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Chapter 247 Our Family Has a Young Girl

Chapter 247 Our Family Has a Young Girl

"Jingtang has been out for three days..."

In the afternoon, Pei Xiangjun was at the kitchen door behind the new house, leaning against the porch, slowly polishing the jade in his hand, and said very boringly:

"It's wrong to be a free and easy young master of a wealthy family. He went to the government office to work as an errand, and he didn't even have time to go home to rest... The court is also the same. The surprise hall is easy to use, and they can use it..."

Wearing an apron, Luo Ning busied herself in the large kitchen where she started cooking for the first time. She looked cold and lonely, like a single mother who was not interested in men at all. Hearing Sanniang Huaichun's words like a young woman, she said displeasedly:
"Being able to give the queen a saddle and a horse is what he wished for most. How could he be willing to come back...Aren't you afraid that the servant girl will see you playing with such unclean things during the day?"

"So what if you see it, it's for you anyway... Tell me, what word do you want to engrave? If you don't tell me, I'll engrave 'didn't eat', Jingtang will definitely toss you to death if you see it..."

"You!" Luo Ning couldn't stand this woman anymore, she frowned and said, "You come here to help when you have nothing to do, do you really think of yourself as your wife and me as a cook?"

"I'm a martial artist, I can't cook well, and it's not like there are no maids in the house..."

"The house has just started cooking, and the first meal must be cooked by yourself. If you don't know how to come and light the fire..."


While the two were chatting, a sound of footsteps suddenly came from outside.

stomping on...

Luo Ning looked around, but saw Ping'er trotting from outside, looking around the corner of the house.

Seeing this, Luo Ning put down the kitchen knife, walked to the front and asked;

"what happened?"

"A letter from home."

Ping'er took out a small note from her sleeve and handed it to Luo Ning:

"The leader urged his wife to go back quickly, saying that something might happen in the capital."


Luo Ning took the note and looked at the writing on it, frowned slightly, looked in the direction of the imperial city in a blink of an eye, and then wanted to go out.

Seeing this, Ping'er grabbed Luo Ning's sleeve: "Madam, don't you want to inform the government?"


Luo Ning paused, blinked her eyes, and said seriously:

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'll go discuss it with Yejingtang."

"The leader asked Madam not to interfere, just go back..."

"The matter in the palace has already taken shape, and it will be successful in the near future. Wouldn't it be a waste of all my previous efforts if I go back now? You go to chop the vegetables, I have my own discretion."


The luxurious chariot of Prince Jing's Mansion stopped outside the palace gate.

Ye Jingtang got off the car, held the rein and looked at the window, and said:

"I'll go back first. Your Highness is staying in the palace tonight?"

After arguing in the car for a while, the two started to practice martial arts again. Ye Jingtang was pinched, he tore up the drawing paper out of shame and anger, and showed great restraint, not wanting to offend again.

But helplessly, Dabenben never disappoints people. Even if he tried his best to pose in a standard pose, there were still more or less mistakes, which needed to be adjusted. For this reason, Ye Jingtang still touched the whole way.

Dongfang Liren knew that Ye Jingtang had taken advantage of it, but he was too righteous to blame him, and he couldn't thank him afterwards with a smile. He was sitting in the carriage, but nodded coldly, and then closed the window.

Niao Niao was hugged by the palace maid, and fell asleep all the way like a piggy, Ye Jingtang took it and rubbed it before turning over, looking around: "Chi Chi Chi Chi?", probably asking 'Have you eaten yet? '.

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, put Niao Niao on his shoulders, watched the chariot drive into the palace gate, then got on his horse and walked towards Tianshui Bridge.

The Nanxun River runs through Yun'an City from north to south. There are [-] stone bridges connecting the two banks along the way. Wende Bridge is at the top. It is named after the big lion, and the bridge deck is very wide. It is a must-see attraction for tourists traveling in Beijing.

Yejingtang drove his horses all the way down the Nanxun River. When he passed the White Lion Bridge, he searched for both ends of the stone bridge where people come and go. Then a voice came from under the bridge:


Ye Jingtang came to the edge of the fence of the stone bridge, looked down, and saw a small black boat floating under the stone bridge, with a fishing rod protruding from it.

Wearing an old cloak, Sun Wuji sat cross-legged on the bow of the boat with his white hair tied up with a headband. Although his figure was thin but not weak, it looked like a steel frame covered by a robe.

Seeing that it landed on the bow of the boat, Niao Niao looked into the fish basket, but it was empty, so she tilted her head and spread her wings:


Ye Jingtang tied the horse to the fence, flew down into the bridge opening of the arch bridge, and landed firmly on the black-covered boat.

"Senior Sun also likes fishing?"

"Fishing is a way of nourishing one's energy and calming one's mind. Most of the older people have this good thing."

After Sun Wuji said something, he found that the fat-headed Niao Niao looked at him with some disgust, and said:

"Fishing is all about the process. It's common to catch nine times out of ten. If you really come here for the fish, you will be impatient and eager for quick success, but you will be inferior."


The bird pointed at the fish basket with its wings, obviously indicating that you didn't come here for the fish, what are you doing with a fish basket?
Ye Jingtang came to him, moved the naughty Niao Niao aside, and said with a smile:
"What the senior said is indeed reasonable. I used to fish in Liangzhou, but it was too time-consuming, so I used a sledgehammer to stun the fish. Now that I think about it, I am really eager for quick success."

When Sun Wuji heard this, he turned around and asked:

"Where is your hometown in Liangzhou?"

"Honghe Town is only a few dozen miles away from the border. There are [-] people in the town, so it's an unknown town."

"I've never been to the town, but the Red River, I passed by once when I was young, the river is knee-deep, filled with small fish that don't grow big. After Zheng Feng disappeared from Junshan Terrace, where did he live in seclusion?"

"Yeah, I opened a small bodyguard bureau, picked me up on the way to the bodyguard, and raised me up. When I was in Honghe Town, there was a teahouse in the town, and there were often obsessive people talking about the world outside. When I was young, I still listened to The story of senior grandson, um... a fierce horse Qingfeng accompanied by a beauty, neither admiring princes nor envious of immortals, extremely chic, hearing that I want to learn swords..."

Sun Wuji looked at Ye Jingtang from the corner of his eye, and felt that Ye Jingtang was really not like Beiliang's meticulous work, so he didn't ask any more questions, just smiled lightly:

"It was true when I was young, but now that the horse is old and the person is old, the beauty is also gone before me, but now I envy the immortals. If you were more utilitarian when you were young, you would seek the avenue of longevity instead of wanton Jianghu, How can you sit here when you are old? No matter how serious people are about life and death, they still want the people around them to walk behind them..."

Ye Jingtang had never heard of Sun Wuji's stories of bitterness and hatred, and his children and grandchildren also had stories. He guessed that his wife was dying, but after all, these things are not easy to enlighten, so he just nodded and asked:

"Daxia Sun has been here before?"

Sun Wuji looked at the emerald green river and thought for a moment:
"When I was as old as you, I went out to travel around the rivers and lakes and came to Yun'an. At that time, it was still Dayan, Emperor Yan Gong had just succeeded to the throne, and Fengguancheng was only in his 40s, and he lived near the Baishi Bridge.

"At that time, Fengguan City was recognized as the best in the world. Countless people from Jianghu came here to take a look, and the bridge was full of people from morning to night. I was seventeen or eighteen years old and had not yet mastered swordsmanship, and my personality was straightforward. Friends, I don't want to squeeze into the crowd, so I just stay under the bridge alone, waiting to see Fengguan City.

"In the end, Fengguan City didn't wait to come, but a little chivalrous woman, who was not good enough, stood on the fence above to watch the excitement, and fell down when she stumbled.

"I picked it up at the time, but ended up in the wrong place, and put myself in it. It took me a lifetime to pay back the debt..."

When Sun Wuji said this, his demeanor was as sharp as a sword, but there was still a little nostalgia in his eyes.

Ye Jingtang looked up, and said with a smile, "I'm similar. I just came to the capital, and I rented a dilapidated courtyard in Shuanggui Lane. On the second day of my stay, a pair of chivalrous women broke in..."

"A pair?"

"Master and apprentice, they insisted that I occupied their nest. Fortunately, I have a deed..."

"You kicked them out?"

"I wanted to get rid of him, but I didn't get rid of him, so I couldn't figure it out, hehe..."


Sun Wuji sneered and didn't gossip too much, just sighed:
"That's the point of the rivers and lakes. I don't know what kind of people I will meet and what kind of wine I will drink tomorrow. But some people are not greedy. When they meet a good one, they feel that they can meet an even better one tomorrow. However, after missing , I have been regretting all my life, like this old man, I can return to my hometown to recall the past before I was buried, there are nostalgia but no regrets, there are really few.

"You kid also has to cherish the people in front of you. In order to seek fame and fortune for a while, if you become that heartless person, even if you become the number one in the world, or even become the king and emperor, all you have left is regret... eh? Here you go... "

Ye Jingtang was listening to Sun Wuji lamenting about his life, when he suddenly noticed that the immortal Sun Daxia sat up straighter, his eyes burning.

Ye Jingtang was startled, thinking that some peerless expert had come, but found Sword Saint Sun, holding the fishing rod with both hands, concentrating on skating the fish.


Niao Niao was stunned for a moment, and then quickly lay down on the bow of the boat to look into the water, and gave instructions with a grunt.

Ye Jingtang was speechless, for fear of scaring the fish away, he didn't dare to disturb him, until Sun Wuji pulled up the white strip that was long in the palm of his hand, and then he talked about teaching Benben sword skills.

Sun Wuji no longer pursued the sword in his hand, so he naturally didn't mind teaching sword skills.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang chatted for a while about the Jianghu incident, then left, and left with a contented bird...
hooves, hoofs...

The horses crossed the bustling river bank, and it didn't take long before they went down the river to the vicinity of Tianshui Bridge.

Ye Jingtang rode on the horse, and Niao Niao grabbed the small fish with its claws and flew in front of him, along the way: "Chi Chi Chi Chi..." Muttering, it should be saying that Old Man Sun's fishing skills are not good enough.

In autumn, the weather is cool, and there are many people at Tianshui Bridge every afternoon.

Ye Jingtang was ranked as the military chief and was conferred a knighthood by the imperial court. Now his name is a bit big. The neighbors in the neighborhood know him. As long as he passes by on the street, he will be surrounded and greeted.

Ye Jingtang was used to being free in Jianghu, so he could only avoid these compliments as much as possible, and returned to Pei's house from the sparsely populated back alley.

But he drove the horse through the Qingshi alley, and before reaching the back door, he found a little girl standing in the alley.

The little girl was wearing a light blue skirt, and her hair was tied in a bun. Her immature face had gradually lost its childishness and was just about to bloom, giving it a slightly brighter look.

Although she is dressed in a bookish manner, the little girl's demeanor does not match that of the scholarly family. Her upper body is leaning against the fence, holding a brown sheath with a knife in her arms, and a stick of candied haws in her mouth. .

Fifteen or sixteen is the age at which a girl develops the fastest, and she eats and drinks every day in the capital. Zheyunli has changed very quickly in the past few months. The place that should not be fat has not changed, but the place that should be fat has indeed changed. He was fatter, and when viewed from the side, the bulging skirt could hold a knife, and he was obviously taller.

Seeing Zhe Yunli from afar, Ye Jingtang was surprised and said:

"Yunli, what are you doing standing here?"


Niao Niao hurriedly flew over and threw the small fish into Zhe Yunli's hands.

Zhe Yunli raised his hand to catch Niao Niao, and when he saw Ye Jingtang approaching, he didn't smile, but tilted his head resentfully:

"Hmph~ I haven't seen anyone for three to five days, so you think of me now?"

? ?
Ye Jingtang's head was full of black lines, and he led his horse to the front:
"Speak well, goosebumps are rising. Why are you unhappy? Your wife has cleaned you up?"

Zheyunli stood up straight and walked back together:

"My wife is busy tidying up your new house, so how can you care about me. By the way, we have known each other for so long. I used to help you tidy up the house every day. There is no credit but hard work. You won't forget what day is today, right?"

When Ye Jingtang just came back, Ning'er greeted him and said with a smile:

"Today's [-]th birthday, how could I forget such an important thing, I was going to stay in the palace for the night, so I asked for leave to come back for dinner, isn't that interesting?"

"Ji~" Niao Niao put the little fish in Zhe Yunli's hand again, it was a birthday present.

Only then did Zhe Yunli smile, hugged Niao Niao, and bumped Ye Jingtang with his shoulder:
"That's about the same. When will you celebrate your [-]th birthday? I can prepare a gift for you in advance."

Seeing Zhe Yunli's expectant look, Ye Jingtang knew what the words meant, and said with a smile:

"I'm on New Year's Eve, and I'm one year old. By the way, I brought you something nice when I came back."

"Really? It can't be this fish."

"How could it be, that's Niao Niao's wish, I asked you to make it yourself for it to eat..."

Ye Jingtang entered the chat room through the back door, handed the horse to the maid, and then, together with Zhe Yunli, came to the west wing of Sanniang's courtyard.

The west wing room is the room where Ning'er lives temporarily, and many belongings are kept here.

Ye Jingtang came to the desk, took a five-foot long knife wrapped in black cloth, held it flat with both hands, and handed it to Xiao Yunli:
"The name of this knife is 'Muqing'. It was made by Sun Muqing, a Zezhou swordsman 40 years ago. , from now on, this knife belongs to you."

Zheyunli was really surprised, and took the five-foot Muqing knife, which was slightly longer than her height, with both hands and looked at it:

"This knife...Didn't Cousin Jing say at Junshan Terrace that ordinary people can't use it well, and those who can use it well don't need it anymore?"

After Ye Jingtang held the hand with one hand, he explained carefully:

"Ordinary people can't use it well, because this knife is too comprehensive, there are too many ways to practice, and it is extremely difficult to get started. But people who can use it well don't need it, because this knife has a special shape, and it can be practiced to At the pinnacle, basically you have practiced heavy swords light swords, quick strikes and slow strikes, marksmanship and swordsmanship, and can be replaced with suitable weapons according to the enemy's conditions, which can exert greater power.

"This sentence is not to say that this knife is useless, but that the lower limit is extremely high, and the upper limit is lacking. Only when you have practiced to the level of Master Qiu can you feel the shortcomings of this knife. Before that, all the advantages are flawless. If I hadn't already become the sword leader, I would definitely use this knife, so I don't have to go out and bring a bunch of weapons to change."


Zheyunli suddenly realized, untied the black cloth, looked at the slender sword with a wooden-yellow scabbard, gestured on the ground again, and found that it was a little taller than her, Shui Lingling's cheeks couldn't help showing embarrassment:

"It's so long, how can I pull it out?"

Ye Jingtang chuckled: "I gave you the sword, how could I not teach you how to use it. On the way back, I took some time to think about how to use a sword, you can practice it..."

"Take time to think about it?"

"I figured it out all night, don't think it's perfunctory."

Zheyunli hesitated to speak, but for the sake of the word 'Dao Kui', he still looked at it seriously.

Ye Jingtang held a five-foot-long saber in his left hand, with a slightly arched body and a scabbard pointing to the ground, explaining:
"This knife cannot be hung on your body at all times, otherwise it will be awkward to pull it out, so it should be carried in your hand or on your shoulder. A master's fight is just a cover. When encountering an enemy, you can directly draw the knife with your left hand and charge forward, regardless of the scabbard. After the horizontal cut, the green dragon presents its claws, and the third eight-step mad knife is missed, and the yellow dragon lies on the way halfway.

"Those three sharp axes, the same level basically sees who can destroy who, faster than the Dragon Slaying Token, heavier and longer than the Eight-Step Crazy Sword, fierce in momentum but easy to retract, as long as you don't encounter long soldiers, few people can break it..."


Zhe Yunli looked at Ye Jingtang's gestures slowly, his eyes were dubious:

"Such random moves, really won't get angry?"

Ye Jingtang stood on the spot with a long knife in his hand, and said seriously:

"A person has two hands and two feet, and you can find similar movements in any move. I'm just telling you the general moves. In fact, it's a new set of sword techniques. The luck is unique, and the strength of the movements is also very different. It is completely different from the several martial arts I mentioned."


Zhe Yunli nodded: "This saber technique is unique, only Brother Jing can do it?"

"I don't use the Muqing knife either, so this is your unique knife technique. Are you satisfied with this gift?"

Zhe Yunli really didn't expect Ye Jingtang to be so real, she was a little embarrassed, probably because she was afraid that someone would steal her teacher, so she ran to close the door, and then stood in the room to wait and see.

Ye Jingtang has learned general moves in the past two days, and is already very proficient in how to dismantle and move them. Now, they are practicing in the room to create their own moves...


Unexpectedly, at the age of 30, I can still suffer from pericoronitis of wisdom teeth, which hurts me to death or2!

(End of this chapter)

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