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Chapter 302 Lonely Candle Night Chapter

Chapter 302
The roar of the avalanche spread far and wide, and two figures flew down from the top of the snow.

Ye Jingtang fought fiercely again and again. Although the time was not long, the consumption was obviously not small. During the running, he was panting like a cow. The black robes did not seem to have changed much, but the blood oozed from the shoulders and chests soaked their bodies. clothes.

Because the left arm is inconvenient to carry the gun, it is inconvenient to run with someone in the arms, Ye Jingtang directly put the empress dowager on the right shoulder, put his arms around the bend of the leg, like a bandit snatching his daughter-in-law.

The Empress Dowager was lying on her shoulders, trembling from the bumped flowers and branches, but she didn't care about it at this moment, she turned her head and saw the shocking wound on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, she was terribly frightened, her face was as pale as paper, and said incoherently:
"The Hall of Nightmare...you..."

Ye Jingtang's injury wasn't fatal, but it couldn't be said to be light either. He was hit by a spear on his shoulder, which left a deep wound with bone visible, and his chest was also hit. , I'm afraid they have lost too much blood.

Because the nerves have not yet relaxed after the bloody battle, the pain is actually not strong, Ye Jingtang's expression is still quite calm, seeing the empress dowager crying in fright, he opened his mouth to comfort:
"I'm fine. I have a picture of bathing in fire. I'll bandage it later and keep it for a few days."

"It's my fault……"

The empress dowager's eyes showed deep guilt, and she wanted to raise her hand to cover her bleeding shoulder, but she couldn't reach her lying on her back.

And when she moved, Ye Jingtang noticed her full buttocks, rubbing back and forth on her face, holding her a little unsteadily, so she casually patted her buttocks with the barrel of a gun:
"Don't move."


The empress dowager was obedient and immediately stopped moving.


The snow covered the sky and covered the sky, and after sliding down for nearly two miles, it gradually reached the end of the crossbow.

Jiang Zhahu took his family back across the mountains and ridges, and at night they camped in the mountain depression on the north slope to rest.

Ye Jingtang ran to the top of the col, and found that the avalanche had gradually stopped and could not slide into the camp below, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down.

Jiang Zhahu arrived near Hidden Dragon Ridge last night. He was sleeping and suddenly heard the sound of fighting on the mountain. When he ran over, he found that Ye Jingtang was fighting two martial arts chiefs one by one. ask:
"Master Ye, what happened just now?"

Ye Jingtang panted like a cow and responded:
"King Zuoxian arranged for Xi Tianshang to take revenge. Duanshengji may have discovered my identity as Honghualou, and came to kill the grass and roots. The two of them collided somehow..."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was seriously injured, Jiang Zhahu didn't say much. After flying to the mountain depression, he brought Ye Jingtang to the old wizard Han Ting.

Although the avalanche did not slide down, the sound of landslides and ground cracks still scared more than a dozen people in the camp. They all ran to the high places on the hillside to hide, and turned back when Jiang Zhahu came back.

Ye Jingtang was helped by the queen mother into the temporary tent, and the old wizard Han Ting started to treat the wound, and he also talked about what happened in Langxuan City by the way.

Han Ting is the old national teacher of the Northwest Royal Court. After hearing about Sima Yue's rebellion and even Ye Jingtang's words to Wan Bu, he felt a lot of emotion and expressed a lot of his own opinions.

To sum it up, what Sima Yue said before his death is true. Northwest China produces a lot of minerals and medicinal materials, but the land is vast and sparsely populated, and living supplies are scarce. Whenever there is a disturbance, the ministries will start hoarding food for self-protection. They don’t know how to save it for their own benefit A powerful tribe cannot be passed down at all. For this reason, they can only share wealth, but cannot share adversity, and the Qin Chi tribe is planted here.

If you want to change, you can't follow the old road of Tianlang King. You have to use the power of the Northern and Southern Dynasties to completely recover the tribes in the West Sea, suppress the clan forces and split them into prefectures and counties. The power is concentrated in the hands of the imperial court, and then the north and the south allocate resources to solve the problem once and for all. The problems of the various ministries of the West Sea.

Ye Jingtang felt that these words made sense, but he was not good at them, so he just wrote them down seriously, and told the Empress when he went back later, and let professional people do these professional things.

The empress dowager stayed in front of her all the time, she couldn't bear to look at the bloody wounds, she silently helped to wipe the blood with a hot towel.

Niao Niao hadn't finished get off work yet, and after flying down from the mountain, he ran up the mountain with his two apprentices to find the lost horse. After all, the big white horse was not only expensive, but also fell to its death or was buried by an avalanche. Know where to find one and return it.

After the wound was treated briefly, Ye Jingtang got up and left, and came to a tent behind the station.
After working hard in the middle of the night, the eastern sky is already bright, and a faint golden glow can be seen faintly.

Ye Jingtang entered the tent, and the stern face that he had just sat down on the floor immediately dissipated, and he took a slight breath:

"Hey...I'll go..."


The Empress Dowager followed behind, seeing that Ye Jingtang's robe was torn open due to the treatment, leaving half of his shoulders exposed, she wanted to find a blanket to cover it.Seeing the calm and calm Ye Jingtang suddenly convulsed, he trembled in fright, quickly knelt down beside him, and wanted to turn his head and call the doctor again.

Ye Jingtang hastily pressed the empress dowager's shoulder:

"No, no, no, it's just a little painful and I can't hold it back, it doesn't matter."

The empress dowager was dubious, wanted to see the injury but didn't dare to touch it, just picked up the quilt and put it on Ye Jingtang's back:

"What are you holding back for? I thought you were fine... If I had known that I would have devoted myself to martial arts in the palace, if I practiced seriously, I would definitely be better than Shui'er now, and I wouldn't just drag you down... "

The Empress Dowager's talent is definitely not bad, not to mention her foundation and her teacher's inheritance. It's just her lack of practice that makes her look so weak.

However, Ye Jingtang still didn't believe in surpassing Master Xuanji. Of course, he didn't refute the Queen Mother, but said:

"It's never too late to learn kung fu. The age of talent and age determines whether a martial artist will go smoothly or not, but it is not all about martial arts. In the past, there were cripples, blind people, etc. in the world. Became a generation of grandmasters..."

While the two were talking, there was a noise outside the tent.

Ye Jingtang paused for a while, and regained his calm appearance. He turned around and saw the tent opened, and a young daughter-in-law of unknown family walked in with two sets of clothes:

"Jiang's sister-in-law asked me to send it to you. If it doesn't fit, tell me at any time, and I'll change it for you."

"Oh, thanks."

The empress dowager quickly took over the clean clothes, nodded her thanks, and after the young daughter-in-law went out, she turned around, looked at the thick robes, and then wanted to help Ye Jingtang untie her belt:
"Hurry up and change your clothes..."

It is definitely impossible for Ye Jingtang to let the queen mother wait on her. Seeing that half of her body is covered with blood, she said:

"I went out to change, and the empress also changed the clothes."

But before he got up, he was held down.

How could the Empress Dowager want Ye Jingtang to be exposed to the cold wind outside, so she wanted to go out to change it by herself.

But there are only a few temporary tents in the station, and it is impossible for each person to have a separate room. The tent she lives in is just vacated, and there is not even a small forest on the mountain, so she can't stand in the middle of the station to change clothes.

The empress dowager hesitated for a moment, then turned around:

"It's so cold outside, what are you going out for? Just change here, just don't look at it."

It was not easy for Ye Jingtang to stand in front of the big girl and the little daughter-in-law to change clothes, so he didn't insist on it at the moment, turned around, faced the empress dowager, and untied his belt:
"That's wronged my lady."

"Why are you wronged? I am the one who wronged you. I somehow caused you to suffer such a great crime..."

"What should come will always come, this has nothing to do with the empress..."

The empress dowager originally wanted to wait until Ye Jingtang finished changing, but she didn't want to be too delicate, so she made Ye Jingtang to toss about again. After a little hesitation, she also untied her belt:
"Don't look back, I will change it too."


While speaking, the cross-collared placket unfolded, revealing a pale gold apron embroidered with phoenixes, but because of the large curvature of the chest, it naturally became a fat phoenix, which probably weighed several catties.

Ye Jingtang saw that the Empress Dowager was also changing clothes, so naturally he didn't speak, put on his trousers several times, and sat on the spot with the quilt on, without daring to turn around, his eyes casually looked around, and suddenly found a candle on the side The oblique shadow cast by the fire.

Shadow straightened his upper body slightly, twisted his hands behind his back, pulled the tether away, and then the clinging fabric loosened, showing an upside-down jade bowl...

? !
Ye Jingtang coughed silently, and turned his gaze to the other side.


The empress dowager didn't wear much, but it was a bit cumbersome. After the top was unbuttoned, there was a pleated skirt underneath, and there was a leg ring on the right thigh with a dagger stuck in it.

The name of the dagger is 'Feng Dan', which is a birthday present from the real Xuanji, and the implication is naturally to give the empress dowager courage to defend herself.

But the Empress Dowager held it, and basically used it to peel fruits, and the leg rings were tied a bit high. If something happened in summer, the effect of pulling out the dagger is probably no less than that of the gangster's excitement fist.

The Empress Dowager first untied the leg rings, and then she took off the thin trousers. The tent was suddenly white, and the light from the candles was a little bit brighter.

She picked up the changed dress, took out the folded apron from inside, sized it up a little, and said unexpectedly:
"Jiangzhou's materials are quite particular..."

Ye Jingtang forgot about the pain in his shoulder, and responded casually:
"The wife of the head of the Hongshan Clan, if you put it in the rivers and lakes, she can be regarded as a person whose legs are weak even if she coughs, it is not uncommon for her to be particular about food and clothing."


The Empress Dowager unfolded the brand-new apron, put it on her chest, and was measuring the size. She never thought that there would be the sound of "tapping" footsteps outside the tent, and Madam Jiang's call:

"Niuniu! Come back!"

The empress dowager was so startled that she shrank her body, and quickly pulled up the quilt next to her to wrap her body, but found that the quilt could not be pulled, so she just turned around and rolled in, and then there was a "boom~"!
Ye Jingtang had wounds on his shoulders and arms, and was wearing a quilt instead of a shirt.

Footsteps came from outside, and he wanted to raise his hand to pull the curtain, but his right shoulder felt warm, and a cloud of fragrant wind hit him directly.

? !
Ye Jingtang froze, turned his head to look at the queen mother in disbelief, but saw that the queen mother's eyes were wide open, and she was also looking at him.

After the two looked at each other for a moment, it was the empress dowager who reacted first, but the action was not to separate, but to put her snow-white legs into the bedding, and the whole person shrank beside Ye Jingtang, tightly fitting.

At this time, the curtain of the tent was lifted a little bit, and a fat girl's head got in, looked around, and asked:
"Big brother, where's your big fat bird?"

It looked like Jiang Zhahu's daughter just woke up in the morning, when she heard him coming, she ran over to play with Niao Niao disobediently.

Ye Jingtang's face turned red for some reason, but his expression was still normal, and he smiled and said:
"I went out to look for a horse, and I'll ask Niao Niao to find you when I come back later."

"Thank you... ouch~"

Before the fat girl could finish speaking, she reached in with a hand, grabbed the ear and pulled the person out, and then there was a scolding voice:

"You want to rebel, don't you? If you run away without paying attention, how did your father teach you?"

"Mom, I was wrong..."


Naturally, the two people in the tent were not in the mood to listen to these words.

Ye Jingtang sat upright, not daring to move, only felt the right side of his body was warm, and the touch of smooth skin was transmitted to his body unreservedly.

In order to completely cover her body, the empress dowager put her left hand across Ye Jingtang's back and hugged her, her right hand pinched the quilt to protect her body, her cheek was pressed against her shoulder.And the broad mind, with the arms half-folded, must have been crushed.

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, probably because he was a little stimulated, and he didn't know what to say.

The Empress Dowager's face was as red as blood. After the fat girl left, her eyes began to flicker. She wanted to separate but didn't dare to move, so that the tent was almost still.


Ye Jingtang held back for a moment, feeling that the wound was about to burst open, he kept calm and said with a smile:

"Hehe, this girl is quite naughty... Your Majesty is not surprised, is she?"

The empress dowager's mind went blank, her face was bleeding red, she didn't dare to lift her eyes, and after holding back for a long time, she said in a loud voice:

"Bengong... I'm fine. You...you can turn around."


Ye Jingtang closed his eyes, turned his head to the other side, and then felt the softness on his arm, and slowly let go, Xiangruan slid out from his side.

The empress dowager didn't change her temper, she came out of the quilt carefully, put the apron that was a little tight on her body, and then put on the thin trousers, then she took a breath and said in a low voice:

"Hmm... I am the Queen Mother, the mother of a country. Don't tell anyone what happened today, or I... don't keep it in your heart if it's not right. If it's an accident, just pretend nothing happened..."

Ye Jingtang looked a little embarrassed, thought for a while and said:

"Of course I know this. I'm afraid that the Empress Dowager will remember it in my heart, and I will live in the deep palace in the future. I can't think about it..."

The empress dowager paused slightly, she wanted to say that she wouldn't take it to heart, but isn't this a lie.

She bit her lower lip lightly, didn't say anything, just put on her clothes and sat down again:

"All right."

Ye Jingtang looked back, and after making sure that the Empress Dowager's clothes were in order, he turned around:

"It's almost dawn. I haven't slept well these days. Let's make up for it. I'll be on guard."

The empress dowager's mind was full of the contact just now, and the blush on her face couldn't go away, but she looked like a mother's mother, she patted the pillow:

"You were seriously injured just now, hurry up and rest, I'm not sleepy, why sleep?"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't insist, he lay down on the floor, closed his eyes and rested.

The empress dowager sat sideways in front of her, looked at the peaceful Ye Jingtang, then turned her back and sat with her knees hugged, her eyes flickering.

Neither of them spoke any more, and the atmosphere was inexplicably weird...
On the other side, thousands of miles away.

The horse team protected the frame and crossed thousands of miles of Gobi at a much slower speed.

Dongfang Liren set off with the team, and only then entered Heishi Pass and returned to Honghe Town.

In the early morning, outside the bodyguard office in the old town, several court masters were patrolling outside the wall.

Dongfang Liren, who got up early, stood at the window of the room where the host was settling accounts, looking in the direction of Hongshan from a distance.

Baifa listened to Meng Jiao standing behind, holding the information collected by Heiya in his hand, and said:

"According to the report of the spies, a protector of Qianjimen in Beiliang seems to have entered the customs from Yazhou recently, and the purpose is not clear...

"The news about Langxuan City spread to the court of Beiliang, and there was a lot of reaction. I estimate that Beiliang will definitely send people to assassinate Ye Jingtang, otherwise the West Sea tribes will be a huge hidden danger, and they will never be safe..."

After Dongfang Liren listened for a while, he turned around and asked:
"How is the investigation on Duanbeiya?"

"The mine of Linwan Steel is controlled by General Wang's nephew. In recent years, there has been no problem with his whereabouts. The humble job is probably Duan Beiya, who used his mentorship to bribe the warehouse manager."

"How many people are related to Duanbeiya and serve in the Yazhou army?"

"There are quite a lot of people, but most of them are low-level military officers. There are six middle-level generals and no high-level officers. Even if they are all hidden piles, they can't cause too much trouble..."

Duanbeiya is a sect of Jianghu, with superb spear and club skills, but it can't teach the art of war. The disciples join the army. They start out as small officials, but the upper limit is only middle-level generals. What the commander requires is to be able to march and fight. Whether an individual knows martial arts is not important. Jianghu warriors have no advantage in this regard.

The commanders-in-chief of the various armies are basically monopolized by military families, such as the Wang family of the foreign relatives, the Qin family of Jiangzhou, the former Fu family of Liangzhou, etc., and outsiders may not necessarily command the troops.

After Dongfangli listened to the situation, he thought for a while and said, "Don't go out in the wind, so as not to startle the snake. After finding out about Duanbeiya, clean up these people. If there is a problem, it will be dealt with according to the law, and if there is no problem, it will be investigated." Go to Tiannan. Even if you can't interfere with military power, it is not a small trouble to be assassinated by a hidden stake..."



In the compound of the Escort Bureau, several chief arresters who got up early were doing morning exercises.

In the middle of the compound are the stone locks, wooden figures and other objects used by Ye Jingtang before. The impermanence of the iron arm, She Long, held the stone locks in each hand, and commented during the ups and downs:

"It's only eighty catties in total, Master Ye can use these things to become a martial arts leader?"

Shang Jianli beat the wooden man beside him, and said:

"Master Ye relies on comprehension, not death. The heavier the stone lock, the higher the martial arts. The number one in the world should be Tu Jiuji, and the amount of flesh is three of you..."

"It's also..."


And in the middle of the yard, there is a big iron pot with a fire burning underneath it, and iron sand in it, which was originally used by She Long to practice.

At this time, Zheyunli, who was dressed as a little heroine, rolled up her sleeves, strided beside her, raised her breath with both hands, it looked like she was about to fry iron sand.

Pei Xiangjun stood beside him holding a big gun, a little funny, and whispered:

"There is an old saying in Jianghu, 'Put on the thickest armor and receive the most vicious beating'. Those with rough skin and thick flesh can bully ordinary people, but when you meet masters, you will basically be beaten one-sidedly. You should learn how to shoot with your aunt. It’s not good to cure all the gaudy, delicate skin and tender flesh, and get calluses on your hands.”

Zhe Yunli suddenly wanted to practice She Long's 'Double Buddha Arms', because when she came back, she saw She Long teasing the wild dogs in the town, and stretched out her arms to let them bite, and then the wild dogs swallowed them down, shutting themselves up on the spot !

She thinks this kung fu is so domineering and wants to learn it.

But horizontal kung fu is absolutely hard kung fu, after practice, it must be five big and three thick, and it will bear two big slaps with rough skin and thick flesh, which is really unattractive to put on a little girl.

After Zhe Yunli gestured aggressively for a long time, he felt that marriage was more important than teasing wild dogs, so he returned the iron pot to She Long, and went to Aunt Pei to show his marksmanship:

"Master said that top masters all use swords."

"What do you know, mistress? People don't carry weapons anymore, so they only carry a sword on their body. What they carry is not a weapon, but a 'gentleman's weapon', which can kill people and also alert themselves. Your mistress wears a sword. All that’s left is to remind myself that fighting is fighting.”

"Huh~ Master's wife will be so angry that she won't be able to eat for three days after hearing this... I think the knife is more powerful."

"It's the same with the sword. In the last years of the Yan Dynasty, the heroes of the imperial city fought in chaos. Those who were so powerful and so holy, their names were so loud, and the weapons that emerged were longer than each other. Kuangyazi is a real person, and he really used a knife to charge I went in, but I was shot three times and almost crippled, and I took off all my clothes before barely escaping..."

"And this thing?"



And inside the gate with the words "Ginghe Bodyguard Bureau" hanging, the real Xuanji was wearing a white dress, sitting on the steps, drinking morning wine in a leisurely manner.

Fan Qinghe, who was dressed as an exotic beauty, sat beside him, propped his face on his hands, and looked at the far west.

After the matter in Langxuan City was over, the Queen Mother fainted. As a goddess doctor, Fan Qinghe was supposed to accompany her, but there was only one good horse, which couldn't carry three people, so she, Prince Jing and others followed behind.

Before leaving, Granny Gui explained that Ye Jingtang had helped the ministries a lot, and she had the ability and courage to lead the ministries, so she was asked to maintain the relationship so that they would not become estranged over time.

Fan Qinghe was used to floating outside and was also very grateful to Ye Jingtang. He was naturally unwilling to come out and run around with him impartially, but there was a witch beside Ye Jingtang who made her unable to clean up!
Fan Qinghe had just looked at the distance for a while, when the real Xuanji next to him asked:
"Hehe, what are you looking at? Miss a man?"

Fan Qinghe came back to his senses, frowned and said:
"What man do I want?"

Master Xuanji raised her slender eyebrows: "You were in Langxuan City a few days ago, holding Ye Jingtang in your arms and crying, thinking that afterward you pretended nothing happened and passed by?"

Fan Qinghe did hug her, but it was thanks, and he didn't feel inappropriate in his heart. Seeing that Xuanji made fun of her, he said confidently:

"So what if I hug you? You haven't hugged me?"


Master Xuanji was taken aback for a moment, and rarely sat upright:

"Have I ever hugged you?"

"That's it, you little girl who has never been hugged by a man, what are you joking about here like a married woman?"

Master Xuanji secretly breathed a sigh of relief, returned to his idle appearance, and said casually:
"Seven emotions and six desires are human nature. I am afraid that you will not be able to do what you want because of the secular etiquette, so I just give you advice."

"I need your advice?"

When Fan Qinghe said this, he became interested, and asked again:
"By the way, you are so coquettish, have you never even hugged a man?"


Immortal Xuanji was not very good at answering this question, so the fairy got up slowly and said:

Then walked to the backyard.

Not to mention, Fan Qinghe was really taken aback by this look of a disillusioned and enlightened god.

Fan Qinghe held back for a long time, but refused to answer, and began to wonder whether the teasing of the demon girl just now really meant something else...



Thank you [Touch Flower,] boss for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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