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Chapter 301

Chapter 301

In the middle of the night, the weather became colder and there was a cross wind blowing on the hillside.

Ye Jingtang held the queen mother in his arms, half asleep and half awake, suddenly found that the hand holding the gap in the blanket was touched.

Then the cold right hand was held by the small hand, shrunk back a little, and was pulled into the fabric. The tentacles were warm, and the top of the tiger's mouth was as warm and soft as a warm water ball.

Ye Jingtang's hands were indeed a little uncomfortable from the cold, and he moved his palm up subconsciously, holding the warm tuan'er to warm his hands, but the person he was holding in his arms trembled slightly after that, and he naturally woke up.

Mountain wind hunting.

Ye Jingtang opened his eyes and looked around, only to find that frost had formed on his hair, and a layer of snow had fallen on the thick blanket covering his body, the temperature was frighteningly low.

However, the body was very warm, and even a little sweat broke out from the place where the two of them pressed against each other.

His hands were originally placed on the outside, pinching the edge of the blanket to prevent the wind from blowing in, but at this moment he reached into the slanted collar of the empress dowager's placket, warming his hands with a big ball...

Like him, the queen mother was wearing autumn clothes when she went up the mountain. The dark red cross-neck top was quite warm, but it was only a single shirt, with a silky bellyband inside.

The right skirt of the jacket is connected to the tie under the left rib, and the right side is indeed covered, but the left tuft is not covered by the right skirt.

Ye Jingtang stretched his right hand into his bosom and held it in his palm. Through the silky fabric of the apron, he could obviously feel the delicate and smooth skin.

? !
Ye Jingtang woke up immediately, and felt that something was wrong, and wanted to quietly pull out his hand.

But the two hugged each other, he held the warm ball in his hands, it was really not easy to withdraw his hands quietly...


The empress dowager just woke up and found that Ye Jingtang's hands were as cold as ice, she just wanted to put her hands in her bosom to help Ye Jingtang warm his hands.

Ye Jingtang suddenly became daring, reached up and grasped her vitals, she was too frightened to move, she just closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, as if she didn't know anything.

At this time, the cheek was pressed against the chest, and Ye Jingtang's heartbeat could clearly be heard changing, from 'plop~... plop' to gradually becoming 'plop plop plop...', beating very fast...

Did he move his hand...

what does he want to do...

The empress dowager huddled in the blanket like an ostrich with its head buried in the ground. She was so panicked that she was about to die. When she realized that Ye Jingtang was about to move her hands, she quickly hugged her a little tighter to prevent Ye Jingtang from getting too far.

But Ye Jingtang was speechless. He just wanted to move his hand away, but the empress dowager hugged him to prevent him from moving. For a moment, he couldn't help but doubt what the empress dowager wanted to do.

Ye Jingtang couldn't pull it out, didn't dare to ask, and didn't dare to pinch to test the reaction of the Empress Dowager, so he could only keep still and hold back.

There was no interference from foreign affairs in the ice and snow, Ye Jingtang was still very clear-headed, and his mind was still concentrated in the palm of his hand, and he couldn't separate it even if he wanted to be distracted.

Because of the special touch on the hand, the buttocks that were originally sitting in the arms gradually showed a heavy texture, and all the messy thoughts arose.

Ye Jingtang didn't know how long this stalemate lasted. He estimated in his heart that it took two quarters of an hour, and the palms of his hands were sweating, before there was any movement outside.


When Ye Jingtang was trying his best to calm down and concentrate, the roots of his ears moved slightly, and suddenly he heard a small sound coming from a distance.

And the birds standing guard on the rocks also emerged from the snow at this time.

The empress dowager was awake all the time, and when she heard the movement, she poked out her flushed cheeks from under the blanket. Before she could speak, Ye Jingtang pulled out the hand that had just touched grandma, and covered her mouth with warm With a three-point feminine fragrance.


The empress dowager had weird eyes, but she didn't say anything, she just looked around in confusion.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and although it was windy and snowy, the outline of the mountains could still be seen.

Ye Jingtang looked towards the source of the sound, and saw a horse rolling rapidly down from the top of Hidden Dragon Ridge, hissing along the way.

On the top of the ridge, there is still a man standing with his hands on his hips. Although he can't see his face clearly, he can feel the helplessness.

Ye Jingtang didn't see who was coming, but at this time, there was no one else who dared to look through the hidden Longling at night, except Xi Tianshang and Duan Shengji.

After the horse slid down the snow slope for more than ten feet, it stopped on a slightly flat place, and then turned over again.

The figure on the ridge just descended from the snow slope, picked up the luggage along the way, led the horse and continued to walk down, the direction should be the upper left.

There are not many routes down the mountain. Yejingtang originally took the gentlest route, but accidentally slipped down. The current position is about ten feet away from the route.

Ye Jingtang saw that he was alone, and he didn't run away with Mei at the moment, but leaned against the boulder and waited quietly...
clap clap-

It was windy and snowy on the top of the mountain, and one person and one horse walked down the steep mountain wall.

Xi Tianshang led the horse and walked down the steep mountain wall again. Compared with the high-ranking person who went up the mountain, Xi Tianshang was obviously a little more embarrassed.

The originally neat robes were tattered by gravel spears, and there were still a few cuts under the arm ribs. Although it was only a skin trauma that did not affect his movements, he really didn't look like a rampant peak warrior.

However, this is not because Xi Tianshang is not good at martial arts, but because his opponent is a bit too powerful.

Duanshengji was ranked fourth among the eight leaders in the Southern Dynasties. He was recognized as the No. 1 in the art of guns. He took two knives to single out and was not stabbed to death by a big gun, which is enough to show the hegemony of martial arts.

When the avalanche happened, Xi Tianshang had already found out that he had found the wrong person, but Duanshengji and Yejingtang were both from the Southern Dynasty. He was not sure about the relationship between the two, and if the other party attacked first, he would not stop.

But he didn't dare to stop, Duan ShengJi had the upper hand, and he wouldn't take the initiative to stop, so the two of them tripped each other, and finally they were both washed into the ravine by the avalanche; he used this to escape, Duan ShengJi naturally didn't chase after him again he.

Xi Tianshang is a pure Jianghu person, and has nothing to do with the Northern Liang court. Taking such a big risk to come here to assassinate, apart from the arrogance that he thinks he is "the number one in swordsmanship", there is also that Zuo Xianwang gave him a little bit-promise him After finishing the matter, give him a northern business route; by the way, after the snow lake flowers bloom in the past two years, give him some.

There is only one batch of snow lake flowers in 60 years, no matter where they are, they are absolutely hard currency, the kind that prisoners can avoid death if they find some.Xuehu flower is used as medicine, which can restore the martial artist whose meridians have been cut off, and can also repair hidden injuries caused by practicing kung fu, lay the foundation for apprentices, and so on.Regardless of whether it is useful or not, as long as there is a chance to get it, no one can refuse it.

According to Xi Tianshang's calculations, the purpose of Duan Shengji's presence here should be the same as his, to kill Ye Jingtang.After all, everyone in the northern and southern dynasties knew about the killing of the successor of the spear leader in the southern dynasties.

Xi Tianshang wanted to cooperate with Duanshengji, but he was afraid that this person would be unreliable, so he chose to act alone, groping in Hidden Dragon Ridge, to see if he could meet Duanshengji or Jiang Zhahu, and fight Ye Jingtang , so that he can be a fisherman.

Unfortunately, he was not so lucky.

The horse accidentally stepped on the air and slid down the mountain. He had just picked up the horse, and before he had walked a few steps, he suddenly heard a clear voice from the wind and snow:
"On a chaotic mountain and snowy night, a lonely stranger. We are both wanderers in the rivers and lakes. It is fate that you and I can meet here."

The fire breaks off, and a dim yellow light appears in the snowy night not far away.

Xi Tianshang's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he held the handle of the knife at his waist with his hand. He looked at the source of the fire with sharp eyes, but saw a person leaning on the snowy slope more than ten feet away.

The figure is wearing a bamboo hat and a black robe, dressed as a quack, with his right hand on his knees and his left hand around a long knife resting on his shoulders. All he can see is a stern profile face. He is sitting in a relaxed and calm posture. It seems to have been sitting here, waiting for friends from afar.

Although it was just a glance, Xi Tianshang knew that he had found the right person this time.

Swords and guns are just two kinds of weapons, but swordsmen and gunmen are completely two kinds of people.

Because the long gun is inconvenient to carry, it always occupies one hand, and most of the quacks who specialize in using guns are more pragmatic and have a strong desire to win.

And knowing that the gun is powerful and the sword is more handsome, those who choose to practice knives, most of them prefer the freedom of wandering in the rivers and lakes.

These are two completely different temperaments. Although the Jianghu guest in front of me is as sharp-edged as Duanshengji, he is obviously more floating, like a wild horse on the grassland or a lonely boat in the tide-I can drift aimlessly , but no matter who you are, don't want to change my forward direction even a little bit. This is the sharp edge exclusive to Jianghu swordsman.

Xi Tianshang, as the leader of the swordsmen in Beiliang, has seen too many swordsmen. At first, he thought that Duanshengji was better than Yejingtang, but now he found that Yejingtang seemed to be more pure than Duanshengji.


stomping on...

The reins were let go, and the horse ran away on its own.

Xi Tianshang stood on the snowy slope, facing the young swordsman under the stubborn rock, and said:

"As entrusted by someone, I came here to take your life, and I also decided on the way. Although I have never fought against Xuanyuan Chao, the two-foot plum around my waist was for him to practice. He is not my opponent. I heard that your The knife is very fast, I don't know if it can be faster than my Yuncang."

Ye Jingtang got up and put the fire folder on the rock, illuminating the surrounding square inch, stuck the spear at his side, and walked into the snow with the knife:

"I never thought that someone could beat me with a knife. You have to compare to know, which means you have no idea."


Xi Tianshang did not deny this, his figure was like a sharp knife inserted between heaven and earth, and he said instead:

"Kangyazi's knife is recognized as the fastest in the world, but if he misses it at the beginning, everything will collapse. It is not invincible."


After the words fell, the snowy slope fell silent.

The empress dowager hid behind the stone, obviously a little worried, but she didn't dare to interrupt.

The cloak on Ye Jingtang's body moved with the wind, and the chilong ring sword with brass patterns on his waist appeared and disappeared under the firelight.

Xi Tianshang's hat was slightly lowered, only his chin was exposed, and the tea-green sword Yun Cang at his waist looked like a slender willow leaf in Fengxue's eyes.


After the two sides confronted each other for a moment, the wind swept across, and the white horse behind snorted.

Xi Tianshang's hawk-like eyes moved a little towards the back of Ye Jingtang.

It is also at this time!

The flames on the rock were extinguished in an instant, and a radiant and cold light, like a startling white ground, shot to the snowy slope ten feet away in an instant.

Holding the three-foot silver blade upside down in his left hand, Ye Jingtang broke through the wind and left, bringing out a whirlpool of violently rotating snow in the wind and snow behind him.

Yun Cang unsheathed Xi Tianshang's waist almost at the same time, stepped back, drew the saber with his right hand, and intercepted the long saber that was slashing horizontally.

Ye Jingtang single-handedly slashed at Yun Cang, and the domineering energy was transmitted through the blade, instantly sending Xi Tianshang flying backwards.

Also at this time, Ye Jingtang put the saber in his left hand into his right hand, pushed the saber forward and slashed forward, with almost no gap, galloped out next to Xi Tianshang, the blade pressed to his chest.

But Xi Tianshang's expression didn't change a bit, while flying back, he threw out his left hand hidden under the cloak forward.


The cold light dances in the snowy night.

The silver two-foot short blade dragged the dark red silk rope, like a stripped cannonball, piercing Ye Jingtang's throat.

Even if Ye Jingtang knew about Xi Tianshang's methods, he was still not very good at parrying against this kind of unethical saber technique. When the flying knives came, he immediately forcibly stopped the knives and slapped them sideways.


Seeing this opportunity, Xi Tianshang landed on the ground with both feet unreservedly and erupted, his body pressed down like a dragon rolling on the ground, and Yun Cang cut his legs horizontally in his hands.


While the energy was raging, the snow all over the ground exploded directly, turning into a soaring white mist surrounding the two of them!

Ye Jingtang flicked off the flying knife, and the long knife stabbed down to stop the horizontal cut, but before the two knives met, he found that the red thread that passed by suddenly stretched, and the two-foot plum that shot out flew back at an astonishing speed , The sound of breaking wind hit the back of the neck.

call out--

Xi Tianshang's method is a standard one-handed method of breaking a gun, interfering with flying knives and axes, so as to take the opportunity to kill at close range.

Fighting long soldiers has miraculous effects, and fighting short soldiers is also useful.

But if the long soldiers are pressed against the face, they will be inconvenient to move and difficult to retract, while the short soldiers will not be affected by this.

Seeing the blades attacking from both front and rear, Ye Jingtang made a decisive decision, and threw the Chilong Saber forward with his right hand, turning into a whirling blade, and slashing straight at Xi Tianshang who was approaching on the ground.


A ray of sparks burst out in the snowy night.

Xi Tianshang raised his long knife and threw away the spinning sharp blade. Before he could return his hand to stab, he saw Ye Jingtang, who threw the knife with his right hand, and his left hand grabbed the two-foot plum that was coming from the circle. As for both eyes, bloodshot eyes appeared.

boom -

But in an instant, the black shadow, like a flood dragon running across the snow, brushed past Xi Tianshang with a bit of cold light, and came to the rear three feet away in an instant.

Xi Tianshang was lying in the snow, holding the knife in his right hand and resting on the back of the knife with his left hand, protecting his neck, and stopped in place.

The flashes of swords and swords on the snowy ridge came to an abrupt end at this moment!

In Jianghu, one inch is long and one inch is strong, and one inch is short and one inch is dangerous.

This "dangerous" refers to short-handed advances, which have to bear more risks, but also have the meaning of being flexible, light, and hard to guard against.

Ye Jingtang held the Chilong Saber within easy reach, so it was difficult to change it drastically, and the thin and short two-foot plum was just a longer dagger, and the attack direction was moved from the neck to the ribs, but in a flash.

Because the knife was too sharp, after the two sides paused for a few breaths, red blood seeped from the robes, staining the snow beneath them red.

tick tock...

Ye Jingtang's left hand holding the knife also dripped blood, but the injury was on the shoulder instead of the neck, so it was not serious.

Xi Tianshang's knife was under his ribs, although the two chi plums were not long enough to cut off his heart veins, they still cut off his ribs and blood flowed profusely.

Ye Jingtang picked up the two-foot plum wearing red silk and looked at it, then turned around and walked towards the Chilong Saber that was thrown out, and said:

"The knife technique is good, but knowing that I am faster, you shouldn't throw the knife when you meet me."

Xi Tianshang looked at the wound on his ribs, then slowly got up with a knife and pestle, the blood-stained Yun Cang knife pointed at the ground obliquely, and said:

"What a fast knife. Xi..."

Before finishing speaking, a voice suddenly sounded from the sky:


Then, on the distant ridge, there was also a loud explosion.


Looking from the corner of their eyes, the two saw a black figure holding a nine-foot spear, jumping out of the ridge from the wind and snow, and galloping towards this side.

Xi Tianshang, who had been severely injured and fell into a mortal situation, his eyes froze when he saw this scene, and his unfinished words became:

"Xi bid farewell!"

Then he turned around and ran towards Duanshengji's direction, stuffing the hanging medicine into his mouth while running.

Ye Jingtang didn't hold back his hand just now, but the two-foot plum was much shorter than the Chilong Saber, and it didn't hurt his heart. After passing by, he took the short saber, Xi Tianshang took the long saber, and turned back Making up the knife is a situation of short and long, chasing the poor, so he chooses to speak and pick up the Chilong knife that flies out.

At this time, Duanshengji suddenly came out to disrupt the situation, Ye Jingtang's eyes sank, and the two-foot plum shot out from his hand, stabbing Xi Tianshang, and at the same time he flew towards Chilongdao.


Sparks exploded in mid-air.

Xi Tianshang swung his knife backwards to pick up the two chi plums, then yanked the red silk back, and rushed forward to open the distance.

And Ye Jingtang flew up and pulled out the Chilong Saber, facing Duan ShengJi who was speeding towards him, he couldn't pursue and kill him, so he put the saber back into its sheath, hugged the Empress Dowager under the stubborn stone, and flew down the mountain.

Duan Shengji rushed over from the south slope when he heard the sound of fighting, and found that both Ye Jingtang and Xi Tianshang were defeated, so he naturally didn't miss this opportunity and accelerated to chase down the mountain.

While Xi Tianshang was running, he swallowed the life-hanging medicine whole, wrapped his cloak off the bleeding knife wound under his ribs, moved to the side of the hillside to keep a distance, and then turned around to chase after him, looking like he wanted to be a fisherman.

Duan Shengji didn't say a word, just galloped on the snow surface, galloping like thunder, bringing out a white snow mist behind him.


Three figures galloped back and forth.

The empress dowager was lying in her arms, and found that Ye Jingtang was holding someone, who couldn't run away from the gunman who was chasing him, and said anxiously:

"Leave me alone, throw me down, you first..."

"it is good."


Ye Jingtang ran a hundred feet, and realized that Duan Shengji couldn't run while holding someone in his arms. It was pointless to run like this, it was a waste of energy.Immediately put the empress dowager on the snow, let her slide down the snow slope, at the same time picked up the dragon firing gun, turned around and walked up the mountain, and said:

"You come!"

The shouts were like thunder, almost resounding through the mountains.

The empress dowager slid down the snow, her expression suddenly became anxious, she turned her head and said:

"The Nightmare Hall!"

The two people who were chasing down from the mountain saw Ye Jingtang suddenly raised his gun and turned around, they all braked suddenly and wiped a long groove on the snow slope.

Xi Tianshang was almost killed, so he immediately retreated and opened a distance.

But Duan Shengji stood on the spot holding his gun, looking at Ye Jingtang as motionless as a mountain.

Ye Jingtang wiped off the sweat from his face, held the Dragon Shot Spear obliquely and pointed it into the snow, strode up quickly, the tip of the spear drew a straight thin line on the snow, and said in a cold voice:
"You still dare to chase after me, shameless. If I hadn't brought someone with me, I would have killed both of you yesterday. You have the guts!"

Before Duan Shengji met Ye Jingtang, he really didn't expect the opponent to be so strong, even with a shoulder injury, he dared to turn around and face the two Wu Kui.

However, Xi Tianshang was seriously injured by a knife, and now he probably only dared to steal chickens from a distance, and it was impossible to rush forward. Currently, the two are still fighting alone.

Duanshengji could kill even Pei Yuanming, so how could he not do it? Seeing Ye Jingtang striding towards him, the spear vibrated lightly, and there was a loud 'buzz' sound, and then his figure rose into the sky, stabbing into the air with both guns in his hands. Down.


Ye Jingtang's eyes were as ferocious as a madman's, but his mind was quite calm and delicate. At the same time, he turned his body sideways and raised his gun to sweep across the spot like a king.

boom -

Qianzhang Xuepo was engulfed by energy, and immediately set off a ring-shaped snow wave.

Duan Shengji pierced the air with his spear, and was swept away by the Dragon Singing Spear, spinning in the air, without any confusion in his movements, he slashed the spear with his backhand, directly smashing Ye Jingtang's head.

Duan Shengji is without a doubt the leader in the art of guns, and his marksmanship has long been transcendent. It can be said that any moves of Ye Jing Tang are within the scope of his prediction.

But what Duan Shengji didn't expect was that Ye Jingtang didn't fight according to the normal way of thinking at all. He slashed down with a spear, and Ye Jingtang just tilted his head slightly, and then stabbed directly at the door of the heart with the green dragon's claws. Life for life.

boom -

The silent farewell spear slashed at Ye Jingtang's injured left shoulder, instantly creating a deep wound with bone visible, but it couldn't go down when it reached the bone.

Under the tremendous force, Ye Jingtang's smashed legs sank directly into the frozen ground, and the Dragon Spear with his right hand still stabbed out, instantly piercing a bloody hole on the side of Duanshengji's rib.

Duan Shengji frowned, and when Kong spun around to the ground, the spear pierced through the back of his waist like a snake, and then pierced Ye Jingtang's chest and abdomen.


The two-foot spearhead instantly pierced through the silver soft armor and even his chest, and was nailed to his ribs.

It wasn't that Ye Jingtang couldn't dodge, but he didn't dodge at all, his eyes were ferocious as if he didn't feel any pain, he grabbed the gun shaft with his left hand, pressed forward hard, and fired his dragon gun with his right hand to aim at the gate of life and stab repeatedly.

clap clap-

Duanshengji really didn't expect that Ye Jingtang would use this foolish way of fighting, the spear couldn't penetrate the jade bone, so he immediately grabbed the long spear that Ye Jingtang stabbed at, and pressed his feet hard on the ground, trying to kill Ye Jingtang. Hall down.


But Ye Jingtang was obviously not afraid of this, and exerted force at the same time, instantly bending the barrels of the two long spears, and relying on supernatural power, Duansheng Jibeng flew out instead.


Duanshengji was bounced away by a huge force, and a long trough suddenly appeared on the snow slope. Although his body was as motionless as a mountain, his eyes showed a three-pointed solemnity, obviously aware that Ye Jingtang's physical fitness was a little abnormal.

Xi Tianshang, who was watching from a distance, found that Ye Jingtang's physique was too domineering, and he could not die for a short time after the silence, so he immediately held two knives and moved to the back of Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang frowned, and immediately shot across the front and back at the same time.

But what he didn't expect was that just as Xi Tianshang made a move, a figure appeared from under the snow ridge again, like a tiger piercing through the forest, rushing towards this side.


The sudden appearance of an unexpected strong man shocked all three of them.

Xi Tianshang looked at him from the corner of his eye, and felt that his figure and imposing manner looked like Jiang Zhahu, the bandit leader of Liangzhou.

Jiang Zhahu only clashed with Ye Jingtang a few days ago, and the murderous direction at this time is also Ye Jingtang.

Seeing this, Xi Tianshang shouted loudly:

"Go together!"

Seeing the two outflanking the two, Duanshengji naturally didn't say much, and directly raised his gun and pressed forward.


Ye Jingtang stood on the snowy slope, and three figures galloped towards him from a distance. From a distance, it looked like three white dragons converging towards him.

The empress dowager, who had slipped far away, couldn't tell who was who. She only saw that the situation was not good, so she immediately got up and wanted to run up:

"The Nightmare Hall!"

As a result, before the words fell, there was a loud explosion on the mountain.

Jiang Zhahu, who was running wildly, looked at Ye Jingtang, just like looking at a scumbag who kidnapped his daughter and then abandoned him, his murderous aura made his heart palpitate.

But when he ran nearby, about seven or eight feet away from Xi Tianshang, Jiang Zhahu stomped on the ground with his right foot, and turned at a right angle. His punch also rushed out from his hand.

boom -

Jiang Zhahu specializes in boxing and kicking, and he is destined to suffer losses when fighting with weapons, but he can fight to the sixth place in the eighth class with his bare hands.

In fact, Xi Tianshang was wary, and when Jiang Zhahu's breath was wrong, he shot the two-foot plum in his hand and pulled back at the same time.


Flying to stab the chest and abdomen with precision, it was directly nailed to Jiang Zhahu's chest.

And Jiang Zhahu didn't block the flying knife at all, he punched out and was intercepted by Yuncang knife, he immediately turned his fist into a palm, pinched the thin blade, and rushed forward unabated, his shoulder directly hit Xi Tianshang's chest .

boom -

Xi Tianshang, who was already severely injured, could not withstand such a heavy blow. He flew out horizontally and shot towards the snowy ridge above, spurting out a mouthful of old blood in the air.

On the other side, Yejingtang had already rushed towards Duanshengji the moment Jiang Zhahu turned around.

But Duan Shengji was not stupid, seeing Jiang Zhahu turned his fist, he knew something was wrong, the forward figure suddenly stopped, and then flew back.

ding ding ding-

Ye Jingtang's gun was like a dragon pressing forward. Although he was chasing and shooting, it was really not easy to break Sheng Ji's gun. As long as Duan Sheng Ji didn't take the initiative to change it, it would be difficult for him to find a chance to make use of it in a short time.

And after the two sides fired several shots in a blink of an eye, there was a loud sound of "rumbling--".

Ye Jingtang's heart sank, and he looked from the corner of his eye, but saw Jiang Zhahu's slap against the mountain, knocking Xi Tianshang more than 30 feet away, and directly crashing into the rocky snow cliff.

Xi Tianshang's mouth was covered in blood, and before he got up, countless rock and ice bricks fell from the snow cliff, burying them in an instant, and then the blanket of ice and snow slid down from the top of the mountain.


Jiang Zahu originally wanted to make up the knife, but after running a few steps, he realized that something was wrong, and immediately flew back:

"Mr. Han is below, let's go!"

When Ye Jingtang heard that Jiang Zhahu's family members were still under the snow ridge, his expression changed immediately. After raising his gun to force them to retreat, he flew down the mountain and picked up the empress dowager.

But Duanshengji saw that the two were in the same group, and thought it would be difficult to pick two. He stood there with a gun and watched the two leave. Just before the avalanche crushed him, he flew back and jumped down the snowy ridge. Flying to the southeast...

(End of this chapter)

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