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Chapter 278 Accidental Discovery

Chapter 278 Accidental Discovery
The sky turned pale, and the resident of the Dongming Department lit up the lights one after another, and the early risers opened the stalls facing the street.

And in the tent at the back, Niao Niao woke up, a little hungry, and landed on the head of the bed, condescendingly looking at Ye Jing Tang:
"Guji Guji?"

On the bed, Ye Jingtang's eyelashes twitched, and the first time he was awake, he felt refreshed, and the fatigue from the long journey was completely dispelled. It might be the first time he slept so comfortably after half a month.

Ye Jingtang exhaled softly, opened his eyes, saw Niao Niao's round head upside down, raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, raised his hand and gently moved his arms away...

Um? ?

How can I have arms on my body? !
Ye Jingtang woke up in an instant, and recalled a little - sitting on the bed with real Xuanji yesterday and dreaming in a dreamland, and finally lying down and watching the stars, and then...

Then I fell asleep without knowing when...

isn't it...

Ye Jingtang secretly thought that something was wrong, the originally good-looking face turned white to the naked eye, and from the corner of his eye, he often looked around, and the first thing that caught his eye was the woman's flawless fair cheeks, her long jet-black hair was tied up with a headband, and she leaned against the On the same pillow two feet away, the distance that can be kissed by slightly bowing the head.

Although her appearance and temperament were impeccable, the woman's sleeping appearance was not very elegant. She was lying on the bed with her right hand across his chest and a small sundial in her hand.


Ye Jingtang's body was slightly stiff, and he glanced down quietly—the real person Xuanji was wearing a white skirt, although it was a little wrinkled, but it was complete, and there was nothing to be happy about.

And he was also wearing his clothes, it seemed that nothing happened last night, he just slept in the same bed all night.

"Huh... scared me to death..."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was relieved. Seeing that the real Xuanji hadn't woken up yet, he wanted to gently touch his chest and remove his hand for fear of causing unnecessary misunderstanding.

But before he could move, he found Fairy Lu who was close at hand, and slowly opened his eyes:

Ye Jingtang secretly thought something was wrong, afraid of being beaten to death by the girl, he reacted very quickly, quickly pushed away Xuanji's arm and sat up, touched his body, then turned to look at Xuanji, his eyes were surprised and suspicious, with a look of "humiliated" The appearance of a young hero.

? ?
True Xuanji sleeps as comfortably as Ye Jingtang. When she just woke up, her mind is blank. When she suddenly finds Ye Jingtang sleeping in front of her eyes, she is naturally startled.

But before she had time to reprimand, "Deng Tuzi, what did you do to me?", she saw the look in the eyes of the villain in Yejing Hall who complained first, and couldn't help being stunned.

The two looked at each other, and Master Xuanji quickly recalled what happened last night, then sat up slowly, looked left and right, and raised her hand to straighten the wrinkled skirt:
"Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't do anything to you, I just fell asleep accidentally..."

When Ye Jingtang saw that Master Xuanji didn't bother him, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, put on a serious look, and touched his clothes again:

"It scared me to death, I thought you... why are you sleeping on my bed?"

The real Xuanji was actually quite shocked, but she didn't show it because of her strong mind. She secretly felt that after confirming that she was still a big girl with yellow flowers, her eyes signaled the messy floor covered by the birds:
"Where is your bed, what do you mean I sleep on your bed? If I fall asleep, you can't go back and lie down by yourself, you have to squeeze with me?"

"I don't even know when I fell asleep. You said that martial arts are higher than mine. Why didn't you remind me?"

After Ye Jingtang responded, he didn't dare to talk nonsense on this matter, turned around and stood up holding Niao Niao:

"It's dawn, get up quickly, I'm going to wash up first."

Master Xuanji nodded slightly, and when Ye Jingtang slipped out of the tent, his expression became a bit weird. He raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, then looked back at the crumpled bed made by the two of them, and muttered softly :

"What kind of potion is this..."

There are too many businessmen coming and going in Langxuan City, dragons and snakes are mixed together, Ye Jingtang wants to turn the Queen Mother and Prince Jing upside down, so naturally he has to find out the situation in the city in advance, lest when the time comes, people will be ignorant of the risks and cause accidents. trouble.

After breakfast at the Dongming Department's resident, before Fan Qinghe could find any clues about Prisoner Long Miasma, Ye Jingtang and Master Xuanji once again acted as street thugs.

Langxuan City not only gathered people from various tribes in the West Sea, but also the forces of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.After wandering around the city for a long time, Yejingtang found many traces of chambers of commerce and gangs in Liangzhou.

Among them, the Hongshan gang has the largest resident, with nearly 100 gang members. The stalls sell local products from Liangzhou, but the main business is to negotiate long-term cooperation with the leaders of various ministries, and transport grain, salt and iron to various ministries through smuggling routes.

Due to the urgent shortage of these necessities among the various tribes in the West Sea, the Hongshan Gang and other forces engaged in smuggling business have a very high status in Langxuan City, and the elders of all tribes basically come to the door with generous gifts to ask for business.

Ye Jingtang, as the commander of the black government, still needs to investigate the smuggling business, but revealing his identity outside the customs to check the smuggling is an interference in the internal affairs of other countries. Da Wei is not so domineering, so he is just checking the background and recording the information of gang members , Inquire about the source of smuggled items, etc., so that they can trace the source after returning to the customs.

Xuanji's real talent in martial arts and Taoism is astonishingly high, but after ten years of investigation, he has not found the whereabouts of Minglongtu, which is enough to show the strength of his handling ability. Niao Niao wanders around, Niao Niao is in charge of eating, and she is in charge of drinking.

The two of them strolled from morning to afternoon this time, basically finding out what big forces are in the city and what masters there may be.

After a day of shopping, Niao Niao was a little tired, and wanted to eat roasted lamb legs, so Ye Jingtang sat down at the roasted lamb stand on the street, and was going to have a meal with Xuanji before returning to the station.

But when the two were eating at the stall, there was a sound of horse bells coming from the distance of the street, accompanied by a loud noise:
"Let let..."

"With so much goods, which caravan is this?"

"It seems to belong to the Liangzhou Black Flag Gang..."


Ye Jingtang put down his chopsticks when he heard the sound, turned his head to check the street, and saw a caravan of more than a hundred members of the Black Flag Gang coming this way.

Because he smashed a car, there was naturally one less carriage in the convoy; the bad-mouthed monk who was beaten up, wearing a monk's robe and riding on the horse, seemed not in a good mood.

Hu Yanjing, who had a saber hanging on the side of the horse, had the same expression as his dead father. When passing through the crowd, he occasionally looked around, as if he was looking for traces of Mr. Qin Chi.

Dongfang Shangqing, Prince Liang's youngest son, may also be in Langxuan City for the first time. At this time, he left the carriage and rode among the guards to watch the street scene.

Seeing Hu Yanjing arrive, Ye Jingtang whispered about the deserted bone beach with Master Xuanji, and then secretly followed the convoy...
Langxuan City is full of foreign businessmen, so accommodation is indispensable, but because the gathering lasts only for more than three months, the number of houses is very small, and the inns are all temporary small tents.

At the same time as the caravan of the Black Flag Gang entered the city, seven or eight men sat in a tent near the big red tent on the outside of the city. There was a temporary topographic map on the small case in the middle, and there were some weapons beside it.

With a brush in his hand, Cao Aning pointed at the map of the city and said:

"I just went to see it. Most of the inspectors have turned away. This place is a warehouse, and the people are sparsely populated. Dongfang Shangqing lives near the warehouse..."

Xu Tianying and several old secret guards gathered around the table, listening to the night's battle plan.

Tang Yudan stood at the door of the tent, opened the curtain, and looked at the big tent full of Yingying Yanyan in the distance.

After the words of several people came to an end, Tang Yudan turned around and interjected:

"Even if we enter the rivers and lakes, life and death are borders. We are now wandering outside, and we don't know when we will die on the road. If we die without children or daughters, it is not filial. Said, if you are pregnant, you don't need a man to raise you. Although you don't have a man's surname, you can't find a son, but at least you have left some incense. If you want me to see it, why not..."

As Tang Yudan was talking, he suddenly found that the tent had become quiet, and five or six people were staring at him with frowns, so he stopped talking resentfully.

Xu Tianying's expression was displeased, and he wanted to remind his younger brother, "The male guards are all eunuchs, and they were all sterilized a long time ago, so what are you keeping?".

But speaking of this, it will really arouse Cao Aning and others' headaches, Xu Tianying thought about it and said:

"The tiger father has no dogs. The men in the Yaoji tribe are all laborers and do odd jobs. They themselves don't like it. How can we let our children and grandchildren become pariahs? If you are afraid of dying and having no future, You can find a place to live in seclusion and live an ordinary life, no one will stop you."

Tang Yudan was scolded by his senior brother, and realized that most of the tents were filled with eunuchs, so he came to him and changed the subject:

"Just kidding, let's talk business."

Cao Aning has been in the palace as long as he can remember, but he took these things lightly, and continued to draw on the paper with a brush:
"I discussed it with Hu Yanjing in advance, and he will ask Zhang Xuanye to take people to drink at night. Dongfang Shangqing has a dozen or so palace guards around him. They have a good background, but they are not waiting for my opponent. When you find an opportunity, don't really hurt Dongfang Shangqing. Just scare. When the time comes to stab Zhang Xuanye, the technique must be accurate, it is best to splash Dongfang Shangqing's face with blood, but don't hurt the vitals, otherwise you don't want to work under Zuo Xianwang..."

Xu Tianying is from Jianghu, seeing that his master took refuge in King Yan and ended up in the capital, he was actually a little bit against the matter of clinging to the powerful, so he thought for a while and said:

"Apart from King Zuo Xian, do we have no other way out?"

Cao Aning paused, and thought for a while:
"There are also green bandits, but the green bandits are too mysterious and don't know what they want. If you join them, you can only obey their orders. Maybe you will be considered an outcast one day. I have been running in the various tribes of the West Sea for many years, and I know a little bit about it. , if King Zuo Xian can't climb up, let's go find it."

Xu Tianying nodded and said no more...
Time turned into night in a blink of an eye.

Not far from the base of the Dong Ming Department, in the camp where more than a hundred horses were parked, the sound of silk and bamboo came from the central tent, and several guards from the palace in black, and warriors from the Wuma Department patrolled around the tent.

Relying on his extraordinary body skills, Ye Jingtang touched the big tent from the dark, hid behind a stable, and listened carefully to the movement in the tent:
"Mr. Shang Qing can come here in person, which really gives my Wuma Department enough face, but the number of hundreds of white-maned horses sent to the palace every year is too large. Even if I can get it, the Beiliang court will not be able to explain it; In the terms of the trade between the two dynasties, only ordinary horses are allowed to be bought and sold, and white-maned horses are the best choice for war horses..."

"The Patriarch Wu underestimated Liang Wang's mansion a little too much. My father and king have [-] cavalry troops, and a hundred horses can't even lift the water. I want to send these horses to Yun'an. The princes and noble sons over there like it." Rare items, the rarer the horse breed, the higher the price..."


Master Xuanji leaned against Ye Jingtang's side, and after listening carefully for a long time, he said:

"It sounds like Dongfang Shangqing really came to discuss business."

Ye Jingtang has followed Dongfang Shangqing to several tribes' residences since the afternoon, and they are indeed talking about business. They didn't feel that Dongfang Shangqing had any problems, so they responded:

"It seems that Hu Yanjing is indeed cheating and secretly smuggling scale steel. I don't know if he has called the seller. I will go over and ask when he is alone later."

After the two waited for a while, Dongfang Shangqing came out of the big tent, left the station with the guards, and boarded the carriage at the door, while Hu Yanjing served as the guard beside the carriage.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang quietly came to the street, followed from the shadows, hoping to wait for Hu Yanjing to return to the place where he was staying, and then a Hades would come to ask about the situation.

As a result, after following the convoy for a while, Ye Jingtang suddenly moved out of his corner of the eye, and found someone from far away looking towards the direction of the convoy.

Master Xuanji also sensed it, and raised his eyes to look into the distance, but saw a row of warehouses over there.

A large number of merchants came from Langxuan City, such as dried furs, herbs, etc., which are easy to get damp if they are placed randomly, so they must be stored in the warehouse built in advance by the Gochen Department.

The two of them touched there today, and the area near the warehouse is a place to buy porcelain, so that area is also called the Porcelain Building, and many houses have been built for luxury merchants to settle down, because the entire city is full of tents that are as tall as one person. Standing above the warehouse is a glimpse of the mountains.

At this time, with the afterglow of the lights, I looked carefully, and I could vaguely see the outline of a figure, holding a long tube in his hand, looking at Dongfang Shangqing's convoy. From his sneaky behavior, he didn't look like a guard of the palace. More like a stalker.

Master Xuanji was slightly puzzled seeing this, and asked:

"Is this horse bandit stepping on the spot?"

Judging from years of experience in darts, Yejingtang is indeed quite similar, but Langxuan City is a place for foreign trade of the various tribes of the West Sea, and if an accident scares away merchants, it will be a loss to the West Sea tribes. The tribes of feuds can coexist peacefully here, and the horse bandits come here to make trouble, so they probably don't want to get out of Langxuan City alive.

"I don't know, go and see the situation first."

Ye Jingtang saw that the caravan was walking slowly, so he stopped following the caravan and let the birds fly into the air to investigate the situation, while he and Xuanji went through the noisy market like two ghost shadows, and went to the place where the figures were. at...
Thank you [Book Friend 20190911204242004] for the reward from the leader of the boss!

I was a little sleepless last night, so I ordered or2 for less!

(End of this chapter)

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