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Chapter 257

Chapter 257
Ten miles away from Yun'an City, Guantou Town.

The real Xuanji wore a white veiled hat, and sat in a restaurant in the small town, with a jug of small wine in front of him, pouring himself from the drinking room, and occasionally glanced at the cars and horses in the town.

Guantou Town is the main land road, and most of the people who come and go are small merchants with small quantities of goods. Because the road to Beijing is quite crowded, most people unload and hand over their goods here. Many wealthy merchants in the city have warehouses around Guantou Town. A place where dragons and snakes mingle.

The carriage and horses tracked by Immortal Xuanji was the place where Xue Bodhi used to hide, and it was not a big place. At this time, there were six or seven carriages parked in the compound, covered with oilcloth, and the outline of wooden barrels could be vaguely seen. You can also smell a little soy sauce.

Last night after the handover with Ye Jingtang, Master Xuanji followed the guidance and went to the vicinity of Jiang'an Wharf, but after not staring for a long time, he found a group of people appearing near the merchant ship, loaded the barrels into the carriage, and arrived at Guantou Town.

Because the people who came were all pawns with mediocre martial arts skills, and there were no major figures present, Master Xuanji followed all the way here, waiting here, waiting to follow the vine.

But after staring here all night, before the leader of the other party came to hand over, the real Xuanji was attracted by the sound of a bell.

Jingle ~ Jingle ~
The sound of the bell is very crisp, and the shaking speed is unhurried, which is very different from the horse bell.

Master Xuanji had been to the sandbar, and when he heard the sound, he knew it was a camel bell. When he looked at the entrance of the town in a blink of an eye, he saw a caravan coming from the road.

The caravan was not very big, consisting of six camels, with bags hung on both sides of the humps, and the goods covered by tarpaulins inside.

There were five or four people in the caravan, all dressed like those on the sandbar, with sun-proof loose robes and gauze scarves on their heads, looking dusty.

The capital is home to rare treasures from all over the world, and merchants on the sandbank are not uncommon, because the blankets and embroidery over there are famous for their gorgeousness and beauty, and are very popular among princes and princes, and the goods are still in high demand. The staff stepped forward to look at it.

However, it was not the cargo carried by the camels that attracted the attention of Master Xuanji, but the woman on the leading big camel.

The woman's face was covered with a red gauze scarf that had been exposed to the wind, sand and sun, her body was a loose long dress with red gauze on a yellow background, her long jet-black hair was wearing glazed beads, and she had a few small braids on her head. Very wild, with bright eyes and fair skin, you can tell that she is a very distinctive beauty just by looking at her eyebrows.

The woman seemed to be the leader of the caravan, and when she saw the merchant coming to talk to her, she began to negotiate smoothly:
"It's all medicinal materials, 30-year-old snow-capped ginseng, and Cordyceps..."

"Is there any sandbar iron yam?"

"Go aside!"



When Master Xuanji saw such an exotic beauty, his eyes lighted up slightly, and after opening the curtain for a few careful glances, he quietly got up and went out the door.

The camel caravan stopped on the old street of the town, and there were three storeys of peddlers watching the excitement, asking here and there, but few actually paid.

The woman in red gauze who led the camel caravan probably also saw that this group of idlers came purely to see the beauties from other places, and didn't bother to sell their goods, so after driving them away, they settled down in an inn in the town.

After her subordinates unloaded the camels, the red-gauze girl brought a caravan member to a wing room on the second floor and said:

"Old Jiu, do you have any acquaintances here in Yun'an?"

The middle-aged man at the back took off his hood, revealing a rather warm face. He looked like a big shopkeeper who had been wandering around the business field all year round, but his eyes were full, and he was obviously a warrior.

Hearing the woman's question, the middle-aged man called Lao Jiu responded:
"There are few powers in the rivers and lakes of Yunzhou, and there is no contact with outside the customs. It is difficult to find acquaintances. Zheng Kun of the Hongshan Gang is quite familiar with me. It is said that he is also in Yun'an, but in the prison, it should be impossible to contact... "

"Then find a way to find out. The sword leader is so famous, I don't believe that the people in the capital know nothing about him."


The woman in red gauze closed the door after her subordinates left. She breathed a sigh of relief, took off the veil on her face, sat down at the table, opened the teacup and took off the water bag from her waist, wanting to drink some water to rest.

But just when the water was halfway through, the woman in red gauze sensed that something was wrong, she kept pouring water, and touched her waist with her hand.


At this time, the door behind the room was blown open and closed by the dark wind.

A ghostly white shadow flashed into the room at an astonishing speed, and went straight to the back of the woman in red yarn.

The eyes of the woman in red gauze suddenly changed. She held three silver needles and wanted to throw them behind her back, but as soon as she lifted her arms, someone grabbed her and twisted them backwards. Her back was pressed down, and she lay down on the table. .


The woman in red gauze pushed herself forward vigorously, but she couldn't break free, her eyes could not help showing fright and anger, she wanted to say hysterically: "Demon girl, you have no end!" cowardice:

"Hero, spare your life! I'll give you everything, don't kill me..."

Master Xuanji twisted her white left hand backwards, pressed the woman on the table with her elbow, touched the willow-like waist with her hand, took off the dagger and the poisonous needle, and threw them into the distance, with a three-pointed tone:

"Oh? Really give everything?"

The red gauze woman's eyes were full of bewilderment, she turned her head slightly:
"Woman, I'm a businessman and I don't know you. Did you find the wrong person?"

"You are a decent businessman, and I am not a decent person. Seeing that you are beautiful, I am here to rob you."

The real person Xuanji lowered her figure a little, slid her hand up the waist and abdomen to search the body, and squeezed the place where she couldn't hold it with one hand:
"Female benefactor, do you cooperate wisely, or resist first and then cooperate, huh?"

The red woman had goosebumps all over her body, and twisted her shoulders hard:
"You madman, I really don't know you..."

Master Xuanji didn't even bother to listen, but just pinned down the red-gauze woman and searched her back and forth, because she had something important to do now, and she couldn't make any mistakes, so she didn't give any chance, and carefully unloaded all the shady things. He also joked casually:

"Slender waist, plump buttocks and beautiful shoulders, it looks like a child. If it is thrown into the black ya dungeon and falls into the hands of King Yeda, I don't even dare to think about what will happen..."

The red yarn woman wanted to fight back, but she never found a chance. She couldn't bear it anymore and turned her head forcefully:
"Witch, you're not finished, are you? Last time I spared you once, I explained it clearly to you, what do you mean by chasing me and biting me?"

After the real Xuanji finished searching, he tied his hands with the belt cloth:
"One yard is one yard. Last time I really didn't chase you, but this time you sent it to your door yourself, and you are going to inquire about the news of the high-ranking officials of the black government. Who will I arrest?"

The woman in red gauze had a calm expression: "So what if I inquire about the current sword leader? Is he breaking the law? He is a high-ranking official in the Wei Yamen. Can I come to the capital to sue the imperial court?"


Master Xuanji blinked his eyes, and felt that it made sense, so he stopped, sat in front of him, took off the wine gourd and took a sip:
"The tribes of the West Sea are not under the control of Great Wei. If you want to sue the imperial court, you should go to Yanjing. What's the use of running away from Yun'an?"

"My tribes in the West Sea were plundered by the North Liang for the people's fat and anointment. Is it useful for me to go there to sue the imperial court? Ye Jingtang is a high-ranking official of the Great Wei, and your Great Wei said that the whole world is the king's land..."


Master Xuanji put down the wine gourd, stopped talking nonsense, and his face became a little more serious:
"Don't talk about these things. For the sake of beating you for more than half a year, I will give you a chance to tell the truth. The capital is not peaceful recently, and the court is hunting for traitors. You come here at this time. The suspicion is very serious." Daddy, if you don’t explain your identity, origin, and purpose clearly, even if I am merciful, I still have to send you to be tortured. I’m still easy to talk to. If you don’t cherish it, you will be sent to the hands of King Ye Dayan. I won't let you go..."

The red woman felt that the demon girl was much more serious than before, she seemed to really want to torture and extract a confession, and in the spirit of being a good man, she thought about it and said:

"I'm upright, what can't I say? My surname is Fan and my name is Qinghe. I'm Zhu Zong of the Dongming Department. You can find out these in the Wei court. I traveled in the northern and southern dynasties. I was looking for the former Northwest royal court. Stuff, the title of 'Rooting Saint' is the dirty water poured on me by the people of the rivers and lakes. I have never stolen anything.

"The last time I was in Wuzhou, I went to Zhang Jinglin to ask for the prescription of Tianlangzhu. As for Tianlangzhu, I told you last time. The day I got the prescription, I found that Ye Jingtang, the contemporary swordsman, used it. Tianlangzhu is not only fine, but also greatly improved. I told this to the old man in the clan, and the old man said that maybe Ye Jingtang has a special body, so let me come over and try to find a way to invite Ye Jingtang to visit the Winter Underworld..."


Master Xuanji frowned and said: "Are you sure you didn't rob the civilian men and tie Ye Jingtang back to study or become the master of the village?"

Fan Qinghe was a little annoyed: "You Dawei's sword leader, how can I tie him up?"

"Beauty trap, you have so many tricks, you can even bring me down. Isn't it easy to kidnap a man?"


Fan Qinghe opened his mouth and replied:

"What does this have to do with you? No matter what method I invite, as long as he comes with me voluntarily, can you control me?"

Master Xuanji shook his head: "Yejingtang is the military leader of our Great Wei, and he holds an important official position. He went abroad to go to the rebellious tribes of the West Sea. If you use any means to win him over and elect him as the leader, and pull up the Tianlang Iron Cavalry, how can we?" Aren’t you making yourself guilty? Don’t even think about it, take someone back now, I can pretend that I haven’t seen you, if you dare to approach Ye Jingtang without authorization, you will be punished as an enemy spy.”

Fan Qinghe took a breath and raised his hand:

"Okay. You untie me and I'll go back now."

Xuanji is not stupid, she knows she dares to go, this clever ghost will dare to run, she doesn't have the energy to be on guard all the time, after thinking about it for a while, she wants to carry Fan Qinghe up.

"What are you doing? Where are you taking me?"

"Take you to the Heiya Dungeon, and lock you up for a month first, and then escort you out after I finish my work."


Although Fan Qinghe is from outside the customs, she has been running around all the year round, but she has heard the reputation of being unable to get in and out of the Heiya dungeon. She struggled and said:
"I didn't do anything wrong, why do you lock me up? You can't just drive me away?"

"I'm busy recently and don't have time."

"What are you busy with to abuse lynching and even disregard the morals of the world?"

Xuanji paused, thought for a while, and sat down again:
"I'm busy investigating a batch of black feather grasses of unknown origin. I remember that black feather grass is produced in the Western Seas and Southern Borders, and the Winter Underworld is also famous for its witchcraft. You are the king of the Winter Underworld..."

"It's Zhu Zong!"

"Okay, Zhu Zong. Do you know the origin of this batch of black feather grass?"

Fan Qinghe thought for a while, but didn't hide it:

"Last month, a group of rich and powerful donors with unknown origins went to the four major parts of the West Sea to buy medicinal materials. They didn't want any strong poisons, and only picked black feather grass, a relatively rare and non-toxic hallucinogenic drug.

"The smell of black feather grass is very strong. If the smell is wrong, the masters will hold their breath and will not be affected too much, but ordinary people will be easily fooled. I suspect that they bought this thing in large quantities to harm the common people, so they didn't sell it. In the end Those people bought the medicinal materials from the Xuanhao Department, and they are all boiled. I heard that there are more than 1000 catties, and they have bought all the inventory of the Xuanhao Department..."

Master Xuanji nodded, and asked again: "Have you ever touched the other party's identity?"

Fan Qinghe shook his head: "Our departments in the West Sea are all about credibility. We never ask merchants where they come and go. I haven't done any business. I don't have the time to check these. Hmm... But there seems to be a patient in that team."


"Yes, it's a very special disease. There are bone spurs on the body, which directly pierce the flesh and expose it. It is horrible. I was not there at the time. The disease was seen by an old man in the family. They said there was no cure, and they only prescribed some forced analgesic drugs. , let that person live a more comfortable life before he dies..."

"Bone spurs..."

Master Xuanji had heard of diseases such as 'osteophyte', but it was the first time he had heard of it when the flesh was pierced and exposed. Thinking about it, he just nodded slightly.

After Fan Qinghe finished speaking, he twisted his body and sat up:

"I've told you everything I know, can you let me go now?"

Master Xuanji frowned slightly, inexplicably:
"I told you to let you go after you explained the situation?"


Master Xuanji raised her hand to stop her words, thought for a while and said:
"Don't you want to study Tianlangzhu? Zhang Jinglin has studied it for many years and must have more experience than you. I will give you a chance to ask Zhang Jinglin for advice. You should be honest these days. If you are not obedient..."

Master Xuanji flicked her wrist, took out three gold needles, and aimed at Fan Qinghe's buttocks:
"As long as I catch you, I'll give you a few needles, so that you won't be able to return to the various tribes of the West Sea for the rest of your life, and you will marry a prince here as a concubine."

Fan Qinghe didn't believe this nonsense at all, but said:

"I can be obedient, and I can help you if you have any troubles, but you have to let me see Nightmare afterward."

Master Xuanji shook his head resolutely: "Don't even think about persuading me to defect to Dawei Dongliang. But I can find a way afterwards to let the court open a convenient door, so that the caravan of your Dongming Department will not be blocked at the pass from now on." .”

Fan Qinghe blinked his eyes, but he was a little moved. After all, although the Northern and Southern Dynasties were open to trade, due to historical reasons, the tribes in the West Sea were not counted as people at both ends. Mostly by smuggling.

"Are you sure you can talk?"

"Every time you lied to me, I beat you up when I said I would beat you up, when did you lie to me?"

Yutan Villa.

In the afternoon, in the large garden of the villa, more than 20 heroic court ladies were divided into two teams, red and black, playing takraw ball on the grass.

The empress usually likes to play football, but now she is unwell and unable to play in person, so she still soaks in the dragon pool and reads miscellaneous books.In the ball game, the empress dowager was bored, taking advantage of the cool autumn weather, she brought her maids to play against Dongfang Liren.

Dongfang Liren played with his sister since he was a child, and his skills are quite good, because there are very few opportunities for this kind of massacre, so he must have brought in Ye Jingtang, who was patrolling in the villa.

Ye Jingtang didn't like to bully women, and he didn't play a lot of games, so he stood on the outside of the field and watched the ball carefully with the help of Niao Niao.

Because the empress has always been relaxed, the dress requirements for the maids are not so rigid, and there are no other men behind the villa. The maids who often play football with the empress in the palace can be described as quite unrestrained - skirts with high slits on both sides are matched with Short-sleeved tops, if you are shy, you will wear a pair of trousers inside, and if you are too hot, you will directly wear short pants with bows. When you run, you can basically see your thighs as far as you can see.

Dongfangli is relatively formal, and he also wears black clothes when he plays football, which doesn't show much flesh, but the clothes are too rich, and it is already oppressive even standing up. Needless to say, the scene of running, watching Night Terror He was frightened, for fear that his clothes would be stretched open due to the heavy load.

The empress dowager is petite and exquisite, and looks fragile on weekdays, but she turned out to be unexpectedly dexterous on the court, wearing a crimson close-fitting dress, carrying a sepak takraw ball among the crowd, and her posture was quite nimble. , Just like a young girl with cardamom.

But the empress dowager is not a girl after all, she is not taller than a person, but her figure is quite mature, and the impact force after running is not inferior to that of a big stupid.

Ye Jingtang stood straight outside the field and watched the ball for a long time, but he couldn't notice the score. This was due to interference on the field, but it was more to worry about foreign affairs.

Niao Niao flew over at noon. According to Wing Wu Wu Wu's description, the mechanism should have been opened, and Ning'er let him pass.

Ye Jingtang really wanted to see what the previous dynasty had left behind, but Fairy Lu never came back, and Yuhu lay sick on his bed and didn't want to get up, and he would be gone if he left Yutan Villa A person who can carry the big beam can only wait here for this reason, and at the same time, I am a little worried about the safety of the real Xuanji.

Fortunately, after waiting for a long time, the figure that looked like a fairy reappeared outside the villa.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang greeted Benben who was playing football, and then quickly walked to the outside of the villa, asking:

"Why did you come back so late and encountered special circumstances?"

True Xuanji has indeed encountered a special situation, but she hasn't figured out the exact intention of Beiliang Pirates, and it's hard to say these things at the moment, so she just responded:
"The goods were transported to the car and horse dealership in Guantou Town. No leader showed up for a whole day. I can't figure out how many masters the Prince of Yan has under his command. It should be the incident of the Jiang thief yesterday that alerted the Prince of Yan. From the current investigation Judging from the general news, Yan Wangshizi should have sent people to buy medicinal materials from various tribes in the West Sea. The quantity is quite large, and there are probably other strange medicines; one of his subordinates is very special, and he has bone spurs on his body. I suspect it is a private guess. Jade Bone Figure's body is out of balance. But these are just speculations, and you should still rely on your own judgment to investigate further."

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, full of surprise: "Where did you come to these conclusions?"

"Information obtained from acquaintances in the various tribes of the West Sea."

Master Xuanji said this, thought for a while and said:

"If you want to deduce the picture of calling the dragon by yourself, you usually need a picture as an introduction. If there is no accident, the picture of the dragon and elephant that was stolen after the city was broken back then is in the hands of King Yan. King Yan relies on these masters of the rivers and lakes for his own use. You If you encounter an opponent, pay more attention to this aspect, Minglongtu is unreasonable and don't capsize in the gutter."

"Dragon Elephant Picture..."

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, and suddenly had some speculations about the origin of his dragon-elephant picture, but the picture is in his hands, these are irrelevant, and he will not say more now, watching Xuanji After the real man returned to the garden where the ball game was being held, he set off with the bird and came to the foot of the mountain first.

Since Zhe Yunli became a crazy girl last night, she has been recuperating in Mrs. Wang's courtyard, and she was back to normal in the morning. Because of her special status, she didn't dare to go up the mountain, so she obediently waited at the bottom of the mountain for most of the day.

At this time, in the courtyard where Wang Taiji lived temporarily, Mrs. Wang was imparting her experience to the wives who rushed over from the capital.

In the yard, the white-haired doctor Wang was doing health-preserving fists in the elegant environment, and said:

"This old man's boxing technique is the top boxing technique in the world. Although it can't hit people, it can make you live longer. Whether it's the three immortals or the eighth leader, it's just a passing cloud. Walking in the rivers and lakes can live to the end. It's a real skill..."

Zhe Yunli was wearing a waist-length skirt, and practiced slowly, learning quite seriously.

Seeing Ye Jingtang coming in from the door, Zhe Yunli calmed down and stood up straight:
"Cousin Jing, you are here."


Ye Jingtang first greeted the old doctor Wang, and then took Zheyunli to the door and asked:
"How's your body?"

Zhe Yunli patted her girlish chest:

"It's been done a long time ago. By the way, the black feather grass is really powerful, I don't even remember what I did last night..."

Ye Jingtang felt that Xiao Yunli remembered it completely, but he didn't point it out. After they walked out of the gate of Yutan Villa, they sped away along the official road and continued to be busy with the case of Prince Yan.

Afraid of missing important clues due to the long interval, Ye Jingtang immediately came to the car and horse dealership in Guantou Town, and asked Niao Niao and Yun Li to watch with binoculars from a distance, so as to follow the vines and catch Prince Yan's subordinates The lair where the master hid, but he hurried back to Beijing and came to the imperial city.
Inside the Imperial City, outside Cheng'an Hall.

Since the mechanism was opened, Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun waited for Ye Jingtang to come back in the garden. Because they waited for a long time, fearing that the mechanism would be discovered by the palace people, they took out the various files inside and put them in the temporary residence. In the room, the mechanism was closed again, and the lawn was treated, so as not to be seen as strange.

Ye Jingtang hurried back to the outside of Cheng'an Hall, and Luo Ning came over with a few pieces of paper:

"The mechanism is opened. I've sorted out the general news inside. It's not too important. Take a look."

Ye Jingtang took the paper and checked the beautiful handwriting on it:

"Daliang...Northwest Royal Court...Qinchibu...treasure...is that all?"

Luo Ning shrugged slightly: "The news that was outdated before Jiazi is completely useless. I don't think it's a big deal to send it to Bai Jin."

Ye Jingtang took the paper and looked it over carefully, then took the pendant with five beads over to look at it, thought for a while and said:
"Only I can use the Tianlangzhu. The Qinchi tribe disappeared after decades of encirclement and suppression. I feel that it may have something to do with me. I'll keep this bead for now. As for the other news... um...you press it first." Squeeze, send it to Pingtian Sect now, you have no reason to stay in the capital."

Luo Ning wanted to nod in agreement, but after thinking about it, she said:

"Staying in the capital in such a different way, Bai Jin will notice something is wrong sooner or later. You...you have to think of a way as soon as possible to solve this problem once and for all."

"Understood, I'll finish my current affairs and find a way to deal with the Pingtian leader. In the worst case, I will confess in private, and I will admit it even if I get beaten up."

Ye Jingtang put down his things, leaned over and tapped on Luo Ning's lips, then ran into the water pavilion to kiss Sanniang who was meditating, and set off again, heading out of the city...


Thank you [Zhi Drunk Gold Fan] boss for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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