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Chapter 258

Chapter 258

With the departure of Ye Jingtang, the stadium in Yutan Villa suddenly became deserted.

Dongfang Liren, who was originally full of fighting spirit, suddenly lost interest in this kind of children's play house game because he did not have Mr. Xinyi watching the battle.

And the queen mother, who is as nimble as a butterfly, no longer worked as hard as before, and started to walk lazily on the court to catch fish, or she was thinking about life when she was single-handed, which made Hongyu anxious.

Master Xuanji's only hobby is drinking big wine, and he has little interest in this kind of sports. After returning to the villa, he came to Xilongchi.

There are no outsiders in the huge hot spring pool, and there is a small case on the edge of the bath, which contains snacks, drinks and a few books.

The naked empress, half soaked in the pool, reads carefully with a book in her hand, with a graceful and dignified demeanor, she looks like a hard-working emperor who never forgets to worry about state affairs when he is sick.

But after Zhenji Xuanji entered, the empress naturally put away the book, pressed it under the serious book, and asked:
"Why is Master here?"

Master Xuanji sat sideways on the edge of the bath, picked up the jug and poured himself a glass:
"I went out for a stroll just now, and I met an acquaintance, the current king of the Dongming Division of the Western Seas, you should know it?"

The Dongming Division is one of the four major divisions in the West Sea. Although the distance is quite far away, it is impossible for the Empress, as the Son of Heaven, to not even know the main forces over there.

The tribes of the West Sea all have a long history of inheritance, among which the Dongming tribe and the Xuanhao tribe are said to be the descendants of the "Zhu Zong" who was in charge of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth in ancient times. The patriarch of the clan is known as "Secluded Silence", and until now the patriarch is called Zhu Zong by the tribe; while other tribes, the patriarch also has "Sima, Sikong" and other messy titles.

Although the origins of the tribes are all related, but after all, there are too many tribes in the Xihai tribes, and outsiders can't distinguish them at all, and because the people of the Xihai tribes are so tough that they can't be provoked, so the merchants collectively refer to the heads of the tribes as "kings", which is a kind of It is jokingly called and honored, not the actual princes and princes.

The empress heard the words and thought about it a little:

"The Fan family of the Winter Ming Department? She seems to have taken over the Winter Ming Department a few years ago. Why did she suddenly come to Yun'an?"

Master Xuanji picked up his wine glass and sipped his mouth: "All the tribes in the West Sea are full of rebellion, and each tribe wants to divide the territory and rebuild the Northwest Royal Court on their own, but because they are not convinced by each other, there is no one who can be the leader, and the North Liang is obstructing it, and it has always been a success." Not the climate.

"The Fan family still has deep grievances against Beiliang, and has been looking for the reason why the Tianlang King's family suddenly rose up. It seems that they want to follow suit. Last time in Wuzhou, I ran into Ye Jingtang by accident, and then moved my mind, probably because I wanted to Abduct Ye Jingtang to various tribes in the West Sea to become the princess..."

When the empress heard this, she shook her head and said:

"It's a good thing for Great Wei that the tribes of the West Sea rebelled against Beiliang, but Ye Jingtang can't give it to her, so let her not make a bad idea. The Dongming tribe has a high prestige among the tribes of the West Sea, and it may be useful in the future. Since it's here Well, Master, I'd better treat you well, don't neglect him."

Master Xuanji blinked and said with a smile:

"I have my own discretion. Apart from not being able to move around, she can do whatever else she wants..."


After the master and apprentice chatted for a long time, footsteps suddenly sounded outside the Dragon Washing Pool.


Seeing this, Master Xuanji stopped talking, got up and went to the garden outside the hot spring pool, but saw Dongfang Liren, who was still wearing a hunting suit, hurried over.

Seeing Dongfang Liren's face, Master Xuanji knew something was wrong, so he came to him and asked:

"Liren, something happened?"

Dongfang Liren's face was quite serious, and he brought Master Xuanji to a nearby tea pavilion before whispering:
"Just now a chief arrester ran over and said that in the hidden pile of Sanhe Town, he found a group of people settled down in the town. Among them, it was confirmed that there was the second head of the Hongshan Gang, 'Huatou Buddha', and the leader was a middle-aged man who looked polite. , it seems to be Jiang Zhahu..."

"Jiang Zahu..."

Master Xuanji's face darkened slightly when he heard this, knowing that the situation was not good-Ye Jingtang just killed Jiang Zhahu's sworn brother a few days ago, and the Hongshan gang rushed to the capital with all their strength at this time, they must be looking for Ye Jingtang to settle accounts of.

Now she and Ye Jingtang are guarding the Empress in shifts, if Jiang Zahu comes in to disrupt the situation at this time, there may be big troubles.

Master Xuanji thought for a while: "The Hongshan gang is only looking for personal revenge and has no courage to rebel. I will take someone to warn them."

Dongfang Liren thought for a while: "Jiang Zhahu is a cunning man, and he doesn't show his face all the year round. Now that he shows up, if Master and Ye Jingtang go over and kill him..."

Master Xuanji shook his head:

"I have been patrolling the capital for the past two days, and I found something strange. The son of Prince Yan may have a secret plan. Ye Jingtang and I are investigating, but we haven't figured out the exact intention yet. Ye Jingtang has run into Jiang Zhahu now. There must be a fight, and no matter whether you win or lose, there will be damage, which is not good for the safety of the Holy One. I will just drive Jiang Zahu away in the past, and I will settle with him later if I have any debts."

Dongfang Liren frowned slightly, thought for a while and said:
"There are few rumors of Jiang Zhahu fighting each other. His strength is unfathomable now. Master took Meng Jiao and the others to the past. I will call Ye Jingtang back first, so that the imperial army will step up their defenses..."



jingle bell~
At dusk, the camel bells sounded crisply in the old streets of Guantou Town.

In the window of a noodle shop, Niao Niao raised her head, looked at the big camel passing by from the corner of the window, and even turned her head to shake her wings: "Chi Chi Chi ~" Signaled to Ye Jing Tang, it seemed that he was staying in the capital It's been too long, and I miss the Northwest Desert a little bit.

Ye Jingtang was sitting by the window, wearing a bamboo hat, with a steaming bowl of egg noodles with chopped green onion in front of him, watching the big camels slowly passing by outside the door, his eyes were somewhat nostalgic.

In the fall of previous years, it was the peak season for Escort business. He should be running to the sandbar with all kinds of goods at this time, and he would take the Escort staff to eat roasted hump when he arrived.

Because the food in Honghe Town was not very good, those few days were basically equivalent to the Chinese New Year for Niao Niao, and she was looking forward to it every day.

Seeing that Niao Niao didn't eat any food and stared straight at the big camel, Ye Jingtang carried Niao Niao back and put it on the bench, comforting him:

"It's the camel that someone else transported. I can't eat it. I'll take you to eat roasted suckling pig when I'm done. The taste is no worse than roasted camel."


Zhe Yunli sat opposite, took the chopsticks and fed the poached egg into the beak of the bird, then looked at the caravan outside, whispered:
"Brother Jing, I feel that something is wrong with this camel caravan. It has been wandering around the street all afternoon, as if looking for someone."

Ye Jingtang also found that some merchants dressed in sandbars were not normal, but their whereabouts were not sneaky, and responded:

"It doesn't look like it's in a hurry. It's probably because my partner got drunk somewhere and lost contact. When I was walking darts, Lao Yang also liked to drink. Once he got too drunk and slept in the stable. Seven or eight of us almost turned the town upside down." Came here to find..."



After handing over the shift with Xuanji in the afternoon, the two of them stared at the goods in the carriage and horse shop, waiting for the big fish lurking behind the scenes to come and pick up the goods.

But after a day and a night, there was no abnormality in the carriage and horse shop. It was not until dusk that a carriage came from the direction of the capital, stopped outside the carriage and horse shop, and a middle-aged man dressed as a manager came down.

Ye Jingtang cheered up, observed secretly with Zhe Yunli, and found that this person looked quite normal. During the conversation, he lifted the oilcloth, took out a piece of sauce from the wooden barrel and inspected it carefully, and then hired him from the chariot and horse dealer A few people gathered and began to harness horses and carts.

Seeing this scene, the two wanted to secretly follow the convoy back to the capital and trace the whereabouts of the shipment.

But before the goods on the carriage were moved, Ye Jingtang found a fast horse running from the upper reaches, and immediately sat a hidden guard in casual clothes, and began to search around after arriving in the town.

Ye Jingtang was afraid of scaring the snake away, so he quickly got up and left the noodle shop, came to the entrance of an alley on the side of the street, and hooked his hands away.

Hoof hoof hoof...

The hidden guards on the horses may have been told, after discovering Ye Jingtang's trace, they did not run to the front with much fanfare, but only made a gesture to tell Ye Jingtang to return to the team quickly, and then turned the horse's head and left.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang knew that Yutan Villa had something important to look for him, so he had to go back to Yunli and told him:
"I'm going back to Yutan Mountain Villa. You and Niao Niao will follow in secret. Don't act rashly. Just run if you have something to do. I'll come when I'm done."

Zheyunli nodded, and nimbly led Niao Niao, quietly hiding in the market crowd.

After Ye Jingtang watched Yunli leave, without any delay, he sped upstream along the river.

Guantou Town was nearly [-] miles away from Yutan Villa, but with Ye Jingtang's foot strength, it didn't take long to return to Yutan Villa at full speed.

In order to prevent the empress from going wrong, Ye Jingtang and Xuanji are basically handed over seamlessly.

As soon as Ye Jingtang came to the Baishi Avenue outside the villa, he saw four people waiting at the gate of the villa. The leader was the real Xuanji wearing a veiled hat, and behind them were Meng Jiao, She Long, and Shang Jianli. Is to go out.

Ye Jingtang came to him, slightly puzzled:

"What happened?"

Master Xuanji pulled Ye Jingtang aside, leaned into his ear and whispered softly, recounted the information he had just received, and then said:
"Shi Yanfeng is dead, Jiang Zhahu will never let it go, I will send him away first. You will stay in Yutan Villa, remember not to show up and be found by the Hongshan Gang. At present, we must preserve our strength, and the safety of the Holy One is the most important thing. .”

Ye Jingtang didn't expect Jiang Zhahu to kill him so soon. If a martial artist of Jiang Zhahu's level wanted to run away with all his heart, there would be no way for a military leader to go there, and when two people went to Yutan Villa, no one would be in charge. A fight is unavoidable when going out on horseback, so the real Xuanji can only lead people there, and force Jiang Zhahu to leave later.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang exhorted:
"Go and come back quickly. Don't drink on the way. No matter what happens, don't move. I don't believe that Jiang Zahu dares to chase you."

"Of course I know that."

After Master Xuanji finished explaining, without any delay, she took the three of them out of the villa and flew towards the upper reaches of the Qingjiang River.

And Ye Jingtang entered the gate of the villa, just took a few steps, and felt that he and Master Xuanji were working in two shifts, it was really a bit incompetent, and things might go wrong after a long time.

After pondering for a while, Ye Jingtang turned around and came to the door, and called a black Yamen policeman over:
"Old Wang, come here."

"Master Ye has any orders?"

"I don't have any instructions, um... you take someone to the Baishi Bridge, and when you pass by the bridge, chat a few words' Yuquan River Estuary is a good nest, which is full of saury more than a foot long. No one goes to the mountains, and the mud can make a hole in the pole'."


The Black Ya arrester quickly blinked his eyes, a little puzzled:

"A nest made of mud? A saury over a foot long?"

"It's not important. Go ahead, remember to be natural and don't say it too deliberately."

"Understood, this subordinate will go now."

After Ye Jingtang watched the Hei Ya arrester run out of the door, he entered the door contentedly...
On the other side, above the Qingjiang River.

The wind on the river is gentle, and a small cargo ship full of cargo is sailing slowly upstream under the setting sun with its sails swollen.

The cargo ship carried the banner of merchants in the capital, and there were only two people who looked like boatmen walking on the deck.

And in the narrow cabin below the cargo ship, Zhong Sunyan with gray hair, holding a cloth bag in his hand, sprinkled the brown-yellow powder among many wooden barrels, saying:

"The evening wind blows to the northeast. As long as a few fires are lit, the thin smoke will flow straight towards Yutan Mountain. When the two thousand forbidden troops stationed near the mountain villa realize that something is wrong, there will already be chaos..."

In the cabin, Fang Shijie with a goatee looked at the Mid-Levels Manor in the distance with a telescope, with doubts on his brows:

"I just discovered something strange last night, so I'm going to do it directly today. Wouldn't it be too hasty?"

Zhong Sunyan shook his head and sighed: "Soldiers are valuable and fast, even if you don't understand this truth, you still want to support His Royal Highness to seize the imperial line?

"Thinking about the worst of everything, if the Jiang thief on the boat was caught last night, it was a member of the imperial court, and the trace of the black feather grass had been found, then an extra day of delay would be an extra day for the imperial court to prepare.

"I've already arrived, and the weather is suitable. If you don't do anything now, what are you waiting for?"

Fang Shijie thought for a while, then frowned and said, "Yutan Villa has a secret room for refuge, and the Broken Dragon Stone can't get in if it falls down. If Longshi makes another move, he hasn't found a chance yet, if he does it directly, he can only work together to break the door, if he doesn't open it..."

"As long as I can stop the masters around the empress, how can I be blocked by a stone while waiting for so many people?"

After Zhong Sunyan arranged the leads, he stood up:
"This old man is an expert in Yin people, and he can see the situation clearly. It is very risky to act now, but there will definitely be no more suitable opportunity than now. The most taboo in doing things is to look forward and backward. If you don't have the guts, we will just stop and just be nothing. It has never happened, His Royal Highness is still a prince, I can also take the money and leave, so I don't have to take this risk again."

Fang Shijie rubbed his fingers lightly, and after a moment of silence, sighed softly:
"The arrow is already on the string, so there is no reason to retreat."

Zhong Sunyan nodded slightly, then took out the fire pack, lit a stick of incense, put it at the end of the lead wire, then turned and left...
On the other side, in a manor along the Qingjiang River.

The manor is the private property of Prince Yan's son. It was bought several years ago. You can see Yutan Mountain and Furong Pond in the distance, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

At this time, in the observation building at the back of the manor, the elegant Dongfang Shuoyue spread out her arms at the window, letting her followers wear dark golden armor, while looking through the bead curtain, looking at the majestic mountain villa in the distance, that is the world The commanding height of power is also the position he has been living under the fence for ten years, and he yearns to sit every night.

Now that success or failure depends on today's battle, Dongfang Shuoyue had already made up his mind, but he still felt a little uneasy in his eyes, and asked:

"The news you released, is it sure that Xuanji can be lured away?"

The room was quite spacious, and outside the door were more than [-] warriors dressed in black, all of whom were recruited by the green bandits and their subordinates.

Teng Tianyou, who was the green bandit's connector, sat down after the long case, with the architectural layout diagram of Yutan Villa in front of him, and responded:
"There is an eyeliner planted in the Hongshan gang. On the day Shi Yanfeng and the others had an accident, I sent the news to the Hongshan gang. In order to save his brother, Jiang Zahu did indeed bring the second boss. It is said that he also brought 10 taels of silver notes." , I guess I want to redeem Shi Yanfeng. I sent Jiang Zhahu's whereabouts to the imperial court. If the imperial court ignores it, is it possible to wait for Jiang Zahu to knock on the door of the Night Jing Hall?

"Ordinary people are not qualified to talk to Jiang Zhahu. Master Yejingtang and Xuanji must pass one. If you are lucky, maybe both of them will pass. The only person who can sit in Yutan Villa is the empress herself. If the empress has no combat power, it is equivalent to Empty City..."

Dongfang Shuoyue shook her head and said, "According to the report from the eunuch at Yutan Villa, Yejingtang and Xuanji are on patrol in shifts, and there is no gap. Usually the defense is so tight that the empress does not have any ability to protect herself, so one of the two warriors will definitely be left behind." By his side. If real Xuanji is left behind, what chance does Daxia Lu have of winning?"

On the opposite side of Teng Tianyou was also a long table, behind which sat an old man in a brocade robe wearing a cloak, his eyes were quite calm:

"With the old man risking his life, Ye Jingtang and Master Xuanji are not to be feared, and the two of them are sure to stop them together."

The old man in brocade robe spoke wildly, even a little arrogantly, but everyone didn't laugh at him. After all, the old man's name was Lu Jieyun, and he was the absolute overlord who ruled Yanzhou's rivers and lakes for half a year.

Among the eight chiefs, Lu Jieyun ranked first from the bottom, and he didn't even have the title of "Knife Chief and Sword Master". It is not respectful to call him "Yanzhou Overlord" and "Yanshan Eagle King". The direct is 'Lu Paopao' and 'Lu Busheng'.

Because Lu Jieyun is good at lightness kungfu and body skills, no one can touch him with confidence, and he also dare not touch other martial arts leaders. Basically, he is the first to persuade anyone he meets. To be honest, his reputation is not very good.

Lu Jieyun was a 'late bloomer'. At first, he spared no effort to climb up like an ordinary warrior, and then relied on his unrivaled lightness kung fu and body skills to win the position of the eighth leader in his early thirties. He should have been famous and deserved the honor.

But when he got to the top of the mountain, he found that he had become a 'Phoenix Tail', ranked No.11 among the top ten masters, and now he was the oldest and the youngest of the eight masters, without even a decent name. For those who have climbed to the top of the mountain, it is unacceptable.

For this reason, after Lu Jieyun sat on the position of the overlord of Yanzhou, he did not rest on his laurels, but continued to climb up, hoping that one day he could take a step forward, get rid of the title of the youngest of the eight chiefs, and become the eight chiefs The top three.

But this road is obviously difficult. Lu Jieyun met King Yan when he was searching and couldn't find the direction, and learned the "Dragon Elephant Picture" from King Yan.

Lu Jieyun specializes in lightness kung fu, the number of methods has been determined, and the strength is definitely not strong, and the dragon elephant map is a treasure that can be reborn. After Lu Jieyun learned it, his frontal combat power has indeed improved.

However, there are also disadvantages in the Dragon Crying Picture, which takes too long to practice, and it has obvious shortcomings, such as the Dragon Elephant Picture. If you practice for too long, the strength is too strong, and the bones will not be able to hold the flesh. It is possible to punch out and break your own bones first. pull off.

Lu Jieyun got the Dragon Crying Picture from the King of Yan, so he couldn't spread the news, and the court couldn't give him the Jade Bone Picture. The dead end.

Before embarking on this road of no return, Lu Jieyun, like all the forerunners, felt that relying on his own talent and understanding, nothing would happen.

But afterwards, like all pioneers, it was too late to discover the problem.

There is no such thing as thinking about only one piece of the picture of calling the dragon by yourself, because "muscles, bones, skin, spirit, spirit" is a complete set, you can practice three or six, and only two can't produce a qualitative change.

Lu Jieyun is not as greedy as the empress, he only pondered the three pictures of muscles, bones and skin by himself, but he is not as good at understanding as the empress, and the mistakes made are much more obvious.

About ten years ago, Lu Jieyun noticed dull pain in his bones all over his body, and then he began to grow bone spurs, some of which even pierced his internal organs.

With the certainty of death, he had no choice but to take the risk and deduce the bathing fire map, and then every once in a while, he would slice open the flesh, file off the bone spurs, and then use the self-developed bathing fire map to recover from his injuries.

Ordinary people can't even imagine how terrifying the pain of skin and bones is. Lu Jieyun wants to turn back, but his body has changed, and he can't return to the original state at all. It is to be completely insane in the skin and bones again and again, and the premise is that there are no mistakes in the other dragon calls.

Lu Jieyun knew that now was not the time to seize the reunification, but he was over 60 years old and couldn't afford to wait any longer. For this reason, he could only carry King Yan behind his back, conspired with the prince of Yan and the green bandits, and came to the capital to fight to the death.

After Lu Jieyun finished speaking, he looked at Dongfang Shuoyue again and asked:
"However, after a desperate fight, the old man may not live long. If the son is sure that the empress is dead, can he get the Jade Bone Map?"

Dongfang Shuoyue nodded: "The empress has no heirs, if she dies violently, the Great Wei will be without a leader. I have already sent someone to inform my father that the matter has come to an end. My father has no choice but to rush into Beijing to fight for the throne. As long as the father arrives at the capital, the overall situation will be settled, and borrowing the Jade Bone Map is not just a matter of saying..."

There are two young people standing behind Lu Jieyun, one is Lu Jieyun's closed disciple Xu Tianying, the young master of Jieyun Palace, Lu Jieyun's recognized heir, less than [-] years old and has already been hailed as the future overlord of Yanzhou.

And the other one beside him is Tang Yudan who just came back from Tiannan, the second senior brother of Jieyun Palace, who is older than Xu Tianying, but weaker in strength, and is usually trained towards the head of the family who is in charge of financial affairs, and is also a direct descendant.

Tang Yudan heard several people discuss success or failure. After a long silence, he suddenly interrupted:
"When he came back from Tiannan, Cao Aning said, 'I'd rather meet Fengguancheng than see Yeyan Wang', and said that Ye Jingtang is very lucky, let us be careful. I asked him to come to the capital too, and he said unless Ye Jing Tang is dead, otherwise he will never set foot in the capital..."

Dongfang Shuoyue put on the dark gold visor and turned around:

"Cao Aning is a man with deep plans, he is timid and afraid to take risks. If Ye Jingtang is as powerful as he said, how did he walk out of the capital safely and with his subordinates last time?"

Seeing the sky getting dark, Teng Tianyou stood up:

"It's almost time, it's useless to talk, let's go. I hope that everyone will come back safe and sound to celebrate tomorrow morning."

Lu Jieyun stood up wearing a cloak, glanced at the Yutan Villa in the distance, and said after a moment of silence:
"Tianying, Yudan, don't follow, go to Guankou Town and wait to pick up His Royal Highness. If you don't come back as a teacher, you can go to Beiliang to settle down. Don't think about revenge. People like Ye Jingtang will kill you for your teacher. If you don’t kill them, you will never be able to kill them, don’t follow the old path of being a teacher.”

In fact, Xu Tianying didn't advise Master to take the risk from the very beginning, but he also knew that Master had nowhere to go, so he just bowed his head and led his younger brother back.

And Dongfang Shuoyue was wearing a dark golden armor, took a Changshuo from the attendant, wiped the black Shuofeng with her fingers, and sighed softly:
"If everything succeeds, the crown prince, if things fail, the swallow will never return. If you fail again, you will be buried in Yun'an. This hard life is the end anyway. Let's go and meet my two cousins..."

dong dong dong...

The sound of footsteps was like thunder, and within a short while, the huge courtyard was empty...


Thank you [Luonan Ling] for your rewards!

I recommend "My Fairy Beast Can't Be This Cute".Get its approval, and fight with it.Make it delicate and make a pact!

(End of this chapter)

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