wait a minute

Chapter 284 The first wave has not settled, and the other

Chapter 284

New firewood was added to the brazier, and a bright yellow flame was quickly ignited, illuminating the courtyard where many bottles and jars were placed.

The courtyard is filled with the fragrance of medicine, and under the eaves on three sides, there are dried herbs, bacon and sausages and other ingredients.

Niao Niao, who had been flying as a wingman in the sky for a long time, landed at this time, squatting on the window sill and looking at the big salted fish in front of him. It seemed that he wanted to help him taste how the air was drying. Too easy to swallow.

In the yard, several benches were placed around the brazier, and several people sat around.

When Ye Jingtang came in, he took a change of clothes from the horse's back, but at this time he was only wearing a pair of trousers, the trouser legs were rolled up, and there were many black and bruised spots on his arms and legs. Leng Jun acted as if nothing happened and didn't hurt at all.

On the opposite side, Jiang Zhahu, who is fair-skinned and elegant, has several blood cuts on his chest and calf, and black and blue spots on his arms and fists. The apprentice of the old wizard is treating his wounds.

As a contemporary boxing champion, outsiders had to pretend not to feel the pain before, so Jiang Zahu also looked restrained and neither happy nor angry.

Fan Qinghe sat in front of Ye Jingtang, smearing the bruises on his arms and legs with wound medicine, and saw that the two martial arts chiefs looked as if they were all right, he couldn't express his heart.

After all, no matter how good a martial artist is, exercise is also about tolerance to pain, rather than making the limbs numb and unable to feel pain.

When fighting, he was so focused that he could not frown if his arm was broken, but once the battle was over and it was time to recuperate, Wu Kui was injured no differently than ordinary people, and it hurt as much as it should.

Jiang Zhahu's white ape arm, it hurts to beat people, both arms are cast like fine steel, Ye Jingtang has been rounded more than 20 times, now it's not easy not to grin his teeth and take a breath.

And Ye Jingtang's Lei Gong Baji also used violence to control violence with a strong fist. The two sides confronted Jiang Zhahu with his hands obviously swollen, and he didn't shake into chicken feet. It's really a strong mind, and he won't shake his hands when he returns home "Oh oh oh~" she yelled a few times, and she wrote the name upside down.

But the man insisted on pretending when he was out of the house, and Fan Qinghe naturally wouldn't point it out, but just applied the medicine gently to prevent Ye Jingtang from being overwhelmed and revealing his secrets.

The old wizard Han Ting had gradually calmed down. He was sitting on the rattan chair with his back facing the main room, and an apprentice was holding his shoulders and back, muttering softly:

"...Three generations of Tianlang kings are all enlightened sage kings. Back then, our Qinchi tribe could have relied on force to seize the fertile soil of the Huxi Plain, but the patriarch chose to sit down with the four major tribes to talk. Take away the living land of the four major tribes; if there is no alliance of the five clans in the past, and the tens of thousands of tribes work together to defend against foreign enemies, how can the tribes of the West Sea fight against the northern and southern dynasties...

"It's a pity that all the ministries in the West Sea have forgotten their origins. When they live a little more comfortably, they forget the suffering of being a child and drinking blood. I don't know how hard it is to be safe..."

Ye Jingtang put his hands on his knees and listened quietly, and found that the old wizard's hatred for the tribes of the West Sea was no less than the hatred for the extermination of the tribe in Beiliang, so he couldn't help asking:

"Didn't the Northwest Royal Court be monolithic back then?"

Fan Qinghe rubbed his shoulders and said to this: "Hundreds of tribes, how could they be really united. It's okay when the royal court is strong, everyone can benefit, and there can't be any big troubles; but once the situation is not good, those people The tribes began to look for their own escape routes, and it was not uncommon for the two dynasties to secretly communicate with each other. Sometimes the military order had already reached the table of the generals of the northern and southern dynasties before it was delivered to the frontier soldiers..."

The old wizard Han Ting sighed and said: "In the war of destroying the country, my king was in a desperate situation and summoned 2000 fine cavalry and 3 infantry to reject the Northern Liang army at the bank of Tianlang Lake. Back then, our Qinchi tribe started with [-] people. Can take down the entire West Sea, and nearly [-] people can't stop Beiliang?
"As a result, all the ministries thought that 'it is the world of the Qinchi tribe that will perish, not ours'. It took half a month for the 1 soldiers and horses to gather more than [-]. Seeing the Northern Liang army pressing down on the border, they ran away again. Half. It’s all right now, without the protection of the royal court, they won’t even be able to eat.”

When Han Ting said this, he looked at Ye Jingtang with a cane:
"At that time, the army collapsed without a fight. My king was caught up in Liaoyuan. More than a thousand soldiers and horses alone blocked the thousands of troops in the North Liang. is also among them.

"As a result, on the way to escape to Heishiguan, he was still overtaken by rangers from Beiliang. The team was dispersed during the melee. Uncle Sanhuang tried his best to count arrows in his body, and drove away to Heishiguan with his son in his arms, and then disappeared. The whereabouts. At that time, the rangers all went to chase the carriage, and I also heard these things from the clansmen who escaped by chance."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, although he could imagine the tragedy of the year, but he had no impression, so he could only say:

"I only remember things when I was two or three years old. I really don't remember these..."

"It doesn't matter whether you remember or not. After the young master was born, he soaked his body with the medicinal liquid to adapt to the properties of Tianlangzhu. I prepared the medicine, and I was the only one in the world who could do it. At that time, I didn't have time to make these because of the war. There are no babies who have been soaked in medicinal baths, I know this best. If you can use Tianlangzhu, it must be the son who was lost back then."

Having said that, Han Ting looked curiously at Ye Jingtang again:
"But I'm curious, where did the master's Tianlangzhu come from?"

Ye Jingtang thought for a while and said, "It's just a coincidence. In Tiefuling in Yunzhou, I met a local snake named Cheng Shilu, who used Tianlang beads as a hidden weapon to slay me, and then his skills soared... It was also from there that I got The news that Gang Leader Jiang may be hiding the Golden Scale Map."

Jiang Zahu had been listening in, but he stayed here before he opened his mouth and said:

"Cheng Shilu's father, originally the commander of Yanjing's Forbidden Army, stole the Tianlangzhu and Jinlintu that he had snatched from Qinchibu back then. I was favored by my father-in-law, and I was also investigating these secretly. I found this by chance. People, got the Golden Scale Map."

Han Ting used to be the national teacher of the Northwest Royal Court, and he knew the past secrets very well, so he said:
"The picture of golden scales was captured by the Great Yan before Jiazi's destruction of the country. The old Sirius King went to Yun'an City to snatch it. Unfortunately, as soon as he sent it back, he was robbed by Beiliang and made a wedding dress. He also lost the alliance of the five clans because of it. My token, alas~ It can only be said that luck is like this, and time and fate are also..."

After listening to Ye Jingtang for a while, he gradually understood the various causes and consequences from birth to the present. He thought for a while and said:
"Although I don't remember what happened when I was a baby, and I have never met my parents, but the Qinchibu sent me to a safe place at the price of extermination. I will remember this great favor and will repay it in the future. As for the restoration The Northwest Royal Court..."

When Han Ting heard this, he waved his hands: "The last words of King Tianlang to send the young master away are to let the young master be an ordinary person, marry a wife and have children to live an ordinary life, and don't think about revenge or restoration of the royal court.

"Before my Qinchi tribe came, the northern and southern dynasties regarded the Xihai tribes as mobs; after my Qinchi tribe left, no one knew that the Xihai tribes were good at fighting, and that the Manchus were all masters of tigers and wolves.

"My Qinchi Department itself is just a group of humble and unknown people in a remote place. It is enough to be able to do this. It is common for dynasties to separate and reunite. Why bother to bury the glory of our ancestors and a group of ungrateful white-eyed wolves? save the lives of their descendants.”

When Fan Qinghe heard this, he naturally disagreed, and sat up a little:
"Not all the tribes in the West Sea are white-eyed wolves. There were not a few tribes that supported the royal court until the last moment. Now these tribes are in dire straits. After Ye Jingtang is a royal family, how can he stay out of it..."

Ye Jingtang felt that this topic was a bit far-fetched, so he slightly raised his hand and said:
"Let's talk about this later. I came here this time to find the antidote for the Prisoner's Miasma. I don't know that the 'Prisoner's Miasma' that appeared in the capital a few days ago was created by Mr. Han."

Han Ting is the national teacher of the Northwest Royal Court, but he is not a Taoist priest, but a prophet, Zhu Zong, and high priest inherited from ancient tribes. The person who researched Tianlangzhu more than 100 years ago is his master.

Hearing Ye Jingtang's inquiry, Han Ting shook his head and said:

"I have been living here in seclusion these years. I never go out to avoid being chased by Beiliang. I leave it to Zhahu to handle things. Prisoner Dragon Miasma is good at refining, but I have never been worthy of this thing."

Fan Qinghe said doubtfully: "I heard from King Gouchen that the prisoner dragon miasma needs to use 'rotten bones', and a caravan sent a batch here a few months ago... Is it possible that there are still people in this world? Others will refine the Prisoner Dragon Miasma?"

Han Ting hesitated for a while before speaking:

"Back then, the pharmacists who accompanied the army were separated during the war, and it is not impossible to flow into other tribes. However, the prisoner's miasma needs to use the rhizomes of Xuehu flowers. It takes several plants to make a medicine. Back then, it was just a medicine. Wang Ting Put this medicine as a forbidden substance, and no one has tried it again. The people who can make it now, not to mention the medical attainments, must have an amazing background. At least they can directly write to the Beiliang court to get permission, otherwise no one would dare to have a prescription. Refining."

When Fan Qinghe heard this, he couldn’t help but be secretly shocked——as soon as Xuehu Huajiazi blooms, it means that it can grow for at least 60 years before it can be used as a medicine. They are all wild and cannot be planted. The national treasure is exclusively for the emperor, and the two sides can even fight because of it.

Now Tianlang Lake is under the control of Beiliang, and the monarch of Beiliang directly sent an army to guard there, and take care of the snow lake flowers if they don't do anything. It is said that every few leaves that fall have to be recorded and sent to Yanjing for storage.Digging the rhizomes of Xuehu flowers to make medicine is tantamount to killing a chicken and taking its eggs. To get permission from the Northern Liang court, this is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"No wonder it's been lost. In other words, the North Liang court is behind the matter of Prisoner Long Miasma... Then Mr. Han may release Prisoner Long Miasma?"

Han Ting said to this: "The prescriptions of today may not be the same as those of a hundred years ago. You have to see the patients before you can prescribe the right medicine. You should not be afraid of prison dragon miasma, but is there anyone around you who has been poisoned?"

Ye Jingtang nodded and said: "A friend was accidentally injured by Prisoner Long Miasma. He is rushing here now. I'm afraid he will have to trouble Mr. Han in a few days."

"Hey, if it can be saved, these are trivial matters..."

After chatting for a few words, Han Ting thought for a while and said:

"If you find clues from Sima Yue and you find this place, you still have to be careful. During the Liaoyuan War, Sima Yue was the general in front of our king, but he got separated from my king when he was in a desperate situation, and then relied on others. Wu Yi broke out of the encirclement.

"This old man may not feel pain in his back when he stands and talks, but Sima Yue, as the Grand Sima of the Northwest Royal Court, the apprentice raised by the old Tianlang King, and my king's brother, should not leave my king's side when he is in a desperate situation, and even more so. You shouldn't break out alone..."

Fan Qinghe knew this. When Sima Yue escaped from the battlefield covered in blood, he heard that King Tianlang was buried in a prairie fire. He ran back like crazy and wanted to risk his life. In the end, it was Old Zhu Zong and the others who forcibly held him back. Feel guilty about it.

Sima Yue was indeed at fault, but at that time the army was under siege and there were no reinforcements from the major ministries. Even if Sima Yue broke out alone out of fear of death, he was better than those who did not go to the battlefield. They really were not easy to blame.

Ye Jingtang was not familiar with the tribes of the West Sea, and everyone was wary. Hearing what Han Ting said, he took this matter to heart.

Han Ting talked for a while. Seeing that it was too late, the two of them endured the pain and remained motionless. I'm afraid it would be uncomfortable, so he opened his mouth and said:

"It's getting late, young master rests in the humble house for a night first, otherwise it's easy to go wrong after going through a long distance after a war. Zhahu, arrange for the two distinguished guests..."

Han Ting said here, looked at Fan Qinghe again, and asked:

"The Qinchi tribe and the Dongming tribe have been intermarried in the past, and Miss Qinghe and the son... No, it seems to be a generation behind. It's a pity..."

? ?
Fan Qinghe felt that the old wizard was too old and stayed up too late, and his mind was probably a little confused, so he didn't answer, so he got up with Ye Jingtang, and under the guidance, he entered a small vacant farmyard not far away.

After Jiang Zahu sent his father-in-law back to the house, he went back to his own home. When he passed the fence, he turned his head and looked, and said:

"Last time I said in the capital, as long as you dare to come to the door, I won't take a penny if you win the Golden Scale Map; your weapon is half as good as me. Although the victory is not yet determined, I still stick to it." promise.

"After your friend detoxifies, you leave immediately and don't mention this place again. In the future, whether you want to restore the northwest royal court or become a powerful minister of the Great Wei, don't bother your father-in-law to take care of his life. Before leaving Jinlintu, I will will give you."

Ye Jingtang turned around and said:
"I'm only here to seek medical treatment. I have never intended to let Mr. Han work for me. If you don't tell me, I won't bother you anymore. If you are willing to show the golden scale map, the imperial court will keep its promise and let you learn from jade." Bone map, you can come to the capital to borrow it at any time, I can guarantee that you can come and go as you please, but only this time, what will happen in the future or what will happen."

Seeing this, Jiang Zahu said nothing, and entered the courtyard diagonally opposite.

Ye Jingtang looked calm, watched Jiang Zhahu leave, turned around and entered the small courtyard house, just after closing the door, he raised his hand and rubbed his arms, frowning:
"This arm punch is really domineering, much harder than Liu Qiansheng..."


Holding the medicine bottle, Fan Qinghe saw Ye Jingtang, who was still stern and resolute just now, turned around and began to frown and take a breath, and couldn't help but sneered:
"I thought you weren't in pain."

"Being beaten up by the boxer, if it doesn't hurt, then you won't be a god."

Ye Jingtang sat down at the table, seeing that Fan Qinghe was about to give him medicine, raised his hand slightly and said:

"Skin trauma, I can come by myself. You go to sleep first, I will watch the night, after all, I am not familiar with the place here, and Gang Leader Jiang just blinked when he came from diagonally across, I guess he will not dare to close his eyes tonight..."

Fan Qinghe confirmed Ye Jingtang's identity from the old wizard, and actually wanted to sit down and chat with Ye Jingtang in an elder tone.

But Ye Jingtang had obtained too much information in a short period of time, and it was obvious that it hadn't been sorted out, and it was not good to say too much. She didn't talk too much after thinking about it, and sat down cross-legged on the bed, just slightly reviewing the previous record:

"Jiang Zhahu's name lives up to the fact that you can only be beaten with bare hands. You can't bite with a light knife, but you can completely suppress it with a big gun. This martial art can be ranked above Xuanyuan Chao. If you practice marksmanship again, the demon girl will definitely be beaten. "

Ye Jingtang fought in person, so he naturally understood Jiang Zhahu's background:

"He is now heading in the direction of 'knowing all kinds of weapons'. Any weapon can use the level of marksmanship, but he is still a little short of the real mastery of a hundred schools of thought, so the marksmanship seems to be quite satisfactory. The real Xuanji is different. , has almost stepped into a situation where there is no way to win and there is no way to win. She may not be able to beat me in the arena with fists, kicks, swords and guns, but in actual combat with unlimited fighting, she can have a hundred ways to deal with me, and Jiang Zhahu is also the same the same."

"Really? I didn't see how powerful the demon girl is... By the way, the horse spear used by Jiang Zhahu is the imperial spear of the Northwest Royal Court' Chasing the Sun', which means chasing the sun. According to legend, the ancestor of the Qinchi tribe was Chased the sun and ran to the horizon, and then settled down there..."


Minor words appeared and disappeared in the small farmyard, and the lights in front of the windows never went out all night.

On the top of the mountain a few miles away, Xue Baijin was waiting to be bored, so he sat cross-legged on the stone and practiced the Ziwu Jue.

Luo Ning, on the other hand, held up the binoculars and stared intently at the lighted windows in the basin, her expression getting colder and colder.

The top of the mountain is far away from the basin. Even with a telescope, you can only see the bright spots in the small courtyard, and you can't see the movement inside the window at all.

However, with Luo Ning's rich "actual combat experience", the scene inside has already been made up in his mind:

The little thief was covered in wounds after the bloody battle. When he returned to the house, the gorgeous woman first helped Ye Jingtang to lie down and applied medicine, and then took off his clothes after groping.

The little thief brazenly poked his mouth, the woman was afraid of finding out that she didn't dare to make any noise, so she could only grit her teeth and endure the humiliation, and then pushed the watermelon and fed it by herself...

Maybe you will be carried around...

Luo Ning said that she hadn't made love for a month, even though she thought she wasn't interested in that kind of thing, her body was still very honest, her cheeks were a little hot, and at the same time her heart was sore, it felt weird...

After staring at it for an unknown amount of time, the moon in the sky had unknowingly moved to the other side of the sky, and the east began to turn pale.

Luo Ning was thinking wildly, imagining countless poses in her brain, and gradually her eyelids began to fight, and she felt a little drowsy.

And when she was half asleep and half awake, and was asking the thief to question her, Xue Baijin next to her suddenly moved her eyelashes, and looked at the plain outside the mountain in a blink of an eye.

Luo Ning woke up suddenly, straightened her dress a little, and raised her binoculars to look out, only to see a yellow line formed by rising dust at the end of the wasteland, speeding towards Duolan Valley before dawn...


Transition one or2!

Thank you [Hongya Aaron Kwok] for your rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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