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Chapter 248 Housewarming Banquet

Chapter 248 Housewarming Banquet


In the alley behind the mansion, Luo Ning came out from the back door of the new house, and walked quickly along the alleyway to the Pei family's mansion.

For the convenience of walking, the distance between the two houses is less than 200 meters, and most of the servant girls and servants come and go.

Luo Ning came in through the back door of Pei's house, and wanted to go to the stable to get a horse, and ran to the black office to inquire about the thief's whereabouts, but when she came to the stable, she found a big black horse standing in the stable, chewing Grass, seeing her snorted and greeted:

Luo Ning was taken aback, looked around, and found a passing maid:

"The Nightmare Hall is back?"

"Miss Luo, Young Master Ye is back, and he is in the Sanniang Courtyard."


Luo Ning was a little puzzled—looking at the state of the horse, the thief probably came back for a while, and there was no one in San Niang Yuan, so he ran to burn incense again?
While thinking wildly, Luo Ning walked through the hanging flower gate and walked towards the courtyard where Sanniang lived. Just as she passed the corner of the veranda, she heard the indistinct conversation:

"Learning really fast."

"Hee hee~ That's natural, am I much smarter than the queen?"

"Huh? How do you know this?"

"I'm not a little girl. I'm already 16 years old. I can't figure out what you're paying attention to when you're a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old, and you walk around the queen all day long?"

"Hey~ Let me ask you how you know that the queen is a slow learner."

"I didn't say, I just asked. Is the queen really not as smart as me?"

"You can't say that, King Jing knows everything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. That painter is just like a real person. If you practice for ten years, you won't be able to catch up..."

"Tch, I'm a Jianghu girl, what's the use of beautiful handwriting, Brother Jing is still partial to protect his shortcomings?"

"Ha ha……"


Luo Ning looked at the closed door, tilted her head slightly, and her eyes felt weird—the little thief is quite normal, why Yun Li...how does it look like flirting and poaching the corner of the queen?
Luo Ning took a deep breath, causing the little watermelon to bulge, and was about to go in and spank Yunli's ass, but after thinking about it, she felt wrong—why should she clean up Yunli?Yun Li is sixteen years old, about the same age as the little thief, one is the chief swordsman, and the other is the direct descendant of the Pingtian sect leader, and she is a well-matched family. As long as she is a normal person, she should find a way to match her up and run to stop her. logic...

Luo Ning's heart turned a thousand times, and before she could figure it out, the door opened.

Ye Jingtang showed his figure from the door, looked towards the corridor, and said unexpectedly:

"Luo Xia, why are you here?"

In the room, Zhe Yunli held the five-foot-long knife in both hands, and put on a shelf of pushing the knife to practice carefully. Seeing that the teacher's wife outside had a wrong look, maybe because she was afraid of being misunderstood, she quickly put away the knife and stood up straight:

"Master, Brother Jing and I are practicing sword skills."

With her hands folded on her waist, Luo Ning walked slowly to the door, with a demeanor like a glamorous and dignified single mother, and glanced casually:

"What did Lian Dao close the door for?"

"I'm afraid that people will steal my teacher." Zhe Yunli held the Muqing knife and put on a beautiful posture: "Cousin Jing just taught me a set of knife skills, which is very powerful..."

Luo Ning didn't delve too deeply into it, but only urged:

"If you are good, practice hard. In a few days, you will surprise your cousin to take the school exam. If you fail, you will have to be punished. Don't think that the teacher will ignore you when you are sixteen."


"Okay, let's continue practicing. Yejingtang, come here."

Luo Ning raised her hand to close the door, then turned and walked towards the corridor.

Ye Jingtang didn't want to talk nonsense in front of Yun Li, so he followed Luo Ning into the veranda, and after turning the corner, he put his hand on the curved blue moon, squeezed it gently, and his fingers sank into the softness .

Luo Ning still maintained the posture that a teacher's wife should have. Suddenly, she shrank her shoulders slightly, then turned around, and hammered Ye Jingtang's shoulder with her small fist:
"Are you going to die?"

Ye Jingtang did not let go, but hugged Luo Ning, and scratched on the cheek full of disgust:
"No one saw it again. I haven't seen you for two or three days. I miss you."

"You're thinking about me? You're obviously thinking about conditioning..."

Luo Ning couldn't break free, so she stopped struggling, brought Ye Jingtang to the corner of the veranda, raised her cheeks and said solemnly:
"Why do you stay alone with Yun Li?"


Ye Jingtang put his arms around his waist, looked down at Xingshi's icy face, feeling a little puzzled:

"I came back and met, and I taught Yunli the sword technique... Is there a problem?"

Luo Ning pursed her lips: "There is no problem, but we must prevent it from happening. Things about the two of us cannot be made public, and Yun Li doesn't know about it. In Yun Li's eyes, you are a member of the Pingtian Sect just like her. A man of the same age who is handsome in appearance and strong in martial arts, and also likes swordsmanship. My daughter's family is fifteen or sixteen, and they are all in love. If Yunli treats you... then there will be no big problem."

Ye Jingtang regarded Yun Li as a little girl, but he really hadn't thought about it. He pondered a little:
"Then I should stay away from Yunli in the future?"

Luo Ning looked a little hesitant: "Yun Li is definitely looking for her husband's family. It's not easy for a woman to meet a man she likes all her life. As a teacher's wife, I get there first and stop, I always feel..."

"Ning'er, you won't prepare..."


Luo Ning knew what Ye Jingtang was thinking, her face turned cold, and she reminded seriously:

"Little thief, don't blame me for being unfeeling. I don't care what Yunli thinks, anyway, you can't be distracted. If Yunli really has any thoughts in the future, I will break with you and be your mother-in-law from now on..."

? ?
Ye Jingtang raised his hand and pinched his fair face:
"Ning'er, if you talk nonsense again, I'll really deal with you. Returning mother-in-law... If you want to play something exciting, I can call you mistress in the boudoir. How can you mess around in the open?"

Luo Ning was blocked in the corner and said fiercely, but she was a little scared, her eyes flickered:
"Then what do you say?"

Ye Jingtang supported the moon and lifted Ning'er's heels off the ground:
"What else can I do? I don't have any wrong thoughts. What you have to do now is to publicly clarify the relationship with the leader of Hepingtian as soon as possible, and then we will get married. You are an innocent girl, and I marry you justifiably." , why make it look like a thief?"


Luo Ning hesitated, supported Ye Jingtang's waist, bit her lower lip lightly:

"I also want to be justifiable, but it's a big deal for Bai Jin to disclose her daughter's identity; even if it is made public, Yun Li is also Bai Jin's apprentice... Forget it, we will talk about these things later."

Luo Ning swept away the messy thoughts, raised her eyes, and looked at Ye Jingtang seriously:
"Just now Pingtian Sect sent the news that there might be troubles in the capital, and asked me to return to Nanxiao Mountain as soon as possible and not participate."


Ye Jingtang's eyes narrowed slightly: "What's wrong?"

Luo Ning was actually a little hesitant, and after a little deliberation, she handed the letter to Ye Jingtang:
"It has been agreed in advance that I, Pingtian Sect, and the imperial court do not live together. If there is any trouble in the imperial court, it will be of great benefit to my Pingtian Sect. If I turn my head around and report the news to the imperial court, it will be tantamount to apostasy and defection to the imperial court, becoming an unfaithful and unrighteous person..."

Ye Jingtang lowered his head and tapped his lips to interrupt the words, then opened the letter paper to check.

The letter is full of petite characters, not many words but a lot of information, indicating that the master who forced the palace back then may be the empress herself, and judged that the empress should have left a hidden wound, and now she is in a weak period, which attracted a pack of wolves to spy on her .

In addition, it also mentioned that Yanzhou had recently been in contact with the Pingtian Sect, and wanted to ask the Pingtian Sect Master to come out to help, but the Pingtian Sect Master felt that the possibility of success was slim, so he did not agree, and chose to wait and see what happened, and let Luo Ning as soon as possible Leave the capital to prevent the Pingtian Sect from being dragged into the water.

Ye Jingtang really did not expect to receive such an important letter from Pingtian Sect.

The Empress is going to Yutan Mountain to recuperate recently, and her body does have hidden injuries. Even the real Xuanji has been recalled, which shows that she is indeed quite weak recently and lacks the ability to protect herself.

As for Yanzhou, there is no news from the imperial court. If what the Pingtian leader said is true, then Yanzhou is likely to be planning to take advantage of the empress's weakness to make a big move to change the power of the Wei emperor.

Reminiscent of being ambushed by the Hongshan gang a few days ago, but the leader of the Hongshan gang didn't know anything, Ye Jingtang suddenly realized what kind of forces were doing the tricks - he was one of the empress's loyal guards, and if he wanted to touch the empress, he had to First get rid of him and the real Xuanji, the two door gods.

If King Yan rebelled, the consequences would be much more serious than that of King Wu.King Wu has only tens of thousands of private soldiers who have never fought, while King Yan has Yanzhou iron cavalry, who are directly restraining the main force of Beiliang; not to mention the masters under his command, Yanzhou, like Liangzhou, has been the capital of people since ancient times. He is a ruthless person, and he also has close contacts with the Beiliang River and Lake. It can be said that there are countless strange people...

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang sensed the seriousness of the situation, and immediately prepared to go out.

But Luo Ning hugged Ye Jingtang's waist, with a bit of grievance in her eyes:

"You really are more towards the court. I risked being regarded as a traitor by the Pingtian sect, and I sent you the news, and you turned around and went to the court to inform... I knew it would be like this!"

Ye Jingtang felt that Ning'er regarded her as a sinner, so he quickly turned around and said seriously:
"What is this talking about? I suddenly handed over the news to the imperial court, and the imperial court asked me the source of the news. How should I explain it? Said it was sent by Pingtian Sect?"

Luo Ning snorted softly and said, "When you get this news, you will definitely not ignore it. I have already sent back the news that you are a member of the Pingtian Sect. As long as you start investigating and protecting the Empress, Bai Jin will definitely be able to guess the news It was leaked from me, and you didn't teach it to Pingtian. Bai Jin told me to go back to Nanxiao Mountain quickly, wait and see what happens and don't interfere. If I don't go back, then Bai Jin must have killed me to find out the reason..."

Ye Jingtang felt that this was a problem, and after thinking about it for a while, he said:

"The source of the news is unknown. I can only do the same as King Zhawu. I will check it myself. Then I can just make up a reason why a blind cat ran into a dead mouse. The leader of Pingtian can't think that without your news, the court will not receive it. Just the slightest clue, just stagger the few days when the news is delivered.

"As for you not going back... you can reply in this way, the leader of Hepingtian - the empress will move to Yutan Mountain tomorrow, and the palace will become an empty city. Master Xuanji and I are on duty at Yutan Mountain in shifts. When I am resting, you can Find an opportunity to take you into Minglongtan to practice, and find a way to get out the things under the rockery. This method is very likely, and it is only natural for you to stay in the capital, don't you think?"

Luo Ning blinked her eyes, feeling that this was really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, after thinking about it, she said:

"If you really dug up the treasure left by the previous dynasty, will you not teach it to Pingtian and hand it over to the court instead?"

Ye Jingtang said seriously: "It depends on what it is. Things that have nothing to do with the overall situation, if you give them, you will give them. If you can really get help from Beiliang and cause chaos in the world, I will definitely take it myself. I promised you before, I will think about it." There is no way to persuade Pingtian Sect to be recruited, or to persuade the twelve prefectures of the Great Wei Dynasty to surrender to Nanxiao Mountain. Before I do this, I will not let Pingtian Sect and the imperial court have a chance to conflict."

After hearing this explanation, Luo Ning finally felt more comfortable, and said softly:

"Then be careful. The forces in Yanzhou have already attacked you a few days ago. If the goal is to change the dynasty, they will definitely not let it go."

Ye Jingtang smiled and said, "I have my own measure."

Luo Ning nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and then put on the appearance of a glamorous heroine:

"Little thief, I was the one who rewarded you in the past, but now that I have sent you such important news, don't you have to reciprocate?"

"Huh?" Ye Jingtang looked around, raised his hand and scratched his icy face:

"What reward do you want? I won't offend Luo Xia within half a month?"


Can this be called a reward?
The punishment for being in the cold palace is almost the same...

Although Luo Ning thought so, she still acted as if she wanted to, and hummed softly;
"I want to be free, but you have to take care of your body, how can I not understand the severity?"

Speaking of which, Luo Ning took out a small jade radish from her sleeve, stuffed it into Ye Jingtang's hand, and whispered:
"If you have a conscience, teach Sanniang a lesson for me... It's not a lesson. If you think so, it's the first time with you. If you mess around with Mrs. Wang's method, it's also the first time with Sanniang. It's fair and just and doesn't treat her badly, right? If I come first and Sanniang doesn't say anything, she will definitely blame you for being partial..."

Ye Jingtang didn't expect that Ning'er could hold back such a fresh and refined statement, but after thinking about it carefully, it was quite reasonable, so he nodded immediately and leaned towards his cheek.

Luo Ning hugged her neck, stood on tiptoe and gave a serious poke, then pushed Ye Jingtang away, and tidied up her skirt:

"Okay. It's Yunli's birthday today. I cooked dinner in the new house. You are the host. After dinner, let Sanniang prepare it for you, and then go to work. People are iron and rice is steel, no matter how busy you are. You have to recharge your batteries, don't you?"

Ye Jingtang's current priority is to collect information and find out all the powerful people involved in the capital and Yanzhou. Only after screening the targets can they be investigated one by one.

Because the source of information is unknown, it is not easy to leave the task of collecting information to Hei Ya, so asking Sanniang to arrange for his men to run away is obviously more than what he can inquire about with his own two legs.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say much. After watching Luo Ning enter the courtyard, he quickly walked towards the new house...
At night, in the plum garden.

There is a cross path in the middle of the Plum Blossom Court. The last time I came here with Benben it was dark, but now there are lanterns hanging under the eaves. The east and west sides of the main house are lit with bright yellow lights, which looks gorgeous and elegant.

In the middle of the main room is the living room. There is a side landscape map hanging in the middle hall. There is a plaque with the words "Linghan Pavilion" on the top. There is a chess table, which looks golden under the light, clean and spotless.

The west side of the main room is the master bedroom, and the east side is the study room and tea room, which are distributed front and back.

The teahouse is the place where the host family usually drinks tea and rests. It is located behind the study and is relatively private. It is also where the hostess and concubines have three meals a day. Only when there are distinguished guests, will they go to the main hall of the front house to make arrangements.

At this time, the teahouse was lit with lights, the round table in the middle was covered with brocade, and round stools were placed around it. Xiuhe and Pinger were busy back and forth, carefully arranging the wine utensils.

Pei Xiangjun, who was dressed in a goose-yellow autumn dress, held a tray with a dignified demeanor. Inside was a plate of vinegared fish. He came in from the door and said with a smile:
"It's my first time cooking fish. I only ate it on Wutong Street before. If it tastes bad, just tell me..."

Zheyunli, who was dressed up by Miss Jiaojiao, was not arranged because she was a birthday star. At this time, together with Niao Niao, she adjusted the positions of the jasper turtle and other ornaments in the study.

Hearing Sanniang's words, Zheyunli remembered what happened in Shuanggui Lane before, and responded:

"Sanniang is so virtuous, how could the dishes not taste good, and we don't pick them. When I was in Shuanggui Lane, my wife once made fried pork. There was probably two taels of salt in a dish, and I was shocked. After one bite, I picked up the chopsticks for me without changing my face, and I also picked up the chopsticks for Brother Jing without changing my face..."


Luo Ning came in with Ye Jingtang's favorite fried pork with garlic sprouts, and when she heard the unscrupulous Yun Li expose her, she couldn't help but turn cold.

Ye Jingtang held two jugs of wine, saw the warm scene in the room, smiled, put the wine on the table, and greeted:

"Yunli, come over for dinner."


Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning arranged all kinds of side dishes, and sat down on the left and right. Although Ye Jingtang wanted to be modest, but it was the first time to eat at home, he was pushed to the main seat, and Yun Li sat next to Luo Ning.

Ye Jingtang also prepared a small stool for Niao Niao, who was trying her best to keep calm and not drooling. When she found Ping Er and Xiu He standing beside her, she said again:

"Come and sit down too. There are not many people in the house, so there is no need to engage in these polite things."

"Thank you, master! No, sir!"

Seeing this, Xiuhe bowed and sat down in front of Sanniang.

It was the first time for Pinger to see the real Ye Jingtang at close range, she was a little embarrassed, she sat down obediently in front of Yunli, and smiled with her lips pursed.

Pei Xiangjun is obviously not married yet, so he is considered Ye Jingtang's aunt, and as an elder, he is the first to hold up the wine glass:
"Jingtang is considered to be a high-ranking and powerful person now, and the housewarming banquet is a big deal. All the sects in the three prefectures of Yunzeliang have to send people to give gifts, and the royal princes and generals of the court probably have to come halfway. The movement is too big, so I discussed it with Jingtang. Well, today is a housewarming banquet, and it happens to be Yunli's birthday again, so it can be called double happiness. Come on, let's go!"


Six wine glasses clink together.

Niao Niao was a little confused, but still raised her wings and made a gesture of clinking glasses...
After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, the courtyard also became quiet.

Luo Ning doesn't drink alcohol, which is fine, but Zheyunli's birthday is today, and he is allowed to drink a few more glasses by permission, so he just drank it away, so when the family banquet was about to end, Luo Ning carried him to the back garden The embroidery building next to it is resting.

Ping'er is Luo Ning's person, so it's not easy to stay on the table to drink with Ye Gongzi, so she also ran to serve the young lady when she saw this.

Ye Jingtang drank a lot, but ordinary drinks couldn't put him down, at most he felt a little tipsy.Sanniang, on the other hand, was blushing, standing in front of the window sobering up, with some hesitation in her eyes, obviously thinking whether she should sleep at Pei's house or just sleep at home.

Xiuhe is not a silly girl. Since Sanniang came back, whenever Ye Jingtang was at home, she was dismissed by Sanniang. She either went to the Buzhuang general account, or went to a distant place to buy things. She had already guessed what happened to Sanniang up.

After Xiuhe cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, she saw that Sanniang was shy and dared not to speak out, so she said very understandingly:
"I haven't settled the accounts on the street today, so I'll go back first. Sanniang, you should rest here tonight, otherwise such a big house will be empty and unoccupied, it won't look good."

Pei Xiangjun turned around, and of course he didn't refuse. He told Xiuhe a few words, and rewarded Xiuhe with a big red envelope on the pretext of housewarming, before watching Xiuhe leave unwillingly.

After taking a look at the sky, Ye Jingtang threw Niao Niao out of the window and closed the door of the main house:

"Sanniang, do you sleep in the east and west compartments, or just here?"

Pei Xiangjun came to the main hall and said drunkenly:
"The door is closed, where else can I sleep... Jingtang, I told you before that I haven't entered the door yet, Ning'er is here, I won't say anything if you mess around, in private..."

Ye Jingtang came to the front, hugged the charming Sanniang, walked into the master bedroom and walked through the bead curtain:
"Be polite in private, I will remember. Sanniang drank too much, so she rests here. I promise not to move. When you are fast asleep, I will go out and find a place to rest."


Pei Xiangjun was placed on the side of the very spacious eight-step bed, and felt that Ye Jingtang was deliberately teasing her. She wanted to pretend, but she was not a vixen after all, so she lay lazily on her side on the bed, and slowly unbuttoned her belt :

"You have agreed not to move, but you are not allowed to go back on your word."

As the swing was untied, the top slipped off, revealing the snowy shoulders and the red hollow gown in front of the body, the latest model just bought at Wende Bridge, not to mention wrapping the watermelon just right, there is a small oval slit in the middle, The gap is bottomless...

Ye Jingtang blinked and sat down in front of him:

"What test does Sanniang have, just use it, if I can't do it, then... just..."

Pei Xiangjun lay on his side on the bed, his left hand supported his side face, his right hand penetrated through the gap into the dark red coat, and slowly released the overwhelmed white ball, the room suddenly became brighter, and he held it upside down with his hand:
"Huh? Is it big?"

The waves are rolling...


Ye Jingtang took a breath, and silently put down the curtain.

"Hmph~ I know you can't stand it. We moved into a new house today, on a big day, and I promised you a few days ago that the two of you can mess around in private, so I won't talk to you about the rules today. But when I was with Ning'er, You can't go too far, she's sorry, I'm not the same..."

"Know it……"


(End of this chapter)

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