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Chapter 275 try depth

Chapter 275 try depth
Outside the tent, the moon is bright and the stars are scarce, and the afterglow of the lights all over the city outlines a different kind of prosperous beauty that can only be seen in foreign places outside the pass.

Two elegant old musicians played Sanxian and snare drums at the side of the tent.

ding dong dong~~

Six beauties with veils on their faces danced to dance music on the gold and red carpet. The tulle fluttered and the water sleeves swayed slightly, making the brightly lit tent look dreamy and extravagant.

Fan Qinghe changed into the 'High Priest's Clothes', with pale gold lining and red gauze outside, his hair was coiled in a very solemn style, with two gold hairpins inserted obliquely behind his head, sitting upright behind the main case, his expression was more serious than usual More serious.

Ye Jingtang sat behind the small desk on the right, with exquisite dishes and a wine jug made of colored porcelain placed in front of him, watching the singing and dancing in the tent carefully.

Niao Niao, on the other hand, didn't care to watch the beauty dance, poked its round head out from behind the case, and secretly ate a piece of meat while people were not looking.

Master Xuanji was pushed down to sleep by Fan Qinghe, so naturally she would not agree, she followed Ye Jingtang very consciously, and she was still sitting in front of Ye Jingtang at this moment, helping to fill up the wine from time to time, and putting it in Ye Jingtang's hands—— This move is not virtuous, but that Ye Jingtang is not greedy for wine, and it would be unseemly for Xuanji to drink alone with the flagon in a large audience, so she urged Ye Jingtang to raise a glass and toast, so she followed suit logically.

So the sound of pushing cups and changing cups in the big tent did not stop, but after a while, the elders of the Dongming tribe who were sitting on the left and right gradually showed surprise and muttered secretly:

I didn't realize that such a handsome young master is still a drunk...

He also asked the girl next to him to drink with him, trying to get him drunk...

There were eight people sitting in the big tent, all of them were elders from the Dongming tribe.

Although they come from the same tribe, these people are not of the same origin, but are formed by having the same identity and gathering together to keep warm.

Take the Ministry of Winter and Darkness as an example. The ancestors were tribal wizards in ancient times, responsible for offering sacrifices, divination, curing diseases and exorcising evil spirits. Later, after Emperor Shidi ruled the world, these wizards had the official position of "Zhu Zong".

Even today, this kind of official position still exists. Taoism originated from the ancient way of witches and ghosts. For this reason, Lu Taiqing, the national teacher, actually holds a similar official position, but the contemporary people are not so superstitious about the theory of strange powers and chaotic gods. period of influence
Later, when the river changed its course, these people did not migrate and stayed in the local area, becoming a small tribe. Later, people joined in one after another, and gradually evolved into major tribes.

Whenever someone is called king, the major ministries are the noble families of the Northwest Royal Court;

For these historical reasons, the Dongming tribe is definitely not a barbarian, but an ancient relic. The clothes and accessories are quite gorgeous, and the artistic attainments are very high. place.

Ye Jingtang sat behind the case, and after drinking for three rounds, the singing and dancing in the tent stopped, and the sound of footsteps and bells came from outside the door.

jingle bell~
The clan elders who were chatting and laughing in the tent saw that their sitting posture was somewhat upright.

Ye Jingtang put down his wine glass and looked outside the big tent, only to see a group of people walking in from outside.

At the back are four women dressed in winter clothes, while in front is an old lady, wearing a black skirt and a string of bells around her waist. She looks older, her waist is bent, and she is holding a cane in her hand. .

"Grandma Gui."

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe got up from behind the main case, went to the door and held the old woman's arm, signaling to Ye Jingtang who had already got up:
"This is the Young Master Ye I mentioned, take a look."

Ye Jingtang was still a little unclear, so he got up and looked at the old woman, and asked:

"Who is this?"

Fan Qinghe seemed a little nervous, and slightly raised his hand to signal Ye Jingtang not to speak, and asked the old lady to take a closer look.

Naturally, Ye Jingtang didn't want to say much, but stood behind the case awkwardly, letting the old woman examine her.

The old lady in black looked carefully for a moment with her crutches on, then looked at the real Xuanji who was standing next to her, and said:

"I've seen this girl before. Ten years ago, she came to Dongming Mountain to steal snow lake flowers. She was discovered by the old Zhu Zong. She chased her for dozens of miles but failed to catch up..."

? ?
As soon as these words came out, the already quiet hall turned into dead silence.

The corners of Ye Jingtang's eyes twitched, and out of the corner of his eye he aimed at Shuishui, who looked harmless to humans and animals.

As for Fan Qinghe, his face darkened, and his eyes probably meant—I didn't see it, you witch is still a recidivist, and you hit my Dongming Department ten years ago...

Zhenji Xuanji's mind is quite domineering. Facing everyone's strange gazes, she didn't blush and embarrass herself, but responded with a smile:
"I needed it urgently back then, so I just went to have a look and didn't take anything. I hope Madam will forgive me if I offended you."

Fan Qinghe had already experienced the thick-skinnedness of this witch, there was nothing she could do about it, and she didn't want to spend too much time talking about these old things, so she helped the old lady to sit behind the main case, and introduced to Ye Jingtang:

"All the tribes in the West Sea will intermarry. Grandma Gui is a princess who married into the Winter Ming tribe more than 60 years ago, and her father is the second Tianlang King."


Hearing this, Ye Jingtang was quite surprised, bowed his hands and saluted, and secretly looked at Granny Gui's appearance, but unfortunately she was a bit old, so she couldn't tell anything at all.

Grandma Gui sat down behind the case, put her cane across her lap, and looked at Ye Jingtang:
"Since your surname is Ye, and you can use Tianlang beads, there is a high probability that you are a descendant of my Qinchi tribe. But I was young when I married, and the Northwest royal court was already disbanded when the last Tianlang king succeeded to the throne. , It’s hard for me to look around for the method of clan survival, I only met once when I was young, so I can’t be sure whether you are a direct line or a collateral line.”

Ye Jingtang didn't really care much about where he came from, but it didn't hurt to understand, so he asked:

"How did the Buqinchibu fall? It is only said that the Northwest Royal Court surrendered to Beiliang, and then the rebellion was wiped out. There are not many historical materials."

Grandma Gui was silent for a while, then shook her head and sighed, talking about the past:

"It's an old story. More than 100 years ago, the Yechi tribe was just a small tribe in the remotest corners of the world. There were only a few thousand people in the tribe, and they were squeezed out by the major tribes all the year round. Later, a tribe went to the Dongming tribe to learn art, mastered medicine, and lived in the snow. When the lake flowers were in bloom, he was lucky enough to snatch two catties of snow lake flowers, and then fled back to the clan and researched Tianlangzhu.

"At that time, the patriarch's martial arts were already high. After tempering the tendons and forging the bones through Tianlangzhu, he directly became the grand master. It took more than ten years to strengthen the Qinchi tribe, formed an alliance with the four major tribes, and re-established the Northwest Royal Court. The strongest Hengshi has [-] Tianlangqi under his command, which can force the northern and southern dynasties to truce and jointly deal with the pressure from the northwest.

"But it's a pity that when the Northwest Royal Court was handed over to my father, he was too aggressive. Taking advantage of the chaos in Dayan's last years, he formed an alliance with Beiliang and wanted to jointly take over the Southern Dynasty.

"Beiliang was very scheming, knowing that he couldn't swallow the Southern Dynasty. After his father sent troops, he directly broke the contract, turned his head and killed all the tribes in the West Sea, severely damaged the empty tribes behind, and directly destroyed decades of accumulation. The Northwest Royal Court no longer has the power to fight against the Northern and Southern Dynasties."

Granny Gui sighed again when she said this, and looked at everyone sitting here:
"If that's the case, the Northwest Royal Court can still stick to it. But Beiliang is very poisonous, and sent many experts to go deep into the rear, almost killing all the pharmacists in the Qinchi Department. The Tianlang beads and prescriptions prepared for the next Tianlang King were all taken The Northern Liang court robbed it.

"The people of Tianlangzhu and Beiliang couldn't use it, so they used it as a threat to make my father become a minister and surrender; my father didn't agree, but he was old, and he was injured on the battlefield, and he died of illness not long after. The last emperor King Lang succeeded to the throne, without Tianlangzhu to temper his tendons and strengthen his body, and the national strength of the Northwest Royal Court was not as good as before. Under internal and external troubles, he could only pay tribute to Beiliang in exchange for a moment of peace.

"About more than 30 years ago, Beiliang turned his face completely, slandered the last Tianlang king for plotting rebellion, and sent troops to attack the various tribes in the West Sea again; Go all out.

"But at that time, the hearts of all the tribes in the West Sea had already dispersed. As soon as the battle started, all the tribes ran and surrendered. The last Tianlang King could only retreat with his own soldiers. The members of the Yu clan held back thousands of troops from the Northern Liang in Liaoyuan, fighting for a day and a night, and no one in the clan defected, but until the entire clan was wiped out, none of the tribes in the West Sea came to help."

When Grandma Gui said this, she was obviously a little angry.

Fan Qinghe said to this: "At that time, the Beiliang soldiers and horses had already arrived near Dongming Mountain. If the old Zhu Zong sent troops to help, the Dongming Department would suffer the same fate. We can only protect ourselves."

Granny Gui raised her hand: "The situation is like this, no one can blame it. But if all the ministries were willing to work together to fight to the end, how could they have ended up paying tribute every year without enough food and clothing? The Dongming Ministry dug ten catties in the mountains For the medicinal materials, the Northern Liang court dared to confiscate nine catties, and if there was a famine, they would give away some old grain, and we have to be grateful..."

Master Xuanji heard this from the side, and naturally felt sympathetic in his heart, but in fact, it would have to be the same for the Great Wei. After all, it has been written in the history books that the various tribes of the West Sea consider themselves the orthodox inheritance of the Liang Dynasty, and they want to regain the Northern and Southern Dynasties in their bones. The "lost ground" of the country, as long as it becomes strong, it will be a complete nightmare for the northern and southern dynasties.

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he was also quite moved in his heart. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to ask about the business first:

"Prisoner Dragon Miasma was also studied by the pharmacists of the Qin Chi Department back then? Who else knows it now?"

Grandma Gui recalled: "Prisoner dragon miasma was researched after Tianlangzhu, because it was used in the attack, and it would be made. Pharmacists usually go out with the army, and escaped the sneak attack before Jiazi. If there is still a chance The person who made this medicine could only be the surviving pharmacists who were exiled to certain tribes or Beiliang after the fall of the Northwest Royal Court. There is no pharmacist in the Dongming tribe who can prepare the prisoner dragon miasma. If you want to find out about this, you have to ask other tribes."

Fan Qinghe said to this: "Young Master Ye, don't worry, I have ordered people to investigate, as long as the prison dragon miasma comes from the tribes of the West Sea, there must be news, just wait patiently for two days."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he didn't ask any more questions, and chatted a few more words. After eating, he got up with Master Xuanji and left the big tent first.

After Ye Jingtang left, Fan Qinghe frowned, turned around and asked:

"Granny Gui, you can't be sure if Ye Jingtang is the son of King Tianlang?"

Granny Gui sighed softly: "The only one who can use the Tianlang Pearl is the clansman of the Qinchi tribe, and the strongest of our Qinchi tribe is the king, what difference does it make if it is a collateral lineage or a direct lineage?
"But Ye Jingtang is considered to be a descendant of my Qinchi tribe. He grew up in Dawei since he was a child, and he is a Dawei person in his bones. Now you pull him out and let the chiefs of all tribes bow their heads and recognize him as the king of Tianlang. Subdue him? And he became Tianlang King, what should we do if he turned around and took soldiers and horses to join Wei?"


When Fan Qinghe heard this, he thought about it and thought it was true—the major tribes of the West Sea refused to obey anyone, and wanted to be the leader. The blood was only a name, and the most important thing was the ability to make people surrender; It is independence, and Ye Jingtang is the favorite minister of the Great Wei Empress, and he seems to be loyal. If he becomes the King of Tianlang, he is in Xihai and his heart is in Wei, and he only wants to give the Empress a big gift as a betrothal gift. The underpants were all lost.

"What now?"

"First communicate with the major ministries, let him get in touch with the ministries, and see how capable he is in dealing with people and whether he has the ambition to dominate the world. If he has neither the ability nor the courage, choose him as the co-lord of the ten thousand ministries to form the royal court , will only lead to a catastrophe for the ministries.”

Fan Qinghe nodded slightly...
"Authentic hump meat, come and see it when you pass by, it's fat but not greasy..."

Langxuan City is located in an arid area, and even in autumn, the sun is quite harsh during the day, so most of the people who come here to participate in the rally are at night, and the streets are still overcrowded as it approaches eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening.

After Ye Jingtang had dinner at the Dongming Department's residence, because it was his first time outside the customs, he didn't go directly back to the tent he had arranged to rest. Instead, he and Master Xuanji took Niao Niao out to visit the night market.

As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people. With nearly 10 people gathered in Langxuan City, there must be a food street. Although the environment is relatively simple and far inferior to the small streets in the towns in the Guan, the variety of delicacies is indeed dazzling.

Not only are there delicacies from all major parts of the West Sea, but you can basically find the specialties of Dawei and Beiliang, and even saw a stall selling grilled bugs. Not only Ye Jingtang but even the birds shook their heads.

Master Xuanji was wearing a veiled hat, he had just drunk a lot and looked a little drunk, walking beside Ye Jingtang, seeing Niao Niao's eyes full of disgust, he teased:
"Aren't you a bird? Don't you like eating bugs?"


Niao Niao quickly shook his head, protruding his big claws from his furry stomach, indicating that he was a bird of prey, and then looked at the hump meat stall in the distance.

Just now Niao Niao ate and drank in the big tent, and it was full. Ye Jingtang was afraid that Niao Niao would be too fat to fly, so naturally he didn't give him a pot of hump meat, but just hung out with Xuanji to digest food.

After walking for about two quarters of an hour, the two arrived at the south side of Langxuan City.

Although there are no buildings in Langxuan City, the former layout is not much different from the contemporary city. The center of Nancheng was originally where the imperial city was located.

Although there are no buildings now, there is still a vaguely visible platform on the ground, which should be the foundation of the former palace from the layout point of view.

Some temporary houses were built on the top of the platform, and a large camp was set up nearby, where more than a thousand people wearing leather armor and carrying knives and guns rested in it, and in one house, there were still many merchants queuing outside. Register to pay.

Ye Jingtang originally thought that this was an unavoidable place, but was a little surprised to see this scene:
"There is still a government office here?"

Master Xuanji glanced at the flag hanging outside the camp, and explained:
"Wanbuji is an important place for the trade of the various tribes in the West Sea. Hundreds of thousands of strangers gather here. If there are no rules, it will be a mess. It is the residence of the Gochen Ministry. The city's security, garbage The cleaning and transportation are all in charge of the Gochen Department; the merchants who come here to set up stalls also have to pay them money."

The last time Ye Jingtang heard Fan Qinghe say that King Gouchen was a bit timid, so he asked:
"This is not a small amount of money. The Gouchen Department can monopolize it, because it has a relatively large influence?"

Master Xuanji put his hands behind his hands, and made the appearance of a world-class expert:

"Gou Chen is a god of heaven, also known as Qilin, who lives in the center of heaven and earth. He is ferocious and fierce. He likes to kill. He is in charge of fighting. In ancient times, the Great Sima was in charge of fighting, so he believes in this god.

"After the fall of the Liang Dynasty, the generals and troops who had not migrated gathered together to form the Gochen tribe, and the tribe was full of warriors passed down from generation to generation.

"For example, the Dongming Department is famous for its medicine and witchcraft. No matter how rebellious it is, it will not cause too much trouble. However, the Gouchen Department and the Wuma Department are different. Together, they can form a fine cavalry. For this reason, they may even be called It is said that a patriarch of the Gochen tribe killed the patriarch of the Wuma tribe, and the people of the Wuma tribe killed them back, making the two families feud for thousands of years. If you want to integrate the tribes of the West Sea, the biggest problem is to put These two are rubbed together..."

After listening to these explanations, Ye Jingtang nodded thoughtfully:
"So that's it...meaning that the Gouchen tribe is the most capable of fighting among the Xihai tribes?"

Master Xuanji nodded: "Gouchen Dawang Sima Yue is ranked sixth among the ten great masters of Beiliang, and I am also the sixth in Dawei, so my strength should be about the same as mine. He just can't beat Zuo Xianwang Li Ji, It's easy to clean up if you think about it."


Hearing this, Ye Jingtang was a little dissatisfied:

"I've recovered from my injury now, why don't we find a place to compare and let me try the depth of Fairy Lu?"


Master Xuanji, who was pacing leisurely in the courtyard, blinked his eyes when he heard these words, stopped and raised his veiled cap, revealing peach blossom eyes that seemed drunk but not drunk, and looked at Ye Jingtang:
"Master Ye, do you want to test my depth?"

"I... um?"

Ye Jingtang was stunned by these words, and when he realized it, his eyes showed astonishment.


Master Xuanji put down the curtain of the veil, took Niao Niao and put it on his shoulder as if nothing had happened and continued wandering in the brightly lit small street.

Ye Jingtang was left speechless by Xuanji's naughty joke, after thinking about it, he chased after him:
"Fairy Lu, you are Master Jing Wang, you should be more prudent in your words and deeds..."

"Just joking after drinking, I can't even take a joke? I've been through wine and meat, and the Buddha left..."

"You are a Taoist priest!"

"Not all of them have the same meaning, anyway, you talk flamboyantly, but your heart is calm. You are not the same as an upright gentleman on the surface, but in private, you sleep with two girls in your arms, and you are very fickle. I was just joking, your face is blushing, I don't know what's going on in my head..."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to touch his cheek, frowned and said:

"Have it?"


"I guess I just drank..."


The following words are added later, not counting coins:

Recommend a book: "Mastering the Dreamland Begins from Meeting a Bunny Girl" Lemon Tea
urgent!What should I do if the heroine in the novel is chased from the book to the dream?
Xu Yimiao was entangled by the bunny girl in her novel in various inconvenient ways, and was almost eaten by her. She thought it was just a big dream, but she still couldn't leave!
"From the moment I published the book on Qidian Chinese.com, I got into a black car, and then the door was welded to death..."

(End of this chapter)

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