyes and ears of both chasing parties.

Dongfang Shuoyue shook her head: "Chou Tianhe is notoriously slippery. Junshantai has been chasing and killing Qiu Tianhe for 20 years and failed to catch him. I will only be able to find someone to fight again. It's not easy."

Dongfang Liren frowned slightly when he heard this.

"What's up..."

boom -

There were also three patrolling black government arresters in Longxi Lane. After Ye Jingtang made a move, they rushed over, but Ye Jingtang ran too fast, and it was really difficult to catch up. When the earth-shattering movement came out, they were directly bombed. I was stunned in the distance.

The teapot was placed back on the table.



Hearing the sound, three black Yamen general arresters ran over in a hurry:

In previous years, there were quite a lot of bureaucrats who came to Wei to cause trouble, but it was the first time Dongfang Liren met someone who dared to plot against Wu Kui. He frowned and said:
"The Hongshan Gang has a lot of contacts in the Northern Liang Jianghu, so they must have spent a lot of money to hire the top experts in the Northern Liang Jianghu..."


Dongfang Shuoyue picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Zhong Sunyan:

Ye Jingtang guarded Dongfang Liren, bowed down and used Shi Yanfeng as a shield to block the rain of needles, and at the same time flew back to avoid the billowing poisonous smoke spreading in all directions.


"It's okay, he can't run very far."


Under the bamboo hat is a rather fair face, about 60 years old, with a slightly sinister face.


Thousands of flying needles poured down like a torrential rain, covering almost all corners of the ruins.

"Hurry up. Take Zheng Kun back and torture him, and find out the ins and outs. If the other party can ambush here, he must know the whereabouts and purpose of these two people. They can't even know who is using them..."



And Ye Jingtang, who was chasing after him, knew there was a trap the moment he heard the sound of the silk thread snapping. In order to avoid the hidden weapon of the flying knife, he pressed Dongfang Liren in his arms and fell to the roof.

Shi Yanfeng's front was almost blackened, and several oil-green flying needles were stuck in the knife edge of his chest, as was his left eye.


But it's a pity that Shi Yanfeng hadn't run far on the house when suddenly there was an inaudible sound under his feet:

"Mr. Zhongsun's words do have merit. However, death is like a lamp going out, just digging a grave. It is impossible for Ye Jingtang to leave the empress's side and return home at this time.

Dongfang Shuoyue turned back from the window, folded her fan and gestured for the tea table:

For this reason, Shi Yanfeng knew that he was going to die, and he still had no intention of stopping. He just ran towards the north city wall with his head depressed, looking for a slim chance of life.

Ye Jingtang didn't feel right, he signaled to Shi Yanfeng, who was almost out of breath in his hand:
"Why did the Hongshan gang spend so much effort to deal with me? I have no grievances with the Hongshan gang. Jiang Zahu sent two main forces as bait to deceive me. Is there water in my head?"

Then a figure in a black cloak landed on the viewing terrace without a sound, walked into the room slowly, and took off the hood.

"Master Xuanji..."

Mars splash!

The moment Ye Jingtang landed, he put Dongfang Liren on the ground, his legs jumped into the air, and he held the knife in both hands and slashed across the air.



Zhong Sunyan thought for a while: "You don't necessarily have to use the strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain against Ye Jingtang. It is also the same if you can lure real Xuanji away."

In the Great Wei Dynasty, there were also experts who used hidden weapon agencies, but they were all classified as small townsmen, and everyone shouted and beat them. Without the soil for cultivation, they naturally couldn't grow.

After Ye Jingtang retreated, he put Shi Yanfeng down, checked his pulse, and found that he had lost consciousness due to the extremely poisonous attack, and the flesh and blood on the wound had turned black. Even if the doctor Wang came, he might not be able to save him, so he could only say:

Ye Jingtang's ears were buzzing, and there were still countless light spots in front of his eyes. Most of his supernatural perception was abruptly deprived for a short period of time, and he could only rely on his eyesight to guard around the ruins.

The chief arrester who ran first stopped immediately, took out the messenger fireworks from his waist, and shot them high into the sky.

Dongfang Liren was sheltered well and was not injured, but he must have been stunned for a while, and when he recovered, he found himself standing outside the ruins, held in his arms by Ye Jingtang, and there were screams in front of him like Ghost's meat shield.

Shi Yanfeng reacted very quickly, he had already retracted the three-section cudgel to protect his chest, but he never thought that in a flash of the sword in front of him, the iron ring connecting the two copper rods would be cut off directly, and the sharp blade swept across his chest.

The Beiliang Jianghu, which is very tolerant of crooked ways, is different. They also talk about martial arts, but not many, as long as they are strong, they can get the corresponding status in the Jianghu. One of the best.

"I'm fine. The opponent didn't come after Liu Qiansheng, he came after me. There are masters who are good at concealed weapons hidden in the dark, so don't show your face."

Shi Yanfeng groaned, like a tiger on the verge of death, he threw out the copper stick in his hand, and after falling to the ground, he clutched his chest and fled crazily.

Amidst the loud noise, the house under Shi Yanfeng's feet swelled instantly, his whole body was engulfed by the flames, and then he flew back under the shock wave, his clothes and long hair were all shattered!

Zhong Sunyan said casually: "His Royal Highness has contacts all over the government and the public. As long as you plan carefully, there is always a way."

Dongfang Shuanyue tapped on the table with her fingers, and nodded after a little deliberation...


Or it’s still the same as in previous years, let’s revert to the 0-point update, otherwise there is no fixed point for the update, and I don’t know when to update or2
Recommend a copy of "Senior is still here, senior sister, please respect yourself", note: This author likes to do things that shouldn't be done...

(End of this chapter)

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