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Chapter 251

Chapter 251
In the silent dormitory, faint bells were heard, and the light gradually brightened.

In the bed, the empress dowager, who was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, was disturbed by the day after day of the bell, she frowned slightly, then turned over and touched her side.


The empress dowager paused with her right hand, then opened her eyes to look, but saw that the outside of the bed was empty, and the skirt beside the dressing table was gone.

"What about people..."

The empress dowager was a little puzzled, thinking that the real Xuanji had something to go out at night, and was about to lie down, but found a white fur ball on the tea bed by the window of the outer room.

The Empress Dowager propped up her upper body to examine it carefully, only to find that the fluffy thing was a big white bird, sleeping unconscious with its head tilted, and lying on her soft pillow very delicately.


The empress dowager's eyes lighted up slightly, she stood up and put on her palace shoes, went to the outer room, and looked carefully at her:

"Hehehe? Concubine Ai?"

Aifei is Liren's name, and 'giggle' is Xuanji's name, because Niao Niao ate and drank for a long time on the boat when she came back, and the empress dowager also called it that way.

But it's a pity that Niao Niao's work and rest are quite regular. When it shouldn't be sleeping, it will go crazy and play, and when it should be sleeping, Lei can't even think about waking up.

The Empress Dowager shouted for a long time, seeing that Niao Niao ignored her, her eyes moved slightly, she thought for a while and said:
"Big Fat Bird?"


Niao Niao, who was sleeping on the soft pillow, raised her head suddenly when she heard the sound, her big round eyes were full of shock.

Satisfied, the empress dowager raised her hand and pressed gently:
"It's okay, I just saw that you were sleeping too hard and told you to go on sleeping."


Niao Niao became more and more shocked, but immediately tilted her head, rolled sideways, fell into the gap between the soft pillow and the backrest, and did not move again.

The empress dowager didn't bother Niao Niao, who was sleeping like a piglet, and started looking for it in the bedroom.

Since the bird was in her room, Ye Jingtang must be in front of her that day, and Shui Shui disappeared, the two of them...


Thinking of this, the words that the Empress Dowager was about to shout stopped abruptly, her footsteps became silent, she opened the door lightly, and first went to the next door to take a look.

Next door is Hongyu's residence. Although Hongyu seems to be a court lady, she has been with the Queen Mother since she was a child. After entering the palace, she also has the official position of "maid".

Although the sky is just getting bright, Hongyu has already woken up and is sitting in front of the dressing table to get dressed, she doesn't seem to realize that someone is coming to Fushou Palace.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother did not disturb Hongyu, and walked out of the gate to the tea house in the side hall. Before she got close, she heard the soft "ding~" of clinking glasses, and the words of men and women:
"Don't drink so much, there are important things to do today."

"Don't worry, I won't pour a thousand cups~ What is this..."

"I'm so tongue-in-cheek, I can't drink a thousand cups... The Empress Dowager is here..."


The Empress Dowager didn't expect her to be so careful, and Ye Jingtang could still tell who it was. Seeing this, she quickly ran to the corner of the veranda, looked up, and saw in the window of the side hall, the real Xuanji with blushing cheeks, sitting Leaning against the small case on the couch.

And Ye Jingtang is opposite the small case, the clothes on the left side are intact, but the right side has been taken off, revealing the slender arms with perfect lines, with the rapid movement of pulling the clothes, you can clearly see the bulging of the muscles under the skin...

The empress dowager's eyes widened a little, and she came out from the corner, posing the majesty of her mother, and said:

"Shui'er, what are you two doing?"

Ye Jingtang wanted to pull up his clothes, but the robe on the left was torn by Master Xuanji, so he couldn't do it. Seeing the queen mother came running directly, he had no choice but to stand up like this, cupped his hands and said:
"The Empress Dowager."

The real Xuanji reacted flatly, shaking the small wine glass, and responded softly:

"Drinking with a man, what else can you do. Why do you wake up so early?"

The empress dowager's eyes were clearly unhappy, but the reason for her displeasure was that the boudoir drinking party did not take her. She came to the front with a dignified manner, and was about to say a few words, but her sharp eyes noticed that there was a dark red wipe on the inside of Ye Jingtang's arm. Mark, brows can't help but wrinkle:
"Yejingtang, are you injured?"

It was hard for Yejingtang to talk about what happened last night, it was still in the making, so the real person Xuanji next to him helped answer:
"It was nothing to discuss just now, I fought."

Ye Jingtang was about to nod his head, but he didn't think that the face of the empress dowager, who was round and beautiful in front of her, darkened, picked up the saber next to her, and was about to use the scabbard to slap Xuanji's ass:

"You're drunk again, right? Why is the attack not light or heavy?"


Ye Jingtang was really flattered to be protected by the empress dowager, but he couldn't let Zhenji Xuanji get beaten in vain, so he quickly stood in the middle and said kindly:
"It's common to have a little friction in the exchange of ideas, the empress doesn't have to worry..."

The empress dowager was making use of the topic, but she still had a slightly fierce expression, and slapped the buttocks of her best friend who didn't call her drunk.

Master Xuanji was not angry at all, but leaned on the small case and looked at Ye Jingtang who wanted to protect her but was hard to stop:
"Go and do your work first. The sage leaves at noon, and you have to accompany him as an escort. Go and pack up and have a meal first, so don't miss the hour."

The empress dowager originally wanted to chat for a while, but she had to go to Yutan Mountain Villa for vacation soon, and she was not in a hurry, so she also nodded:
"The guard of honour, my lord, walks slowly, go eat something first, don't be hungry for a long time on the road."

Ye Jingtang nodded with a smile, and after saying goodbye to the Empress Dowager, he left the side hall with his sword in hand, and whistled:


A weak Guji came from the side hall, and then Niao Niao wobbled and flew out of the window, landed on his shoulders, fell silent again.

Ye Jingtang put Niao Niao away and walked outside, just when he turned the corner of the veranda, he heard another voice coming from the side hall:

"Shui'er, did you sleep with Ye Jingtang here last night?"


? !
Ye Jingtang staggered, he didn't expect the queen mother to ask such a question, let alone the real Xuanji who could answer it like that, but he didn't want to interrupt the private jokes between women, he just pretended he didn't hear anything, and walked out of Fushou palace.

Da Benben also lived in the palace yesterday, and he was supposed to be waiting for the Empress to clean up in the morning, and then set off from Tianjie to Yutan Villa with the imperial army.

Ye Jingtang is going directly to Changle Palace now, maybe he bumped into the empress and King Jing bathing and changing clothes, and went outside the station, so he went out of the imperial city first, brought the horses and changed into the black government robes, and went Heiya not too far from the palace.

Last night, as a play, I touched a rich man's sword. Regardless of whether the sword is worth money or not, the origin is not right. If Ye Jingtang holds it in his hand or loses it, he really becomes a thief. For this reason, this borrowed sword I have to go back.

As for the method of returning it, it is very simple. The noble son of a wealthy family lost his sword in the Longyin Tower, and the guest had to report to the official to retrieve it if he didn't care about it, otherwise his reputation would be bad.Ye Jingtang handed the sword to Hei Ya, casually said that after the snitch got it, he would sell the stolen goods on the black market in the city, and the subordinates could just hand it over to him after recovering it. As the deputy commander of Hei Ya, no arrester would ask the truth.

After finishing this matter, Ye Jingtang randomly found a place to eat on the street, and then returned to the imperial city, and came to Changle Palace.

It is customary for the empress to go to Yutan Villa for rest in autumn every year. At that time, the personal maid will also accompany her, and the court meeting to discuss business matters will be held in Yutan Villa.

Although it sounds a bit troublesome, Yutan Mountain Villa is only more than ten miles away from the city. The Great Wei originally came to the court once every five days, and there was no shortage of vehicles and horses for the officials who could go to the court to discuss politics. Get up at four o'clock in the morning to get ready, and the courtiers have never had any objections to this.

Ye Jingtang came to the Changle Palace with his familiarity and familiarity, and could already see many maids walking back and forth in the palace pavilion, carrying the objects that the Empress used to use in daily life.

In the Hall of Cheng'an, Dongfang Liren was still sitting in the study, earnestly helping his sister with business.

Ye Jingtang came to the gate of the palace and found that Benben was busy with state affairs, so it was not easy to go in and disturb him, so he took up his job as a guard and stood outside the gate as the door god; the sleeping Niao Niao was placed in the Inside the bushes outside the temple.

The empress is physically weak during this period, and she has no energy to deal with trivial government affairs. She only cares about the more important things, and the other messy things are handed over to Dongfang Liren.

Things that can be sent to the table of a country's emperor, in the eyes of ordinary people, must be major issues related to the rise and fall of a country, but in reality they are not.The territory of the Great Wei Dynasty is so large, there are indeed many things that happen every day, but there are countless big officials and local officials who are able to handle most of the things.

Taizu was very motivated at the beginning of the founding of the country, and gave the officials the privilege of not being punished for their words. For this reason, it has become a custom for the officials in the court to write a letter every day. After barking twice, he was able to write a long article, saying that the dog barking was because of the power of others. This official may have bullied the people on weekdays, so it should be thoroughly investigated.

The empress had to read these trivial matters, if the reply was too perfunctory, the speaker would not have to worry about what to write tomorrow.

Now that these trivial matters fall on Dongfang Liren's head, it is even more frustrating, because she is the one who picks the most faults from the speech officer, and she can't count how many times she has said about the fact that the power of the black government is not clear and the cost is too high.

Dongfangli saw that she was furious, but she couldn't be angry yet. As for slapping a board to warn her, don't even think about it. She dared to kill those officials if she dared to do something, and then she would be famous for thousands of years.

Dongfang Liren was sitting behind the desk, holding a long and eloquent speech in both hands, his face was dark, and when he realized that Ye Jingtang was coming, he might be afraid that he would not be able to restrain his emotions later and scold others and be heard by the dignified adults, so he opened his mouth and said:

"Yejingtang, you go to Minglongtan to practice first, and I will call you later when you leave."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say much, and turned to Minglongtan behind Cheng'an Hall, ready to practice kung fu and waited for Benben to finish his work.

But just as he walked to the lake, his ears twitched slightly, and he heard a sound coming from inside Cheng'an Hall:
The sound of splashing water came from the Hutou gate at the back of the bedroom.


Ye Jingtang's footsteps paused, and he wanted to pretend that he didn't hear anything, but just as he was about to continue walking, another voice came from inside:
It was obviously calling him.

Ye Jingtang's eyes were a bit inexplicable. He first glanced at the direction of the study on the east side of the main hall, then tiptoed lightly onto the balcony of the dormitory, entered it silently, came behind the screen, and said softly outside the tiger's head gate:

"Miss Yuhu, are you looking for me?"

"Come in." The soft and familiar Yu Jie's voice sounded from the small bathtub.

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth:
"Prince Jing is in the hall, you..."

"It's so far away, as long as you don't make a lot of noise, how can Prince Jing hear you? Come in quickly."

Ye Jingtang was also helpless, took out the face towel he used last night from his arms, tied it on his eyes, and then gently pushed open the sliding door.


The small bathroom was filled with mist, and the pool water was also stained milky white by the snow lake.

The empress of Great Wei was lying in the water with her back against the white jade stone, her hands were not covered. Although she was naked, the water in the pool was opaque, and she could only see two semicircles floating on the surface of the water, but they were randomly scattered on the ground at the edge of the pool. Wearing a red dress and small pants.

Ye Jingtang closed the sliding door and came to the edge of the bath with ease. When he found that his feet touched the skirt, he squatted down and picked up the red skirt:
"Are you seriously injured?"

"Old wounds are old, and it will be like this when the weather turns cold, whether it is serious or not."

The empress flicked the water and sprinkled it in the bottomless white gully, and asked:

"I heard that Sun Wuji came to the capital, have you learned swordsmanship?"

"Yeah, I found the Lingji sword in Wuzhou, and sent someone to send it back. As a result, Old Sword Master Sun came to teach swordsmanship directly, and didn't let me speak...you want to learn."

"What I want to learn is the way, I don't need you to teach..."

When the Great Wei Empress said this, her words stopped abruptly.

Ye Jingtang also paused after moving, holding the folded skirt in his left hand and pinching a small triangular piece of cloth on the ground with his right hand, his expression changed slightly.

He didn't scan the room before entering the door, and the clothes didn't move by themselves, and he clearly had something in his hand at this moment. The familiar touch and shape made him understand that he accidentally took the original taste of Yuhu and wanted to throw it away. It doesn't seem appropriate; but it's obviously not right to put the clothes away as if you didn't recognize it...

Seeing that Ye Jingtang took her underwear, she just couldn't put it down, and frowned slightly:
"Just put it aside, you don't have to clean it up for me."

Ye Jingtang behaved like this, just pretending nothing happened, put the skirt and even the triangular cloth on the imperial concubine's couch, and asked:
"How long will the Holy Majesty rest in Yutan Villa?"

"Depending on the situation, it can range from ten days to two months."

Empress Wei raised her hand, picked up the remaining bellyband, put it on the other side, and said:
"You have to take turns to patrol Yutan Villa these days. I promised you last time that I would give you the opportunity to learn the Jade Bone Diagram. I just watched it once. I am afraid it will take a long time to go to Yutan Villa. If you want to If they learn it earlier, they can live in the palace these days, since the Holy Majesty is not around these days, there will be food and drink in the palace, and it will save you from working outside and worrying about your family all day long."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he was quite surprised. He ran into the small bath, and wanted to take this opportunity to ask if he could bring Ning'er and Sanniang into the palace to learn the Jade Bone Diagram when Changle Palace was empty. Unexpectedly, Yu Hu spoke first.

"In the important place of the imperial city, when the Holy Majesty is not around, there will be no problem for them to enter the emperor's bedroom."

The Great Wei Empress shrugged casually: "The place where the Holy Majesty is present is the palace of the imperial city. Where the Majesty is not present, no matter how large the scale is, it is just a house. If you come to see it every day, it can be regarded as taking care of both ends to protect the imperial city; but I still Just to remind you, the map of Minglong is an important weapon of the country. If it is to be passed on to future generations, the sage cannot dispose of it at will. Now it is in your hands and let you teach the people around you. If something goes wrong, the map of Minglong will be lost. Yes, your guilt is not small, you will lose your head.

Ye Jingtang smiled softly; "Of course I know the importance of it. I take turns with Master Xuanji every day, and when I come back, I can check inside and outside the imperial city. Let them study the jade bone diagram in Minglongtan for a few days. Let them leave the palace after they learn it."

The Great Wei Empress nodded, and also talked more about this matter, but after careful consideration, it seemed that there was no formal topic, so she sat up a little bit, and let the two balls of white softness float out of the water, and the red dots were faintly visible, jokingly said:
"I'm packing my things outside, and it will take a while before I leave. Why don't you come down and rub my back for me?"

? ?
Seeing Yuhu coming again, Ye Jingtang had the experience of dealing with it before, so he took advantage of the situation and said, "That's fine." Then he made a gesture to untie his belt and prepare to get out of the pool.


Empress Wei tilted her head slightly, seeing that Ye Jingtang's face had thickened, she was not flustered, after all she knew that Ye Jingtang was scaring her.

She moved a little to the side to make room, half leaning against the edge of the bath and waiting, without any sense of urgency. Seeing that Ye Jingtang slowed down after taking off the robe, she joked:
"Take it off? Why don't you dare to take it off?"


Ye Jingtang really didn't believe that Hu Niuniu could stare at him to finish taking off, thinking about crossing his hands around to the left and right, he was going to try to take off the silver soft armor.

In the end, he was right, no matter how stupid Hu Niuniu said, she was still a woman after all, how could she not be discouraged by such a thing that was given for nothing anyway.

But what he didn't expect was that Yu Hu didn't mean to admit it directly, but when he pulled the soft armor to cover his head with both hands, he suddenly pressed his hand on the white jade ball on the left, and coughed a few times:


The cough was quite loud, and there was a movement in the study on the east side of the palace, followed by the sound of trotting this way.

stomping on...


Ye Jingtang was caught off guard, and pulled down the soft armor abruptly, wanting to rush out the door, but because the pull down was too big, he brought the black scarf tied around his eyes to his nose, and his vision recovered immediately.

Then the scene that came into view was the small bathroom shrouded in white mist, and the beautiful flowers trembling in the pool.

The Great Wei Empress wanted to cough hard, so it was definitely not good to lean against the bath. At this time, she was sitting in the bath, the water did not reach her ribs, and she was holding the watermelon on the left with her right hand, and she could clearly see the scallion-white jade fingers sinking into the limp.

On the other hand, because there was no restraint, he coughed vigorously and trembled violently, even a trace of bright red was left behind, but with Wu Kui's eyesight, he could see it very clearly.

! !
There was a momentary silence in the bathroom.

The empress stopped coughing immediately, raised her left hand to block the other side, and changed into the posture of crossing her hands in front of the bodyguard, her face turned red immediately.

And it was the first time for Ye Jingtang to accidentally take advantage of Yuhu, not only did he not feel nervous at all, it was quite refreshing, the meaning in his eyes presumably was—a loss, right?let you tease me...

Because of the sound of footsteps running this way, they walked through the main hall and arrived at the door. Ye Jingtang didn't have time to watch Yuhu's reaction, so he picked up his robe, turned around and ran out, opened the door in an instant, rushed out of the bedroom, and jumped out of the window ...


Thank you [Jian Suyan] the leader of the boss for rewarding or2!

(End of this chapter)

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