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Chapter 291 Role Playing

Chapter 291 Role Playing
After dealing with Chen He's matter, Uncle Song returned to the station first, while Ye Jingtang quietly came to the inn.

Hu Yanjing was severely beaten a few days ago, and now he is still recuperating in bed.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Hu Yanjing turned his head, and seeing Ye Jingtang walk in, he quickly stood up to greet him.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to signal that he didn't need to get up, and asked:
"Has the seller been contacted?"

"The person came the day after you left. I have been unable to contact you, and I have contacted you several times."

"Going out for a while, something is delayed, can I contact you now?"

"Okay, I'll send the message right now, the person should arrive later..."


After negotiating with Ye Jingtang, since he had time now, he asked Hu Yanjing to contact him, and he came to a dark corner of the warehouse near the inn, waiting for someone to come.

But Hu Yanjing's work efficiency was faster than he imagined. After waiting for about two quarters of an hour, footsteps came from the alleyway behind the corner of the inn, and there were slight words:

"The young master of the Qin Chi Department is very mysterious, and I don't know the name, but I can guarantee that there is no problem with his identity. Mr. Du, who is under King Zuoxian, has personally confirmed it..."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang probed secretly to look at it, but was taken aback when he saw it.

Hu Yanjing walked into the dark alleyway, followed by a quack dressed in black and wearing a bamboo hat, with a face scarf on his face, only a pair of eyes could be seen, his appearance was very mysterious.

But judging by his height, fatness and thinness, and even his slightly unsteady breath when walking...

Isn't this the bad old man he just beat?
Ye Jingtang saw Chen He in Duanbeiya, and instantly understood who the seller was for the Linwen Steel smuggled out of Yazhou.

He just beat Chen He just now, and came here without even changing his clothes. Although his face was covered, but as the victim of violence, Chen He would be really blind if he didn't recognize him when he met.

In order to prevent Chen He from revealing his identity and arousing Duanbeiya's vigilance, Ye Jingtang hid in the dark after thinking for a while, raised his hand and carved on the wall, "I'm in a hurry, see you in three days", and then leaped onto the wall. up the fence.

Soon, the two came to the corner, and then the words came:
"Eh? What about people?"

"What's the meaning of this part? I made an appointment but didn't come..."

"Wait, there is writing here... something urgent... I guess something happened just now, I'll contact you again, I'm really sorry..."

"You should act quickly, Langxuan City is not peaceful, I have to leave soon..."



Ye Jingtang waited and watched in the dark, and watched the two leave in dissatisfaction. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, they left quietly...
Winter Ming Department resident.

After eating the roasted whole lamb, the women who played for half a day returned to the station together.

Dongfang Liren, as the younger sister of the Emperor of Wei, naturally entertained her grandly. She lived in a large independent tent, and arranged several beauties from the Dongming tribe to serve as maids.

It's a pity that Dongfang Liren is a daughter, so she obviously doesn't need a beauty to accompany her to bed at night, and she's not used to letting strangers stand in front of her when she's resting. When she came back, she found that Ye Jingtang was busy, so she sat alone in the big tent. Before the small case, continue to draw the album.

Dongfang Liren draws things very quickly. This album is [-]% finished, and it is almost finished, but the progress has slowed down in the final stage of painting.

The reason is not that Dongfang Liren has no time to paint, but that the content in the book is getting more and more outrageous.

In the early stage, she was pure and pleasant, and poking her mouth was considered an exciting scene. She has experience and can do it at her fingertips.

But in the later period, it was different, all kinds of weird ways of playing came out, Yushu’s backyard and so on were commonplace, there were also those who were tied up and couldn’t move, blindfolded, or flying immortals from the sky, and even several girls took turns together scene.

Dongfang Liren just poked his mouth, just looking at the text description, he couldn't think of those big scenes that were immoral, and he couldn't let Hongyu be a model and try to tie it up, it couldn't be drawn at all.

She wanted to skip these things, but she knew Ye Jingtang's color in her heart, and watching "Tears of a Chivalrous Woman" was just to draw these scandalous and exciting plots. No matter how good other paintings are, it doesn't make much sense, so she got stuck These places, I do not know how to write.

After pondering on the white paper for a long time, I couldn't figure out how to draw, but there was a movement outside:

"Hey, Yunli..."

Dongfang Liren's eyes lit up, and he quickly covered the paper on the table, then got up and walked to the door.

Outside the big tent.

Ye Jingtang came back from the Cilou area and came directly to Benben's residence, wanting to discuss the matter of the scale steel.

As a result, when he passed the aisle between the tents, the bird, who was full of food and drink, suddenly poked his head from the corner of the tent:

Then Zheyunli, who was playing hide-and-seek with Niao Niao, quietly appeared from behind the tent, apparently trying to blindfold Ye Jingtang.

But Zhe Yunli had just turned sixteen, and hadn't fully grown. Due to the height difference between the two parties, it was a bit difficult to cover her eyes from behind, so with a thought, she took off from the spot and threw herself on Ye Jingtang's back.

Ye Jingtang heard the movement behind him, and before he could speak, he realized that his back sank, and his waist was clamped between two tightly knotted legs.

And there were two lumps of soft touch on the back, not too big and not too small, and the eyes were covered with cold little hands, and even a faint fragrance that belonged to girls could be smelled.

Ye Jingtang was caught off guard, fearing that Yunli would fall, so he subconsciously hugged the bend of his leg; when he realized that it was inappropriate, he quickly raised his hands:
"Hey, Yun Li, be more honest..."

Zhe Yunli covered his eyes, and found that Ye Jingtang recognized him, and suddenly lost interest and said:
"Brother Jing, how did you recognize me?"

How can Ye Jingtang recognize it?
The girls in the entire resident are all protruding forward and backward. It is estimated that Yunli weighs no more than a hundred, and you can recognize this size as soon as you feel it.

He had just met Ning'er and Pingtian leader, how could he dare to be so close to Yun Li, if word of Ning'er's ears heard him, he might be strangled to death, so he patted his hand covering his eyes:

"You are the shortest, and the others don't have to jump up if you cover your eyes. Come down quickly, it's not good for people to see."

Zhe Yunli was quite dissatisfied with these words, but she also felt that hanging on a man was a bit unladylike, so she jumped down and patted the little skirt:

"Who says I'm the shortest? The empress dowager is about the same height as me. Besides, I'm only sixteen, and I'm still growing. I'm sure I'll be about the same height as Prince Jing..."

Ye Jingtang reckoned that this would be difficult, the nickname of Big Stupid is not a lie, his height is only two fingers shorter than him, and the fat-headed dragon can bury Yun Li's face tightly, it really cannot be made up by eating, Pure talent.

However, it is obviously inappropriate to discuss these things with the little girl. Ye Jingtang just laughed, and when he saw Benben lifted the curtain to look over here, he opened his mouth and said:

"I'll discuss something with King Jing, you go play first."

Zhe Yunli hadn't seen each other for many days, but actually wanted to talk about the rumors about Huang Mingshan. Seeing the clingy queen appearing, she looked at her a little strangely, maybe because she was afraid that the queen might misunderstand, so she didn't say much. Niao Niao picked it up and ran down.

After Ye Jingtang watched Yunli leave, he came to the big tent:

"Your Highness."

Dongfang Liren knew that Ning'er was Ye Jing's daughter-in-law, and also knew that this little girl was Ning'er's apprentice. Seeing the two of them being so close, their eyes were naturally a little wrong.

However, Xiao Yunli has always been wild, and it seems that she has no love, so Dongfang Liren didn't think about it, turned around and entered the tent, and asked:

"The news came yesterday that the person of King Zuo Xian was killed. What's going on?"

"King Zuoxian thought that I was a descendant of the Qinchi tribe, so he came here to cut grass and roots, but I ran away..."

Ye Jingtang couldn't explain it in detail because it involved the Pingtian leader, but after briefly talking about the process, he talked about what he saw and heard just now:
"The matter of Linwan Steel has been tracked down. The seller is Duanbeiya of Yazhou. The hall master Chen He is in charge of connecting with Hu Yanjing. The buyer should be Zuo Xianwang..."

"Broken North Cliff?"

Dongfang Liren sat down behind the small case, and frowned when he heard the name:
"Duanbeiya is the overlord of Yazhou. Because of his gun skills, he is famous all over the world, and he is close to the Yazhou frontier army. He has always been a special instructor of the Yazhou army; there are also countless disciples who serve as generals in the army...

"They do have the opportunity to come into contact with scale steel, but Duanbeiya dominates the rivers and lakes of Yazhou, and its wealth is not inferior to other powerful families in the rivers and lakes. Forbidden item?"

Scale steel is used as military supplies, and the black market price is definitely high, but not to an outrageous level; every time Hu Yanjing transports it, he can't transport many pieces, and that little profit is indeed a drop in the bucket for the overlord of a state.

Ye Jingtang thought for a while: "Maybe it's not because of the money, but because King Zuo Xian needs these, and Duan Beiya is helping to get them. If that's the case, then the problem may be a bit big. King Zuo Xian can buy Duan Beiya, for sure. The Yazhou frontier army is almost infiltrated into a sieve."

Dongfang Liren knew the seriousness of this problem, and said:
"As long as there is no problem with the Wang family. Although Duanbeiya has many disciples in the army, it is still a power in the rivers and lakes and cannot interfere with military power. This matter needs to be investigated strictly, but before the exact situation is known, it is better not to make a big fuss. The Yazhou Army Spear and stick kung fu is all taught by Duan Beiya's instructor, the warriors must be sentimental, and there is no evidence to clean up Duan Beiya, it may shake the morale of the frontier army..."

"Okay, after the queen mother's work is over, I will take the time to go over and find out this matter. By the way, Jiang Zhahu has already negotiated to find the pharmacist, and also has clues from Jin Lintu. Next, I have to go A trip to Hongshan..."

"The major ministries are looking for trouble with the Dongming Ministry. You have caused trouble for others, so you have to help before you leave, or you will chill the heart of the King Dongming. Although the Queen Mother has lost her appetite, her condition is stable and is slowly improving. Wait for two days It should be fine..."


They chatted with each other for a while, and when the matter was over, there was no topic.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to take out the small sundial and let Benben appreciate it, but the real person Xuanji took it away, and since he had nothing to offer, he turned his attention to the small case in front of him, and raised his hand to open it. Buttoned paper.

As a result, just as he stretched out his hand, the stupid around him held his arm, his eyes were slightly cold:
"what are you doing?"

"I'll just take a look, purely to appreciate the painting skills..."

"What kind of painting skills do you appreciate? It records important military affairs. Do you want to be a spy to spy on information?"

Seeing Dabenben's reaction, Ye Jingtang knew that it was covered with something good, but he didn't want to show it, so naturally he didn't want to grab it, so he just laughed:

"Really, I thought it was the tears of a chivalrous girl..."

Dongfang Liren actually wanted to ask how to draw a chivalrous woman who tied up and humiliated people, but it was really hard to talk about it, and she couldn't use other people as a reference.

When he said 'spy' or something, Dongfang Liren's heart moved, he put on a serious look, and said in a deep voice:
"As a confidant of the imperial court, you have extraordinary willpower. Although it is impossible to be caught, you still have to consider the situation of being tortured and tortured for information after falling into the enemy's hands. But I dare not show it to you. Well... this king is here to test you, to see how strong your willpower is."

Ye Jingtang was at a loss: "How to test? Your Highness beat me up?"

Dongfang Liren didn't say much, got up and went to the corner of the tent, rummaged around and found some ribbons.

Then, with a fierce and majestic appearance, he pulled Ye Jingtang to the side of her bed, let Ye Jingtang lie on it and tied his hands and feet around the foot of the bed:

"From now on, this king will be the one who tortures you, trying to get information, you can't answer any questions..."

? ?
Ye Jingtang felt that this was a role-playing between couples, and wanted to resist, but he couldn't find a reason to refuse, so he lay down honestly.

Dongfang Liren's technique was neat and neat, he tied Ye Jingtang's hands and feet firmly, and then looked around, nodding with eyes full of eyes, feeling that it was exactly the same as what was written in Xia Nv's tears.

Ye Jingtang was lying on the bed in a large font, unable to move his hands and feet, and still had a little expectation in his heart. Seeing that Benben couldn't move his hands, he asked:

"Then what should I do? Your Highness tortured me?"

"Don't make a playful smile, you have to act like a chastity... No, a staunch look, the kind that would rather die than surrender."


Ye Jingtang was very cooperative, and immediately raised his eyebrows coldly, making an appearance that he would rather die than surrender:

"You demon girl, do you have any tricks to use, grandpa, I... hiss—why is your highness pinching me?"

Dongfang Liren was furious, and twisted Ye Jingtang's waist and eyes with his hands:

"You are a member of the imperial court, not a bandit. You must speak righteously, what grandfather?"


Ye Jingtang pondered for a while, then snorted coldly: "I'm a loyal man of the Great Wei, how can I be afraid of the punishment of flesh and blood, what kind of tricks are you, a witch, just use it, if I frown... Eh?"

Dongfang Liren was very satisfied with Ye Jingtang's reaction, so he sat on the side of the bed, imitating the description of Xia Nv Lei Shang, and put his fair white hand on Ye Jingtang's chest muscles and squeezed, his fingertips were still around a certain key Gently rotate and caress, the movement is extremely attractive.

Ye Jingtang's bones were almost brittle, his eyes turned into astonishment, and he looked at the noble queen in front of him in disbelief:

"Your Highness, are you sure this is torture? This action..."

Although Dongfang Liren was imitating the scene of tying and bullying in his heart, he still had to act it out on the surface, pretending to be serious and saying:

"If you seize a pillar of the imperial court like you, the opponent knows that you are not afraid of physical punishment, so they will definitely seize your weakness and break through. You are lustful, and it is normal to use beauty tricks, can't you stand it?"

beauty trap...

Ye Jingtang must be overwhelmed, but it still showed Liu Xiahui's uprightness, and said solemnly:
"I'm not even afraid of swords and axes, and how can I be swayed by beauty tricks. I am usually lustful, but I don't care so much in front of the people around me. If I am really caught, even if His Highness strips naked to seduce me, I won't be too much." Have a look."

Dongfang Liren didn't believe it at all, imitating the description of "Xia Nv Lei", supplemented by the technique of listening to the wind, slowly moving down Ye Jingtang's chest, touching his waist and abdomen:

"Master Ye, as long as you honestly confess that you are a womanizer, I promise to make you want to die..."

Under this kind of offensive, Ye Jingtang wanted to maintain a dignified and dignified look, but it was also impossible to admit that he was a womanizer. For this reason, he forcibly focused his attention and made an immobile appearance:

"With this little means, do you want me to talk nonsense and turn black and white?"

Although Dongfang Liren was just trying to figure out how to draw under the pretense of being tortured, he was a little unconvinced when he saw that Ye Jingtang was able to calm his mind, so he lay down on his side, half leaning on Ye Jingtang's chest, and stroked his swollen sac with his fingers The fat-headed dragon, imitating the appearance of the master's monster:
"My heart is moved. Why do you insist on embarrassing yourself so hard? As long as you admit it, I will do what you want, and open the collar, how about it?"


Ye Jingtang glanced down, and the fat-headed dragon with strong impact was close at hand. Although he wanted to stick to his mind, his words became:
"Your Highness, are you sure you keep what you say?"


Dongfang Liren's eyes immediately turned cold, and he raised his hand and hammered Ye Jingtang's chest:

"You only have this concentration? If this king keeps his word and let you see, will you be honest?"

if not?
Ye Jingtang thought so in his heart, but he also felt that the explanation was a bit too fast, after thinking about it, he said seriously again:
"How is it possible, I just can't get into the drama. I know His Highness's words are definitely not worth it, so I will stick to my mind rather than surrender. If it is true that His Highness tortured and extorted a confession, my reaction will naturally be true, and I will definitely stick to it..."

Dongfang Liren felt that Ye Jingtang was abducting her, but after kissing and touching her so many times, it seemed that it didn't matter if she got into the show once, so she snorted coldly:
"Okay, what I say next is what I say, so don't let me down. If you don't resist the two words, I won't dare to tell you important things in the future."

Ye Jingtang nodded his head, as if he would regard death as home:

"Your Highness, feel free to use whatever method you have. No matter what method you use, I will not speak out and admit that I am a weak-hearted womanizer."


In order for Ye Jingtang to recognize himself, Dongfang Liren kicked off his shoes and sat on the side of the bed, and then propped his hands on the sides of the pillow, causing the fat-headed dragon that was about to come out to fall naturally, and the apex of the full curve, Close to the tip of the nose.

Dongfang Liren was obviously a little cramped, but his expression was serious, and his tone was full of temptation:
"If you say 'I'm a pervert', I'll press it down. There's only one chance, and if you miss it, it's gone."


Ye Jingtang looked at the fat-headed dragon who was close to Chi Chi, and his breathing became a little heavy. He raised his head subconsciously, but immediately leaned back, and said in a deep voice:
"Your Highness must have lied to me. It doesn't count if I say it, so I won't speak."

Dongfang Liren narrowed his eyes slightly, and in order to prove the formality of the words, he took the initiative to bow his head and poked Ye Jingtang's mouth, and then repositioned:

"Believe it now? As long as you admit it, I will suppress it. I will count to three, one, two..."


Ye Jingtang felt that he had been subjected to the greatest test in his life, and couldn't help but want to speak, but he also understood that this was a trap, if he couldn't bear the confession, Benben would definitely beat him up.

Fortunately, men at this time have high IQs. Ye Jingtang didn't want to speak and couldn't resist the temptation, so he flipped his wrist lightly, broke free, grabbed his stupid waist, and pressed down.

Dongfang Liren was caught off guard, and lay down on Ye Jingtang's face, burying him firmly.

The breath was transmitted to the skin through the skirt, Dongfang Liren's whole body was agitated, his eyes turned into embarrassment, and he quickly propped up his body:
"The Nightmare! What are you doing?"

Satisfied after Ye Jingtang's success, seeing Dabenben's murderous look, he quickly said seriously:

"As a capable general of the imperial court, if I was caught, I would definitely try to save myself. Just now, I took advantage of the time I was chatting with His Highness, to untie the restraint secretly, and then retaliated. Is this reaction okay?"

Dongfang Liren's eyes cooled down visibly with the naked eye. Seeing Ye Jingtang cheating, she stopped being polite, raised her hand and twisted Ye Jingtang's waist, twisting it violently a few times...
Originally, there was still a section, but since the afternoon I considered that I haven’t written it yet, so I sent it here.The intimacy of Dabenben seems to be enough, but if we want to go further, we really have to seriously consider or2.

I recommend a new historical book "Love in the Red Mansion", if you are interested, you can take a look~

(End of this chapter)

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