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Chapter 309 Han Jiangxue

Chapter 309 Han Jiangxue

As time was getting late, the thousands of people from the rivers and lakes surrounding the Duanlong Terrace were reluctant to leave for a long time, because they could not see what was going on inside the villa, and their eyes were all on Ye Jingtang.

The Jianghu is too big, there are tens of millions of warriors, but there are only eight eight chiefs. The chance for ordinary warriors to see it may only be once or twice in a lifetime. One can imagine the eagerness of the Jianghu people present.

Ye Jingtang has always regarded himself as a knight-errant, and has no airs of dominance in the world, but it is not easy to keep a low profile if he is too famous.

Ye Jingtang was surrounded by many people, and in desperation, he could only put on a stern look, turned left and right first to a place where no one was there, and only after making sure that there was no further disturbance in the villa, he went down the mountain along the path.

Zhe Yunli was wearing a small skirt, carrying a five-foot long knife on her shoulder, walking backwards in the mountain path, and was still replaying along the way:

"Brother Jing, your method is too domineering. Last time you were in Langxuan City, I don't remember being so powerful. When you went out with the Queen Mother, did you meet the baby again?"

Dongfang Liren walked side by side in front of Ye Jingtang, holding his arms, and was a little curious when he heard the words. After all, the speed of Ye Jingtang's progress is a bit exaggerated. From the time he was touched by Wang Chihu Street to today, he has changed every day without stopping. down too.

Ye Jingtang moved his left shoulder and said with a smile: "I found the unique secret book of Qin Chibu. It's powerful, but the physical burden is really not small..."

Meng Jiao's martial arts skills are high enough, but she can see a little way, and commented:
"The Qi meridians are all slanted, only focusing on killing power regardless of the cost. It is a style of fighting for thirst and fishing. It cannot be used frequently. You must pay attention to physical maintenance on weekdays. Otherwise, it is very likely that you will start to age prematurely at the age of 40 or [-]..."

Seeing Meng Jiao's seriousness, Dongfang Liren immediately became serious. Lu couldn't bear to let Ye Jingtang go by himself, and walked forward with his back half supported.

Ye Jingtang has a picture of bathing fire next to him, and this kind of martial arts that excessively squeezes his body has no negative impact on him at all.But Benben was so considerate, so he naturally didn't explain it.

Zhe Yunli walked backwards in front, watching the queen change her tricks, her eyes were inevitably strange, and when she was thinking about "huh~ I'm not too shameful", the embroidered shoes suddenly stepped on the snow on the mountain road, and the whole person was alone Staggered, fell straight back.


Zheyunli is at least a half-grandmaster, and his combat power may be higher than that of his wife. Obviously, it is impossible to squat on his buttocks. When he loses balance, he throws the long knife in his hand to his back, trying to restore his balance.

But Ye Jingtang's reaction was much faster than Yun Li's. The moment he realized something was wrong, he had already taken a step forward and wrapped his arms around his light waist like a willow.

The movement on the mountain road came to an abrupt end.

Zhe Yunli leaned back, lying in the arms of Ye Jingtang, looking at the cheek of the man who was close at hand, his eyes widened a little.

Although Ye Jingtang's posture is very romantic, but his expression is normal, with one hand hooking Yunli, his clear voice reveals a bit of helplessness:

"Walk well, there is a cliff next to you, what if you fall off?"


Zhe Yunli blinked her eyes, blushed a little, got up and stood up straight, and hooked the hair around her ears:
"What's Jingtang brother doing with such a big reaction, I'm still a half-handed expert, and I can't even fall on the ground... let's go..."

As he said that, he carried the long knife and trot down.

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, before he had time to smile, his arm was held, and then a cold tone came from his ear:

"You have sharp eyes and quick hands. You are Ning'er's apprentice, and Ning'er is the person next to you. What do you want to do?"

Ye Jingtang's smile froze, and he tilted his head and said seriously:
"It's just slipping so I can help it, what else can I want to do?"

It's hard for Dongfang Liren to say that Ye Jingtang wanted to be the same as what was written on the "Xia Nv Lei", master and apprentice ate together, then he snorted lightly, with a "posture that you understand in your heart", and walked forward with head held high.

The four of them went up the mountain at dusk and waited until night for the feast to begin.

The boat they were on found that the four of them hadn't returned, and they stopped by the river road three miles away from Duanlongtai to wait. There was too much movement just now, like thunder, which also alarmed the people on board, and she could see She Long and others from afar. Looking at the top of the Broken Dragon Terrace.

When Ye Jingtang returned to the boat, She Long and others came up to inquire about the situation, but seeing that Ye Jingtang was injured, they withdrew again.

Ye Jingtang and Benben entered the ship building together, and went directly to the room.

Because it is a temporarily rented merchant ship, the room is not spacious and luxurious, just a plank bed plus a table and chairs, and the bedding on it is new.

Dongfang Liren asked Ye Jingtang to sit down, took out the torch and lit the candle, and then sat sideways in front of the bed:
"Take off."

Ye Jingtang was just about to untie his belt, when he heard the domineering Yu Jie's voice, his hands stopped again, looking at the big stupid beside him, he was a little funny:
"What Your Highness said sounds like he wants to sleep with me."

Dongfang Liren's eyes sank, and he made a gesture of preparing to twist him, but in the end he decided to forget it, and carefully unbuttoned Ye Jingtang's skirt, his voice was slightly cold:
"No matter how outspoken you are, don't blame me for being rude..."

Seeing that Benben was reluctant to deal with him, Ye Jingtang naturally regained his aura and lowered his head slightly with a smile...


Dongfang Liren was caught off guard, and his cold eyes turned into embarrassment, but Ye Jingtang was injured, and she pushed and pushed hard, so she could only lean back to avoid it, wanting to separate.

As a result, Ye Jingtang's "Eighteen Stickers on Clothes" was well done, holding Dongfang Liren's cheeks with his hands, and walking with his face, the two of them fell on the plank bed.

you guys...

Dongfang Liren was suppressed, his eyes were annoyed and he was a little flustered, his face was flushed, he lightly patted Ye Jingtang's shoulder, and signaled - if you continue to do this, the king will really lose his temper!

Ye Jingtang was bullying because of his injuries, and his hands began to restless.


The annoyance in Dongfang Liren's eyes gradually turned into panic, and he kept twisting and pushing Ye Jingtang's hand. After holding back for a while, he couldn't help it, so he gave in slowly, with his hand still hanging around Ye Jingtang's neck.

But it wasn't without other people on board.

Ye Jingtang just used his hands and mouth to take advantage of it for a while, when he suddenly heard 'dongdong' footsteps coming from outside, the speed was extremely fast, he wanted to sit up straight quickly, but he still hugged his neck and couldn't get enough of it, so...


The door was pushed open.

Hearing that Ye Jingtang was injured, Fan Qinghe hurried over to save her, just as she stepped in, she saw a man and a woman rolling on the bed, her footsteps stopped abruptly, causing Sanniang, who was in a hurry, to hit her right behind her. on the back.

The empress dowager and the real person Xuanji were naturally also worried. When they looked at this scene from the door, their expressions were stunned.

Dongfang Liren was dizzy by Bo, and by the time he realized something was wrong, it was too late.

Dongfang Liren was lying in Ye Jingtang's arms, and turned around to find his master, queen mother, Ye Jingtang's daughter-in-law, and King Dongming standing at the door, Yunli and Niaoniao followed closely behind, their eyes froze The flushed face quickly turned red visible to the naked eye.



"Liren, be careful on the boat, the queen mother is still there."

"Jing Tang, why are you bullying people again..."

"Master Ye, you are injured, you still have to pay attention to your body..."


Chattering words came from the door.

Dongfang Liren felt that he was still alive, but he might be nagging for the rest of his life.

Her only stubbornness at the moment was to stand up quickly with a blushing face, and said to Ye Jingtang:

"You are presumptuous! This lord... This lord waits for you to recover from your injuries before taking care of you. It's really lawless..."

While talking, he walked out with a dull head, looking like he was being bullied, and he didn't dare to look at the eyes of many elders. As soon as the door was closed, there was no movement. It seemed that he would not go out again in a short time.

Master Xuanji had weird eyes, and after glancing at Ye Jingtang, he pulled Fan Qinghe and said:

"Let's go, he looks like he doesn't need treatment."

Fan Qinghe also felt that being able to gnaw on the girl was not a serious injury, and he was really embarrassed to run in at this time, so he turned and left with strange eyes.

When the empress dowager saw Ye Jingtang frivolous and detached, her heart was the most complicated. She didn't know whether she felt that Ye Jingtang was flirtatious, or that the mother and daughter were sick and sympathetic.She sneaked a glance at Ye Jingtang before following Master Xuanji.

Pei Xiangjun was definitely going to accompany Ye Jingtang. After several people had left, he entered the room, closed the door, sat down in front of him, and continued to undo his robe:

"You are really... What kind of girl are you frivolous with injuries? You can't treat the wounds first and then make troubles. I'm not enough for you to torment, right?"

The last sentence clearly smelled of vinegar.

Ye Jingtang was bumped into by a group of daughters' family with a brazen side, and his old face was a little bit uneasy, so he sat down again and said with a smile:

"I'll be more careful in the future."


Pei Xiangjun unbuttoned his robe, saw the scabbed wound on his shoulder oozing blood, his eyes were distressed and annoyed, he took a towel to wipe it gently, and then bandaged it with medicine:
"You fight when you go out, you don't know how to take pity on your body, what should you do if you are really tossing around? I have to make a rule for you. If you get injured again in the future, you will be fined not to touch girls for three days. The same is true for Ning'er. Who dares to break the rules? I will be punished and not allowed to see you for a month..."

Ye Jingtang is actually fine, it's just a little too much force, and it will be fine after re-bandaging.Seeing that Sanniang was so worried, he smiled:
"Okay, I will try my best to solve the trouble without injury in the future."


Pei Xiangjun felt that this was not right, but it could make Ye Jingtang consciously pay attention not to get hurt, so he listened to the words, so he didn't say much.

After bandaging for a while, Pei Xiangjun recalled the scene he saw when he opened the door just now, glanced at Ye Jingtang's hand, and suddenly asked:

"Jingtang, tell the truth, me and the queen, who... um..."

Ye Jingtang naturally understood the meaning, blinked his eyes, measured it with his hand a few times, and then seriously said:
"It depends on the proportion of the body, the bigger the better..."

"Anyway, they are older than Ning'er, right?"


How could Ye Jingtang dare to answer this proposition, so he took a light breath:


Pei Xiangjun's joking expression dissipated immediately, and he quickly focused on the injury, and dealt with it seriously...
Hula~ Hula~
Waves lapped against the hull, and a lone lamp illuminated a window in the stern.

Inside the window is a small room where Zheyunli and Niaoniao live, it's already night, neither one nor Niao feel sleepy.

Zhe Yunli witnessed the spectacular scene of a gunshot that shook the hall overnight in the villa, and it can be described as emotional. At this time, holding a five-foot-long knife in both hands, she was acting as a gunman in a small room, gesticulating slowly.

There was a stool by the window, and a bamboo pole was stuck between the back of the chair and the window sill, with a fishing line hanging from the top and falling into the river, and there was a float on it.

The fluffy big bird, squatting at the window with all its attention, stared at the drifter with its amazing night vision ability, waiting for the big fish under the water to take the bait, its back looks like it is fishing alone in the cold river and snow.

Originally, Zheyunli was supposed to do this job, but Zheyunli felt that it was a mature bird and had to learn to fish by itself, so he let him watch it and chirp if the fish floated.

Compared with dried meat, Niao Niao still likes to eat small fresh fish, and is very careful about this, even taking out his dinner as bait.

The result is good, Zheyunli's technique of lowering the rod is not as good as Shuishui's fishing with a straight hook.

Shui Shui at least does not waste bait, Zhe Yunli is half a box of dried meat to make a nest, so far not a single crab has been caught, so that Niao Niao is a little suspicious, will he be hungry tonight...



Zheyunli practiced the moves slowly, and after repeating them countless times, he suddenly found out of the corner of his eye that the bird at the window raised his head and shook his head, as if he was looking at something.

Zheyunli paused, and came to the front cautiously:

"Has a fish bit the hook?"

Niao Niao's eyes were wide open like black jewels, and he focused on Qiu Lin on the river bank. After staring for a while, he turned and jumped off the window sill and flew towards the aisle.


Zhe Yunli was puzzled, and looked around the dark window, but unfortunately, he didn't find anything.

And in the room in front of the ship building.

Ye Jingtang closed his eyes and rested intently on the plank bed, holding the charming Sanniang in his arms.

Pei Xiangjun had a hard mouth, but his heart was too soft. He originally wanted to punish Ye Jingtang who didn't know how to take care of his body, but after taking the medicine, he was hugged and coaxed, but he still couldn't hold back and rolled into bed.

When the two were getting better, a voice came from the door:
Da Da Da~
The sound of little claws kicking the door.

Pei Xiangjun's dazed expression froze as he lightly bit his lower lip, and then quickly pushed away Ye Jingtang's fidgeting hands, and retracted into the bed to cover his face.

Ye Jingtang, on the other hand, felt helpless as a father, loving his wife in the middle of the night, and suddenly being knocked on the door by a doll. He got up angrily and went to the door, opened the door, and looked down at the bird squatting at the door:

"What? Are you hungry?"


Niao Niao spread her wings and gestured, then got into the room, took Ye Jingtang's robe in her mouth, and dragged it towards the window.

Ye Jingtang felt that Niao Niao was not here to beg for food, so he followed to the window and opened it a crack.

Niao Niao squatted on the window sill, glanced at the river bank woods, then looked at the top of the river bank stone cliff:


No matter how good Yejingtang’s eyesight is, in a snowy night, it’s impossible to be better than a bird who is a natural night owl. He only saw a blurry dot on the rocky cliff, and then he brought out the binoculars and squinted his eyes to look carefully. It can be seen that it is a finch , perched on a bare branch.

Ye Jingtang was slightly puzzled, and asked, "Is there something wrong with this bird?"


Niao Niao opened her wings and gestured in a low voice, indicating that she had seen it before, and it was very suspicious.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang's eyes naturally became a bit dignified. Thinking back a little, the suspicious birds he had ever seen and left an impression on him seemed to be only the peregrine falcon of King Zuo Xian, and the peregrine falcon that was in the Dragon King when he was investigating the son of King Yan. He found one of his little birds in the back alley of Yinlou.

The bird on the rocky cliff was definitely not a peregrine falcon in size, but more like a jackdaw, and the latter was more likely.

On the day Ye Jingtang beat Lu Jieyun, he heard crows crowing, but the situation was too chaotic at that time, so he didn't pay much attention to it, and then he sent the Queen Mother to the various tribes of the West Sea, and forgot about it.

If the jackdaw on Jiang'an is the one seen in the capital, it can only mean that the enemy came to the door and stared at it.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang frowned, motioning for the birds to keep an eye on, not to startle the snakes, then turned his head and said:
"Sanniang, wait a minute, I'll go to Master Xuanji to discuss something."

Pei Xiangjun huddled under the quilt, pretending to be asleep without making a sound, but found that Ye Jingtang was about to go out directly, and poked his cheek out of the quilt, annoyed:

"You wash your hands first~"


Ye Jingtang looked at his fingers, his face blushed immediately, and he washed his hands in the basin before leaving the room.

For the sake of privacy, the Empress Dowager King Jing lived on the second floor of the boat building.

When Ye Jingtang went upstairs, he tidied up his robes, and before he got close to Xuanji's room, he heard a voice from inside:

"Your disciples have hugged men and gnawed on them, but your master is still a big girl. She has never even hugged a man, so she has the nerve to flirt in front of me all day long..."

"Can you eat it?"


Ye Jingtang didn't care about the private conversations of these daughters' homes, and when he came to the door and was about to knock, he found that Xuanji got up straight away.


Soon, the door opened, and the half-drunk real Xuanji appeared at the door, leaning against the door frame with arms folded, looking up and down with drunken eyes:

"What's the matter? After Linxing is over, change to another family? Come to me or Hehe? Or do you want to go together?"

Fan Qinghe was sitting at the table drinking and heard this outrageous words, turned around and said in disbelief:

"Surnamed Lu, your face is made of a city wall? Can you say that? Who wants to be with you?"


Ye Jingtang felt that Miss Fan probably drank too much, but she was not surprised by what Fairy Lu said.Seeing that both of them were wearing clothes and not sleeping, he entered the room, pulled Zhenji Xuanji's sleeves to the window, and signaled to the distant stone cliff:

"There's a bird there, I've seen it in the capital before, it's related to Prince Yan..."

Immortal Xuanji raised his eyes and quickly found the small black spot on the bank of the river. After listening for a while, his eyes fell on Ye Jingtang's face again. He took out a white handkerchief from his arms and wiped the red rouge on Ye Jingtang's cheek:

"You mean someone is following us?"

Seeing Xuanji being so considerate, Ye Jingtang was a little embarrassed, so he took the handkerchief and wiped it himself:
"Someone must be following and monitoring. The bird will go back and report back. As long as it follows secretly, the person behind the scenes can be found..."

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe got up and came to look at him:
"It's easy. She and I will take turns to keep an eye on her, and we won't lose track of her. Go and have a good rest first, and take care of your body."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was about to turn around, but before leaving, he still reminded:

"You two drink less."

"Know it."

Master Xuanji waved his hand.

Ye Jingtang went out and closed the door, and when he passed by Da Benben and the Empress Dowager, he listened again.

He went upstairs without covering his steps, and both of them obviously knew he was coming.

Big Benben obviously sat up and wanted to come out to ask about the situation, but he was really ashamed to face people, so he didn't move much.

The Empress Dowager sounded a little nervous, wrapped herself up tightly, and whispered, "Hongyu, is the door bolt okay?"

"It's fixed, what's the matter, ma'am?"


Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, without disturbing the rest of the two, he went downstairs again...
On the other side, Ba Nan Town is a hundred miles away.

Yazhou is mountainous, and most towns are built along the mountains. Although it is not as flat as Yunzhou, the landscape of the mountain city with overlapping and scattered houses also shows a unique sense of beauty.

Under the snowy night, the lights in Bayang Town were sparse, and occasionally a convoy could be seen, coming from a long way and entering the escort agency behind the town.

The Escort Bureau is under the banner of Chen Zi, and it is very large. It is the family business of Chen He, the owner of Duanbeiya Hall. The owner is Chen He's son Chen Lingtong, who often travels between Liangya and Liangzhou.

Behind the Escort, in the tea hall for guests.

Shen Lin, who was dressed as an ordinary businessman, held a teacup in his hand and drank tea slowly.

Chen Lingtong, who was in his early thirties, held a list in his hand, and looked at it carefully, feeling a little embarrassed:

"Other things are easy to talk about, but black nitrate sand and silver silk are all forbidden items, and it is not easy to get them in a short time..."

"Have you, the old man is very clear, and he greeted you only because he was hurting himself. The letter from your head will be delivered to you tomorrow morning. Let's make preparations first, and wait until the black government finds you , it will be too late for you to ask the old man for help again."

Chen Lingtong is the son of Chen He, and naturally he also participated in the errand of transporting forbidden items to the Black Flag Gang. Hearing that Nine Thousand Years, who was beside the Empress, had come to Yazhou, he knew there would be a catastrophe.

Although he didn't quite trust the mysterious old man in front of him, but the other party knew the secret words of the conversation, and he was also clear about what the Chen family was doing secretly, so he couldn't believe it. After thinking about it, he said:
"Your Excellency, are you sure you can solve the Nightmare Hall with these messy things?"

The reason why Shen Lin's gang broke the silence was not out of friendship, but because they didn't want the foundation that Beiliang had finally laid in Yazhou to be uprooted by Ye Jingtang. Regarding this question, he said flatly:
"Manpower will eventually run out, but material resources will not. As long as you are well prepared, there will be no one in the world who can't solve it."

Chen Lingtong nodded, and without wasting any more time, he got up and arranged for his cronies to gather all the necessary supplies...
Thank you [Tide As You Like] boss leader for the reward!

There are too many reports, I was reminded or2!

(End of this chapter)

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