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Chapter 276 Street Slipper

Chapter 276 Street Slipper

In the depths of Langxuan City, inside a house.

The house is a temporary building, not too high but quite large in scale. It is a place where the heads of the major ministries in the West Sea usually hold meetings, and there is a residence at the back for the current head of Langxuan City to live in.

There is no law in Langxuan City, and people come from all over the world. Their backgrounds are not giants like the Hongshan Gang, or princes like the kings. If you want everyone to abide by the rules and obey the regulation when something happens, you must have a prestige Absolutely tall people sit here, otherwise this meeting would not be possible at all.

It was dark at night, and around the clean and tidy house, there were soldiers in leather armor patrolling with guns.

In a courtyard behind, there were two lanterns hanging, and a figure stood under the eaves, holding a paper in his hand to examine it carefully.

The figure is quite burly, wearing black leather armor, looks like a general, but he doesn't wear a helmet, his gray hair is tied up with a headband, his eyebrows are upturned and sharp like swords, and in the center of the room behind him, there is a A long-handled Yanyue knife, engraved with unicorn patterns on the blade, exudes a cold color under the light.

The tribes of the West Sea have a vast territory and few people, among them there are many high-ranking hermits, but Sima Yue, as the patriarch of the Gochen tribe and a great master, is undoubtedly the contemporary ruler of the tribes of the West Sea.

If it hadn't been for the warning from the Beiliang court, I am afraid that he has already begun to form alliances with various ministries, and has begun to try to reintegrate the Wanbu and become the new king of the Northwest Royal Court.

Sima Yue is nearly sixty years old, and speaking of his life, it can also be called ups and downs - he was born in the Gouchen Department since he was a child, and the Northwest Royal Court was still there at that time. He was the grandson of the then Great Sima, and his family controlled the Northwest Royal Court The main force, the background is comparable to that of Wang Chihu in the capital of the Wei Dynasty.

For the sake of unity, Sima Yue went to the palace since he was six years old, and studied and learned to read and write with the last Tianlang King, and his master was the old Tianlang King.

In his 20s, the brother who grew up with him became the new Tianlang King, and he also put on armor and took command, becoming the Great Sima of the Northwest Royal Court.

Later, the Northwest Royal Court was destroyed, and Sima Yue fell into disrepair for a while, but the foundation of the Gochen tribe was still there, and it took a few years to gain a firm foothold again; but without King Tianlang, the Gochen tribe regained the status of the strongest tribe in the West Sea. With the addition of Sima Yue's extraordinary ability to become a grand master, his status is even higher than before.

But Sima Yue doesn't have the prestige of Tianlang King. After all, he can have his current status because he needs an obedient leader from the Western Sea tribes in Beiliang, and he didn't focus on suppressing him. He has won the hearts and minds of the major ministries by virtue of his ability.

After looking at the paper for a while, Sima Yue put it in his sleeve, and said in front of the door:
"Aaron, come in."


Soon, a man in his 30s walked in quickly from the door, walked up to him and said:

"Father, do you have an order?"

Sima Yue stood with his hands behind his back, fell silent for a while, and said:

"King Liang's son will arrive in two days, and his residence will be in the Cilou area. When the time comes, remove the patrolling people nearby, so as not to disturb the distinguished guests."


When Sima Long heard this, he was obviously a little puzzled, but he didn't ask further, nodded and said:

"Understood. By the way, Dad, the Dongming Department seems to be secretly sending people to inquire about the clues about the prisoner dragon miasma. The prisoner dragon miasma was sold to Lu Jieyun and was used to kill the emperor of Wei. He heard the rumors and lost his hand. Dongming Why did the Ministry suddenly check this?"

Sima Yue frowned slightly, thought for a while and said:
"The Ministry of Winter and Darkness has always been interested in this kind of strange poison. It may be that they have heard the news about the Great Wei capital and are sending people to inquire about it. You don't need to bother to arrange your own affairs."


Langxuan City, as a trading market for all nations, is full of rare objects that are rarely seen in other places. Not only are there normal local specialties, but there are also many "technical products" researched by the ghosts of Beiliang, tools such as binoculars, and rainstorm pear blossom needles. Waiting for the hidden weapon of Qimen.

Yejingtang went shopping for a long time, and even saw a 'sundial' in a booth.

Its shape is a small plate a circle larger than a copper coin. It is made of brass. Both sides are embedded with extremely transparent crystal stones. The front is engraved with twelve hours and scales. There is a miniature golden toad sticking out its tongue, pointing to the hour of Hai. , still rotating slowly; the back is a compass, and there is no stitching gap or winding place on the whole, and the structure is extremely delicate.

Ye Jingtang stopped in front of the booth, picked up the small sundial and looked at it, and then looked at the sky, his eyes were quite surprised:
"Can this thing keep spinning?"

Sitting in the booth was a middle-aged businessman who looked quite philistine, shaking a literary fan passed down from the Great Wei Jiangzhou in his hand, and said proudly:
"There is a mechanism inside, and it won't stop when you walk around with it on your body. As long as you don't fall around, it can be used to send you away."

"Who made this thing?"

"This item was developed by Zhongsun Jin, one of the four sages, and it was made by a master in the school. The name of the craftsman is engraved on the bottom, and it is genuine. Because it is a work for leisure and fun, there are not many dollars in the world. If you are interested, brother, I will give you a personal price, 100 taels of silver, if you have any problems in the future, you can come to Yanjing Wanbao Building and contact a craftsman for you for free."


Ye Jingtang held the copper sundial and felt that it was really useful. Although 100 taels of silver was not a small amount, he still bought one.

After Master Xuanji left the booth, he took the small sundial to play with, and joked:

"The material of this thing is not unusual. It can be sold for ten taels of silver at most in Beiliang Capital. You are really rich and powerful."

"The value of this thing is not the material, but the concept. I really didn't expect that someone in Beiliang would study this thing."

After Ye Jingtang walked for a while, he asked:

"Zhongsun Jin is one of the Four Sages of the Northern Liang Dynasty, and still doing these things?"

"Zhongsun Jin is rumored to be a disciple of the Mohist school. Not only is his martial arts unfathomable, but also his mechanical accomplishments are unparalleled in the world. If you fight him, you can't think of what he can pull out. Fan Jiuniang can make such a simple object. I guess It's not his old man's handwriting, but a disciple of Qianjimen made it casually."


Ye Jingtang nodded, originally wanted to take back his little treasure, but found that the real Xuanji looked at it a few times, put the little sundial into his arms, and said politely:

"Lend me to play for two days, Mr. Ye probably won't mind?"

Ye Jingtang couldn't stretch his hands into Xuanji's arms, so naturally he didn't mind, and just told:

"Be careful, if it breaks, you can take it to Yanjing for repair."

"Know it."

The two were wandering on the street, although Yejingtang maintained a high-class demeanor and thought it was just to accompany the real person Xuanji, but Langxuan City has too many things that attract men, especially a bookstall that sells Beiliang The miscellaneous books over there are all new editions that have not been read at all.

When Ye Jingtang passed the bookstall, he shook both hands, and it took a lot of perseverance to hold back the impulse and not pick up the flip book in person.

Fortunately, Master Xuanji knew about Ye Jingtang's little hobby, and at this time, it didn't stop Ye Jingtang from pursuing his own little hobby, so he took Niao Niao to a stall selling bird cages to look at it:

"Boss, is there a big cage that can hold it?"

"Chi Chi Chi?!"


And Ye Jingtang took this opportunity, came to the bookstore, and picked out a few idle books that seemed to be written well.

The two went around like this, and after nearly half an hour, they only visited a small part of Langxuan City, forcing the birds to get hungry.

Seeing that it was getting late, Ye Jingtang turned back with Master Xuanji, had a hearty meal at the hump meat stall first, and satisfied Niaoniao's small thoughts, before returning to the Dongming Department's resident.

The central area where the Dongming Ministry is located belongs to the territory of the big tribes, and there is no small business. In the middle of the night, there are few people and the market has been closed. Only a few warriors are left to patrol the surrounding areas of the various ministries.

Under the leadership of the Dongming tribe, Ye Jingtang came to the resting tent, and found that the Vatican Queen really held a grudge, and did not treat Xuanji as a guest at all. The tent arranged was very gorgeous, but there was only a big bed inside. Then a blanket was made in the corner as a floor shop, which was regarded as the maid's residence.

Master Xuanji entered the tent, and seeing the carefully prepared arrangement, he was a little dissatisfied:

"You are a guest anyway, how can she let you sleep on the floor, she really has no way of hospitality."


Ye Jingtang originally wanted to explain a few words to Queen Brahma, but he was stunned when he heard this, and wanted to say something, but it seemed meaningless, so he nodded and said:

"It's okay. I don't choose a place to sleep. It's getting late, so let's go to bed earlier."

After speaking, he entered the big tent, fetched candle lamps, and sat down on the floor.

Seeing this, Master Xuanji slowly came to the bed and looked at it:

"The bed is quite big, and it won't squeeze two people to sleep, so you don't have any ideas?"

Ye Jingtang made the bed, faced with this kind of ridicule, just casually said:
"If Fairy Lu feels that the bed is uncomfortable, we can change it, and you can make the floor."

Master Xuanji saw that Ye Jingtang was not up to the trick, so she stopped talking, turned around and walked out again:

"Go to bed, I'll go to sleep with that woman Fan Qinghe, dare you let me sleep on the floor..."

Ye Jingtang paused and turned his head: "In other people's territory, you still have to get help, you still have to be a little in awe, and let your subordinates hear your fights, it's embarrassing for Miss Fan.

"I know the measure."

After Master Xuanji finished speaking, she raised the curtain and walked out.

Ye Jingtang was quite helpless, he had nothing to do with Master Xuanji, so forget it, and after Master Xuanji walked away, he took out the book from his arms, sat upright, turned a page carefully, and muttered softly:
"The Secret History of the Empress Dowager... I dare to kidnap the Empress Dowager to North Liang..."

The giant tent in the center of the resident is the temporary residence of King Winter Hades.

The front is the hall for receiving guests, while the rear is separated by a curtain wall, which is the usual sleeping place of Fan Qinghe.

At this time, the lights were on at the back of the big tent, and Fan Qinghe ran around outside for a whole year, and was chased by the real person Xuanji, who couldn't even eat well. After returning, he went to the capital non-stop, and was locked in prison again , It can be said that I have not lived a day of leisure.

At this time, after returning from a long journey, Fan Qinghe can finally relax. He is sitting at a large desk, studying the strange medicine that he is most interested in. He is wearing a tulle nightgown. She also wore a white mask made by herself.

While fiddling with the medicine, Fan Qinghe was also thinking about the next arrangement.

Fan Qinghe has no intention of becoming an empress, but the clan pays tribute every year, suffers the bullying and poverty of the Northern Liang court, and must rebel in order to change the present.

Originally, she wanted to reproduce the Tianlangzhu and use it to improve her martial arts to become the boss of the various tribes in the West Sea, but it seems that this road is very difficult to follow.

And the next step is to assist Ye Jingtang, let Ye Jingtang be the leader and raise the banner to rebel.

But the problem now is how to make Ye Jingtang think of himself as a member of the Western Sea Tribes, and take the initiative to think about recreating the glory of the Northwest Royal Court.

Based on Fan Qinghe's observations these days, he found that Ye Jingtang was almost flawless, and seemed to be just a little lecherous.

There are many beauties in the West Sea, but even she, in terms of status, can't compete with Prince Jing. If she uses beauty tricks, and the empress of Wei also uses them, she must play herself as a dowry for Ye Jingtang.

Moreover, Dongmingbu and Yechibu are in-laws for generations, Qinchibu married a princess, and Dongmingbu's daughter also married to become a princess; if Ye Jingtang is the son of King Tianlang, this generational relationship may be a little messed up... …

While thinking wildly, Fanqing Heergen suddenly moved slightly, and a familiar sense of crisis came to his heart.

Fan Qinghe's face changed slightly, and the moment she turned her head, she saw a white shadow flashing in from outside with lightning speed, holding her down when she was about to get up.

Fan Qinghe was pinned on the stool naked, his eyes were burning with anger:

"Demon girl, are you sick? Why are you here again?"

Master Xuanji ignored the words, lowered his head to find the mask, raised his eyebrows:
"What's on your face, why did you smear it like a female ghost in the middle of the night?"

Fan Qinghe struggled a few times, and found that he couldn't let go of the struggle, and some life was hopeless:
"You just need me to give you something that nourishes your face. If you don't sleep at night, what are you doing here?"

Master Xuanji looked at the mask carefully, and said with a smile:

"I'm not used to sleeping on the floor, so I came to you to rub the bed. Your clothes are quite unique, specially prepared for hooking up men?"

"If you're not used to sleeping, I'll just arrange another room for you. If you do this again, I'll call you a guard. This is my territory. There are more than 1000 thugs outside..."

"What's the use of having too many people? The majestic King Dongming doesn't even have a bed attendant at night, it's too shabby~"


Fan Qinghe really couldn't do anything about this demon girl, so she let the real person Xuanji hold her, and continued to play with the medicine, just as if there was a pendant behind her and it didn't exist at all.

Master Xuanji teased her for a moment, then put her icy hands on the translucent nightgown, and turned it upside down on the white balls.

dong dong~

Realizing that Fan Qinghe ignored her, Xuanji was a little bored, so she let go, picked up the bottles and cans on the table, looked at them, and sniffed them:

"Yo... Blood coagulation, a unique poison, last time it worked on me for a quarter of an hour... What kind of poison is this, it smells quite powerful..."

? ?
When Fan Qinghe saw that the strange poison she had prepared was smelled by this witch as a sachet, she felt greatly insulted, and gritted her teeth:
"How dare you touch the bottles and jars of the poison master? I don't have time to save you if something happens."

"I have already practiced the bathing fire map, why did you poison me to death?"

Xuanji's buttocks were pillowed on the edge of the desk, and she searched among many bottles and jars, and found a small red bottle with the words "like a dream, like a fantasy", and it was placed in a very eye-catching position. She said curiously:

"What kind of medicine is this?"

When Fan Qinghe talked about his masterpiece, his eyes showed a bit of complacency:

"This medicine is a unique secret recipe that allows people to see what they think in their hearts. It's very fun, and it's not that poison doesn't hurt the body. The bathing fire map should not work. Do you dare to smell it?"

Master Xuanji was dubious, and hooked his hands:
"Give me the antidote first."

"Aren't you afraid? Why do you want an antidote?"

"Be prepared. Give me the antidote, and I promise not to bully you within three days."

? ?
Fan Qinghe sat up straight for a while, and was about to speak, when she found that the witch was about to put the medicine bottle on her nose, and quickly raised her hand:

"Okay, you are amazing!"

"Is that right..."



Yesterday’s has been made up, and tomorrow’s update will be in the afternoon or evening. Today’s stay is too long or2!

(End of this chapter)

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