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Chapter 246 Don't Possess Your Boss' Mouth

Chapter 246 Don't Possess Your Boss' Mouth
tread, tread...

Two unhurried footsteps resounded in the deep dungeon.

White-haired Listening Meng Jiao, wearing the white dress she wore when she was young, although her hair is white and youthful, she looks like a young middle-aged female police officer, without the demeanor of an old elder in the past.

At the back, Sun Wuji, who is thin and thin, with a three-foot green sword hanging from his waist, walks through the prison cells with one hand behind his back, sighing in his eyes:
"It's a pity for Nan Gongling. I met him once when I was in the rivers and lakes. He was a bit young and frivolous, but his virtue was not bad. I didn't expect that after decades, he would become a devil who caused trouble..."

Meng Jiao is nearly seventy years old, and sounds quite old, but when the Great Wei founded the country, she was just a little girl, and her master was one of the knights who helped the rebels break the city with Sun Wuji, and was rewarded to serve in the Ministry of Punishment until The official position was passed on to her.

For this reason, no matter how old he is, when he meets Zhao Wuji, he should still be called uncle.

Hearing Sun Wuji's words, Meng Jiao also sighed a little:
"A hero is sad for a beautiful woman. Nangong Lingju has no fixed place and has a dissolute personality. When he was traveling in Tiannan, he met a femme fatale woman. After a few sweet words, he drifted away and started looting.

"People in Jianghu adhere to the chivalrous way, and killing millions of people is to eliminate violence and peace; but once they go against the way of chivalry, stealing a penny will be irreversible. Nan Gongling started, but under the fanning of the people around him, he couldn't stop. The case became more and more serious. The bigger the crime, the more people they killed. Later, I was the one who caught them back. When they were found, they were penniless and seriously injured. They were thrown in the deep mountains and old forests to die..."

"Wealth is a downhill tiger, and sex is a bone-scraping knife. It's really not a joke."

Sun Wuji sighed and said: "One-eyed Maitreya, Bai Siming, Yao Wenzhong... are all juniors who have heard of them in the past, and their martial arts achievements are not low, but they have fallen to this at a young age. It's a pity that they are talented..."

While chatting, the two reached the middle of the dungeon.

There is no name on the door of the cell, only a sign of "one" so that the police can identify the cell.

Although Sun Wuji came to Hei Ya for the first time, he could still tell that the cell marked 'One' and in the center must be the most powerful people, so he stopped and asked:

"Cao Qianqiu is locked here?"

Meng Jiao shook her head and said, "No, Mr. Cao is below. The second king of Yanzhou is imprisoned here."

"The second king of Yanzhou..."

Sun Wuji has withdrawn from the arena for 30 years and no longer cares about the affairs of the arena. It is normal for some young people who have never heard of it. Seeing this, they wondered:

"A young leader who has just emerged from Yanzhou?"

"It didn't even show up. The father of these two is Bengshan Spear Wang Yi. He didn't make a name for himself. He was kicked out by Jieyun Palace and hid in Tibet. Somehow he came to Beijing to assassinate Ye Jingtang in the street two months ago..."


Sun Wuji stroked his beard, and after some consideration, nodded:
"The younger generation is awesome. I have seen many people assassinate the Grandmaster. It is probably the first time to assassinate Wu Kui since the founding of the country..."

Meng Jiao didn't waste much time on the two miscellaneous fishes, and brought Sun Wuji to the third floor of the dungeon, walked through the narrow tunnel, stopped outside an iron gate, and opened it.


The heavy iron door was removed, and the spacious room inside was introduced.

The room has a wooden floor, the hole has been repaired last time, and it is clean and spotless.

In the middle of the room stood a long table with an oil lamp on it.

The old eunuch in a red robe still maintained a meticulous posture, sitting cross-legged in front of the case, although his expression was calm, but his complexion was very bad.

The last time he went out, Eunuch Cao took Qiu Tianhe's knife, and Ye Jingtang and Great Wei Empress joined forces to shoot.

Although it is only a flesh injury, there is a price for practicing the three maps of "muscles, bones and skin", because the skin is too tough, and the speed of recovery from injuries cannot be the same as that of normal people. He had to be raised for several months or even last year, so Eunuch Cao was basically still seriously injured.

The iron gate opened, Eunuch Cao looked up and saw Sun Wuji outside the gate, his eyes moved slightly, and he spoke hoarsely:
"Great Xia Sun, I haven't seen you for a year."

Sun Wuji came to Yun'an at the end of the previous dynasty to assist the rebel army in dealing with Dayan's diehard loyalists, and Eunuch Cao was a 'diehard' man at that time, guarding the last palace gate.

Eunuch Cao was only 12 years old at the time, and his mind had not yet matured, while Sun Wuji was already a sword master, so he didn’t kill him after bumping into him. Instead, his uniform was brought to Wei Taizu, and then Taizu treated the royal family of Dayan kindly, in exchange for Eunuch Cao’s loyalty to this day things.

Sun Wuji didn't want to get involved with the imperial court. After the founding of the Great Wei Dynasty, he never set foot in Yun'an, and Eunuch Cao didn't enter the rivers and lakes, so this was the second meeting between the two.

Seeing the old eunuch who looked about his age, Sun Wuji sighed, and sat cross-legged opposite the long table:
"Back then you were only as tall as a wheel, but in a blink of an eye you would become an old man."

Eunuch Cao looked very calm:
"It's always old, but people are still the same people. Sun Daxia has long since left the world, but now he has come to the capital. Could it be His Royal Highness, please come over and persuade our family to be loyal to him?"

Sun Wuji said casually:

"When I saw you back then, I knew that you were a stubborn kid. How could I do such useless work. And today, the Holy One, there is no shortage of you as a door god.

"As the saying goes, "If you get the right way, you will get more help, but if you lose the way, you will get little help." Wei Taizu, because of his generosity, benevolence and righteousness, loved the people and talents, there were countless knights competing to support him when he raised his troops; and Emperor Yan Gong had countless strange people. In front of you?

"The current Holy Majesty has been on the throne for ten years. No matter how you or I evaluate what he has done, the people of the world know it. How can such an emperor not even find a guard."

Eunuch Cao said: "Hero Sun said that the night terrors the hall? This son's talent is outstanding, and he seems to have a close relationship with the eldest princess. It is not a problem to serve as a guard, but... the last time I saw him, I always felt a little familiar."


Sun Wuji caressed his beard, slightly puzzled:

"What's the meaning of this statement?"

Eunuch Cao carefully recalled: "Back when the Great Yan Kingdom was broken, Master stopped Sun Daxia and others outside the Taiji Hall to buy time for Emperor Yan Gong to escape; while thieves from all corners of the country broke into the harem and snatched the Dragon Crying Picture.

"At that time, I was standing on the top of the city gate, and I saw a Beiliang gunman with incomparable combat power. He shot back Kuang Yazi with three shots and forced Kuang Yazi to give up fighting and flee... Although he was masked and couldn't see the real face, but at night The feeling Jingtang gave me was exactly the same as that person's - the energy channels were so smooth that they were always half a step faster than others, and the muscles and bones were coordinated so that no flaws could be picked out. It didn't seem like a natural talent, but more like a sword built by the power of the whole country..."

Sun Wuji and Ye Jingtang fought against each other, and he actually felt that Ye Jingtang's foundation is a bit exaggerated. Not to mention innate, but artificially laid foundation the day after tomorrow, they can't reach this level of flawlessness.He thought for a while:
"I didn't participate in the competition back then, but I haven't seen this person before. Do you suspect that Ye Jingtang is from Beiliang?"

Eunuch Cao shook his head: "I have been able to get along with His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess alone, and I can't pretend to be a desperate guard. If someone from Beiliang, what can Beiliang do? Our family just couldn't understand it, so I asked Sun Daxia, Since Sun Daxia has no impression, he can only wait and see what happens..."

On the other side, Yutan Mountain.

It was noon, and Dongfangli was standing on the viewing platform facing the Qingjiang River, with a picture table in front of him, depicting landscapes.

The maid waited behind with her python robe in her hand, reminding in a low voice:
"Your Highness, the Holy Majesty will move to Yutan Mountain tomorrow, should you go back to the palace to pick him up..."

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"


The maid shrank her neck when she heard this.

The viewing platform can give you a bird's-eye view of the panoramic view of Yutan Mountain. There are guards patrolling and standing guard everywhere at the foot of the mountain. While crossing the river in the autumn wind, there is a figure the size of a grain of rice.

The figure was dressed in a black robe, holding a sword in his hand, gesticulating slowly by the river, and the bird was lying on the grass basking in the sun, sometimes a black Yamen catcher ran to him to make a routine report, and then left after speaking.

Time flies, and it has been two days since I came to Yutan Mountain. Since I was kissed by the daring Ye Jingtang the night before, Dongfang Liren has never shown up again, and I have been thinking about what to do.

Ye Jingtang also kissed her before, but at least there must be a reason on the table, accidentally or Chinese medicine, and she had to offend, she would criticize and admit her mistake.

And the last time and the last time, they were all blatant. She didn't care about it once, and didn't punish her twice, wouldn't she become a night terror?
Tangtang stood shoulder to shoulder with the king, and was chased by her subordinates. This let the people in Heiya know, what is the majesty of her immediate boss?
Later, I have to go back to the palace to pick up the Empress Dowager and Shengshang who come to Yuxu Mountain for vacation. Ye Jingtang is the bodyguard, so he must follow. If we don't talk about this matter, maybe this woman will think that she is resigned...

Thinking of this, Dongfang Liren put down his paintbrush, put on a silver python robe, regained his majestic aura that cannot be offended, and led the maid downstairs...


On the riverside, Ye Jingtang practiced all kinds of martial arts. Apart from patrolling these two days, he was practicing martial arts by the riverside. Although he really wanted to go back to accompany his wife, but Benben was responsible for trying not to leave, so naturally he couldn't leave.

Although the day before yesterday I saw the fat and fat queen who shouldn't be seen, Benben ignored him, but what he said still counted, and sent someone to Mingyulou to fetch him several cheat books.

The cheats are all the foreign moves of the various sects in the world. They are very comprehensive and can be practiced from the beginning to the end. However, the tricks at the bottom of the box are generally not passed on to the outside world.

After practicing for an unknown amount of time, a maid came to report that Prince Jing was going back to the palace, so Ye Jingtang put away his weapons, picked up the sleeping broken bird, and went to fetch the carriage.


The luxurious chariot driven by four horses soon stopped at the gate of the villa at the end of Baishi Avenue.

Ye Jingtang waited in front of the door for not long, when he saw Dongfang Liren in a python robe, leading his followers, coming out from behind the screen wall. He kept his eyes on each other with a serious smile, and didn't speak coldly until he passed by, saying:
"Yejingtang, you come up."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang handed Niao Niao, who was still sleeping, to the accompanying maid, and boarded the carriage.

Dongfang Liren sat down on the soft couch covered with golden silk and satin, his back was straight and his aura was very majestic, and the superior person was full of aura:
"sit down."

After Ye Jingtang took a glance, he sat down beside Dongfang Liren:

"Is something wrong?"

Dongfang Liren took a deep breath and said seriously;

"Ye Jingtang, do you have unruly intentions towards this king?"

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he was a little serious:
"Your Highness has taken great care of me, how can I have any evil intentions."

"You have repeatedly offended me. At first, there was a reason. Recently, you don't even bother to find an excuse. You say you have no evil intentions?"

"This is the gratification of two feelings. What does it have to do with infidelity?"

Love each other?

Dongfang Liren turned around and sat sideways, facing Ye Jingtang, with displeased eyes:
"Who is in love with you?"


Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, instead of talking about this well-known topic, he said instead:

"I figured out the teaching method of the eight-step crazy sword yesterday. I'm fine on the way back. I'll teach His Highness the sword method?"

Dongfang Liren frowned and said: "Don't change the topic, I'll learn the sword technique later, I will explain clearly to you first. This king appreciates your talent, so I am more tolerant to you. How about you in private, you can Don't care about it, but on the bright side, royal power cannot be offended..."

"When did I offend His Highness on the surface?
Dongfang Liren thought about it for a while, Ye Jingtang did not seem to have offended her on the surface, so he added:

"Even in private, you have to keep in mind the difference between monarchs and ministers. If this king says yes, you can be informal, and if you say no, you can't be rude. If this king says no, you insist... Huh!"

The last huh, there is nothing to do with Ye Jingtang, so let Ye Jingtang guess the consequences.

Ye Jingtang smiled lightly and stood up:

"I know. Practicing martial arts is like sailing against the current. Whenever I have free time, I practice martial arts and Qi. Your Highness practiced regularly for a while every day, which is indeed a bit of a waste of talent. If you practice hard every day, now you are at least a master who dabbles in hundreds of schools."

Dongfang Liren found that the beating didn't work, so he didn't say any more, got up slowly, and stood in the rather spacious car:
"The sparring coaches in the palace are afraid that the king will get angry, so they know how to measure it. They praise it no matter whether it is good or bad. How can they practice real kung fu like this? If there is a strict master, just like you, if something goes wrong, he will be beaten with a stick and beaten." As far as I remember, Ben Wang must have learned it very quickly.

"When you teach martial arts in the future, don't hold the mentality that I am just learning to play. You should train it to be a master. You don't have to restrain your hands and feet when you need to strike."

How could Ye Jingtang be so stupid, he thought for a while and smiled:
"Martial arts practice is hard work that drips water through rocks. I teach it slowly, and I can always remember it after a long time. But if Your Highness makes a mistake, I will start to adjust. Your Highness doesn't want to be offended, so practice the movements well, so I can take advantage of it. No reason."

Dongfang Liren didn't refuse this, and put on the airs of the Overlord Spear:
"I have practiced this move for a month. Look, is there still a problem?"

Ye Jingtang looked up and down at the tall and cold queen, nodded slightly, then leaned back, put his hand on the bottom of the fat-headed dragon, and rubbed it upwards.

? !
Dongfang Liren was pinned down, and took a light breath:

"My king is fine, are you still doing it?"

"How do I know if I'm exerting force if I don't feel it? Your Highness's chest is too tight, you have to sink your shoulders naturally, get up from the ground, and use your back to exert force, not your arms..."

Dongfang Liren blushed a little, but still obeyed the command, relaxed his shoulders and tensed his back.

Ye Jingtang supported his slender waist with both hands, and swayed back and forth. This time, he stood quite steadily, his body didn't shake at all, like a wooden stake with his feet stuck to the ground.

"Yes, this feels right. Your Highness is so smart."


Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, and felt a sense of joy in his heart when he was praised by the man, but he still maintained a serious expression.

Ye Jingtang turned around and came to Dongfang Liren, and found that Dongfang Liren's eyes were a little dodgy, and corrected him:

"Eyes are windows. Even ordinary people can see the timidity, nervousness, attacking intentions, etc. in your heart from your eyes. Jianghu masters, no matter what their personality is, are sharp-edged but dead-hearted when fighting. Looking at the eyes I can feel the pressure, but I can't see any flaws. Your Highness is looking at me."

Dongfang Liren's eyes moved, propping up the aura of the queen, and staring fiercely into Ye Jingtang's eyes.

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "You are fierce, you look fierce, but in fact you are too forceful, which makes people realize that you have no confidence. Hmm... Do you know the eyes of Master Xuanji? It looks soft like silk, But it always gives people a sense of danger of 'I have a hundred ways to deal with you', that is a very powerful look, which makes people dare not easily offend."

Dongfang Liren frowned and said: "Master already has a hundred ways to deal with you, so naturally you don't have to pretend to be deliberately. I can't deal with you, why are you so fierce?"

Ye Jingtang said: "You don't have to rely on force to get rid of me. Hmm... Your Highness thinks this way - no matter how good your martial arts skills are, you don't dare to touch a finger of this king, and it's easy for me to get rid of you, as long as you let me If you are satisfied, this king will let you touch it with a kiss, if you are not satisfied, you will not let me touch it, and you have to obediently listen to this king..."

? ?
Dongfang Liren frowned slightly: "You think beautifully."

Ye Jingtang helplessly spread his hands: "It's not that I think so, but His Highness thinks so in his heart. This is the way to deal with me. If you have a way in your heart, you will have the confidence even if you don't need it. Naturally, you won't be afraid of your opponent, and your eyes will show it." .”


Dongfang Liren thought about it for a while, and thought it was such a reason, and immediately changed his mentality according to Ye Jingtang's thinking, and found that the effect was outstanding.

In the past, there was no way to deal with Ye Jingtang, but as long as you think about it, stop worrying about the defense between men and women, and accept each other's relationship, there are too many ways to deal with lovers. What is she doing?

Thinking of this, Dongfang Liren's eyes changed. Looking at Ye Jingtang, he no longer held up his aura, but showed the confidence that "this king has plenty of ways to deal with you".


Ye Jingtang gave a thumbs up and praised:

"When confronting someone with this look, the other party must be afraid, because the other party can see that you have confidence, and they will never act rashly until they find out the details."

Although Dongfang Liren thinks this method of teaching is weird, he has indeed made rapid progress. Think about asking:

"Then what should you do?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were calm, without any fear:

"I know what His Highness' confidence is, so I naturally think about how to 'break the move', and the way to break the move is 'Even if I don't obey and use force, Your Highness will not really do anything to me', I have confidence in my heart, naturally Don't be afraid of His Highness's eyes."


Dongfang Liren's face darkened, and his eyes were immediately annoyed:

"Do you dare to be disobedient and try!"

"I'm just giving an example to teach masters the knowledge of confrontation."

Ye Jingtang said earnestly: "These are the bad moves when the two sides are confronting each other. I think His Highness's trump card is not enough to check and balance me, so I made a move, but later found that His Highness was really angry and refused to let me touch it, so I reaped the bitter fruit for it." , It is called 'misjudging the opponent'.

"And His Highness knew how to deal with me, but didn't harden his heart to deal with me afterwards, which is an 'overestimation of his own' strength.

"These two things happen in actual combat. You only need to encounter them once before you die. It's very important..."

Dongfang Liren listened carefully, and after thinking for a while, he hummed softly:
"Since this king has a way, how can he not be hard-hearted? This time you misjudged, if you dare to be disobedient, this king will definitely make you suffer."

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, thinking that Dabenben still overestimated her strength, how many people in the daughter's family are as hard-hearted as a rock before their children love each other?
In order to let Benben have a long memory and not to overestimate himself, Ye Jingtang immediately moved forward and tapped on the soft red lips.

Dongfang Liren was caught off guard, and immediately stood up straight, Liu Mei stared straight at Ye Jingtang:
"You...you go out for this king!"

Ye Jingtang slightly shrugged his shoulders: "Look, His Highness still didn't start a real fire, so he probably won't care about it in the afternoon. Although the words are not nice, martial arts practitioners must have self-knowledge.

"When people have accidents, they often overestimate their own abilities. Even if they know it well in their hearts, they are still swayed by face and utilitarianism and refuse to admit it; only after the accident will they wake up and understand their mistakes, but by then it is too late.

"These are the basic knowledge of the rivers and lakes, but because your highness is noble, no one has taught them. I teach this way, and your highness can understand best. If you don't understand me, you will offend me a few times. Your highness finds that he is really hard-hearted, so he naturally understands. .”

Dongfang Liren's eyes were very annoyed, but his mind was smart, and after understanding the "good intentions" of this sex embryo, he still had a little understanding, thought for a while and hummed lightly:
"You are disobedient. This king said that there is a way to punish you, and there is a way to treat you. Do you think you are really cruel to this king?"

Ye Jingtang saw that Benben didn't believe in evil, so he wanted to take another sip.

Dongfang Liren stepped back quickly, sat on the soft couch, took out a stack of drawing paper from the small box, and raised his hand to tear it up.


Ye Jingtang's complexion changed suddenly, and he hurriedly came to the front, holding down Big Benben:
"Why are you tearing this up? It took so long to draw..."

"You can tear up the things drawn by this king if you want. What does it have to do with you?"

"Hey, His Highness is angry and he just draws his sword and chops me up. There is a wrong and a debtor, and the painting is innocent..."

"Aren't you amazing? Where did the rebellious and confident look just now go?"

"I misjudged without self-knowledge. My skills are not as good as others. Don't be impulsive, Your Highness. After half a month of painting, I will feel sorry for Your Highness if I tear it up..."

"Are you aware of your mistake?"

"It's wrong, it's wrong, it's not an example."




Recommend a historical seedling "Three Kingdoms: Sun Ce", if you are interested, you can read it~
(End of this chapter)

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