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Chapter 307

Chapter 307
The flying snow fell on the pier like catkins, and the crowds of quacks walked up the mountain, chatting with each other endlessly:
"Feng Shui turns, it's really not a joke. Ten years ago, the Wu family married their daughter to the Chu family, which was regarded as high-profile, but it has only been a few years, and it has become a marriage..."

"That's the best thing about Jianghu. Predating the weak and the strong seems barbaric, but if the law of the jungle is taken as the rule, it will be the most fair and just place in the world. If you have the ability, you will have the status and power. Background, background, family background, etc., in front of a big gun. Not really. It’s not like the folk officialdom. I was born as a commoner, and I’ve been a commoner all my life. I’ll never be able to compete with the masters and young masters in the capital..."

"In my opinion, this Duanbeiya may not be the leader for many years. A few days ago, there was news from outside the pass that the Ye Jingtang in Yunzhou used a big gun to kill King Gouchen on the north beam. The name of the leader of the gun He is half taller than Dao Kui, Ye Jingtang wants to go up, and Duanshengji will inevitably have a fight..."

"I think that Ye Jingtang's reputation is a bit vain. With his identity as the chief officer of the black yamen, he will take advantage of it after all. And the position is too fast. I heard from the gossip that Ye Hero is too handsome. Being favored by King Jing of the current court, he was accepted as the guest of honor, and he deliberately favored him as a superior. During the Xuanyuan Dynasty, he deliberately lost the ring due to the pressure of the court, and used it as a stepping stone for Ye Jingtang..."

"It's possible, but you still need to be strong to make an iron. To be promoted by the imperial court as the top eight must have some real skills..."


Behind a few chattering quacks, Ye Jingtang was carrying a large gun wrapped in black cloth, his face under the bamboo hat was darkened.

Dongfang Liren walked side by side, and was extremely annoyed by this statement.

It's fine to say you're a good friend, it does have some meaning, so what's the matter with insisting?

As long as Ba Dakui can't stand firm, he has to be reduced to someone else's test stone. Can he hold it up?

Zheyunli has always had a temper, and when he heard this, he immediately became angry, and carrying a long knife that was about the same height as her, he took a few steps forward:
"Where did you hear the rumors? Heroes like Ye Hero can use sex to curry favor with the Queen? Even if there is such a thing, it should be the Queen who took the initiative to please Ye Hero..."

? ?
Dongfang Liren felt that Yunli was reliable when he heard what was said before, but when the last sentence came out, his smile froze, and he felt that this poor girl might be a bit lawless!
Ye Jingtang also staggered when he heard the words, and felt that Yun Li was a little too sincere, so he had to admit it when he heard it stupidly...

And a few chatterboxers, when they heard someone talking, turned their heads and looked, and found that it was a half-grown girl, so they said:

"Little girl, listen to the persuasion from someone like me, the rivers and lakes are very deep, and girls who have just come out of the mountains are obsessed with those heroes in the rivers and lakes, so I can't hear a bad word.

"In fact, heroes are also human beings, but they are better at kung fu, and their character may not be as good as us idlers. Those with high positions and powers may even be less moral. If you don't believe me, go ask about how many people were obsessed with knights in the rivers and lakes before The chivalrous woman who took the initiative to find those heroes to dig out her heart, but was deceived by sex and affection?"

Zheyunli had indeed heard similar rumors, and retorted:
"That's only a small number. Heroes of the Eighth Commander level, and they don't lack a pair of chopsticks at home. How could they do such an unflattering thing that damages their reputation..."


Seeing that this nympho girl is obsessed with obsession, a few idlers who joined in the fun began to tell sad stories from hearsay, trying to persuade Zhe Yunli to return from her lost way.

This is the same principle as a man persuading his wife to go into the sea and persuading his wife to be good. There is no good intention or bad intention, just idleness.

And Zhe Yunli naturally argued hard, vowing to restore Ye Jingtang's reputation.

Standing in the back, Ye Jingtang heard Zheyunli arguing with passers-by about whether he was a pervert who started chaotically and ended up abandoning him, his eyes were really speechless.

After Dongfang Liren listened for a while, he moved closer and whispered:
"These chivalrous men are really good at judging people. Although you have never had any social relations with you, you can guess the temperament of this slut."


Ye Jingtang saw that Big Ben dared to tease him, maybe he got used to bullying the empress dowager for a few days, so he immediately raised his hand to touch Benben's back, and the overbearing CEO said:

"Who do you say is the color embryo?"

As a result, as soon as his hand touched the top of the moon, Dongfang Liren's eyes widened a little bit, showing an incredible look, and then his eyes were slightly cold, and he grabbed the waist and eyes with his backhand and twisted it in a circle.


Ye Jingtang's grim expression suddenly changed, he secretly took a breath, and moved his hand away:

"It hurts..."

Dongfang Liren twisted his back calmly, looking up and down:
"I've only been out for a few days now. I'm so brave. I really think I'm reluctant to treat you? Do you know what's wrong?"

"My fault, there are too many people around, Master Meng is right behind..."


Dongfang Liren looked back and saw Meng Jiao looking at the scenery with his hands wrapped around his sleeves, so he turned his gaze back, let go of his hands and hummed softly:

"I'm away from home, save some face for you, and I'll take care of you when I go back to my room."

Ye Jingtang rubbed his lower back, and felt that Dabenben and the Empress Dowager were indeed not close, and the personality contrast was too great, so he didn't try to be a domineering boyfriend now, and listened to the previous chat.

Duanlong Terrace is a private property of Hongling Mountain Villa. After climbing up the Duanlong Terrace along the horse path on the cliff, the view in front of him suddenly widened, and there appeared a flat land with a radius of several miles. The surrounding area was for disciples and tourists to live. The house looks like a market, and the center is a big village with a white stone archway in front of the gate.

At this time, red lanterns were hung on the archway building and even outside the gate of the villa, and it looked full of joy under the snow.

There are at least a few thousand Jianghu people who come here to join in the fun, but most of them can't enter the villa, just hang around in the market, waiting to see the Jianghu heroes or famous chivalrous women, and some even ran to the edge of the cliff to compete. The scene was very lively.

Zhe Yunli babbled all the way, and then slowed down and walked in front of Ye Jingtang when he reached Duanlongtai, asking:

"Cousin Jing, how do we get in?"

Ye Jingtang still didn't know the details of Hongling Villa, and he didn't want to sneak in and spoil the wedding, so he exchanged silver tickets for some silver ingots at the small market, wrapped them up and brought them to the door, reporting the name of the Qinglian Gang.

Qinglian Gang, a pheasant gang like the Qinglian Gang, must have never been heard of in Hongling Mountain Villa, but Sanjue Xianweng is somewhat famous in the Jianghu, and the ceremony at the Yejing Hall is not shabby, so the Chu family naturally welcomes them warmly. The steward at the reception even praised the Sanjue Immortal, who was quite sophisticated in his ways.

However, when the Sanjue Immortal came, he could go to the upper table and sit in the lobby, but the apprentices obviously did not have this treatment. They ate the flowing water seats in the small square outside the main hall, and the surrounding people were all knights or gangsters. There are quite a lot of people, and the auspicious time has not yet arrived, and the table has not yet opened, and they are all drinking tea at the table and waiting.

Four people came to the Ye Jing Hall, and they happened to make a table, which was near the corner, and they could only vaguely see the bright lights in the main hall, and many servants came in and out.

It was the first time for Dongfang Liren to eat in Jianghu, full of freshness, picked up the teapot to pour tea for Ye Jingtang, and said in a low voice:
"Come to the door to congratulate, and bring weapons, isn't it a taboo?"

Zheyunli ate everywhere with his teacher's wife since he was a child, but it was much more natural, he ate melon seeds and said:
"Walking in the rivers and lakes is always accompanied by a sword. It is impolite to ask the other party to unload their weapons before entering the door. Therefore, no matter what is important or not, you can carry weapons. But other places carry swords, and you can't see them when you put them under the table. Yazhou is full of big guns, sitting on the table with a long pole around it, it looks a bit weird."

Ye Jingtang took the teacup from Benben and said with a smile:

"The difference in guns is in this place. Apart from being good at fighting, walking in the rivers and lakes is full of shortcomings, and you can't be chic at all."

Zhe Yunli saw the queen pouring tea for Ye Jingtang, but she was eating melon seeds here, suddenly felt that she was ignorant, thought about it, grabbed the melon seeds, and put them in Ye Jingtang's hands:

"Cousin Jing, eat melon seeds. Do you want me to peel them for you?"

Ye Jingtang was so flattered that he had a good time, took the melon seeds and said with a smile:

"I'll do it myself."

Dongfang Liren, who had just picked up his teacup and was about to take a sip, saw this scene from the corner of his eye, and his eyes couldn't help being weird.

As a woman, no matter how unresponsive she is, she can still feel Xiao Yunli, who seems to be jealous.

Dongfang Liren was only afraid of her elder sister, so she wouldn't compete with a little girl, but she knew that Ning'er was the person next to Ye Jingtang's pillow, and this little girl was Ning'er's apprentice, and it might be a bit inappropriate for her to serve her husband together. Bar……

On the opposite side, the white-haired man listened to Meng Jiao, who was already familiar with the behavior of young men and women, and just waited quietly on the opposite side while drinking tea slowly...
At the same time, in the main hall of the villa.

Chu Hao, the king of the North Cliff Spear, withdrew from the arena seven or eight years ago, and the position of the owner of the village was passed on to his son, Chu Zhengning. Today is also Chu Zhengning's big wedding, marrying a lady from the Duanbeiya Wu family as the owner's wife.

Most of the people in Jianghu first established their careers and then got married, and they all got married relatively late. As Chu Hao's son, Chu Zhengning was only 24 or [-] years old.

Although Chu Zhengning is not very old, he has taken over as the owner of the villa for seven or eight years, and his martial arts can be regarded as stepping into the threshold of a master. It is not rude to receive many famous people from the Yazhou sect. Therefore, Chu Hao did not show up directly, so as not to The old man directly suppressed his son's limelight.

The sky was getting dark, and the dozen or so tables for the Eight Immortals in the main hall were basically filled with celebrities from all over the world.

Chu Zhengning, who was dressed in a red robe, sat on the main seat, chatting about trivial matters with the visiting distinguished guests.

And on a table near the corner, Shen Lin, the protector of Qianjimen in Beiliang, took his apprentice to drink tea slowly at the table, sometimes laughing with the words, he seemed to be just an ordinary guest of some status .

Shen Lin's master is Zhongsun Jin, one of the Four Sages of Beiliang. He is also the acting head of Qianji Sect. His status in the world is higher than that of Chu Hao. It is obviously not as simple as coming to eat.

Shen Lin's trip to Great Wei was ordered by his teacher to investigate the cause of his younger brother Zhong Sunyan's death. The result he got was that he was bribed by the son of King Yan to assassinate the empress, and was nailed to death by the former sword sage Sun Wuji on the wall.

Since he died in the assassination of the emperor of the Southern Dynasty, the revenge obviously belonged to him, and there was no way to settle the score. Shen Lin didn't spend too much energy on Zhong Sunyan, and instead got busy with other business.

Qianjimen belongs to Jianghu sect and is not under the jurisdiction of Beiliang court, but there are many unique craftsmen in the gate, and countless people work in the Ministry of Industry, so it is inevitable that they have a close relationship with the court.

Master Xiang Han, the master of the Northern Liang Dynasty, started planning decades ago to prepare for the annexation of the Southern Dynasties. Now that the two dynasties are negotiating peace and trade, it seems peaceful, but it is also a critical period for accumulating national strength and preparing for the future explosion.

To fight against the Southern Dynasties, you must first find a way to conquer Yazhou, otherwise, with Wushan in the south and Hongshan in the north, Yunzhou will be completely invincible.

If you want to conquer the city, you have to figure out the defense situation of the pass in Yazhou. The national division has sent people to infiltrate, and this marriage is to win over the Chu family in the west of Yazhou.

The Chu family hasn't boarded the ship yet, they don't know the background of the silent Beiliang, and they don't dare to treason, but this is not important.

The Chu family has been rooted in Yazhou for several generations. Many of them joined the army. They also do stone business and participated in the construction of many city defense fortresses.

It is not difficult to obtain such information as long as they arrange people into the Chu family and intervene in the property in the name of marriage.

Shen Lin is the acting head of Qianji Sect. From small institutions to large city defense formations, his level is among the best in the world. Even if the imperial court got information about the Yazhou city fortress, he and his master had to be asked for advice if they wanted to find a breakthrough. , for which he also participated.

Shen Lin's current status is that of a wealthy merchant in Beiliang. Taking advantage of the east wind of the trade between the two dynasties, he made friends with the Chu family and started doing business. He came here to congratulate him and discuss business by the way.

And its purpose is to transfer benefits, gradually tie the Chu family onto the boat with a lot of benefits, and coerce the Chu family into Beiliang's use after the plan is seen.

Originally, everything went well, and when the wedding was over and the business was negotiated, he could leave and go to other places in Yazhou to continue the layout.

But what Shen Lin didn't expect was that this wedding, which was not a problem no matter how you look at it, would go wrong in some inexplicable place, and let countless guests present watch a big drama that would be talked about by the people of the rivers and lakes for a lifetime...
clang clang-

The gongs and drums in the villa were loud, and the master of ceremonies standing in the hall yelled loudly:

"The auspicious time has come, please enter the bride and groom!"

Chu Zhengning, who was sitting on the main seat, got up with a smile on his face. After bowing his hands to many friends from the world, he walked out of the lobby and prepared to meet the bride.

At the entrance of the small square, many maidservants also appeared, carrying flower baskets and filing in. The atmosphere inside and outside the already noisy villa suddenly became hot, with constant shouting.

Ye Jingtang sat at the table, looking up at the door, while Zheyunli, like the other chivalrous girls, got up and ran to the entrance of the villa, standing on tiptoes to wait for the bride to arrive.

Seeing such a lively scene, the people from Dongfang Li probably also fantasized about their big wedding, whether it was the same.While thinking about it secretly, he suddenly found that his hand was held by a man.


Dongfang Liren withdrew his attention and looked to his side from the corner of his eye.

With a smile on his face, Ye Jingtang held Dongfang Liren's hand and whispered:

"Be happy, don't be angry at this time, it's unlucky."


Dongfang Liren took a deep breath, causing her clothes to bulge, but she didn't say anything in the end, probably because she was worried that when someone else got married, she pulled her hands and refused, which would ruin her own marriage, which would be unlucky.

But just as everyone looked at the door and looked forward to it, when the bride wearing a red hijab just showed her head, a voice suddenly sounded in the noisy villa:

The sound of china breaking.

Such a discordant movement naturally made the audience a little quiet.

Ye Jingtang thought that some guest got up and knocked off the teapot and cup, but when he turned his head to look, he found that a teacup had been broken on the red carpet leading to the main hall.

The overflowing tea and tea dregs happened to block Chu Zhengning's path, which was obviously intentional.


The quacks who discovered this scene were suddenly dead silent, and the other people who were still watching the excitement were also pulled by their sleeves by their companions, and they turned their heads and fell silent.

Chu Zhengning, who was smiling happily, saw the teacup that fell on the road, and the corners of his eyes obviously twitched. However, on the day of great joy, he still maintained his demeanor very well. He looked to the side in a blink of an eye, and said with a smile:

"Brother, did Chu have a bad reception?"

There was a dead silence in the villa, and everyone was looking at a table on the side of the yard.

There were originally four individual guests sitting on the table, but all three of them had already stood up and retreated, separating themselves from each other.

And a young man in his 20s, dressed in a prince's robe, still sitting on the bench, holding a handful of melon seeds, his posture looks loose and frivolous, like a troublemaker in the world.

The elders in the rivers and lakes not far away quickly got up when they saw this:
"Lengtouqing where, Sa Ye doesn't look at the place, get out! Master Chu, don't mind..."


Sitting on the table, the ranger flicked his fingers, and a melon seed shot out, the speed was extremely fast, it sounded like a locust stone.

Chu Zhengning frowned, and his body didn't move, but he raised his hand under the sleeve robe lightly, and a jade bead shot out, blocking Guazi in the air.


The melon seeds are smashed, and the broken jade splashes.

The villa, which was already dead, lost even the sound of breathing amidst the explosion.

The old man who interjected backed away without saying a word, and then hid before the main hall, obviously seeing that this stunned young man was not an ordinary person.

The night breeze is gentle, and catkin-like snow flutters in front of the red lanterns.

There was obvious anger in Chu Zhengning's eyes, he turned to face You Xia, and said in a low voice;
"Today is Chu's big day, I don't want to see blood. No matter who you are, please go out first and come to visit tomorrow."

The ranger on the table, with one leg on the bench, first looked at Chu Zhengning, then at the bride outside the gate:
"I came here today to take back what belongs to me."


Hearing these words, the Jianghu people who were present at the scene immediately turned their solemn expressions into strange ones.

Even Ye Jingtang, who was frowning, sat up straight, feeling that today's ceremony was not in vain.

And Zhe Yunli stared at the stars directly, moved between Dongfang Liren and Ye Jingtang, and whispered:
"Is this kidnapping? Oh my god... After listening to books for so many years, I finally met..."

The Jianghu people inside and outside the main hall obviously think this way.

Chu Zhengning's expression also changed, and from the corner of his eye he looked at the bride whom he had never met.

And the bride standing outside the gate was obviously shocked, and said directly:
"Who are you? I don't know you!"

"It's okay, you'll get to know each other later."

You Xia'er looked at Chu Zhengning in a blink of an eye, and said calmly:

"She, this Zhuangzi, the Dragon Spear in the house, and Chu Hao's head, I will take them back today. As for you, get out now, I can let you live."


The quacks, who were about to eat melons and have fun, froze when they heard this, and felt that something was wrong.

Chu Zhengning looked at the knight-errant who was uttering wild words, and smiled angrily:

"Is your Excellency mentally ill, or did you drink too much? Today is Chu's day of great joy, and I don't want to spoil the joy by killing people, but it doesn't mean that you can speak freely and wantonly."

You Xia'er ignored Chu Zhengning's murderous eyes, and glanced at the guests present:
"I came here today to retrieve my own things, whether it is justifiable or unreasonable, you can judge.

"My name is Lu Ya. I'm 27 this year. My mother used to be a quack entertainer in Yazhou. Her nickname was 'Hundred Flower Spear'. Does anyone remember the elders present?"


The quacks present all looked at each other when they heard the words, and in the end it was the head of the hall who stroked his beard and said:

"Baihuaqiang was well-known in Yazhou 30 years ago. For a while, it was rumored that he would marry into Hongling Villa as the owner's wife. Later, he disappeared. The old owner of Chu married the young lady who was the governor of Bayang at that time... ..."


When the guests present heard this, their expressions became weird again, even Ye Jingtang tapped their fingers on the table, feeling that this matter was more complicated than imagined.

Facing the noise around him, Chu Zhengning hesitated for the first time, thought for a while and said:

"My father lived an upright life. If there is someone he likes, he can take him as a concubine. How could he do such a thing as abandoning his wife and children? It's just a rumor in the world, how can it be taken seriously."

Ranger Lu Ya glanced at everyone present:

"Be bright and aboveboard... At that time, my mother had made a private decision for life, but Chu Daxia suddenly changed his mind and wanted to marry someone else. His mother refused, so he changed his face, and if he said that he would not marry, he would get out, and he slapped his mother.

"My mother has a strong temper, and the womb is dark. She still left Duanlongtai, and followed the Caotai team to travel the rivers and lakes to make a living. She brought up my unfilial son through hardships. She never mentioned this matter until the end. In the rivers and lakes, I was allowed to come and join me, so that I could have a stable meal.

"I was born as a son of man, and it hurts my heart to know this. How could I follow my mother's wish and come to Duanlongtai to recognize a thief as my father? For this reason, I practiced hard in the mountains for seven years. Marriage, I came to the door specially today to return what your Chu family owed my mother all those years ago!"

After Lu Ya finished speaking, she got up, picked up the long stick, and looked at everyone:

"Everyone, tell me, is it reasonable or unreasonable for me to come to the door today? Can it be regarded as nonsense?"


The Jianghu people present were silent, but their eyes were already clear - if this statement was true, then this was a family matter of the Chu family; there was no saying in the Jianghu that illegitimate children could not inherit the family business, the weak were not worthy, and it was only natural to come to the door to ask for an explanation.

Chu Zhengning's face was sullen, and he said in a cold voice: "A young man in the rivers and lakes, talking nonsense in public, wants me to recognize you as the young master at Hongling Villa, and you don't even look in the mirror to see if you are worthy. Take Gun!"

The uncle of the Chu family standing in the hall was also furious. Seeing this, he immediately fetched the Dragon Spear and threw it out.

Chu Zhengning stared at the ranger in front of him, raised his hand to catch the spear, and it was a straight stab.


Lu Ya's expression was always idle and indifferent, but she didn't hesitate to face the attacking gun and kicked the table in front of her with one foot.

The square table flipped in the air.

Chu Zhengning's eyes sank slightly, and with one shot, the tablecloth was smashed into pieces of the whirling square table.

But looking through the debris, he was shocked to find that the ranger with the stick had disappeared!

? !
Chu Zhengning's pupils shrank, and he suddenly felt bad, but before he had time to react, a huge force hit his waist and abdomen.

boom -

The moment Lu Ya kicked the square table away, she moved sideways and swept the stick, hitting Chu Zhengning's waist and abdomen in the red robe.

The energy was so strong that it directly shattered Chu Zhengning's back robe, and his whole body turned into a bowed shrimp, smashing towards countless tables and chairs opposite.


Chu Zhengning coughed up a mouthful of blood in the air, and found that he couldn't beat him and wanted to get away, but Lu Ya followed him like a shadow, and struck again in the air.

Although it was just a move, everyone with a discerning eye at the scene could see the difference between the two sides, and there was no need to fight at all.

And just when Lu Ya was about to pursue the second stick, there was a loud noise from behind the main hall.

boom -

Ye Jing looked around from the corner of his eye, but saw a burly middle-aged man flying out from behind the ridge, his face was like a vajra glaring at him, he held a fine iron spear in his hand, and shouted angrily in the air:

"Huangkou kid, if you dare to ruin my reputation and hurt my beloved son, you will die!"

boom -

Chu Hao, the king of the North Cliff Spear, was already a strong contender for the top gun ten years ago, but now he appeared with a majestic aura, and instantly suppressed the turmoil in the banquet.

Lu Ya, who was chasing, saw the murderous look in the comer's eyes, and immediately turned and flew up, rushing towards the falling Chu Hao.

Chu Hao was really angry. If Lu Ya came to the door and said this in private, no matter whether the words were true or not, and he had this talent at a young age, he would have to smile and beg to be a father to cultivate it.

But in the presence of countless famous people from all corners of the country, if they open their mouths and put the Chu family on the fire, and don't give him any face, then there is no room for maneuver in this matter, even if it is true, he has to treat it as a fake and deal with this scourge Lose.

Seeing Lu Ya rushing towards him, Chu Hao held a nine-foot stainless steel spear in his hand and missed the long stick in the air.


If there was no Duan Shengji, Chu Hao would have no problem being the top spearman. This spear fully demonstrated his attainments to the peak, and hardly gave Lu Ya any chance to react.

However, Lu Ya practiced hard for seven years and thought she could beat Chu Hao, but it was only after this confrontation that she realized that there was a huge difference in one step. Seeing that the spear was inevitable, she could only attack but not defend, and slammed at Chu Hao with all her strength. The top of the head, wanting to exchange life for life.

The two sides erupted in an instant, and collided in the blink of an eye. If there is no accident, one will die and the other will be injured in the next instant.

The experts present frowned, seeing that Chu Hao wanted to kill people and stop him, but there was no time to intervene.

Just when everyone's hearts tightened, a sound suddenly came from the vigorous courtyard:

The sound of howling and piercing wind was like ear-piercing thunder, instantly suppressing the sound of the two sides fighting.

The masters present took a look from the corner of their eyes, but saw that it was a spinning teacup!

The speed of the teacup is like a sharp sword, but the tea in the cup does not overflow at all. Only this one hand can give a glimpse of the profound attainments of martial arts.

Chu Hao's murderous eyes suddenly changed, and he immediately blocked the source of the sound with his gun, and the result was a "clang--".

The teacup wrapped in vast energy exploded on the barrel of the gun, and the water droplets shattered into water mist. Chu Hao, who forcibly held the gun in the air, recoiled and landed on the roof.

And Lu Ya took time out with a stick, and found that there was a master to make a rescue, so she was not stupid, so she flew back very far when she landed, keeping a distance from Chu Hao.

The sudden turmoil came to an abrupt end with the sound of teacups breaking.

Xiaoxue came down, everyone's eyes were full of shock, after a moment of stunned, they looked left and right to find the expert.

Chu Haoluo stood on the roof holding a gun, his eyes were full of surprise, but more of it was burning with anger, he looked towards the corner of the compound:

"Who is your Excellency?!"

Everyone turned their heads to follow Chu Hao's gaze, but saw four people sitting on the table in the corner.

The leader was a quack dressed in black, with a bamboo hat on his head, and only the line of his chin could be seen in the dim light.

The black-clothed Jiang Huke did not look at the main hall, but tapped the table with his fingers, and his voice was calm and clear:
"If there is a dispute, let's talk about it. No matter whether it is justified or not, outsiders have no right to judge if they want to be killed or cut afterwards. But Chu Daxia didn't make it clear, and wanted to kill people to silence the matter. It can be regarded as the truth of Lu Shaoxia's statement just now. It can be described as ruthless and ungrateful, and people in the Jianghu, if we see it, if we don't stop it, there will be no 'morality' in this Jianghu."

The words were tepid, but the voice reached everyone's ears.

The guests present had different eyesight, but they all felt that the hero who came out of nowhere spoke reasonable words, and looked at Chu Hao on the roof...


Thank you [SenorNekokun] for your rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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