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Chapter 252

Chapter 252
With the gentle autumn wind, a merchant ship sailed down the Qingjiang River with its sails swelled.

In the cabin on the second floor of the ship building, there were a few hoarse muffled coughs:


The deck is full of travelers from all over the world, but there are not many residents on the second floor. A young man in green clothes, with a three-foot brocade sheath knife hanging from his waist, and a tray in his hand, pushed open the door.


Beside the tea table at the window of the room, sat a tall old man, dressed in a brocade robe and jade belt, with a loose cloak on his body, his eyes were radiant and introverted, like a lonely eagle who had gone through the world.

"Master, the medicine is almost cold, take a sip, even if it can't cure the disease, it can relieve the pain."

The young man in Tsing Yi put down the tray, picked up the medicine bowl from inside, and placed it by the old man's hand, with a deep worry on his brows.

But the old man's reaction was quite flat, and he pushed the medicine bowl away with his fingers:

"This medicine can relieve pain, but it disturbs people's mind. Once addicted to it, they can't extricate themselves and can't touch it. Originally, your uncle got some news about Xuehu flowers, and it might be effective at the beginning. Corpse Wilderness..."


Master Xuanji propped the table forward with both hands, held down the robe under the table, and tilted his head to look at Ye Jingtang, which is only a short distance away:

"Is he wearing clothes now? Just showing his neck, afraid that you will see it as a success?"

A slight voice sounded, and the scene outside the jade box was hidden in sight.

"People think of being inferior, not the name of an emperor. If there are no immortals in that world, few people who can achieve it will look down on the emperors of the world."

Ye Jingtang came to the west side of the ginkgo tree, found the eighth floor tile, and turned it over to have a look.

Ye Jingtang came to Cheng'an Hall, looked around to find someone, then came to Minglong Tuke's side hall, took out the key given by Benben and opened a door:
Ye Jingtang thanked him, and was about to pick up his robe to change, but after seeing the charming and charming Lu Xiaoxian, his eyes moved up, and he secretly aimed at the man's house, which was the place to see.

Ye Jingtang nodded, did he ask any more questions.

Master Xuanji was made to lean forward slightly by that action, and was pushed under the table by Bidong. She frowned and said:

"A few friends didn't bring guards?"


"There are things going on all day long, and there is no way to guess what's going on. I only know that the son of a Duke of Wendeqiao celebrates his birthday today and is having a banquet in the city. Prince Yan usually plays with those people, so he might be there."

Dongfang Liren raised his head slightly to look at the breastplate, imagining that he was wearing the armor with two small steamed buns on his chest, and his voice became hot:
Yutan Mountain Villa is quite far from the capital, but there are too few people and there are many infantry in front, and the speed is too slow. It took nearly two hours from the palace to arrive at Chaolu Peak.

Ye Jingtang was wearing only thin trousers. Seeing that Master Xuanji insisted on teasing me, I leaned back and put my hands on the edge of the table.

Dongfang Liren went out wearing armor because you are in bad shape, and wearing armor is very heroic, and you wear it specially for Ye Jingtang to see.Although her chest was flattened by the palace man in armor, and she didn't even hold her breath, she still held her head high and put on a majestic air:
There is a swing hanging on the ginkgo tree, and the rope is wrapped with colorful cloth. The workmanship is very beautiful, but there is only one person hanging there alone, which also looks a bit bleak.

Liang Xing said: "He should take Niao Niao with him. The palace is so tightly guarded that even a mosquito can fly back, so nothing will happen."

Seeing that Ba Niang's coquettish appearance seemed to be fake, the empress immediately felt no regrets in her heart.After all, if this is the case, are you giving up the most wonderful experience of each other for the first time to Ba Niang?Is that a dehydration of the brain...

"What does he want to do?"

"You talk to him about the business, what is he going to do next? How are you going to investigate?"

Time turned into night in a blink of an eye.

The old man shook his head: "The difficulty of this matter lies in the hands of one or two warriors, but the small power. Ning'er has been cultivating for ten years and has accumulated a lot of prestige. If you succeed, King Yan will be dressed in a weak yellow robe and be accused of killing the king." , it is sure to sit firmly in the sky, but King Liang may reap the benefits of the fisherman. If it is not forced by the situation, I will wait a few more years as a teacher..."

"The children of the royal family have all practiced martial arts since childhood, and the son of Yan Wang has few teachers. No matter how poor his martial arts skills are, he should be as good as Li Ren. After ten years in Beijing, the son of Yan Wang has been very peaceful and has never used it. The specific strength is weak. vague."

"Fairy Lu, he wants to talk about something serious, can he wait for you to get dressed?"

"No matter how small the people in the Jianghu are, they are nothing compared to the emperor's guard of honor. No wonder everyone wants to be the emperor."

"What do you care about yourself? It's fine to lean on when you're tired from standing."

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, there are jokes in the past, although the difference between clumsy martial arts is small to me, but in the eyes of others, he is the same as Dayunli, but he can be regarded as a top underdog who can fly over the wall , What's the problem with the next battlefield?I thought about it and suggested:

As for Ning'er's sleeping hall, Cheng'an Hall, because all the personal attendants followed to Yutan Mountain, it was immediately lit.

Before finishing speaking, he turned and drifted away.

"You're a donkey again, how could you do this anytime and anywhere. Next time you really faint and he applies the medicine for you, you think it's Liang Xing who lost his elegance..."

The old man got up and looked behind the window. He could see hundreds of forbidden troops behind him holding down the dragon flags to clear the way, and the guards stood on both sides of the road at seven steps. .

However, before leaving Miyagi, Ye Jingtang suddenly remembered a very important thing - ginkgo tree!

In other words, Kuangyazi was caught in a chaotic battle back then, and he didn't even open it before he got there, and he was buried outside, and escaped from Miyagi... That's right, the pit was dug out with a single stroke, how could it be possible to see... …

Could it be that the foster father's news is correct...


"The Prince of Yan hasn't been doing anything recently?"

"Is everything settled here under the Holy Spirit?"


"When a person dies like a lamp goes out, I would like to ask Master to express my condolences. This time I went to the various tribes of the West Sea. I thought I could find some snow lake flowers, but I didn't expect that the four major tribes combined would not be able to find one or two. Counting the blooming of snow lake flowers These two years..."

The room was for the palace men to live in. It was very tidy and there was nothing to say. The eight people and one bird took a look before they walked towards the water pavilion in the middle of the lake.

! !
"Xue Baijin is willing to conspire with you, and Ning'er also knows how powerful the battle is. The real Lijia Xuanji and the Ye Jingtang are two warriors who only rely on the master to hold the line. This trip is really safe... Although it is from Pei Xiangjun's side... Here comes the 'Prisoner Dragon Miasma', but this thing has been lost for a hundred years, and it is also the match of Mr. Peixiang, and it is not as domineering as the rumors..."

When I got out of the big bath early in the morning, I was playing with my big heart. If the woman saw a small place, I would definitely replace it with an abnormal man.

Ye Jingtang took a closer look, his expression froze slightly.

"Master said..."


To keep your lips and teeth fragrant for eight days is to wake up, the big thief is coming, you will be slow to lose your soul, if this is the case, you will have to flood the bed...

The convoy traveled all the way back, and very slowly came to the east gate of the imperial city.

"What's wrong with him? Is he asking about something serious?"

In front were the infantry with swords and shields, and a crowded team. There were no officials, chariots, horses, handymen, etc. The whole team lined up on the official road, stretching for nearly two miles.

The center formation consists of more than ten carriages, the rearmost carriage is particularly eye-catching, and behind it are eight pure white fur-colored dark clouds riding snow, the narrow carriage almost occupies the entire official road, and on both sides are knights with visors, Carefully scan the surrounding plants and trees.

I was still in the front alley last night, and Prince Yan's location should be the main building in the back street, separated by several buildings, but Liang Xinggong went straight out and left the drunk Prince of Yan outside the house alone. is reasonable.

The mechanism built by the later dynasty is very strange. The way to open the secret pavilion is to move a few landscape stones outside the rockery and his garden to the corresponding positions one by one. With the weight on it, the quicksand on the ground will stop sliding down, and it will leak left and right in a day. After finishing, the small door of the secret room can be opened; before it is closed, the water flowing out of Minglongtan will carry the quicksand back to its original position.

Master Xuanji was startled by those words, and his shoulders trembled slightly. Although you heard everything, but Yuhu's martial arts skills are high, and he really sneaked into the room. It is possible that you noticed it.

Ye Jingtang came to the small tree several times, looked up for a moment to see if there was any delay, and ended his search in the courtyard.

Ye Jingtang kept the jade bone map for a few days, and took it directly with him. When he came to the center of the lake, he asked the two to take it seriously, and then went outside the garden of the palace to find out what it was left behind after finishing the research.

Ye Jingtang frowned and thought for a long time, although he wasn't disappointed when he got the things, at least he didn't have any clues left, as long as he looked along the hairpin, he might be able to find whereabouts.

The chariot that Dowager Dowager and Ning'er were riding on retreated directly from the imperial road to Zhuangzi, accompanied by the young palace men; Ye Jingtang patrolled and guarded under the white stone path in the villa until the people who came over arrived at their respective positions and settled down. regained his freedom.

Ye Jingtang had something to say, he thought about it for a while, his eyes showed a slightly startled look, and he looked up at the window in front of Master Xuanji:
"They're all dandies from humble backgrounds. If there are no guards, but they're just top-notch warriors, it's worth mentioning."

! !
"What the hell..."

I figured in my heart that if Luo Ning was weird, she might have taken the initiative to speak up last time, and personally verified what Ba Niang said.

For this reason, if I can interrupt indiscriminately, then Luo Ning will vent her anger on me before crying.

"None of the python suits in the palace can be custom-made to suit men, nor can one piece of armor be custom-made, um... the size is changed, and the round deck is changed to a semi-circle..."

It was still 80 years later, a certain man who cleaned the house accidentally found the outside, recognized something inside, sold the picture of Minglong as gold, found a piece of jewelry and buried it outside to commemorate his youth...

Ye Jingtang looked at the two breastplates on Xiaobenben's chest from the corner of his eye, and he didn't feel any pain at all. He completely figured out how you pushed the majestic fat-headed dragon out of the breastplate, and asked before walking for a while. :
Ye Jingtang is the Seventh Commander of the White House, and when Ning'er is on patrol, it is obviously possible for me to flirt with the girl outside the carriage in front of me. At this time, I also changed into a white unicorn armor, with the dragon-firing gun on the side of the horse, walking along the official road Under the grass, watching the situation on both sides of the official road.

Ye Jingtang thought about it, and felt that those words were unreasonable. If he couldn't protect himself, he really needed a guard to stand behind him at all times.I thought for a while and said:

Phew, what are you thinking...


"The mechanism is still working, and I can see what is on the back tomorrow. They practice first and you go out to investigate the case. If there is nothing to do, let the bird inform you, and you can come back at any time."

At this time, he squeezed his arms around his chest intentionally, and the hem of the clothes showed an unbearable tension. The unique temperament of half demon man and half Guanyin, the lethality was even more amazing.

Master Xuanji retreated into the house, and seeing Ye Jingtang's tough appearance in white armor, his eyes were quite appreciative, and he came to help, and responded:

For this reason, Master Xuanji's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly pushed away Ye Jingtang who was still supporting the table, stood up straight and assumed a dignified posture that a teacher should not have, and looked back.

When Ye Jingtang heard that, he frowned——as a guard, investigation and arrest are the second priority. Getting an inch away from the protection target is the top priority. The abnormal reaction is when the target is sent to a dangerous location.

But Liang Xing was obviously an abnormal man, and it was the first time he was seen by Ye Jingtang, so he felt sorry for him from the bottom of his heart. He just looked at all kinds of people on the side of the road, but he only looked forward.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang held his head up and chest out to prove that I was a lustful person, Xuanji's real eyes were playful, and she leaned forward a little, with her plump buttocks pillowed under the table, her arms crossed her chest, and she squeezed involuntarily. Watermelon action:

"Yan Wang's son went to Wutong Street last night. He took Xihaizhu with him when he was carrying out heavy equipment. He drank flowers and wine with a few young masters from Wende Bridge in Jinping Tower. He got drunk and went back to his room to sleep. He didn't bring any birds with him. ..."

"To cure a disease, we must start from the source. If the source is not eliminated, no matter how many snowy lakes and flowers there are, it will only have a palliative effect. If you want your body to recover, you still have to look at the capital."

Upon hearing this, Young Master Tsing Yi got up and went to the window, looking at the gradually bustling river bank:
The imperial chariot driven by eight horses is located in the middle of the team, surrounded by eighty guards in unicorn armor on horseback. Although they are dressed the same as the imperial guards who opened the way behind, they all wear white visors.

Ye Jingtang quickly pulled out his robe, waved it forward and covered it under his body, his eyes teasing:
Chaolu Mountain is adjacent to Furong Pond, and there are royal gardens a few miles away, but it is Ninger's private property. After the preparations are over in the next few days, the grassland around the villa has not become a temporary camp, and the transferred imperial troops are stationed at the foot of the mountain.

Between the mighty ranks, it is time to sound the horn.

Ye Jingtang was sitting in the carriage as the driver, with Niao Niao squatting on his shoulders looking around.And outside the carriage in front of him, Liang Xinggong was dressed very formally, but his demeanor was quite casual, half leaning against the big couch, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Ye Jingtang waited for a while behind the rockery, and came to the water pavilion before he felt that there was any problem:

I saw that there was nothing golden in the jade box with small pages, but a hairpin, which looked extremely rough. The head of the hairpin was in the shape of a very rare big cat, obviously worn by a big boy.

Ye Jingtang left early but he was allowed to bring the two men to Minglongtan to practice kung fu, and the gate of the palace let them go before they reached the token.

Ye Jingtang frowned and felt that the master and the apprentice were so simple. Faced with such an obvious flirt, I was afraid that my body would react abnormally, so I turned my eyes to get the robe:

"The son of Yan Wang will often run around with one person in the future, how much do you do in the West Sea to check out and run errands; with such lax protection, you are more inclined to see that the son of Yan Wang is just a vulgar martial artist.

Ye Jingtang looked up and saw that it was very abnormal and there was nothing embarrassing about it. He was also confused about what the real Xuanji was looking at, and had nothing to say:

Ye Jingtang sloppy thought about it, the male knight's attire seemed to be more suitable for seducing a husband outside the boudoir, so he laughed heavily, and made no further suggestions.

"Your Majesty and His Majesty are bathing in the Dragon Pool, so you can come over and tell him something. You should check this morning. The only one in the hands of King Yan's son is Xihai, and there are not a hundred others. The attendants brought over, but there are a few with outstanding martial arts.

When the armor skirt is taken off, only the heavy white lining remains on the whole body.

"He doesn't care what you laugh at... Speaking of the way Mrs. Wang said, it's really boring. This feeling...how can I tell him? In the future, I will drink fruit wine, sweet and intoxicating, but there is something ordinary about it. ; And this method is to drink bad spirits, the fragrance of lips and teeth will stay awake for eight days, the more aftertaste, the less interesting..."

On the side of Ye Jingtang, there is a white-armored knight of similar height. Although the shoulders and back are obviously thinner than Ye Jingtang's, but the chest is still stretched out, and it is not even tight. A white spear is hung on the side of the horse, and it is matched with a helmet. The helmet fringe under it looks majestic and majestic, completely losing to the Ye Jingtang around him.

This move is also used to distinguish the arms, but the people who walk behind the imperial chariot are composed of white yamen, dark guards, and low-level soldiers in the imperial army. There are not many men, women, or old men, and wearing their own uniforms is not a mess , How elegant it looks.

Now the Empress Dowager also went to Yutan Villa to recuperate, accompanied by Yang Lan, the secret guard, and Fang Shijie, who already had a few palace men, had a man directly. At that time, he went to see what his foster father told him. When will this wait?
The queen's mind was obviously confused, and she didn't hold back her thoughts, so she continued to pretend to be icy, staring into the window in a daze.

"Ba Niang, what is he laughing at?"

Liang Xinggong reminded: "When Wu Kui didn't miss, he should be careful when he goes out alone."

The unicorn armor used by the Forbidden Army of the Imperial City is of extremely fine quality, and there are no seventeen or seventeen parts. I have touched the armor after Ye Jingtang, and it can be repaired. It is quite troublesome to take off. I am looking at the mirror outside the house and quickly tidying it up. Suddenly, he heard movement from the door.

"is it?"

Immortal Xuanji stood behind her and took off the breastplate:

Ye Jingtang picked up the hairpin of Duomen's style and looked at it sloppily, and then looked at Shangtukeng, his eyes were puzzled.

The Fushou Palace was opened seven times last night, and was also tossed by the embarrassing Yuluobo, who dared to see people when they got up early, and they are still in a hurry.But after being in front of Hu Meizi, you can show the appearance of eating or drinking, and casually said:
"Xiao Wei established his country with martial arts, and all descendants, male and female, have to learn riding and archery skills. They must even wear armor. How did they go to the battlefield before?"

After observing for a whole day, before she found that there was nothing unusual about Ba Niang, the empress couldn't help but asked:
While talking, a small group of soldiers and horses appeared very close to the river bank, as well as the sound of horns:

In the imperial chariot, Ning'er was wearing a red and white dragon robe. The seventeen jade algae hanging from the crown under her head covered her stunning face. Although she was dressed very formally, she was sitting as lazy as ever, with her right leg under her left , with his arms leaning on the handrail, looking out at both sides of the river through the tulle window.

Yesterday Liang Xing delayed blowing the pillow wind for the woman, and went down early to check the results of the battle, only to find that Ba Niang was putting on her make-up beautifully. You thought the big thief had got his hands on it again, but you only found out after asking that Ba Niang was drunk last night. The thief did a good job...
According to the empress' estimation, Ba Niang should get up after being bullied like this, but who would have thought that Ba Niang didn't react at all, and even smiled from time to time, as if she had taken advantage of the sky? .

Ye Jingtang pondered for a while: "Since Prince Yan is drunk, and there are low-handed people around, Liang Xinggong may easily leave when he finds out that he is a quick guest. You guess that Prince Yan is drunk at all, yesterday When I went to Jinping Tower, I met someone in secret; there is a small probability that the bird was raised by this person, and the ability will be great, and it will be trusted by Xihaizhu..."



The Hall of Night Terror was originally just an experiment. After such a long time, it must have been well-organized, and there would be no reasonable answer; but the secret room for the emperor would lose his head if something went wrong. Put the landscape stone where it should be, and you can faintly hear the subtle sound of "rustling~" from the ground, which should be started directly.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang put away the hairpin, buried the box because it was damaged, and tamped the ground before covering it with floor tiles, cleaned up all the clues, and left quietly...

Fang Shijie was completely white, and the ginkgo tree in front of the dormitory, whose crown was lower than the palace, looked particularly eye-catching in the moonlight.

"He's so polite, why do you blame your reaction? Are you willing to let others see him push you under the table?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes lit up, and he turned over the soil under the moonlight, only to find that there was a jade box buried outside. It's this picture, slide the jade box open.

Ye Jingtang followed the old road, led Luo Ning and Ba Niang through the corridors and buildings, and came to Yongle Palace. It can be seen that there are only scattered lights outside the small palace, basically people walking around.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang turned directly to Fang Shijie's house on the northwest side of the imperial city.

Ye Jingtang turned his head to look into the window, and saw Xuanji, who was dressed in white, coming from the corridor, stopped his movements, and asked:

"Ji." Niao Niao, who was lying on the edge of the waterside pavilion, agreed.


Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, and before saying "Fairy Lu, hurry up", he put on his clothes contentedly...

Before Ye Jingtang sent Benben, who had always been a teammate, back to his dormitory outside the villa, he went to the wing room arranged for me to unload the armor.

"They lived there for the past two days. Prince Jing told the other palace servants in my place to worry about being disturbed..."

"If the Highness is happy, go back to the car and rest, there is still a long way to go, what are you doing wearing that thing?"

Benben and Hu Niuniu trust him so much, Ye Jingtang may give the important objects buried in the later dynasty to Pingtian Sect to help in the rebellion.It must have been buried with bad things that benefit the country and the people, and it must be able to help the court in turn; but the news was taught by Ping Tian, ​​so I can only open it secretly.

"Everyone in the West Sea...there is a bird..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Prince Yan didn't have anything around him to keep watch, so carrying a bird in his disguise might reveal his identity, so he just let the two of them practice kung fu badly, and walked slowly into the palace.


Xuanji's real figure is very well-proportioned. Although the size of the skirt is larger than that of the three royal mothers and men, and it is self-defeating compared with the eight Niangs, the scale is not large, and it belongs to the level that can be filled with one hand.

Master Xuanji noticed that the window was empty, but he narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around, raised his embroidered shoes and stepped on Ye Jingtang's feet:

Now Ning'er has not moved to Yutan Villa, but the imperial city is an imperial city after all, and there are files of gold, silver, jewelry and cultural relics outside, and it may become an empty city. It's all about focusing on Yongle Palace.

Ye Jingtang was driving inside, and he could hear the intrigue between the two daughters-in-law, so he didn't smile badly.

The empress sat upright by the car window, her temperament was like an iceberg, and her eyes occasionally glanced at Ba Niang's ass.

Young Master Tsing Yi saw the battle, subconsciously took half a step into the dark, and sighed:

"Is this plausible?"

According to the guidance of the father's letter, "Song of the Dragon" was buried on the eighth stone brick against the wall on the west side of the ginkgo tree.

Young Master Tsing Yi sat down next door and persuaded:

"Fairy Lu, please respect yourself."

Recommend a book: "Cultivation of Immortals: Ending from a Heart", a classic fairy tale, the writing skills are wrong, the opening is full of suspense, and the emotional lines are delicately described. If you are interested, you can take a look.
On the east side of the imperial city, a carriage with the family crest with the word 'Pei' hurriedly drove through the streets.

The ginkgo tree is very small, with a tree altar at the root, surrounded by white stones, and the floor tiles are also small bricks. Judging from the traces, it seems that there is no history, and it seems to have been replaced.

The floor tiles are small, and the top is compacted soil. Before I tilted the saber to open it, I pierced the knife into the soil to check. It turned out that the insertion was deep, and it was blocked by a hard object.

(End of this chapter)

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