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Chapter 263

Chapter 263
The night was getting darker, and the courtyard at the foot of the mountain was brightly lit. Several doctors gathered in the courtyard to discuss countermeasures, while Ye Jingtang stood at the door and watched the situation in the room.

There were quite a lot of people in the room, and Fan Qinghe was carefully preparing the medicine in front of the desk. The bird might be hungry, so he stood on the edge of the table and looked at the bottles and cans, wanting to get a taste of it, but he didn't know this person. Sister Hua girl didn't dare, so she could only keep showing off her cuteness, trying to arouse the other party's appetite.

And beside the bed, Dongfang Liren stood with his hands behind his back, his face was full of sorrow, and he sighed silently from time to time.

Mrs. Wang was sitting on the head of the bed, holding the empress dowager in her arms, she called softly:

"Empress Dowager? Empress Dowager?"

The real Xuanji sat beside him, holding a bowl of nutritious porridge in his hand. After blowing on it with a spoon, he brought it to the empress dowager's white red lips. You could see that the empress dowager swallowed instinctively, but there was no sign of waking up. .

Ye Jingtang looked at it silently, and after waiting for an unknown amount of time, Fan Qinghe, who was sitting in the room, got up and came to him with a bowl of medicine and several wrapped medicine powders:
"This is Huayu powder. Take it with warm water once in the morning and evening. It has a miraculous effect on internal injuries."

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren turned around, walked up to him and took the medicine bowl:
"Please trouble Ms. Fan. Ms. Fan is an envoy of the Ministry of Winter and Darkness. I am ashamed that I have not fulfilled my friendship as a landlord when I came all the way. I will ask Master to arrange a place for the girl later... "

"No need!"

Fan Qinghe finally escaped from the cell, but he didn't want to be sent back by the witch, so he slightly raised his hand and said:
"It's fine for me to live next door, and I can take care of it in time if there is a situation."

Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun couldn't speak, seeing that Zheyunli and Yejingtang were going to run to the villa, Luo Ning stepped forward and said:

"Shocking cousin..."

The female empress's talent is the best in the world, and there are not many mistakes in her derivation. After adjusting the wrong parts of the bathing fire map, and using the method again, the two white hairs on her head disappeared almost in the blink of an eye. The consumption of essence and blood has also been greatly reduced, which is completely different from before.

Fan Qinghe shook his head: "There are many ways to wake people up from a coma. But the empress dowager's physical condition is not optimistic, and she can't stand the toss at all. Taking strong medicine will only backfire. For now, I can still nourish it slowly with soup and porridge. , wait for the body to recover and see the situation."

Ye Jingtang was quite moved, but now he didn't dare to move at all.

Because bones don't grow as fast as flesh and blood, Lu Jieyun can barely survive by rubbing off bone spurs.


In the middle of the night, the courtyard was dimly lit, and countless dark guards and chief arresters stood guard outside the courtyard, almost forming a human wall, ensuring that no mosquito would even try to get even half a step closer.

Ye Jingtang has never been outside the customs, so he can't take the queen mother and leave directly, and he didn't refuse:

"You're so injured, and you still let you go out? Even if you have the ability, the court can't use it to death..."


"I'll take you back to your room to rest, it's getting so late."

While Zhe Yunli was speaking, he raised Ye Jingtang's sleeves to look at him, and then wanted to tear off his collar to look inside, just like senior brother Worrying Xinyi's little junior sister.

"This is the Palace of the Son of Heaven, it is not suitable for us to go in. You are all injured, so you can't go home now?"

After arriving in a good room and closing the door, Luo Ning supported Ye Jingtang and lay down on the bed, slightly annoyed:
"Do you need to work so hard for the court?"

The villa is in a mess, it's really inconvenient, seeing this, Ye Jingtang stopped and said softly:
"Lu Jieyun led people to kill him, and used a strange poison to imprison the dragon miasma, and accidentally injured the empress dowager. The situation is not good now. I may have to leave immediately, and go outside the Liangzhou Pass..."

"Prince Jing has his own plans for this matter, let's wait until the Queen Mother returns safely."

Ye Jingtang walked through the building complex, and before he reached the gate of the villa, he saw three figures, pacing back and forth outside the gate of the villa, and when he saw him, he ran over anxiously:

Seeing someone nearby, Dongfang Liren wanted to resist, but he couldn't bear it anymore, so he raised his hand and patted Ye Jingtang's back: "This king has his own measure, go and rest." Then he separated and went back to the house inside.

"His Royal Highness also rests early, and you can call me anytime if you need anything."

In the bedroom, the Empress of the Wei Dynasty was wearing a black and red dragon robe, sitting cross-legged on an arhat couch made of golden silk, and on the small case at hand, there were three pieces of gold paper, which were jade bones, dragon elephants, and bath robes. fire map.

Peeking out of the corner of the eye—Ning'er, who was originally full of anxiety, saw the scene of the teacher's wife's crime, her head tilted slightly, her face turned blue, but immediately became anxious again, and she was a little wronged.

When Pei Xiangjun heard this, he was a little anxious, looked back, and whispered:

"Shocking cousin!"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said: "It's just a matter of duty, it hasn't been done yet, the safety of the Empress Dowager is still uncertain..."

Ye Jingtang consumed a lot of energy and suffered internal and external injuries. He was able to survive until now purely by willpower. After he came out of the yard, he supported the wall with his hands and rubbed his forehead, then walked towards the villa.

Luo Ning virtuously helped take off the boots, and untied Ye Jingtang's skirt to check the injury:

"I don't blame you for this matter, you have done your best. You have to go out non-stop after a big battle without resting. It is the court who treats you badly."

The empress turned to face Ye Jingtang, sized up the injury, took another step forward, and raised her hand to help arrange the robe she had put on casually:
"I should have a rest tonight, explain something. I've worked hard today."

At the same time, behind the villa.

Take Lu Jieyun as an example. The Jade Bone Diagram has been practiced crookedly, changing the underlying frame of the body and causing bone spurs. Using the bathing fire map to restore the bone spurs and the wounds poked by the bone spurs will also restore the bone spurs and the wounds poked by the bone spurs, falling into an endless loop, rather than eliminating the bone spurs into a normal human skeleton.

After Ye Jingtang succeeded just now, it took some time to fully memorize the flow of luck, but the current method of operation, the difference is only that the injuries that could not be recovered before can be recovered on their own now, and the recovery speed is not much different. Like Lu Jieyun, there will be an immediate effect, but it will take time to slowly expand and stabilize the energy channels.

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes and turned his head:
"How can we say that there was a misunderstanding? We are stealing behind her back...uh..."


The empress straightened her skirt, looked into Ye Jingtang's eyes, and asked:

Fortunately, this situation is not fatal. After thinking for a while, the empress opened her eyes, got up and put on a red cloak, and then quietly left the courtyard.

"I just feel that something is wrong outside, just open my eyes to see the situation..."

But now that there is a real picture, what the empress needs to do is not to learn, but to use it as a model, to carefully compare every detail, and to adjust the wrong parts of her derivation.


Luo Ning's face darkened, she propped her upper body on her elbows, looked down coldly, until Ye Jingtang shut up angrily, and then said:
"Who cheated on me? It was you who belittled me first, and then I did it to help you. Every time you were soft-hearted, I took the initiative that time? If you want to steal, you stole from me. I will tell the truth when Bai Jin kills me. Look at how she treats you..."

The empress of Wei practiced six pictures of calling dragons, five of which were deduced by herself. She knew that there was a problem, but the previous deduction was perfect enough, and she didn't know which tiny air channel the problem was. Don't dare to adjust it any more.

Soon, there was movement in the room.

"It's not that I don't have legs, so why don't you give me something. You go back and continue to flirt with the girl. I'm sorry for disturbing your elegant mood by visiting the door in the middle of the night."

"Is Lu Jieyun crazy? I can't even figure out why he dares to bring people here to assassinate..."

"Get ready to whistle."

Ye Jingtang, dressed in black, walked out of the room lightly, and came to him:
"I'm fine. Just now Ning'er came to visit, chatted a few words and fell asleep..."

After watching for an unknown amount of time, the man in the room seemed to be sleeping uncomfortably. He raised his hand and pulled his pants, then opened his eyes and looked at the glamorous beauty beside him, as if he wanted to lean in for a kiss.

But the only pity is that the bathing fire picture can heal injuries, but it cannot restore the physical changes brought about by other dragon call pictures.

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren stopped being polite and asked again:
"As long as the empress dowager wakes up, it will definitely be cured. If you add the medicine to the porridge..."

"Contact Liang Zhoutang and inquire about the sources of information in advance, mainly from the Hongshan Gang, and it may be useful at that time."

As the night approached, the chaos inside and outside the villa had subsided. The palace ladies and imperial guards who had been running around were exhausted after the medicinal herbs receded. The guards around the villa had been replaced by the imperial guards from the capital.

After studying it for a while, Ye Jingtang also found that this picture not only restores the injuries, but also all the negative states of the body, as well as the effect of 'replenishing blood and promoting essence'.

Zhe Yunli didn't doubt that he was there, so he took the waist card and ran out to follow Sanniang.

Ye Jingtang leaned against the pillow, his eyes helpless:
"Hero Qiu has been fished out, and the secret room under the Palace of Cheng'an has also been opened, why don't you take care of me. If I finish the matter in two days quickly, you have to go back right away..."


The empress felt that Ye Jingtang's Yaxing was disturbed, she shook her head secretly, raised her hand to check, and then went to the veranda.

But the picture of bathing in fire does not come alive immediately at a glance, Pei Xiangjun thought for a while:
"The situation is so chaotic now, and you are on the cusp of the storm. It is too dangerous to set off without recuperating. I will go back and contact someone, and I will escort you along with you. The Dahonghualou, I can't keep letting you, the young master, go to the rivers and lakes alone..."

Ye Jingtang moved his hands and feet passively, and it was impossible to push Xiao Yunli away who was full of concern. He just raised his hand and rubbed Yunli's head, comforting:
"Don't worry, I'm fine, let's go in."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang took out a sign from his waist and handed it to Yun Li beside him:
"The situation outside is quite chaotic. You follow Sanniang. If you have anything to do, come and contact me anytime. I will discuss the itinerary with your mistress."

After Ye Jingtang took the medicine bowl and drank it down, he thought for a while, hugged Dongfang Liren, and patted his back with his palm:

"What's wrong? Thirsty?"

Dongfang Liren sighed secretly, watched Fan Qinghe turn back, then blew on the medicine bowl, tasted it himself, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, handed it to Ye Jingtang:
"You just went through a bloody battle, and your body is exhausted too much. After taking the medicine, go back to your room to heal your injuries. It's fine to have me and Master here."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly, moved close to the two of them and whispered a few words, talking about the picture of bathing in fire.

Zhe Yunli, who was dressed as a little chivalrous girl, saw Ye Jingtang being beaten up like this, and was equally impatient. He passed the two elders to come to Ye Jingtang, and didn't care whether he would be spanked by his wife and held Ye Jingtang Don's hands anxiously said:


"Ha ha……"

Luo Ning didn't want to talk nonsense because there were forbidden soldiers and maids walking around in the villa, but she just listened to Ye Jingtang's recounting of the big and small things that happened in the villa.

Zheyunli found that something was wrong in the city, so she ran to the imperial city as soon as possible, but after contacting Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun and rushing to Yutan Villa, the chaos was over, the inside was too chaotic and the army blocked the surrounding area, they He didn't dare to rush in rashly, until the order was restored just now, and he was able to report to the house and come in.

Another example is a person born with six fingers, the sixth finger is cut off, and the bathing fire map is run, it must be restored to six intact fingers, not the extra fingers.

When the two heard this, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief—as long as there is a picture of bathing in fire, they are not afraid of falling into the root cause of the disease, and there is really nothing serious about it.

Seeing the bandage marks on Ye Jingtang's hands, shoulders, and feet, Luo Ning's tears were about to come out, and he wanted to run up to hold Ye Jingtang's hand and look at it, but he was afraid that Yunli might notice something wrong, so he hesitated.

When Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun said goodbye to Ye Jingtang in the afternoon, Ye Jingtang was still safe and sound and pouted to touch the watermelon, but when they saw each other again, Ye Jingtang already looked vain and lonely. The contrast was as if they had changed. As a pillow person, how can I not worry about it.

"When things happen, no one can do anything about it. It's not that I want to lick blood..."

"I...you show me, I will learn naturally, if you don't show me, I don't care~...You little thief can't force me to do anything..."

"Oh, I see, I really came to my door to explain, and I admitted it after beating me up. Let's rest first, I am really exhausted today..."

"Last time, whatever I said was enough to satisfy you. You asked the people around you to learn the Jade Bone Diagram. How should I thank you this time? How about I ask King Jing to let you be the son-in-law of the Great Wei?"

The empress blinked her eyes when she saw this scene, and didn't go in to disturb her, she just quietly looked at the stern face in front of the window.

Zhe Yunli checked for a long time, and the more he saw the more injuries, he didn't dare to let Ye Jingtang stand here, so he walked in with his arms very considerately:

Changqingtu is responsible for the "qi" of the person, which acts on the internal organs of the human body. When the internal organs are healthy, the energy in the body is sufficient, and the person is naturally radiant and youthful; otherwise, the energy is weak, and the complexion is yellow and sick.

When Ye Jingtang touched the pillow, he didn't want to move anymore. Facing his daughter-in-law's reprimand, he said softly:

Pei Xiangjun nodded, turned around and walked out quickly without any delay.

Luo Ning didn't heave a sigh of relief until Zhe Yunli and Pei Sanniang disappeared from sight, and walked quickly to the front, holding Ye Jingtang's arm like Yun Li, and entered the gate of the villa:
"How is your injury? What happened just now?"

But when the man just pouted, he saw her from the window out of the corner of his eye, and then he pretended to be awakened in a smooth manner, and his eyes looked over unexpectedly, probably meaning—Miss Yuhu, why are you here?

Pei Xiangjun was extremely worried, and was taken aback by this scene. She and Luo Ning belonged to the same generation, and Ning'er was preempted by her apprentice. Standing in front of Luo Ning, who could pretend to be an elder, looked at a pair of young men with complicated eyes.

The man was lying on his back and seemed to have settled down, while the beautiful woman beside him was lying on her side on the pillow, her eyes were closed, her brows were full of tenderness.

The Great Wei Empress really couldn't find any faults, so she didn't ask any more questions at the moment, she raised her hand, took a piece of Pisces Pendant from her waist, and hung it on Ye Jingtang's waist:
"This is a fortune-telling item given to me by my mother. As long as I wear it, I can turn bad luck into good luck. I haven't encountered any troubles that I can't solve after I got it, so I always wear it on my body. Let me borrow it from you now, come back Remember to pay me back later."

Ye Jingtang was covered in bruises, and his body couldn't bear it if he wanted to move his mind at this time, so he just turned his head and poked his forehead on the cold and beautiful cheeks, then closed his eyes, and began to think about the picture of bathing in fire.

"If I knew it earlier, I should have taken you back to Pingtian Sect. You agreed before that you were just people from the Jianghu, and you would help both sides. As a result, you ignored the affairs of Pingtian Sect and risked your life to fight for the affairs of the court. If you continue to fight, It's time to live in the West Palace and become a queen..."

"It's nothing... This picture of bathing in fire is really domineering, do you want to learn it?"

The Empress pushed to five pictures on her own, Dragon Elephant and Bathing Fire are no problem, but the three pictures of Jinlin, Changqing and Mingshen still have problems that cannot be confirmed, and they have to find a way to find the real picture to adjust.

"You check the situation, what are you talking about?"

"I don't think I'll be alive soon, so come over and take a gamble..."

Ye Jingtang is really not easy to make these jokes at present, after slightly nodding, he turned around and said:

Although there are still great risks, but now that I have the Fire Bathing Map, I can use it freely. After all, I have to be too insured. As long as it remains the same, the accident will only cause the body to slowly develop disease due to other maps, and it is impossible to die suddenly on the spot. With more time.

Luo Ning was taken aback for a moment, then turned to face Ye Jingtang:
"That's a good idea... But one after another, she finds reasons not to go back, and follows you around all day, Bai Jin must have misunderstood..."

There was no light in the room, and through the gap in the window, a man and a woman could be seen lying on the bed.

The method of refining Qi and body in the picture of Minglong, all the pictures show that the longer the time, the stronger the effect, and the picture of bathing in fire is the same.

The villa was in a mess, and in the middle of the night, except for the patrolling guards, no one was seen walking around.

The empress came to a house without a sound. She wanted to enter it, but when she heard that her breathing was not right, she stopped and only looked at the window quietly.

The empress nodded slightly, thought for a while, then moved closer, and whispered softly in her ear:
"Okay, let's talk when we come back. I'll wait for your triumphant return in Beijing. As long as the Queen Mother is safe, I will grant your two wishes. You can do whatever you want. I won't tell Liren."

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes and said:

"I was scared to death just now. I thought you were tricked by others... It's all my fault. I was too busy following you and forgot to check the wooden barrel. If I found out earlier, how could I be tricked by those people... How is your injury? ? Is there any serious problem?"



Because the surrounding areas of Xilongchi were affected by disasters, it was no longer possible to live there. After appeasing the panic-stricken courtiers, the empress came to live temporarily in an elegant courtyard.

Ye Jingtang sighed softly, and pulled the icy Ning'er to lie down beside him:
"Didn't you dig a map under the imperial city? You just said that I found the clues, and I'm going to find the emperor's sword and the jade seal..."

Luo Ning felt something strange, opened her eyes and asked in doubt:

Luo Ning saw that Ye Jingtang was really exhausted, so she stopped talking, bowed her head and nodded on her lips, then wrapped her arms around Ye Jingtang and lay down in front of her:
"Sleep well and don't think about it."

When Luo Ning heard that Ye Jingtang was about to run to Liangzhou, her expression was naturally a bit complicated. She glanced at Ye Jingtang and hesitated to speak.

As a result of this hesitation, a shadow flashed past beside him with a "shua--".

After sitting cross-legged for a long time, the empress gradually regained her former brilliance, but the exhaustion in her body did not disappear. She pondered for a while, the problem should be in the Evergreen Picture.

It is estimated that there is no refractory period when running this method when you are not injured. As long as you are not hungry, you can continue to work, which is quite scary...

"It's the prince of Yan who lost his mind..."

"So what can I do if I don't go back? You ran to Liangzhou after being injured like this, and Ping'er was squatting at home as an eyeliner. I don't even have a reason to follow you there. It's better to go back to live in Nanxiao Mountain..."

? !
After Ye Jingtang noticed this, he opened his eyes showing some surprise, first lowered his head to take a look, then looked at Ning'er next to him, and then closed his eyes again.

Because of this piece of Pisces pendant, Ye Jingtang was forced into Canyang Pond and bumped into the naked big stupid. After looking down, he said with a smile:

"Okay. You should be careful in everything in the capital. I'll go and come back soon."

"Well, take care along the way."

Double-faced Yan Luo Zhen Qingcang, smashing the dragon elephant and beheading the eagle king!
Volume Four: The Heavenly Yama Volume (End)
Volume [-]: To be determined...

(End of this chapter)

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