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Chapter 290 Reunion

Chapter 290 Reunion

At dusk the next day, the setting sun was like blood.

Two fast horses galloped through the dry ancient river and galloped into the ancient city at the end of the Gobi Desert.

Ye Jingtang hung his gun on his side, wore a bamboo hat on his head, and Niao Niao squatted on his legs; Fan Qinghe walked beside him, and his eyes were still quite strange at this time, and he glanced at Ye Jingtang from time to time.

After reuniting with Ning'er last night, Ye Jingtang hadn't finished saying a few words sweetly, but the leader of Pingtian appeared and began to teach him kung fu.

The master of Pingtian is invincible under the mountain, and he has no martial arts attainments, but his teaching philosophy is relatively traditional, adhering to the principle of "a master can be born under a stick", and he will never talk about it if he can fight well.

In addition, there was also the matter of the "hate of taking his wife" first, the experience of last night can only be described as unbearable.Although he didn't touch his little hand after being thrown all night, he did learn kung fu.

At dawn, he was going back to Langxuan City, while Pingtian Leader was going to the desert to hunt for treasures, and each had to go their separate ways; Ning'er was afraid that her best friend would be cold-hearted, so she could only say goodbye to him reluctantly.

Although Ye Jingtang was heartbroken, the two of them would not be able to wander in the desert for long, and they should be able to meet again after returning to Beijing. After telling Ning'er a few words, they separated from the two and turned back to Langxuan City.

Fan Qinghe held back all the way, seeing that he was approaching his territory, and the Pingtian leader didn't chase after him, so he couldn't help asking:
"Jingtang, you and that girl Ning'er, and the leader of Pingtian, um..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Fan Qinghe would be delusional, so he said with a smile:
"Some things are inconvenient to disclose, but they are not as messy as Miss Fan thinks. I will explain this matter to Miss Fan later. Before that, I hope Miss Fan will help keep it secret."

Fan Qinghe really couldn't imagine how powerful the woman in Tsing Yi was to capture the hearts of the two top leaders and let them live in peace without fighting; seeing what Ye Jingtang said, she naturally didn't want to ask more questions.

As the weather turns cooler in September, the Wanbuji in Langxuan City is at its busiest time. The camel caravan almost blocked the street. The two of them approached the city at dusk. When they arrived in the central city, it was almost dark .

As soon as Ye Jingtang arrived near the Dongming Department's residence, he saw Sanniang's big black horse from the outer stables. It just flew in with a "chirp chirp..." all the way.

Fan Qinghe dismounted from his horse outside the station, and immediately a clansman walked over quickly, with anxious and annoyed expressions on his face:
"Zhu Zong, it's not good, something happened..."

Fan Qinghe was still thinking about Ye Jingtang being harmed by a scum girl, so he frowned naturally when he heard this:
"What's the fuss? The warehouse is flooded?"

"No. There was news yesterday that the distinguished guests invited by Zhu Zong had killed the people from the Baixiao Camp at Huangming Mountain. All the major ministries came to the door to question them..."

When Fan Qinghe heard the news that he had killed the people from Baixiaoying, not King Zuoxian, he was a little surprised at first, but after thinking about it, it made sense—King Zuoxian, as the Four Sages of Beiliang, was also a The powerful vassal lord personally went out to kill the grass and root out the roots. As a result, he stole the chicken and was beaten up. It would be a big joke if it was spread out. Maybe he could be relegated and become a "Beiliang Bansheng"; He definitely didn't dare to publicize that he beat Zuo Xianwang.

After listening to the report, Fan Qinghe let the clansmen go down first, walked to the big tent with Ye Jingtang, and thought:
"Not long after I took over, I haven't seen Zuo Xianwang. When I was fighting in Huangming Mountain, I was still wearing a face scarf. Zuo Xianwang probably didn't know me. He knows that you are a descendant of the Qinchi Department, and he also knows You are a distinguished guest of my Winter Hades Department, someone must have tipped him off..."

Ye Jingtang said to this: "When we went to Huangming Mountain, we should have been tricked. This matter is inseparable from the Gouchen Department. Didn't you say that there might be clues in Duolan Valley? It was provided by King Gouchen ."

Fan Qinghe had this guess in his heart, but hesitated for a while, and said:

"Sima Yue is the apprentice of the old Tianlang King, and he is brother to your biological father..."

Ye Jingtang shrugged slightly: "I don't have any idea about him, how can he have any affection for me. However, there is no basis for empty words at present, and it is not easy to make a conclusion. This matter still needs to be carefully investigated."

Fan Qinghe nodded: "I'll go and discuss with the clan elders, you've been running for a few days, go and rest first."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say much. After putting down the horse, he went to the back of the camp...
Just after nightfall, Dongfangliren, who came from afar, was curious about the customs and customs of a foreign country because it was the first time he left the customs, so he took the queen mother out in the afternoon; the real person Xuanji accompanied him as a guard, and the little girl who likes walking the street the most Yun Li naturally followed behind.

Pei Xiangjun brought people over on this trip, one of which was to escort Ye Jingtang, and the other was to catch up with the opening of the trade between the two dynasties, to see if he could develop some financial resources outside the customs.

Honghualou has Liangzhou Hall, which is not large in scale. There are only a few car and horse dealers under its control. It has no sense of existence in the Liangzhou Jianghu, but there are ready-made business roads; Hualou's existing commercial roads transport silk tea and other goods from Jiangzhou and Zezhou to the outside of the customs, and then bring back medicinal materials, horses, and so on.

Pei Xiangjun arrived last night, and today he asked several hall masters to go out for a run. At this time, he was having a meeting with Song Chi and others in the tent, talking about some business matters:
"Liangzhou can't go by water. It's easy for Jiangzhou Brocade to come here. Take hundreds of horses and go back, at least with a hundred escorts, or they will be robbed by Liangzhou barbarians. The cost is too high..."

"What Liangzhou barbarian? Jingtang is also from Liangzhou..."

"Oh, slip of the tongue, I made a slip of the tongue. But to be honest, our young master is worthy of being a warrior from Liangzhou. Wherever he goes, he will fight wherever he goes. If he doesn't kill a few people, it will be as if he has never been here. Ordinary Liangzhou people are really not so brave. ..."

"Second Brother Song's words make sense..."


Ye Jingtang walked slowly to the outside of the big tent, and he could see that the cowardly bird was squatting in the corner of the tent door, looking secretly with his probe, obviously seeing that there were a lot of unfamiliar people inside, so it was not easy to go in and beg for food and make trouble.

Hearing Uncle Song's loud voice, Ye Jingtang's expression was inevitably a little helpless, and he came to the tent door and glanced inside.

There were several small cases in the tent, and several hall masters of Honghualou sat behind the cases, with pamphlets in front of them, which recorded the progress of today's visits to various houses.

Sanniang was wearing a black dress with pearl hairpins slanted on her head. She changed her usual soft and sophisticated temperament when she went out. Although she was round and round and not tall, her posture and expressions were very strong. She looked like a cold and glamorous ascetic girl. head.

As soon as he took a look inside, the people sitting in the tent turned their heads, and then stood up and greeted one after another:

"Less master..."

"Jingtang is back! I haven't seen you for a few months and I look a lot better..."


The last time Ye Jingtang met was the first show of the sect, and now they are all in the top ten of the Wei Dynasty. Except for Uncle Song and Uncle Chen who reacted normally, the other hall masters were obviously a little panicked.

Facing the elders, Ye Jingtang naturally didn't want to put on airs as a young master, so he stepped forward to greet each of them, and he didn't forget to say something to Song Chi along the way:

"Uncle Song, the Lei Gong Baji you taught is really domineering. After I learned it, I have basically never lost in fist fights. I also met Jiang Zhahu the night before..."


Song Chi is a master of boxing, and he is not far from the top master. His dream in this life is to take over the title of boxing champion. Seeing this, his face became a little dignified:
"How? Were you beaten badly?"


Ye Jingtang originally wanted to praise a few words, "Losing is in people, not in fists", but he really didn't expect Uncle Song to be so frank, and now he said the truth:

"White Ape swung his arms too long. I punched more than a dozen times and didn't touch my torso. Instead, I was hit more than a dozen times. I couldn't fall asleep half the night because of the pain."

Song Chi knew this was the case, and said, "Jiang Zhahu Kungfu was taught by Liu Qiansheng, and his fists are notoriously ruthless; my family's Lei Gong Baji has more strength than softness. I can't stand the smashing. But I guess Jiang Zhahu's hand is also uncomfortable, it's probably swollen like a pig's trotter..."

Ye Jingtang chatted with several hall masters about the old days, and Pei Xiangjun sat at the head and waited quietly without interjecting, but just hugged the bird that had sneaked under the table on his lap to feed.

After several people chatted almost, Pei Xiangjun stood up and ordered:

"Okay, it's getting late, let's all go back and rest, you can discuss business matters with Section Master Chen. Jing Tang just came back and didn't even take a sip of water, so why keep talking."

Seeing this, Song Chi and the others stopped to exchange greetings, said goodbye to the two and left the tent.

Ye Jingtang watched him off at the door until several hall masters accompanied him to the back of the residence, then he turned around and was about to speak, only to find that Sanniang, who was still mature and intellectual just now, was holding Niao Niao in her arms, facing him sideways, A three-pointed resentment was evident on her familiar cheeks.

Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, then came to the front and turned his head to look:

Pei Xiangjun didn't look at Ye Jingtang either, but said a little displeased: "Ning'er looking for you?"

Ye Jingtang was slightly puzzled: "It's not that I'm looking for it. I just met him at Huangming Mountain the day before yesterday. How did Sanniang know?"


Niao Niao raised her head consciously, signaling Niao Niao to be smart.

Pei Xiangjun snorted lightly: "A few days ago she left from Honghe Town, she said that she wanted to go out with the leader of Pingtian, and asked me to keep it secret for her, and asked me to help her bring the baby. The result is good, she threw the baby at me , I secretly ran to find you. It looks like this now, and I will have to enter the door later..."

bring a baby...

Ye Jingtang knew that he was taking care of Yunli, but he always felt that this word was normal and weird. He put his arms around Sanniang's shoulders, pushed the bird out, and said:
"It was indeed a coincidence, or else we came back together. Are the Queen Mother and Prince Jing going out to play?"

"I went out in the afternoon, and I'm probably still shopping now."

"How is the Queen Mother?"

"Still sick, but stable, doesn't look like a serious problem..."

While Pei Xiangjun was speaking, he and Ye Jingtang went to the tent where they were staying, but just halfway there, they found that Jingtang was listening carefully, and moved his hands from his shoulders to his back, and from his back to the moon.

She blushed slightly, and tapped her shoulder lightly:

"When you heard that Prince Jing was not here, did you get distracted?"

Ye Jingtang took it away, but saw that Sanniang didn't seem to resist, so he put it back, bowed his head and smacked on his forehead:
"Hehe, that's right, even if Prince Jing is here, I should be thinking about it or not."


Pei Xiangjun guessed that Ye Jingtang was exhausted these days, so he didn't say anything. After entering the tent, he closed the curtain, walked slowly to the couch, sat down, and patted his side:
"When I was wandering around the city today, I saw the people from Duanbeiya in the city."


Ye Jingtang sat down in front of him, thought for a while, picked up the charming Sanniang, sat on his lap, frowned and said:

"A person who is silent?"

"Well, it's Duanbeiya's lobby master Chen He who came, who looks like Master Duanshengji..."

Pei Xiangjun raised his hand to hook Ye Jingtang's neck, and put Ye Jingtang's restrained hand on the big watermelon, talking about some old stories.

The old gun leader Pei Cang, also known as Pei Xiangjun's master, died about ten years ago, and the position of the 'gun leader' has also fallen into a state of vacancy.

The top gun represents the highest level of martial arts in the world. The top swordsmen, sword masters, etc. are definitely not the top guns in the ring, but the top guns are worthy of anyone in the ring.

For these reasons, after the death of the old gun leader, there were many people in the world who wanted to compete for this title, and the most qualified ones were Pei Yuanming and Beiya gun king Chuhao.

Pei Yuanming's talent is higher than that of Ye Jingtang's adoptive father. He became a top master ten years ago. He is by no means mediocre, and he is more famous than Chu Hao. Became the new shooter.

According to the estimates of the Jianghu people, the Beiya Spear King Chuhao, after being fully prepared, will definitely challenge Pei Yuanming and become the current spearhead in a single battle.

But what everyone didn't expect was that after Pei Yuanming had been the gun leader for more than a year, it was not Chu Hao who came, but a young man.

At that time, it was a great Jianghu event in Yanzhou, Pei Yuanming attended the party as the 'Red God of Wealth', took people away after the event, and met a stunned young man on the street.

Lengtouqing carried a white wax spear and claimed to be Duanbeiya's disciple, wanting to be called the spear leader.

Pei Yuanming had never heard of this young man at all, so naturally he didn't pick it up, but the stunned young man moved his hand directly. Jianghu described it as "a gun shot out of the world is as quiet as a dead zone". Just down the killer.

Because it was an open door-to-door questioning, countless people watched as witnesses, and no one condemned Duan Shengji for not talking about martial arts; after all, when Wu Kui fights, he also requires the challenger to stop. It is too harsh, and the blame can only be blamed on Pei Yuanming. He is the gun leader but his skills are not as good as others.

It was not until the leader of the gun was established, Chen He, the hall master of Duanbeiya, that Duanshengji's identity was revealed to the public. After returning, Duanshengji took over as the head of the sect. He was only 27 years old at the time.

As for the Beiya Spear King Chu Hao, seeing his opponent who had been chasing him for half his life was killed, he never mentioned the matter of fighting for the top gun since then, and he has completely established Duanshengji's position as the top gun.

After Pei Xiangjun finished talking about these past events, there was obvious anger in his eyes:

"Brother died in the arena. According to the rules of the world, he is indeed inferior to others. But how can we, the Pei family, just admit it? The leader of the gun is not self-proclaimed by the elder brother, but promoted by the Jianghu people; there is no way to challenge the elder brother." Promise, do not reveal your identity in advance and directly attack, so that the elder brother cannot predict the strength of the opponent, it is against the rules..."

Seeing that Sanniang was a little angry, Ye Jingtang comforted him:
"Don't worry, this matter can be taken care of by me, I will kill that Chen later..."

Pei Xiangjun raised his hand slightly: "No need. People are killed by Duanshengji, and if you want revenge, you have to find the right master. You dare not go to Duanshengji, but kill the disciples of Duanbeiya to vent your anger. If it spreads, you will think that I am Honghualou Bully the weak and fear the hard."

"That's right. Then give me a good beating. If you dare to stir up my daughter-in-law's grief, you will have to let him lie down for a few months. Anyway, this matter can't be left alone..."

"That's fine. The one surnamed Chen deserves a beating. After the death of the elder brother, he made some sarcastic remarks..."

After talking for a while, Pei Xiangjun's words slowly slowed down. Seeing that Ye Jingtang couldn't make any progress, he took the initiative to pull open his collar, revealing his black chest:

"Did you knead the dough? Just say what you want, pretend to be..."

"Didn't I see that you were in a bad mood?"

Ye Jingtang smiled and saw that no one was bothering him, so he hooked the upper edge of the chest wrap and gently pulled it down.

dong dong~~
The tent suddenly became brighter.

Pei Xiangjun bit his lower lip lightly. He hadn't said anything for a long time, and he was a little jerky. He slowly pushed Ye Jingtang down on the pillow, then put his hands on the sides of his head, and bowed his head...

Ye Jingtang was lying comfortably, looking at Bai Tuantuan dangling in front of him, he wanted to speak at first, but his thoughts were not so clear, and finally he just opened his mouth...
Branches on the moon.

Around a round tent in the noisy bazaar, there are several small tables on the terrace, on which are 'bodyguards' patrolling with weapons hanging from their waists.

The interior of the gorgeous round tent is brightly lit, and the environment is much cleaner than the noisy street. There is a large round table in the middle, covered with brocade, and there is a whole roasted lamb, sprinkled with green onion sauce, so that This seductive aroma permeated the round tent.

Dongfang Liren was holding a silver knife in his hand, and was cutting the roast lamb with one hand on his sleeve. Although his skill was a bit fancy, it was obviously no problem to cut a roast sheep. The knife technique was clean and neat, which attracted Hongyu's praise:
"Your Highness is good with the knife. The mutton is all cut to the same size... But the bones don't need to be cut off, it's too much effort, just shave the meat off..."

"It's okay, this knife cuts iron like mud..."


Hongyu was actually afraid that the table would collapse, seeing His Highness enjoying it, naturally she couldn't talk too much.

Next to him, the immortal Xuanji was dressed in white clothes, and there were two jugs of wine in front of him, and he had already drank one jug.

Zhe Yunli took advantage of her mother's absence and was quite outgoing. Seeing that Aunt Lu was not motivated to drink by herself, she volunteered to drink with her. After three rounds of drinking, she got a little overwhelmed, and the two of them even punched each other.

The empress dowager, dressed as the wife of a merchant's family, is now like a taciturn female elder, sitting in the main seat in a proper manner, holding in her arms the bird who just ran over with the hall master of the Honghualou.

The hall master came to send a message, saying that Ye Jingtang had returned.

Although all the women here wanted to go back, but as soon as the roast lamb was served, they ran back in unison when they heard Ye Jingtang came back. They were always worried that others would see their small thoughts, so everyone unanimously showed that they were not in a hurry , Wait until the meal is over.

The girls were all entertaining themselves, but the empress dowager obviously didn't have such a good fortune.

It has been more than half a month since the poisoning, and her body can hold it, but the prisoner dragon miasma can't hold it!

In order to go out for a stroll, she tried her best not to run the bathing fire map, and also reduced her food to keep her body in a weak state, so that the toxins in her body would not disappear so quickly.

But after falling asleep or in a coma, the body feels discomfort or pain, and will try to relieve it unconsciously; this is the same as scratching an itch when someone falls asleep, she has no control at all, and it is almost gone after such a long time.

In order to keep the only fire left, the empress dowager had no choice but to go on a hunger strike, directly saying that she had no appetite and would not eat, and only had two mouthfuls of porridge when she couldn't bear it.

At this time, eating roasted lamb together is also because Li Ren wanted to arouse her appetite.

The empress dowager's appetite must have been aroused, and even her eyes turned green, but after eating, she might return to her original state tomorrow, so she could only hold back her appetite and pretend to be "sorrowful and not hungry", and feed the meat to the birds , I almost fed myself in my mouth several times.

After staying like this for a while, Xiao Yunli was drunk, and Dongfang Liren wanted to pay the bill and leave when he saw this, but before he got up, he suddenly heard a voice from a distance:
boom -

clap la la...

It seems that the sound of something being knocked out and smashed into the wall is far away.

Master Xuanji twitched his ears and turned his head to look; Meng Jiao and the others outside also showed up and looked over there.

The Empress Dowager was slightly puzzled: "What happened?"

After Meng Jiao frowned and looked at it, she shook her head: "It is estimated that someone from the Jianghu made trouble, and there is no movement..."


a little while ago.

The lights in the tent were turned on again at the back of the Winter Hades garrison.

Ye Jingtang walked out of the tent, raised his hand and wiped his face, with a bit of amused look in his eyes.

When he just came back in the evening, he originally wanted to accompany Sanniang well, but Sanniang was too good at it, she was a guest in the Dongming tribe, and he was afraid that the Dongming tribe who came and went would hear him, and they would take care of him without reservation.

Ye Jingtang was already holding back a bit during this time, how could he be able to withstand the peerless martial arts of "beautiful shoulders with willow waist, plump buttocks, and beheading immortals in the red silk tent", Sanniang immediately put him down after a while, Then he urged him to go out quickly, so as not to bump into the Queen Mother and the others when they came back.

Ye Jingtang felt that Sanniang might not be having fun, but it was inappropriate to score twice now. After a little freshening up, he asked a hall master to take Niao Niao to inform Benben, and he came to the back of the station first.

The hall masters who came from Honghualou were all arranged in several tents. At night, Song Chi was playing chess with Chen Yuanqing, and they were talking to each other:

"Five sons in a row! Old Chen, I haven't seen you for a few months and your chess skills have regressed..."

"I have never played this thing with anyone other than you..."


Ye Jingtang came to the door, glanced at it, and said:

"Uncle Song, do you have time? Go outside with me."

Seeing this, Song Chi immediately got up and patted his robe, went out and followed Ye Jingtang to the station, and asked:

"What's the matter?"

Ye Jingtang looked back to confirm that Uncle Chen was not there, so he said in a low voice:

"Is there someone from Duanbeiya in the city?"


When Song Chi heard this, he understood the meaning, looked back, and then quickly walked out of the camp from the dark place:
"Yes, I live near the Porcelain Building. I've stepped on everything, but I have to be quick, and I have to leave after killing, otherwise people from the West Sea will find it troublesome..."


Ye Jingtang nodded secretly, feeling that he and Uncle Song are still working together, but Sanniang explained beforehand, he still said:

"It's enough to beat Sanniang to vent her anger. It's not appropriate to beat her to death. Uncle Song can point out people for me. I'll do it."

When Song Chi heard this, he was not very happy:
"Jingtang, do you think that Uncle Song acted impulsively and didn't know how to act?"

"No. I'm afraid that I will be superior later, and no one will pull me if I hit too hard."

"Oh, yes..."

Near the Porcelain Warehouse.

After Liang Wang's youngest son, Dongfang Shangqing, was attacked, the security around the porcelain building warehouse was strengthened. At night, the lights were brightly lit, and some merchants were depositing and withdrawing goods in the warehouse.

On the branches of the moon, outside the door of a warehouse, stood several warriors holding red-tasseled spears.Some Lifu moved out the special medicinal materials from Yazhou from the warehouse, and loaded them into the carriage parked at the door.

And outside the warehouse gate, Duanbeiya Chen He, who was dressed as an ordinary employee, was talking with another high-level person in the same door with his hands behind his back, talking in a low voice:

"What does Hu Yanjing mean by this? He said that there is a big benefactor, but he sent the message for a few days and nothing happened. When this batch of goods goes out, things will be over. How can there be so much time for him to reply..."

"Scale steel is not a small object. We dare not reveal our identities. It is reasonable for the other party to have doubts. We are not afraid of biting the bait of the court... By the way, some apprentices were on the street yesterday, and they seemed to see the red flower building. People, do they also want to stretch their hands outside the pass?"

When Chen He heard this, his eyes showed a bit of disdain:
"After the death of the old gun chief, there is no Honghualou in Jianghu. A few months ago, Ye Silang appeared in them. With a little sign of returning to the light, they regarded themselves as a wealthy family again. This is purely because the head doesn't care, otherwise the old man You have to let them know how much you weigh...huh?"

Chen He is the hall master of Duanbeiya. Although he is in charge of internal affairs and finances, his martial arts skills are not low. After talking about this point, he suddenly noticed a slight movement on the roof far away.

Chen He turned his head to look, and felt that someone was looking at this side, so he took a few disciples and walked to the warehouse in the distance, checking around along the way.

But when he just walked past the warehouse where Dongfang Shangqing was beaten last time, a subtle sound suddenly came from behind the wall:


Chen He frowned, and immediately raised his hand to hold the red-tasseled spear in his apprentice's hand.

But before he could hold it, the wall of the warehouse that had just been repaired suddenly exploded in front of his eyes.

boom -

Then a masked figure in black rushed out from behind the wall, approached with the momentum of thunder, grabbed his right hand, and then yanked it with all his strength.


Chen He was caught off guard, and before he realized what was going on, he was dragged across the air, fell on the apprentices beside him, and directly knocked the two apprentices who hadn't reacted into the air.

Bang bang!

Ye Jingtang didn't know this old man either, but Sanniang and Uncle Song were extremely disgusted with him. They thought he wasn't a good person, and they didn't talk too much, so they took Chen He's turn for a few laps, and after confirming his level of integrity, they headed towards the old man. The carriage full of goods in the distance was directly thrown over.

boom -


The carriage that had just been filled with medicinal materials was instantly blown apart, and the wooden box and medicinal medicinal goddess flew out like flowers.

Chen He passed through the pile of goods, fell on the street, rolled a few times, and hit the wall of the warehouse backwards, knocking the wall out of cobweb-like cracks.


"Cough cough..."


The disciples of Duanbeiya outside the warehouse turned pale with shock, they shouted in unison but were overwhelmed by the movement and did not dare to step forward.

And Chen Heren was stunned, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Seeing that the other party didn't come to make up the knife, he hurriedly said:
"Who are you? Why did you hurt someone for no reason?"

"Honghualou, Ye Silang. You know why you were beaten."

"Ye Silang?!"

Chen He's expression changed suddenly.

Ye Jingtang actually didn't know why he wanted to hit this fellow, but after he finished speaking, seeing the other party's expression of "suddenly realizing it" and daring to be angry, he knew that it might be a light blow.

Already throwing someone out, running over to make up for it a few more times is not a master's demeanor. After Ye Jingtang coldly glanced at Duan Beiya's people, he ignored the many gunners who were facing the enemy, and jumped up. roof.

Song Chi watched Ye Jingtang come back from the sidelines above the warehouse, his eyes showed joy, and they walked back together, saying:

"Good fight. After your uncle died, this birdman spread everywhere, saying that your uncle is not worthy of the position of gun leader, and that death is his own fault. I was so angry that I wished I could come to the door and cut off his tongue..."

Ye Jingtang didn't say anything about it, just smiled, walked out along the storeroom, and took a look around the guesthouse.

Dongfang Shangqing still lives in the city, and outside Hu Yanjing's residence, there is an inconspicuous piece of cloth hanging, and it seems that he has contacted the seller.

Ye Jingtang went out for a few days and didn't have time to deal with this matter, so he turned around and walked towards the inn upon seeing the situation...


The following words are added later:
Thank you [Floating in the World with Peace of Mind] for your rewards!

I recommend Que Yue's "Being an Undercover at the Beginning, Force Me to Lift the Table"!
Recommended words: The ancient version of the underworld novel is so cool that it explodes. I can’t sleep at night after reading it. I strongly recommend it!

(End of this chapter)

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