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Chapter 296 The Empress Dowager Has Fainted

Chapter 296 The Empress Dowager Has Fainted
At dusk and dusk, the endless tents were dyed dark red by the setting sun.

The big black horse that followed Ye Jingtang for thousands of miles slowly walked out of the dead crowd and entered the equally silent market.

Ye Jingtang was sitting on the horse holding a black king flag, looking at both sides of the street from the corner of his eye, his frown was not relaxed after walking out of the venue.

Killing Sima Yue today was purely a preemptive act to get rid of future troubles. As a wanderer from Liangzhou, he only had his adoptive father in his heart, and he really couldn't find much sympathy for the love and hatred before birth.

Although the patriarchs of the various tribes in the West Sea have their own thoughts, the ordinary people living here are different.

Beiliang collected heavy taxes and arrested the strong men, but they couldn't get the rulers or the patriarchs' families; these heavy taxes of tyranny all fell on the shoulders of the common people living in the various tribes in the West Sea.

Ye Jingtang didn't care what the chiefs of the various tribes thought, but when they walked out of the venue, they clearly noticed the eyes of the shepherds, Lifu, and old Yaonong. It was a kind of unreasonable admiration, trust, and longing.

This longing came from the comfortable life decades ago, from the three generations of Tianlang kings who treated the clansmen as their relatives.

He didn't know these three people, and he didn't even have a concept of these three people, but they obviously regarded him as the same person as those three people.

This is an invisible pressure, so that Ye Jingtang, who has always had a clear conscience, feels like a thorn in his throat, and it is difficult to meet these strangers.

hooves, hoofs...

Ye Jingtang walked through the silent crowd, turned into a street corner, and walked into a path that no one cared about.

And at this moment, Xiao Yunli, who was following behind pretending to be a entourage, saw no one around, so she ran over excitedly, leaped directly, landed behind the big black horse, and came with her arms around Ye Jingtang's neck A poached egg hit, and then came over to the face.


Ye Jingtang, who was worried about the country and the people, saw the gradually enlarged smart cheeks, and Jing's expression changed suddenly, and he quickly raised his hand to cover Xiao Yunli's lips:
"Woman and... no, Yunli! What are you doing? You want you to be the master and wife to break my leg?!"

Zhe Yunli rushed up to kiss him, then remembered what she was doing, blushed and retracted it, then grabbed the robes on both sides of Ye Jingtang's ribs, chirping:

"Brother Jing, you are really amazing! If Mistress is present, she will definitely become a happy monkey..."

? !
Seeing Yun Li hurt his wife so much, Ye Jingtang's face must have darkened, and he raised his hand and flicked Yun Li's head:
"What nonsense? How old is a girl, and I don't know how to be subtle."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang likes to be more reserved, Zhe Yunli's temperament can be said to change instantly, and he retracted his hand to stir a strand of hair next to his ear, with spring in his eyes:

"Brother Jingtang taught me a lesson~ My sister, I can't help it too, and when I get carried away, I still look forward to Brother Jingtang~..."


Ye Jingtang's family and country feelings just now were completely vented, his bones were half broken, he quickly raised his hand:
"Okay, okay! Don't say it, what should I do if people hear it..."

Zheyunli giggled, tried her best to suppress the emotions that were full of little stars in her heart, but she still sat behind the saddle and refused to get off, and groped left and right, which was not honest at all.

Ye Jingtang persuaded her a few words, but there was nothing she could do, so she let her go. When she raised her eyes to look for Benben and the others, she saw Fan Qinghe walking out from behind the crowd, looked around from a high place, and went straight ran to him.

When Zhe Yunli saw someone coming, he reluctantly gave up, and quickly jumped off the horse...
Ye Jingtang got off his horse, and just a few steps forward, Fan Qinghe trotted up to him holding the skirt of the high priest's uniform.

Fan Qinghe has been exhausted from yesterday to today. She was planning to step down as the patriarch and take the matter over, but Ye Jingtang suddenly appeared as a hero to save the beauty and solved the matter so perfectly, which was far beyond her expectations. .

The expression in Fan Qinghe's eyes was not too different from that of Xiao Yunli's, Ye Jingtang looked at it and wondered if she was going to rush over and throw herself in his arms.

Fortunately, Fan Qinghe was more mature, and Yun Li was behind, so he didn't dare to act like a crazy girl. He walked quickly to the front and back, and looked at Ye Jingtang, his lips murmured, trying to say something, but he didn't speak for a long time. Saying that, the eye circles turned red.

Ye Jingtang knows that there are hundreds of tribes who are independent, and the clan leaders must have their own thoughts, but Fan Qinghe is different. He is really dissatisfied with Beiliang's rule and wants to work hard so that he and his tribe can stand up in the future. live.

This can be seen from his experience, if Fan Qinghe is a dignified queen, if she wants to be rich and well-fed, her life will not be much worse than that of a stupid one.

But just after she took over, she traveled around the rivers and lakes of Beiliang alone and incognito, ventured into various factions to find clues to the Tianlangzhu, and was even chased by Zhenji Xuanji for a year without giving up her goal.

These things, a woman who is greedy for glory and wealth, absolutely can't do it.

But also because of this, Ye Jingtang understands how much Fan Qinghe expects of him. Facing the red eyes, he thought for a while and said with a smile:

"I didn't say anything about the scene just now. Miss Fan has kindness to me. As long as Beiliang and other ministries dare to bully Miss Fan, I will come here alone to support the girl..."

Fan Qinghe bit her red lips lightly, and after holding back for a while, she still raised her hand and gave Ye Jingtang a warm hug:

"Thank you Young Master Ye, you have done enough. Even if you have no intention of inheriting the throne, Beiliang will not dare to intensify exploitation like before. You are already the benefactor of all the tribes in the West Sea.

"Actually, apart from blood, the tribes of the West Sea didn't give you anything. If all the tribes were really united in one mind back then, why would King Tianlang be buried in a prairie fire.

"I know the virtues of the various tribes in the West Sea, but I was born when the royal court was in decline. I have never seen the prosperity of the royal court. I only saw the oppression of the people in Beiliang and the lack of food for the tribe.

"I want to make life better, but no matter how hard I try, I can't do it; I have searched everywhere, and I have searched all over the world, hoping to bring back the people like Qin Chibu, but there is also no way. Until I met You... woo..."

At the end of Fan Qinghe's speech, she actually began to cry, her chin was resting on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, and tears dripped directly onto her clothes.

Ye Jingtang was hugged firmly, and it was a little awkward to raise his hands slightly, but he soon realized that this hug was just a simple thank you, without any mixed feelings between men and women, so he was slightly relieved.

Fan Qinghe was very emotional. Although Ye Jingtang didn't grow up in the West Sea, he couldn't empathize with Fan Qinghe's growth, but he was born in Liangzhou.

Liangzhou is bordered by the tribes of the West Sea, and the difference in living conditions between the two sides is not great. There may be rich areas, but most of them are poor mountains and rivers where no grass grows, and the taxes of the tribes of the West Sea are much heavier than Liangzhou.

If there is someone who can stand up and open canals for Liangzhou, exempt taxation and quell bandits, so that everyone can live a more comfortable life, then the mood of the people of Liangzhou should be similar to that of Fan Qinghe.

Ye Jingtang hesitated a little, raised his hand and patted Fan Qinghe on the back:

"I just followed the trend and didn't save the suffering. The girl treats me like a Bodhisattva. I really can't bear it. So what, uh..."

Ye Jingtang wanted Fan Qinghe to let go of his embrace, but was also afraid that she would feel disgusted by him.

But Fan Qinghe is really not small, so he stood on tiptoe and hung it around his neck, holding it on his chest, sobbing and shaking all the time.

There were only two thin clothes between them, Ye Jingtang was rubbed so badly that even the little bump could be felt, how could it be possible for a man not to be distracted.

But the girl burst into tears with gratitude, and he thought that he would not be a hypocrite anymore...

On the other hand, Yun Li in the distance pouted slightly when he saw this scene, a little unhappy, probably meaning - good you, frightened cousin, you are reluctant to part with a girl who hugs you, and you despise me when I hug you...

Fortunately, Ye Jingtang did not endure this indescribable pain for too long.

When Fan Qinghe was choking and talking, he suddenly noticed two white shadows approaching from the corner of his eye. The one in front was a big and stupid one with his head held high, and the one behind him was Xiao Shuishui with playful eyes...

? !
Fan Qinghe froze with a weeping expression, then quickly let go of his hands and turned around, wiped the corners of his eyes, and put on the majestic appearance of a majestic queen, so as not to be misunderstood.

Ye Jingtang looked back and found that Dabenben's expression was approving, but his eyes were somewhat meaningful, so he couldn't help coughing lightly, stepped forward and said:
"Your Highness."

It was also the first time for Dongfang Liren to see Ye Jingtang beating Wu Kui with his own eyes. Although he was very excited, but with the presence of outsiders, the prince was still full of air.

"You performed well. After today, Beiliang will definitely have to protect you from the people here. It's also thanks to you. But..."

When Dongfang Liren said this, a dangerous aura flashed in his eyes, and he moved closer:

"You still have such powerful marksmanship, why don't you teach this king?"


Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, a little dazed:
"Which trick?"

Dongfang Liren holds the ring in his left hand, passes his right index finger through it, and quickly thrusts in:
"It's just whoosh...heh!"


Before he could finish speaking, Ye Jingtang quickly pushed down his stupid hand, with a rather weird expression on his face, he thought for a while and said:
"Hmm... I'll teach His Highness this move in private, but it's actually not a very advanced marksmanship."

Dongfang Liren obviously didn't realize what Ye Jingtang was thinking of, so he nodded and smiled:
"It's hard to parry with Sima Yue, and Sima Yue can also force you back. How could it not be a profound move..."

Master Xuanji may have a demonic mind, and stood in front of her with her arms folded. After a little aftertaste, she really understood why Ye Jingtang suddenly pushed Li Ren's hand down. The eyes she looked at Ye Jingtang became very strange, just like a mother-in-law. Looking at the son-in-law who is full of bad water.

But Master Xuanji didn't point out this color embryo, she came to Fan Qinghe, and pulled out a white handkerchief from her skirt:

"How grown up, you're still crying. Have you finished crying? Do you want a handkerchief?"

Fan Qinghe's face turned cold, but he didn't bother with the demon girl, he just brushed the hair next to his ears, pretending to be looking at the scenery.

Ye Jingtang saw that the two were chatting, and didn't pay attention to his back, but Dabenben was helping him arrange his clothes in front of him again, he hesitated for a while, and suddenly lowered his head and kissed the red lips that were close at hand.


Dongfang Liren was taken aback for a moment, and then Yingqi's cheeks turned red quickly, and his eyes were still a little annoyed.

However, seeing from the corner of the eye that Master didn't notice, he naturally didn't care about it, and just lowered his head and hummed vaguely.

Ye Jingtang smiled at the corner of his mouth, and was about to secretly reward Benben again, when he suddenly found Yun Li standing not far away, leaning against the wall with his arms folded on his chest, with a blade of grass in his mouth, looking foolish , the eyes were quite complicated, and when he found that he was looking over, he moved his eyes elsewhere.


Ye Jingtang felt that it was in broad daylight, and it was really inappropriate to find excitement here, frivolous and stupid, so he wanted to let the girls go back to the ground first, and then think about these things in private.

But what people didn't expect was that Ye Jing Tang was calling for some girls to leave, when She Long suddenly ran over from a distance, and Yaoyao said anxiously:

"It's not good, too... Madam fainted!"


When Ye Jingtang heard this, his expression changed suddenly.

The smiling Dongfang Liren and Master Xuanji froze as well, then flew up and rushed towards the convoy.

Fan Qinghe's messy thoughts dissipated, followed Yejingtang to the convoy, frowned and said:

"Impossible, I just checked the Queen Mother in the morning, and my physical condition is normal, how could I suddenly faint..."

"I don't know, go and have a look..."
The carriage that the Empress Dowager was riding in was parked in a secluded place outside the venue, because Langxuan City was flat, even though it was separated by a human wall, you could still see the interior when sitting in the carriage.

Hongyu stayed in the palace all year round and had seen the martial arts competition, but she was still shocked by such a big martial arts competition. She stood outside the carriage with her rosy mouth open from beginning to end, covering her eyes from time to time.

And the empress dowager, who had starved herself for a whole day, didn't even want to lift her sick hand, but when she realized that Ye Jingtang's martial arts competition was so peerless, she also sat up in a dying state of shock, and stood directly in the carriage , just leaned out to look at the round and smooth upper body.

The fight in the venue was earth-shattering, and the empress dowager couldn't understand the tricks. Apart from being amazed by Ye Jingtang's demeanor, she was also worried about Ye Jingtang's safety, and her heart was tense from the beginning to the end.

And when Ye Jingtang finished the fight and said a few words domineeringly, the empress dowager felt her heart beating like a drum, and couldn't help but stomp her feet and hop a few times.

Then the extremely hungry and vain body could no longer support the master's frightened and frantic tossing, and his eyes went dark and he fell limp.

Hongyu patronized Ye Jingtang, and the surrounding guards in charge of security were also watching Master Ye messing around in a foreign country with excitement.

Hearing the movement, everyone turned their heads in a daze, and then all expressions changed.

Pei Xiangjun was also around the convoy. Seeing that the Queen was rushing to find Ye Jingtang, she naturally didn't join in the fun. Hearing the sound was wrong, she quickly jumped into the carriage and raised the curtain to check.

In the comfortable environment of the carriage, the empress dowager, who was dressed as the wife of a wealthy family, slumped down on the imperial concubine's couch under the window, her face turned pale, and the telescope in her hand rolled to the ground.

"Empress Dowager?"


Niao Niao, who was on guard on the roof of the car, flew in through the window and looked at the empress dowager, who was still alive and kicking just now, her bright black eyes were full of bewilderment.

"Quickly call Prince Jing and Jing Tang over."

After Pei Xiangjun said something, he squatted halfway in the carriage, supported the empress dowager, and checked his pulse with his hands. He found that he was beating very fast and his body was extremely weak. It should be caused by exhaustion and stimulation...

Pei Xiangjun is not a doctor either, so he couldn't see much, so he looked outside again.


But in the blink of an eye, several figures landed near the carriage.

Fan Qinghe, as a genius doctor, naturally rushed in first, grabbed the Empress Dowager's wrist, and rolled her eyelids for inspection.

Ye Jingtang couldn't force his way into the carriage, but stood outside the window and said anxiously:

"How? Is there any danger?"


Fan Qinghe has excellent medical skills and has seen everything, but the current pulse condition is indeed a bit outrageous.She thought about it:
"The body is too weak, and the mood fluctuates too much in a short period of time, which leads to fainting. This may be related to the empress dowager's lack of appetite and inability to eat. If you don't eat, you will definitely faint from hunger after a long time... The book does not say that the prisoner dragon miasma will It affects appetite, and I can't figure out the specific crux."

Ye Jingtang was afraid that the empress dowager would not wake up once she fell into a coma. If she got the golden scale map like that, she would not be able to use it, and the old wizard prescribed medicine and couldn't take it.

Seeing that the Empress Dowager, who was still fine in the morning, suddenly 'deteriorated', Ye Jingtang thought for a while and said:
"Are there any good horses here? Those who can travel thousands of miles a day, I will send the Queen Mother to Hongshan now, and you will set off immediately and follow from behind. I have found the way to detoxify, if something goes wrong at this time..."

"The Wuma Department should have good horses, I'll borrow them."

After Fan Qinghe finished speaking, he quickly stepped out of the carriage and ran towards the venue.

Dongfang Liren was also afraid that such a long-term effort would be in vain, so he turned his head and said:
"Shang Jianli, go talk to Cao Aning and the others, and tell Dongfang Shangqing to go back to Liangzhou as soon as possible. The rest of you pack up your things and leave immediately."


Shang Jianli immediately took orders to lead people to handle the finishing work, while the others got on their horses and escorted the convoy towards the outskirts of the city...
On the other side, in the market outside the venue.

Duanbeiya Chen He, who was dressed as an ordinary businessman, stood at a high place where he could see the venue from a distance, and looked at the situation inside from a distance. In addition to being surprised, there was a bit of sudden realization on his face:

"The yellow dragon lays down on the road, the blue dragon presents its claws...you, Honghualou, haven't played for ten years, and such a big dragon popped up as soon as it emerged..."

The doorman next to him frowned with his hands behind his back:

"If Ye Silang is Ye Jingtang, he may be in big trouble. Ye Jingtang is the imperial court's 'Marquis of Wu'an', and being able to hang the word 'Wu'an' is enough to show that the imperial court appreciates him. I am sure about his background." It can't be compared. He defeated Xuanyuan Dynasty, beheaded Lu Jieyun and Sima Yue, and his martial arts are definitely ranked among the top eight. If the leader of the gang fights head-on, the outcome may be very different..."

Chen He was still calm: "I am a disciple of Beiya, and I have served the imperial court in the army for generations. The imperial court has no justifiable reason, so he dare not do it arbitrarily. But Ye Jingtang is the young master of the Qinchi department, and Hu Yanjing also said that the young minister of Qinchi mainly bought it." Scaled steel, then this must be a bait for the court..."

"Has the imperial court found us?"

"not yet."

Chen He stood with his hands behind his back, with a bit of joy in his eyes:
"Hu Yanjing didn't know the exact identity of me. I had an appointment to meet yesterday, but luckily I didn't see anyone. Otherwise, I might have been targeted."

"But Ye...Yejingtang was killed on the door yesterday..."

Chen He frowned as if looking at a fool:

"Who is the person in Yejingtang? The commander of the black yamen, the eighth leader of the contemporary era, his scheming, understanding and martial arts attainments are far beyond ordinary people. If he knew that we were sellers, how could he act like a reckless street man, suddenly swaggering to the door and beating me up?" Just leave? What is he planning? Deliberately trying to scare the snake, lest we will be kept in the dark, not knowing that the court is investigating us?"


The doorman thought about it, and felt that it was the same. If Ye Jingtang, who was both black and white, was so rough, he probably wouldn't live to such a great height.

If he could suddenly come to beat Chen He yesterday, he must not have known that Duan Beiya was the seller.

"Why didn't Jingtang meet and make a deal at the end of that night?"

"Didn't you see today's battle? It may be because you were attracted by the affairs of the Gouchen Department. Fortunately, you didn't meet, otherwise you really fell into the trap of the government..."

"Then what should I do next?"

Chen He thought for a while, then turned around and walked back:
"Xuanyuan Dynasty beat Ye Jingtang's adoptive father back then, no matter what, he saved his life, so Ye Jingtang also saved his life. Regardless of whether it is because of a teacher's inheritance or because he wants to grab the gun leader, he must be beaten to death when he meets him. What is not killed is not the name of chivalry, but the fame and reputation of the teacher.

"If the court finds out about the smuggling, the entire Duanbeiya will be implicated. Since this battle is unavoidable, it's best to take advantage of the fact that the enemy is clear and we are secretly. I will write a letter to the leader and see Let's see how to solve it."

The doorman nodded thoughtfully, turned his head to look at the convoy going away, and asked again:
"They seem to be leaving the city, do you want to send someone to follow?"

"Wouldn't it be frightening for these people under our command to follow Wu Kui?"

Chen He raised his hand and tapped his temple:

"You need to rely on brains to do things. Ye Jingtang has said such cruel words to the various tribes in the West Sea. If you don't rush back to Dawei now, the Four Sages of Beiliang may come here together to let him know whose territory this is.

"Ye Jingtang returned to Liangzhou, either to return to the capital, or to go to Hongshan to find trouble with Jiang Zhahu. Hongshan helps smuggling business, and Ye Jingtang's duty to investigate.

"Secondly, didn't he just say, 'Sima Yue lured him to Huangming Mountain, and wanted Jiang Zhahu to kill him, but failed'. This means that Ye Jingtang and Jiang Zhahu met in Huangming Mountain, and they are still intact Coming back, he must have gained the upper hand.

"As the saying goes, 'If you don't report revenge, you are not a gentleman'. Jiang Zhahu, a bandit, offended the powerful Ye Jingtang. Ye Jingtang just returned to Liangzhou. Can he kill the Hongshan gang and let him go? The Hongshan gang understands whose territory Liangzhou belongs to?"

The doorman thought about it carefully, and felt that the logic was flawless, so he couldn't help but exclaim:
"Congratulations, sir."

"Learn more in the future. The rivers and lakes seem to be deep, but there is actually no trouble. If you follow the benefactors, you may not be able to find them; but if you follow the enemy's family, you will definitely find the one. Sooner or later. If there is a grudge If you don’t report it, then you won’t be called a Jianghu person…”


(End of this chapter)

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