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Chapter 294 I'm here to kill

Chapter 294 I'm here to kill
dong dong dong-

The vigorous drumbeat sounded from the huge square full of flags.

There are more than [-] Xihai tribes, most of them are small tribes with a few thousand people, but there are also major tribes with a population of more than [-].The tribes are scattered in the territory of thousands of miles. After the Northwest Royal Court is gone, they can only meet once a year when the ten thousand tribes gather.

It was noon, and the patriarchs of all tribes were seated around the square, with a flag embroidered with their respective clan emblems on their backs.

Most of these clan emblems were imitations of tribes that were established later. There were only a dozen or so flags that were formal and exquisite, and each of them represented a certain occupation, official position, or family emblem inherited from the ancient barbaric period.

The West Sea tribes are dominated by the four major tribes, and are naturally located in the middle. Although the Gouchen tribe is the strongest now, it is still ranked alongside the other three tribes. The Wuma tribe is on the left, and Dongming is on the left. Ministry and Xuan Hao Department.

The middle seat originally belonged to King Tianlang, but now it is vacant. Even if someone can persuade the major ministries, no one dares to sit there. After all, if someone sits at the main seat in this kind of gathering, it means that all the ministries of the West Sea have a leader. , the next one is either the Northern Liang fight or the Great Wei fight, and the West Sea tribes simply cannot afford it.

Fan Qinghe was dressed in the costume of the high priest, and his majestic makeup showed a sense of mystery. He looked like an unusually beautiful witch, the kind who would lay a spell on men.Her expression should be unsmiling and full of witchy temperament, but because she was full of troubles, she frowned slightly, and still showed a bit of human fireworks.

Meanwhile, Grandma Gui, Jiang Laojiu and other clan elders stood behind the big chair, frowning as well.

Sitting on the side of Fan Qinghe is the old patriarch of the Wuma tribe, an old man in his 70s and the oldest of the four tribes, with a goatee and a dignified face; because he has a feud with the Gochen tribe, as long as the Gochen tribe The Ministry of Wuma takes the lead, and the Wuma Department is opposed to it, so it can be regarded as a supporter of the Winter Ming Department.

Next to the Gouchen tribe is Jiang Xuan, the patriarch of the Xuanhao tribe.

The patriarchs of Dongming and Xuanhao both came from the lineage of ancient witches. At first, they were composed of prophets and wizards who were in charge of sacrifices. They can be understood as witchcraft in the wild period, but later their ideas diverged.

The Department of Winter and Darkness cures diseases, divination, sacrifices, etc. through the experience passed down from generation to generation, and regards itself as a communicator connecting with heaven and earth, and is regarded as a traditional wizard.

However, the ancestors of the Xuanhao tribe, after attaining enlightenment, became enlightened, no longer believed in the experience accumulated by their predecessors, and began to actively discover the laws behind things, trying to use their own understanding to solve problems.

The specific difference, to put it simply, is that when a person suffers from chest pain and cannot find the cause, the Dongming Department will prepare various ancient medicines for the patient to try; while going to the Xuanhao Department, it is a clean operation to see what it is. Where the situation is bad, cut where the pathogen is directly solved.

The two also have something in common, that is, the treatment effect is close to death, and whether they can survive depends entirely on God's will.

However, it’s not that the two medical skills are not good, but that those who have nowhere to go to the dead horses of the West Sea to be a living horse doctor are already incurable to the outside world. The two departments can cure one out of ten, and the gold content is already quite high. up.

Although the same vicious reputation, more people were killed than cured, but this does not prevent the two parts from accusing each other of using drugs and killing people.

And festivals like this are innumerable among the various ministries, and it is impossible to hold them without shocking wrists. This is also the reason why it is difficult for the various ministries of the West Sea to unify.

As the drums sounded, the large venue where nearly ten thousand people gathered gradually quieted down, and everyone looked in the direction of the four major departments.

Gouchen King Sima Yue, due to the ban imposed by Beiliang, only wore a black leather armor, but the belt still had the same unicorn pattern as the family emblem.

After the drum beat stopped, Sima Yue got up and glanced at the hundreds of patriarchs, big and small, and said loudly:

"Everyone should have heard about what happened in Huangming Mountain a few days ago. Under King Zuoxian's command, several adults from the Baixiao Camp were killed.

"My tribes in the West Sea and Beiliang have an indissoluble enmity. In the past, King Tianlang died at the hands of King Zuo Xian. When the people of King Zuo Xian died, we should be happy, don't you think?"

The audience was silent and no one responded.

After scanning around, Sima Yue continued:

"Whether I or you all have enmity with Beiliang. If King Zuo Xian died, I dare not show my face. You all know the reason.

"King Zuoxian has more than [-] frontier troops. As long as he raises troops, all the tribes in the West Sea will have to leave their families and hide in the deep mountains and old forests to avoid disaster; death; he raised [-]% of the yearly endowment every year, and I don't know how many people in the various tribes of the West Sea went hungry.

"Who here doesn't want to take revenge? Who doesn't want to stop the old gift? But we don't have the strength now. The big man can bend and stretch. When it's time to rise up, we are the tiger and wolf teachers of the northern and southern dynasties; when it's time to endure humiliation, we spit on our faces. , we all have to bear it. Because if we can’t bear it, the tribe will have to live a hard life, and tomorrow there will be no chance to turn against the guest.”

Sima Yue said this, and turned to look in the direction of Dong Ming Department:

"But with so many patriarchs sitting here, there are some people who disregard everyone's interests and take the risk of bringing disaster to the tribes of the West Sea, acting privately outside. I am not the patriarch of the Winter Nether tribe, and you are not qualified to dictate to the Winter Nether tribe. But this matter implicates us, and we have to ask for a reasonable explanation."

Sima Yue's words were sonorous and forceful, but just a few words aroused the emotions of all the departments, and they all looked at Dongming Department.

The old patriarch of the Wuma tribe, as the most senior person among the four tribes, was holding a cane at this time, and helped Fan Qinghe:

"Northern Liang imposes heavy taxes every year, and no one present is convinced. The Dongming Department killed the Zuo Xianwang's people. How can we say that we should all fight against the enemy and work together to solve this matter instead of blaming here. From my point of view, Write a letter of apology, leave a seal for each department, and the Dongming Department will raise some money and medicinal materials, and send it to Zuo Xianwang as an apology..."

Sima Yue turned to face the crowd: "If it's really that simple, why should I call all the patriarchs here to make such a big fuss here.

"The killing of the Dongming tribe is not the key point, and King Zuoxian doesn't care about the lives of a few disciples, but the Dongming tribe secretly contacted the Southern Dynasty, which violated the taboo of the Northern Liang court.

"My tribes in the West Sea are neither big nor small. As long as they are supported by the northern and southern dynasties, it is easy to pull tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. If the Dongming tribe contacts the southern dynasty privately and the Northern Liang doesn't bother, there will soon be Countless tribes went to the Southern Dynasty to ask for benefits, which directly shook the foundation of the Northern Liang and Western Frontiers.

"So the Beiliang court will definitely make a fuss about this matter, and show us by killing chickens and monkeys. If the Dongming Ministry does not show sincerity to recognize mistakes and correct them, the Beiliang court will not be kind. Let alone all the ministries jointly pleading, it is us It's useless to go to Pingyi City to intercede with them."

The patriarch of the Xuanhao tribe turned his head to look at Fan Qinghe:
"Patriarch Fan, have you secretly contacted Nanchao?"

Facing the gazes of the various ministries, Fan Qinghe was quite embarrassed in his heart—the major ministries were all vassals of Beiliang on the surface, and they admitted that they had fornicated the Southern Dynasty because they wanted to break with Bei Liang. The patriarchs did not dare to rebel with her, so they fell into into an isolated situation.

It is also unrealistic not to admit that he had an affair with the Southern Dynasty. In a few days, King Zuo Xian had already sent the news, but he did not mention the identity of Tianlang King's orphan in Yejingtang.

Fan Qinghe didn't dare to let Ye Jingtang resist this matter, because he was "blinded by hatred and disregarding the life and death of all the ministries". If he wants to inherit King Tianlang in the future, it will be difficult to get the approval of the ministries.

For this reason, after a moment of silence, Fan Qinghe said:

"I did go to the Southern Dynasties and met a few high-ranking officials by accident, but it was only to practice medicine and medicine, and it did not involve the position of the Dongming Ministry. The people of Zuo Xianwang were killed by the Southern Dynasty, but I dare not hand them over. I'm afraid I dare not take it by force."

The patriarch of the Xuanhao tribe said: "The patriarch Fan wants to let the Beiliang court swallow their anger and pretend that this has never happened?"

Fan Qinghe said: "I invited the person here, so if something goes wrong, I will naturally be responsible. I will personally write a letter to Zuo Xianwang to make amends, and raise money to compensate..."

Before finishing speaking, one of the patriarchs present said:

"What is the specific situation of Huang Mingshan, the Patriarch Fan knows in his heart that paying a gift plus a little money will not settle the matter at all; as the patriarch, you have caused this matter regardless of the interests of the clan, and you should not use the property of the clan to help you bear the consequences.

"The patriarchs of the various tribes must first consider everything from the perspective of the tribe. If you sit in this position, you have to take on this responsibility. The Brahma patriarch is not worthy of the position. You should give this position to the right person. Then I don't have to worry about it. Will you cause such disasters again in the future; the Northern Liang court will not hold on to it any longer; and if the head of the Vatican family is close to the Southern Dynasty and goes directly to settle there, no one in the entire Western Sea will be able to blame you."


The old patriarch of the Wuma tribe slammed his cane with both hands and let out a muffled sound:
"This matter has nothing to do with the various ministries. I have done my duty to help the Beiliang court to hold accountable. The Dongming tribe can solve it as it wants. It has nothing to do with us. You jumped out and asked the Dongming tribe to change the patriarch because you are in a hurry To show loyalty to Zuo Xianwang?"

The patriarch who was scolded was just a mouthpiece for King Zuo Xian, and because his status was indeed inferior, he didn't dare to speak back.

Sima Yue said, "There must be a solution to this matter. It is useless for us to quarrel. If Patriarch Fan has a suitable solution, he can speak up. As long as he can help, no one will stand by and watch .”

Fan Qinghe knew that Zuo Xianwang was severely injured, and that he could not calm down his anger without paying the price. Now he also heard Zuo Xianwang's meaning, that she was to let her abdicate and go away. Although she didn't want to agree, but if she didn't agree, she couldn't turn the table and directly rebel. Then he looked at Granny Gui.

Granny Gui behind the scenes is the old Zhu Zong's wife and a descendant of the Qin Chi tribe, who knows that Ye Jingtang and Fanqing Hede are out to fight against the incident.

Fan Qinghe temporarily retreated behind the scenes, unable to shake the foundation of the Ministry of Winter and Darkness, and Ye Jingtang showed up and carried the blame, which left the influence of "acting recklessly and disregarding the overall situation" in the major departments, and it may be difficult to make sense in the future Rebuild the Northwest Royal Court.

For this reason, after hesitating for a moment, Granny Gui wanted to instruct Fan Qinghe to take a step back and calm down.

But Granny Gui hadn't opened her mouth yet, when she suddenly heard a loud voice from behind thousands of people from various tribes:
"King Gouchen is so majestic. Those who know know that you are on an equal footing with the three tribes, but those who don't know think that you are the master of all tribes in the West Sea, and you are the leader here to mediate."

The words were neither light nor heavy, but the inner strength was strong, and it was spread throughout the conference hall where thousands of people gathered.

All the patriarchs present were startled, and they all turned their heads; while Gochen King Sima Yue's face darkened, and he looked in the direction where the voice came from.


The crowd with their backs facing the market in Langxuan City separated from each other after the sound came out.

At the end of the avenue in the city, a black horse appeared.A nine-foot spear hangs on the side of the horse, and a man in a black robe is on the back.

The man was tall and straight, with fair skin, black eyes and piercing eyes, and a pair of sword eyebrows, which made his handsome face even more sharp.

The man's appearance is too brilliant, anyone who saw it would have to stop and look at it for a long time, but after he appeared, everyone didn't pay attention to the appearance of the visitor, but looked at a chess piece.

A flag held in the hands of a man in black robe!

The flag is black all over, with an emblem similar to Sirius Xiaoyue in the center, but it is actually a wild wolf chasing the sun, representing an ancient group that chased the sun and migrated to the west until they were blocked by the Wanren Mountains.

Few people may have known about this tribe a hundred years ago, but now, that flag is an undeniable sword of the emperor of the West Sea tribes, and it is also the northwest nightmare of the northern and southern dynasties who have been sleepless for decades!


The venue where tens of thousands of people gathered immediately became noisy.

The dozen or so patriarchs headed by them were all former princes of the Northwest Royal Court without exception. When they saw the flag, they subconsciously stood up.

Even Sima Yue, who was standing with his hands behind his back, twitched the corners of his eyes, his hands drooping naturally, and his standing posture was a little reserved.

hooves, hoofs...

Although the sound of horseshoes was light, it spread throughout the venue.

Holding the flag that Sanniang had just sewed, Ye Jingtang walked slowly to the center of the circular assembly hall, his wrist slightly heavy.


The flagpole made of white wax pole is inserted into the dirt ground one foot.

In the dead world, at this moment, there is only one person, one horse, and one undefeated king's flag fluttering in the wind under the autumn sun!
Ye Jingtang rode on the horse, looked around, then looked at the chiefs of the four major tribes, and raised his left hand, revealing the five-color bracelet on his hand:

"I am the only one and one horse left in the direct line of the Qinchi tribe, but this flag has not yet fallen. A hundred years ago, the various tribes established the 'Alliance of the Five Clans' here, vowing to advance and retreat together as brothers, and the Qinchi tribe made this oath , bloody battle to the death of the whole clan, and you who are alive, I don’t know if they still recognize this thing.”

The audience was dead silent, and no one dared to speak.

Even Fan Qinghe's eyes showed suspicion, after all, she knew that Ye Jingtang was a descendant of the Qinchi tribe, but she didn't know that Ye Jingtang still had the token of the Alliance of Five Clans hidden.

I didn't see him take it out when I came here, maybe I just bought a few temporary ones from the street...

Sima Yue and King Tianlang were brothers who grew up together, and they must value love and righteousness. Seeing Ye Jingtang appearing unexpectedly, his heart skipped a beat.

But Sima Yue didn't miscalculate, after all, it is best for Ye Jingtang to come out and resist this matter - as the son of Tianlang King, it is natural for all ministries to take care of and protect him; The relationship is close, and if King Tianlang wants to integrate the tribes, there must be few patriarchs who dare to support him. For King Zuo Xian and him, the goal has been achieved.

After a moment of hesitation, Sima Yue revealed a look of surprise, and said:

"The family emblem of the Qinchi tribe... Are you a descendant of the Qinchi tribe?"

Ye Jingtang drove the horse and stood beside Wang Qi, looked at Sima Yue in the distance, and said calmly:
"That's right. During the war of annihilating the country, Patriarch Sima took great pains to lure the Qinchi tribe to Liaoyuan, and everyone in the clan tried their best to send me to Liangzhou."


After saying this, the people of all the tribes immediately came to their senses and went straight to the frying pan.

And Sima Yue had a look of surprise on his face, he twitched directly, and then his face was furious, and he scolded:
"It's nonsense. Who are you? Why are you here to confuse people?"

"Who am I, you know. But you probably don't know yet."

Ye Jingtang scanned the crowd, and said loudly:

"My name is Ye Jingtang, the chief swordsman of the Southern Dynasty, the Son of Heaven personally named Wu'anhou, the deputy commander of the Heiya, an extremely personable minister in the Southern Dynasty, and the imperial court can cover the sky with one hand. To be honest, I don't care about a 20-year-old dynasty. A throne without a foundation.

"But you don't want royal power and hegemony. You still have to repay the kindness of birth, otherwise you will become a villain. Although I have never met Tianlang King and Princess, the whole family of Qin Chi sent me to escape to death, and I was able to be accepted by my adoptive father." It is a real great kindness to adopt and save a life, so I have to come back and settle the account."

Sima Yue clenched his fists behind his back and said angrily:
"Even if you are the son of my king, you are no longer a member of the tribes of the West Sea if you voted for the Southern Dynasty. As a high-ranking official of the Southern Dynasty, it is your duty to spread rumors, slander and disrupt the tribes of the West Sea, and create trouble for Beiliang..."


The old patriarch of the Wuma tribe, with a straight back and a cane fiercely:

"Northwest Wang Tingguo was destroyed, only the whole family of Qinchibu died for the country. Now that there is only one person and one horse left, then wherever he is, the Qinchibu will be there. Since he is one of the ten thousand tribes, even if he is not the Tianlang King, he is still qualified. Discussing the matter here, if we want to expel all the tribes in the West Sea, it should be considered by all the tribes together, what right does Patriarch Sima have to deny his identity?"

The patriarch of the Xuanhao tribe is not happy with the Dongming tribe. Now that the Qinheng tribe has jumped out, he naturally resumed his position as the chief of the four major tribes, and said:

"Everyone present can deny the Qin Chi Department, except the Gou Chen Department. If the Sima patriarch is framed, don't be so impatient. Tell the truth clearly, and all the departments will stand by you."

Sima Yue clenched his fist, his complexion became a little normal, and he asked:

"Ye Jingtang, if you are a descendant of my king, even if you have taken refuge in the Southern Dynasty and helped the Southern Dynasty to sow discord, I, as an elder, will not blame you. But hundreds of patriarchs are watching here, you better have a sense of what you say." It’s based on the facts, otherwise…”


Ye Jingtang clapped his palms twice, stopped his words, and said:

"I've spent all this time investigating what happened back then. If there's no evidence, how could it just come out and damage the reputation of Patriarch Sima?"

While speaking, a carriage drove up from the gap behind.

In front of the carriage is a little girl wearing a bamboo hat and shoulders, resistant to a five-foot-long knife. She is majestic and high-spirited, and she does not have the slightest stage fright when facing the gaze of thousands of people.

After Ye Jingtang received the news in the morning, he didn't come over immediately, but started looking for evidence based on Xu Tianying's information.

Although Da Benben is not good at martial arts, he is quite good at these things. He knows that the major ministries pay their annual gifts in autumn, and King Zuo Xian wants to return the supplies secretly. When the team is huge and mixed with dragons and snakes, ask the Gou Chen Department to take the things back quietly.

For this reason, Da Benben asked him to go to the warehouse of the Outline Department, and Ye Jingtang and Xiao Yunli ran over, and found what they needed after a short groping in the heavily guarded warehouse.

When the carriage came to him, Ye Jingtang got off his horse, jumped to the edge of the carriage, and opened several boxes, revealing the gold and porcelain, silk and satin, famous camellia soap and so on.

The patriarchs present had good eyesight and recognized that this was the carriage of the Gochen Department. When they saw these things, they frowned.

After all, all the ministries in the West Sea are under sanctions, and all the ministries are tightening their belts to live. Although these luxuries are affordable, they will never be purchased in large quantities. If they have this spare money, they will normally buy dozens of carts of rice, grain, salt, and medicinal materials. in case for need.

However, the families of the chiefs of the various tribes still have some of these things, so they can accuse King Gouchen of these things. At most, they can say that his life is extravagant, and the people of the Gochen tribe may not necessarily have an opinion, let alone other tribes.

When Sima Yue saw the carriage, his eyes changed obviously, and he turned his head and said:

"Who bought these things?"

Ye Jingtang saw this and said:

"All the ministries know that only when you have spare money can you toss these useless things. Gouchen Ministry handed in the yearly tax, and Beiliang returned all of it in silver. It's useless for you to hold it, and you don't dare to hoard too much food blatantly. The extra spare money , can only exchange these rare items, and secretly enjoy the days of rich clothes and fine food.

"There is more than one cart of this thing. There are dozens of them in the warehouse of the Gouchen Department. King Gouchen pretended not to know about it. I'm afraid it's a bit unreasonable."

Sima Yue naturally knew how many of these things there were, but he still glared at the elders.

And several clan elders are not ordinary people. After looking at each other, one of them stood up quickly:

"We bought them secretly. These are rare items. They can be resold to the Southern Dynasty for a lot of money, so we bought a batch in private, hoping to make some extra money. I was afraid that the patriarch would not agree, so I kept it from the patriarch..."

"Presumptuous! Some clansmen can't even eat enough to eat. If they have spare money, they should buy more rice, grain and clothes for the winter. Buy these..."


Ye Jingtang didn't wait for King Gouchen to finish his tricks, he rummaged through the pile of goods and took out a piece of Shuiyun brocade:

"This thing is specially made for Jiangzhou. You spend a lot of money to buy the precious cloth produced by Dawei from Beiliang, go around the whole world, and then sell it back to Dawei for huge profits?"


The corners of Sima Yue's eyes twitched slightly.

And several clan elders were also clever, and quickly said:
"These were brought by the female relatives of the clan. There are not many, just a few dozen pieces of cloth..."

Although the explanations of several clan elders from the Gochen Department were reasonable, the hundreds of clan leaders present were not fools.

The old patriarch of the Wuma tribe took a step forward with his cane:
"All the good horse farms in my Wuma Department were confiscated by Beiliang, and I have to turn in high-quality war horses every year, and none of my nephews can ride the good horses that I raised with my own hands.

"Your Outline Department handed in food, grass and armaments. It stands to reason that life is even more difficult. As a result, the population of each department has not increased much in the past 20 years, but the population of your Outline Department has almost doubled.

"I used to think that your attitude towards Beiliang was weak. Beiliang hoped that you could maintain the stability of the various tribes in the West Sea and help them secretly. I didn't care too much at first. Now I understand that the various tribes in the West Sea have paid heavy taxes for 20 years. Chen Bu didn't pay a penny!"

Regarding the population problem, Sima Yue obviously couldn't make up a reason to explain it, but he still didn't show any guilt, and said in a deep voice:
"I'm the head of the Gochen tribe. It's only natural for the tribe to consider it. Beiliang promised to return the old tax and let me maintain the stability of the tribes in the West Sea. Can I agree? If it were you, would you refuse this condition? You agreed , can you tell the news to the outside world?

"I grew up in the various ministers of the West Sea since I was a child. After the royal court was dispersed, I was not the one who took the lead to help when there was a disaster in each department? Did I ever ask you to ask for a penny in return? I didn't harm any of you, and I helped you a lot. Just because you paid the annual tax and I didn't pay it, is it possible that you are a sinner? If you don't want to pay the annual tax, you won't talk in private, and I have to help you to say good things?"


Not to mention, Sima Yue's words are so embarrassing, they are really well-founded, there are countless mouths waiting to be fed behind the heads of the clan, if you think about it differently, Bei Liang secretly gives this condition, they are afraid that they will slip on their knees Faster than Sima Yue.

Seeing Ye Jingtang popping up, Fan Qinghe was a little worried at first, but now he became confident and said:

"Then how about framing King Tianlang back then? If you don't have this certificate, the Beiliang court will treat you so favorably. Is it not at all afraid that you will become a threat to Beiliang one day?"

"It's nonsense! I can't even win your trust, how can I threaten Beiliang?"

Sima Yue's mind is quite extraordinary, he said angrily:
"Back then, I was separated from King Tianlang, fought alone, and gave you countless excuses for not dying on the battlefield. I want to ask, where were you at that time?
"I have only a few hundred remnants of soldiers under my command. Even if I ran away early because I was greedy for life and fear of death, I fought with King Tianlang to the final battle. All of you are either sick or missing, especially you, the patriarch of Wu, who was ordered to guard the rear. Wang Ting As soon as the army fell, you immediately dismissed the logistics troops on the spot and showed your favor to Beiliang. Did you escape faster than me?
"Just because you are not in front of King Tianlang, you are forced by the situation, and those who know the current affairs are heroes, and you have to do it as a last resort. And I deserve to die on the battlefield. What?!"

Sima Yue's roar of anger was astonishing, it literally shocked everyone, even Fan Qinghe was stunned and couldn't find any words to refute.

Ye Jingtang, after watching all this from the sidelines, continued to speak:

"This morning, Du Tanqing, the counselor of King Zuo Xian, came to Tianlang City, and I caught and slaughtered him. These old things came from him.

"A few days ago, I just arrived at the Gouchen Department. Before I leaked my whereabouts, you got the news. You secretly guided me to Huangming Mountain. First, you used the strategy of driving away tigers and devouring wolves, and wanted Jiang Zhahu to kill you. It’s a pity that it didn’t work out, but Zuo Xianwang personally went out to kill the weeds and roots, but it still didn’t work, and this is the reason for the current turmoil.”

As Ye Jingtang said, he pulled out the flag beside him and stuck it in front of him:
"I've said so much evidence, and I've produced a lot of real evidence. Patriarch Sima is quibbling, and if he doesn't admit it readily, then we will solve it in the same way as the tribes of the West Sea—you swear to the clan emblem and let the sky testify. Guaranteed that there will be no booing, and then fight with me. If I die, I will only treat it as if I wantonly slandered the sky; if you die, it will be the same, do you dare to take it?"

When the chiefs of the tribes heard this, they all fell silent.

Swearing an oath to fight to the death with the family emblem is a very serious act in the West Sea tribes.

Although God will not really uphold justice, the family emblem is equivalent to the beliefs of the tribes in the West Sea and the tablets of the ancestors.

Lying and swearing to the ancestral tablet, and then immediately fighting to the death, you know it is unlucky just by hearing it, and the psychological pressure is huge.

This is the same as Ye Jingtang's swearing and sophistry to his adoptive father's tablet. He feels guilty and guilty, and he can win unless the difference in strength is so great that he can win with his eyes closed.

However, the rankings of the two in the Northern and Southern Dynasties were similar. Few people in the world would have the guts to fight to the death with a guilty conscience.

Everyone looked at Sima Yue, waiting for Sima Yue's reply.

Seeing Ye Jingtang being so ruthless, Sima Yue felt a little guilty. After all, he didn't say he was lying, he knew it himself.

But now I don’t dare to accept it, so I admit that what Ye Jingtang said is the truth. If you collude with the enemy country and destroy the old master in exchange for glory and wealth, you will be ruined first, and then you will be encircled and suppressed by various ministries. Maybe even the clansmen will no longer stand by him. side.

With no way to retreat, Sima Yue's anger did not slow down in the slightest. He immediately turned around and pulled out the unicorn flag next to the big chair, bit his left finger, and wiped the bright red blood on the emblem:

"I, Sima Yue, swear to the sky. In the past, I have never betrayed my king or even the entire army. If there are false words, today I will suffer the disaster of the sword and the ax!"


After saying that, Sima Yue threw out the unicorn flag and planted it in front of Qin Chibu's flag.

According to the rules, Ye Jingtang should also swear to the clan emblem to prove the authenticity of the words.

But Ye Jingtang didn't take advantage of this, took out a letter from his sleeve, and hung it on the wolf flag:

"I grew up in the Great Wei Dynasty. I have no sense of belonging to the Northwest Wangting and the Qinchi tribe. Swearing to the flag is like empty talk and has no meaning. This letter is from Du Tanqing, and it is written to the Sima patriarch. I take it Come out and pass it on to everyone, and you will be able to prove what I just said.

"But I came here today to kill people, not to reason.

"That's why I took out this letter last, and put it here first. After you and I have decided the winner, I will circulate this letter to everyone, lest the chiefs of the tribes misunderstand that I slandered Chief Sima, and even kill people to silence them.

"If Patriarch Sima wins this letter and circulates it to everyone to prove his innocence, it's up to you to destroy the letter to cover up the truth."

? ?
When Sima Yue heard this, his eyelids twitched again.

After all, just now he was able to rely on his magical martial arts skills to kill Ye Jingtang to 'clear his grievances', and Ye Jingtang did this, he would either be beaten to death on the spot, or he would open the letter and circulate it to everyone to prove himself after winning the battle. clean.

But the secret letter written to him by Zuo Xianwang was also asked by Du Tanqing to carry it with him. Could he not be clear about what was written in it?

If he destroys the letter afterward, if he wins and confirms the past of rebelling against and killing King Tianlang, it will not leave him a way out!
Sima Yue said in a deep voice: "As a high-ranking official of the Wei Dynasty, it is not easy to forge a letter? Even if you die, you will pour dirty water on me, you have a poisonous heart."

"If Patriarch Sima is innocent and wins the battle, he will have countless time to prove the falsification. Is it possible that he is afraid of being overthrown by a forged letter?"

At this point in Ye Jingtang's words, he raised his left hand and ticked off.

The world is also silent at this moment.

There was a gentle breeze, and two flags fluttered gently in the center of the huge venue.

Everyone watched the two people facing each other intently, and their heartstrings slowly collapsed to the extreme...


I haven’t slept since I finished updating yesterday, let’s finish writing it again tomorrow (-)

Thank you [Let's go] boss' leader!

Thank you [Qing, Wei] for your rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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