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Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Summer went to autumn, and as time entered August, the weather gradually became a bit cooler, and the number of caravans on the official road increased several times compared with the scorching summer.

On the vast plain in the northwest of Yunzhou, there are golden ears of rice on the left and right. A straight official road leads to the far northwest. The breeze brings golden waves among the rice fields and blows the bells on the camels' necks.

jingle bell~~ jingle bell~~
The caravan pulling several carts of silk and satin was moving fast on the official road, surrounded by more than a dozen bodyguards, and behind them were several carriages. Sometimes the curtains were raised to reveal the faces of the women in the carriages, and whispered chatter came from the carriages. Come:
"Wuguan is in front, right? I often see it on the map, but this is the first time I have come here. The last time Miss Fan entered the pass, did she go here?"

"Yeah, now that the two countries are in business, the caravans are all going from Liangzhou and Yanzhou. There are too many mountains in Yazhou. The last time I came here alone, I went there..."


"What are you talking about? I ate two boxes of jerky, and I'm fat like a ball..."



In the carriage at the end, Ye Jingtang was still wrapped in bandages, sitting cross-legged on the small couch. After a period of meditation and exercise, he took a break halfway, raised the curtain of the carriage, and looked at the wilderness that he had seen once.

After waiting for a while, Ye Jingtang did not come in. The Empress Dowager couldn't hold back any longer, so she turned to look at the small case next to her.

These words came from the mouths of people in the Jianghu. It is a bit funny to be true, but it is no wonder Tang Yudan.

After inspecting for a while, Ye Jingtang went to the street stall again, ordered some roast lamb legs, and asked:
"Beiliang is far away, and Honghe Town's news is blocked, and there are not many rumors that can be heard. How is the situation in the rivers and lakes over there? Are there any powerful people?"

Sanniang didn't have time to mobilize people to prepare for the night, so she waited for Song Chi and others to come over in Yun'an; Ning'er wanted to give Pingtian Jiaozhu a breath, and accompany Sanniang in the capital, and then meet up in Honghe Town Let's go out together.

"Young master, don't worry, this time I'll fill a carload of water..."

As for the real Xuanji, because the empress's physical condition is still unstable, she can't leave without authorization, and it may take some time before she comes to help.

The waterways of the Great Wei extend in all directions, except for Liangzhou and Shazhou. Caravan, Ye Jingtang wants to return to his hometown, and he has to take the caravan by land as he did when he came.

"Old Yang, watch carefully. Prepare enough water. You can't see it after crossing the Wuguan River. Last time I came here, I almost died of thirst..."

Dongfang Liren, as the prince of Wei, naturally didn't like this, and retorted:
"I think the Northern Liang is no match for the Great Wei. The national teacher Lu Taiqing has been guarding the northern border all year round. None of the four sages of the Northern Liang dared to take half a step into the Great Wei, especially the Zuo Xianwang Li Qie, who is not capable enough to be crazy. As a result, the national teacher invited him to Yashan to discuss Taoism, but he did not come to the door after waiting for several years..."

? !
The three of them paused for a while, then their eyes showed ecstasy, and they hurried to the carriage...
Earlier, in the carriage.

And Ye Jingtang has used the bath fire map and nourishing medicine these days to recuperate the injury without leaving home. The external injury has basically healed, and the internal injury has also healed a lot. I am afraid that it will be completely recovered in ten days. Seeing that the Queen Mother is still alive It got a little bit better, but it went from bad to worse, how happy I was.

"Liangzhou Jianghu is so blatantly skinned and boned and hung on the side of the road. Are you really afraid that the government will make trouble?"

The caravan has a lot of people. In the front are She Long and Shang Jianli who are pretending to be bodyguards. The old bodyguard Yang Chao is leading the way because he is familiar with the route; The staff led by Qinghe, the clan elder Jiang Laojiu of the Dongming tribe and others.

When Fan Qinghe met Ye Jingtang, Ye Jingtang was already a big figure in the imperial court, and he didn't know Ye Jingtang's past, seeing Ye Jingtang walking around the caravan, he checked the preparations for no man's land quite familiarly , came to the front and said curiously:

The scene at the end of the field of vision was distorted by the rising heat wave. As far as the eye could see, except for a white bone with its right hand pointing to the northwest hanging on the roadside, it was difficult to see half a living thing.

Xu Tianying commented on this: "Killing tigers and devouring wolves, using barbarians to control barbarians, this method is no different from raising Gu. No wonder Liangzhou is so poor, but the masters are as good as clouds in Tiannan Yanzhou."

Hu Yanjing didn't look good at all. After spitting on the ground, he raised his hand and nodded:
"Don't think that I don't know, you are a hidden stake released by the empress, deliberately wandering among the kings, inciting the kings to rebel..."

The empress dowager, who had put on the clothes of a noble lady, was lying flat on the couch in the carriage, but she never showed signs of waking up; while the round and jade-like red jade was kneeling beside her, tired from taking care of two patients at the same time. fell asleep.

The caravan set off from Yun'an, and five days had passed in the blink of an eye. After passing Wuguan, there were no straight official roads and town supplies. What greeted the team was a wasteland of more than 200 miles, and then they arrived at Liangzhou. The harder it is to walk, the slower the forward speed will be.

Dongfang Liren pulled Niao Niao, who was about to jump on the stove, and interjected:
"The population of the Northern Liang territory is not less than that of the Great Wei Dynasty, so there are naturally many masters. However, there is only one 'No. Beiliang came, but Fengguancheng went to Tiannanhai Sea, and made it clear that he would no longer interfere with the common affairs of the two dynasties..."

"Sitting in the carriage for so many days, my whole body is sore, so come out for a walk."

"steamed stuffed bun……"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of surprises, he jumped into the carriage quickly, helped the empress dowager who was stuffed with pastries and couldn't speak clearly, and picked up the water glass from the side:

Cao Aning quickly raised his hand, quickly ran to the horse, took out a stack of bank notes from his sleeve, and said in a low voice:
"I came here this time because I want to go to the King of Liang. Behind me are Xu Tianying and Tang Yudan, both of whom are the direct heirs of Yanzhou Jieyun Palace. There are also some masters of Jieyun Palace rushing here. Small power; and I know a lot of secrets about the capital, which will be of great use to the King of Liang, and I would like to ask Lord Hu to pass on a message..."



"The Black Flag gang doesn't have much reputation in other places, but it seems to be very powerful in Liangzhou. Who is behind it?"


The cries of street vendors are introduced into the carriage together with the aroma that stimulates the appetite.

"Bun wonton..."

The galloping horse team quickly came to the front.

Hu Yanjing took the silver ticket over and looked it over, then got off the horse and asked his subordinates to step back, asking:
"You want to join King Liang and help King Liang rebel?"

Hongyu, who was sleeping soundly on the edge of the couch, subconsciously sniffled, while the empress dowager, who was lying flat on the pillow, swallowed her saliva, and quietly opened her almond eyes, which were almost green.

Under the scorching sun, six fast horses came galloping from the sky, because there was no road on the Gobi Desert, and it was impossible to tell where they came from, but in an instant, they arrived at the bone road sign.

He was afraid that these impromptu bodyguards in the team were inexperienced and would not be able to get out of the wasteland because they didn't bring enough supplies, so he picked up his saber and got up and walked out of the carriage.

"Hey! I'm talking about the Dongfang royal family, which is upright and upright by King Liang, and I'm trying to set things right..."

hooves, hoofs...


If this state continues, the empress dowager may be gone before she leaves Liangzhou.

"According to what is written in the letter, go outside the customs to find a connector. Naturally, someone will lead the way and take you to meet some noble person."

But the roast leg of lamb outside is really delicious!

Dongfang Liren originally supported Ye Jingtang's arm, but she was tall and dressed like a prince, which attracted strange looks from many passers-by, so she quickly stopped her hands and stood up straight, acting like the owner of a merchant's house. Looking around, he looked around at the street scene.

Since Hu Yanjing came out to meet the guests, it must not be as simple as chasing someone at random. He looked back again, and then took out a letter from his sleeve:

In front of the horse team was a man in an open-chested undershirt, holding a saber in his hand, with a strong body and a tall horse, he looked murderous, just like the leader of a horse bandit who came to rob his way.

Ye Jingtang nodded, and asked curiously, "Are the ten great masters of Beiliang stronger than Da Wei?"

Along the way, Ye Jingtang's caring gaze was intoxicating, but his body endured quite a lot of hardship.

"Normally, each area is allocated to the local caravans. The government tacitly allows them to collect tolls and do some gray business, and the caravans are responsible for maintaining law and order in the site. Some bosses of the caravans even hold the post of county lieutenant in the county government... ..."

As soon as the pastry was put into the mouth, the crumbs fell into the throat, and the irritated empress dowager coughed:

Cao Aning lightly clamped the horse's belly, and led the five people to the northwest. On the way, he smiled lightly and said:
"The combination of Liangzhou and sandbanks accounts for one-third of the territory of the Great Wei Dynasty, but the population is less than half of Jiangzhou. It is usually hundreds of miles away from the town, and the horses and bandits come and go like the wind. Where did the court come from?" Multi-management?

Dongfang Liren also came to him, stroking the Empress Dowager's back:

Hongyu, who was lying in front of her, was awakened suddenly, and quickly raised her head to find that the empress dowager was covering her mouth with puffed cheeks, looking at her with eyes full of horror, and said anxiously and joyfully:

At this time, standing under the bone road sign, looking at the wild scene that is completely different from the other prefectures of the Great Wei, Tang Yudan even asked a little naively:

These days, Fan Qinghe will come to check his body every other hour. The Empress Dowager’s body is more stable than expected, but the toxins in her body have not disappeared. The whole person only lives on a few mouthfuls of porridge every day. I'm thin, and I don't know how long I can last.

? !
The empress dowager didn't let her take a sip, she felt a little wronged in her eyes, but she couldn't help it, so she had to be obediently leaned against the carriage by Fan Qinghe, waiting to continue drinking porridge...
On the other side, the middle of Liangzhou.

For this reason, Xu Tianying and others didn't even return to Yanzhou, and at the same time offended King Yan and the imperial court, they didn't dare to return. After leaving Yun'an, they rushed here immediately.

"When we were still learning art and laying the foundation, he had already run around and killed dozens of people. The vigilance and ruthlessness of the outside world are really incomparable. It is said that Ye Dayan has been sleeping for a long time. It's the sword that stays with you, and one eye open..."

But when she heard that the porridge was being prepared, driven by her strong appetite, the Queen Mother's first words were:

But the three chatted for a while, before the leg of lamb was cooked, they heard a voice from behind the convoy:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm leaving..."

Tang Yudan came out of the capital alive and believed in Cao Aning's words. After listening for a while, he asked again:


The empress dowager was sandwiched between the two people, asking for warmth, and seeing several concerned eyes, she was really a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang quickly got up and exited the carriage, and said thoughtfully to the outside:
"Pull the car outside the town, don't let the smell of oily smoke come over..."

This sounds like good news, but in reality, it is like a reminder to the Jianghu people.

The empress dowager blinked her big eyes, and quickly reacted with a dazed look, looking left and right:


After Ye Jingtang watched on the small couch for a long time, the convoy arrived at Wuguan Town.

Because in other states, no matter how vicious the devil in the rivers and lakes, he murdered and set fire in secret. It is impossible for Liang Zhou to blatantly hang evidence of crimes at the door of his house as a road sign, for fear that the government will not find his den.

The empress dowager had been starving for four or five days, and she really wanted to restrain her appetite, but her body had become more anxious than a bird, she wished she could rush out and eat a couple of bites of the roast leg of lamb right now.

Hu Yanjing snorted coldly: "Do you think that King Liang is blind and knows nothing about the outside world? You first encouraged King Wu to rebel, and then induced King Yan's son to assassinate him. Now King Wu has lost King Yan and suffered. The disaster of innocence is in a dilemma, and only King Liang is left alone; now you come to defect to King Liang, what? Are you going to give King Liang another name for privately hiding the dragon robe and jade seal, and let the court take it all in one go?
"Let me tell you, King Liang is loyal to the empress, and he just wants to be an honest prince to guard the border for the empress. He has no intention of conspiracy. If I hadn't had a personal relationship with you, I might not be able to catch you guys. Now I will turn you over to the government. Get lost!"

According to the queen mother's idea, waking up should also have a sense of ritual, probably——Ye Jingtang came back, she moved her fingers, and then Ye Jingtang quickly came over and squatted in front of her, she slowly opened her eyes, and said something sickly "Yejingtang... how long has Bengong been asleep?"I'm fine, you don't have to worry...'.

Because the Empress Dowager's situation was imminent, the imperial court did not dare to delay. On the morning of the second morning when the chaos in Yutan Villa happened, Dongfang Liren prepared the vehicle and set off directly to the Northwest Pass thousands of miles away.

"I'm Cao Aning, I'm here to join your gang..."


"Beware of choking. Hongyu, hurry up and prepare some clear porridge..."

According to the Empress Dowager's vision, in such an urgent situation, Ye Jingtang should be riding a fast horse, carrying her on his back, and galloping out of the pass in a hurry.

"That's true. For example, Liu Qiansheng, Jiang Zhahu, and Ye Jingtang are all Gu kings killed by Liangzhou. Without exception, their backgrounds are not considered good. They were even born in a ditch. They are either orphans or bear bloody feuds.

At noon on the mid-autumn day in August, the sun was still scorching hot on the Gobi Desert in Huanggutan.

"The Black Flag Gang is not an ordinary force in the Jianghu. They have contacts in the Prince of Liang's Mansion behind them. They are not as strong as the Hongshan Gang, but in Liangzhou's three-acre land, even the Hongshan Gang has to be courteous. The Hu Yanjing we are looking for is The leader of the Black Flag Gang has dealt with me a lot before, and he was able to get on the line... Hey, this is coming..."

The news of Lu Jieyun's death has already spread in Jianghu, and Xu Tianying, who is a direct disciple, used to be the second in command of Yanzhou. After his master died, he would naturally become the new overlord of Yanzhou. There is one less Bakui now. The name naturally became his too.

Cao Aning opened his mouth, but he had nothing to say, he could only say:

Seeing this, Cao Aning got off his horse and clapped his hands away:

Suo Suo~
The Empress Dowager's throat moved, then she raised her hand quietly, took a small cake from the tray and put it into her mouth, she wanted to chew slowly, but it was obviously wrong to eat while lying down.

Ye Jingtang got out of the carriage, just in time to see the big stupid man dressed as a young man in white, getting off the carriage with Fan Qinghe, a beautiful and exotic girl.

Cao Aning took the envelope, opened it, looked at it, and bowed:
"Thank you. After we find our home, we will definitely offer a large amount of money to thank Gang Leader Hu..."

"As long as you leave Fengguan City aside, the number of places in the northern and southern dynasties is exactly the same. There are ten great masters. There has not been much change since ancient times."

"I'm so talented. It's just a way to build a bridge. They can't do anything. No wonder I'm a pawn. King Liang didn't want me to wait, and I didn't force him to wait. Gang Leader Hu has some connections outside the pass. Can you help me to get a connection? If you have some skills, there will always be someone willing to take you in, as long as you find a place to stay, you will definitely remember the favor of Gangzhu Hu."

Fan Qinghe shook his head: "It's hard to say. Beiliang's name is different from that of Da Wei. The Great Master is called the Great Master. The last six are in the same class as Wu Kui, while the first four are in the same class as the second sage, and they are called ' "The Four Sages of Beiliang" is not the same concept as the saint of robbers and the saint of medicine. The number one in the world is on the side of Wei, but aside from Fengguan City, Beiliang should be stronger."

Behind Cao Aning are Lu Jieyun's first apprentice Xu Tianying and his second apprentice Tang Yudan; and the next three are Cao Aning's entourages for ten years.

"Master Ye used to walk darts a lot?"

Wuguan Town is the last big town in the northwest of Yunzhou. It is occupied by caravans traveling between the two continents. Because the folk customs of Liangzhou are too tough, people who have no skills dare not leave. For this reason, there are people waiting to be hired in the town. There are also many warriors and guides.

Because in history, after the death of the old Wu Kui, few of the warriors who obtained the title of Ba Kui by "ranking" could live for three years, and they would always be scolded for not being worthy of their name when they were alive. Not a good job.

The one driving the horse at the front was Cao Aning, who was dressed as a swordsman in the Northwest wearing a bamboo hat, and raised his hand to signal the right hand whose bone was suspended by the rope:

Hu Yanjing, who was the leader, was quite irritable. He immediately slashed his sword in front of the six people and pointed into the distance:
"Go away as far as you go! This is a serious gang, don't get me caught in the fire. For the sake of old friendship, let you run for half an hour before notifying the government. ..."

"Cough... what's outside? It smells so good..."

He and the Empress Dowager left the country, which obviously couldn't be made public. For this reason, the team was disguised as a caravan, and the goods they brought seemed to be quite a lot, but they were all silk and silk, basically weightless, in order to maintain speed.

"Too... woo..."

While Cao Aning was speaking, a horse team composed of dozens of people appeared on the horizon of the Gobi Desert.

White bones are the unique road signs in Liangzhou. They are usually the corpses of horse robbers. They are hanged or worn on wooden sticks. The big gangs with a little more attention will hang a piece of air-dried human skin on top with some The colorful rope looks like a colorful flag fluttering in the wind from a distance.

"Generally, if you walk ten miles along the road signs, you will find towns and villages. Head Hu of the Black Flag Gang should be there now..."

"Don't worry, don't worry, eat slowly, I know your mother is very hungry..."

Ye Jingtang was sitting in the carriage. She was afraid that she would eat too much, so she had to wake up, so she drank two mouthfuls of porridge every day to resist, and almost starved to death these few days.

"Liangzhou authentic roasted leg of lamb..."

But it's a pity that she didn't realize until she set off that there were more than 20 people accompanying her, and Li Ren also followed her.

There are some pastries on the case for Hongyu and Yejingtang. She didn't like these sweets at all before, but now her eyes are greener.

"Authentic Liangzhou roasted lamb leg, this shop will disappear after passing this village..."

Cao Aning was taken aback: "Are you kidding? I am loyal to the Great Wei, but the one who is loyal is the first emperor. How could it be the Empress's?"

Ye Jingtang listened carefully to the exchange between the two women, secretly jotting down all kinds of useful information, while Niao Niao waited straight for the roast leg of lamb.

Ye Jingtang chuckled, and brought Dongfang Liren to the front of the caravan, and ordered:

Seeing Ye Jingtang come out, Dongfang Liren, who was originally calm and calm, looked slightly startled, walked over quickly, held his arm, frowned and said:
"How did you get out?"

"Too... woo woo..."

"Get out of here. You're full of piss and ran to my gang openly, do you have any discernment?"

Fan Qinghe shook his head and said: "Hey, you can't say that. King Zuo Xian may not be able to beat Lu Taiqing, but it is still easy to clean up the people below. Our King Gouchen of the West Sea tribes is also a great master. When the ministries were being integrated, King Zuo Xian came over, and King Gou Chen was so surprised that he showed his loyalty to Beiliang on the spot, and never thought of integrating the ministries again..."

Niao Niao flapped its wings anxiously, looking at the barbecue stand in the distance, it seemed to be the taste of hometown.

"What's the use of loading a car, buy more water bladders, and prepare according to the number of people for three days..."

After Ye Jingtang glanced out the window for a few times, he turned to look at the other side of the carriage, his eyes showing a bit of sadness.

The Empress Dowager hurriedly covered the silly Hongyu's mouth, and at the same time gobbled it up, trying to swallow the cakes to destroy the corpse.

As a result, almost the next moment, there were several "huhu—" sounds from outside, the car curtain was lifted, and the faces of Ye Jingtang, Dongfang Liren, Fan Qinghe, Meng Jiao and others all appeared outside the car. , Qi Shushu stared at her.

Dongfang Liren accompanied him in the role of an imperial envoy. After all, Ye Jingtang's identity might not be able to hold back when encountering forces such as the King of Liang or the Northern Liang court, and Dongfang Liren had to come forward to communicate when necessary.


"Hehe, I have been a bodyguard until April, and have traveled all over Liangzhou, but unfortunately my foster father didn't allow me to go outside..."

Fan Qinghe came to the front and said solemnly: "The queen mother just woke up from a serious illness, and she can't eat heavy oil and salt, so drink porridge for a few days to nourish her stomach. You all go out, don't all gather around here."

For this reason, the queen mother thought about walking for a few more days, so that even if she woke up and wanted to go back, she could still see the scenery of Yunzhou on the way.

A few days ago, an accident happened in Yutan Mountain Villa. What the Empress Dowager planned was to wake up after leaving the capital, and then talk to Ye Jingtang, and let Ye Jingtang take her around Liangzhou to see Yan Jingtang. The various places mentioned in the post-secret history, such as the wasteland where the queen mother and the prince camped together, the river bend where they lived in seclusion, and so on.

If she woke up immediately after leaving the capital, she would definitely not be able to hold back against Ye Jingtang and let him take her to those places, and she might turn around and go back.

At this time, we have reached Wuguan, and then we will reach the wasteland. It is very strenuous to walk. For this reason, the empress dowager woke up now, reported everyone's safety, and then checked her mouth to see if she could continue to Liangzhou.

Fan Qinghe, as the 'Beiliang Robber Saint', knows far more about the rivers and lakes of Beiliang than Dongfang Liren, and then said:
"Actually, in the northern and southern dynasties, the rulers of the rivers and lakes were all the 'Ten Great Masters'. This saying originated in the Liang Dynasty; Fengguan City is a special case, because it is too outrageous, and it can't be tied with the people below, so it will be exclusive. , Just like the founding emperor of Wu more than 1000 years ago.




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(End of this chapter)

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