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Chapter 297 One Person One Bird

Chapter 297 Two People One Bird

September is already late autumn, and the south may still be as warm as spring, but the northwest is gradually getting cooler, and at night there is already a biting cold wind.

The silver moon is like a hook, and the sad white moonlight is sprinkled on the endless Gobi Desert. The sturdy white Pegasus passes through the barren grass. Under the moon, it looks like a phantom. Before seeing what it is, it has reached the end of the field of vision.

On horseback, Ye Jingtang was wearing a black cloak and a windproof face mask, his gaze was searching all the troubles in the wilderness.

Because the big horse was running too fast, Niao Niao couldn't stand still due to the wind, and hid directly behind Ye Jingtang's butt.

Although Ye Jingtang grew up on horseback and rode one of the best horses outside the Great Wall, the bumps of the horse's running cannot be avoided.

He didn't dare to let the fainting empress dowager suffer another shock, so he stood on the stirrups with his legs slightly bent, and held the princess with his arms flat to hold the empress dowager, using his legs as a shock absorber, trying his best to prevent the bumps from being transmitted to the empress dowager.

Ye Jingtang's horse gait skills are very good, and his body manipulation is even more top-notch in the world. The empress dowager lay in Ye Jingtang's arms without even trembling her chest, just like lying on a soft and flat bed.

But Ye Jingtang retracted and retracted his legs at a very high frequency, after several hours of running around, he felt a little backache.

Fortunately, this little problem is nothing to Ye Jingtang, but I am a little worried that the temperature is low and the wind is strong at night, and the empress dowager's body will not be able to withstand it.


The gust of wind was coming, and the sound of horseshoes echoed in my ears.

The empress dowager squinted her eyes and leaned her cheek on the warm arm. Because of her petite figure, it was not uncomfortable to be held horizontally.

Maybe it was really cold in the middle of the night. The empress dowager frowned slightly in a daze, and then felt a strong wind blowing in her ears, as if sleeping in the open air. She subconsciously pulled the cloak wrapped around her body, and the result was Immediately, a whispered call came from the ear:

"Empress Dowager?"


The empress dowager's body perception gradually recovered, and she realized that she was lying in the arms of the man.She was slightly startled, and opened her eyes to look around, just in time to see Ye Jingtang's face and the crescent moon and starry sky in the sky, her eyes widened a little, and then looked around, obviously a little dazed.


Seeing the Empress Dowager woke up, Ye Jingtang felt relieved, quickly stopped the galloping horse, helped the Empress Dowager to sit upright in his arms, raised his hand and waved in front of his eyes:

"Empress Dowager? How do you feel?"

"I... Bengong..."

The empress dowager was quite confused, she didn't understand how she was watching a big show in Langxuan City just now, how she ran to the wilderness in a blink of an eye, and was still sitting in Yejingtang's arms...

sitting in my arms...


The empress dowager felt that the two were too close, and wanted to move a little away, but her hands and feet were a little weak, so she asked suspiciously:

"What happened to the Palace?"

"In the afternoon, my empress suddenly fainted. I will take my empress to see a doctor in Hongshan now, and I should be able to arrive tomorrow..."


The empress dowager felt that there was nothing wrong with her, but her limbs were weak and weak.

Could it be that I am hungry...

The empress dowager blinked her almond eyes, thinking that this matter might be a bit embarrassing, but seeing the nervousness in Ye Jingtang's eyes and the fatigue of non-stop driving, she felt a little sorry in her heart, and sat up a little:

"I'm fine, it's just that I haven't had an appetite for the past few days and fainted from hunger... Well, I suddenly want to eat now, and my body should be fine if I'm full. You don't have to worry so much."

Ye Jingtang supported the Empress Dowager's back with one hand, and drove the horse to continue onwards. At the same time, he took the food box prepared for departure from the side of the horse:
"It's fine. Have something to eat first. Anyway, I've already set off. Hurry to Hongshan as soon as possible and let the doctor have a look..."

The empress dowager put the food box on her lap, and when she raised her hand to open it, she could see that there was a porridge inside; and there were some small snacks underneath.

The empress dowager accidentally fainted and frightened Ye Jingtang to such an extent that she definitely didn't dare to mess around anymore. She picked up the small porcelain jar, opened the lid and took a big gulp, then puffed her cheeks, feeling that Ye Jingtang was staring He said, a little embarrassed, so he covered his red lips with his sleeve, and asked after the warm white porridge entered his throat:

"Where are they from Liren?"

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to caress the Empress Dowager's back to prevent her from choking:
"Behind. This horse runs fast, so it took a step ahead, and Niao Niao followed..."


Niao Niao, who was sleeping on the back, probably smelled the aroma of rice, also woke up at this time, looked at it from the side of her waist, then ran to the front, squeezed between Ye Jingtang and the Queen Mother, and rubbed her head against the Queen Mother The empress's arm, with a worried look, began to beg for food.

After the empress dowager ate a few mouthfuls, the hunger and thirst in her stomach finally eased, and even the sickness of many days disappeared. She picked up a piece of dried meat, tore off a small piece and fed it to the bird's beak. Seeing night terrors Tang looked forward with firm eyes, thought about it and handed the rest to Ye Jingtang's lips:
"Then, are you hungry too?"


Ye Jingtang lowered his head and glanced, but he didn't refuse after thinking about it, raised his hand to catch the jerky and threw it into his mouth, and said:
"This horse is the treasure of the Wuma Department. Just this one. The real person Xuanji was supposed to escort the queen mother, but the real person Xuanji is not familiar with Jiang Zhahu, so I came here anyway, um..."

The empress dowager knew what Ye Jingtang meant, and said softly:
"Shui'er is sending me to Bengong, so I don't feel relieved, maybe she will get very drunk in the end, I will carry her and run to Hongshan."

"Hehe..." Ye Jingtang felt that there was nothing wrong with these words, so he couldn't help laughing.

After the empress dowager said a few words, she rubbed the bird that was waiting to be fed, and then looked at Ye Jingtang's whole body:

"You fought with someone today, didn't you get hurt?"

"What can I do."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, "The Empress Dowager and King Jing are watching, if I lose in the enemy country, I'm afraid I'll have no face to go back to meet the elders of Wei, so I fight very seriously, even the moves at the bottom of the box It's all taken out."

The empress dowager was far away, so she didn't see it clearly. What impressed me the most was the scene where Ye Jingtang shot out like a dragon, so she held the circle with her left hand and the index finger of her right...


Ye Jingtang reacted quickly this time and quickly stopped the empress dowager:

"It's the last move, not this one."

"Oh, really."

The empress dowager nodded, half understanding: "I'm not good at martial arts, so I think it's powerful to poke with a big gun... Are you happy to see Liren? She likes Jianghu masters the most..."



The two chatted softly on the horse. It was indeed a bit cold at night. The Empress Dowager sat in front. After eating, she put away the food box and wrapped her cloak tightly around her body. It was obviously a bit tired to keep a straight sitting posture.

Ye Jingtang was sitting on the saddle, which was much more comfortable than before. Fearing that something would happen if the queen mother insisted on her posture, she asked the queen mother to lean against her and said:
"I'm on my way out, I'm in a hurry, the empress still puts her body first, so don't worry about it so much."

The empress dowager didn't really want to care about it, but her status as the empress dowager was here, and she leaned in the arms of the male guards, and there was always a sense of treason.

However, because her body is indeed relatively weak, after a moment her body collapsed, she still relaxed a little bit, put the bird in her arms, and scanned the boundless wilderness, looking for something to say:
"Where is this place?"

"Liaoyuan. The last battle of Tianlang King was here, and I guess it was also picked up by his adoptive father here, but I don't know where..."

"The prairie fire..."

The empress dowager thought about it for a while, touched it from her arms, took out the book she was carrying with her, turned to the back, and found one of the pages:
"I've read it in a book before, and it says 'Galaxy Hanging Roof, Surrounding Fields', which is exactly the same as here, so the Prince of Liang must have been here..."

Ye Jingtang lowered his head and took a look, but saw that the book was "The Secret History of the Empress Dowager". The content on it was that after His Royal Highness returned to the fief, he took the Empress Dowager out for a safari, walked here to recall the historical wars in previous years, and then The sky is the quilt and the earth is the bed...

It's a pity that the specific content was covered by the empress dowager.

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, thinking that the empress dowager was unnecessary, this book was bought by him, and Shui Shui gave it to the empress dowager, what was written in the covered part, how could he not know?
Isn't it just wearing a tail and pretending to be a vixen, hooking up an innocent son in the wilderness...

Although he knew it well, Ye Jingtang didn't want to say it clearly after all, so he just responded according to the words:

"The prince of Liang is a character in the early days of Dayan, and the book was written a hundred years ago. It should be the person who wrote the book..."

The empress dowager regarded these books as history books, and said hastily:
"With so many corroborating things, it must be true. If it's just idle people's imagination, how do you explain the seat used for intercourse in the bathing pool of Fushou Palace? Empress Dowager Yan can't entertain herself with the maids in the palace, can she? "

Yejingtang really didn't have a good explanation for this, so he nodded after thinking about it:

"That's true."

The empress dowager was seriously talking about the contents of the book, and for some reason, she also thought of herself.

Back then at her ignorant age, she was selected as the new empress to enter the palace, but halfway through, she became a widow in a daze. Although she was destined to live a rich life, she was also destined to have nothing to do with her in the future. She can wait, It's just that one day, in the palace of old age and death, it is just to draw an end to this life.

As a human being, she couldn't accept all of this, but she could only drift with the tide and couldn't escape; after only a few years in the palace, she reached her limit, wishing to end this hopeless life early, but at that time, she met To the ginkgo tree outside the rear window.

She didn't know if the ginkgo tree had spirits, but it did bring her good luck.

After inexplicably getting the painting of bathing in fire, she has been happy about it for several years, hoping that one day she will be able to practice Taoism and become a fairy, and she will completely escape from this prison.

But after practicing for a few years, she found that the painting of bathing in fire could not make her immortal, it could only make her live healthy and healthy until she died, and it was difficult to kill herself.

So the excitement disappeared again. She felt that the ginkgo tree might have misunderstood her wish, so she buried the flower and bird hairpin she had worn since she was a child under the ginkgo tree.

When she buried the hairpin, she didn't know what she was praying for, but everyone knew what the hairpin meant to a woman.

She didn't dare to think about these things, but she couldn't stop worshiping every day. After all, she was just an ordinary woman, so she was looking forward to it deep in her heart.

And Ginkgo Tree didn't seem to give up on her insatiable vulgarity, and responded by letting her get another copy of "The Secret History of Cleopatra".

The Empress Dowager Yan in the Secret History of the Empress Dowager Yan, after she was widowed at a young age, also worshiped the ginkgo tree like her, and then His Royal Highness, who was unparalleled in beauty, came to the palace in the middle of the night, and the two of them started like that.

The empress dowager felt that the ginkgo tree was guiding her—learn from her predecessors, take the initiative, happiness is earned by herself, as long as she meets the right person, she has to pursue her own freedom even if she digs a tunnel and feigns death.

But the Empress Dowager is different from the Empress Dowager Yan. The Empress Dowager Yan monopolizes the power, and no one dares to say anything when she is in trouble with her lover in her own palace; but all she has is a background, under the eyes of the Empress, where she dares to pursue herself...

The empress dowager secretly sighed for a moment, feeling that her thoughts were a bit dangerous, so she stopped in time and asked:

"After entering the customs, go to Hongshan, will you pass the Truffle Valley?"

Ye Jingtang ran in Liangzhou since he was a child, and naturally knew the route well, and said with a smile:
"Yes. The scenery there is good, there are many stone pillar forests, and there are still stone tablets from the predecessors. Did you read it in the book?"

The Empress Dowager naturally read it from the book, but it was hard to admit it, so she responded:

"I've heard it said before."

"I'll be there tomorrow morning. I might be able to catch the sunrise if I run so fast. I've passed by a few times but haven't gone in. I just happen to be able to see it."

"Don't worry too much. There are not many such good horses in the whole world. It's a pity that they ran bad..."


hooves, hoofs...

The two galloped away to the south, the words gradually drifted away, and the majestic city wall of Heishi Pass gradually appeared at the end of the earth...
Hundreds of miles away from Pingyi City, there is a small town where three religions and nine streams gather.

Wuming Town is located on the Great Gobi, and it is not under the rule of Pingyi City. The forces of the West Sea and other tribes cannot touch it, and it belongs to the three-way zone.

In the town, there are not only merchants traveling north and south, spies such as Du Tanqing, but also tycoons traveling in all directions.

At night, in a small inn in the town.

A couple of old and young, dressed as Jianghu people, sat in front of the window and ate light meals slowly.

And on the table between the two of them, besides a pot of side dishes, there was also a black jackdaw.

The Jackdaw was only about the size of a palm, and looked a bit listless. He stood silently on the edge of the table, and he didn't look very familiar with the old and the young. However, the old people who were eating would still pick up some food from time to time and put it in front of the Jackdaw.

The inn was quite small, and there were not many tables of guests. When the young and old were halfway through their meal, there was a sound of horseshoes outside, and then a fast horse stopped outside the inn.

The old man looked around, but saw a swordsman in coir raincoat sitting immediately.

The swordsman faces less than forty, his body is quite tall, and there are two knives hanging from his waist, one is three and a half feet long, and the other is over two feet long, all wrapped in black cloth. A touch of light is still like two sharp knives, giving people a sense of sharpness.

The swordsman in coir raincoat got off his horse in front of the inn, and strode into the inn, seemingly wanting to have a light meal; but when he passed by the table, he looked at the jackdaw on the table, then looked at the old and the young, and said:

"Your Excellency is Zhong Sunyan?"

The old man showed a smile, raised his hand slightly, asked the apprentice to stand up, and motioned for the seat next to him:

"Old man Shen Lin, Zhong Sunyan is my incompetent junior brother. Please sit down, Mr. Xi."

"It turned out to be the old protector Shen, I'm sorry."

Xi Tianshang, who was wearing a coir raincoat, had surprise in his eyes.

There are many crooked schools in Beiliang Jianghu, and among them, none is more famous than Zhong Sunyan and his like, who played Thunderbolt with one hand, and played superbly.

Zhong Sunyan was originally a member of Qianjimen in Beiliang, the nephew of Zhongsun Jin, one of the Four Sages, who was kicked out of Qianjimen early because of his rebellious personality. A well-known celebrity in the world of Beiliang.

Xi Tianshang, as the grand master of Beiliang, once had a face-to-face meeting with Zhong Sunyan in the arena, but at that time Zhong Sunyan covered his face, and the only impression left on him was this inseparable black crow.

At this time, seeing Jackdaw again, and sitting on the table is Shen Lin, the protector of Qianjimen, he naturally understood a little bit, and sat down in front of him:
"Brother Zhongsun, something happened?"

Xi Tianshang's status in the rivers and lakes of Beiliang is equivalent to that of Xuanyuan Dynasty. He has a famous sword 'Yuncang' and a 'two-foot plum' on his waist. He has defeated countless heroes in the rivers and lakes. He is recognized as the number one swordsman in Beiliang.

And Shen Lin's status in Jianghu is also not low, he can be regarded as the deputy head of Qianjimen, but he is very old, he has rarely traveled in Jianghu in recent years, and this is the first time the two have met.Meeting unexpectedly, Shen Lin raised his hand and poured a cup of tea:

"Junior brother fell in Dawei a few days ago, and this old man came out to see what's going on. Hero Xi, who has already achieved fame, came out to walk alone?"

Xi Tianshang took a sip from his teacup and said casually:

"I heard that people from the Southern Dynasties are making trouble here, so just come and take a stroll."

Shen Lin nodded and sighed:

"The rivers and lakes people in the Southern Dynasties are indeed a bit ostentatious. The rivers and lakes of the two dynasties have always kept the rivers and rivers in check, and private grievances and grudges are beyond the control of others, but the great master who single-handedly entered the country and killed my beam, said openly and harshly, saying that the tribes of the West Sea To be covered by him is to deceive me that there is no one left."

Xi Tianshang naturally heard about what just happened, and said:

"Senior Zhongsun is one of the four sages, and he is the leader of my Liang Jianghu. If I go to the Southern Dynasty to kill a military chief and interfere in the internal affairs of the Southern Dynasty, no matter who I kill, Lu Taiqing will have to come to me to preach. That night Jing Tang is so defiant, why won't senior Zhongsun come out to discipline young people?"

Shen Lindao: "This matter is under the control of Master Guoshi and Zuo Xianwang. I, Qianjimen, can't be so lenient because I can't handle it so leniently. Besides, after Ye Jingtang's harsh words, I will definitely not dare to stay in Beiliang. Now it's over. Check in."

Qianjimen is good at strange and obscene skills, and hidden weapons can only be regarded as sideline jobs. The real strengths are building armor ordnance, building water conservancy and other big tasks. The disciples who come out of the mountain are almost all the guests of the major forces. Unusual Jianghu forces are comparable.

Xi Tianshang came here for Ye Jingtang this time, upon hearing this, he asked:
"The Hall of Nightmare has already run away?"

Shen Lin nodded: "After beating Sima Yue, I ran away. I'm afraid I'm about to enter Heishi Pass now, and I won't be given a chance to find a place with the Jianghu people."


Xi Tianshang rubbed his fingers, chatted for a few more words, and without wasting any more time, said goodbye, got up and flew away, changed his route and no longer went to Langxuan City, but went directly south to Liangzhou...

(End of this chapter)

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