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Chapter 305 A New Day

Chapter 305 A New Day

In the dead of night, most of the lights in the Escort Bureau had been extinguished, and only a few guards were left walking around outside the enclosure.

There are quite a lot of rooms in the backyard of the Escort, and there is also a place where his wife and aunt live, but Ye Jingtang lived here with his adoptive father since he was a child, so naturally he has never used it, and it was only after Dongfangli came that he cleaned it out.

The Empress Dowager went to bed early when she came back, Hongyu lived in a side room and had fallen asleep.

But in the middle of the night, the empress dowager, who was already sound asleep, turned over on the bed and opened her almond eyes to look at the moonlight on the window paper. There were all kinds of emotions in her eyes except sleepiness.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal, and so is the sense of security.

These days, the empress dowager basically sat on a horse and slept surrounded by Ye Jingtang; if she rested and camped, she would still be wrapped in a blanket and rest in her arms.

It's really uncomfortable to sleep like that, but I feel very safe, and I don't have to worry about anything except a little shyness.

At this time, sleeping in a large room with a soft quilt, it is comfortable, but my heart is empty and flustered, and I always feel that there is something missing.

The empress dowager stared at the window paper, knowing that her mentality was wrong and she shouldn't think about it, but she couldn't stop being upset, and she muttered to herself:

"He also said that he cared about me as much as he cared about his true love, and he would leave it alone when he came back, and he wouldn't even ask for peace..."

After tossing and turning for a while, the empress dowager finally couldn't suppress the irritability in her heart, quietly got up and put on her skirt, and then walked out of the room.

The lights in the backyard were all extinguished, and when I looked up, I could vaguely see the birds that hadn’t slept in the middle of the night, squatting on the porch outside the Escort’s compound, their feathers fluttering with the wind, thinking about something.

The empress dowager quietly avoided her sight, walked around the backyard under the eaves, and came to the east wing.

The east wing is a small courtyard, and there is nothing inside. Standing at the entrance of the courtyard, you can see that there is no movement in the bedroom.

are you asleep……

The empress dowager poked her head at the entrance of the courtyard. After a little hesitation, she walked lightly outside the bedroom. She listened first, then raised her hand, and hesitated to knock on the door.

At the same time, in the room.

There was no sound in the room, and a few clothes were hung on the head of the bed.

Ye Jingtang's left shoulder was bandaged, still half leaning against the head of the bed, in front of him was a curvy full moon.

Pei Xiangjun changed his posture and knelt with his back facing the enemy, with his hands supporting the quilt, and the moon was decorated with white jade radishes.The head of the radish is no longer visible, but the micro-carved characters on the base can be seen.

Pei Xiangjun was slowly rising and falling, but when he heard the movement outside, he naturally didn't dare to move. He covered his chest with one hand, and looked outside in a blink of an eye.

Ye Jingtang didn't expect that there would be people coming at night, and it was a bit inconvenient, so he turned off the lights and prepared to pretend to be asleep.

But after waiting for a while, he found that light footsteps had reached the door, and he seemed to be hesitating whether to open the door and come in.


Pei Xiangjun's appearance of being blocked and ashamed, how dare he be bumped into by others, Shumei's cheeks suddenly became anxious, and he turned to look at Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang hastily coughed lightly:

The empress dowager was about to open the door to take a look, but she held her breath when she heard the sound, turned around and wanted to leave, but hesitated a little, when she suddenly heard a soft 'boo~' sound coming from the room, as if Ye Jingtang got up and opened the water bottle stopper to drink mouthed.

Soon, footsteps sounded from the house.

The empress dowager's apricot eyes flickered, she hesitated for a while, she still folded her hands on her waist, and put on a dignified appearance of her mother, waiting for the door to open before turning around:

"You fell asleep?"

Ye Jingtang walked out of the room wearing a robe, first looked left and right, then pulled the bold empress dowager to the corner of the wall, and said in a low voice:
"Just fell asleep, haven't fallen asleep yet. Madam can't sleep?"

The Empress Dowager was about to speak, but she felt something was wrong, she looked at Ye Jingtang's cheek by the moonlight:

"What's wrong with your face?"


Ye Jingtang touched his cheek: "What's wrong?"

At first, the empress dowager thought there was a scar on her face, but when she looked closely, she found that it was a red rouge mark. Her complexion suddenly turned a little strange, she aimed at the bedroom not far away, and said in a low voice:

"Is there anyone else in your house?"

Ye Jingtang nodded, smiling slightly awkwardly.


The Empress Dowager pursed her lips, her heart was filled with mixed feelings for a moment, she turned around and wanted to leave the place of right and wrong.

But Ye Jingtang sensed that the empress dowager was not in the right mood, and was afraid that she would toss and turn over and over again after returning to the room, so he raised his hand to block the way, and said softly:

"It's Sanniang, it's okay. If Niangniang can't sleep at night, can I take you out for a walk?"

The empress dowager actually came over to take a look at Ye Jingtang, and most of her upset emotions disappeared. Now she is afraid of being discovered, and she just wants to go back quickly.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang stopped her from leaving, she acted calmly:

"It's not that I can't sleep. I'm just worried about your injury. Come and have a look. You have suffered such a serious injury, you should rest more. The medical book says 'one drop of essence ten drops of blood'..."

Ye Jingtang nodded and said: "I know how to measure. Madam, don't think about it at night, the days will be long in the future, you should eat and sleep, and I won't run away."

The empress dowager bit her lower lip lightly, nodded Ruoyouuowu, glanced at Ye Jingtang, waved her hand and said:

"Okay, get out of the way, I'm going back."

Ye Jingtang hesitated for a while, thinking that the sleepless empress dowager should not be allowed to run for nothing, so he looked around for a while, then took half a step forward, and put the empress dowager against the wall, just like they were on the road, and started Warm your hands.

? !
The empress dowager was caught off guard, her eyes suddenly panicked, she wanted to say something to Ye Jingtang, but she was afraid that outsiders would hear it, so she could only cover her red lips with her hands, her eyes were shining brightly at Ye Jingtang, presumably meaning - how could you do this? !Say it's okay to come back...

But the look was harmless.

Ye Jingtang was not stupid, he knew the intention of the empress dowager sneaking over to say hello after a long night of sleepless nights, he lowered his head to stare into those watery eyes, put his hands in his bosom to warm up, and unhooked the thin cloth and pasted it on the On the skin, twist.


The Empress Dowager has been wearing her clothes for the past few days. Where has she ever been humiliated? Deng Tuzi gave up.

The empress dowager broke free from the sea of ​​suffering, with obvious shame, anger and grievance in her eyes, she glared at Ye Jingtang, then hugged her skirts, bowed her head and walked out, as if the palace would never pay attention to you again.

Seeing this appearance, Ye Jingtang felt that even if the Empress Dowager was tossing and turning all night, she probably would not be dejected, so she felt more relieved, and after watching the Empress Dowager trot away, she shook her head and smiled, turned around and went back to the house.

Pei Xiangjun huddled in the cup, and heard that it was the Queen Mother, but she didn't hear clearly what followed, and of course she didn't have the heart to listen, after all, the instruments of torture Ning'er prepared for her were really tormenting.

Seeing Ye Jingtang come in, she opened her mouth and said:

"What will the mother do next?"

"I can't sleep at night, visit my injury."

Visit the wounded...

Seeing that it was almost midnight, Pei Xiangjun was naturally dubious about this statement, but he didn't bother to ask more questions, so he got up and wanted to continue serving.

But Ye Jingtang felt that Sanniang was really working hard, and it was obviously inappropriate for him and the uncle to lean against each other all the time, so he asked Sanniang to stretch his back, and he came to help dredge the muscles...
The stars moved, and the time unknowingly arrived before dawn.

Niao Niao, who had been hopping outside for half the night, flew back to the backyard when it was time to sleep, and fell asleep without making a sound.

And Ye Jingtang had a night's rest, and got up almost at the same time, covered Sanniang, who was exhausted from all the work, with a quilt, got up and went to the escort agency's compound.

The main hall is ten feet wide each, and it is used to stop chariots and horses on weekdays, and escorts will also practice martial arts here. Over the past few decades, you can see the indentations left by martial arts practice everywhere, and there are two concave holes in front of the wooden figure in the northeast corner. The pit is the place where he stepped on horseback when he was young.

Ye Jingtang held the Dragon-Firing Spear in his hand, and placed it horizontally on the wooden post, facing the east, taking a breath, then slipped his feet and took a horse stance.

But the distance between the pits on the ground was obviously too small, and he was a bit effeminate when he stepped on it, so he forgot about it, and took out a book from his arms to look at it.

The book doesn't have a name, it's just the martial arts concepts summed up by the three generations of Tianlang kings for the successors to learn, if they insist on a name, it might be called "Ye Family Cheats".

There are thousands of schools of martial arts in Jianghu, and each martial art has its own characteristics. It is not completely common to polish the body into a shape suitable for the martial arts learned.

For example, bone shrinking skill, if you don't practice it since childhood, you can't learn it even if you become a monk halfway through death; there is also horizontal kung fu, and normal people can't use it even if they know the tricks.

And some martial arts are created through personal strengths, such as the slender Liantongbeiquan, the short stature Liliandao, etc., turning the difference between oneself and ordinary people into one's own talent and transforming it into Absolute advantage.

As for the physique tempered by the Tianlangzhu, the qi veins and bones are flawless, the speed of raising qi far exceeds that of ordinary people, and the transmission of qi energy is almost without loss. One advantage.

Tianlang kings of all dynasties, after their bodies changed, through the excavation and research of three generations, specially created a set of exercises to match these advantages.

The general idea is to use the sword to take a slant, use the speed of raising Qi that ordinary people cannot have, and instantly mobilize the Qi that ordinary people cannot bear, and push flatly.

This theory is similar to Fengchi Nixue, but Fengchi Nixue uses self-mutilation to let Qi and blood flow backwards and take a shortcut, so as to mobilize Qi and blood and increase instantaneous explosive power.

And this set of methods is to use Qi meridians that ordinary people can't use at all, the explosive power is even more terrifying, and it doesn't hurt yourself.

However, the body that has not been tempered with Tianlang beads, the Qi veins and bones are difficult to support, and it will explode when it is used.

Even if a person with all qi channels is connected, it is difficult to use it if the speed of raising qi cannot keep up.

This method also has disadvantages-the instantaneous explosive power is too large, the battery life will definitely not be able to keep up, and it will lose its strength soon after long-term use.

But this is nothing to Ye Jingtang. After all, the top masters compete with each other, and the victory or defeat is only a matter of one move. The battery life must be survived first before being qualified to talk about it.

After carefully scanning the book, Ye Jingtang unfastened the holster, put his left hand behind his back, held the gun with one hand and lifted the gun, closed his eyes and began to deduce the complicated energy channels recorded in the book in his mind.

The autumn wind is cool and the town is silent.

For more than ten years, Ye Jingtang stood in front of the wooden stake and practiced martial arts every morning. Every notch on the wooden stake recorded his height on New Year's Eve every year.

Ye Jingtang also complained when he was exhausted, and asked how long he would practice like this.

The adoptive father once replied: "When you practice until you are higher than the wooden stake, you will be a teacher, and Dad will be able to relax for a few days and leave you alone."

Now standing here again, Ye Jingtang was already much higher than the wooden pile, but found that he was still on the road, and the road ahead had no end in sight.

And the guide who was very strict and would come with a stick if he made a mistake, really ignored him, and had to walk the rest of the way by himself.

Ye Jingtang closed his eyes and deduced the exercises, but he was rarely restless, unable to settle down, and his mind was full of childhood memories.

After an unknown period of time, footsteps suddenly came from the door of the main house.

Ye Jingtang's heart moved, and when he looked back, he saw the real Xuanji in a white dress coming out with a wine gourd on his hook, leaning leisurely on the porch pillar in front of the door:
"When you practice martial arts, you are absent-minded, but you will be beaten by the master. Are you still thinking about girls?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, put away his spear and put it horizontally on the stake:
"It's just a matter of touching the scene. When I was young, I practiced kung fu here, and I was often beaten by my adoptive father. When I returned to my hometown, there was no one to spur me. I was a little uncomfortable."

Master Xuanji blinked her eyes, hung the jug back on her waist, went to the courtyard wall and fetched a black horsewhip, tapped it on the palm of her hand, and assumed the posture of a glamorous female teacher:
"I didn't see it, you still like this tune. Come on, you practice, and I'll spur you on."


Although Xuanji is really beautiful, Ye Jingtang has no tendency to be masochistic, and doesn't like this kind of sentiment, shaking his head and saying:
"What's the use of fighting, you're not much better than me."

Seeing Ye Jingtang being so crazy, Master Xuanji was naturally a little dissatisfied, came to the back, hooked Ye Jingtang's ankles with his little white shoes, and asked him to slide his legs away:

"High martial arts skills and being able to teach others are two different things. A person who can become a peerless master may not be a good master, otherwise the world will be hereditary and passed down from generation to generation. I can teach the emperor, and I can also teach Prince Jing is recognized as an 'Emperor Master', do you think you are more powerful than the Holy One?"

Seeing Master Xuanji directly hooking his feet, Ye Jingtang didn't say anything. He slid his feet apart and settled into a horse stance:

"Then you teach."

da, da~

The real Xuanji tapped his palm with a horsewhip, walked around Ye Jingtang, nodded slightly, and then asked:
"The last time you hugged Qinghe, how did you feel?"


Ye Jingtang just calmed down, was taken aback when he heard these words, and naturally let go of his breath, just inexplicably, he saw Xuanji's eyes turned cold, and he raised the small leather whip:
"Stand up!"

The eyes are very fierce, and it really feels like a stern female master.

Ye Jingtang straightened his posture again, stared straight ahead, and asked:

"Miss Fan is too excited, just thank you, how can I feel? And she is hugging me, not me hugging her."

Master Xuanji continued to circle around: "Not all the same. Qinghe's clothes are so big, and you took the initiative to throw yourself into your arms, did you really have no idea at that time?"

Ye Jingtang said helplessly: "Men and women don't know each other. Girl Fan is emotional and behaves too aggressively. It's normal for me to notice something wrong, but there are definitely no evil thoughts."

"Then last time on the boat in Junshantai, I treated your wounds, why did you think badly about me?"

"In a coma, I misidentified the wrong person."

"Then in Langxuan City, you knew that it was me in front of you, but you still made troubles, and you lied to me, causing me to hold it with my hands..."

Side effects? !
Ye Jingtang felt that this word was really ingenious, before he could speak, his leg was slapped, he turned his head and said:
"Are you really fighting?"

Master Xuanji said confidently: "A few words can disturb your mind and breath, do you think you should fight?"

Ye Jingtang spread his hands and said, "I know my breath is messed up, but you said there are some of them, why am I as motionless as a mountain?"

Master Xuanji frowned and said, "You still dare to talk back to Master?"

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, but did not refute, and stood up:

"Master has to teach by precept and example. If you can do this without moving like a mountain, I will let you fight until you learn it."

Seeing this, Master Xuanji didn't hesitate, threw the small leather whip to Ye Jingtang, slid his feet away, put his hands around his waist, and took a standard horse stance:

"You have a serious mouth, but your intentions are not righteous. You have a flamboyant mouth, but you never have a calm heart. This is where I am better than you. Do you really think that I, the sixth son of Wei, was lifted up by people in the Jianghu because of my beauty?"

Ye Jingtang didn't believe it at all, and held the horsewhip behind his hands, looked around Xuanji for a few moments, and then asked:
"Before in Wushan, you took Chinese medicine, hugged me, how did it feel?"

Xuanji was as immobile as a mountain, and responded with clear eyes:

"You're hot all over, and your breath is restless. It's very comfortable to rub against. I think you look pretty good."


Ye Jingtang looked at Daoist Shui'er whose aura and expression didn't change at all, his expression of chatting and laughing showed a touch of solemnity.

After all, Xuanji is now showing from head to toe the purity that emerges from the silt without being stained, the insight to see through the world, and the honesty with a clear conscience.

It gave him the feeling that he, as a fool, was teasing a wise man with vulgar taste.

The wise man understood the meaning and laughed along with him, but it was also this smile that narrowed the gap between the realms of the two sides by a thousand miles.

After observing for a while, Ye Jingtang realized that Daoist Shui'er was really not an ordinary person, so he restrained his joking attitude, re-gathered his horse beside him, thought for a while and said:

"How do I feel that Zuo Xianwang, Li Jia, is not as high as Lu Xianzi? No matter how you look at Zuo Xianwang, he is a mortal like me, and Lu Xianzi is indeed a bit fairy."

Zhenji Xuanji stood up straight, her eyes showed three points of satisfaction, and wandered around Ye Jingtang again:
"I am a Taoist first, and then I am a martial artist. Naturally, my state of mind is higher than that of ordinary people under the mountain. I pay attention to Taoism and do things naturally. If you want to reach my level, you must first let go of your heart and face your heart honestly. Then you should Love what you like openly, and hate what you should hate by whatever means. If your goal is firm and will not be shaken by the outside world, you will naturally have a clear mind and be as immovable as a mountain."

Ye Jingtang nodded thoughtfully: "Am I not honest enough?"

The real Xuanji stood behind her back and folded her arms, explaining:

"It's not to be honest with me, it's to be honest with yourself. If you are honest and lustful, how can you be uneasy about what I just said? You will only tease me with a smirk..."

After hearing this explanation, Ye Jingtang felt that it was quite reasonable, but it was impossible to admit that he was a pervert. After thinking about it, he tilted his head and asked:

"It means that Fairy Lu is just talking and talking, and her behavior is following the trend. In fact, her heart is as calm as water, and she doesn't feel anything about me?"


Faced with this question, Master Xuanji moved his eyes slightly, showing a bit of hesitation, and finally just leaned into Ye Jingtang's ear, and said in a demonic way:
"How do you want me to feel?"

Ye Jingtang really couldn't answer this question, so he just said:
"If a sage is really a ruthless person, he follows the trend, likes the person he should like, kills the enemy he should kill, without any disturbance in his heart, then I still think it is better to be an ordinary person.

"A love that you keep silent for a lifetime is also an emotion from the bottom of your heart; but if you get along day and night without any disturbance in your heart, then even if you call each other husband and wife until death, you are just strangers who have walked together for a lifetime."

Xuanji's eyes were helpless:

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? You completely misunderstand! I mean 'face your heart honestly, don't be confused by what you want'. It doesn't mean that you can't even have a heart like a deer and a spring heart. On the contrary, you have to do what you want , don’t take the initiative to escape what you think in your heart.”

"Really? Then I really misunderstood, um... It means that Fairy Lu will also have a spring heart, and feel for the person she likes?"


Faced with this question, Master Xuanji raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, raised his hand to tangle a strand of Ye Jingtang's hair, and played with his fingertips:
"What do you mean? Is it impossible to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors? Forgot to sleep behind Li Ren?"

Ye Jingtang looked serious, and said helplessly:
"I'm just curious."


Master Xuanji was satisfied with this, and let go of her hair: "Practice hard, since you have spoken, I will definitely beat you until you learn it." Then slowly returned to the backyard.

Ye Jingtang was already in a state of uneasiness, but Master Xuanji gave him such a lesson, well, he was immediately in a state of disarray.

After Master Xuanji left, Ye Jingtang planted his feet on the ground, and began to try to suppress the distracting thoughts in his heart and calm himself down.

But before he calmed down for a long time, he heard footsteps coming from the side yard, and She Long and Shang Jianli walked out.

She Long was still playing hache at first, but when he entered the yard, he found that Master Ye had gotten up before dawn and started to practice. His eyes inevitably showed some admiration, but he immediately said strangely:

"Master Ye, you are already the first martial artist, and you still practice basic skills? You don't even have to carry weights, is it really useful?"

Shang Jianli also felt that it was a waste of time for the majestic Wu Kui to step on the horse with his bare hands, but after a little thought, he explained on his behalf:

"What do you know? Going up from Wu Kui is the realm of returning to the basics. Mr. Ye should have touched the threshold of the martial saint. Here, the stepping back to the basics is different from that of a child."


Ye Jingtang was still thinking about how to explain it, but when he heard that Mr. Shang was so capable of doing things, he stopped talking and calmed down:

"Just practice casually. You two haven't eaten breakfast yet? The mutton shop in front is nice..."

"The mutton in the water basin is authentic, walk around..."

"Uncle Song and the others..."

"Song Chi and the others are building a new hall in Heishiguan. I'm afraid they won't be able to finish their work in a short period of time. His Highness said that he should leave for Yazhou as soon as possible, and return from Qingjiang after the work is over. I don't know if Master Ye can bear it..."

"I'm fine, just rest on the road... Lao Li, three bowls of mutton..."

"Okay... Speaking of Jingtang, when did you become a family? There are so many nursing homes in the daughter-in-law's family, so you can't be married into a wealthy family, right?"




In the early Ming Dynasty in the East, cocks crowed and dogs barked everywhere in the frontier town.

A new day also starts amidst the steaming boiler talking and laughing with men...


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(End of this chapter)

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