wait a minute

Chapter 283

Chapter 283
Call ~
The night wind drew away the flowing clouds, and also drove the endless blades of grass in the basin.

Two figures stood ten feet apart in the waist-deep grass. As the moonlight fell, a ray of knife light appeared in the night.

Fan Qinghe missed a single blow, seeing that the green robed man was the champion Jiang Zhahu, he didn't dare to approach him rashly, and wanted to remind Ye Jingtang to leave first and don't fight recklessly, but the two confronting peak martial arts champions did not avoid the fight The meaning, the gradually tense momentum, so that she could only hold down her breath and dare not speak nonsense.

Ye Jingtang switched the saber to his right hand with his bare arm, stared at Jiang Zhahu, suppressed the confusion in his heart, strode forward with each saber, and then galloped, causing the whole world to show its sharpness. feel.


Jiang Zhahu seemed to have the upper hand in a fight, but the whip leg kicked Ye Jingtang's arm, as if he had kicked a skeleton made of steel, and it would slide out simply because the ground was soft. If the foothold was strong enough, Ye Jingtang might Not moving at all.

Ye Jingtang felt that Jiang Zhahu was unprecedentedly domineering, so why didn't he feel that Ye Jingtang was physically domineering.

Seeing Ye Jingtang approaching with big strides, Jiang Zahu slid his right foot away and slightly bent his knees.

boom -

The next moment, there was a muffled thunder-like explosion in the basin.

Ye Jingtang pulled out a white line with a knife in both hands, and shot it directly in front of Jiang Zhahu from ten feet away, slashing his waist and abdomen with the knife!


Jiang Zahu stretched his left hand forward, trying to clamp the blade with his two fingers, and at the same time leaned his shoulder close to his body.

But Ye Jingtang knew who his opponent was this time, and he didn't hold anything back at all. There were still three steps away, when he stomped on the ground with his right foot, and the speed of the knife in his hand instantly increased to the extreme.

This knife hurts itself before hurting the enemy, it is the pinnacle of sword art in the world, and its speed is so fast that it cannot be avoided.

Jiang Zhahu's two fingers hadn't stopped the blade, and the Chilong knife slid from under the arm into the gap in the waist and abdomen.

If it were any other warrior, the first reaction when the blade was in his arms would be to retreat and move away.

But Jiang Zhahu completely ignored the sharp knife cutting towards his waist, failing to stop the blade, his left hand immediately turned into a punch, hitting Ye Jingtang's face directly.


The pavement boxing wind is like a bone-scraping steel knife, showing a suffocating oppressive force before it is in the body.

Ye Jingtang knew that Jiang Zhahu had practiced the Golden Scale Drawing for more than 20 years, and he had reached the point where his body was pure and clean. It was hard to hurt his internal organs when he was cut in the ribs. However, he was punched in the face by the boxer. , may have a concussion on the spot.

For this reason, Ye Jingtang immediately changed his saber posture close to his body, pressed down to avoid a punch, and took advantage of the momentum to brush past Jiang Zhahu's side, pulling the long saber horizontally from under his ribs, wanting to test his protection.

But Jiang Zhahu's ability to become a military leader never relied on his golden scales, but on his unparalleled fist and foot attainments.

Even if he is invulnerable, he has no habit of using his body to catch a knife.

Seeing that the punch missed, Jiang Zhahu immediately swung his arm sideways, and his left arm hit Ye Jingtang's back like a steel whip.

In the end, he never thought that Ye Jingtang was a swordsman, and his fist and kick skills did not hold back at all.

Jiang Zhahu slammed down with one arm, and before he touched Ye Jingtang's back with full strength, Ye Jingtang's upper body was already pressed down, his left leg was raised high like a scorpion flicking its tail, and it was directly pulled towards the door.


Jiang Zhahu raised his right hand to block the whipped leg, his body remained motionless, but the soft soil under his feet couldn't withstand the powerful impact of Ye Jingtang's sprint burst.

The moment his arm was hit, Jiang Zhahu slid out backwards and leveled the weeds a few feet behind him.

But Ye Jingtang repelled the enemy with one blow, without giving him a chance to breathe. Before Jiang Zhahu could completely stop, the right leg supporting his body was already bent and stretched, and he bounced his whole body forward. , Straight into Jiang Zhahu's heart.


There was no gap between the two consecutive strikes. Even Fan Qinghe, who was not far away, only saw Ye Jingtang suddenly erupted and knocked Jiang Zhahu out, and then followed closely behind with a knife, stabbing Jiang Zhahu in the blink of an eye. In the arms of Zhahu.

It is true that Jiang Zhahu is powerful, but Ye Jingtang is also not weak, and the blade has not completely relieved his strength, and the blade has come to him, and he clasped his palms together to clamp the Chilong Saber.


But Ye Jingtang's stabbing force with all his body's strength was too great, his palms alone could not stop the long saber, Chilong saber slid in between his palms, and stabbed Jiang Zhahu's chest as before.


Under the powerful stopping effect of his palms, the tip of the knife only penetrated a fingernail.

But Jiang Zahu was hit by the force of a mighty dragon and a giant elephant, and accelerated again and slid back.

Jiang Zhahu held the Chilong Saber between his arms, and flew back a few feet in the blink of an eye, until the force of Ye Jingtang's front thrust reached the end of his crossbow, then moved his hands sideways and pulled them sideways, and his right shoulder slammed into Ye Jingtang.

This move was Liu Qiansheng's move to snatch the white blade with his bare hands. Ye Jingtang almost fell for the move when he bumped into Liu Qiansheng for the first time in the tunnel.

But seeing this scene again at this time, Ye Jingtang responded quite directly, both feet stomped on the ground, and turned sideways to meet the collision.

These two are exactly the same moves, exerting all the vigor and strength to the extreme, and the background of the two is enough to shake the city wall.

And Jiang Zhahu is not like Liu Qiansheng, Lu Jieyun, Xuanyuan Chao, his physical fitness is at the peak, and he doesn't say that he is afraid of being young with punches. The effect of this confrontation can be described as amazing.


The shoulders of the two collided, and the black ground under their feet exploded immediately, and a crater was abruptly removed by the violent impact force.

The grass blades flying all over the sky were pushed away by force, turning into flying blades flying in all directions. Almost in an instant, the lush grassland on the edge of the basin was flattened to the ground by the strong wind, resulting in a huge gap between the basins. The huge ring spread all the way to the rear of Fan Qinghe.


Fan Qinghe's long-haired veil was blown straight in an instant, and he was holding a hidden weapon. He wanted to see the stitches, but he couldn't get in this scene.

And the two sides who collided head-on obviously didn't feel very good.

Ye Jingtang leaned against the pinnacle of the pinnacle boxer, and his feet couldn't stand still when he stepped on the muddy ground. At the moment when the overwhelming momentum came, Ye Jingtang's already broken upper body robe was completely torn apart, and his whole body fell backwards. To slide out more than ten feet.

And Jiang Zhahu couldn't stay still in the face of this level of collision, and his green robe was also torn by Qi Jin, and he slid to the other side of the grass.

Ye Jingtang was only a frontal raid, and he could tell that the light knife in his hand might not be as effective against Jiang Zhahu as a solid iron rod. He missed the Junshan knife and the pumpkin hammer that beat Lu Jieyun so hard.

But as far as the eye can see, there are dense grasslands, and there is nowhere to find even a big rock, and there is nowhere to find a suitable armor-piercing weapon.

For this reason, Ye Jingtang put the knife back into its sheath when he stopped for a moment, threw it to Fan Qinghe in the distance, and whistled at the same time:

"call out--"


On the ridge in the distance, the big black horse, which was parked on the spot, immediately raised its front hooves and galloped towards the basin.

Ye Jingtang threw out his saber and didn't wait in place. He shook his shoulders and elbows and exploded all over his body, causing the tattered robes on his body to fly away. .

Those who have seen the situation here will be stunned when they see this scene. They feel that Ye Jingtang is trying to die at night, and that he can't take advantage of it with a knife.

And Jiang Zhahu saw that Ye Jingtang dared to fight with him, his eyes showed the arrogance that a contemporary boxing champion should have, he slid his right foot and his arms forward and backward, bowed like a crouching tiger and hooked his hands.


Ye Jingtang's explosive power was extremely powerful, and when he was still three feet away, his body suddenly exploded, and he rushed forward with a punch, directly hitting Jiang Zhahu's chest and abdomen.

And Jiang Zhahu retreated in big strides, swinging his arm with his right hand, and hit Ye Jingtang's elbow from top to bottom.

Ye Jingtang practiced the Lei Gong Baji taught by Uncle Song, and also incorporated Liu Qiansheng's fist and foot accomplishments. The number of moves is inch by inch, hard hit hard, good use of knees and elbows, and the fist style is fierce and destructive.

And Jiang Zhahu's current method is obviously the white ape's arm, the move is cold and crisp, and the clothes are strong. The most important thing is that the attack distance is amazing. It looks like the white ape's long strike. In the distance, the vast energy engulfed by the swinging arm has already landed on the acupoint on Ye Jingtang's right arm.


Ye Jingtang's punch was intercepted, his entire right arm went numb instantly, his forearm was even bloodstained, and he fell under the force of the impact, but his left hand didn't slow down at all, stepping forward was a punching elbow, Hit Jiang Zhahu's chest again.

But Jiang Zhahu's movements were organized, he didn't confront Ye Jingtang at all, he slowly retreated and swung his arms, his arms were like windmills, continuously hitting the vital points of the body attacked by Ye Jingtang.

clap clap clap-

In an instant, a series of firecrackers exploded in the basin.

Fan Qinghe, who was not too far away, saw that Ye Jingtang was like a tiger pouncing on his prey, striding forward with heavy punches, elbows, and knees. In the blink of an eye, there were more than ten consecutive blows. The tiger retreated for more than twenty feet.

However, Jiang Zhahu retreated back again and again without moving, each time accurately hitting the weak point of Ye Jingtang's attack moves, breaking through more than ten moves in a row without touching his torso, instead using his arms as firm as iron, he struck Ye Jingtang There were bloodstains everywhere on the limbs.

This scene seems to be that Jiang Zhahu has the upper hand with ease, but only top experts can see the horror of Ye Jingtang.

Jiang Zhahu's heavy swinging arm carried tremendous strength, and the arm of an ordinary master would be broken when it touched it, and there was no possibility of combo moves at all.

But Ye Jingtang's bones are harder than Jiang Zahu's, and if he can break his arm, Jiang Zahu's bones must be injured first. Therefore, after a few swings of his arm and heavy chops, Jiang Zahu restrained his strength to intercept the attack. For the Lord to avoid its edge.

Ye Jingtang's offensive was like a wave, and he fought more than ten moves in a row. Although his body looked bruised and bruised, his bones were so strong that the injuries did not reach the inside.

But all the offensive moves were intercepted, and Jiang Zhahu's torso was not even touched, but he was smashed by the iron arm. It is definitely not an option to continue smashing.

For this reason, when Jiang Zhahu slammed his elbow once again with a punch, Ye Jingtang's aura changed completely. For the palm, the backhand sticks to Jiang Zahu's wrist.

Jiang Zhahu was worthy of the title of boxing champion, he swung his arm almost to a sudden stop, and when his arm touched Ye Jingtang's palm, he lost any strength, and turned his backhand into a claw, clasping Ye Jingtang's forearm.


From the perspective of outsiders, this scene is like two warriors with bursting fists. After rushing for a certain distance, the momentum suddenly stops, and the hands are coming and going. Pushing and pushing, only the afterimages are left, but there is no sound, but The blades of grass flying around were driven by the invisible strong wind, surrounding the two of them like a whirlpool.

The two of them seem to be just pushing palms back and forth, but in fact, their vigor is changing secretly. They are learning the direction of each other's Qi veins according to the "Tingfeng Palm", so they can change their moves in advance, and the speed of each other's changes is getting faster and faster, without making mistakes. Under such circumstances, whoever overloads his brain first will miss and be blasted out.

Jiang Zhahu's master came out of Liu Qiansheng, and his opponents used his martial arts that he had mastered decades ago to deal with him. the point.

But Jiang Zhahu also discovered at this time that there was something wrong with Ye Jingtang's qi veins, it was not as smooth as ordinary people, and there was no delay in raising qi and changing moves, directly to the point where the qi flowed freely and easily.

Jiang Zhahu's physical talent is the strongest group of people in the world, so it can be seen that Ye Jingtang is not a talent by any means, but honed by a secret method!

A flash of surprise flashed in Jiang Zhahu's eyes, but that was all. He found that Ye Jingtang's physical fitness had surpassed the limits of ordinary people.


Ye Jingtang pushed palms with Jiang Zhahu, the pressure was far greater than fighting with Qiu Tianhe. You came and went to me more than ten times, and they were also approaching the limit, and if they were faster, they would not be able to keep up.

But when he was concentrating on the response, he suddenly found that the energy channels in Jiang Zhahu's body changed strangely, and the original surging energy disappeared without a trace. Not only could he not capture the perception, but even a strange reverse suction force appeared.

Ye Jingtang's palm was attached to his arm, and without any reaction time, his palm was firmly attached to Jiang Zhahu's forearm.

And Jiang Zahu's arm was strong, naturally without any hesitation, he immediately hit his arm and swept it in Ye Jingtang's palm.


The domineering vigor pierced through his body, and Ye Jingtang slid back more than ten feet, holding his posture with his palms halfway, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Zhahu retreated from Ye Jingtang, and it was probably the first time he met an opponent with such an exaggerated background, and he asked nonsense:

"Liu Qiansheng cherishes talents, didn't he teach you the real skills of pressing the bottom of the box?"

Ye Jingtang discovered that Liu Qiansheng was still holding back and taught Jiang Zhahu how to break the move, so he stopped using short strikes and stood up straight and said:

"Good work, well-deserved champion. You hand over the formula antidote of Jinlin Tu or Prison Dragon Miasma, and I will leave now. Afterwards, the court will keep its promise and let you learn Jade Bone Tu as compensation."

Jiang Zhahu frowned obviously when he heard "Prisoner Dragon Miasma", but he was not dazed, but puzzled. After all, he happened to have it. It was a little strange where Ye Jingtang got the news.

After Jiang Zhahu held it with one hand, although his upper body robe was torn and there was still a little blood on his chest, his momentum was not affected in any way, and he responded flatly:

"You have the right to say this when you win."

Ye Jingtang nodded and raised his right hand:
"Then Gang Leader Jiang, don't blame me for not talking about martial arts."


hooves, hoofs...

The two fought dozens of moves, and it was said that it was an instant.

At this time, the big black horse rushed down from the basin and came to the vicinity.

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe quickly ran to the front, leapt and took off the dragon-firing gun wrapped in black cloth, and threw it to the distant Yejingtang in the air.

Ye Jingtang caught the big gun with one hand, slid his right hand to the end of the gun and shook it suddenly, the black cloth wrapping the long gun was torn apart, revealing the jet-black body of the gun, and the momentum changed completely at this moment.

When Jiang Zhahu saw the dragon firing gun, surprise flashed in his eyes:
"Master Ye can still shoot?"


Ye Jingtang held the spear in his hand and pointed at the ground obliquely, staring straight ahead, his body motionless, he raised his left hand and hooked it.


At this moment, Jiang Zhahu, who was holding his back with one hand, almost disappeared out of thin air from the front.

When he reappeared, the person had already arrived at the left side of the Ye Jing Hall, his robe made a frightening sound of breaking the wind, as if a ghost directly rushed to the front.

And Ye Jingtang's reaction was not slow at all, his eyes were slightly focused and his right hand was clenched tightly on the spear, the black gun barrel instantly collapsed into a half-arc, his eyes were also bloodshot at this moment, and a yellow dragon lying down on the mountain and cracking rocks directly slashed towards the ground on the left.

boom -

Cao Aning and others who were several miles away saw a huge groove with a length of tens of feet visible to the naked eye in the huge basin.

The waist-deep dense weeds were smashed into a long blue-yellow dragon by the force of the gun at the moment of the spear's strike. Like a dragon walking in the wild, it instantly tore apart the black ground on the left.

Jiang Zhahu was at the forefront, but he expected that Ye Jingtang's marksmanship was not bad, but he didn't expect Ye Jingtang to take out the old gun leader's housekeeping skill, and even use Fengchi's reverse blood to bless the power in the first move. The speed of a devastating shot is slightly slower than that of a light knife, but its destructive power is several times stronger!
The big gun is recognized as the king of a hundred soldiers. It has almost no disadvantages except that it is inconvenient to carry. With a nine-foot gun body and a half-step arm extension, the attack distance can exceed three and a half meters. Unarmed is even more unreasonable.

Jiang Zhahu is recognized as the number one in the world in terms of boxing and foot attainments, but it is obviously difficult to face the hundred-jin Junshan knife, and the scene is just like now when facing the silent big gun.

Jiang Zhahu's surprise attack speed was astonishing, but as an opponent of the same level as Ye Jingtang, it was impossible for him to think of a move only after being thrust into his face.

As soon as Jiang Zahu stepped into the range of one foot, the invincible spearhead smashed to the top of his head with the energy that opened up the world.

The armor-piercing power of a splitting spear is far inferior to that of a stabbing spear, but the longer the weapon is, the tip is like a whip, and the speed can be pushed to the limit that short-handed soldiers cannot reach, and it is more destructive than a light knife no matter what.

If Jiang Zhahu hit it hard with his forehead, his skull would not be able to withstand such a heavy blow. He would have no chance to get close to the gun alone, so he immediately raised his palms to hold the gun.

Bang! !

Under the explosion, Jiang Zhahu's legs sank nearly two feet in an instant, and he was directly nailed into the black ground under his feet, and a long groove separated left and right appeared on the grass behind him.

Ye Jingtang slashed down with a spear, without the slightest gap, he directly pulled the gun back, and then stabbed straight to the throat while holding the gun.


The force of this shot directly brought out a piercing explosion out of thin air.

Jiang Zhahu didn't choose to catch the sword with his bare hands this time. After all, this thing couldn't stop at all. Seeing this, he fell back and fell to the ground. With a sudden bounce of his legs, he pulled his body out of the loose soil and slid back along the grass.

rub rub-

Ye Jingtang strode forward when his shot missed, the long spear in his hand was like a green dragon spitting water, and more than ten consecutive spears landed on Jiang Zhahu's chest and abdomen.

However, Jiang Zhahu's posture while lying on the ground was still astonishing. He slapped the ground with his hands like a backstroke, and he slid over dozens of feet of grass in an instant, avoiding a series of gunshots, and came to the village.

As long as Jiang Zahu got up, he would shoot directly at the chest, belly and throat, and he was completely at a disadvantage with no room for a backhand.

But Jiang Zhahu's expression didn't change at all. The moment he touched the fence, he raised his right arm and smashed the fence behind him, and smashed his hand into the soil behind him, and then:

In the sound of the explosion, the soil of the vegetable field behind the mud wall burst immediately.

A long lance with cloud patterns popped out of the mud!
The long lance was originally wrapped in oilcloth. At this time, the oilcloth was torn to reveal the real body. It can be seen that the lance is a wolf's head with patterns all over the body. There are inscriptions on the two-foot lance front, engraved with two small characters, and an ancient emblem of a tribe. .

The long lance is a horse lance, which is more than ten feet long, and the calcium carbide sparks are drawn to the dragon firing gun.


In the explosion of metal and iron strikes, Ye Jingtang felt a huge force coming from his hand, and the trembling gun barrel almost fell out of his hand, and instantly recognized it as the "storm stick" of Liangzhou Fu's family, a move specially used to fight long soldiers.

And the next scene was not as Ye Jingtang expected, after Jiang Zhahu fired the spear, his body immediately bounced up, and his long spear hit his throat.

Although there is no flaw in this move, Ye Jingtang can tell that Jiang Zhahu is not a professional soldier, and the horse lance is far less powerful than his fists and feet, so it can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

Ye Jingtang had encountered a storm stick before, and when he saw a lance approaching, he directly raised the spear to set the long lance away, and at the same time, the point of the spear pressed down on Thief's foot, and directly wiped a bloody gash on Jiang Zhahu's left leg.


Although weapons are inch-long and inch-strong, the longer the infantry, the better. That's why there are rifles and carbines.

Jiang Zhahu's lance was more than four meters long. It was obviously a weapon for horse warfare. He waved it on the ground. Due to his height, his flexibility would bring huge restrictions.

Ye Jingtang noticed this flaw, stole his foot and did not pull away, but pressed forward and collapsed with his gun.


Jiang Zhahu pressed his spear horizontally to block, but he was picked up by the brute force of Ye Jingtang's brute force and his feet left the ground.

And Ye Jingtang took this opportunity, held the gun with both hands and swept across, the blade of the gun was like a sickle, instantly leveling the grass around several feet.

But Jiang Zhahu, who was floating in the air, pulled his gun to block the sweep, and he shot out to the side, fell on the grass more than ten feet away and bounced up again. As a result, Ye Jingtang was killed on his back.

ding ding ding-

There was constant clashing sound of gold and iron in the basin, and two silhouettes with bare upper body were interspersed on the dense grass like a lawn mower, but in an instant, they drew a winding circle around the village.

Fan Qinghe intends to help, but in the fight against Wu Kui at the peak, she poisoned and threw hidden weapons, which may be counterproductive, so she can only follow along the way, looking for opportunities to make shots when necessary. While chasing, she also found the weapon used by Jiang Zhahu, which seemed a bit familiar.

On the hillside far away, Du Tanqing and others never expected that Jiang Zahu could fight to this extent.

Judging from the current situation, Jiang Zhahu's boxing and foot skills are indeed unrivaled in the world, but it is obvious that he has dropped a gear when he changed to a long soldier. His style of play is very passive, but he will not be killed directly. The next step is to fight for endurance and make mistakes. .

Both sides seem to be the top martial arts leaders, and there is no possibility of mistakes. In the end, it is very likely that one side will win miserably after both sides are exhausted.

Du Tanqing thought of this, and couldn't help feeling secretly happy, and said in a low voice:

"The snipe and the clam fight each other for the fisherman's benefit. These two are fighting a fierce battle. After the fight, they will definitely lose their strength to fight again. Later, we will take advantage of the emptiness...and..."

At this point, the words stopped abruptly.

Everyone squinted and suddenly found a figure running out of the village.

Ye Jingtang took advantage of the victory and pursued the attack like a wave. Relying on extraordinary body skills and spear moves, he hit Jiang Zhahu every few times. Although he was a little bit scraping when facing the golden scale skin, he could do it completely. As long as he persisted, he would always be able to Scrape Jiang Zhahu and lie down.

And Jiang Zhahu found that the long soldiers couldn't fight, and his fists and feet couldn't touch Ye Jingtang who was using the long soldiers at all, his eyes gradually became serious, and he flew forward and retreated several times trying to backhand, but Ye Jingtang was as steady as a rock and didn't rush forward at all. It was just a hard scratch at a distance, but several small cuts were left on Jiang Zhahu's body in a short while.

And just when the two were fighting inextricably, hurried footsteps suddenly sounded from the side village.

Looking around from the corner of the eye, I saw an old man in his 70s, staggering out with a cane, his face was extremely anxious, and Yaoyao began to shout:
"Stop! Stop! Stop hitting..."

Jiang Zahu wanted to stop, but in a passive situation, he couldn't pull away without trying to get shot.

And Ye Jingtang used all his strength to suppress Jiang Zhahu. As long as he stopped and let the opponent regain his strength, he would have to fight again from the beginning, and he would definitely not stop.

Fan Qinghe, who was near the two of them, was paying attention to the battle between the two sides. From the corner of his eye, he saw the old man who ran out, and suddenly found that the other party was wearing a black robe, with black beads hanging around his neck, and some complicated tattoos on his face. Dressed up as a tribal wizard, he was taken aback for a moment and then quickly said:
"Wait! Stop hitting!"


As soon as these words came out, the two weapons collided together and bounced off at the same time.

The two figures were separated by ten feet in an instant, standing on both sides of the grass.

Ye Jingtang held guns in both hands, sweating all over his body, staring cautiously at Jiang Zhahu in the distance, and asked:

"what happened?"

Fan Qinghe carefully looked at the old wizard who ran out with a cane, feeling a little familiar.

And after the old wizard ran out of the village, he thumped and knelt down on the grass, and started crying and howling nonsense:

"My lord! That's how the king was back then...Young master escaped, but the young master didn't die..."


Ye Jingtang was holding a spear, but he heard some meaning, and turned his head to ask:

"Are you from the Qinchi Department?"

Jiang Zhahu's eyes were surprised. Although he was a little uncomfortable to be beaten at the door in the middle of the night, he turned over the long spear and stuck it on the ground, and asked:

"Master Ye is a descendant of the Qin Chi Department?"

Fan Qinghe guessed the identity of the old wizard through words, ran to him quickly, and said:

"He is Han Ting? Dazhu Zong of the Qinchi Department? Why is he here?"

The trembling old man knelt on the ground and babbled nonsense, unable to hear what he said at all.

Jiang Zahu quickly walked over to help him up, thought for a while and said:

"After the royal court in the Northwest fell apart, the king of Tianlang had no fixed place to seek help everywhere. His father-in-law took a tribal pharmacist and hid in Huangming Mountain to secretly make medicine for the royal court; I traveled here more than 20 years ago, and my father-in-law helped me heal my meridian. Chibu's entire clan was wiped out in Liaoyuan, and my father-in-law lived in seclusion in the mountains."

Having said that, Jiang Zahu looked at the old wizard and asked:
"Father-in-law is sure that he is the orphan of King Tianlang?"

Looking at Ye Jingtang's face, Han Ting nodded repeatedly:
"Absolutely. Only after eating the Tianlangzhu can you show this kind of appearance, and the figure and the posture of using the gun are almost the same. They must be the descendants of the king..."

Ye Jingtang was silent for a while, feeling that the situation might be a bit complicated, so he brushed it off a bit, and asked about the business first:

"The 'Prisoner Dragon Miasma' that appeared in the capital a few days ago, but Mr. Han made it?"

The wizard Han Ting is old and a little incoherent. He has been crying with joy, repeating my king and so on.

After Jiang Zahu took a look at the tattered robe and blood on his body, he helped the old wizard to the village:
"It's cold outside, the old man can't take it anymore, let's go in and talk."

Ye Jingtang wiped the sweat off his face, thought about it without saying anything, and walked towards the village together with Fan Qinghe.

And far away, on the top of the mountain.

Seven or eight people, including Du Tanqing, lay neatly on the ground, seeing the situation in the basin from a distance, their eyes could not help but be bewildered.

Although Cao Aning has average eyesight, he is very familiar with Ye Dayan's posture. After fighting just now, he has actually vaguely seen who the wolf-like gunman in the basin is.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang and Jiang Zhahu had finished clicking, Cao Aning was relieved. After all, with Ye Dayan's background, the few of them went to be orioles to steal chickens, and they must have been given for nothing.

Seeing that Du Tanqing and the others were a little confused, Cao Aning thought about it and asked in a strange voice:
"Mr. Du, isn't it driving tigers to eat wolves, killing people with knives, and snipe and clam fighting for the fisherman's benefit? It seems like a tiger with wings added to it? Two peak martial arts leaders are squatting there, shall we finish it?"


Du Tanqing is not stupid, and this is the end of an egg, and the seven or eight of them are not enough to give one of them a gap in his teeth.

However, Du Tanqing did not show any frustration, and said in a low voice:
"The Qinchi Department is a serious problem, and it must be eradicated. The palace has finally found its whereabouts, so how can it not consider the situation where the plan fails. Let's just keep watching."

After Du Tanqing finished speaking, he hooked his hands, and a subordinate immediately moved to the front and took out a pocket bird.

After Du Tanqing took out a pen and wrote a few small characters on the note, he let the bird out...


And on another mountain a few miles away.

Luo Ning hid under a big rock and looked at the situation in the basin with a telescope. Although her expression was like that of an iceberg heroine, her heart was full of anger. She felt that my man was really powerful, and she was a little suspicious of who the gorgeous strange woman beside her was.

However, Luo Ning was also a little afraid of Wang Jianwang, so she didn't confess to Xue Baijin, but just pretended not to recognize her and secretly watched.

But what is Xue Baijin's vision?Just looking at a few moves, he guessed who the handsome young man below was. After the two clicked, he opened his mouth and said:

"That's Nightmare Hall?"

"Hmm... um? Is that so?"

Luo Ning picked up the binoculars and looked carefully:
"It seems to be true. Jiang Zhahu is not a small person. Yejingtang should be working. We may expose his identity if we go over there. Should we go first?"

Xue Baijin approached rashly, and with the strength of the two below, it is possible to find out. When the three warriors get together, there will inevitably be many unexplainable situations.

However, Xue Baijin had no intention of leaving, and looked at a ridge several miles away:
"This seems to be a game. There is a yellow bird behind the scenes plotting against Ye Jingtang or Jiang Zhahu."


Luo Ning narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the thousand mountains, but found nothing unusual:
"What game?"

"I don't know. Let's wait and see. Since Ye Jingtang is a member of my Pingtian Sect, it is natural to take shelter when encountering it."

When Luo Ning heard this, she naturally stopped talking, and obeyed Bai Jin's arrangement, quietly lurking on the top of the mountain.

"By the way, Ye Jingtang is really handsome, and his kung fu is also beautiful. Yun Li has known him for so long, so why doesn't he have the slightest idea?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Yunli is still young, how can she know this..."

"Really, Yun Li doesn't look blind, is it because you are too strict?"



(End of this chapter)

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