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Chapter 265 Impossible Land

Chapter 265 Impossible Land
When the convoy drove out of Wuguan, it was a wilderness with flat plains, and there were still some fireworks near the pass, but the deeper it went, the more desolate it became, until it turned into a wild Gobi where birds and animals were forbidden.

The old bodyguard Yang Chao rode in the front, gradually separated from the injury who went to Liangzhou for the first time, and chatted a little gossip:

"The girls in Liangzhou have special tastes, like Brother She's body, there are really no girls like them there, but weak scholars like my brother are popular. In the past, the young master's family was in Liangzhou. I don’t know how many girls are stared at by the king of the mountain. superior……"

"Oh? Is there anything else?"

"That's not true. If it weren't for the young master's martial arts skills, he would probably have been robbed by the female bandits by now, and he would have become several times the master of the village..."


Ye Jingtang heard all the nonsense nonsense, but at the moment he was not in the mood to talk nonsense about Lao Yang.

Ye Jingtang was dressed as an ordinary bodyguard, sitting outside the carriage at the rear, and Niao Niao, who was full of food and drink, leaned next to him, with a contented appearance of "eat the leg of lamb in the morning, and die in the evening".

In the carriage, the empress dowager was leaning on the small couch, her expression was still a bit of weakness that I still felt sorry for; Hongyu was holding a bowl of white porridge, cooled it with a spoon, and brought it to the empress dowager's mouth:
"Your Majesty, eat more..."

Fan Qinghe sat next to her, earnestly giving the empress dowager her pulse, her brows were furrowed for a long while without saying a word.

Dongfang Liren sat opposite and waited. After a long time, he asked:
"How is the Queen Mother?"

"Hmm..." Fan Qinghe thought for a while: "The toxicity is still there, but the body is very stable, much better than expected... But there is no cure for the dragon's miasma, and it is impossible to get better on its own, so we still have to go to the hospital as soon as possible. Customs……"

Ye Jingtang turned around and continued, "Using the Fire Bathing Diagram will definitely cure the poison. Let the Empress Dowager learn to try it first. As long as you learn how to recover slowly, at least you won't have to worry about your life."

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren took out the picture of bathing in fire from his arms, and came to the empress dowager:

"Queen Mother, you have learned the Jade Bone Diagram before, and the method of the Bathing Fire Diagram is exactly the same. You should get started quickly, so you can learn it and try?"

The empress dowager took over the treasure that she had treasured for several years, and she was still a little bit tangled in her heart. After thinking about it, she tried to look at it seriously, and said at the same time:

"My palace should be fine, but my mind is a little messed up, I'm afraid I won't be able to see it..."

Dongfang Liren knew the empress dowager's hardships these years, so in order to make the empress dowager happy, he comforted her very considerately:
"There is no need to rush this thing. The queen mother can just relax and take a look at it slowly. Don't treat it as a cure. I always wanted to visit Liangzhou, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance. This time we will come to Liangzhou to relax, maybe we can still go Take a look at the different scenery outside the pass, stroll around here, and your body will naturally get better, and we will return to the capital when we have had enough fun."


The empress dowager saw that the baby goddaughter had no intention of turning around and letting her go back to the capital, so she naturally wished for it, she pursed her lips and smiled, and after drinking two mouthfuls of clear porridge, she seriously thought about the picture of bathing in fire.

After Dongfang Liren stayed by his side for a while, the Empress Dowager Jian was very serious and stopped disturbing her. She got up and went outside the carriage, moved the bird to the side, and sat in front of Ye Jingtang with her legs hanging in the air, scanning the night sky. The land of Yimappingchuan, I thought about it and asked:

"Darts like this before?"

Ye Jingtang put his saber by his side and held a whip in his hand. Since the Empress Dowager was in a stable condition and there was no problem with studying the fire map, the big stone that had been pressing on her heart for several days was relieved a lot, and she showed a smile:
"Almost. However, walking darts in the past was not so smooth. Normally, if you walk dozens of miles, you will encounter a wave of horse thieves blocking the road and asking for money. If you are not lucky, you will encounter sandstorms and wolves. Northwest wild wolves are different from Central Plains wolves. , can grow to more than 200 catties, and there will be a large group of dozens of heads..."

Dongfang Liren originally sat with her back straight, subconsciously maintaining the posture of the queen, but found that the bodyguards around her were very involved in their roles, so she slowly relaxed and put her hands on the edge of the carriage, her boots dangling in the air, and listened carefully Night Terror tells the story of the journey.

The last time Ye Jingtang was kissed by Benben, they were actually a couple who confessed to each other. Thinking about it, they just stretched their hands from behind Big Ben's waist, touched the bird's head, and then put their palms on the back waist.

Dongfang Liren's eyes moved, originally he wanted to say something fierce, but seeing Ye Jingtang's spirit finally relaxed, he thought about it as if he didn't notice anything, turned around and asked Hongyu to hand out a jade flute, and put it in his mouth side:
"Du~ woo woo... woo woo~..."

The desolate melody sounded from the rear of the convoy, accompanied by the light sound of horse bells and wheels, instantly adding a sense of boundlessness to the originally lonely convoy to the northwestern land.

And Fan Qinghe in the carriage, when he heard the familiar Liangzhou ballad, also became interested. He poked his head out of the carriage window and looked at the camels following behind the convoy:
"Old Jiu, fetch my pipa."

"Good king."


Fan Qinghe pursed his lips and didn't say anything. After reaching out to take the painted pipa, he sat in the carriage and played along:


Ye Jingtang showed a smile, recalling the carefree time when he was walking the darts, and wanted to put his hand to his mouth and blow along.

But he put his right hand on the big moon, he was stupid and not aggressive, it would be a pity if he let go, so he patted his palm lightly to follow the rhythm.


In the end, he didn't take two shots, and he couldn't bear it anymore, so he paused the sound of the flute and gave him an elbow.

The empress dowager secretly looked at the scenery outside in the carriage, and when she heard Ye Jingtang's muffled snort, she knew that Li Ren was putting on airs again, and said:

"Li Ren, why did you beat him? He was injured..."

"Cough...it's okay, it should be, the queen mother has a good rest, and I'll play the tune too... woo woo~..."

Several people passed the boring time of the journey in this way, and the convoy also headed northwest day and night.

Because there is nothing on the wasteland, and it is too close to Yunzhou, even horse thieves can't see it, so there is nothing worth mentioning on the road.

Ye Jingtang walked through it once when I came here in April, and I am very familiar with the route and the location of the camp. During the day, I hurried on the road, playing music and telling some stories, and at night, I set up camp in a safe place and repaired. The women in the team were all in the carriage. While resting in the courtyard, he and the black yamen master took turns to watch.

Both Dongfang Liren and the Empress Dowager came to Liangzhou for the first time. They had read a lot about Liangzhou barbarians’ hard-to-educate deeds in books. At first, they still had some negative impressions. Gradually calmed down, and felt that Liangzhou was not much different from other states except for the desolation.

But Liangzhou is Liangzhou after all, a den of bandits since ancient times, a barren land where there are many ruthless people.

On the first day after walking out of the wasteland, the two noble ladies of the royal family, who were already calm in their hearts, saw what Liangzhou barbarians were.

Yejingtang set off from Wuguan, crossed more than 200 miles of wasteland, and arrived at the first supply point, which was Suyuan Town in the southeast of Liangzhou.

Suyuan Town is located at the end of the wasteland, a small town with less than 1000 people. From here to the frontier fortress, you have to pass through the deserted bone beach. It stretches for more than [-] miles. Not a lot, and the remuneration for bodyguards is also very high, Ye Jingtang is quite familiar with it.

And there is an escort in Suyuan Town, called Suyuan Escort, because they are colleagues, they have some social relations with the escort of Ye Jingtang's adoptive father, and each other's escorts usually take care of each other when they arrive at each other's territory.

At noon three days later, when a stream several feet wide appeared at the end of the wilderness, Ye Jingtang knew that he was approaching the place, and came to the front of the team:
"Old Yang, you go to the town to find Escort Hong and find out what forces are in the deserted bone beach. Don't go into the deserted bone beach and be surrounded by horse thieves, disturbing the nobleman..."

Although Ye Jingtang has only left Liangzhou for half a year, this time is enough time for horse thieves running around to change several batches of horse thieves. According to previous understanding, there must be flies around all the way.

Even though the more than ten people led by Ye Jingtang can destroy a pony bandit gang if they are released randomly, but if they go all the way, the news will have to spread all over Liangzhou within three days, and those who come back at that time may not be ordinary The horse bandit is gone, so we still have to figure out the situation first, and try to avoid it as much as possible.

After Yang Chao heard the order, he drove his horse and left the team first, and ran to the northwest.

But Ye Jingtang continued to set off with the team on horseback. After walking less than two miles, he saw a small town surrounded by loess walls. There were more than a hundred buildings in it, and some people could be seen walking in it. .

But Yang Chao, who was supposed to go to the town's bodyguard bureau to say hello, stopped at the entrance of the town and looked at a wooden stake inserted at the entrance of the town.

In the carriage behind, the empress dowager wanted to see the situation in the town, but she was immediately pulled back by Fan Qinghe and closed the curtain of the carriage.

But Dongfang Liren frowned, got out of the carriage and came to Ye Jingtang, frowned and sized up:

"what is that?"


After Ye Jingtang frowned and took a look, he raised his hand and pulled Dongfang Liren up, sat behind him, and Pegasus came to the entrance of the town.

Before he got close, he saw the entrance of a log town with a thick bowl mouth. A severely decomposed corpse was hung on it. Both arms were cut off. Countless flies were buzzing around. face.

Dongfang Liren had seen the big scene, and he didn't show much strangeness, but he didn't stare carefully, he just frowned and asked:
"Who is this?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the corpse carefully and asked:

"Is this Escort Hong?"

"It's kind of like it in terms of height."

Yang Chao squinted his eyes and looked carefully for a moment, and found a shepherd in the town hurried past with a few sheep, so he asked Dao:
"Fellow, who is hanging up here? Who is hanging up?"

After all, he threw out a sling of copper coins.

Seeing this, the shepherd stopped, looked back a few times, and whispered:

"It's the head of the town's bodyguard Hong. Last month, bodyguard Hong ran into the people of Fourth Master Ma in Heixiaziling when he was walking outside. He didn't pay enough money and killed a few of them. It won't be long before the fourth master of Ma He brought a hundred people over, burned the bodyguard bureau, took over the town, and now it belongs to Fourth Master Ma..."

Ye Jingtang frowned and asked:
"Who is Fourth Master Ma?"

Yang Chao frowned and thought for a while: "I guess it's Ma Rulong from the Flower Horse Gang. He used to run around in Liangdong and robbed him. We bumped into him once the year before last. He was riding a miscellaneous horse with a dozen or so people, asking for 1 Ten thousand taels of silver is passing money, and the Poma thief who was finally sent away with ten taels of silver..."

Ten taels of silver is equivalent to tens of thousands of yuan in terms of purchasing power, which is by no means a small amount for Ye Jingtang before, so I remembered it at the time, and my face darkened a bit:

"That Ma Laosi doesn't seem very courageous. He suddenly dared to enter the town to kill people blatantly, and he still collects tolls here. Did he rely on a big gang?"

"If you dare to be so arrogant, there must be someone backing you, but I don't know which one."

Dongfang Liren had seen how chaotic Liangzhou was. After listening for a while, he interjected:
"If you ask, you'll know."


(End of this chapter)

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