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Chapter 293 Information

Chapter 293 Information
At dawn, a cavalry team entered Langxuan City, led by Du Tanqing, the intelligence leader under Zuo Xianwang, followed by Cao Aning and others.

Compared with the previous few days, Cao Aning's status has undergone earth-shaking changes. King Zuo Xian obviously wanted to appreciate Cao Aning, and this also made Du Tanqing no longer able to speak like a superior. Riding on the road, they even walked side by side, so as not to have bad luck in the future, and the newcomer would be retaliated after taking the position.

However, although Cao Aning has a dark heart, he has always been righteous on the surface, and he is not arrogant when he is appreciated. He deliberately slows down half of his body and follows, and still humbly asks for advice:
"My lord arranged for us to track down the whereabouts. How should it work? If Ye Jingtang finds out, the few of us may be..."

Du Tanqing rode in the front on horseback, scanned the landscape of Langxuan City, and responded:

"Today, King Gouchen will make an attack and force the Dongming tribe to change the patriarch. The Dongming tribe will definitely not agree to it. As a descendant of the Qinchi tribe, Ye Jingtang should speak out first. Find out the information and wait for the experts hired by the palace to deal with it..."

After Cao Aning listened carefully to the action plan, he nodded thoughtfully, and at the same time glanced at Xu Tianying who was following him.

Xu Tianying was originally the boss of Cao Aning and the others, but he was not very eloquent, and now he was almost becoming a follower, so he nodded slightly, and after a while, he left the team alone by taking the opportunity to scout for information in the city...
Inside the Dongming Department's resident.

In the early morning, noisy voices sounded outside the tent one after another.

In the bedroom, Pei Xiangjun was lying on his side on the pillow, with a thin quilt under his armpits, revealing his fair arms and half a white circle on his chest, his eyes were closed and he was still sleeping soundly.

Ye Jingtang was lying behind him, his left hand was around his waist and he was holding the big watermelon that he couldn't control with one hand.

Although he has already woken up, but the warm and soft touch of the palm is coming, he is still a little reluctant to wake up, just hugs Sanniang, feeling the delicate touch from the skin.

Last night after Xuanji's body became inexplicably hot, Ye Jingtang stood guard outside the tent for a quarter of an hour, and did not feel relieved until nothing serious happened; because he didn't dare to sleep in the same room with Sister Shui Shui, he finally came to Sanniang Here, the sleeping Sanniang was successfully woken up.

Although he didn't want to disturb Sanniang's rest, Sanniang was already awake, so how could he not satisfy the man who groped into the bed in the middle of the night.

Then it lasted another half an hour, Sanniang took the initiative and didn't allow him to move, he was exhausted and still didn't wake up at this time.

Ye Jingtang waited behind for a long time, until the sound of the Dongming tribe walking outside, the eyelashes of Sanniang in front of her moved, and then woke up, looked up at the curtain of the tent, and then turned her head:
"It's dawn, why don't you call me?"

"See if you haven't woken up. It's okay, just sleep a little longer, and I'll just go out and do some work."

Pei Xiangjun had arranged everything for the hall masters, and there was really nothing to do during the day, and since she was all in charge yesterday, her waist was sore, so she didn't insist, but she still propped up her body and helped Ye Jingtang get dressed.

Ye Jingtang sat in front of him, and after putting on a black robe, he wanted to kiss him good morning.

As a result, Sanniang hurt him quite a lot, and sat up on her knees, with her upper body bare, and directly slapped Ye Jingtang to bury her in it to refresh her mind.

"Okay, go out quickly. There are many people outside during the day, so don't touch it again. If people hear me, I won't be able to live here."

Ye Jingtang touched his cheek, smiled, and pressed Sanniang to lie down and covered the thin quilt before turning around and leaving the tent.

In the Dongming Department's resident, there are fewer clansmen than in the past. Dongfang Liren, who got up early, probably knew who was sleeping in Ye Jing Tang, and no one disturbed him. He went to the Wuma Department's resident not far away early in the morning. Wanting to find a peerless horse that won't lose to her sister, Xuanji Zhenren acts as a guard and follows.

After Ye Jingtang washed up, he came to Du Yunli's room to look for Niao Niao, only to find a few beautiful girls practicing singing and dancing in the open space between the tents.

Xiao Yunli is also among them, her appearance is very brilliant, it can even be said that she is glamorous and lively, and she has the feeling of "beauty hidden in the corners of her eyebrows and eyes, her voice and smile revealing gentleness", but her attire is very quack-like, mixed in with the colorful girls Very eye-catching, but the dancing posture is surprisingly good.

But Niao Niao lived up to expectations, sleeping like piglets in the morning, being placed on the futon to rest, and did not respond to the noise next to her.

After Ye Jingtang glanced around, because there were a lot of strange girls, he would definitely spoil the situation if he got in, so he watched and admired from a distance, but after watching for a while, his ears moved slightly, and he heard the voice of a conversation coming from a distance:
"What about leaving people?"

"Go out at dawn."

"Why isn't your name Bengong?"

"Your Majesty always gets up late, am I afraid of disturbing your Majesty's rest..."


Ye Jingtang was worried about the Empress Dowager's injury, but it was too late yesterday to bother him. Hearing that there were people there, he turned around and came to the central area, only to see two people in front of Liren's tent.

The empress dowager's complexion is indeed a little weak, but her demeanor still has the noble air of a mother, with her left hand held by a red jade, she strolls slowly in the sun.

Ye Jingtang came to him and bowed his hands:
"The Empress Dowager."

"Hey, amazing."

Seeing Ye Jingtang appearing, the empress dowager's eyes lit up, she walked slowly to her, and looked her up and down:
"I heard you got into a fight again when you went out, are you not injured?"

"I'm fine. The pharmacist who can release the prisoner dragon miasma has been found, and there is also a clue of the golden scale picture. The empress will be safe and sound in a few days."

After Ye Jingtang said the good news with a smile, he walked beside the empress dowager, thought for a while and asked:

"Have you learned the picture of the Empress Dowager's Bathing in Fire?"


The Empress Dowager has practiced the original bathing fire map for many years, and she is almost at the Mahayana stage. Her resilience is so strong that she even has a headache, so she definitely doesn't need to learn it anymore.

But she came out with great difficulty, and said that if she was safe and sound, there might be nothing wrong with her, so she still said very implicitly:
"It's a bit obscure, I don't understand it well, but I still learned a little bit, my body is pretty stable now, I shouldn't die, you don't have to worry too much."

Ye Jingtang nodded: "That's good. If you can learn the Fire Bathing Map, you can learn other maps. As long as you get the Golden Scale Map, even if you can't find the antidote, you can still recover. After finishing the little chores at hand, I will take the Empress Dowager to Hongshan, Liangzhou, to see the doctor take the picture of the golden scale..."

Go to Hongshan...

When the empress dowager heard that she was going to the secluded place of the eldest son and the empress dowager in the secret history of Cleopatra, she immediately regained her spirits, but she was also a little worried—she wasn't sure if she could make it to Hongshan!

What if the Prisoner Dragon Miasma fails to live up to expectations and fails halfway?
"Well... when shall we go there?"

"Something happened two days ago, which caused trouble for the Dongming Department. It will take two days. Don't worry, Empress Dowager, this poison will definitely be cured. I will guarantee it with my head..."

"I'm not in a hurry, but I'm afraid that you won't have any time to rest after being so busy, and your body will be exhausted. Hmm... I understand, thank you for your hard work."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, since he was fine anyway, he took the Queen Mother for a walk in the residence to recover, and even took a look at the place where Xiao Yunli was dancing.

The empress dowager is not very old, the empress ascended the throne ten years ago, and she entered the palace ten years ago, and she is even considered the same age as the empress, but the empress calls her mother, and she has to maintain the demeanor of a queen mother of a country, so she looks like a queen mother. A glamorous mature woman who is round and jade-like.

Seeing a group of girls dancing, the Empress Dowager probably wanted to show her versatile side in front of Yejingtang, so she also led Hongyu over there, and danced quite classical dance music with girls from tribes outside the pass.

Ye Jingtang stood watching from a distance, and unexpectedly found that the empress dowager danced very well, and could feel the agility when she was waiting in her boudoir.

It's just that the empress dowager's dress is much more magnificent than Xiao Yunli's, and it's so trembling that people dare not look at it carefully. He can only look around and make a serious inspection look.

After waiting for a while, the girls didn't feel tired from jumping, but there was a sound from outside.

Ye Jingtang looked around, but saw Uncle Song quickly stepping into the station, and Yaoyao waved to him.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang came to the side of a tent and asked:
"Uncle Song, is there something urgent?"

Song Chi came to the back and said in a low voice:
"A young man came outside, claiming to be your subordinate, and came to report the secret, hiding his head and masking his face is suspicious..."

My men...

Ye Jingtang was also a little puzzled, after thinking about going back and saying hello to the empress dowager, he followed Song Chi out of the station.

As for the empress dowager who was dancing, her limbs were weak from hunger, seeing Ye Jingtang running away, she naturally lost the interest to continue dancing, and returned to the residence together with Hongyu, taking the sleeping bird away by the way.

Hongyu woke up in the morning and hadn't eaten yet. She was also a little hungry, so she asked:

"Ma'am, do you have an appetite? How about I go prepare breakfast?"

The empress dowager has an amazing appetite now, holding the fat and strong bird, she can even smell the scent of beggar chickens; but when she thought of Ye Jingtang's words, she restrained her appetite, frowned and said:

"I feel sick to my stomach when I see what I eat now, so don't talk to me about eating these few days."


Niao Niao, who was sleeping soundly, caught the key words, raised his head and looked around, but he didn't know what he was looking at.

When Hongyu heard this, her face naturally became bitter:
"If you don't want to eat anymore, you have to drink two mouthfuls of porridge. If you don't eat for a few days, what should you do if your mother starves to death?"

The empress dowager's body will not collapse, and now she has made up her mind, as long as she does not starve to death, she will starve to death, and she must last until Hongshan, so her attitude is very firm:

"I don't have an appetite, even if you force-feed me, I can't swallow it. You go to eat first, and I will tell you when I want to eat."


Ye Jingtang and Uncle Song came out of the garrison together, avoided the crowded area, and soon came to the back of a large stable located on the side of the Wuma Department.

There is a small passage behind the stables, very few people pass by here, Ye Jingtang just turned the corner, and saw a warrior wearing a bamboo hat, standing with his hands behind his back in the alleyway, watching from side to side.

"Xu Shaoxia."

"Master Night."

When Xu Tianying saw Ye Jingtang, he came up to him, bowed his hands and saluted, because he was born as a young master of a wealthy family, he was used to it, and he was not very good at saying polite words as a lowly person, so he went straight to the point:

"Du Tanqing came to Langxuan City. He was ordered by Zuo Xianwang to inquire about your lord's whereabouts. He wanted to hire someone to assassinate him. From what I heard, the assassin should be Tianshang, the saber saint of Beiliang. When will he arrive? Not sure."

Ye Jingtang was quite surprised when he heard that Cao Aning and others sent the information so quickly, nodded and said:
"Understood. Your master's rebellious actions have caused countless unknowing disciples in Jieyun Palace to be implicated. After I go back, I will persuade the Holy Majesty to give more consideration to this matter so that one person's crime will not affect thousands of innocent people."

"Thank you sir."

After Xu Tianying cupped his hands and thanked him, he said:
"In addition, there is another more important news, which was inquired by Cao Aning. Because of Cao Aning's foresight, he reminded Zuo Xianwang not to provoke Lord Ye, and he was appreciated afterwards. Here's a secret."

"What secret?"

"Twenty years ago, the Northern Liang court promised to use heavy profits to instigate the rebellion of several princes of the Northwest Royal Court. These people are also the patriarchs of various ministries, and their influence is so great that the ministries cannot be twisted together. Among them, the highest official It was the great Sima at that time, that is, Sima Yue, the king of Gochen."

Xu Tianying looked in the direction of the city center and continued:

"At that time, Sima Yue had a heavy army in his hands. On the surface, he followed Tianlang King to fight north and south, but secretly drove his relatives to deliberately provoke internal strife, which made the army unable to gather quickly and led to the final retreat of the entire army. When retreating, he deliberately sent the remaining troops of the royal court It was brought to Liaoyuan, and then he broke through alone, which is why Zuo Xianwang completely destroyed the Northwest Royal Court...

"The original promise to Sima Yue was to let him succeed King Tianlang, but Beiliang made a slip of the tongue. Sima Yue also united with other ministries to try to rebel, but was suppressed by King Zuo Xian. Although the Gou Chen Department is as capable as the other ministries Pay heavy taxes, but the tax bank will secretly return them in various ways, and under the influence of one and the other, the Gouchen Department has become the leader of all the departments in the West Sea in just a dozen years..."

After hearing the words of the old wizard Han Ting, Ye Jingtang had doubts about Sima Yue from the bottom of his heart. Hearing this, he suddenly realized, nodded and said:
"Understood, is there any other news?"

Xu Tianying said: "King Zuoxian sent a message to ask King Gouchen to take the lead and put pressure on the Dongming tribe. The purpose is to make King Dongming abdicate and replace him with an obedient person as the patriarch. By the way, Lord Ye will show up with this incident. Put the name of deliberately instigating the flames of war and forcing the ministries to rebel, lest you subdue the hearts of the ministries.

"King Zuo Xian will not rashly send troops. From my point of view, Master Ye can use the past grievances as an excuse to confront King Gouchen, and then take the matter of offending King Zuo Xian on himself.

"In this way, the Dongming Department only obeys the faith and repays the old master. The ministries have no reason to say that the Dongming Department is wrong, and Zuo Xianwang has nothing to do with you. In case the ministries really follow you to restore the Northwest Royal Court, maybe they will calm down. Taxation to win over the various ministries. But the premise is that Master Ye can handle King Gouchen and walk out of Langxuan City alive."

Ye Jingtang felt that the hidden stake he had subdued was indeed much more useful than the court's spies, and he praised:

"I will take care of these things myself. No matter what you have done, I will report the credit to the Holy Majesty truthfully. If one day you have meritorious service in expanding the territory, it will not be surprising that you will receive the same reward as Xuanyuan Chao."

"Xu has a body of guilt, and what he did in the past was nothing more than repaying the teacher's kindness. The Holy One's forgiveness of past sins is enough to make Xu grateful, and he dare not ask for anything else."

After Xu Tianying thanked him, he said again: "By the way, there is one more thing that Master Ye needs to help with. Du Tanqing is the head of intelligence under King Zuo Xian. A few days ago, due to a mistake in intelligence, King Zuo Xian almost capsized in the gutter. Zuo Xian Wang was quite dissatisfied with him, but Cao Aning was appreciated. Now that Du Tanqing has arrived in Langxuan City, Cao Aning means..."

Song Chi, who was listening from behind, was in a fog, but he understood the meaning when he heard this, and raised his hand:

"Understood. I'm going to kill Du Tanqing right now, push the matter to Jingtang, and then reveal his whereabouts, so that you can take him back to receive the reward."

Seeing this, Xu Tianying stopped talking nonsense, and after explaining the hiding places of several people, he was about to leave and reminded before leaving:

"Du Tanqing is a white paper fan, and his martial arts skills are not very high, but he has two masters from the Baixiao camp as guards. You better beat Cao Aning when you come here, just like Hu Yanjing, he will feel that you are here to silence him." Yes, this is the only way to deceive Zuo Xianwang's subordinates."

Ye Jingtang naturally understood this truth and asked:

"how about you?"

"I'm patrolling outside, so I don't want to go back, otherwise, except Master Ye, others may not be able to hurt Du Tanqing in front of me."

After Xu Tianying finished speaking, he jumped lightly and disappeared among the tents.

Seeing Xu Tianying leave, Ye Jingtang thought about various information for a while, then turned around and said:
"Let's go, let's solve a little trouble first."

Song Chi followed for a few steps, thought for a while, shook his head and said:
"It seems that there is a meeting in the city today. King Dongming led the clan elders there just after dawn. Since King Gouchen has bad intentions, you must be there first to prepare for any unexpected events. Moreover, the news is empty, you want To expose King Chen’s fault, one must first check the accounts as evidence. As for the matter of silence, Yuan Qing and I can go, and the matter is guaranteed to be done cleanly.”

Ye Jingtang thought so too, but Zuo Xianwang's masters were like a cloud, and it was indeed a bit stressful to let the two hall masters pass, so he opened his mouth and said:

"I'll ask She Long and Shang Jianli to come over. The four of you go together. Baifadi listens behind the battle. Master Meng and Black and White Wuchang both know Cao Aning, so they just avoid accidental injury. After killing people, keep a few alive, and then let Master Meng In the name of the imperial court, give King Zuo Xian a few words of cruelty, so that the disaster can be brought to me, lest Cao Aning and the others be suspected..."

Song Chi nodded, and immediately returned to the station together with Ye Jingtang, and began to recruit people to work separately...

(End of this chapter)

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