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Chapter 289 Pressure

Chapter 289 Pressure
In the middle of the night, there were no lights in the village.

Xue Baijin, who came back from the desert, landed at the entrance of the village without a sound, his brows furrowed under his visor, and he seemed to have something on his mind.

After searching around the village, Xue Baijin walked towards the yard diagonally opposite the entrance of the village. Before he reached the fence, he moved his ears slightly, and heard the sound coming from the house:




? ?
Xue Baijin's mind returned to his senses instantly, his eyes became mixed, and after shaking hands with the mace, he finally did not yell to scare Ning'er, but came to the window without a sound, and glanced through the gap in the window.

In the room, Ye Jingtang was sitting at the table, probably for the convenience of covering his traces, he did not take off his clothes, holding Ning'er in his arms.

Luo Ning sat face to face, hooked her neck with her hands, her face was flushed, and her clothes were obviously untied; but her expression was still biting her lower lip, reluctantly, it seemed that she was being forced, but she was obviously moving around... …

Xue Baijin quickly turned her head away, feeling that Ning'er, who was once pure and arrogant, had changed drastically and could no longer go back.

God is going to rain, the lady is going to get married, if you can't stop it, let her go.After Xue Baijin sighed secretly, he turned and walked towards the village, only to find that in a room not far away, the woman dressed in a foreign land stayed up at night and listened with her ears up by the window.

Xue Baijin shook his head secretly, ignoring these idiots who were obsessed with worldly desires, and went to the roof of a house alone, and caught Niao Niao who was on guard but couldn't find her.


Niao Niao was caught off guard and her mouth was covered, she gurgled in shock and almost exploded, and turned her head to find that it was the leader of Pingtian, obviously a little timid.

Xue Baijin sat down on the ridge of the roof, put the iron mace by his side, and after studying the bird, he saw that Ning'er hadn't moved, and was still hugging each other, so he moved the visor to the side of his head , picked a leaf from the top of the tree, put it to her lips and played the Jiangzhou ditty that Ning'er taught her back then:

"Too woo woo~..."


The whispering in the room stopped abruptly, and then came Ning'er's panicked voice:

"Bai Jin is back, you go out quickly..."

"Oh, don't panic..."

"Hurry up……"

After a while, the door opened.

Ye Jingtang, who was neatly dressed and full of uprightness, walked out of the house unhurriedly, as if he had just finished talking about state affairs with Ning'er.

Although Xue Baijin was a daughter, seeing a man emerge from his wife's room, he still felt strange. He raised his hand to cover the mask, and then said hoarsely:
"Yejingtang, come here."
Lingering in the middle of the night, Ye Jingtang's long-running body was completely relaxed under Ning'er's gentle conditioning.

As for the matter of the Yuhuo map, the two of them really studied it just now, and found that the Yuhuo map can indeed be restored to the original state, but the process is controllable-the Yuhuo map consumes a lot of money and is not usually used, so it needs to be recovered. Take the initiative to exercise, and there are priorities.

To put it simply, you can gather Qi at one point, and focus on recovering a certain fatal injury first. In order to save energy consumption, other minor injuries are temporarily ignored.As long as you don't take the initiative to restore some insignificant places, there will be no such troublesome situation for Ning'er.

At this time, being approached by the leader of Pingtian, Ye Jingtang was inevitably a little embarrassed. After confirming that there was nothing unusual about his body, he jumped up and landed on the roof:
"How does the leader feel about that trace?"

"It may be left by the ancestors of Xiaoshanbao. The artistic conception is profound, mysterious and unpredictable."

That is, just like him, he didn't fully understand...

Ye Jingtang was not surprised by this, after all, he felt that the attainment of that trace had already reached the ceiling, and the leader of Pingtian was still half a step away from the top of the world, so it was reasonable that he hadn't figured it out.

Ye Jingtang kept a little distance and sat down on the ridge of the roof. The kidnapped Niao Niao quickly ran over, hid behind him, and slapped the Pingtian leader fiercely.

"The leader still wants to continue the treasure hunt here?"

Xue Baijin nodded: "Go to Tianzijian and Yuxi, Ning'er will follow me, so don't follow me."

"Uh... I didn't intend to follow, I have something to do, I have to go back to Langxuan City right away..."


After the two had an awkward chat, Xue Baijin felt that he might be too serious. Although the law protector under his seat stole the leader's wife is not a small matter, Ye Jingtang is a capable person after all, and the relationship is too complicated. Stiffness is not conducive to future development.

For this reason, after Xue Baijin said a few words, he turned his head and said:

"Since you joined the teaching, you have done a lot of things. I usually teach rewards and punishments clearly, and I don't just ask for nothing. You don't need me to give you money and status. I can only give you pointers. You are proficient in foreign martial arts. Skills and moves, you have more than clumsy strength but not enough internal strength, it will be very difficult when you meet an opponent with rough skin and thick flesh, this is your weakness and needs to be improved."

Hearing this, Ye Jingtang became serious and acted like he was listening attentively.

As for what Xue Baijin said now, he is actually very clear about it.

The so-called "clumsy force" is brute force, which can lift and pull heavy objects, but cannot reach the limbs, so it is also called "principal force, dead force".

And the strength of the whole body is gathered at the fingertips, the strength is as strong as a bow, and the power to penetrate the rocks is called "jin", which is Qijin and skill.

'Force' has no penetrating strength, it only reaches the surface of the object, it can push rocks but not hurt the inside; 'force' is explosive and penetrates directly to the heart, but it is triggered immediately and does not last long.

The superficial difference between the two is that after he practiced the Dragon Elephant Figure, he wrestled with Jiang Zhahu and threw Jiang Zhahu like a child, but he couldn't hurt Jiang Zhahu with a single shot.

King Zuo Xian just raised his gun and shook Fan Qinghe without using much strength. This is the difference between 'force' and 'strength'.

There are very few opportunities for the top masters to suppress their opponents with absolute brute force, so there is also a saying that "practicing martial arts without practicing kung fu will be nothing until old age".

But if you want to transform your brute strength into inner strength, you need top-notch internal methods.

The Eight Step Crazy Saber, Overlord Spear, and Lei Gong Baji are all outsider kung fu. Tianhe Dao is considered an inner sect sword technique, but it is strong in perception. The only inner sect martial art he has learned is Ning'er's half-baked Nianyun Fourteen hand, and Liu Qiansheng's wind-tuning palm.

What Liu Qiansheng taught him was obviously external moves, not internal skills at all. The moment Jiang Zhahu shook him out was the real kung fu.

Although Ye Jingtang's status is not low, but the advanced internal strength suitable for Ba Dakui to learn is really not so easy to find. Seeing Master Pingtian say this, he said seriously:
"Can the leader give me some advice?"

Xue Baijin originally wanted Ye Jingtang to be a teacher, but when she thought that her daughter-in-law had already slept with him, the idea disappeared immediately. She stood up and put one hand behind her back and said:
"After learning Kung Fu, you are my junior. Although you don't have the name of master and apprentice, you must fulfill the responsibility of master. With this relationship, if you deceive the master and destroy the ancestors one day, this sect can clean up the sect by itself. You think about it."


Ye Jingtang thought that he could go whoring for nothing, but seeing that it was a contract of prostitution, he inevitably hesitated in his heart, thought for a while and said:

"I was in the capital, and I got a picture of a dragon and an elephant by accident. If you don't want to teach me martial arts, I will find a way to let the bishop learn the dragon and elephant picture..."

Xue Baijin's eyes showed pride:
"Learning the dragon picture is to 'know what it is, but not know why'. You have practiced the dragon image picture and have infinite strength. Knowing the principle of this exercise, why can you have infinite strength?

Wu Taizu was able to comprehend the Dao with a mortal body, and left nine volumes of heavenly books by riding a dragon. Do you think this teaching can't do it? "

Ye Jingtang has always regarded the Dragon Calling Picture as an object of metaphysics, so of course he hasn't figured it out yet, so he solemnly said:
"Does the leader know why?"

"I do not know either."


Xue Baijin said calmly: "But everything has its own reason. If the predecessors can understand the truth of heaven and create the picture of calling the dragon, I can do it too; learning the picture of calling the dragon may be a shortcut, but I don't force it. If you want to Here, I'll learn naturally, if I don't give it to me, I won't take it, if you want to tempt me with these, you underestimate me."


Ye Jingtang felt that these words were very arrogant, but no matter how they sounded, they sounded a bit like "I want to learn, but I don't want to be responsible". He thought about it:

"You don't get rewarded for nothing, then when I have a chance in the future, I will teach the dragon image to the leader, and it will not be too late for the leader to teach me martial arts. I don't force it."

Xue Baijin thought about it for a while, and he acquiesced in the proposal. He raised his left hand and stretched out:
"Teach you kung fu first, you can make up for the favor afterwards, and you can also teach Yunli."

Ye Jingtang naturally had no meaning for this proposal, so he stepped forward three steps and raised his hand:

"I'm facing the leader?"

The leader of Pingtian raised his left hand and nodded:
"The "Nanshan Shenyang Jin" taught by us is a condensed collection of the strengths of hundreds of schools. Fengguancheng personally commented that it is unmatched in the mountains and rivers and lakes. You try it."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang's expression returned to seriousness, and he secretly used the method of listening to the wind, raised his right hand and slowly pressed it to the palm of the leader of Pingtian, and then...

boom -

In the room below, Luo Ningmeng pretended to be dead under the quilt, not daring to show her face at all, thinking about how to explain to Bai Jin later.

Just when he was in a state of confusion, there was a loud bang from outside the window, and then the sound of crashing into tiles and walls continued to spread to the outside, almost crossing the entire small village in the blink of an eye.

Luo Ning was startled, turned up and looked out the window, but saw that there were broken tiles everywhere outside. Ye Jingtang, who was standing neatly on the roof, flew directly into the vegetable garden outside and smashed the ground. A hole, still rolling on the grass.

plop plop...

Luo Ning's face changed suddenly, and she looked angrily and anxiously at the murderous Bai Jin on the roof:

"Xue Baijin, why did you hit him?!"

"Ahem... It's okay, it's okay..."

Ye Jingtang turned up from the ground, although he felt that the leader of Pingtian had an element of public revenge, but if he learned kung fu without being beaten, it must not be true kung fu, so he immediately raised his hand to stop Ning'er, and ran up again:
"The teacher is very skilled, I will try again..."


Then it flew out again without accident, but couldn't touch Pingtian's little hand...
At the same time, Langxuan City.

hooves, hoofs...

A cavalry team of more than [-] people escorted several carriages and slowly drove into the crowded city.

Pei Xiangjun was riding on a strong black horse, wearing a veiled hat and a long spear hanging on the side of the horse. He looked like the female boss of the escort agency, walking in the front and looking around, because it was the first time he came outside the pass, and his eyes were inevitably a little strange.

Song Chi and Chen Yuanqing served as attendants, and they were walking beside them, discussing with each other:

"This is the largest black market in the world. If we can build a street here, the annual income will be worth two Qingjiang piers..."

"It will be open here for three months, and the mountains will be closed with heavy snow in winter, so there will be no one here..."

"Three months is not a small amount..."


In the carriage behind, they were also discussing the customs of foreign countries.

In the compartment of the carriage, Dongfang Liren was dressed in a white prince's robe, raised the curtains of the windows, and looked at the passers-by in different clothes on the street.

The Empress Dowager traveled thousands of miles, and finally arrived at Langxuan City, which she had heard about many times before. Looking at the endless sea of ​​lights outside the big tent, her eyes inevitably showed surprise. She looked back and forth at novel objects, and sometimes asked questions :
"Red, what is that?"

"Ostriches, also called big sparrows, the King of Liang paid tribute to a few during the late emperor's time, but unfortunately they were raised to death by eunuchs..."

"If the eunuch raises the big bird, it may not necessarily be raised to death..."



Outside the carriage, the real Xuanji who was in charge of picking up people did not ride in a carriage, but walked along the street wearing a veiled hat.

Zhe Yunli was dressed as a little heroine, with her arms around her chest, and her hair was braided like Fan Qinghe's. She looked lively and gangster, and asked curiously:

"Aunt Lu, what is that big red tent for? Performing tricks?"

"For those who breed animals, don't run past the girl's house."

"The tent for breeding animals, so fancy? I thought it was a kiln...cough..."


Zhe Yunli knew Xuanji's real identity, so naturally she didn't dare to reveal her details.

But Master Xuanji knew that this little girl was the apprentice of Luo Ning and Bai Jin.

Luo Ning is her old best friend, and Zhe Yunli can be regarded as her half daughter, so Xuanji is very serious, and wants to be a mature and prudent female elder, so as not to lead the little girl astray.

In the end, after a few days of sex, I found that this little girl was almost as wild as she was when she was a child, and she was full of old-fashioned vibes, who forcibly made her look like a pure and innocent mature aunt.

It's not good for Master Xuanji to show her anger in front of the juniors, so she naturally pretended not to understand these nasty things.

A group of people led the convoy and walked for about half an hour before passing through the crowded urban area and arriving at the central urban area where the major ministries are located.

As soon as Zhe Yunli arrived on the street, he was attracted by the more than a hundred BMWs put out by the Wuma Department to support the table, and he stood directly outside the horse fence and couldn't walk.

Although Dongfang Liren had seen a lot of good horses, it was rare for so many famous horses to get together, so he also got down from the carriage immediately, and walked to look for them.

When they arrived at the place at this time, Jiang Laojiu and others naturally became the hosts, walked in front and introduced them one by one, and brought many distinguished guests to the residence of the Dongming Department.

But when the group was about to arrive at the station, Pei Xiangjun who was in front frowned and looked outside the door of the huge station.

The Dongming Department has a large resident, and there are nearly a thousand clansmen accompanying them. Most of them went outside to discuss business, but at this time, there are more than 300 clansmen standing outside the garrison with swords and soldiers, and their expressions are not very good.

And outside the gate of the station where the emblem of the Winter Ming Department was hung, there were three waves of people in different clothes standing together. Visually, there were about forty people, and among them were three elders who took the lead, talking angrily:
"Do you know what happened? The big shots in the White Owl Battalion were surrounded by people invited by your Dongming Department, and several of them died. Your Dongming Department secretly arranged to assassinate the high-ranking officials of the Northern Liang Dynasty. Why did you hold us back?" A disaster? Don’t let King Dongming come out today to give an explanation, and I will unite and send you all to Pingyi City..."

"This is a private matter of my Dongming Department. Regardless of whether it is true or not, Zhu Zong has his own discretion. It is your turn to dictate? You are as cowardly as mice who are afraid of the reckless sons of Beiliang. You kowtow to recognize your ancestors all day long. My Dongming Department is not afraid." ..."

"You bastard..."


Seeing that the two groups of people were about to fight, Jiang Laojiu hurriedly stepped forward, dismissed the clansmen who had contradicted each other, and said kindly:

"Oh, why did the old uncles come out, what's the matter? There is also a countermeasure when the sky is falling, what's the use of arguing with your own people..."

Jiang Laojiu is regarded as the Minister of Rites of the Ministry of Winter and Darkness. He is in charge of diplomacy and has a good relationship with all ministries.

Seeing that there is a master who can take care of things, the anger of the people in each department has subsided a little. The elder of the Gochen tribe, who is the leader, said in a deep voice:
"Northern Liang levies heavy taxes, and all the ministries can't afford to eat. Who doesn't want to rebel? It depends on the timing. Your Dongming Department will not say anything, and you will have an affair with the Southern Dynasty to kill Zuo Xianwang. If Zuo Xianwang sends troops to fight Who do you want to block? If you don’t give an explanation now, when the time comes, the army will be overwhelming, so don’t blame the ministries for watching with cold eyes..."

Jiang Laojiu didn't know what happened, but he still looked confident and said with a smile:
"What you said... Don't worry, the two dynasties have just opened up trade, and Guanglangxuan City has no less than ten thousand people from the Southern Dynasty. At this time, King Zuo Xian sent troops to cause chaos in the world. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face of Emperor Liang?

"I'll summon Zhu Zong to come back right now. If it's confirmed, my Dongming Department will definitely solve it. If we are wrong, we will honestly bow our heads and admit our mistakes. If we are wrong, we have to ask the elders to help you say something. Each department is a family. , one is prosperous, the other is damaged, and the wind is still uncertain, how can we mess up our own position first..."

Jiang Laojiu's tepid words are very reasonable, and his own status is not low. The elders of various tribes gathered around the door to explain are no longer aggressive. The elders of the Gouchen Department said:
"It is said that Zuo Xianwang was furious. This matter must not be a small matter. If you really killed the people in Baixiaoying, you will hand over the murderer and pay a lot of money for compensation. If we help you with a good word, maybe this matter will pass, otherwise you will suffer the consequences. Mingbu can't afford..."

"Understood, everyone, go back and rest first. When Zhu Zong comes back, I will definitely give you an answer as soon as possible..."


Soon, the elders of the various tribes surrounding the station dispersed one after another, and the tribesmen of the Dongming tribe stepped forward to negotiate with Jiang Laojiu and others.

Just listening to Dongfang Liren's words, he knew that Ye Jingtang must have clashed with Zuo Xianwang's people outside.

Because she didn't know the inside story, she couldn't analyze and plan, so she took the queen mother into the station first...


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(End of this chapter)

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