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Chapter 241 The villain has his own villain mill

Chapter 241 The villain has his own villain mill

stomping on...

Numerous black-armored imperial guards and fast arresters passed by near Longxi Lane in the east of the city, and there were noises one after another:

"Search door to door..."

"Be careful, there is still a thunderbolt here, go to the Military Weapons Supervision and ask someone who knows how to come over..."


On the other side, inside the palace city, several black yamen general arresters who rushed over stood outside the Canyang Pond, and from time to time, palace ladies and medical ladies came in and out from the side.

Ye Jingtang stood in front of the door, although his hair was disheveled, but his demeanor was as calm as usual, and he gestured to the east of the city with his hands:

"If you escape from Longxi Lane, you can only flee to the north city wall. The other party has set up traps in advance, and they must be on a few routes that are sparsely populated and suitable for escape. You must check every inch and don't miss it..."


"Your Highness calm down..."

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, pulled off the towel that covered him, and looked back.


Dongfang Liren was about to lean back triumphantly to avoid it, when he suddenly found a big man's hand on the vest, and he didn't move back.

Moreover, Yuhu was obviously teasing him, he really leaned over to help, but the appointment was caught, he thought about turning around, and gestured to open the blindfold.

Dongfang Liren paused and regained consciousness.

But after almost finishing speaking, the empress nodded thoughtfully and asked:
"Are you sure Shi Yanfeng has studied the Golden Scale Picture?"

Dongfang Liren turned around, his eyes full of suspicion:
"It's been so long, do you think this king doesn't know whether your concentration is good or bad? You can't stand it even if this king blows, and you still lean over... As long as you have a valid excuse, you will definitely use the donkey on the slope to take advantage of the woman. It's the same as practicing listening to wind palms."

"I can wear a skirt, but I didn't wear a small coat, and I didn't ask you to take off the blindfold..."

"On the riverside just now, you kissed me at the end. It was not to deceive others, but on purpose. Don't think that I didn't find out."

Ye Jingtang told the story of what happened just now, and the Empress listened carefully.

Ye Jingtang thought for a while and said, "I'll go find Jiang Zhahu and get the Golden Scale Picture back?"

Dongfang Liren's face turned red, and he drew the knife vigorously, with tears of shame and anger in his eyes:
"Is this what you said to be unmoved? This king warned you, and you dare to offend on purpose. Do you think this king really won't punish you?"

Although Dongfang Liren seemed to be calm, he was really taken aback just now, and only now has he recovered completely, full of fear in his heart.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang still pays attention to etiquette, she quickly walked out of the side hall, pulled Ye Jingtang's wrist and entered the gate.

Ye Jingtang paused, then turned back, spreading his hands slightly:
"Can't you wear this by yourself?"

The steps are heavy.

"This scabbard..."

"I'm really fine, Your Highness first take a shower and change clothes..."



Ye Jingtang's chest could be seen rising and falling slightly. After suppressing his mind for a long time, he finally failed to resist Dabenben's astonishing attack, and his cheeks moved forward again.

Dongfang Liren is not a submissive character. Hearing such unreasonable sophistry, he also lost his temper. He put Ye Jingtang directly on the tea bed, assumed the posture of Wu Song fighting a tiger, and grabbed the knife to kill Ye Jingtang. Potential.

Seeing the rare arrogance in Yu Hu's eyes, Ye Jingtang knew that this thing was not light. He put it on the long case and opened it lightly, only to find a scabbard inside.

Facing the bright red lips that were so close at hand, Ye Jingtang didn't have any waves in his eyes, he just seriously wiped the medicinal wine on his calf:
"Look, I've said it all. As long as Your Highness doesn't allow me, I won't offend you at will. I really made a mistake just now. Your Highness moved my face closer. I can't turn a blind eye and refuse His Highness..."

Ye Jingtang took the scabbard and looked it over carefully, pulled out the saber again, inserted it in and felt it for a while. Although there was no difference in the feel, the overall tone and shape did match better. The quality is estimated to last forever. laughed:

Dongfang Liren said fiercely, and then sat beside the tea couch, looking at Ye Jingtang's situation.


tick tick ~~
The Great Wei Empress got up and stood on the edge of the bathing pool, from head to toe, illuminated by the candlelight, her figure had an astonishing impact.

In the main hall is a large-scale hot spring pool, where Ye Jingtang fished for jade pendants and was ridden on the face by a flying dragon.

! !
The lips meet.

The nurse quickly got up and backed out.

"That was the first time. The second time His Highness didn't say no to kissing me, I couldn't help it...Eh? I was wrong..."

But when he walked nearby, he found that Dongfang Liren had been watching from the window of the side hall, and when he came back, he waved:

Dongfang Liren's legs were picked up and laid flat, and he had to support his back with both hands. Seeing Ye Jingtang kneading his calves without any scruples, his eyes were a little embarrassed, but he didn't move away, he just frowned and said:


The two medical girls looked at Dongfang Liren hesitantly.

"It feels the same as stabbing Eunuch Cao, the only difference is that it's not as strong as Eunuch Cao. I pierced the armor with all my strength and stabbed Eunuch Cao's chest, only a little bit in; while stabbing Shi Yanfeng with a knife directly penetrated two inches into the flesh, leaving me alone." The reason why today is not what it used to be, should also be the reason why Shi Yanfeng didn't practice long enough."

stomping on...

Ye Jingtang frowned, feeling something was wrong, put down the wound medicine silently, picked up the saber from his side, and walked towards the side room leading to the bathtub.

The Great Wei Empress turned around, resting her buttocks on the edge of the long case, with her arms around her chest:

"It's fine if you're not blindfolded, and I won't tell Prince Jing."

"Be careful if someone silences you. When the Injured Lords come, transfer them to the dungeon immediately. Don't stop on the way. Zheng Kun committed countless bloody crimes in Liangzhou. After he is sent back to the dungeon, he doesn't have to worry about the severity of his punishment. Whatever he has, he will do it all." Greetings on the body, you must pry your mouth open, no matter what you explain, write it down and give it to Prince Jing for review..."

Ye Jingtang spread his hands slightly: "A few times ago you were injured and couldn't move, I did not hesitate to help you because of illness; now you are walking in front of you alive and kicking, can it be the same?"

"I'm reminding His Highness to go, His Highness will get the wrong idea, and take the initiative to bring his face closer..."

Hearing the sound of the door opening, she turned her head and saw that Ye Jingtang was very self-conscious, so he pulled the towel away, her eyes showed approval, but her words were pretending to be generous:

"It's just scratches on the outside of the skin, there's no need to mobilize the crowd like this."

"Bah bah... Ye Jingtang!"

Dongfang Liren was ashamed and angry, but he didn't realize that his posture was wrong. He even clamped his legs tightly and broke his fingers hard to control Ye Jingtang.

Behind the screen is a bathing pool filled with white mist. A woman who does not know when she appeared, leaning against the edge of the bathing pool, can only see smooth black hair and snow-greasy shoulders, and the white jade blocks her from further down. No surprises. wearing nothing...

Ye Jingtang frowned, and after a little deliberation, he pushed the door open a crack, looked in through the gap, and saw several tulle screens embroidered with landscapes.

Then the man's cheeks that had been lingering in his heart for several months, magnified before his eyes.

Before Ye Jingtang finished speaking, he suddenly found the sound of water flowing slowly from the bath in front of him. Not only could there be the movement of water drops falling from his clean body, but he could even hear the gentle movement of the two big groups of children shaking and rubbing with each other. delicate sound...

The side room is the dressing room, where the nobles in the palace take off their dresses, put on their bathrobes and enter the bathing pool, this is where Dongfangli went out last time.

"You come in!"

"I'm a man, so it doesn't matter if I have some scars on my body. If Your Highness leaves a scar, the future husband-in-law will be very distressed. Don't be brave."

As a result, the next moment, Yu Hu who was behind him quickly wrapped the skirt around his body and closed the front of the skirt.

"If you dare to offend again, this king will drag you directly to the cleansing room!"

As a result, Dongfang Liren reacted very quickly, quickly leaned back and opened the distance, with the pride in his eyes:
"Yejingtang, what are you pouting for? My king asked you to kiss me?"

After maintaining for a while, Dongfang Liren finally came to his senses, pushed Xia Ye Jingtang's shoulder, separated from each other, and then raised his hand to grab the Chilong Saber beside him.

Ye Jingtang secretly let out a sigh of relief, and patted Benben's lower back with his hands:

"Don't move!"

But the soft and fiery buttocks are sitting on the abdomen, swaying with each other's pushing and pushing, the touch is quite clear, it can be said that they are tightly fitted, and the bulging skirt is also rubbing against the arms, which is already disturbed by the heart The lake is even more chaotic.

"I can't sleep because of the noise outside at night. Come here and take a bath to cleanse yourself. Do you want to take a bath together?"

Ye Jingtang was speechless, stopped behind the door, and responded:
"Miss Yuhu, why are you here?"


The side hall is a place to change clothes and rest. There is a tea table and chess table inside, and the environment is quite elegant. At this time, two medical women have prepared the utensils and medicines for cleaning the wound.

After confirming that Hu Niuniu was wearing clothes, Ye Jingtang heaved a sigh of relief, regained his calm look, and came to the front to take the wooden box and look at it:
"what is this?"

Under the candlelight, the tall and beautiful woman stood in front of the screen in a red dress, with her plump buttocks and broad chest, she looked extremely eye-catching.

Ye Jingtang paused and raised his eyelids, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident—or what?

? !
Ye Jingtang took a breath, looked at the charming cheeks that were getting closer, subconsciously leaned forward.

"What do you have to pay back? I think you, a villain, just have a crooked idea and want to commit the next crime... Then you don't have to pay back the debt!"

Ye Jingtang was blown away by the shock wave. His body was strong and his torso was protected by soft armor. He was not seriously injured, but after all, he did not have the domineering golden scales of Shi Yanfeng. There were many bruises on his arms and legs that were rubbed out by rubble. Red marks and bruises.

Ye Jingtang had nothing to say, and made an embarrassing look:

"At the end of the previous dynasty, Kuang Yazi fought in the imperial city, and finally managed to get away with his bare buttocks. He was holding a knife in his hand. There was no place to put the scabbard. It had been lost long ago. I had someone check it out this month. , I found the old man who had seen Kuang Yazi back then, and made this scabbard as it was through dictation, how about it, do you like it?"

Dongfang Liren has a lot of theoretical knowledge, his brain is ignorant, and he still knows how to respond subconsciously. When he finds the villain sticking out his tongue, the white teeth will unconsciously open, and then...

The female doctor who was standing beside hurriedly came to him, brought a hot towel and medicinal wine, and cut Ye Jingtang's tattered robe.

Empress Wei put her arms around her chest, her butt resting on the edge of the long case again, like a female boss surprising her subordinates:

Just now, both of them were stained with a lot of smoke and dust. Liren was going to wash in the pool. There were already some maids who had prepared toiletries, but Liren went to Cheng'an Hall.

After Yejingtang finished arranging things, he returned to Canyang Pond, thinking that Benben had already started to take a bath.


Yejingtang’s Chilong Knife was handed down from his adoptive father. The knife is a good knife, but the scabbard is made of ordinary wood and painted with black paint. It has been changed several times in the past year, and it hasn't been long since it was passed on to him, but he hasn't paid attention to this aspect yet.

"Your Highness, the Holy Majesty was awakened by the movement outside the city, and asked His Highness to move to Cheng'an Palace to inquire about the situation."

Dongfang Liren didn't get up, and after looking at Ye Jingtang for a few moments, he pulled up his skirt to check.

Dongfang Liren didn't believe this at all, and after a little deliberation, he leaned forward slightly, leaned in front of Ye Jingtang, and put on an unoffensive queen posture and said:

Dongfang Liren took a slight breath, causing his clothes to bulge, but he had nothing to say, and turned his head to look elsewhere.

Ye Jingtang and Ning'er have been together for so long, and he must have never done the scumbag deeds of letting Ning'er clean up after the work. He is also very skilled in helping with clothes, but this kind of skill is not for everyone.

Dongfang Liren thought it was no big deal, so he wanted to put the skirt down.But what she didn't expect was that Ye Jingtang, who was rubbing the medicine next to her, stopped, and then leaned over to pick up her leg.

"Open it and see."

Ye Jingtang's concentration was very good this time, and he didn't make any response, just staring intently into his big stupid eyes.

"Your Highness is a rich man, this is not appropriate, or I owe it first, and then I will pay off the debt later..."

The Great Wei Empress was a little amused, stood up straight again, raised her long hair and tied the tulle gown around her neck, and said again:

Seeing that Da Benben was unhappy, Ye Jingtang secretly sighed:
"Okay, I know I'm wrong. Next time His Highness comes over, I'm sure I won't be moved."

Dongfang Liren looked at Chi Chi's stern eyes, and his eyes suddenly dodged a bit.

Ye Jingtang was lying on the couch in tattered clothes, as if he had just been ruined by the domineering queen. He sat up, and only after the door of the side hall was closed, he shook his head and sighed secretly, suppressing the distracting thoughts in his heart, and then Pick up the wound medicine next to it and prepare your own wound medicine.

The Great Wei Empress was quite proud and explained;

The robe was horrible, the undamaged front was still there, but only rags were left on the back, hanging directly on the belt, and there were many holes in the trousers.

Still washing together?

Dongfang Liren was going to avoid it, but he sat back when he saw this:
"You go out."

Ye Jingtang blinked and explained:

Ye Jingtang didn't respond to the fierce words, walked around the screen to the edge of the bath, sat on the imperial concubine's couch and said the business:
"Six doors sent a message in the afternoon, saying that the murder in the Yuquan Gym might be the work of Zheng Kun. Prince Jing and I rushed to Longxi Lane immediately, but it turned out that someone had already laid an ambush..."

"Hmph~... woo?!"

"The Hongshan gang smuggled salt and iron to Beiliang all the year round, and it was necessary to deal with it. But the Liangzhou frontier is either the Gobi or the mountains. Whenever there is any movement from the court, the Hongshan gang will hide in the mountains, or hide outside the pass to avoid the limelight. It is difficult to eradicate religions, so this matter needs to be discussed in the long run, so there is no need to worry."

As he spoke, he turned over neatly and landed on the ground, regaining the majesty that the Queen should have, straightened his clothes and went out.

But it's a pity that the charming voice of Yu Jie came from the bath immediately:
"Young Master Ye, you don't want to peek at the girl's bathing and let Prince Jing know about it?"

Although Dongfang Liren's skirt was hung torn and his body was stained with smoke and dust, his situation was much better than Ye Jingtang's. Seeing Ye Jingtang doing this to protect her, his eyes showed distress, and he beckoned:
"come over."

"You can't see, so what's the difference from being separated by walls, doors and windows? You were able to calm down a few times before, why are you panicking this time?"

Ye Jingtang thought about it carefully, and it was really because he was ignorant, so he got up cautiously and wanted to go around and leave from the other side of the soft couch.

Ye Jingtang didn't ask Dongfang Liren to serve him personally, so he wiped his arms with a towel and smeared medicinal wine, and said with a smile:
"Your Highness, go wash up too, the skirts are all torn."

Ye Jingtang knew that Jiang Zhahu was not easy to deal with, so he didn't talk too much about this topic, instead he said:

"Come in and talk, and let the palace maid outside listen to you. It shouldn't be easy for you to explain."

There was silence in the dimly lit room.

Dongfang Liren was still angry, his cheeks were still flushed, he straightened up and sat on his waist, his eyes were slightly cold:
"This king will deal with you later."

"Eh? What are you doing?"

"Then there's nothing else to talk about. Why don't you take a bath first, and I'll go back to Heiya to interrogate the prisoner and find out the ins and outs of today..."

"Alright, alright, Your Highness, hurry up and meet the Holy Majesty."


Empress Wei leaned against the edge of the bath, her body was actually covered with a bath towel, and nothing leaked.


Dongfang Liren's white palace shoes were slightly arched, his shoulders were a little tighter to the naked eye, and his face instantly turned fiery red.

"Give me the knife and let go of it!"

Feeling helpless, Ye Jingtang took a towel from the side, covered his eyes, opened the door and entered the Canyang Pond.

"Miss Yuhu wants to ask about the situation outside?"

Canyang Pond is surrounded by green plants and flowers, and there is only a main hall in the center, and there are already many palace ladies standing outside the hall.

"Come here quickly, let the medical officer show you the injury."

Seeing Ye Jingtang, Dongfang Liren started pretending not to be a real gentleman who is not bewitched by women's sex. He was also aroused to win and lose. He recalled the description on the chivalrous woman's tears, and then tilted his head slightly, expressing affection, Slowly approach the man's lips.

But the arrogance cultivated since she was a child prevented her from retreating from the battle, but continued to play with fire, her cheeks were two inches away, her hand was still on Ye Jingtang's chest, her breath was like blue, and she expressed with her eyes-come on, dear.

"What do you mean 'take off naked and walk in front of you'?, I can't get up and change clothes after taking a shower? You said you were going to leave, but you sat here without moving. What are you waiting for? Waiting for me to throw myself into my arms and reward you?"

"Miss Yuhu, you...you respect yourself."

Ye Jingtang's expression was a little solemn, and he picked up the scabbard and looked it over carefully:

Her demeanor was leisurely yet regal, she walked barefoot on a catwalk, walked past the blindfolded Ye Jingtang at a leisurely pace, came to the long table near the imperial concubine's bed, and picked up the big red dress.

Ye Jingtang knew it would be like this, and quickly held down the knife:

Empress Great Wei did have such a plan, but it won't work in the past two months, her physical condition is unstable, and it is safer to have two bodyguards by her side than one.

Ye Jingtang held his rosy lips in his mouth, and was actually stunned for a moment. After waking up, he wanted to separate, but felt that he was being treated stupidly. After thinking about it, he still patted his back and did not separate.

"Hey, impulse is the devil..."

"and many more."

Ye Jingtang said solemnly: "Practicing Tingfeng Zhang, I reminded you beforehand that I only started teaching kung fu with His Highness's permission. How can this be called taking advantage? Your Highness took the initiative to come over and remind me that I can't kiss, and I definitely won't. "

Canyang Pond is on the east side of the imperial city. Just now when Ye Jingtang protected Dongfang Liren back, he wanted to send him directly to Changle Palace, but when he passed by here, Dongfang Liren saw that both of them were disgraced by the bombing, so he stopped here and asked. Here comes the maid doctor.

? !
Ye Jingtang's words stopped suddenly, and he stopped talking.

Dongfang Liren's fragrant shoulders twitched suddenly, and his eyes widened, feeling the fiery touch from his lips, his eyes first showed shame of being offended, and then turned to hesitation.

Ye Jingtang paused, not daring to look back:

"Miss Yuhu really has a heart. I have been used to being frugal with darts all year round, and I never thought that I could spend money on scabbards."

"Would you like to kiss me when the king comes over?"


The two were arguing on the couch, and before it lasted long, a palace lady's voice suddenly came from outside the door:

The Ye Jing Hall is less than two feet away, and you can touch it with your hand, and you can even feel a little warmth and fragrance. He was stunned for a moment, and then sat up straight:

Ye Jingtang noticed that there was an abnormal reaction in his body, and hurriedly protected the knife to remind:

The Great Wei Empress responded casually, and she didn't take it off after wearing it to continue teasing. She wore a belt and walked behind the screen, and took out a long wooden box:
"It's agreed, please ask the Holy One to give you a title and a few other things. I just brought them to you on the way. You can see if you like it."

"Anything else?"

"Help me tie it, you didn't practice just helping girls take it off, did you not practice wearing it?"

Ye Jingtang's footsteps came to the door silently, and he could see bright yellow lights in the bath, and could faintly hear the sound of spring water flowing, but there was no other suspicious smell.

The scabbard is made of unknown kind of wood, and the workmanship is extremely exquisite. Both the scabbard and the scabbard are brass in color, with dragon patterns on them. They look very beautiful, and the texture must be extremely strong.

The Great Wei Empress nodded slightly: "The rumor that Jiang Zhahu has a picture of golden scales is indeed true."

Standing here, Ye Jingtang felt that it was inappropriate. He glanced at the direction where Da Benben was leaving, and said:

Four eyes facing each other.

? !
Ye Jingtang's eyes changed slightly, and he quickly withdrew his eyes, wanting to leave without a sound.

Ye Jingtang picked up both legs with one hand, laid them flat on his knees, tore open the hole with his hands, and wiped the medicine on his lower legs with a towel:

She was wearing white thin trousers under the hem of the skirt. The hem of the skirt was torn by splashing rubble. There were also two or three holes in the thin trousers, where scratches on the white skin could be seen.

The Great Wei Empress picked up the hollowed-out gown, and gestured on Bai's dazzling chest:

Ye Jingtang has practiced martial arts all year round, so there is not much difference between this and nothing, so he couldn't escape it and could only stand up and say:
"I'll do it myself, you guys go to rest."

"Then what... I can't help it. I'll pay more attention this time, and I won't move at all."

Ye Jingtang was forced down on the tea bed by Dongfang Liren, shook his head and said:


But before the sound of footsteps outside Canyang Pond completely disappeared, Ye Jingtang moved his ears and heard a voice from the main hall:


Ye Jingtang didn't feel humiliated when he was bullied by the not-so-light Dabenben on his waist.

In order to let Ye Jingtang realize how vulnerable he was, Dongfang Liren bit his red lips lightly, and moved closer with his head slightly tilted.

Empress Great Wei thought this was a bit strange, but seeing Ye Jingtang was very satisfied, she didn't think much about it, and turned to walk outside:

"What is a scabbard? I can give you anything you can think of, or anything you can't think of. I will continue to work hard in the future. I'm going back to the bedroom. You should heal your wounds."


Ye Jingtang was really pleasantly surprised, put the knife back on his waist, and stopped to watch him, until the red dress disappeared outside the door...

(End of this chapter)

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