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Chapter 306

Chapter 306

It's the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, and the snow season is ushering in the north. The mountains were still bleak when I fell asleep last night. When I woke up in the morning, everything I could see was covered in white.

With the cold wind blowing, several carriages stopped by the river, Shang Jianli and She Long were on the pier asking about the boats.

Ye Jingtang was dressed in a black cotton robe and a cloak over his shoulders, standing by the river looking at the mountains and rivers of Yazhou.

After returning to Honghe Town, Yejingtang set off the next day because there were still things to do, and walked east along the border to Yazhou, which borders Liangzhou.

The old Escort has been bought by Zhenji Xuanji, and I don’t know when I will return home next time. If no one takes care of it, it will definitely be dilapidated. For this reason, Sanniang also said hello to Uncle Song and the others at Heishiguan, and waited for the hall outside the pass. After the formation is completed, arrange some people to station in Honghe Town as a contact point, and take care of the Escort by the way.

Yazhou is not far from the Liangzhou Plain, but the terrain is very different. The territory under its jurisdiction is all hilly areas, and it is difficult for cavalry to advance, so they are all heavily armed infantry; and it is this natural barrier that is impossible to break through The land divides the pattern of opposition between the northern and southern dynasties.

After passing Yashan, the two dynasties can directly reach the capital of each other. For this reason, both sides have deployed heavy troops on the border in the past dynasties; and big guns, as the main weapon in the battle, naturally flourished in Yazhou. It is said that half of the gunners in the entire rivers and lakes are here. Yazhou is not an exaggeration.

Yejingtang walked in the winding mountainous area for a few days, until it snowed heavily, and finally entered the territory of Yazhou, and came to the bank of the Qingjiang River that passes through Yazhou. The rest of the journey was by boat. The speed will be much faster.

Seeing that Shang Jianli had finished talking about the boat, Ye Jingtang turned around and came to the parked carriages.

Because it was the first snow this year, Dongfang Liren and Fairy Lu came here happily, and even made a picture case, painting a picture of a snow scene by the river, with silver fox fur on their shoulders, their appearance and temperament even overwhelmed the snow scene of heaven and earth.

Fan Qinghe also changed into winter clothes, and stood in the distance with Sanniang, whispering to each other.

Although Ye Jingtang couldn't hear what he said, judging from Sanniang's expression, he should be asking about his body's recovery progress, whether too many rewards would be too much, and so on.

And Niao Niao, who is excited when it snows, is having fun in the snow. Xiao Yunli was born in the south, and has never seen snow a few times since she was a child.

Ye Jingtang took a glance at the side, saw that Yun Li was so disfigured, he couldn't laugh at it, shook his head secretly, and came to the large carriage.

The empress dowager had already experienced wind and snow on the mountain, so she was naturally not as excited as the other girls at this time, sitting in the carriage and admiring from the window at will.

Ever since Ye Jingtang slammed into the corner of the wall a few days ago and twirled her, the empress dowager was completely panicked. She hid all the way in front of Benben for the past few days and never gave Ye Jingtang a chance to meet her. Ye Jingtang walked over and quickly closed the curtain.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang jumped into the carriage and entered it. Seeing Hongyu lying on the window looking at the snow scene, he opened his mouth and said:

"The boat is booked, Hongyu, you go and tidy up the room first."


Seeing this, Hongyu didn't notice the distressed look in the Empress Dowager's eyes, got up and ran out.

The empress dowager couldn't stop her, seeing that there were only a man and a widow left in the carriage, she put her hands on her lap, turned her face to Ye Jingtang, put on a dejected look, and said nothing.

There is a copper heater in the carriage, which is much warmer than the outside. Naturally, the empress dowager is not wearing thick clothes. The dark red winter dress, with the waist gathered into a bunch, looks very full; Rouge, dressed in a very ladylike manner, has a long aftertaste like a peony flower, and the more you look at it, the more you can feel the charm.

Although this outfit is not gorgeous, it is obviously well-dressed, and I don't know if it is the appearance of a woman who pleases herself.

Ye Jingtang came to him, turned his head and glanced:


The empress dowager turned around and changed direction, facing the door, still ignoring Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang felt a little helpless, and sat down in front of him, with his hands on his lower back, half touching the perfectly curved full moon.


The empress dowager straightened her body slightly, her dejected look disappeared immediately, and turned into nervousness and annoyance, she looked at Ye Jingtang in a blink of an eye, the meaning in her eyes was probably - are you crazy?It's full of people outside!

Seeing that the empress dowager dared not speak, Ye Jingtang felt a little amused, raised his hand and scratched the tip of his nose rebelliously:
"The boat is ready. I'll send my mother on board. Be obedient and don't lose your temper. Take a walk if you have nothing to do, otherwise it will be bad for your health."

When the empress dowager heard the tone of the order, her behavior was still so frivolous, she was naturally a little displeased, she took a deep breath, and put on a dignified and stern posture:
"Yejingtang, you will never forget what I told you when I came back... Woo!"

The queen mother held her head high, and before she finished speaking, Ye Jingtang, who was sitting next to her, lowered her head slightly.

The lips meet.

The noise of people on the pier was instantly cut off from the outside world, leaving only the wind, snow and waves.

! !
The empress dowager clasped her hands tightly, staring at her eyes in disbelief, and was stunned. Obviously, she never dreamed that Ye Jingtang, who was originally gentle, refined and caring, could be so domineering and unreasonable to her.

This is to see that Ben Gong is easy to bully, and dare not do anything to you?
This is my first kiss...

The empress dowager's eyes were constantly changing, showing grievance and shame several times, but she never dared to move.

Ye Jingtang held his flushed and ripe cheeks, and after earnestly kissing him, he sat up straight again, and patted his lower back:

"Let's go."


The empress dowager's clothes fluctuated visible to the naked eye, and she stared at Ye Jingtang with staring eyes, her eyes seemed to be cannibalistic, she seemed to be preparing to show her strength and not listen to the words of this rebellious minister and thief.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang lowered his head again and prepared to warm his hands.


The empress dowager was very angry, but there was nothing she could do, she quickly raised her hand to stop Ye Jingtang, gritted her teeth, got up and walked out of the carriage silently.Maybe he was really angry, but he deliberately stepped on Ye Jingtang's toes.

Ye Jingtang was a little careless in the past, and he was beaten violently by Clumsy, or chased and slashed by Ning'er. Faced with such a level of counterattack, he was quite admirable, and he followed with a smile and got out of the carriage.

When the empress dowager came to the snow, she forced her attention and returned to her normal look. When she passed by and crouched in front of Yunli, she saw the birds circling around, she picked them up and kneaded them, with a look of "this palace can't take care of it." Ye Jingtang, still can't deal with you? 'The posture made Niao Niao dazed...
The rented boat is quite large, carrying both passengers and goods, the carriages are parked on the deck, and people live in the ship building behind.

After all the carriages were pulled onto the boat, the boat set sail and sailed to the middle of Yazhou along the winding waterway among the mountains.

Although the transportation is inconvenient, the landscape of Yazhou is indeed the best in the world. Traveling along the turbulent river, the steep and strange peaks on both sides of the river are like looking at flowers on a horse, and every bend of the river under the wind and snow is enough to be painted.

Dongfang Liren, who is highly skilled in calligraphy and painting, has a great interest in painting when he comes to this kind of place. He has been outlining the river bank landscape at the window, and his mentality is probably similar to taking pictures while walking in the scenic spot.

There were still many underworld arrests on the boat, and Ye Jingtang couldn't stop by to accompany the girl to make out. During the boat's progress, he stayed on the deck like She Long and the others, sitting around the fireplace, chatting about the affairs of the north and south rivers and lakes.

Zhe Yunli obviously couldn't stay in the room, so she moved a small bench and sat with Ye Jingtang, holding her cheeks and listening.

After walking for about half a day, the boat arrived in Bayang County, and a steep cliff appeared at the end of the turbulent river. From a distance, it seemed that it would directly hit it if it went down the current, and there were three insanely crafted characters engraved on the cliff—— Broken Dragon Terrace.

Ten miles behind Duanlongtai is the mountain city of Bayang, which itself is considered a small pier. At this time, there are a lot of boats parked under the cliff, and on the uneven cliffs along both sides of the river, you can also see rivers and lakes going or walking on the edge of the cliff. .

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang stood up and went to the bow of the boat, looked at the cliff in the distance, and asked:

"This is Hongling Villa?"

Zhe Yunli was also here for the first time, but Storyteller ran faster than Ye Jingtang, nodded like a treasure and said:

"Yes. Chuhao, the spear king of Beiya, lives here. He is considered to be a big faction in Yazhou. Back then, the young master of Honghualou once climbed the Duanlongtai and Chu Hao argued about the level. The two sides fought. The small gap on the edge of the cliff should be the It was typed back then..."

Arriving at Duanlongtai, Pei Xiangjun also came out of the ship building, wearing a shawl, dressed like a wealthy lady, standing in front of Ye Jingtang and looking at the boats under the cliff:

"It's really lively. It seems that people from the Yazhou sect have come."

Ye Jingtang has never been to Yazhou, and his only impression of Hongling Mountain Villa is that when he killed Xue Bodhi, he killed Chu Hao, an apprentice who was expelled from his master. It seems that his name is Lu Ruan, a seven-foot gun. It's a pity that he met him who just came out of the mountain, and he was directly photographed to the ground.

Seeing Sanniang coming, Ye Jingtang asked:

"How is the relationship between Honghualou and Chu Hao?"

Pei Xiangjun shrugged slightly: "The Red God of Wealth has never revealed his identity. Fighting against Chu Hao can be regarded as a big brother's battle. They have no personal friendship, no enmity and no grudges. They are just competitors."

Zhe Yunli then said: "Chu Hao is an average person, good in martial arts but very crazy. Back then, he was known as the number one hero in Yazhou, and no one looked down on him. After Duan Shengji came out, people in Jianghu thought he would Unconvinced, he came to the door to make gestures, but he saw that Duan Shengji would kill people with a gun, and gave people a chance to challenge, but he didn't give him any room to admit defeat, so he just gave up. After being scolded for two years, he retired from the arena and passed on the owner son……"

Pei Xiangjun sighed softly about this: "Warrior also needs to grow brains. He knows that he can't beat Duanshengji, and Duanshengji still only divides life and death, and neither wins nor loses. What else can Chu Hao do besides admitting cowardice? But Chu Hao is crazy It's true, the eldest brother just came to the door with a gun because he felt that Hongling Villa was too jumpy, but it was a pity that he had a tie back then, so he didn't put down the pressure..."

After discussing a few words, Ye Jingtang felt that there was nothing to pay attention to, so he prepared to send the soft and charming Sanniang back to her room to work.

But when the ship passed the sharp bend under the Broken Dragon Terrace, they found a large ship docked under the back cliff on the other side.

The big ship was decorated with many red ribbons, and there were also happy words hanging on the ship tower. There were several warriors with guns standing on the edge of the deck, and the flag of the company was hung on the bow.

Pei Xiangjun just turned around, saw this scene and turned back, frowned and said:
"Wu Ji's banner... the Chu family married someone from Duanbeiya?"

Ye Jingtang raised his eyes and looked carefully, and found that the warriors above were all carrying guns, but they didn't have the banner of Duanbeiya, and asked:
"Wu Ji is the flag of Duanbeiya?"

Pei Xiangjun shook his head: "The Wu family is the original family that established the sect in Duanbeiya, just like the Pei family in Honghualou. The heads of the past generations can be people with foreign surnames, but the property laid down by the patriarch still belongs to the Pei family. The people of the sect are only in charge of the sect industry...

"Duanshengji has no wife and no children. To marry a young lady from the Wu family is basically marrying Duanbeiya. No wonder there are so many people here. This time I have been away for too long, so I really don't know the news."

After hearing this explanation, Ye Jingtang naturally understood the meaning.The purpose of his coming here this time was to unplug Duanbeiya, and when he found out that Hongling Villa and Duanbeiya had gone together, he must have come to give a gift.

Ye Jingtang looked up at the top of the Broken Dragon Terrace, and said:

"It's very lively up there. I'll go and see what's going on. Let the boat go first. I'll catch up later."

When Zheyunli heard this, he suddenly became energetic, and ran back to get the big knife:

"Wait for me, wait for me, I'll go with you."

And Daben, who was painting at the window, heard the sound, his eyes moved, he put down his brush, and jumped down from the ship tower, his eyes were dissatisfied:
"Yejingtang, you haven't healed yet, where are you going?"

Ye Jingtang turned around and gestured to the wedding boat in the distance:
"Find something, go up and have a look, and come back later."

Dongfang Li is very martial, and he is more interested in the hustle and bustle of the Jianghu than Yunli. He just wanted to stop and take a look at such a big scene, but he couldn't be self-willed because of important things.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was about to go up, Dongfang Liren couldn't ask Mr. Tangtang to take her with him, so he held his head high and pretended to be serious:
"Is your injury healed, and you are acting recklessly, how can I rest assured that I am alone? This king will follow you, Meng Jiao will accompany you, and the others will stay on the boat to protect the safety of the Queen Mother with Master. Let's go."


Pei Xiangjun was standing next to him, and when he heard this, he felt that the queen was so domineering, and on this occasion, no matter what, she should go out with Jingtang.

But the Queen is different from Ning'er, she really couldn't help it, so she had no choice but to turn her head and tell Ye Jingtang to be careful.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say much. After sending Sanniang back to the ship building, he changed into his Jianghu attire and went out with the dragon gun on his shoulder.

Dongfang Liren was as tall as a man shoulder to shoulder, and his aura was as high as one foot. He was really eye-catching when he went out. He also changed into men's clothes and wore a hat and cape.

But Xiao Yunli is much simpler, even if she dresses up as Miss Jiaojiao, with a sword in her mouth and a blade of grass in her mouth, she is a street stalker with Miao Zhenggen's popularity, so she doesn't need to pretend at all.

After cleaning up, Ye Jingtang took the two girls and Meng Jiao, jumped up the river bank together, and walked towards the crowd up the mountain...
And at the same time.

There are quite a lot of rooms on the upper deck of the ship, and under the light snow, the wind is blowing, and the doors and windows are closed.

Fan Qinghe didn't need to worry about the revitalization of the Dongming Department or the tedious government affairs of the clan when he went out this time. He naturally picked up his hobbies and sat at the table, playing with various bottles and jars.

Master Xuanji stood at the window and watched Ye Jingtang and his apprentice go out to play. Although he wanted to go up to drink a wedding banquet, he couldn't compete with his apprentice after all, so he closed the window and watched Fan Qinghe configure his unique secret medicine.

And shortly after Ye Jingtang left, the empress dowager, who tied herself inside the room for some reason, opened the door, came to the door and knocked lightly:
dong dong~
Master Xuanji Yingying got up and opened the door, and the empress dowager was standing at the door with her hands folded on her waist, looking a little worried.

"Huaiyan, what's the matter? Can't you go out and play?"


The empress dowager had just been slapped on the mouth, and she still hadn't calmed down yet, so she took care of Hongyu, who was careless, and didn't dare to go out until Ye Jingtang left.

She didn't dare to say this kind of bullying, but she couldn't just accept it like this. Seeing the real Xuanji, she thought for a while and said:
"Shui Shui, when you come to teach me martial arts, you must teach it carefully, and you are not allowed to be lazy or deliberately make me happy."

It's not that Master Xuanji has never taught the Queen Mother martial arts, and the Queen Mother's talent is definitely not bad. She was praised by her brother Lu Taiqing when she was a child.

Seeing that the Empress Dowager wanted to practice martial arts again on a whim, Xuanji said with a smile:
"Why do you suddenly think of martial arts?"

The empress dowager couldn't say that she wanted to correct Ye Jingtang's style, but said:

"Going out this time, Ye Jingtang is so dangerous, I can't help, and Ye Jingtang was injured, so I can't be so slack in the future, not to mention the enemy, at least have the ability to protect myself."

Master Xuanji nodded slightly, thinking that the queen mother was serious this time, so she immediately let the queen mother enter the room:
"Learning martial arts is not a one-day skill, and it is difficult to master it in a short period of time. You have a good foundation, why don't you learn the hidden weapons of lightness kung fu from He He? She can do whatever she wants, but her ability to escape is first-rate, and she is full of tricks..."

Fan Qinghe straightened up, her skirts bulging, and she seemed to want to hate the witch, but the queen mother couldn't speak, so she said in a deep voice:

"If you can't teach, just go and cool off, I'll come."

The Empress Dowager has been dragged back by all the dangers this time, and was held back by Ye Jingtang again. She really made up her mind and said immediately:

"Teaching together, I don't believe it, Shui'er is so lazy that he can become the eighth leader, but I can't..."

Fan Qinghe likes this very much, but it is not easy to follow the narrow-minded demon girl, so she just nodded in recognition of this remark and encouraged the Queen Mother...


Thank you [絔肸] for your rewards!

Recommend a book "Sorry, I Just Want to Learn", a new book by the author of the old harem, you can read it if you are interested~
(End of this chapter)

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