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Chapter 304 Huh~

Chapter 304 Huh~
Hongling Villa, Layang County, Yazhou.

Hongling Villa is built on the cliff. Although the cliff is steep, the top of the mountain is extremely flat. The Qingjiang River makes a sharp bend from the bottom of the cliff. When the boat passes through this place, it looks like the cliff cut off the river from a distance. The name of Longtai.

At noon, countless river and lake tourists who came from afar, took a boat through the winding river road between the steep cliffs, stopped under the Duanlongtai, and went up the cliff along the road.

In the middle of the river, a black-covered boat went down the river, and two women who had traveled a long distance stood side by side on the bow of the boat, looking up at the top of the Broken Dragon Terrace.

Luo Ning was still dressed in Tsing Yi, but in order to keep out the cold, she wrapped it in a cloak, stood on the bow of the boat and looked at it with a telescope, wondering:
"What is Hongling Villa doing? Mr. Chu is celebrating his birthday?"

"Chu Hao is more than 50 this year. He won't make such a big show when he celebrates his birthday. It seems that he is marrying a new daughter-in-law..."

"Look at them, marrying a daughter-in-law is like a martial arts conference. When I went to Nanxiao Mountain, you only made two red candles. I wrote the happy words. You can eat a table of dishes, and I have to come." After tidying up and washing the dishes, I have to put Yunli to sleep..."


Xue Baijin wore a bamboo hat and was dressed like a quack, looking very chivalrous. Hearing Ning'er's complaint, he frowned:
"Back then in Nanxiao Mountain, you felt awkward and unwilling to make a big fuss; I'll get you a table of dishes, but you want to be a vegetarian, and now you blame me for treating you badly? What did Night Jingtang do to you?"

Luo Ning's lips moved, which seemed to mean——Although Jingtang hasn't done a big job yet, at least the wedding night is going to be fucked...

However, Luo Ning would definitely not be able to say such a nasty thing. After a few random words, she changed the subject and said:
"Chu Hao is also considered an old man in the world. His son is getting married. You passed by and saw it. Why don't you go up and see?"

After Huang Mingshan and Ye Jingtang parted ways, Luo Ning followed Xue Baijin back to the original place of no return and continued to search for the whereabouts of Yuxi and Tianzijian.

Xue Baijin speculated from the Xiaoshan Fort sign that Xiao Zu should have climbed the Tianzi Sword and other things first, and went back not to find clues, but to study the special sword mark.

The sword mark's attainment is so high that even she feels that it is unmatched. In her opinion, the only person with such attainment in the world is Fengguancheng.

But when Fengguancheng's martial arts were similar to hers, he had already been imprisoned in Yangshan, and never left Tiannan after that. It is impossible to run away and leave a sword mark to recall the past.

In history, there were not many people who were close to Fengguan City. In addition to finding the sign of Xiaoshan Fort, it is easy to think that the owner of the sword mark is Xiao Zu who ruled the rivers and lakes in the early days of Dayan.

But according to the records of Jianghu, when Xiao Zu went to sea to visit immortals in his old age, he was not as powerful as Fengguan City, and at most he was at the level of an invincible one-on-one opponent in the world.

Fengguan City is so strong that "one person can stand in the world, and all martial arts in the world are second-rate". There is no martial arts of the same level in the world, and it is a whole rank higher than Xiao Zu.

If the sword mark was left by Xiao Zu, it can only be that after Xiao Zu went to sea to visit the fairy, he did not die, but lived in seclusion in the city and continued to improve his martial arts.

There is nothing wrong with this inference, but what Xue Baijin couldn't figure out was the wine jars under the stargazing platform that spanned three dynasties.

If it was Xiao Zu who left the sword mark, then it should be that after he became famous, he came to recall the past when he encountered treasures and soared to the sky when he was young.

There is no need to specifically tell future generations to bring a jar of wine to sit for a while every 100 years for such a fart thing.

Without specific instructions, how could there be three people, separated by a hundred years, but at the same time brought the wine jar and ran to the old observatory where there was nothing?
Xue Baijin couldn't figure out what was going on, but felt that there was definitely a lot involved behind this matter, so he immediately set off and turned back, preparing to go to Jiangzhou to investigate Xiaoshan Fort.At this time, it was going down the Qingjiang River, just passing Duanlongtai.

The Hongling Mountain Villa in Duanlongtai is the hilltop of Chu Hao, the king of the North Cliff Spear.

Chu Hao was already a strong contender for the top gun 20 years ago, and he was not injured or suffered major changes since then, but his voice was too domineering, so he retired early and became a senior in the world, out of sight.

According to Xue Baijin's estimate, after so many years, Chu Hao must have stepped into the realm of the unity of man and nature, and he did not become the eighth leader only because "Wu Wu is the second", the world cannot have two gun leaders at the same time, Chu Hao specializes in guns , in the case of being unable to break the silence, one can only keep a low profile.

Although Chu Hao has already stated that he will no longer interfere with the affairs of the Jianghu, and has passed on the position of the owner of the village to his son, but the seniority is here, and it is impossible for the Yazhou Jianghu to lose face. up.

As the leader of Pingtian, Xue Baijin condescended to congratulate Chu Hao, which was obviously not in line with the rules of the world. When Ning'er asked if he wanted to go up and sit down, he shook his head and said:

"You can't get red things without invitation, and white things come uninvited. Hongling Villa has no invitations, what are we going to do?"

Luo Ning only mentioned it casually, and didn't say much when she saw this. After looking at Duanlongtai for a while, she looked at a small boat that had just docked.

On the boat was a young man in his early twenties, with a handsome face, but he was drunk. After the boat docked, he staggered onto the shore, looked up at the towering rocky cliffs, and then joined the crowd going up the mountain.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ning frowned and said, "That young man doesn't seem to have the right demeanor, he doesn't seem to be here to congratulate him."

"What do you do with so many nosy things? It's hard to calculate the grievances and grievances in the world. It's rare for such a big sect to have few people messing up."

Luo Ning thought about it, put down the binoculars, turned the sharp bend in the black-covered boat, and headed downstream...

The further southeast you go, the warmer the weather becomes.

Yejingtang galloped day and night, and after crossing the Desolate Bone Beach, the original cold wind turned into a cool autumn wind, and the snow-white land turned into a withered yellow Gobi again, giving people a sense of time going backwards in a trance.

Seeing that there are still a few miles away from Honghe Town, Ye Jingtang's long-stretched heartstrings are always relaxed, and Niao Niao, who is familiar with the road, can't wait to fly to the old town along the Huangtu official road. Following Tangtang, starving for nine meals in three days, he already doesn't want to be around for a moment.

The empress dowager sat in front, leaning against Ye Jingtang's chest, her cheeks were a little more normal than yesterday's flush, but there was still a blush on her face.

Seeing that Honghe Town was approaching, the Empress Dowager sat up a little bit, assumed the dignified demeanor of a mother, and said:

"Yejingtang, you..."

Ye Jingtang sat on the back, wrapped the empress dowager in a cloak, although it was no longer cold in the east of Liangzhou, but his hands were still warm in his arms.Hearing the call, he bowed his head and said:

"what happened?"

The empress dowager blinked her eyes, wanting Ye Jingtang to pay attention to her sense of proportion, but it was not easy to speak directly, so she reminded:
"We'll be in Honghe Town soon."

Ye Jingtang naturally understood the meaning, but he had already responded, no matter what the queen mother said, he couldn't just close his collar and hold it again without admitting it.

The Empress Dowager's whole body was agitated, her face was flushed again, but she kept her composure and said nothing, she lightly arranged the skirt of her clothes, and when her breathing calmed down, she said in a very serious tone:

"Go back, I am the queen mother, you are a courtier, understand?"


"As long as you know……"

The empress dowager bit her lower lip lightly, and looked back after thinking about it, as if to confirm whether Ye Jingtang really understood.

As for the state of mind, I'm afraid it's - I'm afraid that Ye Jingtang will not let go of his obsession, but I'm also afraid that Ye Jingtang will really understand, anyway, I'm a little entangled...

Hoof hoof hoof...

After the horses had traveled half a mile outside the town, Ye Jingtang turned over and dismounted and walked. The Empress Dowager also had a sore back and her legs were soft from being rubbed. At this time, she also dismounted and walked in front of her, taking deep breaths from time to time along the way. , it looks like she has forgotten how to be the queen mother, and she is silently looking for feelings.

Niao Niao flew back early, and the town naturally responded.

As soon as Ye Jingtang came to the entrance of the town, he saw Da Benben coming from the direction of the escort agency, Xuanji was following him, and the one running in the front was Hongyu who had been a maid for the Queen Mother since she was a child.

Seeing the Empress Dowager's complexion was ruddy, and she even felt a little proud of herself, Hongyu was full of surprises, and hurried over to check back and forth:
"Your Majesty, are you okay? Are you feeling better?"

"Don't worry, Ben Gong is fine. Hmm... I'm a little tired on the road, let's send Ben Gong to rest..."

The empress dowager was a little guilty, fearing that too many people would inquire about the problem and see the problem, so she acted as if she was too tired to bear it, and was supported by Hongyu to go back first.

Ye Jingtang was still wounded, and the Fire Bathing Map had a strong recovery effect, but the consumption would not be less. He looked vain, as if he had been passed by several girls, and he was not very energetic.

Immortal Xuanji knew Ye Jingtang was injured at a glance, but Dongfang Liren passed by first, so she couldn't rush to ask for warmth, so she walked back with the Queen Mother.

Dongfang Liren originally maintained the stability of the queen, but when he saw Ye Jingtang's pale face, his heart was still twisted, and he came to him and held his wrist:

"Are you injured? Is it serious?"

With a smile on his face, Ye Jingtang motioned to his left shoulder:

"Duanshengji and Xi Tianshang came to the door and had a fight. Xi Tianshang was killed and Duanshengji ran away. I hurt my shoulder, but it's not a big problem."

When Dongfang Liren heard this, his eyes immediately became annoyed:
"Duanbeiya is trying to rebel? How dare you..."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly, and hugged Dabenben's waist again:

"Duanshengji came over and covered his face, and didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. I know it's him, but I really can't prove it. Even if he admits it, it's the old grievances of Honghualou. Let the court solve it. Maybe people in the world still say that I'm a coward and that I won't win by force. When the injury recovers, I'll go to Yazhou to kill him, so that I can get back the title of gun leader..."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang had plans, Dongfang Liren naturally didn't say anything more. Being hugged by Ye Jingtang on the street, her eyes were a little displeased, but seeing that Ye Jingtang went out and went through all kinds of dangers, she still didn't say anything. say what.

After the two walked into the alley, Ye Jingtang saw that Da Benben didn't resist being hugged, so he slightly lowered his head and kissed his red lips.


Dongfang Liren clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes slightly, and was about to remind the color embryo to go back, but before they separated, he heard a voice from the other side of the alley:


Dongfang Liren hurriedly took a step back and stood up straight, pushing away the hands on the back of his waist. Looking around, he saw a bird curiously poking around the corner of the wall.

And Zheyunli, with braids on her head, was poking her head above Niao Niao, with a complicated face on her face, when she noticed that she had turned her head, she quickly shrank back.

"You are simply..."

No matter how good Dongfang Liren's mind was, his cheeks would inevitably turn a little red. He lightly kicked the pervert next to him, and then walked into the escort agency as if nothing had happened.

Ye Jingtang chuckled, and came to the side of the wall to look around. You could see that Xiao Yunli had a strange expression, holding her growing skirt with both hands, leaning halfway against the wall, and said carelessly:
"Hmph~ I've been contemptuous of girls since I just came back, how can this look like a chivalrous swordsman, like a gangster..."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang supported Yun Li's shoulders to make her stand upright, patted her back for help, and changed the subject:
"This is an earthen wall, so what should I do with the dust all over my body? It's a pity that you didn't follow this time. I was on the top of Hongshan Mountain. I fought against Xi Tianshang and Duanshengji one by one, and the mountain collapsed..."

Zhe Yunli blinked her eyes, half-believing:
"and then?"

"Then beat the person away, otherwise how would I come back standing up?"

When Ye Jingtang said this, he remembered something again, leaned closer and whispered:
"I've also found the Golden Scale Picture, and I will teach it to you quietly later, so don't talk nonsense."

When Zhe Yunli heard this, his eyes were naturally happy:
"After learning the Golden Scale Picture, is it invulnerable to swords and guns, like Uncle Long, even wild dogs can't bite?"


Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, pondered for a long time, but couldn't figure out what kind of brain circuit it was to link the Golden Scale Picture with being bitten by a wild dog. He thought about it, tilted his head to look at it, and said with concern:
"You were bitten by a dog in the town? Is it that yellow-tailed black dog? I've only been away for half a year, and I dare to bite people again. It's really lawless..."

As Ye Jingtang said, he was about to go to the mouth of the town to seek an explanation from the wild dog who had been rebellious since he was a child.

Zhe Yunli quickly pulled Ye Jingtang back: "No, no, I am so skilled in martial arts, how could I be bitten by a dog, just ask me casually."

Only then did Ye Jingtang give up, and responded: "Don't talk about wild dogs, as long as I practice long enough, I won't even be able to bite...a tiger."

Zhe Yunli giggled, probably because she felt that Ye Jingtang was too kind to her, so she was a little embarrassed, and used her fingers to stir a strand of hair hanging down, and asked shyly:
"Big Brother Jing~ Why are you so nice to me?"

Ye Jingtang smiled: "Your teacher told me, there is no other meaning."

Master told me...

It means that my wife asked Jing cousin to treat me better and take the initiative...

Zheyunli's eyes moved, and he felt that this was terrible!

Mistress isn't planning to match me and Cousin Jing!
How could Mistress do this without discussing it with me...

Zheyunli's eyes became a little weird, after thinking about it, he said:

"You just listen to what my wife says? As a man, you have to be assertive."

Naturally, Ye Jingtang couldn't figure out where Xiao Yunli was going, so he just said:
"Your teacher asked me to treat you better, what else can I think? Could it be that I almost treated you?"

This means obeying the arrangement of Master Mistress...

Zhe Yunli was a little flustered, not sure how to respond to this, so she smiled sarcastically, and ran to the courtyard:

"I'm going to get it something to eat, Cousin Jing, let's rest first."


Niao Niao, who was walking behind, was startled when he heard this, spread his wings and chased after him.

Ye Jingtang was a bit baffled, but Yun Li was always in such a hurry, he didn't care, and entered the bodyguard bureau...
Branches on the moon.

The Escort Bureau was brightly lit, a few generals were in the compound, watching Zheyunli roast the whole lamb, Niao Niao was nearby to help try the food, Dongfang Liren and Xuanji Daoist surrounded the Queen Mother to greet her.

Ye Jingtang rode around continuously for so long, and suffered a little injury, so it was impossible not to feel tired.When he returned to a stable place, his heartstrings completely relaxed, and he didn't even want to move his fingers, so he leaned on the bed to rest.

Ye Jingtang lived in the east wing room where he lived when he was a child. Although all personal belongings were disposed of when the escort agency was sold, the tables, chairs, beds, etc. were still there, and new bedding was spread at this time.

Because of the cool weather, Fan Qinghe changed into an autumn skirt popular among women in the Central Plains. It is also a red and yellow style, quite gorgeous, but not as loose as the gauze skirt. It is very slim and can completely outline the waist curve.

Fan Qinghe's previous skirts didn't show her figure, and she didn't look special. Now wearing such a dress, she can obviously find that her waist-to-hip ratio is amazing, and her skin is also very white. It is indeed different from the Central Plains girl.

Ye Jingtang leaned against the head of the bed and took off his shirt. Naturally, he didn't look at the waist-hip curve that was within reach. He just looked calm and asked Miss Fan to help check the injury.

Fan Qinghe unwrapped the bandage and saw the shocking wound, his eyes were obviously worried, but he still comforted:
"The situation is not serious, and it will recover after a period of time."

As a daughter-in-law, Pei Xiangjun was undoubtedly the one who worried about Ye Jingtang the most. He was sitting at the desk beside the bed at this time, with a hint of anger in his eyes:

"I would have gone there with you if I knew it earlier, I would have killed my eldest brother, and dared to deal with you. If I don't avenge this revenge, how can I, Honghualou, gain a foothold in the world..."

"I'll take care of Duanshengji, I'm fine, don't worry so much..."

After a few words of comfort, Ye Jingtang turned his head and looked at Fan Qinghe:
"The Queen Mother is all right now, Miss Fan is next?"

Fan Qinghe came to treat the wound, but she had been thinking about how to say this, she thought for a while and said:
"Young Master Ye is a descendant of King Tianlang, and now that you have revealed your identity in Langxuan City, Beiliang will definitely not turn a blind eye to you. No matter how high the level of humanity in the world is, if there is no doctor behind you, you will have no idea. I am not good at other things, However, his medical skills are weaker than that of Doctor Wang. Young Master Ye has helped the Dongming Department so much. Whether it is due to the relationship between the two families in the past, or as the patriarch to thank you, I should escort Young Master Ye for a while..."

Although Ye Jingtang has practiced the painting of bathing in fire, the time is not long. If he is injured, he still needs to be bandaged and recuperated. There is a goddess doctor in front of him. It is really necessary to be more stable. Fan Qinghe's lightness kung fu is superb, and he will not hold back, so he nodded immediately road:
"That's troublesome girl."

"What's the trouble, it's all right."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang didn't refuse, Fan Qinghe was naturally relieved, and after re-binding the wound, he got up and said:
"You rest first, I'll go see the queen mother."

Pei Xiangjun waited by the side until Fan Qinghe came out of the house, then closed the door, came to sit down, his eyes were full of distress, and helped cover the quilt.

Ye Jingtang wanted to be a gentleman, but he really held back for a long time. Seeing that there was no one else in the room, he couldn't hold back and pulled Sanniang into his arms, bowed his head and kissed.


Pei Xiangjun didn't move at all, he left after a while, frowned and said:

"Are you still thinking wrong? After suffering such a serious injury, it's time to recharge your batteries and take a good rest..."

Ye Jingtang felt a headache when he heard the words 'replenish energy' and said helplessly:
"The last time I finished playing at Yutan Mountain Villa, I rested for half a month, and then went to Langxuan City for another half month. Now I rest for another half month, and I have to become a monk. I can't just lie down for recuperation, can I... ..."

Pei Xiangjun did the math, and it seemed to be true. After a little hesitation, he followed Ye Jingtang's wishes, took the initiative to mount the duck on his lap, and untied the belt:

"Then don't move, if you mess around and hurt your arm, Ning'er will definitely scold me when she comes back."

Ye Jingtang naturally nodded like a bird.

Learn about Soso...

Pei Xiangjun was afraid that the people in the escort agency would hear it, so he didn't dare to be too bold. He put the quilt on his back, lay on his chest, slowly comforted him with his hands, and looked at the table next to him:
"Did you read and write here when you were a child?"

Ye Jingtang turned his head and glanced, his eyes felt a little more like a world away, he thought for a while and said:

"Yeah. I remember a long time ago. I lived here alone when I was three or four years old. I studied and learned calligraphy at night. At that time, I was quite high-spirited. I thought that with my ingenuity, I could learn casually and not even hit the three yuan. In the future, I would not strive for hegemony in the world. An idle prince is almost enough..."

Pei Xiangjun noticed that Ye Jingtang's state exploded, and he didn't warm up too much. He bit his red lips lightly and retracted the knife into the sheath, and then twisted his waist slightly:

"This heart is really high. Then?"

Ye Jingtang was wrapped in heat and humidity, and exhaled softly: "Then I found out that memoirs have nothing to do with literary talent. I may not be able to hold back the couplets written by Mr. Guang private school. Since the writing is not feasible, I will switch to business, thinking about it." Make a mess of little things and become a huge rich man, marry more than a dozen...cough~...and then find out that there is everything out there. In the end, I had to change to martial arts..."

Pei Xiangjun's familiar cheeks gradually turned red, and he hummed softly:
"I also married more than a dozen... people are like this, each has their own talents, but most of them have not been discovered. I also studied piano, chess, calligraphy and painting at first, and I was not interested in martial arts. try……"

The room was dimly lit and whispered constantly.

Ye Jingtang supported his waist with both hands, looked at Sanniang's shy eyes in front of the lamp, nodded from time to time in response to his words, but both of them were clearly absent-minded...

(End of this chapter)

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