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Chapter 242 Winning over the Pingtian Sect

Chapter 242 Winning over the Pingtian Sect

The bright moon is in the sky, and the frosty moon shines across thousands of miles of mountains and fields, and a big river passes under the cliffs of thousands of feet.

Two travel-worn figures declared themselves outside the mountain, and then, led by the white-clothed congregation, set foot on the rugged mountain road leading to Nanxiao Mountain.

Walking in the front is Tang Yudan from Yanshan Jieyun Palace, Lu Jieyun's direct disciple. This trip is the first time to set foot in the territory of Pingtian Sect. , There is no analogy at all, for this reason, the eyes are solemn, and the eyes are not squinted while walking.

And following behind is Cao Aning, who became a wanderer after being unemployed in the palace.

In order to regain power and status, Cao Aning traveled all over the northern and southern dynasties in the past ten years. This is not the first time he has come to Nanxiao Mountain. He introduced to Tang Yudan:
"From Nanxiao Mountain, even if you have passed through the customs, go down the river along the river, and when you reach the mouth of the sea, you can see the Baichi cliff outside the official city. Fengguan city is there to live in seclusion. Chiya challenged the warriors in Fengguan City, no matter whether he wins or loses, he is regarded as the overlord in the rivers and lakes.

"Master Pingtian ranks No. [-] among the Eight Great Leaders. He challenged Fengguan City at Baichiya, and was personally evaluated by Fengguan City as an invincible opponent at the foot of the mountain..."

Tang Yudan heard this, looked up at the afterglow of the lights on the top of the mountain, and sighed:
"Although it is not number one in the world, being invincible under the mountain is also the honor that warriors dream of. There is also the number one beauty in the rivers and lakes like the Goddess of the Toad Palace as a spouse, so a man should be like this."

Cao Aning smiled and said: "This kind of the most carefree thing in the world, we mortals can't envy. Not to mention you and me, even the King of Hell in the night of the capital, his appearance and potential may not be inferior to the leader of Pingtian, but his wife is definitely not comparable. Master Pingtian."

Tang Yudan pondered for a while, shook his head and said:
"Yejingtang has been around in the capital, and it is said that his appearance is also extraordinary handsome. If the empress of the court favors her, Madam can still compare..."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't refuse, took Niao Niao into the carriage, sat by the window, and fed Niao Niao breakfast.

She Long himself is a master of beginners, and it is indeed a rare opportunity for his son to be chosen by the old Wu Kui as a closed disciple. Yesterday, Liu Qiansheng was almost slaughtered, and She Long was so scared that he couldn't sleep now, and wished he could stand in front of Liu Qiansheng as a bodyguard.

Dongfang Liren used to kiss Jingtang's face overnight, but it was an accident, and it was different from yesterday. It was a bit awkward to be in the same room at this time, and the Queen's aura could not be displayed, so he simply took out a piece of paper from the wooden box next to him. In this booklet, take out Xiaohao and sketch it to make it look like an office.

However, while walking in Ye Jingtang, you can still hear the sound of Niao Niao burying her head in cooking, and the soft sound of the pen touching the paper...

Ye Jingtang listened carefully to the Queen's teachings, and accompanied her to the Chariot and Horse Supervisor. When she had finished speaking, she looked at the hem of her skirt:
"Is your leg okay?"

Seeing that the situation was not right, Cao Aning said:

Ye Jingtang's heart moved slightly, he put Niao Niao into the food box and let him eat by himself, then he leaned sideways to him while Dongfang Li was not paying attention.

Dongfang Liren felt that this meant that she was not easy to serve, and wanted to say something fierce, but when he saw Ye Jingtang's face, he couldn't help but recall the moment when his lips met last night.

Ye Jingtang just walked into the gate of Hei Ya, and before he could find anyone to ask, he found the iron-armed impermanent She Long running over, Yaoyao cupped his hands and thanked:

Tang Yudan sensed the dissatisfaction of the leader of Pingtian, and quickly explained:

"Right now, the King of Yan has the heart to take over the great unification. As long as the leader assists, even if he doesn't get any rewards, he can still stir up the chaos of the vassal kings, making the Great Wei mess up and have no time to take care of the south. For the leader, this is of great significance All benefits and no harm."

"Shi Yanfeng has several types of poison in his body, and the poison has already attacked the heart. Doctor Wang can hang his life, but it's meaningless. He passed away in the morning. The body was sent to Zhang Jinglin, and he was asked to study the golden scale skin.

She snorted lightly, took Niao Niao over, turned around and walked in front:
"I came here to take a look after hearing from the palace people that you were here. Also, I have to remind you that you are getting more and more unruly. You are the deputy commander of Heiya, a subordinate of this king. To be tolerant to you is to appreciate your ability, if you continue to be arrogant..."

"It's all right. How about you? Are you okay?"


Master Pingtian nodded slightly: "Then don't participate, let the court fight among itself, and I'll just wait and see what happens."

After Yu Hu left yesterday, Ye Jingtang took a shower and changed his clothes, so he should have left as well.

Tang Yudan thought about it, so he nodded, feeling a little more envious of the Pingtian leader in his heart.

"Since there is no hope of restoring Great Yan in a short period of time, the first strategy is to slowly accumulate strength in a safe place. If we intervene in this matter, the king of Yan will not remember me; if the king of Yan is defeated, the empress will definitely Let me wait to understand what is called Ma Tia Tian Nan..."

On the steps are stone-carved seats, with a large Eight Diagrams emblem engraved on the back, and two flags on the left and right sides.

Ye Jingtang didn't bother him at first, but after feeding the birds for a while, he suddenly noticed that the majestic Queen who was serious about his work would raise his eyes to look at him after making a few sketches on the booklet, and then continued.

"I know His Highness is coming, so I'm waiting. If you come and I'm not here, you'll be angry again..."

Cao Aning immediately shut up, exchanged a glance with Tang Yudan, then turned and left silently...

Tang Yudan just raised his head, and broke out in a cold sweat. He quickly took a step forward and bowed to salute:

After Cao Aning and Tang Yudan walked along the tunnel for a while, an underground palace suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Someone dares to do something now, which means they have figured out the identity of the dead man. The empress is in poor health, and it has nothing to do with the strength of the guards. If they dare to do something because of this... it can only be the person who invaded the imperial city with Xuanji, that is, the empress herself. , and left a dark wound. This news is quite important..."

Zhang Henggu hesitated a little:
"The last time I went to the capital to pick up my wife and Yun Li, I also saw the current situation of Yun'an, the scene of a prosperous and prosperous age, the Pingtian sect wants to restore Dayan, and the people may not agree.

Outside the Canyang Pond, Dongfang Liren, who was wearing a silver python robe, let the accompanying palace attendants wait at the door, and entered the door alone. Before he had taken two steps, he saw Ye Jingtang coming out, and his footsteps paused slightly:
"Why haven't you left yet?"

Dongfang Liren remembered how Ye Jingtang risked his life to protect her last night, and was reluctant to continue preaching. After the palace man moved the carriage over, he boarded the carriage and sat down on the couch:

"How can you allow other people to snore by the side of the couch? When the leader restores Dayan in the future, he will certainly not be able to tolerate Wei. Considering this, the leader must first have the strength to take over the world. With the current background of Pingtianjiao, even the establishment of Nanyan in Pian'an is not enough." Extravagant hopes, let alone competing in the world.

As the dawn dawned, a moan came from the Canyang Pool surrounded by exotic flowers and trees.

The carriage drove across the straight street, and soon left the imperial city, and arrived outside Prince Jing's mansion.

On both sides of the hall are eighteen stone lampstands, which are lit with tung oil; in the middle is a long road paved with stone slabs, leading to the frontmost steps of the hall.

The footsteps gradually faded away, and the stone hall became empty.

"get out."


Master Pingtian stood up, walked to the edge of the steps, and stood with his hands behind his back:

Dongfang Liren was caught off guard, and closed the booklet abruptly, his willow eyebrows raised upside down:

Cao Aning waved his hand: "Madam's status can be high, but it can't be too high. The leader of Pingtian and the goddess of the Toad Palace can be regarded as a talented woman and a good-looking family. And if Ye Dayan is favored by the empress, can he marry the empress? Even if he takes over After leaving Fengguan City, the empress accepted the most heroic hero in Jianghu as her concubine, and from then on, "once she enters the deep palace, there will be no spring every year", how does the Pingtian leader who is a married woman compare?"

Facts have proved that Dongfang Counseling is still very stable, knowing that he will be poked on the mouth when he comes here in the middle of the night, maybe something more exciting will happen, so he just tossed and turned until dawn before bringing the maid over to have a look.


Master Pingtian asked:
"How does the King of Yan plan to take the throne?"

Cao Aning entered the stone hall, looked up, and found a person sitting at the top of the hall.

"I'm going to write a letter to Luo Ning, urging her to come back quickly, and don't accidentally get involved in this matter. Ping'er has been in the past for so long, and there is no reply at all, and I don't know what to do..."

Master Pingtian didn't know the specific situation in the capital, so he said:

stomping on...

The Pingtian leader stood on the steps with his hands behind his back, and only after his footsteps disappeared completely did he sit back on the chair, frowning in thought.

Dongfang Liren's face turned red, and there was nothing he could do with this villain, so he raised his hand to signal outside:

There was a commotion in the east of the city last night, and the police were working overtime to check, but it was not so easy to catch the expert who could lay the trap in advance, and the search did not yield any results.

"The fate of the empress is not long. Can the king of Yan just wait? The empress has no heirs. If she dies, the throne can only be given to the king of Yan or the king of Liang. If the king of Yan has a heart, he can hide quietly near Wuzhou. Running to the capital, as long as he runs faster than the King of Liang, he can justifiably become the emperor. You said that King Yan is going to assassinate the empress at this time?"


"You go down."

"The king of Yan was brave and resourceful because he was able to fight well. It was because he had too much ambition. Maybe because of his military overthrow, the great ancestor of Wei did not give him the throne. King Yan couldn't even tolerate Beiliang. You said he promised me to be king in the south?"

"How about the two people who were captured yesterday?"

As a result, there was no surprise. The front of the booklet was blank. At this time, half of the picture had been drawn.

And behind the stone hall, Nanshan Tiegua Zhang Henggu, dressed in Taoist robes, walked out slowly with his hands behind his back, thought for a while and said:
"It sounds like Jieyun Palace is acting privately in the name of King Yan, but this is the first time I've heard that the empress's life is not long. According to the age of the empress, there shouldn't be anything wrong."

Cao Aning said earnestly: "I have reliable news that the Empress is in poor health and may die soon, and the only guards around me are Master Xuanji and Ye Jingtang. I will be responsible for opening up the door, and then only the leader can help solve Master Xuanji... ..."

Ye Jingtang was not invited to sit in this time, and with the mentality of coming, he watched Benben enter the palace, and brought Niao Niao to the black office behind the palace.

Master Pingtian looked at the token and said displeasedly:
"Yan Wang asked you to recruit Anping Tianjiao?"

Speaking of this, Master Pingtian thought of Luo Ning who was far away in the capital.

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, then turned to look at Ye Jingtang's body:

Tang Yudan knew that he was not worthy of being personally interviewed by Master Pingtian, so he took out a token from his sleeve and said respectfully:
"This junior is sent by the king of Yan, and the teacher has another important job, so I can't come here in person. Please forgive me, the leader."


Dongfang Liren closed the car window, not even allowing him to look.

Zhang Henggu is more than 70 years old, and he can be considered to have a lot of experience. His wife went to other places and never came back, and she didn't say what she was doing. Normally, there were people outside.

The figure is wearing a white robe, with a jade crown on his head and his side is quite high. Although the angle of the light makes it impossible to see his face clearly, his astonishing aura is like a powerful dragon entrenched on the top of a mountain in the early morning, looking down at the two suddenly visiting of ants.

"Self-reliant king? Are you a three-year-old child who wants to compete in the world? The empress ruled the country with benevolence and morality. She won't go to war for ten years after she ascended the throne, and opened up trade routes between the northern and southern dynasties. No matter how you look at it, she is a benevolent monarch who doesn't like war. And the empress gave The price I offered is nothing more than a Marquis, and the premise is that I have to drag my family to the capital to serve her as a cow and a horse. If Pingtian Sect dares to rebel, the Empress will not increase her money, she will only mobilize troops to attack Nanxiao Mountain, let the people of the world understand what imperial power cannot be violated.

The two of them traveled all the way and came to the mountainside of Nanxiao Mountain. There were many passes along the way, and there were countless bright and dark sentries patrolling.

"Know it……"

The tall and slender chivalrous woman outlined in plain brush has the same height proportions and curves as Dongliren, but the frontal face cannot be seen.

"The king of Yan is planning a major event recently. As long as the matter is completed, the emperor of Wei will fall into the hands of the king of Yan; as long as the leader is willing to assist, the territory in the south of the state can be fully assigned to the leader to become king..."

Ye Jingtang was lying on the imperial concubine's couch, and when he heard the dense footsteps coming from a distance, he woke up, and found that it was dawn, he got up and washed himself in the pool, then picked up the bird and walked out the door quickly.

The doors and windows of the main hall were closed, and the water in the pool was filled with mist.

But the leader is a girl's family, so he has no awareness of this aspect. As a protector, Zhang Henggu can't talk nonsense even if he has unreasonable doubts. After leaving, he withdrew...
"Chi Chi Chi ~..."

Master Pingtian's voice was cold: "My master will only pretend that you have never been here, and if you talk nonsense, you will be killed."


Cao Aning was silent for a while, and said respectfully:
"After all, the empress is young, and no one knows how long she can live. King Yan is nearly sixty years old, and I am afraid that the sky will last forever..."

Ye Jingtang came to the front with Niao Niao on his shoulders:

Ye Jingtang quickly sat back and said with a smile:
"Isn't this a reward for my painting? I'll just take a look..."

On the high platform, the leader of Pingtian did not show his face, but said in a male and female voice:
"Lu Jieyun has a request for me, why didn't he come to the door in person?"

"Master Ye, thanks to your good planning last night, if Liu Qiansheng is really slaughtered by the Hongshan gang, I will be happy for nothing..."


After Ye Jingtang raised his hand to signal, he asked:

Ye Jingtang changed into clean clothes and lay down on the beauty couch beside the hot spring pool to avoid a deep sleep, with the new scabbard Chilong Saber leaning in front of him.

"The loyalty of the Marquis of Nanshan to the Great Yan is obvious to all the people in the world. The imperial court promised the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households and the official position of prefect of the prefecture, and the Marquis of Nanshan regard it as a poor shoe. How could the leader be recruited.

The tunnel was dug out when the Wei army attacked Nanxiao Mountain, and now it has been transformed into the main altar by the Pingtian Sect, with a large internal scale.


"It's just a scratch, and the traces can't be seen."

The little thief, on the other hand, could clearly see the expression and demeanor, holding the beauty's back with one hand, as if kissing her forcefully.

A footstep interrupted the words.

It has only been two days since Luo Ning returned to Beijing, and the letter reporting the news just left yesterday, and it is estimated that she has just passed Xiwang Town.

Master Pingtian said: "Back when the empress forced the palace, only a real Xuanji could not deal with Cao Qiansui. There must be an expert by his side. However, after so many years of investigation by various forces, they have not found the expert beside the empress. Dare to enter the palace rashly.

"Who asked you to come here?"

But yesterday, he popped his mouth and seemed to annoy Big Benben. He wasn't sure if Benben would come back to clean him up, so he just waited here and fell asleep at some point.


Hearing this, the leader of Pingtian said coldly:


"You were just injured, you need to rest more, come up too."

Ye Jingtang didn't say much, got up and got out of the carriage, and walked by the window.

"Junior Tang Yudan, pay homage to the leader of Pingtian."

Above Nanxiao Mountain is the living area of ​​the high-level Pingtian Sect. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. Therefore, before the two arrived, they were led by the believers to bypass and came to a tunnel on the mountainside.

And the birds who helped patrol the east of the city for most of the night had already flown back in the middle of the night, floating on the water like a fat goose, swimming around and chirping.

"As for Zheng Kun, he was tortured all night, and his mouth is quite tough. He would rather die than confess..."

"Really? Go over and have a look..."

It’s almost twelve o’clock when I write this, and I’m going to stop full attendance. I’ll write the rest, and I’ll update it tomorrow or2!

 Recommend a book of seedlings, if you are interested, you can read it~

(End of this chapter)

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