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Chapter 277 You Are Here

Chapter 277 You Are Here

In the dead of night, the camp was lit up like beans.

The dim light in the tent outlines a silhouette holding a poem and book on the tent cloth, which looks like a diligent scholar studying hard by the lamp.

And behind the silhouette, there is a chubby fur ball, with its paws lying on its head tilted to the sky, sleeping like it was life or death.

Ye Jingtang was sitting on the floor with a scroll in his left hand, his right hand resting on his knee, holding a jug of wine in his hand, his posture was like Guan Gong reading Spring and Autumn under the moon.

When he saw the attraction, he picked up the wine and took a sip. He was so intoxicated by it that he almost lost himself. He didn't know how long he had been watching it.

Although staying up late to read miscellaneous books is not in line with the style of a master, but it is not easy to come across a few books that can be read in a lifetime and that are unforgettable and often revisited.

Fortunately, the bookstalls in the bazaar are very conscientious, and the books they buy are all hardcover and complete, with no missing chapters or pages. The whetstone sharpens the Chilong Knife face to face.

If there were no accidents, when Ye Jingtang came back to his senses, it was already light, and there were cocks crowing and dogs barking outside.

But it was a pity that Ye Jingtang was just seeing the attraction, when there was a slight sound of footsteps outside.


Ye Jingtang's ears moved, but he didn't raise his head, but turned around slightly, covering the book with his body:
"I'm back. Go to bed early, I'll watch the night."

The sound of footsteps came from far to near, and came to the tent, but he didn't speak, and the sound of breathing was still a bit wrong.

? ?
Ye Jingtang didn't know how much perseverance it took to take his eyes away from the book and look back at the door, but he was taken aback when he saw it.

The candlelight was faint, and the dim light illuminated the corners of the tent.

The real Xuanji was dressed in a snow-colored white dress, standing slim and graceful at the door, her cheeks, which were already more seductive, were slightly flushed at this time, and her peach blossom eyes, which seemed drunk but not drunk, looked very bright under the candlelight, staring straight at him , glanced from top to bottom, and raised his eyes to look around, as if he was looking at something very interesting.

Ye Jingtang looked around at the clean and clean room, and was naturally baffled. He thought Xuanji was drunk, so he stood up:

"Fairy Lu?"

"Hey~ you turn around!"


When Ye Jingtang saw Xuanji's face flushed suddenly, he quickly turned his head and looked away, his tone was a little shy, his movements were naturally stiff, and he lowered his head to look first—the clothes were neat and tidy, and his sword was not on the verge... What are you shy about?

And at the same time, in the eyes of Daoist Xuanji.

Immortal Xuanji just came for a little 'dream like illusion', and found that the drug is really mysterious, the mind is very clear, but the vision has the effect of 'wish everything comes true', the tables, chairs, benches, etc. seem to come alive, showing Quite fantastic and brilliant colors, and so are the scenery outside and the characters in the eyes-it's the same as accidentally eating poisonous mushrooms, but it's not uncomfortable.

Immortal Xuanji walked into the tent and saw the bird lying on the pillow, the bird's snow-white fur turned into colorful colors.

As for Ye Jingtang, who was studying hard next to him, the content of the book has also changed into a erotic picture of a man and a woman—no, this seems to have not changed, it is a erotic picture...


While Master Xuanji was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed that Ye Jingtang stood up, and the handsome black robe on his body also fluttered away like petals, revealing his broad chest muscles, firm abdominal muscles, thick...


Master Xuanji was caught off guard, turned his head quickly, and said:
"Turn around!"

But after finishing speaking, Master Xuanji came to his senses again, and quickly turned his gaze back, thinking seriously.

Then Ye Jingtang turned into a young man in coarse linen, holding a few small fish in his hands, and the colorful chicken beside him also turned into black coal balls...


Master Xuanji felt that this experience was really wonderful, and Dreamwalking in Wonderland was nothing more than that. She walked to the front slowly, raised her hand and pinched Ye Jingtang's face...


Ye Jingtang saw Master Xuanji approaching with piercing eyes, touched his face, obviously panicked, took a step back, and held Master Xuanji's hand:
"Fairy Lu, you...are you drunk?"

"You don't move."

Master Xuanji opened his hands, squeezed Ye Jingtang's face with both hands, and pulled it into a big pie.

Then he wanted to touch the fish in his hand, but as soon as he got closer, the fish turned back into a book. It seemed that the drug was indeed hallucinogenic and could not make dreams come true.

Standing alone on the floor, Ye Jingtang looked at the real Xuanji who was talking about drinking madly in front of him, he was a little nervous, he raised his hand and waved in front of his eyes:

"Fairy Lu? Have you taken Chinese medicine?"

Master Xuanji knew that Ye Jingtang couldn't empathize with her, so she probably looked like a fool, so she took out the small red medicine bottle, dipped it with her little finger, and brought it to Ye Jingtang's nose:

"You try too."

Ye Jingtang looked at the nagging real Xuanji, who dared to touch this unknown object, and quickly raised his hand to block it:
"what is this"

"Good thing, I won't hurt you, what are you hiding? Try."


Ye Jingtang's eyes were quite helpless, but after thinking about it, he obeyed and asked Master Xuanji to wipe it under the tip of his nose, and he immediately smelled a strange fragrance, which awakened Ao Ye's tired mind after studying hard.

Seeing Ye Jingtang's eyes light up, Master Xuanji stopped contentedly:


Ye Jingtang was silent for a moment, feeling the changes in his body secretly, when he suddenly found that the white skirt of the slim and graceful Fairy Lu in front of him gradually showed a translucent color under the light, and he could vaguely see the skin color and the outline of the waist and hips...

? !
Ye Jingtang was startled, blinked his eyes and looked carefully again, and found that Xuanji's clothes were opaque, but his cheeks turned red with a little sweat, just like the last time he was drugged and rubbed against him. Usually...

"Is this a hallucinogenic drug?"

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and wiped Zhenji Xuanji's forehead. He found that it was warm to the touch, but there was no sweat. His eyes couldn't help but be amazed:

"This thing is really powerful. I feel that my mind is clear and not distracted. Why do I have hallucinations when I look at things?"

Master Xuanji tried hard to keep his mind calm so that Ye Jingtang's clothes would not disappear again, and at the same time asked with a serious look:
"What did you see?"


Ye Jingtang noticed that Xuanji's clothes seemed to be slipping, so he quickly raised his hand to help hold it, but found something wrong, and quickly stopped.

Master Xuanji understood the meaning when he saw this, and looked at Ye Jingtang who was trying to maintain a gentleman's demeanor:

"So I was thinking about my appearance without clothes! Okay, I usually pretend to be a gentleman, but now I can't hide my true nature? How do you explain it?"

It's good that the real Xuanji didn't speak, but as soon as Ye Jingtang came out with a demonic tone, Ye Jingtang found that the beauty in white in front of her had two fox ears on her head, and nine big tails floating around behind her.

Ye Jingtang blinked and took a step back:
"I don't seem to be clear-headed now..."

"You were awake just now! I used it too. If you don't think in the wrong direction, you won't see things you shouldn't see. You still want to lie?"

Ye Jingtang backed away slowly, and found that the real Xuanji was touching his cheek with the big fox tail while he was speaking. He raised his hand to touch it. Naturally, he touched the air, the tail disappeared, and then he closed his hand angrily:

"A gentleman doesn't care about his heart, and there is no perfect person in the world. This thing can't be used indiscriminately. In case of danger, you and I will have hallucinations and be unprepared. Isn't something serious?"

Master Xuanji walked forward slowly: "This is not an illusion, but what you think in your heart. How can you ignore it if it is dangerous? Your eyes are so dodge, are you offending me in your heart, thinking about these unscrupulous things?"

Ye Jingtang bumped his legs against the bed unconsciously, and sat down, while the white fox in front of him bent down condescendingly, his clothes became hazy and translucent again, as if he wanted to hold him down to absorb the yang energy.

Ye Jingtang was really confused, and said seriously:

"This drug affects the mind and makes people easily provoked by others to have hallucinations. I am calm now, and I can no longer see any messy things."

"Are you still pretending? Didn't you notice that you're revealing yourself again?"

Ye Jingtang lowered his head and saw that there was really a tent, so he calmed down and tried to sweep away the illusion.

The result is a blink of an eye...

Blinked again...

It's not like a hallucination...

I go!

Ye Jingtang coughed lightly, feeling that the situation was a bit wrong, forced to act nonchalantly, and said flatly:

"You have hallucinations. If I don't think about what you said, how can I see messy things? Get up..."

Seeing Ye Jingtang's normal expression, Master Xuanji really thought that she was hallucinating. She blinked her eyes to get rid of distracting thoughts, but the villain in front of her didn't disappear.

So she raised her hand to touch it according to experience to dissipate the illusion, and it turned out...


Before Ye Jingtang could react, he found that the handle of his knife was being held by the cold little hand through the fabric, and then the slightly suspicious eyes in front of him suddenly widened, and his hand tightened instinctively.


Ye Jingtang seemed to be clamped in a vise, his face turned green at that moment, and he quickly grabbed her wrist:

"Hey, let go let go..."

Master Xuanji grasped it firmly, and when he realized that his back was red, he quickly let go of his hand:

"You still dare to say that your heart is as still as water? Is that how you are?"

"I'm a normal man, you drug me..."

"I'm taking serious medicine. You can't think so much when you're not lustful? Why don't I think about it?"

"You didn't think about what you were hiding with your head at first?"


Master Xuanji blinked her eyes, and found that both parties seemed to be thinking wildly, and the accusations seemed unreasonable.

After being silent for a while, she resumed her posture of a worldly expert, sat down on the edge of the bed, and pretended to meditate:
"Taoism emphasizes purity of mind and ascetic desires. You and I will have untimely hallucinations. It can only show that this medicine is tyrannical, and you and I are not strong-willed. Now we all calm down and exercise ourselves. Whoever is thinking about it is a puppy. "

Ye Jingtang also felt that there seemed to be something wrong with his concentration, so he took a deep breath and sat cross-legged beside him:

"Okay. As long as you are serious, I'm sure I won't think wildly... By the way, this thing is really interesting. You imagine that it is a starry sky above, surrounded by fireflies, um... let's float some petals..."

Master Xuanji blinked his eyes, and after a while raised his hand to caress in the void, obviously touching the imaginary firefly.

And Ye Jingtang also raised his hand to feel around, not knowing what he was doing.

On the other side, lay the floor.

Although Niao Niao was in a deep sleep, it was in a normal state. The two of them were nervous in the room, Niao Niao was naturally awakened.

At this time, Niao Niao was squatting on the floor, watching the two people's messy clothes and dancing nervously, obviously a little panic...
At the same time, Honghe Town.

hooves, hoofs...

A cavalry team of more than ten people entered the town surrounded by loess walls in the middle of the night. Someone from the Escort Bureau immediately came to negotiate, and then the whole team headed towards the Escort Bureau.

Pei Xiangjun ran thousands of miles, and it was inevitable that he was exhausted, but when he reached the place where his second brother lived in seclusion, he still cheered up and took Song Chi, Chen Yuanqing and other hall masters to the grave outside the town.

Song Chi, Chen Yuanqing, and Pei Yuanfeng are basically the same age. They were brothers of the same sect when they were young. The last time they met, they were both young and young. A group of people stood in front of the grave to worship, basically saying nothing.

When Luo Ning arrived at her husband's hometown, she naturally had to pay homage to her father-in-law whom she had never met before, but Yun Li didn't stay long in front of her, she just followed behind and put on a stick of incense, and then she and Zhe Yunli turned back first. Arrived in town.

Dongfang Liren and the Empress Dowager lived in the Escort Bureau, and now that they are all here, according to Ye Jingtang's arrangement, they will leave the customs tomorrow.

As the leader of the anti-thieves, Luo Ning has never dared to get too close to the Queen Mother, King Jing. After arriving in the room arranged by her, she began to freshen up and prepare for a good night's rest before the journey that would last for an unknown number of days.

But just as Luo Ning lay down on the bed, before she could fall asleep, she suddenly heard a voice from a distance:


The sound of a bird, but it was definitely not a bird, but a secret signal for her to communicate with her companions when she was walking in the rivers and lakes.

? !
When Luo Ning heard the familiar signal, her icy cheeks froze suddenly, and instantly felt that the sky was falling, as if she had run away with a wild man as a daughter-in-law, and was approached by her husband, feeling helpless and nervous instantly filled her heart.

Luo Ning moved her eyelashes and held back for a long time, until the bird chirping sounded outside again, she got up quietly, put on the blue skirt, took a picture in front of the mirror, put on the cold expression like before, and then Quietly out the door.

It was already dark, and everyone inside and outside the Escort had already rested, leaving only a few sentries to patrol outside.

Luo Ning came to a small street not far from the Escort on the grounds of walking casually, and soon saw a figure in an alley with a loess wall.

The figure is dressed in a brocade robe, with a jade crown on his head and a jade belt on his waist. His figure is slender and noble, and his imposing manner is somewhat similar to that of King Jing, but it is obviously much more solid than that of King Jing who pretends to be a master. He stands like a statue wherever he stands. The majestic mountain with power over the world, just the silhouette standing with hands behind his back, is enough to make Wan Qianxiao shy.

The moonlight was alluring in the alley, and the cheeks of the figure could be seen, but a white mask covered the original charming face, only revealing a pair of eyes.

The eyes are full of light, like two indestructible cold sharp knives, mixed with the absolute arrogance of "Invincible under the mountain".

Even if Luo Ning and Xue Baijin are old best friends, seeing these eyes that make people tremble from the bottom of their hearts, her heart still tightens, she subconsciously lowers her head and staggers her eyes, and slowly walks to the front:
"You came."

"I told you to wait for me, why did you leave early?"

Xue Baijin has been a boy since he was a child, and it has become a habit to pay attention to his demeanor when going out. Even when talking to Luo Ning, he still keeps his voice down, which sounds 'buzzing', evil and domineering.

Luo Ning hooked the hair beside Gou's ear, came to stand in front of her, and explained softly:
"The itinerary has been arranged. I happened to go with them. I have asked Ping'er to leave you a message...the queen mother and Prince Jing are inside. How could you come here? If you are found, the court will suspect that your motives are not pure. For Nanxiao Mountain, it is a disaster..."

Xue Baijin turned around, because he was about the same height as Dabenben, looking down at the beautiful woman in Tsing Yi, he really looked like a gentleman:
"If I don't come over, how can I find you? You should wait in the capital if you know I'm coming over..."

Luo Ning didn't dare to look at each other, so she casually looked around:
"Okay, let's not talk about this, what should we do now? You can't follow behind quietly. If my identity is exposed, I won't be able to stay in the capital any longer, and Ye Jingtang will also expose her secret identity..."

For some reason, Xue Baijin felt that Ning'er, who had been clinging to her since she was a teenager, was a bit estranged, but she hadn't seen her for nearly a year, and it was normal to have this feeling. She didn't take it to heart, and said:

"Yejingtang climbed too fast. This kind of arrogance cannot be subordinated to others. Ask him to help find Yuxi and Tianzijian. If he finds it, he won't teach Pingtian..."

Luo Ning frowned: "Don't talk nonsense, Ye Jingtang has a good character, has a righteous heart, doesn't like fame, wealth and power, and has no intention of taking over the world..."

"This has nothing to do with taking the world. It is because of his good character and righteous heart that he will not give the Yuxi Tianzi Sword to Pingtian Sect. I Pingtian Sect took these to restore the former dynasty. He knows the purpose and the consequences , as the eighth chief of the contemporary era, he is a chivalrous man who does not seek fame, wealth and power. As a chivalrous man, how could he hand over something that would bring disaster to the common people to the Pingtian sect?"

Luo Ning blinked her eyes: "If Ye Jingtang thinks that there should be no military disaster, he has his own opinion, you..."

Xue Baijin raised his hand to stop his words, and turned his head to look at Luo Ning:

"He has the world in his eyes, and so do I. Whether Pingtian Sect should rebel or be recruited, I can judge freely in my heart. Is it possible that he has his own opinions, so I have to listen to him? How can you be sure that his views are correct?"

Luo Ning also knew it was such a reason, thinking about it, she could only say:

"Yejingtang is someone I teach in Pingtian. If you refute your opinions and you still can't convince each other, don't you want your family to fight?"

Xue Baijin knew that Ye Jingtang had done many things for Luo Ning, and he couldn't make him feel cold, so he said:
"It's normal for everyone in the world to have their own opinions. He won't hand over the Emperor's Sword Yuxi to the Pingtian Sect, so I won't make it difficult for him to find it. This time I came here in person, and I'm going to do it myself."

When Luo Ning heard that Xue Baijin was not planning to go to the king to see the king, she would not reveal her secrets for the time being. She was overjoyed, but immediately became entangled and asked:

"You mean you want me to dig treasures with you?"

Xue Baijin nodded of course: "We used to travel all over the rivers and lakes together. If you don't accompany me, can I wander in the desert alone?"


Luo Ning has teamed up with others a long time ago, so she must be reluctant to be a thief, but she can't confess to divorce now, thinking about it, she can only say:
"Well... Ye Jingtang is young, but he is growing too fast. I, the leader, can ensure that he is a diehard loyalist of my Pingtian sect; if he leaves for too long, let him be a hidden stake in the capital alone. It is very likely that he was poached by the court in front of the public, so..."

Xue Baijin said calmly: "I have thought about all these things, Yunli is sixteen, and has reached the age of marriage..."

? !
If Luo Ning was struck by lightning, her eyes turned cold:
"Xue Baijin!"


The Great Hierarch of Pingtian paused for a while, but Luo Ning's voice yelled at him, and said softly:

"what happened?"

Luo Ning held her head high, her thoughts turned sharply:

"The daughter's family's lifelong affairs should be decided by the daughter's family. To Yun Li, you are like a teacher, a father, and a mother. Is it possible that you still want to use Yun Li as a bargaining chip to recruit soldiers? How can you have such an idea?"


Xue Baijin's mouth under the mask opened:
"I didn't say forced betrothal. Yun Li is very smart, just let Yun Li follow Ye Jingtang. It's best if the two of them have a relationship. If not, Yun Li can become a brother of the opposite sex with his personality... What do you mean? What are you excited about? Ye Jingtang is such an excellent young man, and he is about the same age as Yun Li. There is probably no second more suitable son-in-law in the world. Don't you want Yun Li to find a good husband?"

Luo Ning felt that the more she talked, the more something was wrong. How could she answer this question, so she changed the subject and said:
"Okay, I'll listen to your arrangement first. I don't dare to leave for a long time, so I'll go back first. I'll say hello to Sanniang later, and I'll go out with you tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside the town, come here quickly."



Thank you [Floating in the World with Peace of Mind] boss for the reward or2!

(End of this chapter)

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