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Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Before I knew it, the sky was bright.

In the resident outside, the horses had already been found, and Niao Niao was carried on the head by the fat girl of the Jiang family and ran around. Because the little girl had a lot of snacks, Niao Niao was not unhappy, and even "grrrrrrrrr~" accompanied the people The family had a great time.

There was no sound in the tent, the empress dowager was lying on her side on the floor, she still put a thin quilt on her body because it was really cold, and kept a distance of two feet from Yejingtang, the blush on her face was still there , I don’t know how many times I have recalled the scene just now in my mind.

Growing up so big, the empress dowager naturally fantasized about intimate scenes with men. After reading the secret history of the empress dowager, she often had such dreams.

But because there is no actual combat experience, dreaming is just like that.

And just now when he was naked on the man's body, the feeling was like being struck by lightning. The feeling of his strong arms and his broad chest was something that people couldn't forget, and even now he could feel the strangeness in his chest.

Just post it like this, if it's as offensive as the book, I'm afraid I'll really roll my eyes...

The empress dowager's eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking in a mess. When she found that her thoughts were too wandering, she stopped her thoughts and looked back.

Ye Jingtang was lying flat on the pillow behind his back, he was already asleep at this moment, his face was as cold as ever, but his eyes were moving slightly, as if he was dreaming.

The empress dowager was a little curious, turned over, looked up at Ye Jingtang, wanted to see what dream Ye Jingtang was having, but found that the thin quilt covering Ye Jingtang's body only covered his chest, and his neck and shoulders were leaking. Outside.

The empress dowager blinked her eyes, probably because she was afraid that Ye Jingtang would be cold, so she lifted up the quilt and wanted to cover Ye Jingtang's armpits.

As a result, Ye Jingtang in front of him may have mistook her for the naughty person next to him when he was sleeping. As soon as she stretched out her hand, her wrist was held, and then he hugged her in his arms.

Suo Suo~
The empress dowager was caught off guard and stuck in her arms, her eyes widened a little, seeing that Ye Jingtang was just a natural reaction to hugging a daughter-in-law in her sleep, and she was not blatantly offensive, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She bit her lower lip lightly, and carefully wanted to move it away, but Ye Jingtang was still hugging her tightly. After several failed attempts, she could only poke Ye Jingtang's chest with her fingers:
"The Nightmare Hall?"


Ye Jingtang didn't know when he fell asleep, he was dreaming in a daze, and found a caring wife beside him to help cover the quilt, so he hugged him naturally.

Hearing the call, Ye Jingtang only reacted, and in a blink of an eye, he saw the embarrassing empress dowager, her eyes slightly startled, and her hands loosened a little:

"Uh... why did I fall asleep, then what..."

The empress dowager has gotten used to being hugged these few days, so she didn't care too much, she just continued to cover him with the quilt and moved it out:

"You go on sleeping, I just see that you are cold, and help you cover the quilt."

Ye Jingtang is in someone else's camp, why not sleep all the time and let a dozen or so people outside wait, when he wakes up, he sits up and puts on his outer robe:

"I still have to go back to Zanglongling during the day. It's not good to delay for a long time. There will be plenty of time to rest when I go back."

When the empress dowager heard that she was about to return, her eyes moved for some reason, she bit her lower lip and said nothing, she just sat up and helped Ye Jingtang put on his robe.

After Ye Jingtang tidied up a bit, he got up and walked out of the tent, and came to the station outside.

In the station, several tents have been put away, and some family members are packing up and saluting, preparing to climb the mountain to find Longling.

Jiang Zhahu changed into a new robe, and stood on the cliff with his hands behind his back, overlooking the wind and snow of thousands of mountains; while the little girl hugged the big bird and ran around playing around.

Ye Jingtang tidied up his clothes a bit, came to him with a saber hanging from his waist, and looked towards the mountains beyond the cliff:

"Thank you, Gang Leader Jiang, for your help yesterday. Gang Leader Jiang is a good person, so he can be called a great rider. It's a pity to be a king of the mountain in Hongshan. If you want, I can ask the Holy Lord on your behalf to give Gang Leader Jiang an official identity."

Jiang Zahu knew that Yejingtang was giving him a way to go ashore in vain, so he shook his head and said:

"Liangzhou is too barren. The eighteen villages in Hongshan rely on selling goods from the north to the south to earn money, and take refuge in the government to put down their old business. They can't find a legal way of making money to fill the vacancy.

"Even if the Eighteen Villages switch to a serious business, there will be new caravans to fill the holes in the smuggling business. As long as there is demand, there will be supply. I can't kill the Hongshan Gang by recruiting me alone. I don't care about fame and fortune. Interested, thank you for your kindness."

Ye Jingtang grew up in Liangzhou, and he knew this was the truth. If he wanted to destroy Liangzhou bandit gangs, he had to feed people first, otherwise killing a bunch of them would pop up, and the stricter the management, the caravans would turn into gangsters , It won't make the situation better, and I just sigh softly when I see this.

Jiang Zahu took out a wooden box from his sleeve and handed it to Ye Jingtang:
"Last time in Duolan Valley, I have already said that the Golden Scale Map will be given to Master Ye, and I will settle both grievances and grievances."

Ye Jingtang took the wooden box, thought for a while and said:

"Since the imperial court has made a promise, it will keep its promise. Chief Jiang can come to the capital at any time to learn the Jade Bone and Dragon Elephant Drawings, and he can also bring his daughter with him. I can ensure that Chief Jiang can come and go freely. This is the favor of last night. .”

Jiang Zhahu really wanted the jade bone map, but he didn't want to owe favors to the imperial court and Ye Jingtang, so he never took this promise to heart.

But hearing Ye Jingtang speak so boldly, let him practice all his muscles, bones and skin, and brought his daughter along, Jiang Zhahu's expression changed a little, and he coughed lightly and said:

"Two for one, and four with the girl, it seems that I deserve it..."

Having said that, Jiang Zahu turned around and came to the place where the luggage was piled up, took out a horse spear and a book from it, and handed them to Ye Jingtang:

"This 'Zhu Ri' is a family weapon of the Qinchi family. This book is the family martial arts of the Qinchi family. Its method is special, and it matches the physique tempered by Tianlangzhu. legal support.

"Master Ye is a descendant of the Qinchi tribe. These should belong to you. I have kept these things for more than [-] years, until today they have been returned to their original owners. It is a bit of hard work. Master Ye is so generous, it should be reciprocated. gone."

Ye Jingtang didn't have much interest in Ma Qian, but it was impossible not to do without the martial arts that matched Tianlangzhu, so he immediately took the things over, cupped his hands and said with a smile:
"Yun Shui's old friend is farewell, and we will be separated for the time being. There are still friends waiting outside the mountain, and Ye Mou is not bothering. When we meet again in the capital next time, I will definitely invite Gangzhu Jiang to Jinpinglou for a good drink."

When Jiang Zahu heard the famous Jinping Tower in Fengyuechang in the capital, he subconsciously looked at his wife in the distance from the corner of his eye, cupped his hands and said:

"If the green hills don't change and the green waters flow forever, we'll see you again in the capital. But forget about the Jinping Tower. Those who have wives and daughters are not good enough."


At the same time, Yunan.

Thousands of mountains are already covered with snow in the northwest, but Yunzhou, which is located in the Central Plains, is in the cool autumn season.

In the imperial city, the thousand-year-old ginkgo tree canopy covers the sky and the sun, and sprinkles golden leaves all over the ground between the palaces and pavilions.

In the faint autumn, several court ladies dressed in colorful clothes stood gracefully in the imperial garden.

Wearing a black and red dragon robe, the empress of Wei, her cheeks restored to the bright color of the past, stood in front of the picture table with her hands on her sleeves, facing the ginkgo tree of Fushou Palace to outline the autumn scenery.

Behind the back, several courtiers bowed and stood quietly, and the chief senior minister said respectfully:

"Yesterday, Foreign Envoy Jiang from the foreign embassy came here specially to question my court's intentions... The Northwest Royal Court used to be the confidant of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but now the orphan of the royal family is in our Great Wei, and has become the "Marquis of Wu'an" proclaimed by the Holy Majesty ’, Beiliang will definitely think that our dynasty is preparing to support the royal family outside and rob the sovereignty of the West Sea territory..."

The empress's reaction was very flat: "Wu Aiqing thinks how to deal with this matter?"

"Hmm... From what I've seen, Ye Jingtang's title award can be temporarily revoked, as if he doesn't want to raise a tiger as a threat, lest Bei Liang overreact..."

The golden pen was thrown aside, and the words stopped immediately.

The empress stood up straight, picked up the ghost painting talisman to appreciate, and said plainly:

"If I remember correctly, Wu Aiqing's family has a long history. Thousands of years ago, she was the queen of the Northwest court. Shall I take off your official hat, so as not to raise tigers and be afraid of Beiliang?"

The old courtiers were suddenly dumbfounded.

The aristocratic families of the northern and southern dynasties all migrated from the Red River Basin without exception, and ordinary people were the same. According to the calculation of the empress, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were all remnants of the northwest royal family, and no one was innocent.

The old courtier at the head was a little embarrassed, thought for a while and said:

"The old minister is guilty. However, the lineage of King Tianlang destroyed the country 20 years ago. Ye Jingtang is the crown prince, and he even killed King Gouchen in public. He said that he would be the backing of all the tribes in the West Sea..."

"The Northwest Royal Court will be destroyed when it is destroyed. Ye Jingtang was born in Great Wei, and he is a citizen of our Great Wei. He has no intention of rebuilding the royal court. He is my Great Wei's foreign envoy. Zuo Xianwang assassinated my foreign envoy. He can't A tooth for a tooth with two harsh words?"


The empress handed the scroll to the maid for mounting, and then continued to pick up the brush:

"The Northwest royal court is a thing of the past, and Ye Jingtang's ability is obvious to all. If our court treats Bei Liang badly because of Bei Liang's attitude, it will be tantamount to breaking his arms and forcing away good ministers and good generals; both the Northern and Southern Dynasties are hostile. What else can the ministries do to rebuild the royal court?
"People are under my control. Not only can I not be ignored, but I have to reward them heavily. I won't miss my ancestor's throne when I reward Ye Jingtang, and cherish the fame and fortune in Wei. Only in this way can I let him have his heart in Wei and won't think about leaving. Get your hands on the western frontier of Beiliang. Do you think so?"

A few old officials thought about it, and felt that this statement should be enough to prevaricate the Beiliang foreign envoys, so they said:

"Dare to ask Your Majesty, how should I reward you?"

"Conferring Duke Wu'an, granting the land in the west of Zezhou a county as a feudal state, and hereditary will live the same life as the state. With this feudal title, Ye Jingtang will definitely not miss the poor and remote areas in the northwest, and Bei Liang can rest assured."


The old courtiers were visibly shocked when they heard this.

After all, since the founding of the country, the highest reward other than the royal family is the Marquis, and at most he can be granted the title of Duke after his death; there are only a few hereditary Dukes in existence, and they were all obtained in exchange for their lives when the country was founded.

Moreover, the feudal painting is in the fertile land of Zezhou, and the treatment is comparable to that of a prince. Anyone who sees it will be jealous.

But let’s not talk about Ye Jingtang’s other abilities, as long as the Great Wei retains people, if it expands its territory in the future, Ye Jingtang can single-handedly pull up a fearsome army in the northwest by relying on the prestige of the Northwest royal court. Well, Da Wei Bai picked up such a big bargain, and only gave it to one county, and even felt a little bit wronged by Ye Shizi.

It stands to reason that he should directly confer the title of 'Tianlang King', treat the sandbar as a fief, and squat behind the asses of the various tribes in the West Sea.

However, with such a blatant output of riding on the face, Beiliang is determined to fry the pot. As long as Ye Jingtang will surrender, the control of the West Sea will be automatically transferred, and the two countries will definitely fight.

Several officials thought about it for a moment, and felt that there would be no idiots objecting to this reward, so they didn't ask any more questions, and the leader turned and said:

"I heard that His Highness King Jing appreciates Ye Jingtang quite a lot. Prince Jing is past the age of marriage, so he has to choose a son-in-law; and Ye Jingtang is a double-edged sword. If you can't control it, you may hurt yourself in the future. What the old minister sees is not as good as..."

The empress paused for a while, and thought for a while:
"I'll let Prince Jing come back to decide on this matter. You guys go down first."

A few old courtiers actually wanted to suggest that the empress should take Ye Jingtang into the harem and make her a concubine Ye.

In this way, the two gave birth to Longzi, who was the sole heir of the Great Wei and even the various tribes of the West Sea, which was in line with the legal system in every respect.

However, the female emperor is a daughter, and there are great differences in this matter, and several people dare not speak indiscriminately, but just bowed:
"The old minister resigns..."

hoof clack hoof clack——

In the blink of an eye, it was already night, and the white horse left the rolling mountains and set foot on the endless Gobi once again.

A light snow fell on the grass-yellow Gobi Desert, and the cold wind swept over the face, blowing the black cloak and the white feathers of the birds.

Ye Jingtang was riding on a horse, and it was agreed in advance to meet up in Honghe Town, and if there were no accidents, he would arrive tomorrow night.

The empress dowager was still sitting in front, surrounded by Ye Jingtang's arms, looking forward, her familiar face seemed peaceful, but her eyes were somewhat lonely, and the smile she had when she came over was gone.

When an accident happened on the snow mountain, the empress dowager blamed herself very much, and wished she could return to a safe and peaceful place immediately.

But on the way home, the Empress Dowager couldn’t be happier, because the way ahead is clear at a glance—back to living alone in the Fushou Palace, repeating the same day day and night, without danger or warmth , these unforgettable few days have completely become the past, and may also be the last unforgettable memory in this life.

The empress dowager has lived in the palace for ten years, and she has already lived through that kind of life. At this time, when she stepped into the dust, she even felt chills on her back and restless. Leaning in the arms of a man, she felt an urge to say something:
"Jingtang, don't send me back, okay?"

But as the empress dowager, she obviously couldn't say that.

Ye Jingtang is destined to go back, but if she doesn't go back, where can she go?

The empress dowager was so upset, she bit her lower lip tightly, her eye circles turned red after the horse speed increased, she let the cold wind and snowflakes hit her cheeks, she wanted to stay awake, but she couldn't hold back her almost collapsed heart mood.

Ye Jingtang drove the horse forward and didn't notice anything wrong at first, but after walking for a while, he found that his hand was a little warmer. He looked down and saw it was a teardrop. He frowned, slowed down the horse, and tilted his head to look at it. :


"Broken Palace..."

The empress dowager wanted to speak, but her voice was broken, so she pressed her lips together.

Ye Jingtang felt that the Empress Dowager's body was trembling slightly, and after thinking about it for a while, she understood why the Empress Dowager was like this.

This is the same as a child who has lived under the fence since childhood and has suffered from a long-term repressed life. After going out to experience a few days of happy life, it is the same as returning to that cold hell all of a sudden.

Children who have been happily under the care of their parents since childhood will never experience the helplessness and despair that go deep into the bone marrow.

Ye Jingtang had never experienced it before, but he could feel that feeling. After a moment of silence, he comforted him:
"It's nothing. I don't want to leave my mother behind when I go back. In the capital, I go to the palace every day. The real Xuanji is there, and she takes you around every day; when the real Xuanji is not, I can also take my mother out for a run. It's not the same as before. As long as If Master Xuanji is not around, you can't go out."

The empress dowager's eyes were red, and when she heard the soft words in her ears, her lips moved, she wanted to say a lot, but in the end she could only choke out one sentence:

Ever since Ye Jingtang first entered the palace and saw the Queen Mother, he has always felt distressed.After all, the queen mother is different from all the girls. She seems to have everything, but she does not have the simplest freedom. Living in a colorful world, she is destined to be black and white.

The Queen Mother looks childish, or mischievous, but what can she do?
Putting it in another way, if Ye Jingtang faced the palace wall for ten years, he might be like a fool when he met an ant one day, and he would look around for a long time like a fool. He could remember a greeting from outside the wall for several years.

Regardless of whether the Queen Mother herself is in danger or not, it is true that she jumped up to shield him from hidden weapons in Yutan Villa, and it is also true that she took out the bathing fire map that has been treasured for many years to treat his injuries afterwards. She may not have any thoughts about him, but she must have He became the one who greeted him outside the wall.

When Ye Jingtang came out this time, they faced each other day and night, knowing how happy the empress dowager was, so he didn't want to let the queen dowager who had nothing to endure the unbearable loss because of his own hesitation.

Ye Jingtang wrapped his cloak a little tighter, hugged the Empress Dowager and said affirmatively:
"Really. If your mistress can sacrifice herself to block a hidden weapon for me, then no matter what your identity is, I will care about your empress as much as I care about my true love."


The empress dowager curled up in her firm embrace, the depression in her eyes dissipated, and turned into complex and weird. After holding back her lips for a long time, she whispered:

"You mean what you say. I have given you the picture of the palace bathing in fire, and there is nothing else."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, let out a soft "drive--" and sped towards the east.


The biting cold wind came with snowflakes on the face, but the Empress Dowager felt that it was not as cold as before, and even felt a little like a spring breeze.

After a long silence, the empress dowager found that Ye Jingtang's hand holding the cloak was freezing cold, she pinched the cloak after thinking about it, and stuffed her big hand into her bosom to warm her hands.


Ye Jingtang's right hand was stuck under the warm tuan'er, his originally peaceful expression became weird.

In a world of ice and snow, two people and one horse.

In an undisturbed environment, facing the caring hand-warming baby in front of you, it is not so easy to abide by the way of a gentleman.

After a moment of silence, Ye Jingtang moved his fingers subconsciously, but stopped immediately.

The empress dowager bit her red lips lightly, looked at the boundless snowstorm, felt Ye Jingtang's small movements, but said nothing.

After all, she is Qin Huaiyan only at this moment and here, and when she returns to the palace, she becomes the empress dowager.

How many times can such a bold and presumptuous move be repeated in a lifetime?

After holding back for a long time, the empress dowager quietly moved her arms up a little:

"You are young and full of energy, I don't blame you. You can do it here, but you won't be allowed when you go back."


Ye Jingtang held the warm ball and wanted to say a few words, but after a long time of deliberation, he couldn't think of the right words. The hand that was originally crumpled slowly relaxed under the bumping of the horse and in the warm embrace, and finally it was five fingers. Zhang He, exercise your muscles a little...

hooves, hoofs...

The sun sets and the mountains are far away, and the wind and snow return home at night.

The two of them galloped across the boundless wilderness. The man's eyes were focused, as if he was thinking about something very big.

The woman huddled in the cloak, her face was flushed, her eyes flickered, and she pretended to be looking at the scenery.

And Niao Niao, who has been busy for several days, is sleeping in the bag next to the horse, not knowing whether he is alive or dead...

(End of this chapter)

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