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Chapter 285 What the fuck is my wife!

Chapter 285 What the fuck is my wife!

The end of the night, before the dawn.

The small village between the basins was extremely quiet, and the houses at the entrance of the village were lit up again, and there was a whispered conversation between a mother and daughter:

"Mom, that bad brother looks so good... Ouch~..."

"Believe it if you talk nonsense and beat you? Your father was beaten and praised him for his handsomeness. He has no conscience at all. I didn't see your father throbbing in pain last night..."



The doors and windows in the courtyard diagonally opposite were closed.

The oil lamp in the room had already been burned, and Fan Qinghe hugged his chest, lying on his side on the pillow, probably because he was too embarrassed to sleep in front of a man, facing the wall with his back to Ye Jingtang, because his figure was more plump than the Central Plains woman , Lying on the side, you can see the big rise and fall of the waistline, and the red gauze hangs on the buttocks to support an extremely full curve.

Naturally, Ye Jingtang didn't stare at the girl's butt. He sat at the table and closed his eyes. Hearing the words from across the way, he felt a little more relieved--I'm just saying, I thought I was the only one in pain, it seems it's the same……

And Niao Niao, who had been patrolling in the village for half the night, was off work at this time, lying upside down next to Fan Qinghe's head, sleeping very soundly.

After waiting for a while, Ye Jingtang saw that the sky was getting brighter, so he got up and began to pack up his belongings, preparing to go back later, because Fan Qinghe was a deep sleeper, so he moved lightly so that she could sleep more.

But just as the window turned slightly white, the village suddenly became a little quieter.

Ye Jingtang paused, squatted down, and felt carefully with his palms on the ground.

Fan Qinghe, who was sleeping soundly by the bed, also noticed something, first turned his head, then sat up quickly, frowned and looked out the window:
"What movement?"

"Horse team, more than a dozen horses, very fast."

Ye Jingtang originally thought it was a horse team passing by from the Duolan Valley outside the mountain, but judging from the subtle vibrations from the ground, the horse team's speed was quite astonishing, it was by no means ordinary horses, and it was getting closer and closer to the basin.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was naturally on guard, shook the bird and threw it out of the window, and at the same time came to the door with a weapon and Fan Qinghe.

Jiang Zhahu's Tingfeng Palm was also taught by Liu Qiansheng. At this time, he noticed something strange. He came out of the room, looked up at the entrance of the basin, and then turned to Ye Jingtang:

"Is it yours?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head, then turned to look at Fan Qinghe next to him.

Naturally, Fan Qinghe didn't know anything, so he couldn't figure out the reason after a little thought, so he took a telescope and looked towards the entrance of the basin.

The basin is surrounded by mountains, with a radius of about three miles, and can be accessed from all sides, but they are all steep slopes, suitable for large groups of people to enter, and there is only a mountain pass where a small stream flows out in the southeast.

At this time, the east has already lit up the sun, and although the valley is dark, the morning light can already be seen on the top of Sifang Mountain and the cliffs at the mouth of the valley.


The bird, which rose below the clouds, issued a warning signal after scouting the four fields, and then went back and forth at high altitude.

Ye Jingtang squinted his eyes and looked carefully, but found that the bird was chasing and killing a black peregrine falcon, but in an instant it had driven the peregrine falcon into the mountains.

Ye Jingtang sensed that the situation was not right, so he blew a whistle to tell Niao Niao not to chase after him, and said at the same time:

"Someone is coming, let Mr. Han and the others retreat to a safe place."

Jiang Zhahu turned back and ordered his wife to take his daughter and more than a dozen tribesmen to move to the depths of the mountains, while he stood at the entrance of the village, frowning and waiting.


Soon, the roar of horseshoes like raindrops sounded from among the mountains, but in an instant they had arrived at the entrance of the basin.

Ye Jingtang held his saber and raised his eyes to look up, but saw the entrance of the basin poured into the golden glow. As the sound of horseshoes approached, the first one to rush into the basin was a golden armored horse, followed by more than ten famous Saibei horses.

The horses behind are full of warriors carrying various weapons. Although the clothes and appearances are not uniform, the six white-maned lion horses sitting on the water in front still show the identity of this group of people—the white owl under the tent of King Zuoxian of Beiliang camp people.

The name of the Baixiaoying was a change of name for the various tribes in the West Sea and even the Jianghu in Beiliang. It was not an army, but a disciple of King Zuoxian.

Because the territory of Beiliang is too large, and the land is sparsely populated, it is difficult to control the capital from a distance. Zuoxian King Li Qie can be said to be the emperor of tens of thousands of miles in the northwest, and he himself is also one of the four saints. Not rejecting or disregarding previous suspicions, for this reason there are so many warriors who have defected to King Zuoxian's sect, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "three thousand disciples".

These people include the thugs who committed crimes in Beiliang, the ruthless people who are difficult to gain a foothold in the Wei Dynasty, and the people who chase after fame and fortune. After Xiaoying, he served as the eyes and ears of Zuo Xianwang, controlling the situation of the officials in Beiliang and even the various ministries in Xihai.

Being able to ride a valuable white-maned lion horse shows that these people are all close ministers of King Zuoxian, and they are all high-level commanders in the Baixiao camp. Usually relying on the background of King Zuoxian, they can single-handedly walk sideways in various ministries of the West Sea. There were six of them at one time, and it was not a small battle.

The six white-maned lion horses were already considered as imposing as tigers, but compared with the one riding in the front, they still seemed insignificant at this time.

More than a dozen people rushed into the basin on their horses, bringing up dust all over the sky behind them, and the one walking in the front was a majestic horse.

The fierce horse is covered in golden armor with scales, shining brightly in the morning light. Its body is larger than the thousand-mile horse behind it, its limbs are strong and its belly is like a rolling stone. The rouge tiger that lost the empress.

Sitting on the horseback was a man also in golden armor, with a cyan python-patterned cloak on his outside and a golden helmet visor on his head. His face could not be seen, but his white hair was fluttering behind him. With a long lance in his hand, During the gallop, it was like a golden armored general descending from the sky on the rays of the sun. As soon as he stepped into the mouth of the valley, people felt a bit of condescending and terrifying oppression.

When Fan Qinghe saw this white-haired and golden-armored attire, his eyes changed suddenly, as if he had seen Yama's ghost messenger, and said in a low voice:
"It's King Zuo Xian, run away."

In fact, Ye Jingtang didn't need to remind him, as long as he saw the other party's presumptuous attire, he knew who it was.

The actual age of Zuo Xianwang Li Jiao is over sixty, but among the six martial sages in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, he is still relatively young. Current status and martial arts have reached their peak.

Although Zuo Xianwang was a bit hypocritical of Lu Taiqing, but Lu Taiqing was the head teacher of the largest sect in the northern and southern dynasties. Just by showing his name, he knew that he was a living god.

And King Zuo Xian, as a warrior who has stepped into the holy realm, has basically jumped out of the scope of the mundane arena. When Wu Kui bumps into him alone, he can only run, and whether he can escape depends on luck.

Although Jiang Zhahu's goal is Fengguan City, but that is the goal after all, it's obviously not too late now, seeing King Zuo Xian bring people to kill him, his face darkened a bit, and he turned his head to look at the home flying away into the mountains Small, opened the mouth and said:

"Master Ye, please escort my father-in-law to leave. I'll stop him and buy you time."

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe wanted to drag Ye Jingtang away quickly, otherwise he might lose the chance to escape.

But Ye Jingtang could see the situation, he and Jiang Zahu joined forces, there might be some room for negotiation, if Jiang Zahu went to the back of the palace alone, he would definitely die if he never returned.

Ye Jingtang fell silent for a while, got on his horse, held the dragon firing gun, and walked towards Taniguchi.

Seeing this, Jiang Zahu didn't say anything, got on his horse and walked side by side.

Fan Qinghe himself was gone, and he couldn't let something happen to Ye Jingtang, so he naturally followed behind...
The red sun breaks at dawn, and it sprinkles a golden glow in the basin.

More than a dozen majestic riders stood side by side on the knee-deep grass at the entrance of the valley, looking at the three people who came over from a distance. Although they had some support, the two peak warriors overwhelmed them. They said that they were not under pressure, so it was true. impossible.

Du Tanqing had already returned to the team at this time, standing on the right side of the golden armored knight on horseback, indicating several large circles that had been crushed out in the basin:
"The two fought against each other here yesterday, and they were somewhat injured, but nothing serious."

Zuo Xianwang Li Jian was wearing a visor, and he could only see his white hair fluttering in the morning wind. Gu Jing Wubo's eyes looked through the eyeholes, looking at the young man riding a black horse and holding a spear in the front, and said:
"This bone appearance is almost the same as that of Tianlang King. It is a blessing to be able to meet the son of an old man again after fighting against Tianlang King for decades..."

Afterwards, Cao A'Ning and Xu Tianying were coerced to become followers, and when they found that King Zuo Xian was there in person, they felt ashamed.

According to Cao Aning's judgment, Ye Jingtang and Jiang Zhahu should not be able to beat Zuo Xianwang. This is the same as Xu Tianying's Ye Jingtang. Being walked as a dog by the other party, there is not much difference between one person or two people.

He felt that Ye Da Hades was more or less ominous today, and the safest choice at the moment must be to stand on Zuo Xianwang's side, and find a way to participate in the siege and submit a certificate of honor, so as to completely win Zuo Xianwang's trust.

But Cao Aning has seen how evil Ye Jingtang is, and he really doesn't believe that the powerful Ye Dayan can capsize in such a small place. If he doesn't do anything today or even add fuel to the fire, and Ye Jingtang runs away again, then he may be alive But this month.

For this reason, seeing that the two sides were about to clash, Cao Aning was very anxious, thought hard for a long time, stepped forward a little under pressure, and said respectfully:

"My lord, forgive me for speaking boldly. My master once said, 'It is better to provoke the old gods than to step on the young seedlings'. No matter how domineering the old gods in the rivers and lakes, warriors who have been fighting for many years always have a bottom line in their hearts, and there will not be too many changes. The new seedlings are different. Heroes from ancient times to the present have had different experiences, but the growth period is without exception, whoever touches whoever dies, and conflicts with them. ..."

Cao Aning learned from Eunuch Cao, although he was not good at martial arts, but he was recognized as a teacher in both the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Otherwise, with his martial arts, he would not even be qualified to speak.

King Zuo Xian understood what he meant when he heard this, and said:
"Those who can be trampled to death can't become heroes; and those who succeed in the end, they must turn evil into good luck when they are young. Mr. Cao made a conclusion based on the results, and made a generalization."

It was enough for Cao Aning to remind him. Afterwards, Zuo Xianwang suffered a disadvantage, so he would naturally think of his advice.

A few people chatted for a while, and the three horses had come to the vicinity of the valley mouth, a stone's throw away from each other, with weeds and sunlight dancing in the wind in the middle.

Ye Jingtang rode a horse and stood in the middle. After glancing at more than ten people, his eyes focused on the golden armored horse, and he spoke from a distance:
"Your Excellency is Zuoxian King of Northern Liang?"

Zuo Xianwang was single-handedly in front, but he was not in a hurry to make a move, he said unhurriedly:

"Back then in the Liaoyuan battle, King Tianlang was beheaded by this king. You and I are sworn enemies. When you meet this king, you should run away."

If Ye Jingtang could get away without damage, he would have run away long ago, but Zuo Xianwang's horse must be faster than them, no matter how you think about Qinggong, it is impossible to be slower than them, turning around and running away is meaningless except to dampen his own momentum.

Seeing that Zuo Xianwang directly stated his purpose, Ye Jingtang flicked his wrist and took out a gold medal:

"In Xiaye Jingtang, the Emperor of Great Wei proclaimed Marquis of Wu'an, the deputy commander of the Hei Ya, and secretly escorted the youngest son of King Liang into Langxuan City to discuss trade matters with the imperial decree. King Zuo Xian wanted to tear up the armistice agreement between the two dynasties on behalf of Emperor Liang. Provoking border wars?"


After saying this, the basin suddenly became quiet.

Jiang Zhahu and Fan Qinghe glanced at it from the corner of their eyes, and saw that Ye Jingtang was holding the gold medal of "as soon as I came" in his hand, they couldn't help showing surprise in their eyes.

And Zuo Xianwang's disciples also frowned, Du Tanqing saw this sign, knew that the situation was a bit out of control, turned around and asked:

"Is he Nightmare?"

The fact that Ye Jingtang became the chief swordsman has basically spread throughout the northern and southern dynasties, but few people in the capital know about his relationship with the empress, let alone Beiliang thousands of miles away.

Seeing this, Cao Aning stepped forward and agreed:
"It should be. I used to help King Wu rescue the deposed emperor, but my plan was thwarted by Ye Jingtang. My sworn brother Xu Bailin was killed by this person. Liu Qiansheng and Liu Lao were also captured by this person. This is the first time I have seen a real person .”

Seeing this, Xu Tianying gritted his teeth and added:
"The assassination plan of Prince Yan's son was also shattered by this person, and my master died at the hands of this thief!"

Du Tanqing nodded slightly, as if he could see it—these two people and Ye Jingtang had a deep blood feud, and they had a serious murderous intention.

For this reason, he also frowned and comforted:
"This matter involves the diplomatic relations between the two countries. Don't be dazzled by personal enmity. You must focus on the overall situation and obey the king's order."

After finishing speaking, Du Tanqing looked at Zuo Xianwang and asked how to deal with it now.

After all, the truce between the two countries and trade was a decision made by the emperors of the two countries through the exchange of credentials, which involved all aspects of the North and South Koreas.

No matter how powerful Zuo Xianwang Li Jian is, he is still a "king" and not an emperor. As a subject, he killed the foreign envoys of the Southern Dynasty without permission. up.

King Zuoxian is resisting the Liangzhou army and the Yazhou left army head-on. He is far more aware of the impact of the war than a disciple.

But he personally pacified the Northwest Royal Court back then, and Ye Jingtang obviously has the qualifications to reorganize the various tribes of the West Sea, and now he is still closely related to the Southern Dynasty Empress. up.

Seeing Ye Jingtang self-reporting his family name, King Zuo Xian's tone didn't change much:
"Since he is the envoy of the Southern Dynasty, how can I not show my lord's kindness to me when I come from afar? I also invite Master Ye to go to Pingyi City with me. When I submit a letter to Emperor Wei to verify my identity, I will personally send Master Ye out of the customs."

If Ye Jingtang really followed the past, even if he didn't die suddenly for no reason, he would be sent directly to Yanjing as a proton as the heir of Tianlang Prince, and he would be able to regain his freedom unless Emperor Liang's head had been flooded.

For this reason, Ye Jingtang said directly: "I am on official business, and I need to return to my life immediately. The prince's kindness is appreciated, and I will come back to pay my respects someday."

"The next time you come to the door, you will know whether you are here to kill me or Xie me."

King Zuo Xian didn't talk so much nonsense, he just raised his hand and waved:

"If you are arrested without a fight, this king has to write a letter to Emperor Wei to find out the tone of the Southern Dynasty. You may not be dead. If you continue to be slick, this king can only think that you pretend to be a foreign envoy and take the opportunity to escape. It is wrong for you to refuse to be arrested or even fight back Intent to assassinate the king, I don’t even need to make an apology to the Southern Dynasty, you know how to choose, take it.”


The six white horse doormen behind them immediately stepped forward with their weapons in hand, and pressed towards the three of them.

Ye Jingtang held his spear and frowned, knowing that this battle was inevitable, he said nothing at the moment, and exchanged glances with Jiang Zhahu from the corner of his eye, agreeing - try to fight back, and if they can't fight back, they will go their separate ways.

How dare Fan Qinghe let Ye Jingtang fall into the hands of Zuo Xianwang, and immediately took a soft whip from the side of the horse, and looked at the six people who came to kill him.
hooves, hoofs...

The ten thousand zhang golden glow is sprinkled between the basins, and the sound of galloping horseshoes spreads across thousands of mountains.

The six white horses are like six white dragons rushing across the dense grass, four riding in front, and two riding around from left to right to the back, encircling them.

The three of Ye Jingtang stood between the basins on horseback, their eyes resting on the golden armored figure at Taniguchi.

Seeing that the distance was shortened to 30 meters away, Ye Jingtang's eyes regained his tranquility, and he raised his dragon firing spear lightly with his right hand.


The pitch-black spear trembled violently, but in a blink of an eye, the nine-foot gun rushed out with vigor, and shot through the dense grass, and the gun rotated and directly rolled a long groove on the grass.


The sharp sound of breaking the wind is almost ear-piercing!
The four white horse warriors in the front knew who the two standing opposite were, so they would not be careless. When they saw that Ye Jingtang was making a move, they all had terrified eyes, and all jumped out of their horses to dodge to the left and right.

But they immediately discovered that it was King Zuo Xian who fired the dragon gun.

Although they knew that Zuo Xianwang could not be injured by this level of attack, but as personal experts, the four subconsciously focused their attention on the passing gun.

It is also at this time!

There was a sudden sound of unsheathing in the basin.

Ye Jingtang rushed out with both feet, following the long spear, his figure was like a thunderbolt rushing, the Chilong Saber was unsheathed halfway, and swept in front of the warrior on the left when the warrior in front of him was distracted.

The warrior who was attacked was holding a long knife, and before he could even draw his attention back, he saw a silver long sword sweeping past his eyes, and then a huge force came from his chest and abdomen.


Blood and water scattered in mid-air!
Ye Jingtang kicked Wu Ren in the air, and Wu Ren's body flew out, his severed head still kept his stunned eyes hanging in the air.

And Ye Jingtang also used his strength to turn back in the air, and grabbed the thrown spear, but in an instant, he had passed the white horse, killed the warrior in front right, and smashed towards the warrior in the front right.

boom -

The swordsman in the front right, with his companion on his back, reacted a little faster, instinctively raised his hand and stabbed in the direction of the strong wind.

But for an ordinary master, to deal with a peak Wukui who is in a desperate situation and is risking his life to break through, being able to raise his hand to fight back is already the highest achievement in his life, and he can't expect too much.

As soon as the long sword made a move, the pitch-black spearhead slashed down in the air, and the three-foot long sword broke when it touched it.

Suddenly, a cloud of blood burst out in the air, and countless body remains scattered in all directions, leaving only a pair of calves when they landed.

The two moves were just a flash, and there was no room for reaction at all.

The four riders who were a little farther away were terrified when they saw this, they dared to go forward for half a point, and flew back after landing to try to widen the distance.

And the remaining seven or eight people on the mountain behind Zuo Xianwang also subconsciously drove their horses back a little with horror in their eyes.

Ye Jingtang slashed at the two of them in the blink of an eye, and exploded again the moment he landed, wanting to clean up all the miscellaneous fish.

But no matter how big Zuo Xianwang's family business is, his retainers can't give it in vain. Two people used their knives to test out the depth of Ye Jingtang.
boom -

Amidst the explosion, the entire basin suddenly fell silent at this moment.

Ye Jingtang attacked violently with a gun, and before he was three feet away, he suddenly saw a bright yellow afterimage flashing from the side, before he could even see the full figure, he was already ten feet away, holding a horse with one hand and taking advantage of the situation With a pumping blow, there was a loud noise like thunder.

Swinging is like a child pulling grass leaves with a branch. There is no skill at all. From the posture of the move to the posture of the body, it is quite random.

But this shot contained the power to shake mountains and shake cities. Wherever Shuo Feng passed, even the grass leaves and black soil were rolled up, like a big wave, pressing towards the front of the ground.

! !
Ye Jingtang's eyes were rarely frightened. He had seen Xuanji's handy knife in Yunmengze before, and he thought it was outrageous at the time, but this horizontal slash was exactly the same as that knife at that time. , so what if you can point out a hundred flaws?In the face of absolute strength, it is an extravagant hope to even see clearly, let alone counterattack.

boom -

Ye Jingtang's reaction was inhuman, he immediately pulled his gun back to defend, knowing that he would definitely not be able to stand up, so he retreated in advance to prevent all the unbearable energy from pouring out on his body.

And the moment Leng Feng hit the Dragon Singing Spear, Ye Jingtang felt hit by a dragon python that was as big as a mountain, and his arms lost consciousness for a short time, and the vision in front of him instantly turned into an afterimage. When he recovered, The figure of Zuo Xianwang was tens of feet away. If the bones and muscles were not strong enough, this shot would definitely tear him apart.

Jiang Zhahu didn't just stand and watch the show, he had already rushed out after Ye Jingtang stormed up, originally wanted to deal with the enemies on the left, but when he found out that Ye Jingtang was being raided, he turned back to help in an instant.

King Zuo Xian drew his spear away from Ye Jingtang, and there was no trick, he just raised his spear and drew it back, just like mowing grass in an army formation, and swiped at Jiang Zhahu again with great energy.

Jiang Zhahu just suffered a loss yesterday, and today he has a long memory. Seeing that Zuo Xianwang's spear was too fast, he deliberately slowed down by half a beat. A cannon punch hit Zuo Xianwang's faceplate directly.

boom -

This punch is Jiang Zhahu's desperate punch to cover his family's escape. He has condensed his martial arts to the peak. The wind of the fist is like a fierce tiger roaring on the mountain. The momentum is astonishing, but he is still two feet away from Zuo Xianwang, and he is still blocked by a hand the way!

King Zuoxian blocked the Paoquan with his left hand accurately, his body was like a statue made of gold, solid as a rock without any reaction, but the grass behind him was lifted by the fierce fist wind, like a rolling stone hitting a lake and setting off waves of water.


Ye Jingtang was pulled out by a single shot, and before he landed, he inserted the Dragon Singing Spear into the ground, the long spear collapsed into a half arc, and the whole person bounced back directly, volleying in the air with a green dragon presenting its claws, piercing the eyes of Zuo Xianwang's face armor.

But Jiang Zhahu reacted very quickly, his punch was stopped, and he rushed forward immediately, trying to hug his waist to restrict Zuo Xianwang's position.

Fan Qinghe also didn't watch the show, and his body skills could keep up with the two of them. Knowing that the hidden weapon couldn't break through the defense, he flew nearby and threw a long whip, wrapped around the horse's lance, and yanked back hard.

The three of them surrounded each other in the blink of an eye, and the cooperation was seamless. If it was any Wu Kui, they might have to break here.

But Zuo Xianwang, as one of the four saints, is faster than the three in every aspect.

Seeing that Jiang Zhahu wanted to hug his body, King Zuoxian tapped his toes, and his whole body was like a monkey jumping into the sky, soaring into the sky and disappearing in front of Jiang Zhahu in no time.

The horse lance in King Zuo Xian's hand did not let go, but shook his gun violently.


Fan Qinghe, who yanked the long whip with all his strength, felt that the irresistible vigor only attacked his heart, and his whole body was dragged staggeringly, the whip dropped from his hand instantly, and he groaned.

Ye Jingtang's mind was highly concentrated, and his martial arts skills were pushed to the extreme at this moment. He saw Zuo Xianwang flying into the air, and directly stepped on the back of Jiang Zhahu who was flying into the air. Stab Zuo Xianwang's lower body, wanting to go around the armor skirt and stab between the legs.

Ye Jingtang's reaction could not be described as unpleasant, even King Zuo Xian showed a bit of surprise in his eyes, thinking that this kid is young, but he is already young, he must be stronger than the last Tianlang King, and he can't even imagine the future.

But King Zuoxian is no longer the young prince who fought against King Tianlang many years ago, but a Martial Saint of Beiliang who has practiced martial arts to a great extent. The gap between them cannot be made up by a little reaction.

The two figures shot up from the outer edge of the basin like arrows that shot from a string, reaching a height of seven or eight feet in an instant.

Ye Jingtang stabbed forward with a gun, but the distance between the spear point in his hand and King Zuo Xian was getting farther. Soon, the strength of his ascent reached the end of the crossbow, and his body began to fall freely, while King Zuo Xian reached the highest point. One shot.


Ye Jingtang's secret path is not good, and he has nowhere to rely on in the air. He was about to let go of his spear and throw it upwards to interfere, so as not to fall into the embarrassing situation of being knocked down by the high. The stunning scene of a lifetime!
boom -

There was a roar from the mounds around the basin, and the soil exploded and a huge pit appeared.

From the corner of Ye Jingtang's peripheral vision, he saw only a white line across the sky from a very far distance, almost dividing the grass in two. Before he could see what it was, he had already come to the side of King Zuoxian who was falling in the sky.

King Zuo Xian's eyes were calm at first, but his expression suddenly changed at this moment. The aura that he couldn't perceive at all was a bit messy at this moment.

After all, King Zuo Xian is not a real god, even a martial sage, jumping into the air and falling, he has no place to use his strength to maneuver and dodge, as long as he can hit it, it is a living target, no different from a normal warrior.

Seeing being attacked by an unknown strongman, King Zuo Xian immediately turned his spear and swept to the side, and at the same time saw the person coming clearly.

The visitor was dressed in a brocade robe, with a vertical jade crown on his head, and a white jade armor on his face. He was extremely slender, holding two long cold iron maces in his hands.

Under the light of the morning sun, the iron mace brought up two white rainbows, bursting out with all its strength, but in the blink of an eye, it had already come close.


Zuo Xianwang swept across with a shot, and was surprised to find that the person who came was not much weaker than him. The moment the spear touched it, the pole was smashed and bent, and he had nowhere to use his strength in the air, and his whole body turned half a body because of this. .

The visitor swept away the long lance with his left mace, and turned around in the same way. The right mace took advantage of the situation and slammed it directly on the head of Zuo Xianwang!
Neither side has any rules. If you want to describe it, they are looking at the gate of life with all their strength and fighting to death, without any hesitation at all.

King Zuo Xian knew in a split second that the other party was the 'Wild Bird', and he was coming to kill him. Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, he didn't dare to use his head to pick up the mace, and immediately raised his left arm.

boom -

A bang!
From the perspective of outsiders, King Zuo Xian had just soared into the sky, and then shot towards the ground again.

Ye Jingtang landed on the ground first, and found that there was an expert to help, so he naturally seized the opportunity.

Seeing King Zuo Xian facing upwards and falling backwards from the air, he shot with all his strength the moment he landed, piercing King Zuo Xian's spine.


In the explosive sound of gold and iron clashing, the dragon firing spear penetrated the golden armor.

But Zuo Xianwang dared to turn his back to the enemy to deal with the top, and he was confident in his heart. When the fatal shot was approaching, he twisted his waist to avoid the vital point. Then he pierced the ground with a spear, and moved to the side with his strength, bringing out a line of blood beads in the air.

The hero with two maces followed closely and fell to the ground, his feet bounced off again as soon as his feet stuck to the ground, before Zuo Xianwang stabilized his figure, he lashed out with both hands alternately.

boom boom-

Ye Jingtang chased after him with a gun, and found that this hero was not ordinary domineering, but in an instant, he threw a dozen times at Zuo Xianwang, who was blocking him with a spear, and was thrown half a mile away, leaving behind A row of shell craters.

Jiang Zhahu and Fan Qinghe didn't expect such a big guy to come out to solve the situation. Seeing that there was a chance to defeat the enemy, they immediately surrounded them from the other side and joined hands with Ye Jingtang.

Zuo Xianwang fought alone, and he was completely able to deal with this lunatic warrior with two maces. However, he was injured by a sneak attack in the air, missed the first move when he landed, and was flanked by two warriors.

After being bombarded with three guns and two punches in a row, plus seven or eight maces, Zuo Xianwang finally found it difficult to resist, coughed heavily, and swept away thousands of troops with a full blow:

Amidst the explosion, the long lance swept across the ground, and the strong wind it brought overwhelmed the grass in half of the basin, forming a huge fan-shaped semicircle.

The four of them were also forced to stop their offensive due to the sharp edge of exchanging their lives for their lives.

King Zuo Xian took this opportunity, turned around and ran towards the mountains to escape.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang chased after a few steps, and wanted to stop and leave the battlefield. After all, Zuo Xianwang has too much background, it is really not a big problem to change before he dies.

But he and Jiang Zhahu were not going to chase the poor, but the heroes in front had no such intentions.

Master Pingtian has been ranked first in the secular world for a long time, and he feels that he is very powerful, but he dare not challenge the second sage easily, so he has been cultivating at home.

But now that a Beiliang Wusheng who is alone is caught, as long as she is killed, she can be equal to the second saint, how can he just stop so easily.

As for whether killing Zuo Xianwang will cause a big disturbance, she doesn't have to think about it at all. After all, she is the anti-thief leader of the Pingtian Sect. , when the matter is pushed to Pingtian's head, Beiliang won't start a war with Wei because of this, right?

For this reason, Master Pingtian held a pair of maces and chased after her murderously. King Zuo Xian, Ye Jingtang and others who were watching at this scene suspected that she had a hatred with King Zuo Xian to kill her father and family.

Ye Jingtang chased after him with a gun, and found that the hero was determined to kill, he couldn't run away when he was rescued, he could only chase after him, and at the same time tried to discuss a few words.

But before he had time to speak, he saw the hero in brocade robe galloping to the outskirts of the basin, turned slightly and picked up a woman in green who was running over, and continued to chase after him.

Ye Jingtang was still thinking about it—this hero is really particular, he never forgets to bring his confidante with him when chasing and killing his opponents—but when he took a closer look...

This is my fucking wife!

Ye Jingtang's eyes were shocked, and he instantly understood that the crazy hero in front of him was the leader of Pingtian, and he almost ran into a crutch in surprise and joy.

While Luo Ning was being hugged and ran wildly, she didn't dare to shout loudly, she just turned her head to look at the three chasing people, winked quietly, and signaled Ye Jingtang to stop chasing and go back quickly.

But Ye Jingtang might have stopped just now, and now he must not let the two of them go into danger, so he has no scruples at the moment, and chases after him at full speed with his gun...

(End of this chapter)

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